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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Užsienio teisės taikymas Lietuvos teismuose: teorija ir praktika / Application of foreign law in the courts of lithuania: theory and practice

Šiupšinskienė, Laura 24 November 2010 (has links)
Teisingo užsienio teisės taikymo teismų praktikoje aktualumą lemia tai, jog tarptautinės privatinės teisės dalykai Lietuvos teisės praktikoje ir doktrinoje yra palyginti naujas reiškinys, teismų praktika šioje srityje nėra gausi ir nusistovėjusi, teisėjams trūksta ne tik praktinės patirties, bet ir teorinių žinių. Šio darbo tyrimo objektas yra užsienio teisės taikymo teismuose teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai. Darbe pateikiamos užsienio teisės ir užsienio teisės taikymo sampratos, nagrinėjami užsienio teisės taikymo teisiniai pagrindai, užsienio teisės turinio nustatymo aspektai bei užsienio teisės taikymo apribojimai. Atliekama analizė remiasi Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo, kaip kasacinės instancijos, Civilinių bylų skyriaus teisėjų kolegijų nutartimis, kuriose yra išanalizuoti pirmosios ir apeliacinės instancijos teismų sprendimai, vienaip ar kitaip susiję su užsienio teisės taikymu, išryškinant dažniausiai kylančius probleminius aspektus, nes kaip rodo atliktos analizės rezultatai, Lietuvos teismai ne visuomet teisingai išaiškina ir taiko įstatymų normas, reglamentuojančias užsienio teisės taikymą. Darbe neapsiribojama tik teismų praktikoje pasireiškusiais užsienio teisės taikymo aspektais, tačiau siekiant nuoseklumo ir darant prielaidą, kad teismų praktika šioje srityje neišvengiamai bus gausesnė, aptariami ir tie klausimai, kurie galėtų kilti teismų praktikoje netolimoje ateityje arba be kurių išaiškinimo nustatytųjų problemų analizė nebūtų pakankamai aiški ir išsami. / The relevance of the legitimate application of foreign law is determined by the fact that the matters of the international private law are comparatively new in the doctrine and practice of the Lithuanian law, the court practice in this field is not numerous and settled, and the judges face the lack of practice and theoretical knowledge. In this work the object of the analysis is the theoretical and practical aspects of the application of foreign law in courts. The definitions of foreign law and the application of foreign law are presented, and the legal grounds of the application of foreign law, the aspects of the determination of the content of foreign law, and the limitations of the application of foreign law are analysed in this work. The analysis is based on the rulings, passed by the Civil Division of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, as a court of cassation, reviewing the decisions and rulings of the courts of the first and appeal instances, which are in one or another way related to the application of the foreign law, highlighting the frequently appearing problematic aspects, as the results of the analysis show that the Lithuanian courts do not always correctly explain and apply the legal norms, which regulate the application of foreign law. The analysis is not limited to the aspects of the application of foreign law, found in the court practice. Reaching for consistency and making the assumption that the court practice in this field shall definitely become more numerous... [to full text]

Fixationsdisparitet : En jämförelse av tre olika tester

Finnström, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att jämföra tre olika metoder (Mallettenheten, Saladinkortet och Wessonkortet) för att mäta fixationsdisparitet, se ifall metoderna hade en bra repeterbarhet samt jämföra resultaten från fixationsdisparitetstesterna med den uppmätta forin.Material och metod: I studien deltog 19 personer mellan 20–31 år, alla hade samsyn. Undersökningen utfördes i en ordning som gjorde att ögonen skulle tröttas ut så lite som möjligt för att inte påverka resultatet. Den började med anamnes, refraktion, forimätningar med modifierad Thorington på avstånd och på nära håll och sedan utfördes mätningar av fixationsdisparitet, varje metod utfördes tre gånger för att få fram ett medelvärde. Undersökningen avslutades med mätning av KNP, ackommodationsamplitud och vergensmätningar.Resultat: 11 av 19 försökspersoner hade någon fixationsdisparitet (FD) enligt Mallett, Saladin eller Wesson. Då Mallett endast mäter den associerade forin och inte FD så användes inte den i jämförelserna. Studien visar en statistiskt signifikant skillnad i uppmätt FD mellan Wesson och Saladin (p = 0,027). En Bland-Altman analys visade att skillnaden mellan mätresultaten blev högre ju högre fixationsdispariteten var. Repeterbarheten var god för Wesson (ICC = 0,95) och Mallett (ICC = 0,87), men något lägre för Saladin (ICC = 0,71). En envägs- RM ANOVA visade inga signifikanta skillnader mellan de tre mätningarna för någon av metoderna. 47 % av försökspersonerna hade en FD som gick åt samma håll som den uppmätta forin. 10 % hade FD som gick åt motsatt håll från forin. Varken Wesson eller Saladin visade någon signifikant korrelation med forin: Wesson (p = 0,11, R = 0,15) och Saladin (p = 0,08, R = 0,17).Slutsats: Studien visar att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan Saladintestet och Wessontestet och att de således inte är utbytbara med varandra. Repeterbarheten har varit god för två av tre metoder. Det här studien har visat att om fixationsdispariteten ska mätas kliniskt kan det vara bra för undersökaren att bestämma sig för ett test och bara använda det, det går inte att dra slutsatsen helt då detta bör testas på en större grupp försökspersoner. / The aim of this study was to compare three clinical tests used for measuring fixation disparity. The correlation between fixation disparity and phoria was evaluated and the repeatability for each method.This study included 19 subjects (aged from 20 to 31 years); all had functional binocular vision. The order of the tests in the examination was chosen to prevent fatigue from effecting the results. Following case history, binocular refraction, and phoria measurements at distance and near, the examination proceeded in measurement of fixation disparity with each of the three tests; three measurements were performed for each, and averaged. The examination concluded with measurements of NPC, amplitude of accommodation and vergences.Eleven of 19 subjects had FD to some degree according to Mallett, Saladin or Wesson. Since the Mallett unit only measures the associated phoria, the results could not be used in this study.This study shows a significant difference in measured FD between Wesson and Saladin (p=0.027). A Bland-Altman analysis showed a significant difference between the results; it showed that the higher the fixation disparity the greater the difference between the two measurements (p <0.0001). The repeatability was good for Wesson (ICC = 0.95) and Mallett (ICC = 0.87), however lower for Saladin (ICC = 0.71). A One Way- RM ANOVA showed no significant difference between the three measurements for each method. FD deviated in the same direction as the measured phoria for 47 % of the subjects; 10 % had FD that deviated in the opposite direction from the measured phoria. Wesson and Saladin showed no significant correlation to the phoria: Wesson (Pearsson r = 0.15; p = 0.11), and Saladin (Pearsson r = 0.17; p= 0.08).The study shows that there is a significant difference in the results of fixation disparity between the Saladin card and the Wesson card indicating that these methods can’t be used interchangeably. Repeatability was better for Mallett and Wesson but not so good for Saladin. There was a significant correlation between phoria and fixation disparity in means of the direction of deviation i.e. an exophoria is often followed by an exo fixation disparity.In a clinical setting, it might be advisable to adopt one single method and not compare results with those obtained by other instruments.

Zivilrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Unternehmungen für Menschenrechtsverletzungen im internationalen Verhältnis

Schmidt, Maurin. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Master-Arbeit Univ. St. Gallen, 2006.

Förekommer det förändringar i vergensfunktion i samband med post-covid diagnos? : En Pilotstudie

Nordh Oskarsson, Edwin, Huy Dinh, Tony January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att jämföra vergenser, forier, och konvergensnärpunkt (KNP) mellan deltagare diagnosticerade med post-covid samt en kontrollgrupp av deltagare utan post-covid diagnos.  Metod: Studien innefattade 10 patienter diagnosticerade med post-covid samt 10 patienter utan post-covid diagnos, samtliga i Linköping hos Optiker Almå. Alla deltagare fick genomgå en synundersökning inledningsvis och blev tillfrågande om att delta i studien. Initialt uppmättes deltagarnas forier med Schober´s test. Sedan blev patienterna undersökta på konvergensnärpunkt med hjälp av en RAF-stav, samt prismastav för att mäta vergensförmågan.  Resultat: Medelvärdet för vergenserna på avstånd med Bas IN (negativa vergenser) var 7,0 prd för post-covid gruppen, kontrollgruppen hade ett medelvärde på 12.2 prd i motsvarande mätning. Vid Bas UT (positiva vergenser) på avstånd hade post-covid gruppen ett medelvärde på 13,4 prd i jämförelse med 19,3 prd för kontrollgruppen. På 40 cm hade post-covid gruppen ett medelvärde på 13,5 prd för negativa vergenser, kontrollgruppens medelvärde var vid samma mätning 21,6 prd. För positiva vergenser på 40 cm var medelvärdena 17,6 prd för gruppen med post-covid och 27,2 prd för kontrollgruppen. Hela åtta deltagare med post-covid hade en avlägsen konvergensnärpunkt. I kontrollgruppen hade enbart två deltagare en avlägsen konvergensnärpunkt.  Slutsats: Personer med post-covid har nedsatta vergenser i jämförelse med en kontrollgrupp utan post-covid diagnos, där de positiva vergenserna är nedsatta i något störe utsträckning. En nedsatt konvergensförmåga är också förekommande i samband med post-covid. Ingen skillnad i storleken på forier förekom, även om post-covid gruppen uppvisade forier i större utsträckning jämfört med kontrollgruppen.

標準必要專利之國際管轄與準據法研究 / International jurisdiction and choice of law for standard essential patents

張博茹 Unknown Date (has links)
法院處理涉外標準必要專利之案件時,經常面臨國際管轄以及準據法適用的問題。涉及議題包含授權契約之成立與效力、專利侵權、違反競爭法等。本文先分析我國涉外民事法律適用法在智慧財產案件上之實務適用情形,認為目前涉外民事法律適用法第42條第1項應僅適用與智慧財產權利內容本身相關之爭議,智慧財產契約或侵權行為案件,則應適用契約與一般侵權行為之選法規則。 其次,本文透過研究日本、中國、韓國、美國、英國等國之標準必要專利案件,探討標準必要專利案件中,標準制定組織的智財權政策與F/RAND承諾,經常約定以標準制定組織所在地法為準據法,因此所生之授權契約爭議與競爭法爭議,包括法院是否有權管轄,以及應該如何適用之準據法。在與F/RAND相關之爭議裡,各國法院鮮少有拒絕管轄的情形。準據法方面,實務上基於當事人意思自主原則,適用標準制定組織之智財權政策與F/RAND承諾之準據法,判斷F/RAND承諾之性質,以及當事人間授權契約是否成立以及其效力為何。競爭法方面,實務上各國皆適用內國競爭法,以決定標準必要專利權人之行為是否濫用其市場地位。 經由比較法與實務案件之分析,本文主張標準必要專利之中基於F/RAND所生之契約爭議,仍應適用標準制定組織之智財權政策與F/RAND承諾中所約定之法律。適用涉外民事法律適用法部分,法院實務判決應更清楚明確定性案件以及適用涉外民事法律適用法之依據與理由,俾使涉外民事法律適用法第42條第1項之意義更為明確。競爭法之部分,由於其強行法規之性質,實務皆適用法庭地法,原則上僅就影響國內市場之涉外行為判斷。此外,就我國立法就智慧財產之國際管轄規定付之闕如,應該針對智慧財產之特殊性增加相關規定。 / In cross-border SEP-related cases, courts often face the problems of international jurisdiction and the choice of law. SEP-realted cases often involve issues such as the nature of the F/RAND declarations and the IPR policies of Standard Setting Organizations (SSOs), the formation and the effect of licensing agreements, and violation of competition law, etc. The thesis starts from the examination of Act Governing the Choice of Law in Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements in Taiwan. Article 42(1) of the Act should be applied only to the issues related to the content of IP right itself. As for IP infringements and IP-related contracts, the choice of law rules on general infringements and contracts should be applied. Secondly, the thesis further looks into the practice of conflict of law in Japan Korea, PRC, the UK and the US on SEP-related cases, which mostly apply the principle of party autonomy to determine the nature of F/RAND declarations and the nature of SSOs’ IPR policies. As for the competition law argument, based on the mandatory nature of competition law, the court often applied lex fori to the issues. Back to the private international law in Taiwan, the thesis suggests that the court should elaborate more specifically on the process of the court determining the characterization of the case and further deciding the choice of law. Besides, Taiwan should also legislate the law on the international jurisdiction on IP cases.

La confrontation de la dissolution du lien conjugal et ses effets entre les états maghrébins et les états européens francophones, France et Belgique / Dissolution of a marriage tie, and what it means in term of confrontation between North African states and European French speaking state, France Belgium

Bouchareb, Hafida A.L. 07 November 2008 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est d’étudier « La confrontation de la dissolution du lien conjugal et ses effets entre les États maghrébins et les États européens francophones (France et Belgique) ». Les difficultés de coordination des systèmes islamiques et européens de droit international privé proviennent de l’écart entre leurs législations relatives au statut personnel et au droit de la famille. En droit musulman, les matières du statut personnel sont solidaires des donnés religieuses. Les ressortissants maghrébins établis dans des pays européens se retrouvent souvent confrontés au croisement du système juridique maghrébin et celui de leur pays d’accueil.<p>S’il est un domaine où se heurtent des visions difficilement conciliables entre l’Europe et certains pays musulmans, c’est bien celui du mariage mixte et particulièrement celui de la répudiation. Il faut souligner que le problème perdure depuis plus de vingt ans.<p>Toutefois un grand nombre de ressortissants Marocains réside en Belgique ce qui conduit inévitablement à ce que des problèmes liés à la dissolution de leur mariage se posent. A ces difficultés viennent s’ajouter les problèmes de conflits de lois. Cette étude a donc tenté de dégager les caractéristiques des différents systèmes étudiés et de montrer les divergences qu’ils comportent en terme de méthodes utilisées dans le règlement des conséquences du divorce ou de répudiation. <p>La présence d’une communauté immigrée de statut personnel musulman et la rencontre de l’ordre juridique européen avec ce phénomène, posent l’épineux problème de l’harmonisation de deux systèmes juridiques fondamentalement différents et a ainsi pu être qualifié de « conflit de civilisations ». Ce qui permet une vue globale du sujet.<p>Summary: The purpose of this thesis is to study the dissolution of a marriage tie between North African states and European French speaking states, and what this dissolution means in term of confrontation on both sides concerning the juridic systems european and islamic. The difficulties of coordination between the islamic way of life and the international law are the result of divergence relating with personal status and family right. In the islamic law, personal status and religious faith are closely interlinked. Moroccan nationals who step up house in an european country are confronted with the law of the Maghreb and the law of the country witch welcomes them.<p><p>Mixed marriages and in particularly in a case of repudiations are a sphere where european nations and some muslim nations don’t see things in the same way. One has to emphasize that these problems have been enduring for over tweenty years. A great numbers of Morocans lives in Belgium which leads to difficulties if their marriages have to be dissolved. Over these difficulties problems of laws conflicts are added. This study have tried to show the characteristics of these systems and the different way to solve the consequences of the divorce or of the repudiation. The presence of an immigrated community of personal muslim status and the encounter of the juridic european system with this phenomenon set the acute issue of the harmonization of two juridics systems deeply different. This can be described as a “conflict of civilisations”. This allows a broad view of the subject<p><p> / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A comparative legal analysis of the effects of divorce on marital property

Makola, Thulelo Mmakola 01 1900 (has links)
The movement of people from county to country brought about an increase in international marriages. However, South African private international law rules with regard to the proprietary consequences of marriage are not on par with their foreign counterparts. The prejudicial rule which governs proprietary consequences of marriage has raised difficulties for our courts in past and recent cases. The advent of a new constitutional dispensation in South Africa forbids discrimination based on sex, gender and marital status. Furthermore, the question is asked whether parties to a marriage with a foreign matrimonial domicile may rely on section 7(3) of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979. The classification of redistribution orders in private international law matters has given rise to uncertainty. The objectives of the study are to suggest workable alternatives to the current connecting factor for proprietary consequences of marriage in South African private international law and to investigate the availability of redistribution orders to spouses applying for divorce in South Africa. / Private Law / LL. M.


Carlier, Peggy 14 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
À trop vouloir poser la loi étrangère en parfait symbole de la résolution des conflits de lois, les auteurs dressent une présentation manichéenne du droit international privé où la lex fori (loi du juge saisi) incarne l'indésirable. C'est oublier qu'elle est davantage utilisée que la loi étrangère en matière de litiges internationaux puisque de nombreux procédés lui octroient pleinement ou subsidiairement une position privilégiée.<br />Prenant acte de ce constat, qu'il fonde sur des considérations sociologiques (ethnocentrisme) et pragmatiques (bonne administration de la justice), l'auteur entend réhabiliter la loi du for. Sans aller jusqu'à un legeforismo, dont la traduction pratique serait l'application systématique de la lex fori, un équilibre réaliste est proposé à partir d'un rapprochement des critères de rattachement et des chefs de compétence. Le vade-mecum de ce rapprochement offre alors les clés de la complémentarité qui doit exister entre la lex fori et la loi étrangère.

Meze obligačního statutu / The Limits of the Applicable Law of Obligations

Šidla, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses the limits of statute of contractual obligations solely from the perspective of conflict of law rules. It is based primarily on the analysis of national conflict of law rules contained in Act No. 91/2012 Coll., On Private International Law. There are also analyzed relevant standards of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 593/2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) and conflict of law rules in the German Initial Act to the Civil Code, as well as in the Swiss Act on Private International Law. The primary hypothesis of this work is the concept of a single contractual statute, which governes contractual relationship since the early beginning to the end. The secondary hypothesis follows the departure of German international private law from the principle of seat for the principle of incorporation. Another hypothesis explores the safeguarding of property rights once acquired, if the substantive legal facts are in the mode of the original substantive statute closed that no means no and yes means yes, but ... This work also examines the question of whether the European legislator through the unification of rules of conflict of law removed the deficiencies that resulted from the application of autonomous national conflict of law rules or...

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