Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bormate."" "subject:"csformate.""
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Assessment of new catalysts for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxideGoel, Ekta 09 August 2019 (has links)
The industrial revolution caused the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere leading to a climate crisis. The impact of more CO2 in the atmosphere has been experienced by everybody. The summers are longer and hotter, while the winters are colder and shorter. The ocean water has become more acidic threatening the ocean life. There is an immediate need to reduce CO2 and switch to alternate energy for human survival. Electrochemical reduction of CO2 (ERC) is a promising technology capable of converting excess CO2 into valueded products. The process of recycling CO2 can address the problem of excess CO2 and is a sustainable solution until our dependence on fossil fuels is reduced. However, currently there are very few catalysts that can convert CO2 into valuable products with a low overpotential. The current research evaluates new catalysts for their ERC potential. [Ni(cyclam)]2+ is a well-known catalyst used to reduce CO2 homogeneously. Therefore, it was used as a standard to optimize the CO2 evaluation protocol. Two new catalysts developed in Dr. Hollis's laboratory, a Pt- pincer and a Fepincer molecule were assessed using this method. Cyclic voltammetry and bulkelectrolysis (BE) experiments were performed under Ar and CO2 environments. The gaseous products from BE were primarily CO and H2 and their quantitative measurement was performed using gas chromatography. Formate determination was performed using UV-Vis spectroscopy. Faradaic yields were calculated for CO, H2, and formate. The overpotentials were calculated for all the processes, and a comparison was made to determine the most efficient process. The turnover numbers (TON) and the turnover frequencies (TOF) of all the catalysts were calculated. Based on all the criteria, the Fepincer complex was determined to be the most promising catalyst for further optimization. Additionally, a Faradaic efficiency calculation spreadsheet was created to improve calculation efficiency. The protocol described here has been successfully applied to assess new catalysts and can prove to be an invaluable tool when numerous catalysts require evaluation.
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No description available.
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Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography Using the Ionic Liquid Isopropylammonium Formate and Comparison of Indirect Spectrophotometric Methods for PhosphateCollins, Matthew P. 08 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Di- Aryl Pentanes and Mechanistic Study of Aldol Reaction of 9-Acetylanthracene with ParaformaldehydeAgrahari, Aditya 24 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Submillimeter wave/THZ technology and rotational spectroscopy of several molecules of astrophysical interestMedvedev, Ivan Romanovich 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Influence of soil water management on plant growth, essential oil yield and oil composition of rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium spp.)Eiasu, B.K. (Bahlebi Kibreab) 17 October 2009 (has links)
Introducing effective irrigation management in arid and semi-arid regions, like most areas of South Africa, is an indispensable way of maximising crop yield and enhancing productivity of scarce freshwater resources. Holistic improvements in agricultural water management could be realised through integrating the knowledge of crop-specific water requirements. In order to develop effective irrigation schedules for rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium capitatum x P. radens), greenhouse and field experiments were conducted at the Hatfield Experimental Farm of the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, from 28 October 2004 to 2006. Results from 20, 40, 60 and 80% maximum allowable depletion (MAD) levels of the plant available soil water (ASW) indicated that plant roots extracted most of the soil water from the top 40 cm soil layer, independent of the treatment. Both essential oil yield and fresh herbage mass responded positively to high soil water content. Increasing the MAD level to 60% and higher resulted in a significant reduction in herbage mass and essential oil yields. An increase in the degree of water stress apparently increased the essential oil concentration (percentage oil on fresh herbage mass basis), but its contribution to total essential oil yield (kg/ha oil) was limited. There was no significant relationship between MAD level and essential oil composition. For water saving without a significant reduction in essential oil yield of rose-scented geranium, a MAD of 40% of ASW is proposed. Response of rose-scented geranium to a one-month irrigation withholding period in the second or third month of regrowth cycles showed that herbage mass and oil yield were positively related. Herbage yield was significantly reduced when the water stress period was imposed during the third or fourth month of regrowth. A remarkable essential oil yield loss was observed only when the plants were stressed during the fourth month of regrowth. Essential oil content (% oil on fresh herbage mass basis) was higher in stressed plants, especially when stressed late, but oil yield dropped due to lower herbage mass. The relationship between essential oil composition and irrigation treatments was not consistent. Water-use efficiency was not significantly affected by withholding irrigation in the second or in the third month of regrowth. With a marginal oil yield loss, about 330 to 460 m3 of water per hectare per regrowth cycle could be saved by withholding irrigation during the third month of regrowth. The overall results highlighted that in water-scarce regions withholding irrigation during either the second or the third month of regrowth in rose-scented geranium could save water that could be used by other sectors of society. In greenhouse pot experiments, rose-scented geranium was grown under different irrigation frequencies, in two growth media. Irrigation was withheld on 50% of the plants (in each plot) for the week prior to harvesting. Herbage and essential oil yields were better in the sandy clay soil than in silica sand. Essential oil content (% oil on fresh herbage mass basis) apparently increased with a decrease in irrigation frequency. Both herbage and total essential oil yields positively responded to frequent irrigation. A one-week stress period prior to harvesting significantly increased essential oil content and total essential oil yield. Hence, the highest essential oil yield was obtained from a combination of high irrigation frequency and a one-week irrigation-withholding period. In the irrigation frequency treatments, citronellol and citronellyl formate contents tended to increase with an increase in the stress level, but the reverse was true for geraniol and geranyl formate. Leaf physiological data were recorded during the terminal one-week water stress in the glasshouse pot trial. Upon rewatering, stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Rt) were significantly lower in the less often irrigated than in the more often irrigated treatments, while leaf water potential (yw) and relative water content (RWC) were the same for all plants, indicating that water stress had an after-effect on Gs and Rt. At the end of the stress period, Gs, Rt, yw and RWC were lower in the plants from the more often irrigated than from the less often irrigated treatments. Irrespective of irrigation treatment, one type of non-glandular and two types (different in shape and size) of glandular trichomes were observed. In water stressed-conditions, stomata and trichome densities increased, while the total number of stomata and trichomes per leaf appeared to remain more or less the same. Water stress conditions resulted in stomatal closure. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted
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Electrodeposition of Hydrogen Molybdenum Bronze Films and Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide at Low Over PotentialsAlharbi, Sami 01 August 2019 (has links)
Hydrogen molybdenum oxide, known has molybdenum bronze, is a material of interest due to catalyzing electron transfer reactions. Specifically, molybdenum bronze is an electrocatalyst toward carbon dioxide reduction. Electrochemical deposition from a peroxymolybdic acid solution is a method for preparing molybdenum bronze films. This work demonstrates reproducible electrodeposition on indium tin oxide substrates and conductive carbon paper. Film thickness depends on concentration, time and pH. After characterization by film thickness, resistance, XRD and XPS, the as deposited films served as the working electrode for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide in 0.1 M NaHCO3. Ion chromatography determined formate resulting in 8% faradaic efficiency at an applied potential of -0.4 V. Interestingly, this potential is similar to use of formate dehydrogenase as an electrocatalyst. Carbon monoxide levels were attempted to be determined by GC in the headspace of an H type electrochemical cell. Results show that these films are applicable towards electrochemical CO2 reduction to formate when supported on carbon.
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Išauginamos fitomasės kiekis Svetaus upės baseine / The nusture of fitomass gvantity in Svetus river basinMarčiukonytė, Laima 16 June 2005 (has links)
Object of investigation – Svetus river basin. The purpose of reasearch – 1) to estimame the nurture of phytomass qantity in Svetus river basin, 2) to estimame formerly and newly formed plant community‘s botanic composition, it‘s change in diferent year seasons, and source of chage, 3) to estimame eatability do dominating grass, 4) to provide thr utilization of phytomass. The reasearch was carry out during the period 2003 – 2004. The method of reasearch – the phytomass was estimated by dry digging 50x50x20 monolith. The distance between two monolith –about 100 m., and it is about 30m from river centre. 24 monolith was digged every year (48 at all), which underground part of phytomass was taken from roots. The roots was washed, all plant parts was dryed and waighed (the weatherdry biomass was estimated). Over the period 2003-2004 the biggest amount of phytomass was in natural plant community (haying and grazing) – about 1503,5g/m2 (dry). In newly formed plant community, during 2 year period, the phytomass quantity was twice less than in formerly formed meadow plant community. The growing grass eatability in reasearched plant community was 6 points. The area of Svetus river basin – 36 ha. According two years informatikon, the increase of phytomass sutable for cattles was 118,98 t. The most sutable for second breedng.
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Effects of environmental variations in <em>Escherichia coli</em> fermentationsSoini, J. (Jaakko) 30 October 2012 (has links)
Production of recombinant proteins and organic molecules by microbial fermentation is a widely used process in pharmaceutical, biofuel, food and chemical industries. Micro-organisms are cultivated in a bioreactor enabling a proper environment and conditions for production of the desired product molecule. Usually, however, the conditions in the bioreactor are inhomogeneous because of technical limitations such as insufficient mixing. This causes gradients in various parameters such as temperature, ph, dissolved oxygen or substrate concentration, which can have a negative effect on product quality and quantity. Understanding the effects of such environmental variations for the host organism and product molecule are crucial for the bioprocess control.
The aim of this dissertation was to study the metabolic and gene expression level response of Escherichia coli bacterium for variating conditions in the bioreactor. The responses for rapid temperature increase and oxygen limitation was studied by shift experiments. The effect of oscillating oxygen and glucose concentrations, typical for industrial scale processes, was studied with a scale-down model.
The main results were obtained in the oxygen downshift experiments. It was shown that a non-canonical amino acid norvaline, known to replace leucine in recombinant proteins, is accumulated in significant concentration under oxygen limitation. The accumulation of norvaline was also observed in the scale-down model indicating that norvaline could also be found in large scale processes. The quantitative gene expression results for the norvaline pathway genes showed no clear response. This indicates that the norvaline formation occurs due to the changes on metabolic rather than transcriptional level. The second key result of this dissertation was the finding, that the accumulation of formate, a typical anaerobic metabolite, was diminished by medium boosted with trace amounts nickel, selenium and molybdenum, enabling the activity of formate degrading enzyme complex. The results of this dissertation can be utilized in the industrial process optimisation and as a basis for further bioprocess studies. / Tiivistelmä
Vierasproteiinien ja orgaanisten molekyylien tuottaminen fermentoimalla on paljon käytetty menetelmä lääke-, bioenergia-, elintarvike- sekä kemianteollisuudessa. Mikrobit kasvatetaan bioreaktorissa, joka mahdollistaa sopivan kasvuympäristön ja tuotanto-olosuhteet halutulle tuotteelle. Usein bioreaktorin olosuhteet ovat kuitenkin epätasaiset teknisten rajoitteiden kuten riittämättömän sekoitustehon vuoksi. Tämä aiheuttaa eri muuttujien, kuten happi- ja ravinnepitoisuuden, pH:n tai lämpötilan vaihtelua ajan ja paikan suhteen, millä voi olla haitallinen vaikutus tuotteen laatuun tai saantoon. Ympäristötekijöiden muutosten isäntäsolulle tai tuotemolekyylille aiheuttamien vaikutusten ymmärtäminen ovat yksi ratkaisevista tekijöistä bioprosessien hallinnassa.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin Escherichia coli -bakteerin aineenvaihdunnan sekä geeniekspression vasteita bioreaktorin ajan ja paikan suhteen vaihtelevissa olosuhteissa. Hapenpuutteen ja lämpötilan nousun vaikutusta tutkittiin kokeilla, joissa olosuhdetta kertaluontoisesti ja nopeasti muutettiin. Teollisille fermentointiprosesseille tyypillistä happi- ja ravinnepitoisuuksien jatkuvaa vaihtelua tutkittiin suurta bioreaktoria jäljittelevällä pienoismallilla.
Tärkeimmät tulokset liittyivät kokeisiin, joissa tutkittiin hapenpuutetta. Kokeissa kävi ilmi, että happirajoitetuissa olosuhteissa muodostuu huomattavia määriä epätavallista aminohappoa norvaliinia, jonka tiedetään korvaavan leusiinia vierasproteiineissa. Norvaliinin muodostumista havaittiin myös pienoismallilla tehdyissä kasvatuksissa, osoittaen että norvaliinia voi mahdollisesti löytyä myös suuren mitan prosesseista. Geeniekspressiomittaukset eivät osoittaneet muutoksia norvaliinin aineenvaihduntareitillä, osoittaen että havaittu norvaliinin muodostuminen tapahtuu aineenvaihdunnallisten muutosten seurauksena. Toinen tässä väitöstutkimuksessa saatu tärkeä tulos oli muurahaishapon kertymisen vähentyminen, kun kasvatusliuokseen lisättiin nikkeliä, seleeniä ja molybdeeniä aktivoimaan muurahaishappoa hajottavaa entsyymikompleksia. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää teollisten prosessien optimoinnissa ja perustana uusille tutkimusaiheille.
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Spectroscopic Studies of Proteins in Alkylammonium Formate Ionic LiquidsWei, Wenjun 23 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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