Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bormate."" "subject:"csformate.""
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Methylammonium Formate as a Mobile Phase Modifier for Reversed Phase Liquid ChromatographyGrossman, Shau 06 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Tesis por compendio / [EN] In recent years, persimmon crop has become very relevant in Mediterranean Spain, where the production of this fruit centres on only one variety, persimmon cv. Rojo Brillante, majorly located in the Valencian Community. The main postharvest disorders manifested by 'Rojo Brillante' persimmons are flesh browning, which is associated with mechanical damage and chilling injury displayed after low-temperature storage. Previous research has determined the postharvest conditions that lead fruit to develop such alterations. However, the biochemical process behind flesh browning and chilling injury disorders is still unknown.
Currently, there is special interest in introducing cultivars from other countries to broaden the varietal range. Besides, prolonging the fruit storage period to supply the markets according to the demand is one of the main challenges.
In this context, the present Thesis approached three main objectives: 1) Studying the biochemical process implied in the main physiological postharvest disorders manifested in persimmon fruits by focusing on changes in the fruit redox state; 2) Evaluating postharvest treatments to preserve fruit quality during cold storage; 3) Assessing the physico-chemical and nutritional quality of persimmon cultivars introduced from other countries to increase the varietal range.
Biochemical, chromatographic and microstructural studies have revealed that flesh browning manifested by fruits submitted to mechanical damage after removing astringency is associated with a tannins oxidation process caused by a stress oxidative situation. A new flesh disorder, "pinkish bruising", has been described on fruits submitted to mechanical impacts while showing high astringency levels. Sensitiveness to the flesh browning disorder has also been evaluated on different cultivars introduced from other countries.
The implication of the redox system in the chilling injury manifestation on 'Rojo Brillante' persimmon has been determined. Moreover, we described the changes in this system associated with chilling injury alleviation by 1-MCP treatment.
The effect of a controlled atmosphere based on 4-5% O2 + N2 to prolong the storage of cultivars 'Rojo Brillante' and 'Triumph' has been seen to strongly depend on variety. The results were highly positive on cultivar 'Triumph', in which the evaluated atmosphere extended the storage period up to 3 months.
The use of short-term high CO2 treatments was another technology assayed to alleviate chilling injury in non-astringent cultivar 'Fuyu'. This treatment significantly reduced the main chilling injury symptom manifested by this cultivar, which is flesh gelling. This effect was related to cell structure preservation.
Recent studies have shown that ethyl formate treatment is highly effective for pest control of persimmon 'Fuyu'. However, this treatment induces fruit softening, which causes quality loss. This Thesis revealed that ethyl formate treatment induces the activity of ethylene synthesis-related genes and that flesh softening is mediated by this hormone. It also demonstrated that by applying 1-MPC pretreatment, fruit softening associated with ethyl formate can be controlled. Therefore, the combined used of both treatments is seen as a potential treatment to disinfect persimmon fruits while preserving quality.
Finally, the study of ten cultivars introduced from other countries helped select the most interesting cultivars to broaden the varietal range according to their maturation date and their response to deastringency treatment. The main nutritional compounds of persimmon and how they are affected by CO2 deastringency treatment are described. / [ES] El caqui es un cultivo de gran relevancia en el área mediterránea de España, estando la producción centrada en una única variedad, el cv. Rojo Brillante, y localizada principalmente en la Comunidad Valenciana. Las principales alteraciones presentadas por el caqui 'Rojo Brillante' durante el periodo postcosecha son el pardeamiento de la pulpa asociado a los daños mecánicos y los daños por frío manifestados tras la conservación a bajas temperaturas. Las investigaciones previas han determinado las condiciones de manejo bajo las cuales se desarrollan dichas alteraciones, sin embargo los procesos bioquímicos involucrados en la manifestación de estos desórdenes no se conocen en profundidad.
Actualmente uno de los principales retos es la introducción de nuevas variedades que permitan ampliar la gama varietal, así como prolongar los periodos de conservación del caqui con el fin de poder escalonar la puesta en el mercado en función de la demanda.
En la presente Tesis se han abordado tres objetivos principales: 1) Estudiar los procesos bioquímicos implicados en los principales desórdenes postcosecha del caqui, prestando especial atención a los cambios en el sistema redox del fruto; 2) Evaluar diferentes tratamientos postcosecha para preservar la calidad del fruto durante la conservación frigorífica; 3) Evaluar la calidad físico-química y nutricional de diferentes variedades de caqui introducidas desde otros países para ampliar la gama varietal.
Estudios bioquímicos, cromatográficos y microestructurales, han revelado que el pardeamiento de la pulpa o "browning", manifestado por la fruta que ha sufrido daños mecánicos tras la eliminación de la astringencia está asociado a un proceso de oxidación de taninos motivado por una situación de estrés oxidativo. Además se ha descrito una nueva alteración de la pulpa, "pinkish bruising", manifestada por los frutos sometidos a daño mecánico con alto nivel de astringencia. También se ha evaluado la sensibilidad al pardeamiento de diferentes variedades introducidas desde otros países.
Con el objetivo de prolongar la conservación del fruto se ha ensayado el uso de la atmósfera controlada basada en 4-5% O2 + N2 sobre las variedades 'Rojo Brillante' y 'Triumph', observándose que la respuesta a esta tecnología depende de manera muy importante de la variedad. Los resultados fueron especialmente positivos en el caso del cultivar 'Triumph', en el que la atmósfera ensayada permitió prolongar la conservación frigorífica hasta tres meses.
Otra tecnología ensayada para el control de los daños por frío fue la aplicación de choques con altas concentraciones de CO2 en el cultivar no astringente 'Fuyu'. Este tratamiento alivió el principal síntoma de daño por frío manifestado por esta variedad, la gelificación de la pulpa. Este efecto se ha relacionado con la preservación de la estructura celular de la pulpa del fruto.
Estudios recientes han mostrado que el tratamiento con etil formato es altamente efectivo en el control de insectos durante la conservación y comercialización del caqui 'Fuyu', sin embargo este tratamiento provoca un ablandamiento del fruto mermando su calidad. En esta Tesis se ha demostrado que las aplicaciones de etil formato activan los genes de síntesis de etileno, siendo está hormona mediadora del ablandamiento. Los estudios también revelaron que la aplicación de un tratamiento previo con 1-MCP reduce el ablandamiento del fruto asociado al etil formato, por lo que el uso combinado de ambos tratamientos puede ser considerado una alternativa para la desinfección de los frutos sin detrimento de su calidad. Por último, el estudio de diez variedades introducidas desde otros países permitió seleccionar en base a su momento de maduración y respuesta al tratamiento de desastringencia aquellas variedades de mayor interés para ampliar la gama varietal. Además, se identificaron los principales compuestos nutricionales del caqui y / [CA] El caqui s'ha convertit en els últims anys en un cultiu de gran rellevància en l'àrea mediterrània d'Espanya, estant la producció centrada en una única varietat, el cv. Rojo Brillante, i localitzada principalment a la Comunitat Valenciana. Les principals alteracions presentades pel caqui 'Rojo Brillante' durant el període postcollita són l'enfosquiment de la polpa associat als danys mecànics i els danys per fred manifestats després de la conservació a baixes temperatures. Les investigacions prèvies han determinat les condicions de maneig sota les quals es desenvolupen estes alteracions, però els processos bioquímics involucrats en la manifestació d'estos desordres no es coneixen en profunditat.
D'altra banda, actualment un dels principals reptes és la introducció de noves varietats que permetin ampliar la gamma varietal, així com prolongar els períodes de conservació del caqui per tal de poder escalonar la posada en el mercat en funció de la demanda.
En este context, en la present Tesi s'han abordat tres objectius principals: 1) Estudiar els processos bioquímics implicats en els principals desordres postcollita del caqui, posant especial atenció als canvis en el sistema redox del fruit; 2) Avaluar diferents tractaments postcollita per preservar la qualitat del fruit durant la conservació frigorífica; 3) Avaluar la qualitat fisicoquímica i nutricional de diferents varietats de caqui introduïdes des d'altres països per ampliar la gamma varietal.
Estudis bioquímics, cromatogràfics i microestructurals, han revelat que l'enfosquiment de la polpa o "Browning", manifestat per fruita que ha patit danys mecànics després de l'eliminació de l'astringència està associat a un procés d'oxidació de tanins motivat per una situació d'estrès oxidatiu. A més s'ha descrit una nova alteració de la polpa, "pinkish bruising", manifestada pels fruits sotmesos a dany mecànic amb alt nivell d'astringència. També s'ha avaluat la sensibilitat a l'enfosquiment de diferents varietats introduïdes des d'altres països.
Amb l'objectiu de perllongar la conservació del fruit s'ha assajat l'ús de l'atmosfera controlada basada en 4-5% O2 + N2 sobre les varietats 'Rojo Brillante' i 'Triumph', observant-se que la resposta a esta tecnologia depèn de manera molt important de la varietat. Els resultats van ser especialment positius en el cas del cultivar 'Triumph', en què l'atmosfera assajada va permetre prolongar la conservació frigorífica fins a tres mesos.
Una altra tecnologia assajada per al control dels danys per fred va ser l'aplicació de xocs amb altes concentracions de CO2 en el cultivar no astringent 'Fuyu'. Este tractament va alleujar el principal símptoma de dany per fred manifestat per esta varietat, la gelificació de la polpa. Este efecte s'ha relacionat amb la preservació de l'estructura cel¿lular de la polpa del fruit.
Estudis recents han mostrat que el tractament amb etil format és altament efectiu en el control d'insectes durant la conservació i comercialització del caqui 'Fuyu', però este tractament provoca un estovament del fruit minvant la seua qualitat. En esta Tesi s'ha demostrat que les aplicacions d'etil format activen els gens de síntesi d'etilè, sent esta hormona mediadora de l'estovament. Els estudis també van revelar que l'aplicació d'un tractament previ amb 1-MCP redueix l'estovament del fruit associat a l'etil format, per la qual cosa l'ús combinat de tots dos tractaments pot ser considerat una alternativa per a la desinfecció dels fruits sense detriment de la seua qualitat.
Finalment, l'estudi de deu varietats introduïdes des d'altres països va permetre seleccionar en base al seu moment de maduració i resposta al tractament de desastringència aquelles varietats de més interès per ampliar la gamma varietal. A més, es van identificar els principals compostos nutricionals del caqui i es va avaluar l'efecte del tractament de desastringència amb CO2 sobre els mat / Novillo Borrás, P. (2015). HARVEST AND POSTHARVEST QUALITY OF PERSIMMON FRUIT:PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58270 / Compendio
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Polynuclear Coordination Assemblies : Synthesis, Crystal Structures And Magnetic BehaviorSengupta, Oindrila 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Construction of polynuclear metal assemblies from discrete 0D clusters to extend 3D networks, comprised of metal ions and bridging organic/inorganic ligands has attracted immense attention, owing to their intriguing network topologies and interesting properties. Proper ligand design and the appropriate choice of the metal center are of vital importance to the design of such polynuclear assemblies. One of the various attributes of polynuclear metal assemblies is magnetism. Magnetic materials can be constructed by incorporating magnetic moment carriers such as paramagnetic metals(V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) in presence of bridging ligands.
Though, one-atom oxo/hydroxo and two-atom cyanide bridges were of popular choices due to their short distance for transmitting strong magnetic coupling between the paramagnetic metal centers, it has been shown that, three-atom bridging ligands like carboxylate and azide (N3 ) are well-fitted moieties for this purpose since they offer a variety of magnetic interactions depending on their versatile bridging modes.
It has been well known that incorporation of anionic bridging ligand in presence of azide anion is a challenging task due to the competition between the 2nd anionic ligand with azide in self-assembly process. Incorporating both azide and carboxylate functionalities, a series of polymeric complexes has been synthesized and conversion of 0D discrete clusters to extended networks with the retention of basic core by fine tuning the ligands has been achieved.
Single-crystal to single-crystal transformation has received considerable attention in crystal engineering since it is difficult for crystals to retain single crystallinity after removal of the guest at high temperature. Interestingly single-crystal to single-crystal transformation was observed at high temperature for Co(II) formate-formamide complex and change in dimensionality from 3D to 0D was observed at high temperature for Cr(III) formate-formamide complex.
Multiferroic materials are those where both ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism coexist in the same phase. In general the transition metal d-electrons which are essential for magnetism reduce the tendency for off-center ferroelectric distortion. First tetrazole based miltiferroic coordination polymer of Co(II) metal ion in presence of azide has been successfully synthesized whereas its analogous Mn(II) complex showed different structural topology with interesting magnetic behavior. It has been also established in the present study, the important role played by hydrazine ligand to prevent oxidation of paramagnetic Co(II) to diamagnetic Co(III) system with the formation of a metal-inorganic assembly of Co(II) which exhibited spin-canted behavior.
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Využití moderních analytických metod pro studium vybraných koordinačních sloučenin boru / Application of modern analytical methods for the study of selected boron coordination compoundsHrušková, Helena January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the study of boron coordination compounds, specifically boron pyrogallol and 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene ligand complexes. In the introductory part of the work are discussed the properties of boron compounds, their preparation, the possibility of separation by capillary electrophoresis and methods of structural characterization. In the first part of the thesis, the methods of preparation of complexes are discussed and for each complex the optimal yield response is chosen. The resulting products were studied by low resolution mass spectrometry. In the second part of the thesis, structures of complexes, including their modeling in the Gaussian program, were described more precisely. Furthermore, the complexes were characterized by high resolution mass spectrometry. The complexes were also studied by 11 B, 1 H and 1 H COSY NMR and IR spectroscopy. The third part was devoted to the separation of these substances from the mixture after the reaction. CE-UV and CE-MS techniques were used for this purpose. To convert the results, the separation method was developed in ammonium formate buffers that are compatible with both instruments. The equilibration between complexes and ligands was also monitored by CE-UV. A special chapter is the study of pyrogallol autooxidation by UV-VIS and...
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Complex oxides of the system Cu-Ni-Fe-O: synthesis parameters, phase formation and propertiesKenfack, Flaurance 15 December 2004 (has links)
This thesis describes the convenient routes and the preparation conditions (temperature, oxygen partial presssure) which lead to the formation of single phase materials within the quaternary system Cu-Ni-Fe-O. The investigated compositions are the solid solutions CuxNi1-xFe2O4, the ferrites occurring in the phase triangle Cu0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 -Cu0.9Fe2.1O4 - Cu0.5Fe2.5O4 and some copper-nickel oxide solid solutions. Three synthesis routes have been used, namely (i) the preparation and the thermal decomposition of freeze-dried carboxylate precursors, (ii) the preparation and the oxidation of intermetallic phases and (iii) the preparation and the heat treatment in air of mixed oxide/metallic powders. The thermal decomposition of freeze-dried Cu-Ni-Fe formate has been found as a suitable method for preparing single spinel phases within the Cu-Ni-Fe-O system. In comparison with the conventional solid state reaction, the required temperature is much lower. Concerning the solid solution CuxNi1-xFe2O4 , a single phase spinel is formed at 1000¢XC for x < 0.7; for CuO is identified as second phase. In this latter range the formation of a pure phase required an increase of the iron content in the mixture. The other single spinel phases in the phase triangle Cu0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 - Cu0.9Fe2.1O4 - Cu0.5Fe2.5O4 have been synthesized under special synthesis p(O2)/T-conditions. For copper ferrites Cu1-xFe2+xO4 with x ? 0.1, 0.2, 0.33, 0.4 and 0.5, the change in the conductivity with the temperature is irreversible. The deviation from the linearity of the conductivity ?ã as a function of the temperature occurs due to the thermal history of these samples. The saturation magnetic moment (nB) at 5K, of some synthesized CuxNi1-xFe2O4 compounds has been determined. It has been found that nB increases with the nickel content in the ferrite sample.
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Vom ersten Gedanken zum Konzept - der Weg zum digitalen ArchivStenzel, Ulrich 29 March 2022 (has links)
Der Vortrag ist ein Ergebnis der eigenen Erfahrungen bei der Beschäftigung mit dem Thema. Er soll deutlich machen, dass digitale Archivierung ein Thema ist, in das jeder Mensch sich ‚reinwühlen‘ und im Austausch mit anderen seine eigenen Erkenntnisse gewinnen muss. Er beschreibt die Ausgangslage in der Nordkirche und die Versuche, eine Finanzierung der digitalen Archivierung sicherzustellen. Er zeigt auf, wie Außenstehenden die Brisanz bei der Bestandserhaltung digitaler Informationen vermittelt werden kann. Und er will Mut machen,
einfach anzufangen. Schließlich haben alle klein angefangen! / The lecture is a result of my own experience in dealing with the topic. It is intended to make it clear that digital archiving is a topic that everyone has to 'dig into' and gain their own insights in exchange with others. It describes the initial situation in the Northern Church and the
attempts to secure funding for digital archiving. He shows how outsiders can be made aware of the explosive nature of preserving digital information. And he wants to encourage people to simply get started. After all, we all started small!
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Aktivierung und Umwandlung von Formiat und CO2 an β-Diketiminato-NickelkomplexenZimmermann, Philipp 03 February 2022 (has links)
Es konnte eine Grundsatzbestätigung des Reaktionsprinzips zur Bildung eines Ni–CO22–-Adduktes durch Deprotonierung eines Ni-Formiat-Komplexes erreicht und die Stöchiometrie dieser Reaktion aufgeklärt werden. Das gebildete Ni–CO22–-Addukt ist ein strukturelles und funktionelles Modell des Ni–CO22–-Adduktes der Ni,Fe-CODH. Durch Isotopenmarkierung und die Untersuchung der Umsetzung mit CO2 konnte außerdem die Beteiligung eines analogen Ni–CO22–-Intermediates in der Reduktion von CO2 an Ni0-Komplexen gezeigt und der Reaktionsmechanismus aufgeklärt werden.
Im zweiten Teil wird die quantitative Bildung von CO aus dem Ni–CO22–-Addukt beschrieben. Außerdem konnten die verwandten Na+- und K+-Komplexe dargestellt und Struktur-Reaktivitäts-Beziehungen abgeleitet werden. Durch Einsatz substöchiometrischer Mengen des Gegenions K+ konnte kontrolliert Ni(I)- und CO2•–-Chemie ausgelöst werden. Es kam zur Bildung eines Ni(I)-Formiat- und eines Ni-Oxalat-Komplexes; bei hohen Konzentrationen entstand sogar ein gemischter Ni-Oxalat-Mesoxalat-Komplex. Die Bildung von Mesoxalat (C3O64-) aus einzelnen CO2-Bausteinen war bisher nur postuliert worden.
Im dritten Teil wurde ein Ni(II)-Vorläuferkomplex jeweils mit Cobaltocen oder Decamethylcobaltocen reduziert. Es konnten die entsprechenden NiI-Verbindungen mit Cobaltocenium-Gegenionen als Feststoffe charakterisiert werden. Wurden jedoch Lösungen der entsprechenden Verbindungen untersucht, zeigte sich im Falle des Komplexes mit Cobaltoceneinheit, dass ein Redox-Gleichgewicht vorliegt, welches bei Raumtemperatur weit auf der Seite der Ausgangsverbindungen liegt und nicht den Nachweis der charakteristischen spektroskopischen Eigenschaften von Ni(I)-Verbindungen zulässt. Dennoch reagiert die Verbindung aus dem Gleichgewicht heraus mit CO2 und als Produkt wurde ein mononuklearer Ni-Carbonat-Komplex identifiziert. / A confirmation of the reaction principle for the formation of a Ni-CO22- adduct by deprotonation of a Ni formate complex was achieved and the stoichiometry of this reaction was elucidated. The Ni-CO22- adduct formed is a structural and functional model of the Ni-CO22- adduct of Ni,Fe-CODH. Isotopic labelling and investigation of the reaction with CO2 also revealed the involvement of an analogous Ni-CO22- intermediate in the reduction of CO2 on Ni0 complexes and elucidated the reaction mechanism.
In the second part, the quantitative formation of CO from the Ni-CO22- adduct is described. Furthermore, the related Na+- and K+-complexes could be obtained and structure-reactivity relationships could be derived. By using sub-stoichiometric amounts of the counterion K+, Ni(I) and CO2-- chemistry could be triggered in a controlled manner. A Ni(I)-formate and a Ni--oxalate complex were formed; at high concentrations even a mixed Ni--oxalate-mesoxalate complex was formed. The formation of mesoxalate (C3O64-) from individual CO2 building blocks had previously only been postulated.
In the third part, a Ni(II) precursor complex was reduced with cobaltocene or decamethylcobaltocene, respectively. It was possible to characterise the corresponding NiI compounds with cobaltocenium counterions as solids. When solutions of the corresponding compounds were examined, it was shown in the case of the complex with cobaltocenium unit that a redox equilibrium exists which is far on the side of the parent compounds at room temperature and does not allow the detection of the characteristic spectroscopic properties of Ni(I) compounds. Nevertheless, the compound reacts out of equilibrium with CO2 and a mononuclear Ni-carbonate complex was identified as the product.
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Evaluation of Proposed Natural Corrosion Inhibitors for X-52 Carbon Steel in Ethanol MediaOliveira, Rafael Figueiredo de January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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