Spelling suggestions: "subject:"detormations"" "subject:"conformations""
171 |
Modeling the Effect of Calcium Concentration and Volumetric Flow Rate Changes on the Growth of Rimstone Dam Formations Due to Calcium Carbonate PrecipitationGroshong, Kimberly Ann January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Becoming a UNESCO City of Literature : A discourse analysis of the Gothenburg effort to become a City of Literature in the UNESCO creative cities network / Att bli en UNESCO litteraturstad : En diskursanalys av Göteborgs ansökan att bli en UNESCO litteraturstadWahlbom, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create knowledge on discursive formations surrounding literature that is being produced and/or reproduced in Sweden today. This is achieved by studying how the project group members responsible for writing the Gothenburg application to become a UNESCO City of Literature, and other key players involved in this process, argue for the values of literature and why a membership in the UNESCO creative cities network would be beneficial for Gothenburg city, its citizens and the literary field. To this end, both documents related to the process of getting Gothenburg’s candidature approved by UNESCO and interviews with the project group members responsible for writing the application to UNESCO are studied and analyzed. Eight interviews were conducted with members of the project group using a semi-structured qualitative interview methodology. The theoretical framework for this thesis consists of a foucauldian discourse analysis, ideology and studies of institutional logics in Swedish cultural politics. While analyzing the collected material, I was able to identify several dominating discursive formations about literature and literary work, as well as minor, competing discursive formations, that can all be recognized in how Swedish cultural policy have been discussed historically. These are later related to overarching ideological and political structures that are connected to them. Key findings include that literature is portrayed as a human right, as essential to a healthy, sustainable democracy and as something with inherent value. The project group members navigate predominant discursive formations and ideological understandings of literature, creating an environment where literary work is prioritized.
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Solubility of Nitrogen in Liquid Iron AlloysGomersall, David William 09 1900 (has links)
<p> An investigation has been made concerning the solubility of nitrogen in pure liquid iron, iron-carbon and ironaluminium alloys. A technique involving levitation melting and a rapid quench device has been used. The experimental data obtained have been expressed in terms of the interaction coefficients proposed by Wagner and Lupis and Elliott. The data have also been used to test the formalisms developed recently by Darken and Chipman. A simple model for liquid metal solutions in which the solutes may be considered "interstitial" has been developed and tested using the results of the present study and published data for a number of ternary solutions </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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A Comparative Study of Concert Formations for the Malone University Chorale in the Worship CenterRearick, Zachary C. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The geology and geochemistry of the Bridgetown Formation of the Malmesbury Group, Western Cape ProvinceSlabber, Nina 06 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University , 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A number of small greenstone bodies of the Bridgetown Formation are exposed as
elongated lenses and dykes within metasediments of the Malmesbury Group in the
Western Cape Province, South Africa. The Malmesbury Group is part of the
Neoproterozoic to Cambrian (Namibian) Saldania Subprovince which is the southern
continuation of a Pan-African mobile belt system.
A detailed geological and geochemical study was conducted on the largest outcrop
of the Bridgetown Formation, situated 20km east of the town Moorreesburg.
The Bridgetown Formation consists of a meta-volcano-sedimentary sequence that
experienced polyphase deformation and metamorphism up to the lower greenschist
facies. Tectonically, the Bridgetown Formation is included in the Boland tectonic
domain, east of the Piketberg-Wel lington fault zone that is suggested to run Skm
west of Heuningberg and subparallel to the Berg River. This agrees with Rabie's
(1974) original subdivision of the tectonic domains.
The Bridgetown Formation consists of: i) A basal unit of poorly differentiated
alkaline metabasalt with a within-plate tectonomagmatic fingerprint. ii) An
intermediate unit of poorly differentiated tholeiitic metabasalt, intruded by a younger
tholeiitic metabasite with a low degree of differentiation. Both members of the
intermediate unit have ocean-floor basalt (P-type MORB) and island arc basalt
fingerprints. iii) An upper unit of poorly differentiated as well as more evolved
alkaline metabasalts, interlayered with metatuff with an alkaline basaltic composition,
metasedimentary rocks with a marine origin, and graphitic schists and muscovitequartz
schists, both with a continental crust provenance. iv) An overlying
metasedimentary sequence including dolomite, massive and oolitic chert, jasper and
The Bridgetown Formation probably also comprises a lower metamorphosed
ultramafic unit, indicated by the association of Ni- and Cr-rich talc bodies, Ni-and errich
banded chert, chlorite schist and small dolomite-talc-chlorite bodies at Spitskop,
situated directly northwest of the main greenstone body.
The sequence of eruptive stages and the geochemistry of the metavolcanics
resemble Hawaiian volcanism , indicated by an initial deep water stage of alkaline
magmatism, followed by main tholeiitic edifice and post-caldera alkaline magmatism.
Post-caldera alkaline magmatism occurred contemporaneously with deposition . of
sediments and chemical precipitates (carbonates and cherts).
The Bridgetown metavolcanics have no magmatic association with either the
Bloubergstrand volcanics or mafic and intermediate plutonic rocks in the
Malmesbury Group. However, some physical and geochemical similarities exist
between the Bridgetown Formation and the age related Grootderm Formation of the
Marmora Terrane (Gariep Supergroup) which is considered to represent ophiolitic
material. The Bridgetown Formation probably represents segments of oceanic crust,
including seamounts of oceanic islands, which were tectonically emplaced in an
accretionary prism zone during subduction of oceanic crust underneath the Kalahari
Craton, 600 to 700 Ma ago. This resulted in the present spatial configuration of
various small greenstone bodies in the Malmesbury Group.
To date no exploitable mineral deposits have been found 1n the Bridgetown
Formation. However, Au and As anomalies in stream sediment and soil samples,
taken in the Spitskop area, require further attention. lt is suggested that the gold
and arsenic is hosted in brittle deformed clear to milky quartz veins which developed
at zones of competency contrasts in all the li tholog ies in the Spitskop area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Aantal klein groenskisliggame van die Bridgetown Formasie is blootgestel as
verlengde lense en gange binne metasedimente van die Malmesbury Groep in die
Wes-Kaap Provinsie, Suid-Afrika. Die Malmesbury Groep is deel van die
Neoproterozo·iese tot Kambriese (Namibiese) Saldania Subprovinsie wat die
suidelike voortsetting is van 'n Pan-Afrikaanse mobiele gordel sisteem.
'n Gedetaileerde geologiese en geochemiese studie is gedoen op die grootste
dagsoom van die Bridgetown Formasie, gelee 20km oos van die dorp Moorreesburg.
Die Bridgetown Formasie bestaan uit 'n metavulkanies-sedimentere opeenvolging
wat pol ifase vervorming en metamorfisme tot en met die laer groenskis fasies
ondergaan het. Die Bridgetown Formasie word hier in die Boland tektoniese domein
ingedeel deur die Piketberg-Wellington verskuiwingsone 5km wes van Heuningberg,
subparallel a an die Bergrivier, te plaas. Dit stem ooreen met Rabie ( 197 4) se
oorspronkl ike verdeling van die tektoniese domeine.
Die Bridgetown Formasie bestaan uit: i) 'n Basale eenheid wat hoofsaaklik bestaan
uit min gedifferens ieerde alkali-metabasalte met binneplaat tektonomagmatiese
eienskappe. ii) 'n lntermediere eenheid wat bestaan uit min gedifferensieerde
tholeiitiese metabasalt en 'n jonger intrusiewe tholeiitiese metabasiet wat 'n lae
graad van differensias ie ondergaan het. Beide intermediere eenhede het
oseaanvloer-basalt (P-t ipe MORB) en eilandboog basaltiese eienskappe. iii) 'n
Boonste eenheid wat bestaan uit min gedifferensieerde asook meer
gedifferensieerde alkal i-metabasalte, tussengelaagd met metatuf met 'n alka libasaltiese
samestelling; metasedimentere gesteentes met 'n mariene oorsprong, en
grafitiese ski ste en kwarts-muskoviet skiste, beide met 'n kontinentale kors
oorsprong . iv) 'n Oorliggende metasedimentere opeenvolging wat dolomiet,
massiewe en ooli tiese chert, jaspis en jaspiliet insluit.
Die Bridgetown Formasie slu it moontlik ook 'n onderliggende gemetamorfiseerde
ultramafiese eenheid in; aangedui deur die assosiasie van Ni- en Cr-ryke
ta lkl iggame, Ni- en Cr-ryke gebande chert, chlorietskis en klein dolomiet-talk-chloriet
liggame by Spitskop, gelee direk noordwes van die hoof groensteenliggaam.
Die opeenvolg ing van magmatisme en die geochemie van die metavulkaniese
gesteentes stem ooreen met Hawaiiese vulkanisme, naamlik 'n diepwater stadium, gekarakteriseer deur alkaliese magmatisme, gevolg deur 'n hoof tholeiitiese
opbouing en post-kaldera alkaliese magmatisme. Die post-kaldera alkaliese
magmatisme het gelyktydig plaasgevind met afsetting van sedimente en chemiese
presipitate (karbonate en cherte ).
Die Bridgetown metavulkaniese gesteentes het geen magmatiese assosiasie met
6f die Bloubergstrand vulkaniese gesteentes 6f mafiese en intermediere plutoniese
gesteentes in die Malmesbury Groep nie. Fisiese en geochemiese ooreenkomste
bestaan egter tussen die Bridgetown Formasie en die Grootderm Formasie van die
Marmora Terrein (Gariep Supergroep) wat beskou word as ofiolitiese materiaal. Die
Bridgetown Formasie verteenwoordig moontlik segmente van oseaankors,
insluitende oseaan-eilande, wat tektonies in 'n melange sone ingeplaas is tydens
subduksie van oseaankors onder die Kalahari Kraton in (600 tot 700 Mj gelede). Dit
verklaar die huidige ruimte like verspreiding van verske ie klein groensteenliggame in
die Malmesbury Groep.
Tot en met hede is geen ontginbare mineraalafsettings in die Bridgetown Formasie
ontdek nie. Au en As anomalie in stroomsediment- en grondmonsters, geneem in
die Spitskop area, behoort egter verdere aandag te geniet. Daar is voorgestel dat
die goud en arseen voorkom in brosvervormde helder tot melkerige kwartsare wat
ontwikkel het in swak sones in al die litologie in die Spitskop area.
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The lithostratigraphy of Cenozoic deposits along the south-east Cape coast as related to sea-level changesLe Roux, F. G. 08 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 1989. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Senosoiese sedimente langs die suidooskus van die
Kaapprovinsie is periodiek deur verskeie outeurs vir meer as
'n eeu bestudeer. In hierdie aanbieding word die
Iiteratuur saamgevat en vele dubbelsinnige stratigrafiese
onderverdelings en definisies opgeklaar.
Die Senosoiese afsettings kan volgens oorsprong
geklassifiseer word as marien, eolies en fluviaal. Die
mariene afsettings, synde strand-, nabystrand-, estuarien of
lagunale afsettings geassosieerd met transgressiewe/
regressiewe kusIyne, word nou op grond van kenmerkende
litologiese, paleontologiese sowel as ouderdomsverskille
onderverdeel in die Paleogeen Bathurst, Neogeen Alexandria
en Kwaternere Salnova Foraasies. Die Laat-Plioseen tot
Vroeg-Pleistoseen Nanaga Formasie, Middel- tot Laat-
Pleistoseen Nahoon Formasie en die Holoseen Schel• Hoek
Formasie vorm die kus-eoliese afsettings. AI die mariene
en marienverwante (eoliese} formasies, gekenmerk deur
kalkige klastiese afsettings, is saamgegroepeer in 'n
nuutgedefinieerde Algoa Groep. Fluviale afsettings word
onderverdeel in die Martindale, Kinkelbos, Bluewater Bay,
Kudus Kloof en Sunland Formasies.
Die onderskeie afsettings word gekorreleer met verskillende
seevlakstande deur geologiese tye.
Die vroegste Senosoiese
transgressiewe/regressiewe siklus het in die Vroeg-Paleoseen
begin en die hoogste aangetekende elevasie vir die era
bereik. Die Bathurst Formasie is waarskynlik gedurende
hierdie regressie afgeset. 'n Tweed~ kleiner transgressie/
regressiesiklus het plaasgevind gedurende die Laat-Eoseen
tot Vroeg-Oligoseen. Sover tans bekend, kan geen afsetting
in die dagsoomgebied van die Algoa Groep definitief met
hierdie siklus in verband gebring word nie. Die volgende
siklus, wat 'n transgressiewe maksimum van c. 250 m bereik
het, het begin in die Middel-Mioseen en verstryk in die
Vroee Plioseen. Mariene planasie van die kusplatform het
gedurende die transgressie plaasgevind terwyl die Alexandria
Formasie wat tans bo 120 m geleë is, gedurende die regressie
afgeset is. Die Vroeg-Plioseen transgressie het waarskynlik
'n maksimum huidige hoogte van c. 120 m bereik,
waartydens o.a. die 120 m branderstoep en "Humansdorpterras"
gekerf is. Die Alexandria Formasie tans geleë tussen 60 en
120 m, is afgeset gedurende die Laat-Plioseen regressie.
Hierdie regressie het verskeie relatief lang stilstande, wat
waarskynlik die 106-m, 90- tot 100-m en 84-m branderstoepe
verklaar, ondervind. Selfs die 60-m en 52-m kuslyne kon
tydens hierdie regressie gevorm het. Voorlopige
paleontologiese getuienis dui egter daarop dat die 60-m
kuslyn 'n transgressiewe maksimum van 'n daaropvolgende
siklus verteenwoordig, gevolg deur 'n regressie met minstens
een beduidende stilstand by 52 m. Die Alexandria Formasie
geleë tussen c. 60 en 30 m, is waarskynlik gedurende hierdie
regressie gedeponeer, waartydens ook die Bluewater Bay,
Kinkelbos en Kudus Kloof Formasies afgeset is.
Gedurende die Kwaternêre transgressie/regressiesiklusse,
waarvan minstens vier aangedui word, is die Salnova Formasie
(afwesig bo 30 m) afgeset. Die Nahoon Formasie, wat ook op
groot skaal op die kontinentale bank ontwikkel is, is
gedeponeer gedurende die laaste twee Pleistoseen glasiale
toe seevlakke tot benede -100 m gedaal het. Die Schelm
Hoek Formasie wat tans nog afgeset word, het ontstaan uit
die transgressiewe maksimum van die Flandriese transgressie
aan die begin van die Holoseen. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cenozoic sediments along the south-east coast of the Cape
Province have been studied intermittently for more than a
century by various authors. In this presentation the
literature is reviewed and many ambiguous stratigraphic
subdivisions and definitions are clarified.
The Cenozoic deposits can be classified, according to
origin, as marine, aeolian and fluvial. The marine
deposits, being
lagoonal deposits
either beach, nearshore, estuarine or
associated with transgressive/regressive
shorelines, are now subdivided on the grounds of distinct
lithological, palaeontological as well as age differences
into the Palaeogene Bathurst, Neogene Alexandria and
Quaternary Salnova Formations. The Late Pliocene to Early
Pleistocene Nanaga Formation, the Hiddle to Late Pleistocene
Nahoon Formation and the Holocene Schelm Hoek Formation
constitute the coastal
and marine-related
aeolian deposits. All the marine
(aeolian) formations, which are
characterised by calcareous clastics, have been grouped
together in a newly defined Algoa Group. Fluvial
deposits are subdivided into the Martindale, Kinkelbos,
Bluewater Bay, Kudus Kloof and Sunland Formations.
The various deposits are correlated with different stands of
sea-level through geological time. The earliest Cenozoic
transgression/regression cycle started in the Early
Palaeocene and reached the highest recorded altitude for the
era. The Bathurst Formation was probably deposited during
this regression. A second lesser transgression/regression
cycle occurred in the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene. As
far as is presently known, no deposit in the outcrop area of
the Algoa Group can be definitely related to this cycle.
The next cycle, which reached a transgressive maximum of c.
250 m, started in the Middle Miocene and terminated in the
Early Pliocene. Marine planation of the coastal platform
took place during the transgression, whilst the Alexandria
Formation presently situated above 120 m, was deposited
during the regression. The Early Pliocene transgression is
considered to have reached a maximum present-day elevation
of c. 120 m, during which the 120 m marine bench and
"Humansdorp Terrace", amongst others, were carved. The
Alexandria Formation presently situated between 60 and
120 m, was deposited during the Late Pliocene regression,
which experienced several relatively long stillstands which
probably account for the 106 m, 90 t.o 100 m and 8.4 m
benches. Even the 60 m- and 52 m-shorelines could have
been formed during this regression. Preliminary
palaeontological evidence, however, suggests that the 60 m shoreline
represents a transgressive maximum of a subsequent
cycle followed by a regression with at least one significant
stillstand at 52 m. The Alexandria Formation situated
between c. 60 and 30 m, was probably deposited during this
regression, which also saw the deposition of the Bluewater
Bay, Kinkelbos and Kudus Kloof Formations.
During the Quaternary transgression/regression cycles, of
which at least four are indicated, the Salnova Formation
(absent above 30 m) was deposited. The Nahoon Formation,
which is also extensively developed on the continental
shelf, was deposited during the last two Pleistocene
glacials, when sea-levels receded to less than -100 m. The
Schelm Hoek Formation, which is still being deposited,
originated from the transgressive maximum of the Flandrian
transgression at the start of the Holocene.
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Apports d’une approche couplée physique et géochimie des eaux souterraines pour caractériser les fonctionnements hydrodynamiques transitoires. Cas de la plaine alluviale du Forez. / Contribution of a coupled geochemical and physical approach for the characterization of transient groundwater flow applied to the Forez Plain (France, Loire 42).Re-Bahaud, Jordan 22 October 2012 (has links)
Le diagnostic du SAGE Loire au niveau de la plaine du Forez (42) relate une dégradation du potentiel hydrogéologique et une pollution des nappes superficielles par les nitrates et les pesticides. Ces problèmes nécessitent une gestion durable et équilibrée de la ressource en eau. Une partie de la demande en eau est assurée par la ressource souterraine. Les eaux souterraines exploitées sont : les eaux des formations alluviales superficielles pour l’irrigation et l’AEP ; et les eaux minérales des niveaux aquifères profonds du bassin sédimentaire sous-jacents aux alluvions pour le thermalisme et de mise en bouteille.La synthèse des connaissances disponibles a révélé des insuffisances dans la description des aquifères superficiels. En effet, elles ne permettent pas d’appréhender comment fluctue la ressource dans le temps et ne prennent pas en compte l’origine de la recharge des aquifères superficiels. Ainsi, le travail de thèse se focalise sur ces deux points particuliers :- l’identification du fonctionnement transitoire des aquifères est abordée par caractérisation physique des écoulements s’appuyant sur l’analyse de 4 points de suivi piézométrique permanent et la modélisation numérique des écoulements permettant de reproduire les fluctuations piézométriques observées.- l’origine de la recharge des aquifères alluviaux est abordée par caractérisation géochimique des écoulements (analyses en ions majeurs et isotopes δ180, δ2H, δ13C et A14C). Cette approche a mis en évidence des apports d’eaux profondes alimentant localement les aquifères superficiels.La méthodologie proposée, couplée physique et géochimie, permet de mieux préciser la vulnérabilité des aquifères investigués, en vue d’une meilleure gestion future. / The Water Management Scheme in the Forez plain (France 42) has concluded to a degradation of the water resources and a serious pollution of the shallow aquifers by nitrogen and pesticides. These issues require a sustainable and balanced management of the water resources. A part of the water demand is met by groundwater. The exploited groundwater come from: shallow alluvial formations exploited for irrigation and drinking water and deep aquifers in sedimentary basin under the alluvium. Mineral waters from the deep aquifers are exploited for thermo-mineral activities and bottling.The analysis of the data available in the studied area revealed a lack of knowledge in the understanding of the groundwater flow in the shallow aquifers. Is not sufficient to explain how the water resource varies with time and the origin of the recharge of the shallow aquifers. As consequence, this thesis work will focus on these two main topics: - Identification of the transient functioning of the aquifers based on a physical characterization of groundwater flow. This method is based on piezometric head analysis carry out on 4 stations with continuous measurements and numerical modeling to compare with the observed piezometric fluctuations.- Identification of the origin of the recharge of the alluvial aquifers through a geochemical characterization of groundwater flow (major ions and isotopes δ180, δ2H, δ13C and A14C). This approach established the partial contribution of the deep aquifers to the groundwater flow in the shallow alluvium. This methodology based on a coupled geochemical and physical approach allows to assess the vulnerability of the studied aquifers and contributes to improve the future water resources management in this area.
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L'université française et la fabrique de professionnels : Essai de typologie des formations universitaires / The French University and the Making of professionals : An Essay of Typology of the Academic ProgramsGauthier, Julie 02 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d'enrichir la notion de professionnalisation. S'articulant autour des notions de régulation de l'entrée dans un corps professionnel et de fabrique de professionnels, elle propose une conception originale du processus de professionnalisation des formations universitaires. Elle tente principalement de construire une typologie des formations à partir de l'analyse synchronique et diachronique de leurs contenus et de leurs méthodes d'apprentissage. Ce travail mobilise un ensemble hétéroclite de travaux de sciences sociales allant de l'histoire des universités et de la sociologie des professions à la philosophie aristotélicienne. À partir de la question de recherche « Quels types de professionnels les formations universitaires sont-elles en mesure de fabriquer ? », il part du postulat que la nature des savoirs transmis fixe les modalités de cette fabrication. Il montre que ces savoirs participent de trois types de discipline (discipline pratique, discipline scientifique et discipline poïétique) auxquels sont rattachés quatre types de formation : la formation professionnelle généraliste, la formation professionnelle spécialiste, la formation professionnelle scientifique et la formation professionnelle poïétique. / This thesis aims to enrich the concept of professionalization. This work proposes an original conception of the process of professionalization of the university academic programs. This work is based on the concepts of regulation of the entrance into a profession and of making of the professionals. It primarily seeks to construct a typology thanks to the analysis of training content and learning methods from a synchronic and a diachronic point of view. This work uses resources from history of universities, sociology of professions and aristotelian philosophy. Starting from the following research question « What types of professionals the university academic programs are able to make? », it assumes that the nature of knowledge obtained by a student determines the conditions of this making. This knowledge consists of three types of discipline (practice discipline, scientific discipline and poietic discipline) which are related to four types of trainings : professional generalist training, professional specialist training, professional scientific training and professional poietic training.
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Klasifikace dat leteckého laserového skenování v pískovcových skalních městech / Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Sandstone LandscapesTomková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Sandstone Landscapes Abstract This work is concerned with the classification of airborne laser scanning data in sandstone landscapes called "rock cities". Standard filters do not work reliably in such a rugged terrain covered with dense vegetation and in the results the rock formations are smoothed or even removed from the terrain. The method of classification suggested in this work is based on the procedure used in manual filtration. When exploring a sufficiently dense point cloud in 3D, one is able to distinguish rock formations from trees even though their shapes are similar. In contrast to trees, rock pillars are modeled only by points reflected off the surface and therefore they make concave elevations in the ground. Because of penetration of trees, there are points reflected off a treetop, branches, leaves and also ground under the tree. The proposed method segments a point cloud according to local minima in approximated surface and classifies these objects into classes rock, tree, and mix by inner point distribution. Objects in classes tree and mix are then filtered by lasground function from LAStools. The method was tested with merged point cloud consisted of data from the standard airborne laser scanning of the Czech Republic and experimental...
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Discursos sobre ensino de literatura em documentos curriculares nacionais / Discourses about teaching literature in national curricular documentsRodrigues, Daniele Gualtieri 12 April 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa contextualiza a formação da disciplina escolar Língua Portuguesa, as transformações ocorridas no ensino de literatura e investiga os discursos que circulam em documentos curriculares oficiais voltados para o ensino de língua portuguesa sobre o conceito de literatura. Para tanto, analisa-se o currículo de literatura para o ensino médio, etapa final da educação básica no Brasil, a partir das discussões propostas pelas teorias pós-críticas do currículo, sobretudo pelos Estudos Culturais e Multiculturalismo Crítico, além das formulações de Foucault sobre as formações discursivas e os mecanismos que (des)autorizam a emergência de enunciados. São foco da investigação documentos curriculares oficiais de âmbito nacional, particularmente os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais Ensino Médio Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias (MEC, 2000), as Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais PCN+ Ensino Médio Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias (MEC, 2002), as Orientações curriculares para o ensino médio: linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias (MEC, 2006) e a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (MEC, 2018). A pesquisa indica que, nos documentos oficiais, o discurso oficial se sobrepõe aos discursos pedagógicos e acadêmicos. Quanto ao ensino de literatura, nota-se um movimento de deslocamento de o que e por que se ensina, procurando-se abarcar não apenas o estudo de obras canônicas, social e culturalmente valorizadas. Especificamente em relação aos conceitos de Literatura/literatura, e de literário e não literário, duas formações discursivas coexistem: a primeira, ligada à tradição escolar e aos saberes hegemônicos do cânone literário; e a segunda, associada a saberes não hegemônicos, cujos textos nem sempre tiveram o estatuto de obra literária / This research contextualizes the formation of the Portuguese language school discipline, the transformations occurred in the teaching of literature and investigates the discourses that circulate in official curricular documents aimed at the teaching of Portuguese language on the concept of \"literature\". The literature curriculum for high school, the final stage of basic education in Brazil, is analyzed from the discussions proposed by the post-critical theories of the curriculum, especially by Cultural Studies and Critical Multiculturalism, in addition to Foucault\'s the discursive formations and the mechanisms that (des)authorize the emergence of statements. National Curricular Parameters - Secondary Education - Languages, Codes and their Technologies (MEC, 2000), the Complementary Educational Guidelines to National Curricular Parameters - PCN + Secondary Education - Languages, Codes and their technologies (MEC, 2002), Curricular Guidelines for High School: languages, codes and their technologies (MEC, 2006) and the National Common Curricular Base (MEC, 2018). The research indicates that, in official documents, official discourse overlaps pedagogical and academic discourses. As for literature teaching, there is a movement of displacement of \"what\" and \"why\" is taught, seeking to encompass not only the study of canonical works, socially and culturally valued. Specifically in relation to the concepts of Literature / literature, and literary and non-literary, two discursive formations coexist: the first, linked to the school tradition and the hegemonic knowledge of the literary canon; and the second, associated with non-hegemonic knowledge, whose texts have not always had the status of literary work
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