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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"De famlar i mörkret"... : en studie om bedömning inom den praktiska kunskapstraditionen.

Ahlstrand, Pernilla January 2009 (has links)
I den kvalitativa studien undersöks vad som ligger till grund för bedömning i fyra ämnen inom gymnasieskolan. De ämnen som undersöks är teater, idrott- och hälsa, hotel- och restaurang samt träteknik. Intervjuer med lärare visar att det läggs stor vikt vid bedömning av processen i den dagliga undervisningen, dvs. närvaro, samarbete, ansvar, behov av handledning, självständighet och ambition. Även den produkt eller det slutresultat som undervisningen leder fram till tas med i bedömningen. Lärarna uttrycker även att teoretiska aspekter på undervisningen såsom faktakunskaper, analys, att problematisera och reflektera är underlag för bedömning. Personlig färdighet, talang, förkunskaper samt att kunna göra kopplingar till yrket dvs. elevens förmåga att tillämpa sina kunskaper väger även det in i bedömningen. Observationer vid omdömessamtal samt analys av skriftliga omdömen visar att det är processen som får mest utrymme i bedömningen. För att dokumentera och avgöra om eleven nått målen för undervisningen använder sig lärarna av anteckningar men även den produkt eller det resultat som består. Lärarna beskriver även att de genom kommunikation med eleverna och genom att uppmärksamma hur elever reflekterar kring uppgifterna gör bedömningar. Lärarna uttrycker att de skulle önska att de kunde arbeta mer med bedömning men det som hindrar de är fram för allt tiden, att man upplever att man i så fall skulle behöva strukturera om eller göra avkall på viss undervisning. Andra hinder som lärarna beskriver är att man är fast i vissa traditioner vad gäller undervisning och organisation. Dessutom beskriver lärarna att de saknar tydlighet hur de själva kommunicerar mål och betygskriterier till eleverna.

Formativ bedömning i matematik : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om formativ bedömning med matematiklärare i årskurs 7-9 / Formative assessment in mathematics : A qualitative interview study about formative assessment with mathematics teachers in grade 7-9

Larsson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka arbetssätt som verksamma matematiklärare använder för att arbeta med formativ bedömning. Syftet är även att undersöka vilka effekter på elevernas lärande de upplever att arbetssätten har samt vilka svårigheter de upplevt med att implementera formativ bedömning. I och med den nya läroplanen samt flera stora forskningsöversikter har begreppet formativ bedömning fått stor genomslagskraft inom den svenska skolan, trots detta upplevs ämnet matematik inte vara lika formativt som många andra ämnen. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i denna studie bygger på Dylan Wiliams fem nyckelstrategier för formativ bedömning. För att uppnå studiens syfte har åtta stycken verksamma matematiklärare deltagit i en kvalitativ intervju. Deras svar har analyserats utifrån en meningstolkande analysmodell. Resultatet visar att samtliga lärare anser sig arbeta med formativt bedömning och att det främst görs genom ökad muntlighet i klassrummet, grupparbeten och problemlösningsfokus. Det framgår även att de två sista nyckelstrategierna, kamratbedömning och självvärdering, är de som lärarna arbetar minst med. Samtliga lärare upplever att tidsbristen är den största svårigheten och att den främsta effekten på elevernas lärande är att de blir mer medvetna om sin egen lärprocess. / The purpose of this essay is to give an insight into how people working as mathematics teachers works with formative assessment, which effects on the students learning they experience that the formative methods have and which difficulties they have experienced when implementing a formative assessment. Due to the new curriculum and many significant research surveys the term formative assessment have made a big impact on the Swedish school system, despite that the mathematics subject doesn't seem as formative as other subjects. The theoretical starting point for this study is found Dylan Wiliams five key strategies for formative assessment. Eight mathematics teachers have participated in a qualitative interview and their answers have then been analyzed on the basis of an analyzing model with the purpose to find an answer at our research questions. The result shows that all the teachers consider themselves to work with formative assessment and that it is mostly done through more oral components, group work and problem solving in the classrooms. It also shown that the last two of the key strategies, peer assessment and self-evaluation, are the two components that they work the least with. All teachers experience that the lack of time is the biggest problem in implementing a formative assessment and that the biggest effect on students learning is that the students become more aware of their own learning process.

Bridging the gap : self-assessment, e-portfolios, and formative assessment in the foreign language classroom

Gossett, Nicholas Stanford 23 October 2013 (has links)
Despite the amount of empirical evidence available to validate the claim that language learners have the ability to evaluate their own abilities in a foreign language, many educators feel that self-assessments are unreliable and do not fit into the foreign language classroom. However, the move towards a proficiency-based student-centered classroom over the past two decades has caused many educators to rethink the use of self-assessment measures in the foreign language classroom. At the same time, portfolios have emerged as assessment tools for both educators and learners. Most recently, with the technological advancements in the past decade, Internet-based e-portfolios have become increasingly popular in education. However, there are very few studies on the use and implementation of e-portfolios, specifically in the foreign language classroom. This dissertation examines the role of self-assessment in the foreign language classroom. It utilizes an e-portfolio platform with pre-loaded can-do statements to create an evidence-based self-assessment for an intensive Russian language class. This dissertation presents self-assessment as a teacher-validated process utilizing formative assessment to create a learner-centered environment outside of the classroom. The study correlates results from three separate foreign language assessment tools to determine their relation to one another. The study promotes a holistic approach to language assessment and provides a process for holistic approach in the foreign language classroom. The process outlined in this study is easy to replicate and can be incorporated into foreign language courses with a limited amount of resources. / text

Lust till matematik - en rättighet eller bara några få förunnat?

Lundgren, Christina January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie är genomfört som ett undervisningsförsök, där formativ bedömning har imple­menterats i matematikundervisning. Syftet med studien var att studera om det var möjligt att förändra undervisningen på denna korta tid samt om eleverna blev mer motiverade och om de upplevde mer lust till ämnet genom denna undervisningsstrategi. Ett särskilt fokus riktades på elever i matematiksvårigheter.   Studien genomfördes i en årskurs 7:a, under höstterminen 2009, med inspiration Wiliam, (2007) Five ”Key Strategies” for Effective Assessmentutifrån och Black et al. (2003), Assess­ment for Learning – Putting it into practice. De förändringar som gjordes genomfördes av den ordinarie matematikläraren med stöd av mig som handledare under hela försöksperioden.   För metodinsamling valdes, enkät, observation och intervju för att därigenom kunna göra en triangulerad ansats. Både enkät och intervju gjordes som för- och eftermätning och riktades mot eleverna. Observationer gjordes även de före försöket i avseende på att studera lärarens undervisning och de utvalda elevernas beteende och effektiva arbetstid i klassrummet. Däref­ter gjordes fortlöpande observationer under hela försökets gång. Av klassens 15 elever valde 14 att ställa upp i undersökningen.   Förändringar tar tid, vilket medför att resultatet inte blev häpnadsväckande men visade ändå på tendenser till att elevernas motivation och lust till matematiken ökade genom implemente­ring av formativ bedömning i undervisningen.

Paarassessering teenoor individuele assessering in rekenaarprogrammering / Jan Hendrik Hahn

Hahn, Jan Hendrik January 2008 (has links)
During the past few years, pair-programming is a programming technique that has received an increasing amount of attention in the teaching of computer programming skills. Pair programming can briefly be described as a programming situation in which two persons sit at one computer and execute the task together. Although much research has been done on the advantages and disadvantages of pair programming, the assessment of computer skills acquired in pairs still remains a problem. The perception exists that pair assessment is not a reliable indicator of students' computer programming abilities. The purpose of the study was to determine whether (1) the results of programming skills assessed in pairs correlate with those of programming skills assessed individually, and (2) to investigate students' perceptions of pair and individual assessment. To reach these objectives, a literature study was performed to investigate pair programming as programming technique and the assessment of programming skills acquired in pairs. The empirical study has revealed that a positive relation exists between programming skills assessed in pairs and programming skills assessed individually. Furthermore, it was found that in general students' perceptions concerning pair assessment have changed positively. Based on the results arising from the empirical study, guidelines were suggested for the facilitation and assessment of pair programming skills. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Vartotojų lūkesčių formavimo modelis / The formative model for the expectations of consumers

Račkauskaitė, Ineta 25 August 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti vartotojų lūkesčius formuojančias rinkodaros priemones bei veiksnius ir pateikti vartotojų lūkesčių formavimo modelį taip pat rekomendacijas pastarojo įgyvendinimui. Pirmiausia tam, kad būtų pasiektas keliamas tikslas atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė ir išaiškinta lūkesčių sąvoka. Be to, aptariamos identifikuotos lūkesčių funkcijos ir galiausiai suformuluojama šio darbo problema: kaip formuoti vartotojų lūkesčius. Atliktas vartotojų nuomonės tyrimas parodė, kad labiausiai vartotojų lūkesčius formuoja transliuojamojo pobūdžio reklaminiai pranešimai ir komunikacija „iš lūpų į lūpas“. Taip pat ištirti veiksniai bei produktų/paslaugų savybės, kurių naudojimas įvairaus pobūdžio komunikacinėse žinutėse nebūtinai formuoja vien teigiamus ir reklaminius pranešimus atitinkančius lūkesčius. Galiausiai integruojant mokslinės literatūros analizę bei atlikto vartotojų nuomonės tyrimo rezultatus pateikiamas vartotojų lūkesčių formavimo modelis bei rekomendacijos pastarojo įgyvendinimui. / The aim of this paper is to analyze the means and factors of communication that form the expectations of consumers and to present the formative model for the expectations of consumers as well as the recommendations for the realization of the latter. First, in order to achieve the purpose, the analysis of nonfiction literature was implemented and the perception of expectations was found out. In addition, the identified functions of expectations are discussed and finally the problem of this paper is formulated: how to form the expectations of consumers. The implemented study on the opinion of consumers revealed that the expectations of consumers are mostly formed by broadcasted commercial reports and by the communication „word – of – mouth“. The factors and the characteristics of products/services used in different types of communicational messages and not necessarily forming the expectations corresponding to positive and commercial reports were examined. Finally, the formative model for the expectations of customers and the recommendations for the realization of the latter are presented through the integration of the analysis of science literature and the results of the implemented study on the opinion of consumers.

Dainų dainelės ir pedagogų vaidmuo formuojant teigiamą vaikų poziūrį į muzikinę saviugdą / The role of "Dainu dainele" and educationalists formative positive opinion of infants to musical self-help

Marazienė, Vaida-Jurgita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe „„Dainų dainelės“ ir pedagogų vaidmuo formuojant teigiamą vaikų požiūrį į muzikinę saviugdą“ nagrinėjama vaikų ir moksleivių televizijos festivalio-konkurso „Dainų dainelė“ įtaka vaikų ugdymui. Pedagoginė problema aktuali tuo, kad analogų neturintis per 30 metų gyvuojantis festivalis-konkursas tapo tikru fenomenu ir puikiu postūmiu reikštis jauniems dainininkams tiek ansambliuose, tiek solo. Pasirodymas „Dainų dainelėje“ dažnai tampa pirmuoju, tačiau anaiptol ne paskutiniu viešu pasirodymu. Tyrimo objektas – vaikų muzikinė saviugda dalyvaujant „Dainų dainelėje“. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti „Dainų dainelės“ ir pedagogų įtaką vaikų muzikinei saviugdai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: muzikinė saviugda, pedagoginė įtaka, dainininkų ugdymas. Darbe apžvelgiama „Dainų dainelės“ istorija, renginio kaita, pedagoginės ugdymo subtilybės – ugdytojo autoriteto svarba, scenos baimės apraiškos, balso higienos ypatybės. Juk rengimasis „Dainų dainelei“ gali skatinti ne tik mokinį, bet ir jo ugdytoją, kadangi šis turi tapti tikru, pilnaverčiu autoritetu. Šiuo aspektu labai daug lemia ne tik pedagogo gebėjimas komunikuoti, bet ir jo profesinis pasirengimas, uždegantis tikėjimas savo veikla, atraktyvi dėstymo metodika, didinanti pedagoginę įtaką. Siekiant sužinoti „Dainų dainelės“ dalyvių nuomonę apie šį festivalį-konkursą, buvo apklausti 50 dalyvių. Empirinis tyrimas atskleidė, jog daugeliui dalyvių festivalis-konkursas „Dainų dainelė“ teikia teigiamas emocijas, žadina atsakomybės jausmą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Influence of children’s and schoolchildren’s festival “Dainu dainele” examined in Master‘s final scientific work “The role of “Dainu dainele“ and educationalists formative positive opinion of infants to musical self-help“. Pedagogical problem is relevant because festival – contest exist more than 30 years, it haven‘t any analogues in Lithuania and it became sure phenomenon and perfect push of young vocalists convey both in companys and in solo. The Appearance in „Dainu dainele“ often become the first but not the last public appearance. The investigative subject of Master‘s final scientific work is musical self-help of infants when they involve in “Dainu dainele”. The investigative purpose of Master‘s final scientific work is to find the role of “Dainu dainele“ and educationalists to musical self-help of infants. Significant words: a musical self-help, the role of educationalists, education of singers. The history of „Dainu dainele“, alternation of event, refinement of educationalists education, importance of educationalist, manifestatons of scene‘s fear, internal of voice‘s hygiene are reviewed in Master‘s final scientific work. After all arrangement to “Dainu dainele” can motivate not only schoolchildren but also his educator because he must to become real and full – fledged standing. Instance very much determine educationalist not only ability to comunicate but also his professional readiness, inspirational belief in his work, methodology of enunciation that enhance... [to full text]

Formative Computer-based Assessments: The potentials and pitfalls of two formative computer-based assessments used in professional learning programs

Miller, SANDRA 28 January 2009 (has links)
A case study approach is used to examine two formative computer based assessments (CBAs) used in a School of Medicine and Faculty of Education at a Canadian university. Both assessments contained primarily scenario-based, multiple-choice items however the number of items and complexity was different. The formative CBAs were examined in terms of how feedback is provided to students, the effectiveness of different types of feedback, and the characteristics of items used for assessment. Feedback was channelled to students in one case, immediately following responding to an item and in the second case, at the end of a set of items. Feedback given to students immediately following an item was more effective given that the timing captured students’ construction of knowledge. The most favoured type of feedback provided additional information. Students also indicated that feedback using a live internet link to direct them to a resource would be acceptable. Although feedback that simply stated a response was correct or incorrect was previously shown to be ineffective, students from the School of Medicine indicated this type of feedback was acceptable for low cognitive items. In both case studies, students reported that more items were required and in one case study, students recommended these items be added at the higher end of the cognitive scale. / Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2009-01-28 13:55:37.823


Warner, John P. 01 January 2010 (has links)
This works examines the Late Formative Period site of Jatanca (Je-1023) located on the desert north coast of the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru. Je-1023 is a complex site made up of numerous free-standing compounds that are organized around several predictably located, replicated interior complexes that were important in determining the overall shape and interior organization of the site. While this work relies on a number of data sets traditionally used by archaeologists as a means of examining prehistoric cultures such as ceramics, ethnobotanical analysis, and the surrounding relic landscape, architectural analysis is the primary means by which Je-1023 is examined. This work elucidates a number of archaeological issues at a variety of scales of consideration. From the level of the compound up to the entire North Coast, sociopolitical organization, the interface between behavior and architectural design, interior access patterns and social ordering, labor organization, and the impact of social memory in architectural design are all considered by this work.

Comparing Wait-Time Strategies in a Year 7 Mathematics Class

Nimmo, Elizabeth Frances January 2009 (has links)
The use of formative assessment in the classroom is becoming a more widely used practice and acceptable way to support students’ learning. There are several different strands to the formative concept of assessment for learning as opposed to assessment of learning. This research project looks at one strand of formative assessment, namely, the use of wait-time in the classroom. Three wait-time strategies were investigated and examples of their use are provided in an upper primary situation with three students of lower ability and challenging behaviours. Findings from this brief study show no conclusive evidence to support either the widely recognised use of increased wait-time to support a learner’s needs or the opposing view that brief wait-time, when used with students with behavioural issues, might increase academic responses and improve on-task behaviours. The use of one of the strategies, that of ‘talking partners’, demonstrated a slight increase in academic responses with members of the focus group. This research project, together with limitations and further research suggestions, is discussed.

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