Spelling suggestions: "subject:"framingtheory"" "subject:"training.theory""
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Mobility management i befintlig bebyggelse : En studie över åtgärder för ökat hållbart resande i området Lindbacken i Uppsala / Mobility management in existing built environment : A study over measures for sustainable travel in the area Lindbacken in UppsalaFrickner, Elvira January 2020 (has links)
En viktig fråga för hur våra städer och samhällen ska bli mer hållbara är hur andelen hållbart resande kan öka, samt hur bilanvändandet kan minska. Mobility management är ett koncept inom vilken man implementerar mjuka åtgärder för att öka det hållbara resandet. Det används dock främst i stadsmiljöer. Denna studie undersöker om och i sådant fall hur mobility management-åtgärder skulle kunna implementeras i området Lindbacken i Uppsala. Lindbacken är ett småhusområde, beläget på glesbygden ungefär en mil utanför centrala Uppsala. Detta gör att området till synes inte är passande för denna typ av åtgärder. En fallstudie genomfördes för att skapa en förståelse för Lindbacken som område och dess invånare. Den var uppdelat i tre delar: en områdesstudie med insamling av sekundär statistik och inventering av området, en enkätstudie för att skapa en förståelse för de boendes attityder och resebeteenden samt en intervjustudie med representanter från Uppsala kommun och kollektivtrafikaktören UL. Tillsammans med tidigare forskning utgjorde fallstudien grunden för studiens analys och slutsats. Som teoretiskt ramverk användes de tre miljöpsykologiteorierna Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior och Goal-framing Theory. Från studien framgår att mobility management-åtgärder skulle kunna implementeras i Lindbacken, men att dessa bör kombineras med fysiska åtgärder för att ge bäst effekt. Åtgärderna bör fokusera på att stärka invånarnas känsla av kontroll över trafiksituationer kopplade till hållbart resande, exempelvis kopplat till tidseffektivitet. Åtgärderna bör också verka för att stärka en positiv attityd gentemot hållbart resande samt för att motivera beteenden som efterlevs med målet att göra vad som anses lämpligt. / An important question for how to make our cities and societies more sustainable, is how to increase the amount of sustainable travel as well as reducing car-use. Mobility management is a concept in which soft measures are implemented to increase sustainable travel. It is, however, mostly used within urban areas. This study explores if and how mobility management measures could be implemented in the area Lindbacken in Uppsala. Lindbacken is a residential area in the rural outskirts of Uppsala, about 10 kilometers from the city center, thus making it seemingly less appropriate for this kind of measures. A case study was performed to create an understanding for the area of Lindbacken and the residents. It was divided into three parts: an area study consisting of collecting secondary statistics and making an inventory study of the area, a questionnaire study to gain an understanding of the residents’ attitudes and travel behaviors, and an interview study with representatives from Uppsala municipality and the public transport actor UL. Together with previous research in the field, the case study was the foundation for the analysis and conclusion of the study. As a theoretical framework the three environmental psychology theories Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior and Goal-framing Theory was used. The study makes clear that mobility management measures could be implemented in Lindbacken. They should however be combined with hard, physical measures to gain the best effects. The measures should focus on strengthening the residents’ feeling of control in relation to traffic situation connected to sustainable travel, e.g. when it comes to time efficiency. The measures should also work to strengthen positive attitudes towards sustainable travel, as well as motivating behaviors that is acted out with the goal to do what is considered most appropriate.
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Framing, Public Relations, And Scientology: An Analysis Of News Coverage And A Controversial OrganizationMcAllister, Kristy 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study investigated the most common frames used in news coverage of the Church of Scientology from 2009 to 2013. Using textual analysis, with framing and public relations theories as lenses, this study examined recent news coverage – both print and television – to identify frames used, and the potential public relations crises the Church is currently facing due to this media exposure. Analysis showed three major frames used during coverage, along with their corresponding sub-frames, which highlight certain aspects of the frame: Culture of Abuse (Imprisonment, Controlling, Family Disconnection, Exploitation of Children, Violence, and Financial Abuse), The Information Paradox (Conflicting Information, Simple Misunderstanding, and Non-Traditional Approach), and Leadership Issues (The Problem Lies with Leadership, Celebrity Obsession). Also uncovered were three potential public relations crises: The Mistreatment of Church Members, The Misuse of Funds, and Bad Communication Strategy. The research showed a strong strategic preference of the Church to use legal tactics or denial strategies when dealing with crises. A review of public relations theory suggests that the Church use a more open approach and also incorporate mortification strategies to accept blame and repair their damaged image.
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Relationsvåld i dagspressen : En analys av ett urval publicerade tidningsartiklar under 1970-talet avseende våld i nära relation / Violence in relationship in the daily press : An analysis of a selection of newspaper articles during the 1970s regarding intimate partner violenceWickman Tiller, Angelica, Zhou, Celine January 2023 (has links)
Dagspressen har en samhällsfunktion som skapar intresse, förargelse, glädje eller avsmak för att lyckas med detta behöver varje journalist, redaktör och läsare bearbeta och fundera över den rapportering som görs. I denna undersökning har tjugo olika artiklar fördelat hälften var i dagstidningarna Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter analyserats kring hur de har rapporterat, debatterat eller bara diskuterat våld i nära relation och hustrumisshandel under 1970-talet. Forskningsläget har indikerat att dagspressen har ansvar i vilka frågor och vad som skapar stora samhällsfrågor. Undersökningen har visat att pressen rapporterar om orsaker, konsekvenser och detaljerade scenarion kring våld i nära relation men också att den arbetar med stora frågor i debatterande och diskuterande former. Dagspressen har dessutom förändrat hur rapporteringen ser ut under den undersökta perioden, vad som blivit viktigt att förmedla och hur det har förmedlats. / The daily press has a social function that creates interest, anger, joy, or distaste. To succeed in this, every journalist, editor, and reader needs to process and think about the reporting that is done. In this survey, twenty different articles, divided equally between the daily newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter, have been analyzed. The analysis has focused on how the articles have reported, debated, or just discussed violence in intimate relationships and wife abuse during the 1970s. Previous research shows that the daily press has responsibility in critical issues in society. The survey has shown that the press reports on causes, consequences and detailed scenarios around violence in close relationships and that it works with major issues in debating and discussions as well. Over the investigated period, the daily press has also changed how the reporting presented, what is seen as important to convey and how.
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Framing the War : an analysis on the Swedish Armed Forces framing of Russian military actions in UkraineFernström, Ian January 2023 (has links)
This thesis studies the development of framing used by the Swedish Armed Forces to portray Russian military actions in Ukraine. Framing implies that the way information is framed, or presented, can influence how people perceive and interpret information. The research problem identifies the lack of empirical understanding of how the Swedish Armed Forces frames actors in wars, as a part of military strategy. Through open-end questions, a framing analysis is conducted on two cases of Russian military actions in Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea in 2014, and the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This will be done by analyzing statements from the Swedish Armed Forces as well as the Swedish Government. The analysis shows that the Swedish Armed Forces framing has changed from a purely diagnostic frame that identifies the actions but with little additional understanding of its meaning for international security and Sweden directly, to a combination of diagnostic and prognostic frame to achieve consensus mobilization with regards to Sweden’s new political direction, as well as its own capacities and the need of further international cooperation and alliance. As this thesis answers the question of how frame changed, future research might study why it changed and what effects it might have.
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Att informera om barn som anhöriga och unga omsorgsgivare: en litteraturstudieSahlman Jacobsen, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
The mandate of the National Board of Health and Welfare and The National Competence Center for Relatives, Nka, includes producing and disseminating knowledge about children as next of kin and young carers. They play a central role in disseminating information within the field. The aim of this study is to investigate how they communicate information in this domain. A qualitative content analysis was conducted, and framing theory was used to explore the issue. The empirical data consists of 48 publications that the National Board of Health and Welfare and Nka have released in the field. The study’s findings suggest ways to improve the communication of this information by avoiding certain frames. Frames of economy, comparison, powerlessness, moralization, and impact have been identified in the empirical data. It appears that the use of an economic frame is more common when communicating information about children as next of kin to parents with mental illness or substance abuse. Furthermore, a moralizing frame is used to describe families as “well-functioning”. Keywords: children as relatives, children as next of kin, young carers, framing theory
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Abort - Barnets rätt till liv eller kvinnans rätt till autonomi? : En kvalitativ textanalys om gestaltningsförändringar kring abort i amerikanska opinionsartiklar innan- respektive efter upphävningen av domen Roe v. Wade från 1974. / Abortion - The child´s right to life or the woman´s right to bodily autonomy?Reinsjö, Alma, Bergfeldt, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate if there have been any changes regarding the framing of abortion in American opinion-based articles. This since the abortion laws in America has gone through a lot of changes in 2022, in comparison to the previous year 2021. This has been done by conducting a qualitative text analysis with a quantitative categorizing of 67 opinion-based articles published by CNN and Fox News. A theoretical framing analysis tool created by Goffman (1974) was used. This is supplemented by Dahl’s third criteria in his theory of democracy (Dahl, 1989). Three categories wereconstructed from the previous research presented in this thesis, which were named the framing of autonomy, moral and emotion. First, the framing of autonomy frames the woman as fully capable of making reproductive decisions on her ownsince she is logical enough. Second, the framing of moral describes how life starts at conception and therefore makes abortion immoral and cruel and should be compared to murder or infanticide. At last, the framing of emotion portrayswomen as victims incapable of making their own decisions, and as individuals who should be protected from going through an abortion since it could harm her. Moreover, in the analysis of Fox News the results show that the framing ofmoral was prominent. Furthermore, in CNN all three framings were represented while the framing of autonomy was mostoften shown in the opinion-based articles. The result concludes that both CNN’s and Fox News’ coverage of abortion, could be seen as partly nuanced because of their somewhat multilateral way of framing the topic according to Dahl’s theory of democracy (1989).
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Svenska företags gömda bildspråk : En studie om representation och gestaltning mellan könen på svenska företags ”om oss”-sidor / Hidden visual language of Swedish companies : A study on the framing and representation of gender on Swedish companie's "about us"-pagesMellbin, Linnéa, Annie, Engström January 2024 (has links)
Women are generally underrepresented in media and have historically been degraded to stereotypical roles in media content. Sweden is a country that has actively worked with equality between the genders since the 1970s. The country's progress in equality piqued the scientists interest in the extent of gender stereotypes in Swedish media content. This study examines whether there is a gender based variation in the framing of individuals in said content. The aim is to map the extent to which these gender stereotypes shape the communication in the images of 238 Swedish companies on their “about us”-pages. The images are analyzed to determine how individuals are portrayed based on their perceived gender. The study has a theoretical foundation in gender theory, representation theory, Roland Barthes mythologies and framing theory. These 4 theories form the basis for both the quantitative and the qualitative analyses in the paper. The content analysis applies mixed methods, consisting of a quantitative and qualitative component. The census method formed the basis for the quantitative part, whereas the study’s criteria limited a list of companies with an annual revenue of over 500 million SEK. The sampling method for the qualitative part is a systematic random sampling. The analytical tools that are used for the qualitative analysis includes theories about colors and non-verbal communication, along with semiotic concepts such as connotation, denotation and anchoring. Despite Sweden actively addressing gender equality issues, the study’s results indicated that Swedish company websites to some extent depict women and men differently, even though the numerical representation is equal. Some companies seem to reinforce gender stereotypes while others challenge them. Companies’ visual communication generally portrayed women as more accommodating, affirming the camera with a smile. Men, on the other hand, were generally depicted as more distant and reserved, with a more averted gaze than the women. The findings suggest that people’s perception of gender stereotypes and gender can be influenced by the websites they consume, potentially impacting how gender stereotypes are reinforced or challenged in society.
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'Allå, 'allå, Sveriges 'emliga specialförband : Hur Sveriges hemliga specialförband gestaltas i dagspressen / Allo 'Allo! Swedish Secret Special Forces : How Sweden's secret special forces are portrayed in the Swedish newspapers.Jansson, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
Sveriges specialförband introducerades för allmänheten 1997 och har sedan dess varit delaktigt i internationella insatser som i Afghanistan, Kongo och Mali. Denna studie syftar till att analysera den svenska dagspressens intresse och gestaltning av specialförbanden under en 25-årsperiod. För att ta reda på dagspressens intresse användes en kvantitativ metod för att samla in data från de fyra största tidningarna i Sverige. Efter detta användes kvalitativ textanalys, stödd av gestaltningsteorin, för att undersöka dagspressens gestaltning av specialförbanden. Medieporträttet av de svenska specialförbanden har genomgått betydande förändringar under de senaste 25 åren, ofta i olika faser. I början jämfördes specialförbanden ofta med fiktiva figurer så som Carl Hamilton. Viktiga händelser, bland annat som dödsfallen 2005 och skandalerna 2008, ledde till en förändring i medierapporteringen och resulterade i en mer humaniserad bild av specialförbanden. Trots att de fortfarande betraktas som gåtfulla, framställs de nu som en viktig del av Sveriges försvar och intressen. Medieintresset intensifierades under kritiska perioder och genererade en mer nyanserad bild av specialförbanden. Tidigare fokus på deras hemlighetsfulla verksamhet och kopplingar till fiktivafigurer ändrades mot en mer mänsklig bild. Denna utveckling av dagspressensgestaltning belyser förändringar i synen på specialförbanden och deras roll i Sveriges insatser. Studien strävar efter att fördjupa förståelsen för dessa skiftande faser avgestaltningar och deras påverkan på allmänhetens uppfattning av de svenska specialförbanden / Sweden's special forces were introduced to the public in 1997 and have since been involved in international operations such as those in Afghanistan, Congo, and Mali. This study aims to analyze the Swedish newspaper’s interest in and portrayal of Swedish special forces over a 25-year period. A quantitative method was used to gather data from the four largest newspapers in Sweden to find out the newspaper's interests. Subsequently, qualitative text analysis, supported by the framing theory, examined how the newspapers portrayed the special forces. The newspaper’s portrayal of Sweden's special forces has undergone significant changes over the past 25 years, often in distinct phases. Initially, the special forces were frequently likened to fictional characters such as Carl Hamilton. Key events, including fatalities in 2005 and scandals in 2008, prompted a shift in newspaper coverage, resulting in a more humanized depiction of the special forces. While they are still perceived as enigmatic, they are now portrayed as essential to Sweden's defense and interests. Newspaper’s interest intensified during critical periods, presenting a more nuanced view of the special forces. The prior emphasis on their secretive operations and associations with fictional figures shifted towards a more human representation. This evolution in the newspaper’s portrayal highlights changes in perceptions of the special forces and their role in Sweden's operations. The study aims to deepen understanding of these shifting representations and their impact on the public perception of Sweden's special forces.
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Multi-Framing in Progressive Era Women's Movements: A Comparative Analysis of the Birth Control, Temperance, and Women's Ku Klux Klan MovementsSlusar, Mary Beth 25 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Australia Day or Invasion Day? : A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the framing of Australia's national day in Australian newspapersTamm, Erica January 2022 (has links)
The national day of Australia, officially referred to as Australia Day, can be seen as a celebration of Australian culture or as a symbol of colonialism. Previous research shows that how newspapers frame events can impact the readers’ understanding of how reality is represented (Baker et al., 2013). Therefore, this thesis investigates how Australia Day is framed in Australian news articles and whether the framing of Australia Day differs in left- and right-leaning newspapers. The data consists of two corpora of news articles about Australia Day published in left- and right-leaning newspapers between 2018 and 2022. These corpora were analysed from a Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) perspective. The results indicate that the national day is framed as a controversial day in both right- and left-leaning newspapers, most saliently referred to as Australia Day or Invasion Day. In right-leaning newspapers, Australia Day celebrations are framed as positive, while anti-Australia Day protests and the use of the term Invasion Day are portrayed as negative. Furthermore, in right-leaning newspapers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples are reported to have more important priorities than changing the date for Australia Day. In contrast, the left-leaning newspapers are more prone to frame the national day as disrespectful towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples and signal that a potential future change of date is positive. Overall, this study suggests that the political orientation of the newspaper can impact how the national day is framed.
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