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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika MKD z pohledu dopravce na vybrané relaci / Specifics of international road freight transport in specific area

Térová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse the German Act on the Regulation of a Minimum Wage, which affects Czech hauliers operating in Germany. First of all, macroeconomic and microeconomic issues in the field of road transport and of course the specifics of German Act (MILOG) are described. Secondly, the main effects of the law on business are analysed in case of the Czech haulier ¨Dítě Spedition s.r.o.¨ In the following, an increase in operating costs of the company according to the MILOG is calculated. Moreover, there is a prediction of potential scenarios in case of confirmation of legality of MILOG applying to the international road freight transport. In conclusion, the main arguments why the act is contrary to the basic principles of the single European market are explained.

Analýza a vyhodnocení rizik dopravně spediční firmy / Risk Analysis and Evaluation in a Transporting and Haulage Firm

Čegan, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an analysis and evaluation of risk in the freight transport company – Doprava Vícha s. r. o. The thesis describes the current situation in a freight transport industry, an applicable legislation, and risk analysis methods FMEA and WHAT-IF. Further the thesis analyses risks of a freight transportation and describes the company Doprava Vícha s. r. o. in detail. The thesis proposes a set of actions in order to minimize identified risks. The handbook with most important actions and advices for drivers is attached.

Internalisierungsmaßnahmen für externe Kosten im Güterverkehr:Welche Chancen und Risiken könnten sich aus welchenMarktreaktionen ergeben?: Internalisierungsmaßnahmen für externe Kosten im Güterverkehr: Welche Chancen und Risiken könnten sich aus welchen Marktreaktionen ergeben?

Flamm, Leander 05 January 2017 (has links)
The internalization of external costs is a prioritized task of the European Union, aiming for an implementation until 2020. This study wants to provide an estimate of the expected reactions of the freight traffic market in Germany. For this purpose, the earnings from and expenses for the traffic system in Germany including external costs are analyzed to obtain a valid financial balance for each means of transport. In case of missing cost coverage, adequate internalization measures are defined to counteract the different causes of external costs. With this data, a computational model is created to assess the resulting effects on modal shift, traffic avoidance and efficiency gains in the transport market. Using prices of transport services, average transport distances and attributes of the means of transport and the transported goods, a detailed estimation of the expected market reactions is given. The results are then evaluated considering both risks and chances for the transport market as well as the national economy. Consequently, advice for politics and research is presented to facilitate the execution of the chosen internalization measures. Eventually, a SWOT analysis is conducted to judge the validity of the found results.

CO2 Emissions from Freight Transport and the Impact of Supply Chain Management : A case study at Atlas Copco Industrial Technique

Jofred, Petter, Öster, Peder January 2011 (has links)
Freight transport is a large contributor to emissions of CO2 and to mitigate its environmental impact is essential in strive for a sustainable future. Existing reports usually discuss the issues from a national or global perspective, but rarely provide any concrete or practical information on an organizational level. This report aims to describe the key driving factors of CO2 emissions caused by freight transport and recommend suitable measures for organizations to mitigate their environmental impact. To do this, a case study at Atlas Copco’s business area Industrial Technique (ITBA) is performed, four different business scenarios are created and the emissions from the scenarios are simulated. ITBA is a decentralized organization with most of the production sites and sub suppliers in Europe. Over 90% of the finished goods are sent to a distribution center in Belgium and then delivered to the customers. Today, most customers are located in Europe and this market accounts for nearly 80% of the distributed weight. However, ITBA believe in a strong growth in the North American and Asian markets and that the customer base will look much different in 2020. More customers at longer distances from the distribution center will lead to a heavily increased use of air freight, resulting in higher emission levels. This study shows a clear correlation between the total CO2 emissions and the share of air freight. In order for ITBA to expand their business and at the same time lower their emissions, actions are required. This report shows that a lower share of air freight and the use of several decentralized distribution centers can reduce the emissions significantly. Other means to lower the emissions include relocation of production sites, education to increase the awareness within the organization and including environmental performance when evaluating third party logistics.

Driverless trucks in the Swedish freight transport system : An analysis of future impacts on the transport system and the emerging innovation system

Engholm, Albin January 2021 (has links)
A large-scale introduction of driverless trucks could start taking place during the next decade. While this could bring several economic benefits for freight transport actors and society, it may also change the freight transport system and exacerbate the negative effects of road transport. This thesis aims to increase the understanding of how an introduction of driverless trucks could materialize and impact the freight transport system in Sweden. Two overarching issues are addressed. The first is how freight transport patterns will change due to the impacts of driverless trucks on road transport supply. This is addressed in Paper 1 and Paper 2. The second issue, which is studied in Paper 3, is what factors are shaping the ongoing development towards an introduction of driverless trucks in Sweden. In Paper 1, the impact of driverless trucks on the costs for long-distance road freight transport is studied through a total cost of ownership analysis which shows that driverless trucks could enable cost reductions of around 30%-40% per ton-kilometer. A key determinant of the cost reduction is to what extent reduced driver costs will be offset by other forms of human labor that may be required for driverless truck operations. Other factors, including changes to the truck acquisition cost, have marginal importance. The cost-saving potential provides a strong motivation for freight transport actors to develop and adopt driverless trucks. In Paper 2, the impacts of driverless trucks on road transport demand, utilization of different truck types, modal split, and total logistics costs are studied by using the Swedish national freight transport model Samgods. Two scenario types are studied, one in which driverless trucks substitute manually driven trucks and one where driverless trucks capable of operating between logistics hubs are introduced as a complement to manually driven trucks. The analysis shows that in both scenarios, driverless trucks could reduce total costs for Swedish freight transport in the range of billions of SEK per year. Road transport demand and truck traffic volumes may increase significantly through modal shifts from rail and sea. This could lead to increased societal costs through, for instance, increased CO2 emissions and congestion which are, however, not quantified in the study. In Paper 3, an analysis of the innovation system of driverless trucks based on an interview study with actors involved in the development and introduction of driverless trucks in Sweden is presented. The findings suggest that there are several favorable factors for a successful introduction of driverless trucks, but also that the innovation system is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty related to what infrastructure will be required and available, what business models will be emerging, and which actors will be able to capitalize on the development and which actors that become marginalized in a future with driverless trucks. The findings from this thesis can be of interest for policymakers since it highlights potential benefits and challenges associated with driverless trucks from a transport-system perspective and the provided indicative quantitative estimates on system-level impacts offer a glimpse into a future freight transport system with driverless trucks. Also, the thesis highlights critical challenges for the innovation system of driverless trucks which could guide efforts to improve its performance. / Ett storskaligt införande av förarlösa lastbilar kan komma att inledas under det kommande årtiondet. Detta skulle kunna medföra flera nyttor för transportköpare, transportbolag och samhället i stort men kan också leda till betydande förändringar av godstransportsystemet och ökade negativa effekter från vägtransporter. Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka förståelsen för hur ett införande av förarlösa lastbilar kan ske samt påverka godstransportsystemet i Sverige. Två övergripande frågeställningar studeras. Den första är hur förarlösa lastbilar påverkar utbudet för lastbilstransporter och därigenom förändrar godstransportsystemet. Detta studeras i Artikel 1 och Artikel 2. Den andra frågeställningen är vilka faktorer som påverkar den pågående utvecklingen mot ett införande av förarlösa lastbilar, vilket studeras i Artikel 3. I Artikel 1 görs en analys av hur förarlösa lastbilar kan påverka kostnaden för långväga lastbilstransporter. Denna visar att förarlösa lastbilar kan minska den totala ägandekostnaden med runt 30-40% per tonkilometer jämfört med konventionella lastbilar. Avgörande för hur stor kostnadsbesparingen blir är i vilken utsträckning minskningar i förarkostnader vägs upp av andra lönekostnader som uppstår vid användning av förarlösa lastbilar. Andra faktorer, inklusive förändringar av inköpspriset på lastbilar, har endast marginell påverkan. Den potentiella kostnadsbesparingen utgör ett tydligt motiv för godstransportaktörer att införa förarlösa lastbilar. I Artikel 2 studeras effekterna av förarlösa lastbilar på efterfrågan på lastbilstransporter, användningen av olika lastbilstyper, fördelningen mellan transportslag, och totala transportkostnader. Analysen görs med den svenska nationella godstransportmodellen Samgods och studerar två scenariotyper. I det första scenariot ersätter förarlösa lastbilar hela flottan av konventionella lastbilar. I det andra scenariot införs förarlösa lastbilar som enbart kan köra mellan logistikterminaler som ett komplement till konventionella lastbilar. Analysen visar att förarlösa lastbilar leder till en betydande ökning av efterfrågan på lastbilstransporter till följd av överflyttningfrån sjöfart och järnväg i båda scenarierna. På nationell systemnivå kan förarlösa lastbilar minska de totala kostnaderna för svenska godstransporter i storleksordningen miljarder kronor per år. Åandra sidan kan den betydande ökningen av lastbilstrafik också medföra ökade samhällsekonomiska kostnader, till exempel genom ökade koldioxidutsläpp och trängsel, vilka dock inte kvantifieras i studien. I Artikel 3 presenteras en analys av innovationssystemet för förarlösa lastbilar som bygger på en intervjustudie med aktörer involverade i utvecklingen och införandet av förarlösa lastbilar i Sverige. Resultaten indikerar att det finns flertalet gynnsamma faktorer för ett framgångsrikt införande, samtidigt som innovationssystemet i flera avseenden karakteriseras av en låg mognadsgrad och stora osäkerheter kopplade till infrastrukturfrågor, vilka affärsmodeller som kommer uppstå samt vilka aktörer som kommer gynnas eller missgynnas av utvecklingen. Resultaten från denna avhandling kan vara av intresse för beslutsfattare då de belyser potentiella nyttor och utmaningar med förarlösa lastbilar från ett transportsystemperspektiv och de indikativa systemeffekter som kvantifieras ger en fingervisning om hur ett framtida godstransportsystem med förarlösa lastbilar kan se ut. Avhandlingen belyser också viktiga utmaningar för innovationssystemet för förarlösa lastbilar vilket kan vägleda eventuella ansträngningar för att förbättra det.

Ekonomi och politik under strukturell omvandling : Godstrafiken och de fackliga organisationerna 1922–1972

Ahlander, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
The thesis studies the Swedish government policy of freight transports during a period ofstructural change since the 1920s. The focus is on the 1963 Transport Act, which introduced amore market-oriented approach. The views of the trade unions during this process areanalysed in more detail. Frequent financial problems of the railways were the main driverbehind different policy decisions in the Swedish Parliament, such as the nationalisation in1939, tightened quantity control of road freight transports, as well as the liberalisation in 1963and its abrupt cancellation 5 years later. No policy change was implemented without thesupport of Statens Järnvägar, the state-owned railway. Unions were sceptical to theliberalisation programme and preferred varying degrees of regulation and planning, althoughstated in general terms. They also agreed on the need for quantity control for most of theperiod, but for different reasons. After supporting Transport workers resistance toliberalisation of quantity control in the late 1940s, LO, the peak organisation, became morepositive in the 1960s, which created a split between the unions. As the problems for therailways deepened later, LO joined the Railway workers in support for rigorous transportplanning, which was fiercely resisted by the Transport Workers, which further increased therift.

Propuesta de un sistema alternativo de transporte de carga a los sistemas de transporte empleados en la región amazónica de la selva del Perú, mediante el uso de vehículos aéreos del tipo dirigible / Proposal for an alternative cargo transportation system to the transportation systems used in the amazon region of the peruvian jungle, through the use of airship-type air vehicles

Ibárcena Balbuena, Jesús Armando 08 April 2022 (has links)
Los Dirigibles forman parte del grupo de tecnologías prometedoras que buscan impulsar el desarrollo de la humanidad a gran escala. Si bien es cierto, estas aeronaves ya han surcado los cielos durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX, su desarrollo y operación fue interrumpido por uno de los más graves accidentes que han conmocionado a la humanidad. Han pasado décadas y hoy nos encontramos en una mejor posición tecnológica como para hacer que estos gigantes vuelvan a levantar vuelo de una manera segura. A pesar del desarrollo y avance científico alcanzado, aún no hemos logrado integrar a los pueblos ubicados en regiones de difícil acceso; aunque podría hacerse con los sistemas de transporte actuales, los costos serían demasiado onerosos y no muchos países tienen los recursos como para invertir en la infraestructura requerida; sumado a esto, está el deterioro del medio ambiente producto del incremento del consumo de combustibles fósiles por medio de aviones, barcos y camiones. Los dirigibles, son una buena alternativa para intentar cambiar el rumbo, su tecnología ya ha sido probada con éxito en el pasado y con los nuevos avances tecnológicos su futuro se presenta prometedor. En el Perú, existen muchas poblaciones ubicadas en regiones de difícil acceso, que no han logrado ser desarrolladas ni integradas completamente al sistema nacional; los dirigibles tienen la capacidad de poder lograr este objetivo y de brindar a estos pueblos esa oportunidad que han venido esperando por mucho tiempo. El presente trabajo evalúa, desde un punto de vista estratégico, los beneficios de poner en marcha el empleo de dirigibles en las actividades del transporte de carga en la Selva del Perú. / Airships are part of a group of promising technologies that seek to drive human development on a large scale. While it is true, these aircraft have already crossed the skies during the first decades of the 20th century, their development and operation was interrupted by one of the most serious accidents that have shocked humanity. Decades have passed and today we are in a better technological position to make these giants take flight again safely. Despite the development and scientific progress achieved, we have not yet managed to integrate the peoples located in regions of difficult access; Although it could be done with current transportation systems, the costs would be too onerous and not many countries have the resources to invest in the required infrastructure; In addition to this, there is the deterioration of the environment as a result of the increase in the consumption of fossil fuels by means of airplanes, ships and trucks. Airships are a good alternative to try to change course, their technology has already been successfully tested in the past and with new technological advances, their future looks promising. In Peru, there are many populations located in regions of difficult access, which have not managed to be fully developed or integrated into the national system; airships have the ability to achieve this goal and to provide these peoples with the opportunity they have been waiting for a long time. Through this work, the benefits of launching the use of airships in cargo transport activities in the Peruvian Jungle are evaluated from a strategic point of view. / Trabajo de investigación


Febri Zukhruf 24 September 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18568号 / 工博第3929号 / 新制||工||1604(附属図書館) / 31468 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 谷口 栄一, 准教授 宇野 伸宏, 准教授 山田 忠史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM


Wang-A-Pisit Ornkamon 24 September 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18573号 / 工博第3934号 / 新制||工||1604(附属図書館) / 31473 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 谷口 栄一, 准教授 宇野 伸宏, 准教授 QURESHIAli Gul / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Intermodala godstransporter i Sverige : En kunskapsöversikt av hinder och tekniska lösningar

Stanislawska, Cornelia January 2019 (has links)
In 2018, the Swedish Government developed a new freight transport strategy. The strategyemphasizes that climate-friendly modes of transportation should be used to a greater extentfor freight transport. Intermodal transport, where unit-ready goods are transported with acombination of transportation modes, has been proposed as one of the solutions. As part of thework with the new strategy, the Government has commissioned the Swedish TransportAdministration to investigate what obstacles there are to intermodal transport, and toinvestigate whether there are any technical solutions or innovations that can increase the useof intermodality. The purpose and aim of this work have been to support the SwedishTransport Administration with their assignment from the Government by compiling thebarriers and technology of intermodality.By conducting a thorough examination of previous research and reports of intermodality,mainly railway and maritime transport, together with an in-depth interview with a Professor inthe subject, several different angles and views on the subject have been gathered.The results show that there are several areas in the industry where problems have beenidentified. Regulations and organizational structure, the limited area of competition andtransfer potential, the quality of the infrastructure and the location and costs of the terminalsare the main barriers to intermodality in Sweden today.It is possible to use technical solutions or other innovations to help minimizing one of theobstacles, the location of terminals and costs. These can for example be horizontaltranshipment technology, autonomous transhipment technology, IT systems and simulationtools or innovative network structure and location of terminals.Although there are plenty of ideas of new technology and solutions, few of these come intoproduction. One of the problems is the users/company’s uncertainty about investing inprojects that they do not know will be profitable. Standardized dimensions also present anobstacle to the technology which then must be adapted to current dimensions and strengthrequirements. There must also be a policy at international, national and local level with acommon goal that encourages the use of new technology.Most of the obstacles identified cannot be solved quickly and easily by introducing newtechnology. Instead, authorities and actors in the industry need to review their priorities andcommunicate with each other in order to come up with common solutions.

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