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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of Broadband GaN 0.15μm RF Switches and X-band Reconfigurable Impedance Tuner

Khan, Iftekhar January 2016 (has links)
Radio-frequency (RF) switches are widely used in electrical systems, telecommunications, and wireless applications. In RF systems, it is often desirable to change the signal path effectively, by us-ing couplers, duplexers, and RF switches for signal division and combining. Typically, in modern RF systems, the RF switch is mostly capitalized in order to reduce the RF footprint but with efficient switch characteristics. A simple method to reduce transceiver space requirement is to integrate RF switches with the frontend module on a single chip. Recent advances in Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology allows RF designers to design faster, smaller, and efficient components using this technology. With high data rates in demand for wireless communication systems, wideband characteristics are needed in modern systems [1]. Therefore, it is desirable to design wideband circuits; such as, mixers, amplifiers, and switches. In this work, a comprehensive study of NRC GaN150 HEMT is conducted to design broadband RF switches. Single pole and double pole switch topologies operating at 1-12 GHz are designed to evaluate GaN 0.15μm RF switches. The main objectives were to design compact sized switches, while having high power handling, low insertion loss, high isolation and high return loss. Additionally, a transmit-receive switch is designed for integration into a frontend module and further fabricated to operate at 10 GHz. There are many applications of RF switches in an RF transceiver, one of which is an impedance tuner. Impedance tuner are attractive for many applications where mobile devices are used for wireless communications. As mobile technology continues to evolve, they are designed to be com-pact, leaving minimal space for the antenna. Consequently, the radiating element is often electrically small and sensitive to near-field coupling requiring tuning. Matching networks aim to tune matching conditions; for example, loading effects due to human hand [2]. For such situations, specialized matching networks can be designed to account for specific loading environmental effects. However, for mobile systems, the environment is unknown; thereby, yielding unpredictable antenna loading, especially for electrically small antennas that have rapidly changing real and imaginary impedance. As a result, it is necessary to design a reconfigurable impedance-matching network to account for possible load impedances. In this work, a 16-bit reconfigurable impedance tuner design comprising of passive microwave components and NRC GaN 0.15μm FET operating at X-band is presented to evaluate its performance for integration with the frontend module on a single chip to reduce cost and increase efficiency of the system.

Tvorba uživatelského rozhraní mobilního ovladače pro interaktivní obrazovky / Creation of a User Interface of a Mobile Controller for Interactive Screens

Nová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a responsive front-end part of the mobile controller for applications on the interactive screens using modern frontend technologies. The theoretical chapters introduce to the readers the basic principles of accessibility and usability, including testing tools, which can be used for checking these principles. The aim of the practical part is to create a concise guide of front-end modern tools and technologies such as front-end frameworks, CSS preprocessors and tools for automating tasks on the front-end. In the practical part are these described tools and technologies used to create a mobile controller.

InStore Display Application / InStore Display Application

Ebeling, Anton January 2020 (has links)
This thesis covers the development of an application. The application is developed in terms of helping sellers, who in turn help customers in, for example, a clothing store. This is done by obtaining information about the various productsof the store by means of various search functions. The result of the search is a list of products that match the search parameters the user enters, these products lead to a product page where further information about the product is displayed. The fact that a seller has the opportunity to download this applicationin a mobile device gives the seller a very good tool to help the customers. This is because the seller does not have to go to a fixed computer to check productinformation, such as stock balance, but it is directly in the mobile device.The result of this is that the customer gets a better experience with the seller, and that the seller can work more effciently. / Detta examensarbete omfattar utvecklingen av en applikation. Applikationenar utvecklad i avseende för att hjälpa säljare, som i sin tur hjälper kunder i exempelvis en klädaffär. Detta genom att med hjälp av olika sök funktioner få information angående butikens olika produkter. Resultatet av sökningen blir en lista av produkter som stämmer mot de sökparametrar användaren matar in, dessa produkterna leder till en produktsida där vidare information om produktenvisas. Att en säljare har möjligheten att ladda ner denna applikation i en mobil enhet ger säljaren ett mycket bra redskap för att hjälpa kunderna. Detta för att säljaren inte behöver ta sig till en fast dator för att kolla upp produktinformation, exempelvis lagersaldo, utan det  finns direkt i den mobila enheten. Resultatet av detta är att kunden får en bättre upplevelse med säljaren, och att säljaren kan arbeta mer effektivt.

Time slip : Utveckling av tidsredovisningssystem med frontend-ramverk

Fagerberg, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The goal of this project has been to create an interface for time accounting thatthe digital agency Devize can use in its own system Devize Admin. In the project, the work has been carried out in an agile development with various elements. As an introductory step, the work has consisted of planning followed bycreating design sketches/prototypes. User tests have since been performed where Devize's own developers have tested the prototypes. The tests have then beencompiled to find improvements which then have been implemented in a newversion of the prototype. In the process, the interface has since been developedwith the front-end framework React Admin within the frameworks and rulesfound in Devize's graphic profile and the existing system Devize Admin. In parallel with front-end development, back-end functionality has been developed ina sister project that the interface has since used to be able to handle and accessdata. Continuously through interface development, the environment has alsobeen tested in the browser and console to detect potential error messages andunclear structures. Based on the development process that has been carried outand the functionality that has been implemented, the application has resulted inan interface for time accounting that has the basic functionality that is necessaryto be able to report time. With that outcome, a conclusion has been drawn that the outcome is to some extent consistent with the project's set goals. / Målet med detta projekt har varit att skapa ett gränssnitt för tidsredovisning som digitalbyrån Devize kan använda i sitt egna system Devize Admin. I projektet har arbetet utförts i en agil utveckling med olika moment. Som inledande moment har arbetet bestått av planering följt av att skapa designskisser/prototyper. Användartester har sedan utförts där Devize egna utvecklare har testat prototyperna. Testerna har sedan sammanställt för att hitta förbättringar som sedan har implementerats i en ny version av prototyp. I processen har gränssnittet sedan utvecklats med frontend-ramverket React Admin inom de ramar och regler som finns i Devize grafiska profil samt det existerande systemet Devize Admin. Parallellt med frontend-utveckling har backend-funktionalitet utvecklats i ett systerprojekt som gränssnittet sedan har använt sig av för att kunna hantera och komma åt data. Kontinuerligt genom gränssnittsutveckling har miljön även testats i webbläsaren och konsolen för att upptäcka potentiella felmeddelanden och oklara strukturer. Utifrån den utvecklingsprocess som genomförts och den funktionalitet som implementerats, har tillämpningen resulterat i ett gränssnitt för tidsredovisning som har grundläggande funktionalitet som är nödvändig för att kunna tidsredovisa. Med det utfallet har en slutsats dragits om att utfallet till viss del stämmer överens med projektets uppsatta mål.

An Exploratory Study of Micro Frontends / En Explorativ Studie av Microfrontends

Montelius, Anna January 2021 (has links)
"Microservices" has become a real buzz word in the software development community during the last couple of years. Most developers are familiar with the architectural concept which solves the problem of systems growing to large monoliths too complex to handle. This architecture has however mostly been used in backend development, even though many companies are struggling with large, monolithic frontend codebases. This is where micro frontends come in, an architectural as well as organisational approach to developing applications all the way from presentation to data layer. The micro frontends approach is relatively new, and even though there is some talk about it in the software community, many companies are unfamiliar with it, and there is very limited scientific work performed on the topic. The aim of this study was to investigate strengths of and challenges with micro frontends, and specifically how the modifiability of a web application is affected by developing it as a micro frontends project. The method for fulfilling the aim consisted of several parts. During one part, two frontend prototypes of a web application were implemented, one using a Single Page Application technique and one using a micro frontends technique. Another part consisted of interviewing practitioners in the software field with relevant backgrounds to gain their perspective on micro frontends. The results were also used to evaluate which prototype would be most suitable for the specific web application. During the last part of the method, measurements on the implemented prototypes were performed to be used to estimate the modifiability of the prototypes using a mathematical model of modifiability called SQMMA. Based on the results, this report provides an extensive summary of strengths of micro frontends, among other things that there are both beneficial and disadvantageous aspects of micro frontends when it comes to modifiability, risks that should be considered when adopting micro frontends, and a discussion on when to use it and not.

Methodology of Construction Compiler Front-End and Its Integration into the GNU Compiler Collection / Methodology of Construction Compiler Front-End and Its Integration into the GNU Compiler Collection

Machata, Petr Unknown Date (has links)
Tato diplomová práce vznikla za podpory ANF DATA s.r.o., Brno. Diplomová práce je vypracována v angličtině. Vstupní bariéra pro vývoj uvnitř GCC se během posledních let znatelně snížila. Na konferencích, v časopisech a na webu se objevují články s architektonickými přehledy a návody. Věci se nadále zjednodušují použitím oficiálního vnitřního jazyka GENERIC: Pro komunikaci mezi přední částí a zbytkem překladače již není nutné zabývat se obtížným a nepřehledným RTL. Přesto je práce se souborem zdrojových kódů velikosti GCC nutně složitá. Je třeba napsat určité soubory a provést určitá nastavení, oboje jen s poměrně malým množstvím dokumentace. Cílem této práce je pomoci s posledním zmíněným bodem. Práce popisuje ukázkovou přední část: Vše od vytvoření zdrojových souborů, přes různé konstrukce jazyka GENERIC, až k problémům s kompilací běhové podpory nebo používání nativního preprocesoru.

Developing the next generation of drones for water monitoring : Implementation of the User Interface (UI) of an internal website

Alsaudi, Omar, Tallozy, Yaman Mahmoud January 2022 (has links)
This report is about implementing Graphical User Interface for the CatFish website. The CatFish project is iterative research on water pollution where samples from water bodies aremonitored and collected using three different vehicles. The authors of this report, the frontend team, have created a website that aims to represent collected data from the vehicles in the form of diagrams and charts. It also shows live video streaming and gives the CatFish team the ability to control the vehicles remotely. Our results have shown that the website is functional, user-friendly, and ready to be hosted and used. / Den här rapporten handlar om att implementera grafiskt användargränssnitt för CatFish-webbplatsen. CatFish-projektet är iterativ forskning om vattenföroreningar där prover frånvattenförekomster övervakas och samlas in med tre olika fordon. Författarna till denna rapport, frontend-teamet, har skapat en webbplats som syftar till att representera insamlade data från fordonen i form av olika typer av diagram, visa live-videoströmning och ge CatFish-teametmöjligheten att fjärrstyra fordonen. Våra resultat har visat att webbplatsen är funktionell, användarvänlig och redo att hostas och användas.

Feeds : En implementation för skapande av RSS-flöden i nya Smartsign Publisher

Sundin, Anders January 2024 (has links)
In this project assignment, the ability to create RSS feeds for Smartsign's new web application, New Publisher, has been developed. The current version of Publisher has been in its current form for a long time and is beginning to feel somewhat outdated, motivating the need for an update. The development work has been carried out in the JavaScript framework Angular, in combination with SCSS and Angular-Materials. The purpose of the work has been to create this part of the new web application, which upon implementation will provide a new, simpler, and more visually appealing interface for users who want to distribute messages to connected signage screens in the form of RSS feeds, here in New Publisher called feeds. The work has resulted in a fully functional part of the application which is ready to be put into production / I detta projektarbete har RSS-flöden för företaget Smartsigns nya webbapplikation Nya Publisher utvecklats. Publisher används för att ge företagets kunder möjlighet att leverera budskap till signage-skärmar. Den nuvarande versionen av Publisher har funnits i sin nuvarande form en lång tid och börjar nu kännas något omodern, vilket motiverar behovet av en uppdatering. Utvecklingsarbetet har genomförs i JavaScript-ramverket Angular i kombination med SCSS och Angular-Materials. Syftet med arbetet har varit att skapa denna del i den nya webbapplikationen vilket vid implementering kommer att ge ett nytt, enklare och mer visuellt tilltalande gränssnitt för användare som vill nå ut med budskap till anslutna signage-skärmar i form av RSS-flöden vilket i Publisher kallas för feeds. Arbetet har resulterat i en fullt fungerande del av applikationen vilken i sig är redo att sättas i produktion

8×1 Antenna Array System for Uplink Beamforming in LTE-A and 5G NR

Haroun, Mohammad Hassan 21 October 2019 (has links)
[ES] La tecnologia en fases de paquets es va convertir en dècades enrere en la indústria del radar. Avui en dia, la matriu de fases o la formació de bigues s'està convertint en una necessitat per a la comunicació digital. L'explotació d'un sistema de transmissió de feixos ajudarà a reduir el consum total d'energia de les estacions base i dels equips d'usuaris. També permetrà al servei oferir dades molt més elevades i millorar la qualitat del servei. La investigació sobre la comunicació digital i la comunicació requereix una antena i un maquinari compatible. El maquinari hauria de ser capaç de gestionar diferents escenaris i enfocaments per a problemes de comunicació mòbil. Hi ha diversos sistemes utilitzats per a la investigació de la formació de bigues, especialment per a la comunicació mòbil. Aquests sistemes pateixen de diverses deficiències. Són cares d'implementar, no adaptatives i fixades a una arquitectura relacionada amb determinat algorisme de generació de feixos o amb un nombre d'elements d'array fix. En aquesta tesi es proposa un nou sistema de matrius per fases. Aquest sistema es podria explotar per a la investigació en problemes de comunicació mòbil o radar. Està compost per una xarxa d'antenes planes de 8x1, canals de conversió de RF a banda base i processador de banda base. Es fa una estimació de la transformació de fases i de la DOA en mostres digitals de banda base. Això proporciona al sistema dinàmica quant als algorismes provats. Amb aquesta finalitat, es fan servir juntes SDR àgils per adquirir senyals de la matriu d'antenes i convertir-les en fluxos de dades digitals. Els fluxos de dades es processen després en un processador de banda base basat en FPGA. A més de ser baixos en costos i assequibles per part de petits instituts d'investigació i investigacions independents, el sistema es pot ajustar per portar més elements de matriu d'antenes. La matriu monopola plana de 8x1 està dissenyada, simulada i mesurada. Es combinen i descriuen les característiques d'impedància i de radiació. Els SDR s'introdueixen i es calibren per al funcionament de diversos elements i s'introdueixen els mètodes de calibratge per incerteses de fase i amplitud. El rendiment global del sistema es prova mitjançant diferents algorismes de formulació de feixos i algorismes de direcció d'estimació d'arribada. Els resultats de la mesura mostren que el sistema és fiable. S'aconsegueix un model de beamformació amb bona resolució i un rebuig elevat de la interferència. La estimació de la direcció d'arribada és precisa. / [CA] La tecnología de matriz en fase hizo una rotación en la industria del radar hace décadas. Hoy en día, la matriz en fase, o formación de haz, se está convirtiendo en una necesidad para la comunicación digital. La explotación de la formación de haz ayudaría a reducir el consumo de energía general de las estaciones base y el equipo del usuario. También permitirá que el servicio brinde datos mucho más altos y mejore la calidad del servicio. La investigación sobre la formación y comunicación de haces digitales requiere un conjunto de antenas y hardware compatible. El hardware debe ser capaz de manejar diferentes escenarios y enfoques para problemas de comunicación móvil. Hay varios sistemas utilizados para la investigación de conformación de haz, especialmente para la comunicación móvil. Estos sistemas sufren de varias deficiencias. Son costosos de implementar, no adaptativos y fijos a una arquitectura relacionada con cierto algoritmo de conformación de haz o con un número de elementos de arreglo fijo. En esta tesis, se propone un nuevo sistema matricial por fases. Este sistema podría ser explotado para la investigación en comunicaciones móviles o problemas de radar. Está compuesto por un conjunto de antenas planas de 8x1, canales de conversión de RF a banda base y procesador de banda base. La formación de haz y la estimación de DOA se realizan en muestras digitales de banda base. Esto proporciona al sistema dinamismo con respecto a los algoritmos probados. Para ese propósito, las tarjetas SDR ágiles se utilizan para adquirir señales de la red de antenas y convertirlas en flujos de datos digitales. Los flujos de datos se procesan en un procesador de banda base basado en FPGA. Además de ser de bajo costo y asequible para los pequeños institutos de investigación e investigaciones independientes, el sistema se puede ajustar para llevar más elementos de la red de antenas. El conjunto monopolo plano 8x1 está diseñado, simulado y medido. La correspondencia de impedancia y las características de radiación se representan y describen. Los SDR se introducen y se calibran para la operación de elementos múltiples y se introducen los métodos de calibración para las incertidumbres de fase y amplitud. El rendimiento general del sistema se prueba mediante diferentes algoritmos de conformación de haz y algoritmos de estimación de la dirección de llegada. Los resultados de las mediciones muestran que el sistema es confiable. Se logra una conformación de haz con buena resolución y alto rechazo de interferencia. Dirección de estimación de la llegada es precisa. / [EN] Phased array technology made a turnover in radar industry decades ago. Nowadays, phased array, or beamforming, is becoming a necessity for digital communication. Exploiting beamforming would help in reducing the overall power consumption of base stations and user equipment. It will also enables the service to provide much higher datarates and enhance the quality of service. Research on digital beamforming and communication requires antenna array and compatible hardware. The hardware should be capable of handling different scenarios and approaches for mobile communication problems. There are several systems used for beamforming research especially for mobile communication. These systems suffer from several deficiencies. They are either expensive to implement, not adaptive and fixed to an architecture related to certain beamforming algorithm or with fixed array elements number. In this thesis, a new phased array system is proposed. This system could be exploited for research in mobile communication or radar problems. It is composed of 8x1 planar antenna array, RF to baseband conversion channels and base band processor. Beamforming and DOA estimation is done on base band digital samples. This provides the system with dynamicity regarding tested algorithms. For that purpose, agile SDR boards are used to acquire signals from antenna array and convert them to digital data streams. Data streams are then processed in an FPGA based base band processor. In addition to being low in cost and affordable by small research institutes and freelancing researches, the system can be adjusted to carry more antenna array elements. The 8x1 planar monopole array is designed, simulated and measured. Impedance matching and radiation characteristics are plotted and described. SDRs are introduced and calibrated for multi-element operation and calibration method for phase and amplitude uncertainties are introduced. Overall system performance is tested by different beamforming algorithms and direction of arrival estimation algorithms. Measurement results show that the system is reliable. Beamforming with good resolution and high interference rejection is achieved. Direction of arrival estimation is accurate. / Haroun, MH. (2019). 8×1 Antenna Array System for Uplink Beamforming in LTE-A and 5G NR [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/129852

The UX-Frontend Development Boundary : Bridging the Gap with WYSIWYG Tools

Enryd, Isabella January 2019 (has links)
There is currently a clear boundary between web UX design and frontend development and thispaper explores the possibility of bridging said gap with the help of WYSIWYG (What You See IsWhat You Get) tools. In such a situation, WYSIWYG tools would generate markup code fromprototypes created by UX designers that could be directly handed over to frontend developers –saving time and decreasing misunderstandings between the two roles. However, despite thesetools dating back more than two decades, the tools are not actually commonly used for thispurpose. The aim of this paper is therefore to find out why, as well as explore what is necessaryfor these tools to bridge the web UX design-frontend gap. In order to do so, two studies wereconducted – first an evaluation study in which two WYSIWYG tools were methodically testedusing a software quality framework, whereas the second study consisted of two interviews withUX designers and web developers. It was ultimately discovered that the tools – apart fromconstraining its users within the tools’ own technical limitations – produced markup code thatwas neither human-readable, semantically correct nor easy to maintain. Thus, it was concludedthat a reformation was necessary for the web UX design and frontend development gap to bebridged with the help of these tools. The paper also theorises on the possibilities of using artificialintelligence to solve some of the tools’ most critical issues.

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