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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social Cognitive Predictors of College Students' Fruit and Vegetable Intake

Ahlstrom, Denice C 01 May 2009 (has links)
This study examined the social cognitive theory factors of home availability of fruits and vegetables, nutrition knowledge, food preparation ability, and cooking self-efficacy and the demographic factors of race/ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, living situation, and meal plan participation in relation to college students' fruit and vegetable consumption. The study sample was comprised of students attending on-campus classes at Utah State University during spring semester of 2009. Data were collected via traditional pencil-and-paper surveys distributed during classes with students in varying stages of their college education and from different fields of study. In total, 207 surveys were used for the linear regression analysis. Race/ethnicity was not included in the regression model due to lack of sufficient racial/ethnic diversity. Of the remaining variables, availability of fruits and vegetables in the home, cooking self-efficacy, and meal plan participation were found to be significant predictors of college students' fruit and vegetable consumption. Availability in the home was the strongest predictor of fruit and vegetable intake in this sample.

Impact of a multimedia educational tool incorporating theoretical and mixed methods on the fruit and vegetable intakes of middle school children

Whelan, JoAnne Louise 11 December 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In the United States, over 30 percent of children are categorized as overweight or obese. Comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and other health complications related to obesity, are also on the rise. This public health issue is often related to disproportionate dietary intake and lack of physical activity. Efforts that promote fruits and vegetables (F/V) as preferred food choices over high fat and high sugar foods may help combat the increasing incidence of overweight and obesity. Other benefits from F/V include prebiotics or fiber that helps to create and maintain a healthy microbiota, which is now recognized as essential for long-term positive health outcomes. Many children, however, fall short in consuming the recommended daily amounts of F/V servings, and therefore, lack key nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber. This study is a pilot, quasi-experimental design that provides information related to the importance of eating F/V to children, ages 11-12 years, who attend a parochial school in Indianapolis, Indiana. The data from this study describe the amounts of F/V servings in home-prepared school lunches. The primary aim of this study is to determine if eight interactive multimedia lessons and activities delivered to one group of students (intervention) and a single lesson delivered to a different group of students in the same school and grade (control), affects the amount of lunch F/V servings, student knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy/perception. This baseline data will contribute to the design and implementation of a health curriculum for middle school age students. Focus groups, adapted validated assessment tools as well as the on-site observation of F/V servings brought in lunches and consumed at lunch are compared between both groups to document any effects of the instruction. The results show that a statistically significant change in knowledge occurred within the intervention group following the implementation of this F/V education series. Favorable findings, with a positive upward trend in relative amounts of F/V, were identified and more research in this area is warranted.

Evaluating the Differences in Dietary Intake of Adolescents with Varying Levels of Anxiety and Depression

Miller-Cobb, Tiffany 01 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Assessment of Citrus Reproductive Biology for Seedless Mandarin Production and its Interaction with Temperature

Montalt Resurrección, Rafael 05 June 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Desde el origen de los cítricos, hibridaciones naturales ancestrales, espontáneas o de cultivo a lo largo de miles de años, han ocasionado fenómenos de mezcla que han determinado la complejidad de la biología reproductiva de los cítricos cultivados hoy en día. El objetivo global de esta tesis doctoral es aumentar el conocimiento sobre diferentes aspectos reproductivos que son cruciales para la mejora y propagación de los cítricos y su interacción con las condiciones ambientales. El primer objetivo de esta tesis doctoral ha sido el análisis del efecto de la temperatura en la fase progámica de los cítricos. Hemos comprobado que las temperaturas altas redujeron el tiempo que necesitaban los tubos polínicos para llegar a los óvulos y también aceleraron la degeneración del pistilo, mientras que las bajas temperaturas produjeron los efectos opuestos. Sin embargo, los tubos polínicos pudieron llegar a los óvulos en todos los cruces estudiados. Es interesante señalar que observamos por primera vez en cítricos tanto la germinación del polen como el crecimiento del tubo polínico a 10ºC. Las mandarinas representan el 24% de la producción total de cítricos y la ausencia de semillas se valora como criterio de calidad en el mercado de la fruta fresca. La aptitud partenocárpica (AP) es la clave para la producción de frutos sin semillas cuando se combina con la autoincompatibilidad (AI) o la esterilidad. El segundo objetivo de esta tesis doctoral fue evaluar AP y AI para variedades de mandarina con características relevantes como progenitores para la mejora genética de mandarinas sin semillas. Para ello, desarrollamos un protocolo eficiente basado en la emasculación, la autopolinización manual y la polinización cruzada manual. Se observaron seis comportamientos diferentes entre las nueve variedades analizadas. Subrayar que más allá de la importancia crítica de la AI para la producción de frutos sin semillas, la AI es un obstáculo para los programas de mejora genética basados en hibridación, ya que reduce las posibilidades de cruzamiento. Esta circunstancia motivó el planteamiento del tercer objetivo de esta tesis doctoral. Dicho objetivo fue comparar la eficiencia de la ruptura de la reacción de AI por tres factores previamente identificados en otras especies: estrés por temperatura, polinización de yemas florales y poliploidización. Los tres métodos tuvieron éxito en la obtención de plantas autofecundadas, y la polinización de yemas florales resultó ser el método más eficiente. La selección asistida por marcadores (MAS) permite la selección de genotipos en la etapa de plántula, lo que la convierte en una herramienta poderosa, especialmente en especies de árboles con un largo período juvenil, como es el caso de los cítricos. El cuarto objetivo de esta tesis doctoral se centró por tanto en el desarrollo de marcadores SNPs asociados a poliembrionía y esterilidad masculina. Mediante estudios exhaustivos de asociación genética, identificamos una región genómica en el grupo de ligamiento 1 asociado con poliembrionía y una región genómica en el grupo de ligamiento 8 asociado con NPG. Se desarrollaron marcadores SNP cercanos a genes que tienen funciones relacionadas con la esterilidad masculina y con la poliembrionia para las dos regiones genómicas. Esta tesis doctoral proporciona nuevos conocimientos sobre la biología reproductiva de los cítricos y la influencia de la temperatura en ella. El conocimiento generado permitirá implementar de manera más eficiente los programas de mejora genética, particularmente aquellos destinados a la obtención de variedades sin semillas. Además, este conocimiento podrá utilizarse para ayudar en la respuesta a algunos de los desafíos más apremiantes que plantea el escenario actual de calentamiento global. / [CA] Des de que es van originar els cítrics, hibridacions naturals ancestrals, espontànies o de conreu, al llarg de milers d'anys, han ocasionat fenòmens de mescla que han determinat la complexitat de la biologia reproductiva dels cítrics actualment conreats. L'objectiu global d'aquesta tesi va ser augmentar el coneixement de diferents aspectes reproductius dels cítrics ¿especialment en la seua interacció amb les condicions ambientals¿ crucials per a la seua millora genética i reproducció, El nostre primer objectiu ha estat l'anàlisi de l'efecte de la temperatura en la fase progàmica dels cítrics. Hem comprovat que les temperatures càlides redueixen el temps necessari per arribar als òvuls pels tubs de pol·len i que també acceleren la degeneració del pistil; mentre les temperatures fredes van produeixen els efectes contraris. No obstant això, els tubs pol·línics van poder arribar als òvuls en totes les creus estudiades. Curiosament, vam observar per primera vegada als cítrics tant la germinació del pol·len com el creixement del tub pol·línic a 10ºC. Les mandarins representen el 24% de la producció total de cítrics i l'absència de llavors és un criteri de qualitat crucial en el mercat de la fruita fresca. La capacitat partenocàrpica (PA) és la clau per a la producció de fruites sense llavors quan s'acobla a l'autoincompatibilitat (SI) o l'esterilitat. El segon objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral va ser avaluar PA i SI per a varietats de mandarines amb característiques rellevants com a progenitors per a la millora genètica de mandarines sense llavors. Amb aquesta finalitat, hem desenvolupat un protocol eficient basat en l'emasculació, l'autopol·linització manual i la pol·linització creuada manual. Es van observar sis comportaments diferents entre les nou varietats analitzades. Subratllar que, enllà de la importància crítica del SI en la producció de fruites sense llavors, el SI és alhora un obstacle per als programes de millora basats en la hibridació, ja que redueix les possibilitats d'encreuament. Aquesta circumstància va motivar el plantejament del tercer objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral. Aquest objectiu va ser comparar l'eficiència de la ruptura de la reacció SI per tres factors identificats prèviament en altres espècies: estrès per temperatura, pol·linització de rovells florals i poliploidització. Els tres mètodes van tenir èxit en l'obtenció de plantes autofecundades, i la pol·linització de rovells florals va resultar ser el mètode més eficient. La selecció assistida per marcadors (MAS) en l'etapa de plàntules permet la selecció de genotips diana, la qual cosa la converteix en una eina potent, especialment en espècies d'arbres amb període juvenil llarg, com els cítrics. El quart objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en el desenvolupament de marcadors SNPs associats a la poliembriona i l'esterilitat masculina. Estudis exhaustius d'associació genètica, vam identificar una regió genòmica al grup de lligament 1 associada a la poliembrionia i una regió genòmica al grup de lligament 8 associada amb NPG. Es van desenvolupar marcadors SNP estretament relacionats amb gens implicats per a les dues regions genòmiques. Aquesta tesi doctoral proporciona nous coneixements sobre la biologia reproductiva dels cítrics i la influència de la temperatura sobre ella. El coneixement generat permetrà implementar de manera més eficient els programes de millora genètica, especialment aquells destinats a l'obtenció de varietats sense llavors. A més, aquest coneixement es podrà utilitzar en la complexa resposta a alguns dels reptes més urgents que planteja l'escenari actual d'escalfament global. / [EN] Since the origin of citrus, ancestral natural hybridizations, thousands of years of cultivation and admixture phenomenon have resulted in the complexity of the reproductive biology of today's cultivated citrus. The global objective of this PhD was to increase our knowledge on different reproductive aspects that are crucial for citrus breeding and propagation and their interaction with environmental conditions. Temperature in the progamic phase is critical for the success of plant sexual reproduction. Pollen grain germination, stigmatic receptivity and pollen tube growth are the main components of this phase. The analysis of temperature effect on the progamic phase of citrus was our first objective. Using three compatible crosses within the Citrus genus, we evaluated, with this method, the effect of four temperature regimes in every process during the progamic phase. Warm temperatures reduced the time needed by pollen tubes to reach the ovules and also accelerate pistil degeneration while cold temperatures produced the opposite effects. However, pollen tubes were able to reach the ovules in all crosses studied. Interestingly, we observed for the first time in citrus both pollen germination and pollen tube growth at 10ºC. Mandarins account for 24% of total citrus production and seedlessness is a crucial quality criterion for the mandarin fresh fruit market. Parthenocarpic ability (PA) is the key for seedless fruit production when it is coupled with self-incompatibility (SI) or sterility. The second objective of this PhD dissertation was to evaluate PA and SI for mandarin varieties with relevant characteristics as parents for seedless mandarin breeding. For this purpose, we developed an efficient protocol based on emasculation, hand self-pollination and hand cross-pollination. Pollen performance was analysed by histological observations, together with fruit set and seed production. Six different behaviors were observed among the nine varieties analysed. Beyond the critical importance of SI for seedless fruit production, SI is an obstacle for breeding programs based on hybridization as it reduces crossing possibilities. The third objective of this PhD dissertation was to compare the efficiency of the SI reaction breakdown by three factors previously identified in other plant species: temperature stress, bud pollination and polyploidization. The three methods were successful in recovering selfed plants, and bud pollination was the most efficient approach. Chromosome doubling was also efficient, but involved developing tetraploid plants. Cold temperature stress allowed us to obtain a few diploid selfed plants. However, this method proved much more complex to apply than bud pollination in specific breeding programs. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) allows the selection of target genotypes at the seedling stage, making it a powerful tool, especially in tree species with long juvenile period, such as citrus. The 4th objective of this PhD dissertation focuses on the development of SNPs markers associated with polyembryony and male sterility. Through genetic association studies, we identified a genomic region in linkage group 1 associated with polyembryony and a genomic region on linkage group 8 associated with NPGA. SNP markers closely linked with implied genes were developed for the two genomic regions. Overall, this PhD dissertation provides new insights into citrus reproductive biology and the influence of temperature on it. The knowledge generated will allow to implement breeding programs more efficiently, particularly those aimed at obtaining seedless varieties. This knowledge can eventually be used to respond to some of the most pressing challenges posed by the current global warming scenario. / Montalt Resurrección, R. (2023). Assessment of Citrus Reproductive Biology for Seedless Mandarin Production and its Interaction with Temperature [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193856 / Compendio


WIENER, FRIDA B. 02 May 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Three Essays Examining Household Demand for Healthy Foods

Collins, LaPorchia Antoinette 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

OHMIC heating for thermal processing of low-acid foods containing solid particulates

Sarang, Sanjay S. 07 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Impact de la désacidification du jus de canneberge par électrodialyse avec membrane bipolaire sur ses propriétés bénéfiques en lien avec la santé buccodentaire

Pellerin, Geneviève 24 September 2021 (has links)
La canneberge (Vaccinium macrocarpon) et ses produits dérivés renferment de fortes teneurs en composés phénoliques qui sont reconnus pour leurs bienfaits sur la santé buccodentaire. Cependant, la richesse en acides organiques du jus de canneberge lui confère une faible palatabilité et peut provoquer des effets secondaires indésirables. Le procédé d'électrodialyse avec membrane bipolaire (EDMB) permet le retrait sélectif des acides organiques du jus, et la production d'un jus pouvant être consommé sans dilution préalable. Ainsi, le projet de recherche visait à évaluer l'effet de la désacidification du jus de canneberge par EDMB sur les facteurs étiologiques des deux principales infections buccodentaires, soit la carie dentaire et la parodontite. À cet égard, les propriétés antibactériennes des jus brut et désacidifiés ont été évaluées vis-à-vis des colonisateurs primaires des tissus dentaires (Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus salivarius), des streptocoques cariogènes (Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus) et des bactéries parodontopathogènes clés (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis). De même, l'impact de la désacidification du jus de canneberge sur les défenses de l'hôte (la barrière épithéliale gingivale et la réponse immunitaire) a été évalué dans des modèles in vitro. Les résultats de ces travaux ont montré que le retrait des acides organiques du jus de canneberge diminue ses propriétés bactéricides contre certaines espèces bactériennes à l'étude. Cependant, consommer un jus désacidifié plutôt qu'un jus brut dilué pourrait diminuer l'adhésion des bactéries aux tissus buccodentaires. D'autre part, la désacidification du jus a préservé l'intégrité de la barrière épithéliale gingivale comparativement au produit brut. Néanmoins, bien que les jus de canneberge non dilués aient démontré des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, ces dernières sont réduites suite à la désacidification du produit. Les résultats indiquent que la désacidification modérée du jus de canneberge par EDMB représente une stratégie prometteuse pour la production d'un jus favorisant le maintien d'une bonne santé buccodentaire. / The high content in phenolic compounds found in cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is associated with well-known beneficial effects on oral health. However, cranberry juice (CJ) is rich in organic acids, which are responsible for the low palatability of the product and can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Electrodialysis with bipolar membrane (EDBM) is an ecoefficient process that can be used for the deacidification of CJ, thus removing the requirement to dilute the product prior to consumption. This study aimed to evaluate how the deacidification of CJ by EDBM impacts its effects against the etiological factors of dental caries and periodontitis. The antibacterial activities of the raw and deacidifed CJ samples were assessed on commensal streptococci (Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus salivarius), cariogenic streptococci (Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus), and key periodontopathogenic bacteria (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis). Moreover, the impact of CJ deacidification on the host oral defenses (oral epithelial barrier function and host inflammatory response) was investigated in in vitro models. It appears from the results that removing organic acids from the product reduced the bactericidal activities of CJ against some bacterial species included in the study, though it should be noted that deacidified CJ had generally higher anti-adherence properties compared to its raw diluted counterpart. On the other hand, deacidification of CJ helped preserve the integrity of the oral epithelial barrier compared to the raw beverage. However, even though all undiluted CJ samples exerted anti-inflammatory properties, exposition to deacidified CJ appears to lower this property in an oral epithelial cell model. Overall, this work brought evidence that a moderate deacidification of CJ by EDBM could allow the production of cranberry juice that provides benefits with respect to the maintenance of oral health.

Changes in workload of staff and the consumption of fruits and vegetables amongst school-aged children as perceived by school food service providers after schools purchased a slicer and sectionizer

Potts, Jayme 02 May 2009 (has links)
Over the past three decades, obesity rates for children ages 2-5 years have doubled from 5% to 10% and children ages 6-11 years have more than tripled from 4% to over 15%. Adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables in the diet are necessary to reduce increased risks associated with long term inadequate consumption of these foods. Grant recipients received funds to purchase a sectionizer and slicer to prepare more attractive fruits and vegetables for school food service lines. Through the use of a descriptive survey, recipients reported a significant reduction in workload on staff and an increase in the amounts of fruits and vegetables children took from service lines after these foods were prepared using this equipment. Using equipment designed to increase convenience or enhance appearance of fruits and vegetables in school food service operations may increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables provided to children through child nutrition programs.

Impact de la désacidification du jus de canneberge par électrodialyse avec membrane bipolaire sur ses propriétés bénéfiques en lien avec la santé buccodentaire

Pellerin, Geneviève 24 September 2021 (has links)
La canneberge (Vaccinium macrocarpon) et ses produits dérivés renferment de fortes teneurs en composés phénoliques qui sont reconnus pour leurs bienfaits sur la santé buccodentaire. Cependant, la richesse en acides organiques du jus de canneberge lui confère une faible palatabilité et peut provoquer des effets secondaires indésirables. Le procédé d'électrodialyse avec membrane bipolaire (EDMB) permet le retrait sélectif des acides organiques du jus, et la production d'un jus pouvant être consommé sans dilution préalable. Ainsi, le projet de recherche visait à évaluer l'effet de la désacidification du jus de canneberge par EDMB sur les facteurs étiologiques des deux principales infections buccodentaires, soit la carie dentaire et la parodontite. À cet égard, les propriétés antibactériennes des jus brut et désacidifiés ont été évaluées vis-à-vis des colonisateurs primaires des tissus dentaires (Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus salivarius), des streptocoques cariogènes (Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus) et des bactéries parodontopathogènes clés (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis). De même, l'impact de la désacidification du jus de canneberge sur les défenses de l'hôte (la barrière épithéliale gingivale et la réponse immunitaire) a été évalué dans des modèles in vitro. Les résultats de ces travaux ont montré que le retrait des acides organiques du jus de canneberge diminue ses propriétés bactéricides contre certaines espèces bactériennes à l'étude. Cependant, consommer un jus désacidifié plutôt qu'un jus brut dilué pourrait diminuer l'adhésion des bactéries aux tissus buccodentaires. D'autre part, la désacidification du jus a préservé l'intégrité de la barrière épithéliale gingivale comparativement au produit brut. Néanmoins, bien que les jus de canneberge non dilués aient démontré des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, ces dernières sont réduites suite à la désacidification du produit. Les résultats indiquent que la désacidification modérée du jus de canneberge par EDMB représente une stratégie prometteuse pour la production d'un jus favorisant le maintien d'une bonne santé buccodentaire. / The high content in phenolic compounds found in cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is associated with well-known beneficial effects on oral health. However, cranberry juice (CJ) is rich in organic acids, which are responsible for the low palatability of the product and can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Electrodialysis with bipolar membrane (EDBM) is an ecoefficient process that can be used for the deacidification of CJ, thus removing the requirement to dilute the product prior to consumption. This study aimed to evaluate how the deacidification of CJ by EDBM impacts its effects against the etiological factors of dental caries and periodontitis. The antibacterial activities of the raw and deacidifed CJ samples were assessed on commensal streptococci (Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus salivarius), cariogenic streptococci (Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus), and key periodontopathogenic bacteria (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis). Moreover, the impact of CJ deacidification on the host oral defenses (oral epithelial barrier function and host inflammatory response) was investigated in in vitro models. It appears from the results that removing organic acids from the product reduced the bactericidal activities of CJ against some bacterial species included in the study, though it should be noted that deacidified CJ had generally higher anti-adherence properties compared to its raw diluted counterpart. On the other hand, deacidification of CJ helped preserve the integrity of the oral epithelial barrier compared to the raw beverage. However, even though all undiluted CJ samples exerted anti-inflammatory properties, exposition to deacidified CJ appears to lower this property in an oral epithelial cell model. Overall, this work brought evidence that a moderate deacidification of CJ by EDBM could allow the production of cranberry juice that provides benefits with respect to the maintenance of oral health.

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