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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le plaisir et la santé dans la consommation alimentaire : activité cérébrale, motivation et simulation sensorielle / Health and pleasure in the self-regulation of food consumption : brain activity, motivation and sensorial simulation

Petit, Olivia 17 March 2014 (has links)
L'autorégulation est une ressource essentielle pour ne pas succomber à la tentation de consommer des aliments fortement caloriques. Elle demande de la volonté et de contrôler ses émotions et sensations. Cependant, nous évoluons dans un environnement valorisant le plaisir alimentaire où les informations de santé sont mal prises en compte, entrainant des difficultés d'autorégulation. Ces difficultés se retrouvent notamment chez les personnes en surpoids et/ou au régime. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que valoriser le goût des aliments sains pourrait aider ces personnes à s'autoréguler et nous avons conduit deux expériences pour la tester. Dans la première, les messages basés sur le plaisir de consommer des fruits et légumes se sont avérés plus persuasifs pour ces individus. De la même manière, dans la seconde étude lors de la prise de décision simuler le plaisir procuré par ces aliments augmente davantage le choix d'aliments sains pour ces individus. Par le recours à la neuro-imagerie fonctionnelle, nous montrons également des différences significatives d'activité cérébrale entre ces individus au moment du choix d'aliments sains dans cette condition. Il apparaît plus impulsif chez les sujets les plus sensibles à la récompense, se rapprochant du choix d'aliments fortement caloriques. Au contraire, il apparaît plus réfléchi chez les sujets ayant un IMC élevé, facilitant ainsi l'autorégulation. Au niveau théorique, cette recherche met en avant le rôle positif des émotions et sensations liées au plaisir dans l'autorégulation. Au niveau managérial, elle suggère l'importance d'adapter les stratégies de promotion des aliments sains au public ciblé. / Self-regulation is an essential resource for not succumbing to (junk) food. It requires willpower and control of emotions and sensations. However, individuals operate in an environment enhancing food pleasure where health informations are few and poorly considered, causing difficulties in self-regulation. These difficulties are found especially in overweight people and/or dieter. We hypothesized that value the taste of healthy foods could help people to self-regulate and we conducted two experiments to test it. In the first study, messages highlighting the pleasure of eating fruits and vegetables are more persuasive to subjects taking risks to health. Similarly, in the second study in decision making, focusing on the tatste of these foods increases more healthy food choices for these subjects. By using neuroimaging, we have shown brain activity distinctions between these subjects when choosing healthy food in this condition. Choosing healthy food is more impulsive for the most sensitive to reward subjects, approaching the choice of junk foods. Instead, it appears more reflective for subjects with a high BMI and choosing more junk foods, facilitating self-regulation. At the theoretical level this research highlights the positive role of emotions and sensations related to pleasure in self-regulation. At the managerial level, it suggests the importance of adapting strategies to the target audience in order to efficiently healthy food consumption.

Einfluss von Spracherwerbsalter und Sprachleistungsniveau auf die kortikale Repräsentation von Grammatik und Semantik in der Erst- und Zweitsprache

Wartenburger, Isabell 26 January 2004 (has links)
Ob es eine 'kritische Periode' beim Spracherwerb gibt oder nicht, wird kontrovers diskutiert. Die Untersuchung zweisprachiger Probanden mit unterschiedlichem Spracherwerbsalter und Sprachleistungsniveau in der Zweitsprache stellt eine gute Möglichkeit dar, diese Frage näher zu beleuchten. In der vorliegenden Studie nutzten wir die funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie, um den Einfluss der Faktoren Spracherwerbsalter und Sprachleistungsniveau auf die neuronalen Korrelate grammatikalischer und semantischer Verarbeitungsprozesse bei italienisch-deutschsprachigen Probanden mit unterschiedlichem Spracherwerbsalter und Sprachleistungsniveau zu untersuchen. Während das zerebrale Aktivierungsmuster beim semantischen Urteilen größtenteils vom erreichten Sprachleistungsniveau abhängig war, beeinflusste das Spracherwerbsalter hauptsächlich die zerebrale Repräsentation grammatikalischer Verarbeitungsprozesse. Diese Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass beide, das Spracherwerbsalter und das Sprachleistungsniveau, die neuronalen Substrate der Verarbeitung der Zweitsprache beeinflussen, jedoch mit einem unterschiedlichen Effekt auf grammatikalische und semantische Verarbeitungsprozesse. / The existence of a 'critical period' for language acquisition is still controversial. Bilingual subjects with variable age of acquisition and proficiency level constitute a suitable model to study this issue. In the present study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the effects of age of acquisition and proficiency level on neural correlates of grammatical and semantic judgments in Italian-German bilinguals who learned the second language at different ages and had different proficiency levels. While the pattern of brain activity for semantic judgment was largely dependent on the proficiency level, the age of acquisition mainly affected the cortical representation of grammatical processes. These findings support the view that both age of acquisition and proficiency level affect the neural substrates of second language processing, with a differential effect on grammar and semantics.

Kontrolle zielgerichteter visueller Suche im menschlichen Gehirn

Donner, Tobias Hinrich 10 October 2003 (has links)
Die Suche nach einem Zielobjekt in einer komplexen visuellen Szene ist ein alltäglicher Wahrnehmungsvorgang und ein etabliertes experimentelles Paradigma für die Untersuchung selektiver Aufmerksamkeit. Einem klassischen Modell zufolge ist der Suchprozeß seriell: Die Objekte werden nacheinander vom Aufmerksamkeitsfokus selektiert und so für die Identifikation bereitgestellt. Ein Alternativmodell postuliert einen parallelen Suchprozeß, bei dem alle Objekte in der Szene gleichzeitig vom Sehsystem verarbeitet werden. Beide Modelltypen sind gleich gut mit den Resultaten bisheriger Verhaltensexperimente kompatibel. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die neuronalen Grundlagen des Suchprozesses mit Hilfe der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) im menschlichen Gehirn untersucht. Es ist bekannt, dass das frontale Augenfeld (FEF) und drei Subregionen (AIPS, PIPS und IPTO) des posterioren parietalen Cortex (PPC) den im seriellen Suchmodell postulierten Teilprozeß der Verschiebung des Aufmerksamkeitsfokus (ohne Augenbewegungen) kontrollieren. In Experiment 1 wurde geprüft, ob diese Regionen auch am Suchprozeß beteiligt sind. Dazu wurde das fMRT-Signal zwischen einer schwierigen Suche nach einer Verknüpfung zweier visueller Merkmale und einer einfachen Suche nach einem einzelnen Merkmal verglichen. Motorische Anforderungen und Reizmuster waren in beiden Bedingungen so ähnlich wie möglich und in Kontrollexperimenten wurde sichergestellt, dass Aktivierungsunterschiede zwischen beiden Bedingungen keine motorischen oder sensorischen Prozesse reflektieren, sondern spezifisch den Prozeß der Verknüpfungssuche. FEF, AIPS, PIPS und IPTO wurden differentiell aktiviert. In Experiment 2 wurde getestet, ob die Beteiligung dieser Areale an der visuellen Suche von der Notwendigkeit einer Merkmalsverknüpfung abhängt. Dazu wurde eine schwierige Merkmalssuche mit der einfachen Merkmalssuche verglichen und kontrolliert, dass auch dieser Vergleich sensorische und motorische Faktoren eliminierte. Differentielle Aktivierungen in diesem Experiment reflektierten nun nicht mehr den Merkmalsverknüpfungsprozeß, sondern allein die höhere Schwierigkeit der Suche. Auch hier fand sich eine differentielle Aktivierung des FEF, AIPS, PIPS und IPTO. Dabei unterschieden sich die Schwierigkeit auf der Verhaltensebene wie auch die differentielle Aktivierung von PIPS auf der neuronalen Ebene nicht zwischen Verknüpfungs- und schwieriger Merkmalssuche. Die Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass das FEF und drei Subregionen des PPC an der schwierigen visuellen Suche beteiligt sind. Dies ist gut mit der Annahme eines seriellen und nur schwer mit der eines parallelen Suchprozesses vereinbar. Darüber hinaus suggerieren die Befunde, dass der Beitrag des PPC und FEF zur visuellen Suche nicht auf den Prozeß der Merkmalsverknüpfung beschränkt ist, sondern allgemeiner die Anforderung an den Suchprozeß reflektiert. / The search for a target object in a complex visual scene is an all-day process of visual perception and an established experimental paradigm for the study of selective attention. A classical model postulates a serial search process. That is, objects are selected sequentially by the focus of attention and are thereby routed to the identification stage. An alternative model postulates a parallel search process, in which all objects within the scene are processed simultaneously. Both models are equally consistent with the current behavioural data. In this thesis, the neural basis of the search process in the human brain was investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The frontal eye field (FEF) and three sub-regions (AIPS, PIPS und IPTO) of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) are known to control the shifting of the focus of attention in space (without eye movements), which is postulated by the serial model to be an essential sub-process of visual search. Experiment 1 tested whether the same areas are also engaged in the search process. The fMRI signal was compared between a difficult search for a feature conjunction and an easy search for a single feature. Motor requirements and stimuli were as similar as possible across conditions and control experiments demonstrated that activation differences between conditions do not reflect sensory or motor factors, but rather the process of conjunction search. The FEF, AIPS, PIPS, and IPTO were differentially activated. Experiment 2 tested whether the involvement of these areas in visual search depends on the necessity for conjoining features. A difficult feature search was compared with the easy feature search. This comparison also eliminated sensory and motor factors according to control experiments. Differential activations in this experiment did not reflect the feature conjunction process, but only the higher search difficulty. Again, a differential activation of the FEF, AIPS, PIPS, and IPTO was found. The conjunction and the difficult feature search did not differ in their difficulty at the behavioral level as well as in PIPS activation strength at the neural level. The results show that the FEF and three PPC sub-regions contribute to difficult visual search. This is consistent with the assumption of a serial, but much less consistent with the assumption of a parallel, search process. Furthermore the results suggest that the contribution of the PPC and FEF to visual search is not restricted to the feature conjunction process, but more generally reflects the demands on the search process.

Mechanisms of Voice Processing: Evidence from Autism Spectrum Disorder

Schelinski, Stefanie 06 April 2018 (has links)
Die korrekte Wahrnehmung stimmlicher Information ist eine Grundvoraussetzung erfolgreicher zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation. Die Stimme einer anderen Person liefert Information darüber wer spricht (Sprechererkennung), was gesagt wird (stimmliche Spracherkennung) und über den emotionalen Zustand einer Person (stimmliche Emotionserkennung). Autismus Spektrum Störungen (ASS) sind mit Einschränkungen in der Sprechererkennung und der stimmlichen Emotionserkennung assoziiert, während die Wahrnehmung stimmlicher Sprache relativ intakt ist. Die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen dieser Einschränkungen sind bisher jedoch unklar. Es ist beispielsweise unklar, auf welcher Verarbeitungsstufe diese Einschränkungen in der Stimmenwahrnehmung entstehen oder ob sie mit einer Dysfunktion stimmensensitiver Hirnregionen in Verbindung stehen. Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation haben wir systematisch Stimmenverarbeitung und dessen Einschränkungen bei Erwachsenen mit hochfunktionalem ASS und typisch entwickelten Kontrollprobanden (vergleichbar in Alter, Geschlecht und intellektuellen Fähigkeiten) untersucht. In den ersten beiden Studien charakterisierten wir Sprechererkennung bei ASS mittels einer umfassenden verhaltensbezogenen Testbatterie und zweier funktionaler Magnet Resonanz Tomographie (fMRT) Experimente. In der dritten Studie untersuchten wir Mechanismen eingeschränkter stimmlicher Emotionserkennung bei ASS. Unsere Ergebnisse bringen neue Kenntnisse für Modelle zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation und erhöhen unser Verständnis elementarer Mechanismen, die den Kernsymptomen in ASS wie Schwierigkeiten in der Kommunikation, zugrunde liegen könnten. Beispielsweise unterstützen unsere Ergebnisse die Annahme, dass Einschränkungen in der Wahrnehmung und Integration basaler sensorischer Merkmale (i.S. akustischer Merkmale der Stimme) entscheidend zu Einschränkungen in sozialer Kognition (i.S. Sprechererkennung und stimmliche Emotionserkennung) beitragen. / The correct perception of information carried by the voice is a key requirement for successful human communication. Hearing another person’s voice provides information about who is speaking (voice identity), what is said (vocal speech) and the emotional state of a person (vocal emotion). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is associated with impaired voice identity and vocal emotion perception while the perception of vocal speech is relatively intact. However, the underlying mechanisms of these voice perception impairments are unclear. For example, it is unclear at which processing stage voice perception difficulties occur, i.e. whether they are rather of apperceptive or associative nature or whether impairments in voice identity processing in ASD are associated with dysfunction of voice-sensitive brain regions. Within the scope of my dissertation we systematically investigated voice perception and its impairments in adults with high-functioning ASD and typically developing matched controls (matched pairwise on age, gender, and intellectual abilities). In the first two studies we characterised the behavioural and neuronal profile of voice identity recognition in ASD using two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments and a comprehensive behavioural test battery. In the third study we investigated the underlying behavioural mechanisms of impaired vocal emotion recognition in ASD. Our results inform models on human communication and advance our understanding for basic mechanisms which might contribute to core symptoms in ASD, such as difficulties in communication. For example, our results converge to support the view that in ASD difficulties in perceiving and integrating lower-level sensory features, i.e. acoustic characteristics of the voice might critically contribute to difficulties in higher-level social cognition, i.e. voice identity and vocal emotion recognition.

Untersuchungen physiologischer und pathophysiologischer Stoffwechselzustände und Hirnfunktionen des Menschen mit Hilfe neuer methodischer Entwicklungen zur ortsaufgelösten Magnetresonanz-Spektroskopie und funktionellen Magnetresonanz-Tomografie

Bruhn, Harald 06 November 2001 (has links)
Diese Schrift faßt in zwei Abschnitten eigene Beiträge zur Einführung der lokalisierten Magnetresonanzspektroskopie (MRS) und der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomografie (fMRT) in die diagnostische Medizin zusammen. Im ersten Teil wird beschrieben, wie die biochemischen Metabolite N-Azetylaspartat, Kreatin und Phosphokreatin, cholin-enthaltende Verbindungen und Laktat durch die Einführung der stimulierten Echo-Akquisitionsmethode (STEAM) als Lokalisationstechnik in die diagnostische Magnetresonanzspektroskopie in definierten Hirnregionen gesunder Versuchspersonen nichtinvasiv zugänglich gemacht und erstmals in Form von In-vivo-Konzentrationen quantifiziert werden konnten. Daraufhin wird gezeigt, wie die Weiterentwicklung der robusten STEAM-Technik zu kurzen Echozeiten das Signal-zu-Rauschverhältnis und damit die Messung kleinerer Untersuchungsvolumina erheblich verbesserte. Zudem wurde dadurch die Erkennung und Quantifizierung weiterer Metabolite wie z. B. des myo- und scyllo-Inosits, des Glutamats und Glutamins, des N-Azetylaspartylglutamats und der Glukose ermöglicht. Diese Methode setzte damit zusammen mit der verwendeten linearen Kombinationsmethode (LCModel) zur Konzentrationsbestimmung den spektralen Qualitätsstandard des gesamten letzten Jahrzehnts. Ferner werden die parallelen Pionierarbeiten zu Hirnerkrankungen fokaler und generalisierter Art beleuchtet. Diese Anwendungen der lokalisierten STEAM-Protonenspektroskopie in Einzelvolumentechnik zur Messung umschriebener Prozesse umfassen zerebrale Tumore und Infarkte, Plaques der multiplen Sklerose sowie andere entzündliche und degenerative Läsionen. Auch die lokalisierte STEAM-Phosphorspektroskopie und nichtzerebrale Anwendungen wie die lokalisierte Protonenspektroskopie von Faserbündeln des Skelettmuskels und der Niere bauen weitgehend auf diesem Fortschritt in der Methode auf. Zusätzlich werden Anwendungen bei generalisierten Erkrankungen gestreift, speziell angeborenen Stoffwechselerkrankungen des Kindesalters wie mitochondrialen und lysosomalen Defekten, Stoffwechselentgleisungen bei Diabetes mellitus und Leberzirrhose, psychiatrischen Erkrankungen wie der Alzheimer-Demenz. Die weitere Verbreitung dieser Erkenntnisse in die klinische Diagnostik wird entscheidend von der Beachtung des hier eingeführten Qualitätsmaßstabs und der darauf aufbauenden absoluten Metabolitquantifizierung abhängen. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit faßt ausgehend von funktionellen protonenspektroskopischen Untersuchungen des visuellen Kortex bei photischer Aktivierung Fortschritte zusammen, die bei der Entwicklung und Anwendung der suszeptibilitätsempfindlichen MR-Tomografie zur Messung physiologischer Hirnaktivierung mit dem Modell der visuellen Stimulation erzielt wurden. Während die Belastung des Energiestoffwechsels im angeregten striatären Kortex anhand abgesunkener Gewebespiegel von Glukose und angestiegener Laktatkonzentrationen mithilfe der zeitaufgelösten Spektroskopie beobachtet werden konnte, gelang die Demarkierung der Ausdehnung der Hirngewebeaktivierung mithilfe der T2*-gewichteten FLASH-MRT, die begleitende Verminderungen des paramagnetischen Desoxyhämoglobins im funktionell aktiven Gewebe mit Anstiegen der Bildsignalintensität wiedergibt. Schließlich werden Untersuchungen beschrieben, die die Empfindlichkeit dieses endogenen, sauerstoffspiegelabhängigen Suszeptibilitätskontrastes für die Wirkung verschiedener Medikamente bzw. pharmakologischer Stimulantien zeigen, die direkt oder indirekt über bestimmte vaskuläre Rezeptoren wirken. Diese Untersuchungen befördern wiederum ein neues Gebiet der Bildgebung, die pharmakologische MRT. / This work has two main parts that summarize pioneering contributions to localized magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), functional magnetic resonance tomography (fMRI), and the introduction of these modalities into diagnostic medicine. First, it is described how biochemical metabolites such as the intracellular pools of N-acetylaspartate, creatine and phosphocreatine, choline-containing compounds, and lactate have been made accessible to noninvasive detection and to the quantification of their respective concentrations in vivo in defined cerebral regions of healthy subjects by utilizing the stimulated echo-acquisition mode (STEAM) localization technique. Then it is shown that further development of the robust STEAM technique to short echo times not only increased the signal-to-noise of the measurement, thereby providing access to smaller volumes-of-interest, but also allowed for the detection and quantification of additional metabolites such as myo- and scyllo-inositol, glutamate, glutamine, N-acetylaspartylglutamate, and glucose. Thus, together with the adoption of the linear combination method (LCModel) for concentration calculation, this method has set the standard for spectroscopic state-of-the-art in the field well over the last decade. Moreover, pioneering achievements have been highlighted with regard to applications in brain diseases of focal and generalized nature. Pertinent applications of localized single-volume STEAM proton spectroscopy to circumscribed processes include cerebral tumors, cerebral infarction, multiple sclerosis plaques, and other inflammatory and degenerative lesions. Also localized STEAM phosphorus spectroscopy and non-cerebral applications including localized proton spectroscopy of skeletal muscle and kidney largely depend on the short-echo time STEAM technique. In addition, applications in generalized disorders have been explored, which include inborn errors of metabolism in childhood, such as mitochondrial and lysosomal defects, metabolic disturbances in diabetes mellitus and liver cirrhosis, and psychiatric diseases such as Alzheimer's dementia. The further utilization of these novel methods in clinical diagnostics will heavily depend on quality measures and the mastering of a true quantification procedure as demonstrated. Second, this work summarizes achievements made in developing and applying both proton MR spectroscopy and susceptibility-sensitized MR imaging to measure physiologic brain activation using visual stimulation as a model. Whereas metabolic stress, brought upon the bioenergetic steady state in the responding striate cortex, was detected by decreased parenchymal glucose and increased lactate using time-resolved spectroscopy, mapping the extent of parenchymal activation was found to be possible by increases of image intensity in T2*-weighted FLASH MRI made sensitive to concomitant decreases of paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin in the functionally active tissue. Finally, studies are described, which show the sensitivity of this endogenous, susceptibility-sensitive contrast, now generally known as BOLD effect, to various drugs or pharmacologic stimuli acting either directly or indirectly on vascular receptors. These latter studies open up again a new field of imaging, dubbed pharmacologic MRI.

Neurophysiologische Substrate von Störungen des Belohnungssystems und kognitiver Funktionen bei unmedizierten Schizophreniepatienten untersucht mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie und 1 H-Magnetresonanzspektroskopie

Gudlowski, Yehonala 09 February 2010 (has links)
Bildgebende Studien haben gezeigt, dass bei schizophrenen Patienten Positivsymptome mit Veränderungen mesolimbischer Aktivierungsmuster unter Einbeziehung des Nucleus accumbens in Zusammenhang stehen. Hierbei ist von besonderem Interesse, dass der Nucleus accumbens Teil des Belohnungssystems ist, wobei die integrale „Bewertung“ belohnungsanzeigender Reize präfrontalen kortikalen Strukturen, insbesondere dem anterioren Zingulum, zuzurechnen ist. Bereits in der Antizipationsphase potentiell belohnender Reize, werden vermutlich zur Berechnung von Prädiktionsabweichungen dopaminerge Signale in der VTA generiert und modulieren den Nucleus accumbens. Es gibt zahlreiche Hinweise, dass glutamaterge Neurone des anterioren Zingulums die Dopaminausschüttung im Nucleus accumbens beeinflussen, und dass diese Modulation bei Erkrankungen wie der Schizophrenie beeinträchtigt ist. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie und Protonen Magnetresonanzspektroskopie, Hinweise über den Zusammenhang zwischen der glutamatergen Neurotransmission des ACC und belohnungsassoziierter Dopaminausschüttung im Nucleus accumbens bei 23 gesunden Probanden und bei 23 unmedizierten schizophrenen Patienten zu erlangen. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die gegenseitige Modulation von anteriorem Zingulum und Nucleus accumbens bei schizophrenen Patienten gestört ist. Dieses und weitere Ergebnisse wurden im theoretischen Rahmen der NMDA-Rezeptor-Hypoaktivität und einer gestörten Balance zwischen Dopamin-D1- und Dopamin-D2-Rezeptor-Aktivität als pathophysiologische Korrelate schizophrener Erkrankungen diskutiert. / Imaging studies have demonstrated that for schizophrenic patients a correlation exists between positive symptoms and changes in the patterns of mesolimbic activity. Especially the changes in the ncl. accumbens (Nac) were interpreted in connection with the reward system. The signals indicating reward are thought to be processed by the anterior cingulum (ACC). These structures attribute meaning to the reward signals. In the anticipation phase of a potentially rewarding stimulus, dopaminergic signals from the VTA are generated in prediction of expected or aberrant outcome, thus modulating the Nac. Data indicate a direct modulation of the Nac. by glutamatergic neurons of the anterior cingulum. A major aim of this thesis is to establish a connection between the reward associated dopaminergic signals of the ncl. accumbens and the glutamatergic projections of the acc in unmedicated schizophrenic patients and healthy controls. The methods included measurements of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) and functional MRI-scans done at a 3-Tesla tomograph. The paradigm applied was a modified version of the monetary incentive delay paradigm (Knutson et al. 2000). In healthy volunteers we found a significant negative correlation between the glutamate concentration in the ACC and the BOLD-contrast in the Nac (reward versus neutral), in contrast to the findings in schizophrenic patients. A significant higher BOLD-contrast was seen in the anticipation phase in healthy controls. The results were incorporated in a model of NMDA-R-Hypoaktivity. In addition to discussing the functional aspects for the structures involved the model was further expanded to include the hypothesis of a disturbed balance between dopamine-D1- and -D2-receptor activity and a dysfunctional hippocampal gating-process. The so constructed model suggests a profound striato-thalamo-cortical filter disturbance as the basis of the observed aberrations in the reward processing in schizophrenic disorders.

Essays in experimental and neuroeconomics

Gerhardt, Holger 22 April 2013 (has links)
Ausgangspunkt dieser Dissertation ist, dass mit stabilen Präferenzen unvereinbares Verhalten für die Standardökonomik eine Herausforderung darstellt. Eines der sich stellenden Probleme ist, dass sich wandelnde Präferenzen der normativen Analyse abträglich sind: Wenn nicht vorhersagbar ist, ob und wie Präferenzen abhängig von der Situation und von institutionellen Arrangements variieren, lässt sich keine optimale Wirtschaftspolitik bestimmen. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Ökonomik daher auch in Betracht ziehen muss, wie Präferenzen evolvieren und wie ökonomische Akteure Informationen - z. B. Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Auszahlungen -verarbeiten. In den folgenden Kapiteln werden zwei Studien vorgestellt, die dieses Ziel verfolgen, indem sie den Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung experimentell untersuchen. Die erste Studie, "Kognitive Last erhöht Risikoaversion", zeigt, dass eine spezifische Änderung des Entscheidungsumfelds - nämlich eine Erhöhung der kognitiven Last - einen messbaren Einfluss auf die Risikoeinstellungen der Versuchspersonen hatte. Zudem werden die beobachteten Verhaltensänderungen in Verbindung zu existierenden Mehr-System-Modellen der Entscheidungsfindung gesetzt. Die ebenfalls gemessenen Reaktionszeiten bestätigt die Interpretation, dass die Entscheidungsfindung unter Risiko das Produkt interagierender Systeme im menschlichen Hirn ist. Die zweite Studie, "Soziales Lernen auf Finanzmärkten", verfolgt das Ziel, die normalerweise verborgenen Komponenten Präferenzen und Überzeugungen beobachtbar zu machen. Zu diesem Zweck absolvierten Versuchspersonen ein Experiment, während ihre Hirnaktivierung per funktioneller Magnetresonanztomografie gemessen wurde. Dies erweitert den analysierbaren Datensatz über die getroffenen Entscheidungen hinaus um Maße der Hirnaktivierung. Dadurch trägt diese Studie zur Identifizierung der Faktoren bei, die bestimmen, in welchem Umfang wir aus der Beobachtung der Entscheidungen anderer lernen. / The point of departure of this dissertation is that behavior which is inconsistent with stable preferences poses a challenge for mainstream economics. One of the issues that arise is that changing preferences are detrimental to the objective of normative economics: If one cannot predict whether and how people’s preferences vary across situations or institutions, one cannot determine which economic policy would be optimal. Based on this, it is argued that economics has to take into account how preferences evolve and how information - e.g., probabilities and payoffs - is processed by economic agents. In the following two chapters, two experimental studies are presented that pursue this goal by investigating the process by which people make decisions. The first study, "Cognitive load increases risk aversion," shows that a specific change in the environment - in this case, an increase in cognitive load - had a measurable impact on subjects’ risk attitudes. Importantly, it also relates the observed changes to existing dual-system models of decision making. The response times which were recorded in addition to subjects’ choices contribute to the interpretation of the study’s findings, since they support the view that decision making under risk is the product of interacting systems in the human brain. The second study, "Social learning in asset markets," has the objective of making the latent components preferences and beliefs observable. To this end, subjects participated in a social-learning experiment while their brain activation was recorded via functional magnetic-resonance imaging. This enlarges the analyzable dataset through measures of subjects’ brain activation in addition to subjects’ choices. In doing so, the study contributes to identifying the factors that shape to what extent we learn from observing the choices of other human beings.

Avaliação funcional cerebral da velocidade de processamento por teste neuropsicológico adaptado para o ambiente de ressonância magnética / Brain functional assessment of the processing speed of information using a neuropsychological test adapted to the magnetic resonance environment

Silva, Pedro Henrique Rodrigues da 10 August 2017 (has links)
Muitas operações cognitivas requerem velocidade de processamento de informação (VPI) suficiente para serem executadas dentro do prazo permitido, sendo que VPI retardada geralmente está subjacente a déficits atencionais. A desaceleração no tempo de resposta é particularmente evidente em pacientes com traumatismo crânio-encefálico, doença de Parkinson, depressão, demência e esclerose múltipla (EM). A importância de compreender os déficits de VPI e o desenvolvimento de programas efetivos de reabilitação é, portanto, crítico. Devido à sua alta validade preditiva e à sua fácil administração, o Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) é um dos testes clínicos mais amplamente utilizados para a avaliação cognitiva de pacientes com menor VPI. No entanto, além de avaliar a presença e gravidade de seus déficits, é interessante determinar as regiões cerebrais responsáveis por essa função e sua integração. Devido à sua não invasividade e ao seu bom nível de confiabilidade, a técnica de Imagem de Ressonância Magnética Funcional Dependente do Nível de Oxigenação no Sangue (BOLD-fMRI) é a ferramenta mais apropriada para esse fim. Logo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi o mapeamento funcional cerebral de VPI durante o desempenho de uma tarefa (SDMT) adaptada para o ambiente da ressonância em um grupo de voluntários saudáveis jovens. 16 controles saudáveis destros foram recrutados e submetidos à avaliação cognitiva com a versão oral do SDMT antes da aquisição de imagens. IRM foi adquirida em um sistema de 3T (Philips Achieva). Imagens funcionais (BOLD) foram adquiridas com uma sequência EPI. O experimento consistiu de seis blocos de 30 s de controle intercalados com cinco blocos de 30 segundos de tarefa (SDMT). Durante os blocos de tarefa, um símbolo foi apresentado a cada 2 segundos e ao participante foi requerido que associasse o número correspondente ao símbolo apresentado baseando-se em uma chave de resposta. Durante os blocos de controle, um número foi apresentado a cada 2 segundos e ao participante foi requerido que lesse silenciosamente o número em questão. Mapas paramétricos estatísticos foram obtidos para estudo de localização funcional utilizando o Modelo Linear Geral com um regressor boxcar convoluído com uma função de resposta hemodinâmica canônica (p-FDR < 0,01). Foi realizada a correlação bivariada entre as séries temporais médias das regiões associadas à tarefa para estudo de integração funcional (p-FDR < 0.0001). As informações de localização e integração funcionais foram inseridas em analise de conectividade efetiva. Ativações foram observadas na rede frontoparietal e no córtex occipital para análises individual e em grupo. Análise de conectividade efetiva para a arquitetura do sistema revelou o declive em posição serial com o giro lingual, o cúneo e duas regiões paralelas (pré-cúneo e lóbulo parietal superior), a partir do qual a informação converge para o giro frontal inferior e se bifurca para os giros frontais médios esquerdo e direito. Um modelo de rede envolvendo áreas relacionadas à VPI foi obtido e pode servir como referência para investigações futuras deste processo cognitivo em grupos clínicos, combinadas com estudos de neuroplasticidade cerebral. / Many cognitive operations require sufficient information processing speed (IPS) to be executed within the allowed time frame, with delayed IPS often underlining attentional deficits. The deceleration in response time is particularly evident in patients with traumatic brain injury, Parkinson\'s disease, depression, dementia and multiple sclerosis (MS). The importance of understanding IPS deficits and developing effective rehabilitation programs is therefore critical. Because of its high predictive validity and easy administration, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) is one of the most widely used clinical tests for the cognitive assessment of patients with lower IPS. However, in addition to evaluating the presence and severity of its deficits, it is interesting to determine the brain regions responsible for this function and its integration. Because of its non-invasiveness and its good level of reliability, the BOLD-fMRI technique is the most appropriate tool for this purpose. Therefore, the aim of the present study was the functional brain function mapping of IPS during the performance of a task (SDMT) adapted to the resonance environment in a group of healthy young volunteers. 16 healthy right controls were recruited and submitted to cognitive assessment with the oral version of SDMT prior to image acquisition. MRI was acquired in a 3T system (Philips Achieva). Functional images (BOLD) were acquired with an EPI sequence. The experiment consisted of six blocks of 30 s of control intercalated with five blocks of 30 seconds of task (SDMT). During the task blocks, a symbol was displayed every 2 seconds and the participant was required to associate the number corresponding to the displayed symbol based on a response key. During the control blocks, a number was displayed every 2 seconds and the participant was required to silently read the number in question. Statistical parametric maps were obtained for functional localization study using the General Linear Model with a boxcar regressor convolved with a canonical hemodynamic response function (p-FDR <0.01). The bivariate correlation between the mean time series of the regions associated with the task for functional integration study (p-FDR <0.0001) was performed. The functional location and integration information was inserted into effective connectivity analysis. Activations were observed in the frontoparietal network and in the occipital cortex for individual and group analyzes. Effective connectivity analysis for the system architecture revealed the declive in serial position with the lingual gyrus, the cuneus and two parallel regions (precuneus and superior parietal lobule), from which the information converges to the inferior frontal gyrus and bifurcates to the left and right middle turns. A network model involving areas related to IPS has been obtained and may serve as a reference for future investigations of this cognitive process in clinical groups, combined with studies of cerebral neuroplasticity.

Aplicação de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina para apoio ao diagnóstico do transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade por meio da análise de padrões de conectividade cerebral

Siqueira, Anderson dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. João Ricardo Sato / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia da Informação, 2014. / O transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno de neurodesenvolvimento, associado a fatores genéticos e ambientais, compreendendo a sintomatologia: desatenção, hiperatividade e impulsividade. Neste estudo, utilizou-se a teoria dos grafos e a ressonância magnética funcional (fMRI) para obtenção de um método de distinção entre pacientes e controles para o suporte ao diagnóstico do TDAH. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a comparação das medidas de conectividade cerebral de pacientes (TDAH) com sujeitos controle (desenvolvimento típico) por meio da fMRI, medidas de centralidade e o Support Vector Machine (SVM). Utilizou-se a base de dados ADHD-200. Construiu-se um classificador a partir das características extraídas das redes de conectividade cerebral na tentativa de se distinguir entre sujeitos controle e pacientes. O método envolveu o uso do SVM em características de imagens de fMRI, em dois pares de grupos: controle vs pacientes (TDAH) e TDAH subtipos. Foram modelados grafos ponderados e não ponderados e calculadas algumas medidas de centralidade. Na análise por site dos sujeitos controle versus TDAH desatento foram observadas diferenças na conectividade das regiões cerebrais intermediárias, com escore de 63% no limiar 0,25 da centralidade betweenness no site 4. Com grafo ponderado, outras diferenças de conectividade cerebral foram observadas, com escore de 73% para a medida betweenness entre as regiões cerebrais no site 6. A análise dos portadores de TDAH subgrupo desatento versus combinado, no site 6 foram observadas distinções na medida betweenness e no degree das conexões das regiões cerebrais, no limiar de 0,15, com escores de 73% e 77% respectivamente. Em face aos resultados apresentados é possível encontrar algumas distinções nas conexões cerebrais, principalmente entre os sujeitos portadores de TDAH desatento versus TDAH combinado, a partir da extração das características cerebrais, com utilização de algumas medidas de centralidade como variáveis preditoras para o algoritmo SVM. / The Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with genetic and environmental factors, including the symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. In this study, we used graph theory and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to obtain a method for distinguishing between patients and controls to support the diagnosis of ADHD. The aim of this study was to compare measures of brain connectivity between patients (ADHD) and control subjects (typically developing). We used through fMRI, measures of centrality, support vector machines (SVM) and the database ADHD-200. We built a classifier based on the features extracted from the brain connectivity networks in an attempt to distinguish between patients and control subjects. The method involved the use of SVM in connectivity features in two sets of groups: Control vs. patients (ADHD) and inattentive ADHD vs Combined. Measures of weighted and unweighted graphs were modeled and some measures of centrality were extracted. In the unweighted graph analysis by site and inattentive ADHD vs control subjects comparison, differences were found in the connectivity pattern, with a score of 63% for betweenness centrality in site 4. In weighted graph, further differences in brain connectivity were observed, with a score of 73% also in betweenness in site 6. In this same site, the analysis of patients with ADHD inattentive versus combined subgroup, achieved scores of of 73% (betwenness) and 77% (degree) in unweighted graph analysis. In conclusion, we found some differences in brain connectivity patterns, especially between subjects with ADHD inattentive versus combined ADHD. By using some measures of centrality as predictors for the SVM algorithm, we found moderate classification accuracy in individual groups¿ prediction.

EEG and fMRI studies of the effects of stimulus properties on the control of attention

Mugruza Vassallo, Carlos Andrés January 2015 (has links)
In this dissertation the effects of variations in stimulus properties and CTOA, in auditory attention tasks were explored using recently developed approaches to EEG analysis including LIMO. The last experiment was structured using information theory, designing an effective experiment. Four studies were carried out using a number parity decision task, that employed different combinations of cueing Tone (T), Novel (N) and the Goal (G) stimuli. In the first EEG study, contrary to previous findings (Polich 2002, 2007) in control participants, no correlation between the time of a novel condition to the next novel condition and P300 amplitude was found. Therefore single trial across-subject averaging of participants’ data revealed significant correlations (r > .3) of stimulus properties (such as probability, frequency, amplitude and duration) on P300, and even r > .5 was found when N was an environmental sound in schizophrenic patients. In the second EEG study, simultaneously with fMRI recordings, the participants that showed significant behavioural distraction evoked brain activations and differences in both hemispheres (similar to Corbetta, 2002, 2008) while the participants, as a whole, produced significant activations mainly in left cortical and subcortical regions. A context analysis was run in distracted participants contrasting the trials immediately prior to the G trials, resulting in different prefrontal activations, which was consistent with studies of prefrontal control of visual attention (Koechlin 2003, 2007). In the third EEG study, the distractor noise type was manipulated (white vs environmental sounds) as well as presence or absence of scanner background noise in a blocked design. Results showed consistent P300, MMN and RON due to environmental noise. In addition, using time constants found in MEG results (Lu, Williamson & Kaufman, 1992) and adding the CTOA to the analysis, an information theory framework was calculated. After the simulation of the information of the experiment, a saddle indentation in the curve of the information measure based on the states of the incoming signal at around 300 ms CTOA was found. This saddle indentation was evident in more than 60 novel trials. In the fourth study, the CTOA and stimulus properties were manipulated in a parametric experiment. Based on the three studies, reducing complexity if the task (first study), using more than 60 stimuli in the novel conditions (third study). The CTOA randomly varying between 250 ms or 500 ms. Thirty-eight ANCOVA with 2 categorical and 1 continuous regressors were conducted and determined which time and channels elicited reliably signatures (p <.05) in the whole participants at short CTOA. Results revealed differences for the waveforms of current condition by depending on which condition appeared previously as well in terms of frequency and duration in scalp frontal electrodes (such as the second study). These results were interpreted as a consequence of switching between modes of attention and alerting states which resulted in the activation of frontal areas. Moreover, contextual analyses showed that systematic manipulation of stimulus properties allowed the visualization of the relationships between CTOA, executive function and orienting of attention.

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