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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigación para el desarrollo de un protocolo para fabricación aditiva de modelos anatómicos en centros de salud

de Rossi Estrada, Marco 10 June 2022 (has links)
[ES] La fabricación aditiva, también llamada impresión 3D, ha tenido un gran impacto en la industria. La capacidad de fabricar modelos complejos y personalizados a bajo coste se adapta muy bien para algunas aplicaciones, sustituyendo procesos de fabricación tradicional y ofreciendo nuevas oportunidades. En medicina, la fabricación personalizada de modelos complejos ha encontrado muchas aplicaciones, desde réplicas de patologías para la educación hasta implantes hechos a medida y remplazo de órganos. De todas las posibilidades de esta tecnología en medicina, la fabricación de modelos anatómicos a partir de imágenes médicas ofrece un excelente balance entre facilidad de implementación y beneficio, esto la hace una aplicación perfecta para ser usada ampliamente en los hospitales. La fabricación aditiva de modelos anatómicos es un campo que ha suscitado considerable entusiasmo en los últimos años. La comunidad médica ve esta herramienta como el siguiente paso generacional en la visualización clínica, ofreciendo grandes beneficios para los pacientes y el sistema de salud. Debido al gran interés, hay muchos investigadores que han evaluado el impacto de esta tecnología en la práctica médica, midiendo los beneficios médicos que puedan tener estos modelos anatómicos. En general, los resultados muestran que hay reducción de tiempo de quirófano, menor morbilidad y mortalidad al igual que menor estrés y denuncias por parte de pacientes. A pesar de estos resultados prometedores, no hay muchos estudios realizados sobre cuál debe ser el proceso para garantizar la reproducibilidad y seguridad de estos modelos, un tema que es de gran importancia para poder cumplir con las regulaciones actuales, que exigen protocolos de fabricación y sistemas de calidad para este proceso. Debemos observar que, aunque el proceso para obtener modelos anatómicos es más fácil que otras aplicaciones de esta tecnología, no es un proceso trivial. Es un trabajo complejo con múltiples pasos que Involucra a varios especialistas para su correcta realización. Actualmente el hospital es el entorno ideal para poder fabricar estos modelos, permite un mayor control del proceso, facilita la colaboración multidisciplinar necesaria y reduce considerablemente los requisitos legales que rigen los dispositivos médicos. El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar un protocolo detallado y optimizado que cumpla con los requisitos técnicos, médicos y legales para poder implementar esta tecnología emergente de forma segura y eficiente en centros de salud. Para alcanzar este objetivo, las metodologías observadas fueron la revisión por literatura, la investigación doctrinal legal y la investigación acción empleada en los diferentes casos estudiados. Los casos se han elegido buscando la mayor diversidad posible bajo el criterio de conveniencia en el horizonte temporal contemplado, dada la diversidad compleja del estudio realizado. Gracias a la colaboración con varias instituciones médicas y de educación, este protocolo se pudo implementar en diversos contextos, mejorándolo progresivamente al ponerlo a prueba con casos reales, mediante el trabajo continuo con los expertos. El resultado es un protocolo que incluye varios años de experiencia y que ha sido aplicado en un amplio rango de especialidades. Este protocolo es relativamente sencillo de seguir y cumple con los principales requisitos para ser implementado en hospitales. / [CA] La fabricació additiva, també anomenada impressió 3D, ha tingut un gran impacte en la indústria. La capacitat de fabricar models complexos i personalitzats a baix cost s' adapta molt bé per a algunes aplicacions, substituint processos de fabricació tradicional i oferint noves oportunitats. En medicina, la fabricació personalitzada de models complexos ha trobat moltes aplicacions, des de rèpliques de patologies per a l'educació fins a implants fets a mida i òrgans. De totes les possibilitats d'aquesta tecnologia en medicina, la fabricació de models anatòmics a partir d'imatges mèdiques ofereix un excel·lent balanç entre facilitat d'implementació i benefici, això la fa una aplicació perfecta per ser usada àmpliament als hospitals. La fabricació additiva de models anatòmics és un camp que ha suscitat considerable entusiasme en els últims anys. La comunitat mèdica veu aquesta eina com el següent pas generacional en la visualització clínica, oferint grans beneficis per als pacients i el sistema de salut. A causa del gran interès, hi ha molts investigadors que han avaluat l'impacte d'aquesta tecnologia en la pràctica mèdica, mesurant els beneficis mèdics que puguen tenir aquests models anatòmics. En general, els resultats mostren que hi ha reducció de temps de quiròfan, menor morbiditat i mortalitat igual que menor estrès i denúncies per part de pacients. Malgrat aquests resultats prometedors, no hi ha molts estudis realitzats sobre quin ha de ser el procés per garantir la reproduïbilitat i seguretat d' aquests models, un tema que és de gran importància per poder complir amb les regulacions actuals, que exigeixen protocols de fabricació i sistemes de qualitat per a aquest procés. Hem d'observar que, tot i que el procés per obtenir models anatòmics és més fàcil que altres aplicacions d'aquesta tecnologia, no és un procés trivial. És un treball complex amb múltiples passos que Involucra diversos especialistes per a la seva correcta realització. Actualment l'hospital és l'entorn ideal per poder fabricar aquests models, permet un major control del procés, facilita la col·laboració multidisciplinària necessària i redueix considerablement els requisits legals que regeixen els dispositius mèdics. L'objectiu d'aquesta investigació és desenvolupar un protocol detallat i optimitzat que compleix amb els requisits tècnics, mèdics i legals per poder implementar aquesta tecnologia emergent de forma segura i eficient en centres de salut. Per assolir aquest objectiu, les metodologies observades van ser la revisió per literatura, la investigació doctrinal legal i la investigació acció emprada en els diferents casos estudiats. Els casos s' han triat buscant la major diversitat possible sota el criteri de conveniència en l' horitzó temporal contemplat, atesa la diversitat complexa de l' estudi realitzat. Gràcies a la col·laboració amb diverses institucions mèdiques i d'educació, aquest protocol es va poder implementar en diversos contextos, millorant-lo progressivament en posar-lo a prova amb casos reals, mitjançant el treball continu amb els experts. El resultat és un protocol que inclou diversos anys d' experiència i que ha estat aplicat en un ampli rang d' especialitats. Aquest protocol és relativament senzill de seguir i compleix amb els principals requisits per ser implementat en hospitals. / [EN] Additive manufacturing, also called 3D printing, has had a huge impact on the industry. The ability to manufacture complex and customized models at a low cost is well suited for some applications, replacing traditional manufacturing processes and offering new opportunities. In medicine, the custom manufacture of complex models has found many applications, from replicas of pathologies for education to custom-made implants and organ replacement. Of all the possibilities of this technology in medicine, the manufacture of anatomical models from medical images offers an excellent balance between ease of implementation and benefit, this makes it a perfect application to be widely used in hospitals. Additive manufacturing of anatomical models is a field that has attracted considerable enthusiasm in recent years. The medical community sees this tool as the next generational step in clinical visualization, offering great benefits for patients and the healthcare system. Due to the great interest, there are many researchers who have evaluated the impact of this technology on medical practice, measuring the medical benefits that these anatomical models may have. In general, the results show that there is a reduction in operating room time, lower morbidity and mortality as well as less stress and complaints from patients. Despite these promising results, there are not many studies conducted on what the process should be to guarantee the reproducibility and safety of these models, an issue that is of great importance to be able to comply with current regulations, which require manufacturing protocols and quality systems for this process. We should note that although the process for obtaining anatomical models is easier than other applications of this technology, it is not a trivial process. It is a complex work with multiple steps that involves several specialists for its correct realization. Currently the hospital is the ideal environment to be able to manufacture these models, it allows greater control of the process, facilitates the necessary multidisciplinary collaboration, and considerably reduces the legal requirements that govern medical devices. The objective of this research is to develop a detailed and optimized protocol that meets the technical, medical, and legal requirements to implement this technology in hospitals. To achieve this objective, the methodologies observed consisted of literature review, legal doctrinal research and action research used in the multiple cases studied. The cases have been selected seeking the greatest possible diversity under the criterion of convenience in the time horizon contemplated, given the complex diversity of the study carried out. Thanks to the collaboration with several medical and educational institutions, this protocol could be implemented in various contexts, progressively improving it by testing it with real cases, through continuous work with experts. The result is a protocol that includes several years of experience and has been applied in a wide range of specialties. It is relatively simple to follow and complies with most requirements to be implemented in hospitals. / De Rossi Estrada, M. (2022). Investigación para el desarrollo de un protocolo para fabricación aditiva de modelos anatómicos en centros de salud [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183303

Process in glass art : a study of some technical and conceptual issues

Hemp, Doreen 11 1900 (has links)
Glass has been made and used for centuries but South African artists, isolated for the last three decades, are only now becoming aware of the potential of hot or warm glass as an art medium. In antiquity glass objects were created using various processes but the 'factory' tradition began with the discovery of the blowing iron in the first century AD. The invention of the tank furnace in the late 1950s revolutionised modem production, enabling individual artists to make glass in private studios without blowing teams. The research describes ancient.. glassmaking processes and indicates how they have been explored, adapted and used by contemporary artists world wide, challenging craft orientated paradigms, and proving that glass is a viable and important sculpture medium. The practical research demonstrates the application of many processes and relates technical issues to sculptural concepts which are realized through the physical and material properties of glass. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Fine Art)

Etude de l'interaction laser-matière en régime nanoseconde sous irradiations multiples : application aux composants optiques pour l’UV / Investigation on laser-matter interaction in the nanosecond regime under multi-pulse irradiation : application to optical components for the UV

Gouldieff, Céline 05 November 2013 (has links)
Les travaux portent sur l’endommagement laser en régime nanoseconde aux longueurs d’onde 355 nm et 266 nm. L'objectif de cette étude est de comprendre et d'analyser les processus mis en jeu lors de l'endommagement laser en surface et en volume de matériaux optiques, massifs ou en couches minces, lors de tirs répétés. Dans ce contexte, un banc d'endommagement laser a été entièrement mis en place et automatisé. Il permet d'analyser la résistance et le vieillissement de ces composants sous irradiation UV à des fréquences de tir de 50Hz, pour un grand nombre de tirs et de relever de façon systématique les paramètres du test les plus importants (profiles spatiaux et énergies des impulsions, images du site avant et après dommage). Pour une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes physiques conduisant à la fatigue des matériaux en tirs laser répétés, un modèle a été développé afin de discriminer les effets statistiques (dus au grand nombre de tirs impliqués) de modifications du matériau sous flux UV. Ce modèle a été validé expérimentalement dans le cas de la silice synthétique étudiée en volume. En ce qui concerne les couches minces, une étude multi-paramètres de la tenue au flux UV de mixtures d'oxydes a été menée, en partenariat avec le Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH, Allemagne). Ces matériaux ont en effet un comportement complexe et encore mal connu, en particulier en tirs répétés. Enfin, une partie du travail de thèse est consacrée à la caractérisation non-destructive de cristaux de KDP par photoluminescence pompée dans l'UV, réalisée dans le contexte du laser MégaJoule en collaboration avec le CEA Le Ripault (Monts). / The work is devoted to laser-induced damage in the nanosecond regime at the wavelengths of 266 nm and 355 nm. The goal of this study is to understand and to analyze the processes taking place during multi-pulse irradiation causing laser-damage, on the surface and in the bulk of massive or thin-films optical materials. To this end, a laser-damage experiment was entirely set up and automated. It allows analyzing the laser-damage resistance and the ageing of these components under UV irradiation at a pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz and for a high number of laser pulses and to record systematically the most important test parameters (spatial beam profiles, energies, images of the site before and after irradiation).To better understand the physical phenomena leading to fatigue effects in the materials under multiple pulse irradiation, a model was developed allowing the discrimination of statistical effects (due to the high number of shots) from material modifications under UV irradiation. This model was confirmed by testing synthetic fused silica irradiated in the bulk. Concerning thin-film coated components, oxide mixtures were studied in collaboration with the Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH, Germany) using a multi-parameter approach. These materials show indeed a complex behavior and remain poorly known, in particular under multi-pulse irradiation. Finally, a part of the work is dedicated to the non-destructive characterization of KDP crystals by UV-pumped photoluminescence, realized in the framework of the MegaJoule project, in collaboration with CEA Le Ripault (Monts, France).

Etude des conséquences mécaniques de la transformation de phase dans les réfractaires électrofondus à très haute teneur en zircone / Study of the mechanical consequences of the phase transformation in high zirconia fused-cast refractories

Zhang, Yang 20 March 2017 (has links)
Les réfractaires électrofondus, qui constituent l’objet de ce travail, appartiennent au système alumine-zircone-silice. Ils sont obtenus par coulée dans des moules à des températures supérieures à 2000°C, rendant très difficile toute instrumentation. De nombreux phénomènes intrinsèques au matériau interviennent lors du refroidissement qui suit la coulée. Parmi ces derniers, cette recherche a essentiellement porté sur la transformation de phase (de tétragonale à monoclinique) de la zircone et aux phénomènes associés (gonflement, plasticité,…).A partir d’essais mécaniques à haute température réalisés en laboratoire, les lois de comportements thermiques et mécaniques ont été caractérisées et modélisées en cours de transformation de la zircone. La plasticité à très bas seuil de contrainte observée a, en particulier, été décrite par une vitesse de déformation dérivée du modèle de Leblond, une fonction de rendement de type Cam-clay sans consolidation et une fonction de rendement définissant l’avancement de la transformation en fonction de la température. Après implémentation dans un code de calcul par éléments finis et validation par confrontation avec des résultats d’essais sous contraintes multiaxiales, ce modèle a été assemblé aux autres composantes du comportement mécanique (fluage, élasticité,…), pour décrire l’ensemble des phénomènes thermomécaniques observés lors du refroidissement.Parallèlement, des coulées de blocs en laboratoire, instrumentées par des thermocouples et des capteurs d’émission acoustique, ont permis de reconstruire par simulation numérique l’évolution du champ de température à l’intérieur de la dalle au cours du refroidissement. L’enthalpie de solidification et celle associée à la transformation de phase, préalablement quantifiée par ATD, ont été prises en compte. L’application du modèle mécanique complet, associant toutes les composantes du comportement, a permis de calculer l’évolution du champ de contraintes généré par les gradients thermiques en fonction du temps et, en particulier, de mettre en évidence le rôle essentiel joué par la transformation de phase sur la relaxation des contraintes. / Fused-cast refractories, which are concerned by this work, belong to the alumina-zirconia-silica system. They are obtained by casting in molds at temperatures higher than 2000°C, that make very difficult any instrumentation. Many phenomena intrinsic to the material occur during cooling-down after casting. Among these latter, this research essentially focused on the phase transformation (from tetragonal to monoclinic) of zirconia and the associated phenomena (swelling, plasticity,...).From high temperature mechanical tests performed in laboratory, the thermal and mechanical behavior laws were characterized and modeled during the zirconia transformation. Plasticity at very low stress threshold was observed. A Leblond type model has been extended by introducing a Cam-clay yield function without consolidation. In this model, the progress of the transformation is controlled by the evolution of the temperature. This model was complemented by other components of the mechanical behavior (creep, elasticity, ...). It has been validated by experimental tests under multiaxial loadings that replicate the main thermomechanical phenomena observed during cooling.In parallel, blocks casted in laboratory conditions, instrumented with thermocouples and acoustic emission sensors, allowed a numerical simulation of the change in temperature field within the block during cooling-down. This simulation took into account the solidification enthalpy and the enthalpy associated to the phase transformation, previously quantified by DTA. The implementation of the complete mechanical model integrating all the behavior components led to a calculation of the stress field changes generated by thermal gradients as a function of time and, in particular, to highlight the essential role played by the phase transformation on stress relaxation.

Numerical study of ultrashort laser-induced periodic nanostructure formation in dielectric materials / Étude numérique de la formation des nanostructures périodiques induites par laser ultrabref dans les matériaux diélectriques

Rudenko, Anton 11 July 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur l'étude numérique de l'interaction laser ultrabref avec les diélectriques transparents. En particulier, le phénomène d'auto-organisation des nanoréseaux dans la silice est discuté et un modèle multiphysique est proposé pour expliquer le mécanisme de leur formation. Les nanoréseaux en volume sont des nanostructures périodiques de périodicité sub-longueur d'onde, qui consistent en un matériau moins dense et sont générés par une irradiation laser multi-impulsionnelle femtoseconde dans certains verres, cristaux et semiconducteurs. Leur origine physique ainsi que les conditions d'irradiation laser pour leur formation et leur effacement sont investiguées dans ce travail théorique. Pour simuler la propagation nonlinéaire dans les verres, les équations de Maxwell sont couplées avec l'équation d'évolution de la densité électronique. Il est démontré que les nanoplasmas périodiques 3D sont formés pendant l'interaction laser ultrabref avec les inhomogénéités de la silice fondue. Les nanopores induits par laser sont supposés jouer le rôle de centres inhomogènes de diffusion. La périodicité sub-longueur d'onde et l'orientation des nanoplasmas dépendante de la polarisation, révélées dans cette thèse, font d'eux un excellent candidat pour expliquer la formation des nanoréseaux en volume. En plus, il est demontré que les nano-ripples sur la surface de silice fondue et les nanoréseaux en volume ont des mécanismes de formation similaires. Pour justifier la présence de nanopores dans la silice fondue irradiée par laser, les processus de décomposition du verre sont étudiés. Premièrement, les profils de température sont calculés sur la base d'un modèle électron-ion. Ensuite, à partir des températures calculées, des critères de cavitation et de nucléation dans le verre ainsi que des équations hydrodynamiques de Rayleigh-Plesset, les conditions pour la formation des nanopores et la survie des nanoréseaux en volume sont élucidées. Pour établir les dépendances des paramètres du laser de formation et d'effacement des nanoréseaux en volume, l'approche multiphysique est développée comprenant la propagation du laser ultrabref dans le verre, les processus d'excitation/relaxation électroniques et le modèle à deux températures. Les résultats numériques fournissent les paramètres du laser en fonction de l'énergie de l'impulsion, sa durée et le taux de répétition pour induire des nanoréseaux en volume, en bon accord avec les expériences nombreuses et indépendantes de la littérature. Le travail réalisé a non seulement permis de déterminer les mécanismes de formation des nanostructures périodiques mais améliore également notre connaissance du contrôle optimal des paramètres du laser sur la réponse ultrarapide d matériau, en ouvrant des nouvelles opportunités de traitement des diélectriques par laser ultrabref / This thesis is focused on the numerical modeling of ultrashort laser interaction with transparent dielectrics. More particularly, the phenomenon of self-organized volume nanogratings in fused silica bulk is discussed and a multiphysical model is proposed to explain the mechanism of their formation. Volume nanogratings are sub-wavelength periodic nanostructures, consisting of less dense material, which are commonly induced by multipulse femtosecond laser irradiation in some glasses, crystals and indirect semiconductors. Their physical origin as well as the laser irradiation conditions for theirformation and erasure are investigated in this theoretical work. To model the nonlinear propagation inside glass, Maxwell's equations are coupled with rate equation. It is shown that three-dimensional periodic nanoplasmas are formed during ultrashort laser interaction with fused silica inhomogeneities. Laser-induced nanopores are proposed to play the role of inhomogeneous scattering centers. Subwavelength periodicity and polarization dependent orientation of the nanoplasmas, revealed in this thesis, make them a strong candidate for explaining volume nanogratings formation. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the nanoripples on fused silica surface and volume nanogratings have similar formation mechanisms. To justify the presence of nanopores in laser-irradiated fused silica bulk, glass decomposition processes are investigated. Firstly, the temperature profiles are found by incorporating the electron-ion temperature model. Then, based on the calculated temperatures, criteria for cavitation and nucleation in glass and also hydrodynamic Rayleigh-Plesset equation, the conditions for nanopores formation and for volume nanogratings survival are elucidated. To define the laser parameter dependencies on the volume nanogratings formation/erasure, a selfconsistent multiphysical approach is developed including ultrafast laser propagation in glass, multiple rate equation to take into account excitation/relaxation processes and two-temperature model. The numerical results provide a laser parameter window as a function of laser pulse energy, laser pulse duration and repetition rate for volume nanogratings consistent with numerous independent experiments. The performed work not only provides new insights into the formation mechanisms of periodic nanostructures but also improves our knowledge of the optimal laser parameter control over ultrafast material response, opening new opportunities in ultrashort laser processing of dielectrics

Estratégias para aumento de sensibilidade e seletividade de separações cromatográficas em sistemas de análises em fluxo / Strategies to improve sensitivity and selectivity of chromatographic separations in flow analysis systems

Batista, Alex Domingues 10 December 2014 (has links)
A introdução de separações cromatográficas expandiu a aplicabilidade de sistemas de análises em fluxo. No entanto, a seletividade e sensibilidade de procedimentos são restritos devido à escassa disponibilidade de fases estacionárias que operam a baixas pressões. Sendo assim, foram desenvolvidos quatro procedimentos analíticos visando a melhoria destes aspectos. A primeira proposta explorou pioneiramente colunas de núcleo fundido em sistemas de análises por injeção em fluxo. A separação de metil, etil e propil parabenos foi selecionada com aplicação. As eficiências cromatográficas de quatro colunas (C18, RPamida, F5 e fenil-hexil) foram avaliadas criticamente. Acetonitrila e uma solução de ácido fosfórico pH 2,5 foram utilizadas como fase móvel. A fase RP-amida apresentou melhor desempenho com a separação dos três analitos em 8,0 min, com resoluções > 1,72, simetrias de pico < 1,66, LOD entre 0,12 e 0,39 mg L-1, resposta linear até 5,0 mg L-1 (r > 0,996) e CV para altura dos picos < 3,5 % (n=10). O procedimento foi aplicado à determinação de parabenos em produtos de cuidados pessoais e os resultados concordaram com o procedimento de referência a 95% de confiança. Um procedimento envolvendo o acoplamento de extração em fase sólida (SPE) a um sistema de cromatografia por injeção sequencial (SIC) foi proposto para pré-concentração e separação de oito sulfonamidas. A fase estacionária pentafluorofenilpropil foi selecionada após comparação crítica da eficiência apresentada por três colunas de núcleo fundido e duas colunas de fases monolíticas. Acetonitrila e tampão fosfato (pH 5,0) foram utilizados como fase. Fatores de enriquecimento de até 39,2 foram alcançados com volume de amostra de 500 ?L. O procedimento apresentou tempo de análise < 10,5 min, resoluções > 1,83 com simetrias de pico <= 1,52, LOD entre 4,9 e 27 ?g L-1, faixa de resposta linear entre 30,0 e 1000,0 ?g L-1 (r > 0,997) e CV da altura dos picos, 2,9% (n=6). Um procedimento empregando fase estacionária micelar foi desenvolvido para determinação de melamina em leite. A fase móvel foi composta por uma solução aquosa de dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) e 1-propanol (92,5:7,5 v/v). O procedimento de preparo de amostra foi implementado em linha pela diluição da amostra com SDS. Resposta linear foi observada entre 2,0 e 6,0 mg L-1 de melamina com LOD estimado em 0,6 mg L-1 e CV da altura dos picos de 2,9% (n=6). Os resultados para diferentes amostras de leite foram concordantes com aqueles obtidos pelo procedimento cromatográfico de referência em um nível de 95% de confiança. Uma estratégia envolvendo pré-concentração on-column de parabenos em um sistema SIC foi proposta. Resposta linear foi observada entre 0,25 e 1,00 ?g mL-1 (r >= 0,999) e LODs estimados entre 40 e 60 ng mL-1. Tempos de retenção e altura dos picos apresentaram CV < 2,1%. Fatores de enriquecimento entre 30,0 e 34,8 foram alcançados. As estratégias propostas são viáveis para melhoria de seletividade e sensibilidade de separações cromatográficas em sistemas de análises em fluxo, além de apresentarem vantagens frente a procedimentos análogos na literatura / The introduction of chromatographic separations expanded the applicability of flow systems. However, selectivity and sensitivity of the procedures are limited due the poor options of stationary phases available for low-pressure. Therefore, four procedures were developed aiming the improvement of these aspects. The first proposal exploited pioneered fused-core columns in a flow injection analysis system. The separation of methyl, ethyl and propel parabens was selected as an application. The chromatographic efficiency of four columns (C18, RP-amide, F5 and fenyl-hexyl) were crítically evaluated. Acetonitrile and a phosphoric acid solution at pH 2.5 were used as mobile phase at different proportions for each column. The RP-amide phase presented the best performance by separating the analytes in 8.0 min with resolution > 1.72, peak symmetry < 1.66, LOD between 0.12-0.39 mg L-1, linear response range up to 5.0 mg L-1 (r > 0.996) and coefficients of variation of peak heights < 3.5% (n=10). The procedure was applied to parabens determination in personal care products and the results agreed with the HPLC reference procedure at the 95% confidence level. A procedure coupling solid phase extraction (SPE) to a sequential injection chromatography (SIC) was proposed for preconcentration and separation of eight sulfonamides. The pentafluorophenylpropyl (F5) phase was selected after a critical comparison of the performance achieved by three fused-core columns and two monolithic columns. Acetonitrile and acetate buffer pH 5.0 were used as mobile phase. Enrichment factors up to 39.2 were achieved with a 500 ?L sample volume. The developed procedure showed analysis time < 10.5 min, resolutions > 1.83 with peak symmetry <= 1.52, LODs between 4.9 and 27 ?g L-1, linear response ranges from 30.0 to 1000.0 ?g L-1 (r > 0.997) and CV of peak heights < 2.9% (n=6). Micelar chromatography was for the first time exploited in SIC and the performance was demonstrated by determination of melamine in milk. Mobile phase was composed by a sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution and propanol (92.5:7.5). The sample pretreatment procedure was on-line implemented by dilution of the sample with SDS. A linear response was observed within 2.0 and 6.0 mg L-1 of melamine with a LOD estimated at 0.6 mg L-1 and coefficients of variation at 2.9% (n=6). Results for different milk samples agreed with those obtained by high performance liquid chromatography at the 95% confidence level. A procedure involved on-column preconcentration of parabens in a SIC system was based on the injection of relatively high volume of an aqueous sample in a reversed-phase column. After preconcentration, a suitable mobile phase was inserted to perform chromatographic separation (acetonitrile/phosphoric acid pH 2.5 (75:25, v/v)). A linear response was achieved from 0.25 to 1.00 ?g mL-1 (r > 0.999) and LOD estimated within 40 and 80 ng mL-1. Coefficients of variation for retention time and peak heights were below 2.1%. Enrichment factors within 30.0 and 34.8 were achieved. The proposed strategies are feasible for improving selectivity and sensitivity of chromatographic separations in flow analysis systems, besides having advantages compared to similar procedures in the literature

Monolithic separation media synthesized in capillaries and their applications for molecularly imprinted networks

Courtois, Julien January 2006 (has links)
<p>The thesis describes the synthesis of chromatographic media using several different approaches, their characterizations and applications in liquid chromatography. The steps to achieve a separation column for a specific analyte are presented. The main focus of the study was the design of novel molecularly imprinted polymers.</p><p>Attachment of monolithic polymeric substrates to the walls of fused silica capillaries was studied in Paper I. With a broad literature survey, a set of common methods were tested by four techniques and ranked by their ability to improve anchoring of polymers. The best procedure was thus used for all further studies.</p><p>Synthesis of monoliths in capillary columns was studied in Paper II. With the goal of separating proteins without denaturation, various monoliths were polymerized in situ using a set of common monomers and cross-linkers mixed with poly(ethylene glycol) as porogen. The resulting network was expected to present “protein-friendly pores”. Chemometrics were used to find and describe a set of co-porogens added to the polymerization cocktails in order to get good porosity and flow-through properties.</p><p>Assessment of the macroporous structure of a monolith was described in Paper III. An alternative method to mercury intrusion porosimetry was proposed. The capillaries were embedded in a stained resin and observed under transmission electron microscope. Images were then computed to determine the pore sizes.</p><p>Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers grafted to a core mono-lith in a capillary was described in Paper IV. The resulting material, imprinted with local anaesthetics, was tested for its chromatographic performance. Similar imprinted polymers were characterized by microcalorimetry in Paper V. Finally, imprinted monoliths were also synthesized in a glass tube and further introduced in a NMR rotor to describe the interactions between stationary phase and template in Paper VI.</p>

Monolithic separation media synthesized in capillaries and their applications for molecularly imprinted networks

Courtois, Julien January 2006 (has links)
The thesis describes the synthesis of chromatographic media using several different approaches, their characterizations and applications in liquid chromatography. The steps to achieve a separation column for a specific analyte are presented. The main focus of the study was the design of novel molecularly imprinted polymers. Attachment of monolithic polymeric substrates to the walls of fused silica capillaries was studied in Paper I. With a broad literature survey, a set of common methods were tested by four techniques and ranked by their ability to improve anchoring of polymers. The best procedure was thus used for all further studies. Synthesis of monoliths in capillary columns was studied in Paper II. With the goal of separating proteins without denaturation, various monoliths were polymerized in situ using a set of common monomers and cross-linkers mixed with poly(ethylene glycol) as porogen. The resulting network was expected to present “protein-friendly pores”. Chemometrics were used to find and describe a set of co-porogens added to the polymerization cocktails in order to get good porosity and flow-through properties. Assessment of the macroporous structure of a monolith was described in Paper III. An alternative method to mercury intrusion porosimetry was proposed. The capillaries were embedded in a stained resin and observed under transmission electron microscope. Images were then computed to determine the pore sizes. Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers grafted to a core mono-lith in a capillary was described in Paper IV. The resulting material, imprinted with local anaesthetics, was tested for its chromatographic performance. Similar imprinted polymers were characterized by microcalorimetry in Paper V. Finally, imprinted monoliths were also synthesized in a glass tube and further introduced in a NMR rotor to describe the interactions between stationary phase and template in Paper VI.

Etude de l'interaction laser-matière dans les composants optiques en irradiation multiple, en régime nanoseconde et dans l'UV / Study of laser-matter interaction in optical components under multiple irradiation, nanosecond regime and in the UV

Beaudier, Alexandre 09 November 2017 (has links)
La fatigue du seuil d’endommagement laser dans la silice fondue a été largement étudiée au cours des dernières années, car ce phénomène est directement lié à la durée de vie des matériaux optiques utilisés dans des applications laser, le plus souvent à forte puissance. En effet, dans l’UV, on observe une décroissance du seuil d’endommagement laser quand le nombre de tirs laser augmente. Ce phénomène a été attribué pour ce couple longueur d’onde-matériau à des modifications laser-induites dans le matériau. Sous irradiation laser multiple à 266 nm, en utilisant des impulsions nanosecondes de densité d’énergie constante, nous avons observé que le signal de photoluminescence est modifié jusqu’à l’endommagement. A partir de cela, nous proposons une nouvelle représentation des données expérimentales qui permet de prédire l’apparition d’un endommagement dans le matériau. Cette prédiction réalisée à partir du signal de fluorescence et non de la statistique d’endommagement utilisée jusque-là, permet une économie significative de surface de composant et du temps d’expérience. Afin d’étendre l’intérêt de l’étude à un plus grand nombre d’applications, une extension des résultats à la longueur d’onde de 355 nm est proposée. Nous proposons un modèle où l’endommagement dans la silice fondue sous irradiation multiple à 266 nm est causé par une accumulation de modifications laser-induites induisant de l’autofocalisation non-linéaire. Afin d’essayer de généraliser la méthode de diagnostic de la fatigue par fluorescence, nous avons aussi réalisé des tests préliminaires sur des cristaux optiques non-linéaires bien connus comme le LBO ou le KDP. / Fatigue effects in fused silica have been largely studied in the past years, as this phenomenon is directly linked to the lifetime of high power photonic materials. Indeed, in the UV regime, we observe a decrease of the LIDT (Laser-Induced Damage Threshold) when the number of laser shots increases and this has been attributed for this couple wavelength/material to laser-induced material modifications. Under 266 nm laser irradiation, with nanosecond pulses of constant fluence, we observed that the photoluminescence is modified until damage occurs. Based on this observation, we propose a new representation of the experimental S-on-1 breakdown data which allows predicting the occurrence of material breakdown. This prediction, based on fluorescence signal and not damage statistics (presently widely used) allows consuming fewer sample surface and saving time. To extend the interest of the study to many more applications, we propose an extension of the results at 355 nm. We suppose that damage is caused in our fused silica samples by accumulation of laser-induced modifications under multiple-pulse UV irradiation inducing catastrophic non-linear self-focusing. In order to try to extend the fatigue diagnostic method by fluorescence, we have also realized preliminary tests in well-known non-linear crystals like LBO and KDP.

Process in glass art : a study of some technical and conceptual issues

Hemp, Doreen 11 1900 (has links)
Glass has been made and used for centuries but South African artists, isolated for the last three decades, are only now becoming aware of the potential of hot or warm glass as an art medium. In antiquity glass objects were created using various processes but the 'factory' tradition began with the discovery of the blowing iron in the first century AD. The invention of the tank furnace in the late 1950s revolutionised modem production, enabling individual artists to make glass in private studios without blowing teams. The research describes ancient.. glassmaking processes and indicates how they have been explored, adapted and used by contemporary artists world wide, challenging craft orientated paradigms, and proving that glass is a viable and important sculpture medium. The practical research demonstrates the application of many processes and relates technical issues to sculptural concepts which are realized through the physical and material properties of glass. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Fine Art)

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