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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolic Profiling of Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Reveals Multifaceted Effects in an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model

Eezaa, Muhamed N.H., Singer, Rico, Höfling, Corinna, Matysik, Jörg, de Groot, Huub J.M., Roßner, Steffen, Aliaa, A. 20 September 2024 (has links)
Background: Circadian rhythm disturbance is commonly observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In mammals, these rhythms are orchestrated by the superchiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Our previous study in the Tg2576 AD mouse model suggests that inflammatory responses, most likely manifested by low GABA production, may be one of the underlying perpetrators for the changes in circadian rhythmicity and sleep disturbance in AD. However, the mechanistic connections between SCN dysfunction, GABA modulation, and inflammation in AD is not fully understood. Objective: To reveal influences of amyloid pathology in Tg2576 mouse brain on metabolism in SCN and to identify key metabolic sensors that couple SCN dysfunction with GABA modulation and inflammation. Methods: High resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR in conjunction with multivariate analysis was applied for metabolic profiling in SCN of control and Tg2576 female mice. Immunohistochemical analysis was used to detect neurons, astrocytes, expression of GABA transporter 1 (GAT1) and Bmal1. Results: Metabolic profiling revealed significant metabolic deficits in SCN of Tg2576 mice. Reductions in glucose, glutamate, GABA, and glutamine provide hints toward an impaired GABAergic glucose oxidation and neurotransmitter cycling in SCN of AD mice. In addition, decreased redox co-factor NADPH and glutathione support a redox disbalance. Immunohistochemical examinations showed low expression of the core clock protein, Bmal1, especially in activated astrocytes. Moreover, decreased expression of GAT1 in astrocytes indicates low GABA recycling in this cell type. Conclusion: Our results suggest that redox disbalance and compromised GABA signaling are important denominators and connectors between neuroinflammation and clock dysfunction in AD.

Postnatale Entwicklung des GABAergen Systems im Gehirn der Maus / Postnatal development of the GABAergic system in mouse brain

Ritter, Barbara 27 June 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling of single cell and network phenomena of the nervous system : ion dynamics during epileptic oscillations and inverse stochastic resonance / Modélisation de la cellule et des phénomènes de réseaux dans le système nerveux : dynamique des ions au cours des oscillations d'épilepsie et résonance stochastique inverse

Buchin, Anatoly 30 November 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous avons utilisé des méthodes de systèmes dynamiques et des simulations numériques pour étudier les mécanismes d'oscillations d'épilepsie associés à des concentrations d’ions dynamiques et au comportement bimodal des cellules Purkinje du cervelet. Le propos général de ce travail est l'interaction entre les propriétés intrinsèques des neurones simple et la structure d'entrée synaptique contrôlant l'excitabilité neuronale. Dans la première partie de la thèse nous avons développé un modèle de transition de crise épileptique dans le lobe temporal du cerveau. Plus précisément nous nous sommes concentrés sur le rôle du cotransporteur KCC2, qui est responsable de la maintenance du potassium extracellulaire et du chlorure intracellulaire dans les neurones. Des données expérimentales récentes ont montré que cette molécule est absente dans un groupe significatif de cellules pyramidales dans le tissue neuronal de patients épileptiques suggérant son rôle épileptogène. Nous avons trouvé que l'addition d’une quantité critique de cellules pyramidale KCC2 déficient au réseau de subiculum, avec une connectivité réaliste, peut provoquer la génération d’oscillations pathologiques, similaire aux oscillations enregistrées dans des tranches de cerveau épileptogène humaines. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle du bruit synaptique dans les cellules de Purkinje. Nous avons étudié l'effet de l'inhibition de la génération du potentiel d’action provoquée par injection de courant de bruit, un phénomène connu comme résonance stochastique inverse (RSI). Cet effet a déjà été trouvé dans des modèles neuronaux, et nous avons fournis sa première validation expérimentale. Nous avons trouvé que les cellules de Purkinje dans des tranches de cerveau peuvent être efficacement inhibées par des injectionsde bruit de courant. Cet effet est bien reproduit par le modèle phénoménologique adapté pour différentes cellules. En utilisant des méthodes de la théorie de l'information, nous avons montré que RSI prend en charge une transmission efficace de l'information des cellules de Purkinje simples suggérant son rôle pour les calculs du cervelet. / In this thesis we used dynamical systems methods and numericalsimulations to study the mechanisms of epileptic oscillations associated with ionconcentration changes and cerebellar Purkinje cell bimodal behavior. The general issue in this work is the interplay between single neuron intrinsicproperties and synaptic input structure controlling the neuronal excitability. In the first part of this thesis we focused on the role of the cellular intrinsicproperties, their control over the cellular excitability and their response to thesynaptic inputs. Specifically we asked the question how the cellular changes ininhibitory synaptic function might lead to the pathological neural activity. We developed a model of seizure initiation in temporal lobe epilepsy. Specifically we focused on the role of KCC2 cotransporter that is responsible for maintaining the baseline extracellular potassium and intracellular chloride levels in neurons. Recent experimental data has shown that this cotransporter is absent in the significant group of pyramidal cells in epileptic patients suggesting its epileptogenic role. We found that addition of the critical amount of KCC2-deficient pyramidal cells to the realistic subiculum network can switch the neural activity from normal to epileptic oscillations qualitatively reproducing the activity recorded in human epileptogenic brain slices. In the second part of this thesis we studied how synaptic noise might control the Purkinje cell excitability. We investigated the effect of spike inhibition caused by noise current injection, so-called inverse stochastic resonance (ISR). This effect has been previously found in single neuron models while we provided its first experimental evidence. We found that Purkinje cells in brain slices could be efficiently inhibited by current noise injections. This effect is well reproduced by the phenomenological model fitted for different cells. Using methods of information theory we showed that ISR supports an efficient information transmission of single Purkinje cells suggesting its role for cerebellar computations.

Mechanisms of Neuroligin Function in Inhibitory Postsynaptic Differentiation / Mechanismen der Neuroligin- Funktion in inhibitorischer postsynaptischer Differenzierung

Poulopoulos, Alexandros 28 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Neuroligin 2 Induced Allosteric Transition of Collybistin Underlies Inhibitory Postsynaptic Differentiation / Neuroligin 2 induzierter allosterischer Übergang in Collybistin liegt der inhibitorischen postsynaptischen Differenzierung zugrunde

Soykan, Tolga 03 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zu zentralnervösen Alterungsprozessen der Reproduktionsfunktion in der weiblichen Ratte / Molecular Biological Analysis of Central Nervous Age-Related Processes of the Reproduction Functions in the Female Rat

Makhouly, Bassel 03 October 2002 (has links)
Die GABA-ergen Neurone als Teil des GnRH-Netzwerkes spielen eine Rolle bei den Veränderungen der altersabhängigen Prozesse der Reproduktionsfunktion. Um die Regulation der gonadalen Steroide auf die Expression von GAD in reproduktionsabhängigen Regionen zu untersuchen, wurde im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit das männliche Rattenmodell gewählt. Nach der Untersuchung des endokrinen Zustands der Tiere anhand der Radioimmunoassay-Methode (RIA) wurden die zellulären Gentranskripte der beiden Isoformen von GAD, GAD65 und GAD67, mittels der Methode der in situ Hybridisierung in der POA, im Nukleus suprachiasmaticus (SCN), im mediobasalen Hypothalamus (MBH) und im Gyrus dentatus bestimmt. In allen untersuchten Regionen konnte nach der Kastration und einer anschließenden dreiwöchigen Erholungszeit kein Effekt beobachtet werden. Die Administration von Estradiol bewirkt in der POA eine signifikante Erhöhung der Expression von GAD65 und GAD67 um nahezu 40%. In den restlichen Regionen konnte dagegen kein Effekt gemessen werden. Die Testosteronbehandlung zeigte eine negative Wirkung auf die Regulation nur von GAD67: Eine 30%-ige Abnahme in der POA und eine 15%-ige im SCN. Im Gegensatz dazu trat im MBH und im Gyrus dentatus eine Verminderung der Expression nur bei GAD65 auf. Aus den hier vorgestellten Ergebnissen kann folgendes abgeleitet werden: Testosteron und Estradiol regulieren in unterschiedlicher Weise die Expression von GAD und so wiederum die inhibitorische Funktion von GABA. Da in der SCN, im MBH und im Gyrus dentatus im Gegensatz zu Estradiol eine Testosteron-Wirkung gemessen wurde, existiert eine eigene androgene Regulation von GAD. Weil die Estradiol-Zugabe eine Zunahme der Expression von GAD bewirkte und dieser Effekt von einer Abnahme der LH-Konzentration im Serum der betroffenen Tiergruppe begleitet wurde, ist die These bestätigt, dass GABA mit ihren inhibitorischen Funktionen zur Übermittlung der positiven Rückkopplung von Estradiol auf die LH-Freisetzung auf der Ebene der POA und nicht auf der Ebene der Axone agiert. Im Gegensatz zu Estradiol kann eine Progesteronbehandlung bei persistent östrischen Ratten einen LH-Peak auslösen und somit den Östrus-Zyklus wieder in Gang bringen. Aufgrund dieser Tatsache wurde im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Tiermodell zur Untersuchung der molekularbiologischen altersabhängigen Veränderungen entwickelt. Dabei wurden drei Monate alte proöstrische Ratten (Y) und 12 Monate alte persistent östrische Ratten (MA) benutzt. Die MA-Ratten wurden mit Progesteron behandelt. Sowohl die MA-Ratten als auch die Y-Ratten wurden um 13 Uhr und um 17 Uhr getötet. Eine unbehandelte MA-Gruppe, deren Tiere um 10 Uhr getötet wurden, diente hier als Kontrollgruppe. Anhand der LH-Messung der untersuchten Gruppen wurde ein Kontrollwert (5 ng/ml LH) für die positive Reaktion der Tiere auf Progesteron (responding animals) festgestellt. Es konnte bei 44% der persistent östrischen Ratten ein erhöhter LH-Spiegel erfolgreich wieder erreicht werden. In den Gruppen dieses Modells entstand eine Analogie zwischen den Gruppen der behandelten MA-13-Uhr und Y-13-Uhr Tiere sowie zwischen den responding animals und den Y-17 Uhr-Tieren. Um aussagekräftige statistische Veränderungen entlang der hypothalamo-hypophysio-ovariellen Achse in individuellen Tieren zu erhalten, wurde die Taqman®-PCR und die quantitative, kompetitive RT-PCR eingesetzt. Dabei wurden die folgenden Gene untersucht: ER α und ER β, GnRH, GnRH-R, GAD65 und GAD67, sowie FSH-β. In der POA, Hypophyse und im Ovar wurde altersabhängigen Genexpression beobachtet: Eine signifikante Abnahme der Expression von ER β sowohl in der Gruppe responding animals als auch in deren analoger Gruppe wurde in der POA (34 %), Hypophyse (44 %) und im Ovar (um die 30 %) gemessen. In der Hypophyse verzeichneten die mRNA-Transkripte von ER α bei der Gruppe der behandelten mittelalten Ratten der 13 Uhr-Gruppe eine Zunahme von 55% und bei der 13-Uhr-Gruppe der jungen Ratten einen Anstieg von 153 %. Ebenso nehmen die mRNA-Konzentrationen von FSH-β sowohl bei den responding animals als auch bei deren analoger Gruppe in gleichem Masse (ungefähr 300 %) zu. Da die Veränderungen der Expression von ER β, ER α und FSH-β bei den zwei analogen Gruppen auftritt, ist zu vermuten, dass diese Gene altersabhängig expremiert und an der Zyklusregulation ursächlich beteiligt sind. Die restlichen Gene zeigten entlang der Achse keine altersrelevanten Veränderungen. Da ER β-Expressionsveränderungen in der POA, in der Hypophyse und im Ovar gemessen wurden, konnte der wichtigste Schluss der hier vorgestellten Untersuchungen gezogen werden, dass nämlich ER β für den Erhalt des Zyklus essentiell sein kann. In diesem Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Tiermodell zur molekular biologischen Untersuchung der altersabhängigen Veränderungen mit sehr zufriedenstellender Ausbeute zur Wiederherstellung des Östrus-Zyklus (44%) erfolgreich entwickelt. Dieses Modell ermöglichte darüber hinaus die Untersuchung einer relativ hohen Anzahl an Genen entlang der hypothalamo-hypophysio-ovariellen Achse.

Caractérisation des circuits neuronaux contrôlant l’activité des neurones dopaminergiques de l’aire tegmentale ventrale / Characterization of neuronal circuits controlling ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neuron activity

Jalabert, Marion 24 November 2011 (has links)
Les neurones dopaminergiques (DA) de l’aire tegmentale ventrale (VTA) sont influencés par différents stimuli comme des récompenses naturelles et d’autres stimuli moins physiologiques tels que les drogues d’abus. Ces drogues agissent en détournant les mécanismes d’apprentissage qui sous-tendent normalement la motivation pour des renforçateurs naturels. Les neurones DA, en conditions physiologiques, sont subtilement régulés par une balance entre tonus GABA et glutamatergique. Ils sont soumis à de multiples sources inhibitrices dont le noyau accumbens, les interneurones locaux ou les neurones GABA de la queue de la VTA (tVTA). Le glutamate est également important dans leur modulation. Il contrôle leur activité en bursts, qui est le mode de décharge le plus efficace pour libérer de la dopamine et coder des informations associées à la récompense. Il permet des adaptations synaptiques à long terme qui se sont révélées importantes dans la prise de drogue. La connaissance des facteurs endogènes qui contrôlent l’excitabilité des cellules DA de la VTA est essentielle à la compréhension des processus physiologiques (recherche de plaisir…) mais aussi pathologiques (addiction…). L’objectif de mon travail a été de comprendre les circuits de régulation des neurones DA en conditions physiologiques et lors de l’exposition à la morphine. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les mécanismes de régulation des neurones DA par la formation hippocampique ventrale incluant le subiculum ventral et l’aire CA1 ventrale (vSUB/CA1). Grâce à l’utilisation d’approches d’électrophysiologie in vivo chez le rat anesthésié, nous avons montré que le vSUB/CA1 exerce un contrôle excitateur glutamatergique des neurones DA. Nous avons mis en évidence que cette voie vSUB/CA1-VTA est polysynaptique, faisant intervenir le BNST comme relais. J’ai aussi pu confirmer le rôle fonctionnel de la tVTA en tant que nouvelle structure GABA modulant l’activité des neurones DA, renforçant ainsi l’idée d’une balance entre tonus GABA et glutamatergique régulant les neurones DA in vivo.La deuxième partie de ma thèse a consisté en l’étude des circuits neuronaux à l’origine des effets excitateurs de la morphine sur les neurones DA de la VTA in vivo. L’hypothèse actuelle est que la morphine excite les neurones DA par un mécanisme de désinhibition en inhibant les neurones GABA de la VTA. Grâce à l’utilisation d’approches multiples, nous avons proposé un nouveau circuit expliquant les effets de la morphine. Ces effets sont la conséquence d’une modification de la balance GABA/glutamate par la morphine. Elle se traduit par une diminution du tonus GABA et d’une augmentation du tonus glutamatergique. Enfin, nous avons pu démontrer qu’une seule exposition à la cocaïne augmente l’activité de base des neurones DA. Chez ces animaux, les effets excitateurs de la morphine sont potentialisés confirmant ainsi l’hypothèse que l’amplitude de l’activation des neurones DA par la morphine dépend de leur état d’excitabilité. / Dopaminergic (DA) neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) are influenced by several stimuli such as natural rewards or drugs of abuse. Drugs shunt learning mechanisms which underlie motivation for natural reinforcers. Under physiological conditions, DA neurons are regulated by a balance between GABA and glutamatergic inputs. They receive several inhibitory inputs especially from the nucleus accumbens, VTA local interneurons and GABA neurons of the tail of the VTA (tVTA). Glutamate is also important in modulating DA neuron activity. It controls their bursting activity which is the most efficient way to release dopamine and to encode reward-associated informations. It allows long term synaptic adaptations important for addiction. Knowing how these endogenous factors control VTA DA neuron excitability is essential to understand physiological (search for pleasure…) and pathological (drug addiction…) processes.In the first part of my thesis, we studied the regulation of the VTA by the hippocampal formation including the ventral subiculum and the ventral CA1 area (vSUB/CA1). Using electrophysiological approaches in anesthetized animal, we showed that the vSUB/CA1 controls VTA DA neurons and that this input is glutamatergic. We also demonstrated that the vSUB/CA1-VTA pathway is polysynaptic implicating the BNST as a relay. I also confirmed the inhibitory control of the VTA by tVTA, new GABA input to DA neurons. Thus, in vivo, DA neurons are regulated by a balance between GABA and glutamatergic inputs. The second part of my research consisted in studying the neuronal circuits underlying excitatory effects of morphine on VTA DA neurons in vivo. The actual hypothesis is that morphine excites DA neurons by a disinhibition mechanism inhibiting VTA GABA neurons. Using several approaches (electrophysiological approaches in anesthetized animal, tract-tracing methods), we proposed a new circuitry explaining morphine effects. These excitatory effects result from a modification of the balance between GABA and glutamatergic inputs with a decrease of the GABA tone and an increase of the glutamatergic tone. Finally, we demonstrated that an acute cocaine exposure increases DA neuron activity. In animals exposed to cocaine, morphine excitatory effects are potentiated. This last experiment confirms the hypothesis that the amplitude of morphine-induced activation of VTA DA neurons depends on their excitability state.

Cognitive control and the underlying mechanisms in restless legs syndrome

Zhang, Rui 03 May 2018 (has links)
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensory-motor disorder characterized by abnormal circadian rhythm with an increase in the severity of sensory and motor symptoms at night. Even though many neurological diseases have shown a strong nexus between motor and cognitive symptoms, to date, cognitive functions especially cognitive control in RLS has been poorly understood. Given that cognitive control is a key to leading a self-serving and successful life, including many aspects of employment, social life, and attaining long-term goals, this thesis aimed to examine cognitive control and the underlying mechanisms in RLS. Thalamic gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), which has been linked to RLS sensory-motor symptoms, also plays an important role in cognitive control. Therefore, the potential relationship between thalamic GABA level and cognitive control in RLS was examined (Study I). RLS patients displayed reduced working memory-based control performances as compared to healthy controls. Elevated thalamic GABA was found to attenuate the observed control deficits in RLS, even though changes in thalamic GABA levels might not be the ultimate causes of these deficits. According to the modulatory effect of thalamic GABA on thalamic activity and thalamo-cortical connectivity, relatively higher GABA levels may have helped RLS patients compensate for their pathological changes such as thalamic hyperactivity and hypoconnectivity, which may underpin the observed control deficits. The critical feature of RLS, abnormal circadian rhythm is thought to be related to nocturnal striatal dopamine deficiency. Concerning the dopaminergic modulation of cognitive control, the circadian variation of cognitive control processes has been investigated (Study II & III). RLS patients displayed reduced attentional control (Study II) and automatic response activation (Study III) at night, which resulted from decreased activation within the extra-striate visual cortex, the superior parietal cortex, and the premotor cortex. As there were no activity changes within the prefrontal cortex, it is likely that cortico-basal ganglia cognitive loops were less prone to RLS. Instead, striatal dopamine deficiency at night may have influenced the cortico-cortical functional connectivity and cortico-basal ganglia motor loops in RLS. These findings not only shed light on the underlying mechanisms of cognitive control, but also advance early clinical treatment possibilities for cognitive changes in RLS patients. Furthermore, recent insights into daytime-related cognition may help patients develop a suitable daytime schedule to minimize the detrimental effects induced by cognitive deficits.

Does binge drinking induce PMDD-like dysfunction for female C57BL/6J mice? : implications for sex differences in addiction vulnerability

Melón, Laverne C. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / It has traditionally been posited that women show a "telescoped" development of alcohol use disorders (Kuhn, 2011). In particular, a number of clinical studies support striking sex differences in the progression from initial use of alcohol to dependence on the compound; with women showing a faster progression through landmark events associated with the development of alcohol addiction (Randall et al., 1999). However, recent studies have challenged this tenet (Keyes et al., 2010). The work presented herein was designed to determine whether females are indeed more vulnerable to the development of behavioral maladaptations following binge drinking and whether sex differences in GABA(A) receptor regulation might underlie this vulnerability. Using a mouse model of binge drinking this dissertation established that, compared to males, females escalate their binge drinking at a faster rate and maintain altered responsivity to the locomotor effects of alcohol after extended abstinence from binge drinking. Female mice also displayed significant increases in ethanol preference and intake in a continuous, two-bottle choice protocol following a shorter history of binge drinking than males. The final goal was to determine if binge drinking results in unique patterns of anxiety- or depressive-like symptoms in males and females and whether these behaviors would be associated with the dimorphic regulation of GABAA receptor subunits across the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Male binge drinkers displayed anxiety-like behavior during early withdrawal that dissipated after 2 weeks of abstinence. There were no significant changes in the expression of delta or gamma2 GABAA receptor subunit mRNA at this time point in the regions analyzed. Females also showed temporary anxiety-like behavior during early withdrawal from binge drinking. Additionally, females displayed significant depressive-like behavior after 2 weeks of abstinence from binge drinking. In particular, diestrus-phase females displayed significantly greater immobility in the forced-swim test after ethanol exposure and no longer maintained the reduced swim-time behavior associated with this phase of the cycle at baseline (when compared to the estrus-phase). qPCR analysis of hippocampal tissues from diestrus females supported a significant reduction in expression of gamma2 GABA(A) subunit mRNA after binge drinking. This effect was not noted for RNA isolated from hippocampal tissues taken during the estrus phase of bingers. These final data suggest possible interaction of estrous-cycle and binge drinking history that may result in the unique expression of deficits following binge drinking for females. Taken together, this work supports sex and estrous dependent effects of binge drinking on behavior and gene regulation.

Intra-nucleus accumbens shell injections of R(+)- and S(-)- baclofen bidirectionally alter binge-like ethanol, but not saccharin, intake in C57Bl/6J mice

Kasten, Chelsea Rae January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / It has been proposed that the GABAB receptor subtype plays a role in alcoholism and alcohol use disorders (AUDs) (Cousins et al., 2002; Agabio et al., 2012). Specifically, the GABAB agonist baclofen has been looked at extensively in clinical and pre-clinical studies. In various animal models of chronic and intermittent consumption, baclofen has been shown to both increase (Petry, 1997; Smith et al., 1999; Czachowski et al., 2006; Moore et al., 2007) and decrease (Colombo et al., 2000; 2002; 2005; Stromberg, 2004; Moore et al., 2009) drinking. A critical issue in determining pharmacological effects of a drug is using the appropriate animal model. The drinking-in-the-dark (DID) model, developed by Rhodes et al. (2005, 2007), produces high levels of drinking in a binge-like paradigm and has been used to assess many pharmacological targets (e.g. Kamdar et al., 2007; Gupta et al., 2008; Moore et al., 2007; 2009). While DID produces high-levels of binge drinking, it is unclear what areas of the brain are involved in this behavior. A direct way to target areas that are believed to be involved in the circuitry of particular behaviors is through microinjection of drugs (Kiianmaa et al., 2003). Of particular recent interest involving motivated behaviors and addiction is the nucleus accumbens (Acb) (Everitt & Robbins, 2005); specifically the accumbens shell (AcbSh) (e.g. Rewal et al., 2009, 2012; Nie et al., 2011; Leriche et al., 2008). The current study aimed to investigate the role of GABAB receptors in the AcbSh by examining the ability of two different enantiomers of baclofen to alter ethanol and saccharin intake in male C57BL/6J (B6) mice. B6 mice underwent bilateral cannulation surgery targeting the AcbSh. After 48 hours of recovery time, animals began a five day Drinking-in-the-Dark (DID) procedure where they received 20% ethanol or 0.2% saccharin for two hours, three hours into the dark cycle, each day. Throughout the five drinking sessions, animals were kept in home-cage locomotor activity chambers to monitor activity throughout the drinking cycle. Day 4 drinking was immediately preceded by a mock microinjection, whereas Day 5 drinking was immediately preceded by a drug microinjection. Microinjection of one of five doses of baclofen was given in ng/side dissolved in 200 µl of aCSF (aCSF alone, 0.02 R(+)-, 0.04 R(+)-, 0.08 S(-)-, or 0,16 S(-)-). Intake was recorded every twenty minutes on Days 4 and 5. Retro-orbital sinus blood samples were taken from ethanol animals immediately following the Day 5 drinking period to determine blood ethanol concentrations (BECs). A one-way ANOVA on total Day 4 ethanol consumption revealed no baseline differences between dose groups. A one-way ANOVA on total Day 5 ethanol consumption revealed that the 0.04 R(+)- baclofen dose reduced total drinking, but the 0.16 S(-)- baclofen dose increased total drinking (p’s<0.05). This pattern was reflected in the BECs; 0.04 R(+)- baclofen reduced BECs, whereas 0.16 S(-)- baclofen increased BECs (p’s<0.05). These results were also time-dependent, with R(+)-baclofen reducing drinking in the first 20 minutes of the session and S(-)- increasing drinking in the last 40 minutes of the session. There were no effects on saccharin intake. An issue with the locomotor activity boxes led to unreliable locomotor activity counts. However, because there were no drug effects on saccharin consumption, it was concluded that locomotor effects did not contribute to the decreases or increases in ethanol consumption. These results further implicate the role of GABAB receptors in modulating ethanol intake. The bidirectional effects shown highlight the importance of considering enantioselective drug effects when interpreting data. Finally, these results also support previous conclusions that the AcbSh plays an important role in modulating use of drugs of abuse, but not other reinforcers.

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