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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schadenfreude : I love watching you suffer (In game)

Johansson, Mattias, Rosenberg, Isac January 2023 (has links)
Our research is about schadenfreude, deriving pleasure from others suffering, and its presencein the online game League of Legends. Along with its presence we measured different waysplayers can enjoy it, as well as how much the players enjoyed it. What we found was that anoverwhelming majority enjoys it in one way or another. The study was conducted through anonline survey numbering 116 people, all who play League of Legends daily. We hope that thisresearch will open up possibilities for game designers and developers to cater mechanics thatevoke schadenfreude in a positive way where toxicity does not emerge as a result.

Exploring the aesthetical qualities of scaled game maps through Human-AI Collaboration / Utforskande av estetiska egenskaper i skalförändrade spelbräden genom samarbete mellan människa och AI

Rignell, Petter, Sjösvärd, Christian January 2023 (has links)
The primary objective is to explore the scalability of two-dimensional game maps while preserving certain aesthetical qualities in scaled representations. By either upscaling or downscaling the maps, features of the map inducing these aesthetical qualities may diminish. For instance, there could be alterations in the layout of corridors, rooms, characters, and treasures, as well as variations in the quantity of them. To address this, AI technology has been used as a means of preserving the feature soriginally introduced by the designer to create an alternatively scaled representation. The explorationis made possible by utilizing a game designer tool, Evolutionary Dungeon Designer (EDD), to designmaps - scale them - and generate AI-based solutions through an evolutionary algorithm. Furthermore, evaluations through both a user study and a controlled experiment were performed to analyze thescalability of game maps and the AI-generated representations. The user study showed some divisive results regarding whether the scaled or the AI-generated maps were superior. Often the AI-scaled maps were regarded as dissimilar compared to the original map. However, the AI could to some extent provide the same prevalence of some of the wanted features, but in a different design. This was also evident in the controlled experiment, where the AI managed to contain a specific feature to the same degree, but lacked the capability of making the maps similar. / Det primära målet är att utforska skalbarheten hos tvådimensionella spelkartor samtidigt som vissa estetiska egenskaper bevaras i skalförändrade representationer. Genom antingen att förstora eller förminska kartorna kan vissa egenskaper som bidrar till dessa estetiska egenskaper minska. Till exempel kan det finnas förändringar i layouten av korridorer, rum, karaktärer och skatter, liksom variationer i deras antal. För att lösa detta har AI-teknologi använts för att försöka bevara de egenskaper som ursprungligen infördes av designer, genom att skapa alternativt skalförändrade representationer. Utforskningen möjliggörs genom att använda ett speldesignverktyg, Evolutionary Dungeon Designer (EDD), för att designa kartor - skalförändra dem - och generera AI-baserade lösningar genom en evolutionär algoritm. För att analysera skalbarheten hos spelkartor och de AI-genererade representationerna genomfördes utvärderingar genom både en användarstudie och ett kontrollerat experiment. Användarstudien visade delade resultat gällande om skalförändrade kartorna eller AI-skalförändrade kartorna var mest representativ. Ofta ansågs AI-skalförändrade kartor vara olika den ursprungliga kartan. I de AI-skalade kartorna fanns det dock i viss utsträckning en liknande förekomst av de valda egenskaperna, men i en annan design. Detta var också tydligt i det kontrollerade experimentet, där AI skapade kartor som hade samma grad av en specifik egenskap, men saknade förmågan att göra kartorna lika ursprungskartan.

Can You Pet the Dog? : Exploring the experiential impact of sociable animal interaction in games

Björnfot, Frida, Rautiainen, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
The feature to “pet” animals in digital games is highly requested by players in online discourse, but there is a lack of research on its utility from a game design perspective. This thesis aims to gain a preliminary understanding of the effects of optional, sociable animal interaction to further inform game design decisions. Using a qualitative mixed methods research design, the possible impacts of sociable virtual animal interactions on the player experience are investigated. Five game-literate participants were observed during gameplay, which included an interactable virtual dog, and interviewed in-depth on their subjective experiences. The findings suggest that the interaction can be moderately beneficial to the player experience, but that it was also found lacking. The feature can offer a break from goal-oriented gameplay and improve players’ sense of agency. It may enhance the emotional value if the player feels a connection to the virtual animal. More life-like behavior and greater gameplay value might enable this connection, thereby making the interaction more desirable and beneficial to the player experience.

The First Interactive Medium : How a Player Can Change a Game & How a Game Can Change a Player

Taherkhani, Kiarash January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the transformative potential of the co-authorship dynamic between game developers and players in The Squared Circle, an abstract video game designed to facilitate personality development. Drawing inspiration from existentialist philosophy, psychotherapy, and game design, the study examines the intricate interplay between gameplay mechanics, narrative depth, and psychological exploration. Employing a research-through-design methodology, the researcher analyzes The Squared Circle’s elements through psychological, philosophical, and ludological literature. The game's initial focus on engaging gameplay mechanics evolved to incorporate textual significance and symbolic play, inspired by Carl Jung's theory of Individuation. Through playtesting, observations, and interviews, the study investigates the psychological and philosophical effects of the game. Players engage in symbolic representation and journaling, delving into their unconscious aspects and exploring personal experiences within the game world. The co-authorship dynamic fosters introspection expands self-understanding, and invites transformative experiences. The findings highlight the significance of journaling and symbolic play as tools for personal growth and self-expression within the game. Players navigate the symbolic landscape, uncover hidden meanings, and co-create their own narrative, leading to increased self-awareness and psychological integration. This research contributes to understanding games as a medium for personal transformation and psychological exploration. The study underscores the importance of co-authorship, journaling, and symbolic representation in designing games that facilitate introspection, meaningful experiences, and the development of the player's personality.

Du kommer aldrig spela detta igen: En undersökning om påverkan temporära upplevelser och exklusivitet har på spelupplevelsen

Puke, Julius, Danielsson, Alyssa January 2022 (has links)
Användandet av temporära upplevelser och exklusivitet har sett en ökning inom moderna Games-as-a-Service spel (GaaS-spel). Några exempel på detta är battle-pass i multiplayer-spel, konserter i Fortnite och viktiga narrativa event. Nytt innehåll kan vara limiterat till att endast kunna upplevas under specifika perioder, och sedan vara otillgängligt under en obestämd tid. Denna undersökning ämnar då att se hur spelare upplever ett spel huvudsakligen designat kring dessa aspekter. För att undersöka detta har vi skapat ett narrativt spel, som är uppdelat i sju delar. De sju delarna spelas av frivilliga deltagare under en veckas tid. Varje dag släpps en ny del som bara är tillgänglig under den dagen. En kontrollgrupp spelar delarna i sin egen takt, för att vi sedan ska kunna göra en jämförelse mellan de två grupperna. Deltagarna på de kvalitativa intervjuerna hade generellt en positiv bild på spelet självt, men flera svarade att deras spelupplevelse av olika anledningar påverkades negativt av användningen av temporära upplevelser och exklusivitet. Dessa anledningar tas upp i resultatet och diskuteras sedan för att dra slutsatsen att upplägget generellt hade en negativ påverkan på spelupplevelsen, men även potential för positiv påverkan. Vi diskuterar även de brister som uppkom under undersökningen, och potentiella åtgärder. Resultatet och kunskapen vi fått ut av undersökningen anser vi kan användas för framtida forskning inom ämnet, och inom design av GaaS-spel. / The usage of temporary experiences and exclusivity has increased within modern Games-as-a-Service games (GaaS-games). Some examples of this include battle passes in multiplayer games, virtual concerts in Fortnite and important narrative events. New content can be limited to only be experienced during specific time periods, and then be unavailable indefinitely. This study explores how a game designed around these ideas affects the player experience. To test this we developed a narrative game split into seven parts. These parts are played by willing participants during a week. Every day during the week a part of the game is released, and that part is only available during the day it was released. A control group will get to play the game without these time constraints at their own pace. We later do a comparison between these two groups. Participants in the qualitative interviews had a generally positive experience with the game itself, but several answered that their experience with the game for different reasons were affected negatively by the use of temporary experiences and exclusivity. These reasons are brought up in the results and are then discussed to draw the conclusion that the model had a generally negative effect on the experience, but also has the potential for a positive effect. We also discuss the flaws that came up during the study, and potentiel remedies. We believe that the results and knowledge we have gathered from this study can be used for further research in the subject, and also the design of GaaS-games.

The taxonomy study of players in Alternate Reality Games / Taxonomistudie av spelare i Alternate Reality Games

Wen, Ruoyu January 2023 (has links)
This study introduces a comprehensive taxonomy for categorizing participants in Alternate Reality Games (ARGs). The taxonomy emerges from a meticulous analysis of player motivations and behaviors within a self-designed ARG project. By scrutinizing game website logs, chat group interactions, and employing a player motivation questionnaire, this mixed-method exploration sheds light on player behaviors and motivations, based on dimensions of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Through this inquiry, distinct player typologies within ARGs are unveiled, unveiling behavioral intricacies and motivational drivers. This research contributes to a nuanced comprehension of the unique realm of ARGs, offering insights valuable to both designers and scholars. By enhancing our understanding of ARG dynamics, this study provides a foundational resource for future design endeavors and scholarly pursuits in the realm of alternate reality gaming.

Consumer perspectives towards monetization and its impact on AAA game designs

Ahmadu, Jubril January 2023 (has links)
Monetization is now a fundamental aspect of video game creation and currently, all developers are trying to utilize it in the various designs of their games. Contemplating the monetized aspect of video games, this research has seen a gap in the studies pertaining to monetization from the perspective of the consumers, who are also the gamers and the buyers of these monetization designs. This paper approaches monetization from the perspective of consumers to bridge that lacuna. It aims to gain insights into the consumer mind by initiating a conversation between previous theories and present discussions to arrive at a middle ground on monetization in AAA games between consumers and game designers. It achieves this by the use of an online survey and semi-structured interviews with core and casual consumers. Furthermore, this research is supported by a discourse analysis on YouTube by game critics and reviewers. The results of the study showed that monetization is beneficial to independent developers and mobile games, it is also beneficial in AAA games if it is left to the part of the game design that does not affect the quality of the game. For example, cosmetics and DLCs, as long as those DLCs are not gated game lore that consumers are forced to buy. The impact of monetization on AAA games is a fifty-fifty issue on the part of the consumer and developer. The financial impact consumers project to developers justifies the rationale for the continuity of monetization models regardless of the quality of the games design. In the future research is needed to better understand consumer perspectives on monetization, particularly among consumers who have grown up in different gaming eras. Additional studies with larger sample sizes should be conducted in order to make valid generalizations and capture the perspectives of teens. Future studies should also focus on games and game studios that have implemented micro-transactions successfully, considering game design quality, revenue, and customer satisfaction. / Intäktsgenerering är nu en grundläggande aspekt av att skapa videospel och för närvarande försöker alla utvecklare att använda det i de olika designerna av sina spel. Med tanke på den monetariserade aspekten av videospel har denna forskning sett en lucka i studierna som rör intäktsgenerering ur konsumenternas perspektiv, som också är spelarna och köparna av dessa intäktsgenereringsdesigner. Detta dokument närmar sig monetarisering ur konsumenternas perspektiv för att överbrygga denna lucka. Det syftar till att få insikter i konsumentsinnet genom att initiera en konversation mellan tidigare teorier och aktuella diskussioner för att komma fram till en medelväg om intäktsgenerering i AAA-spel mellan konsumenter och speldesigners. Den uppnår detta genom att använda en onlineenkät och semistrukturerade intervjuer med centrala och tillfälliga konsumenter. Dessutom stöds denna forskning av en diskursanalys på YouTube av spelkritiker och recensenter. Resultaten av studien visade att intäktsgenerering är fördelaktigt för oberoende utvecklare och mobilspel, det är också fördelaktigt i AAA-spel om det överlåts till den del av speldesignen som inte påverkar kvaliteten på spelet. Till exempel kosmetika och DLC:er, så länge dessa DLC:er inte är gated game lore som konsumenter tvingas köpa. Effekten av intäktsgenerering på AAA-spel är en femtio-femtio-fråga från konsumentens och utvecklarens sida. Den ekonomiska påverkan som konsumenter projicerar till utvecklare motiverar skälen till kontinuiteten i modeller för intäktsgenerering oavsett kvaliteten på speldesignen. I framtiden behövs forskning för att bättre förstå konsumenternas perspektiv på monetarisering, särskilt bland konsumenter som har vuxit upp i olika spelepoker. Ytterligare studier med större urvalsstorlekar bör genomföras för att göra giltiga generaliseringar och fånga tonåringars perspektiv. Framtida studier bör också fokusera på spel och spelstudior som har genomfört mikrotransaktioner framgångsrikt, med tanke på speldesignkvalitet, intäkter och kundnöjdhet

An Exploration of Interactions and Design Implications of Low-interactivity Games

Zhou, Xiaoding January 2023 (has links)
This paper introduces low-interactivity games as a new term to refer to games that provide players with very limited interaction by design. A grounded theory approach is conducted for this research, with reviewing literature and analyzing games specifically under the categories of casual games, idle games, walking simulators and minimalist games, in order to identify the available types of interactions in low-interactivity games. The design implications of games in this field are also investigated, indicating that low-interactivity games can be designed for companionship and awareness due to their core feature of supporting in-game inaction of the player. The design solutions and values of low-interactivity games are also discussed to argue for a responsible attitude towards the design of games in this space. The proposed term provides starting points for future research and development of low-interactivity games.

NUMERICAL NARRATIVE GAME MECHANICS : Theories and Concepts for conveying narratives via numerical mechanics in games

Yan, Yifei January 2022 (has links)
In the fields of game design and interactive storytelling, it is of value to consider game mechanics, narrative design, and how they connect and influence each other. Dubbelman’s Narrative game mechanics theory (2016) started an argumentation that certain game mechanics can serve greater narrative power. This research sees a lack of practical considerations and game development guidelines from Dubbelman’s work and tries to conduct a theoretical framework on useful narrative and game design theories and practical considerations focusing on a subset of game mechanics, numerical narrative game mechanics. The framework covered an in-depth explanation of the process from mechanics to narratives, the role of the player during the narration process and related practices one can utilize, an analytical perspective of numerical elements and numerical mechanics, and ways to improve narratability and representation of contexts. Three case studies of existing games are also conducted to present the use of the framework and improve its applicability.

Farming exergame using webcam skeletal ML tracking and Godot / Exergame i farmgenren genom webbkamerabaserad ML skelettspårning och Godot

Bertholdsson, Emil, Karlsson, Linus January 2023 (has links)
The modern office environment requires employees to perform stationary work. This can cause them several health issues due to being sedentary for long periods of time. An exergame was developed with the aim to remedy these issues by encouraging short motion controlled game sessions during breaks. The game was a farming game developed using the Godot game engine and the ML based skeletal tracking software Mediapipe. The game was played for 86 two-minute sessions where data was collected to evaluate how to use farming game tropes within the design for more movement to yield better results. It was also used to evaluate how the game mechanics could be distributed throughout the game session to promote sustained exertion during an average session. It was concluded that for farming exergames, if the goal is to reward players who exert themselves more, the in-game rewards should not make the game easier to play effectively as they generally do in typical farming games. Furthermore, it was also concluded that interactions happening in a sporadic order help with keeping the average exertion consistent, in addition to the aspect that players always have something to do during the allotted game session time.

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