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Mise en oeuvre de moyens de vieillissement accéléré et d'analyses dédiés aux composants de puissance grand gap. / Implementation of the accelerated aging methodology and analysis in wideband gap power componentFu, Jian zhi 21 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue un des éléments du projet de recherche EMOCAVI (Evolution des Modèles des Composants de puissance grand gAp au cours du VIeillissement). Elle porte sur l’étude de la fiabilité des transistors de puissance en Nitrure de Gallium (GaN) récemment apparus sur le marché. Ces travaux se focalisent sur la réalisation d’une méthodologie pour paramétrer le modèle du composant GaN GIT (Gate Injection Transistor) en fonction du vieillissement auquel il a été soumis. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous sommes passés par plusieurs étapes. La première a été consacrée à la définition, la mise en place et la validation d’un banc de vieillissement et à la caractérisation de ces composants avant et en cours de vieillissement. Un banc de test de vieillissement en court-circuit répétitif à faible puissance a été conçu et mis en oeuvre. Ce banc a permis de valider l’hypothèse du vieillissement lié à l’énergie, d’identifier son niveau déterminant d’un point de vue fiabilité du composant et enfin mettre en évidence la dégradation progressive du composant afin d’identifier les paramètres du transistor les plus sensibles au vieillissement. La deuxième étape de nos travaux a été consacrée à l’établissement d’une méthodologie de création de modèle de vieillissement du composant GaN-GIT. En reproduisant le modèle COBRA présenté dans la littérature, nous avons réussi dans nos travaux à proposer une approche novatrice permettant d’intégrer les dépendances en température et en énergie subie par le composant pendant le stress (la durée d’impulsion Tsc et le nombre de pulse subi Nsc). La dernière étape de nos travaux a été dédiée à l’analyse physique de défaillance afin de confirmer les hypothèses faites sur les mécanismes de dégradation obtenus après vieillissement du composant. Pour réaliser ces analyses, nous avons commencé par la décapsulation du composant en combinant l’ouverture laser aux attaques chimiques de la résine constituant le packaging. Une fois le défaut localisé par photoluminescence, une analyse approfondie par des vues au microscope électronique à balayage MEB puis par découpe PFIB (Plasma Fouced Ion Beam) a été réalisée afin de déterminer le mécanisme de défaillance. Il s’agissait principalement de fissures situées dans le métal d’Al au niveau du drain ainsi que la présence de cavités dans la couche métallique qui sert à réaliser le contact ohmique au niveau de la source, ce qui explique l’augmentation de la résistance RDSON. / This thesis constitute one of the elements of the EMOCAVI research project (Evolution of the Large gAp Power Component Models during the VIeillissement). It deals with the study of the reliability of Gallium Nitride (GaN) power transistors which are recently appeared on the market. This work focuses on the realization of a methodology to parameterize the model of GaN GIT component (Gate Injection Transistor) according to the aging to which it has been subjected. To achieve this goal, it will be necessary to go through several steps. The first step was dedicated to the definition, implementation and validation of an aging bench for the component and the characterization of these components before and during aging. A low power repetitive short-circuit aging test bench was designed and implemented. This bench is used to validate the energy-related aging hypothesis, to identify its determining level from a point of view of the reliability of the component and finally to highlight the progressive degradation of the component in order to identify the parameters of the transistor which are the most sensitive to aging. The second step of our work was devoted to the establishment of a methodology to create the aging model for the GaN-GIT component. By reproducing the COBRA model presented in the literature, we have succeeded in our work in proposing an innovative approach to integrate the dependencies in temperature and energy suffered by the component during stress (the Tsc pulse duration and the number of pulse suffered Nsc). The last step of our work was dedicated to the physical failure analysis in order to confirm the hypothesis made on the degradation mechanisms obtained after aging of the component. To carry out these analyzes, we started with the de-capsulation of the component by combining the laser cutting with the chemical attacks of the resin constituting the packaging. Once the defect was localized by photoluminescence, an in-depth analysis by SEM scanning and then PFIB (Plasma Focused Ion Beam) scans was performed to determine the mechanism of failure. These were mainly cracks in the Al metal at the drain and the presence of cavities in the metal layer which is used to make the Ohmic contact at the source, which explains the increase in resistance RDSON.
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Étude des opérateurs différentiels globaux sur certaines variétés algébriques projectives / On global differential operators on some projective algebraic varietiesDejoncheere, Benoît 14 December 2016 (has links)
Initiée indépendamment par Beilinson et Bernstein et par Brylinski et Kashiwara, l'étude des opérateurs différentiels sur les variétés de drapeaux complets a permis de répondre à une conjecture de Kazhdan et Lusztig. Ayant été poursuivie notamment par les travaux de Borho et Brylinski, cette étude a mis à jour plusieurs propriétés intéressantes sur les opérateurs différentiels sur les variétés de drapeaux. Cependant, en dehors du cas des variétés de drapeaux et du cas des variétés toriques projectives, qui a été étudié de manière combinatoire, les opérateurs différentiels sont plutôt mal compris sur les variétés projectives.Dans cette thèse, nous nous pencherons sur le cas de certaines compactifications magnifiques Y d'espaces symétriques G/H de petit rang, et nous comparerons les résultats obtenus avec ceux connus sur les variétés de drapeaux. Nous allons commencer par construire un opérateur différentiel global sur Y qui ne provient pas de l'action infinitésimale de l'algèbre de Lie de G, ce qui constitue une différence avec le cas des variétés de drapeaux.Ensuite, nous nous intéresserons à trois cas particulier que nous exprimerons comme des quotients GIT d'une certaine grassmannienne X. Grâce à cette description, nous verrons plusieurs similitudes avec le cas des variétés de drapeaux : nous montrerons que l'algèbre des opérateurs globaux sur Y est de type fini, et que pour tout faisceau inversible L sur Y, ses sections globales forment un module simple pour l'algèbre des opérateurs différentiels globaux de Y tordus par L. Enfin, en utilisant des arguments de cohomologie locale, nous montrerons que c'est également le cas pour les groupes de cohomologie supérieurs / Started independently by Beilinson and Bernstein, and by Brylinski and Kashiwara, the study of global differential operators on complete flag varieties has been very useful to answer a conjecture of Kazhdan and Lusztig. In their subsequent work, Borho and Brylinski have discovered many interesting properties on differential operators on flag varieties. But apart from the case of flag varieties, and the case of projective toric varieties, which has been investigated with combinatorial methods, differential operators on projective varieties are rather badly known.In this thesis, we will investigate the case of some wonderful compactifications Y of symmetric spaces G/H of small rank, and we will compare our results with what is known in the case of flag varieties. We will first construct a differential operator on Y which does not come from the infinitesimal action of G, which is different from the case of flag varieties.We will then look at three particular cases, which will be expressed as GIT quotients of some Grassmannian X. With this description, we will find some similarities with the case of flag varieties : we will show that the algebra of global differential operators is of finite type, and that for each invertible sheaf L on Y, the module of its global sections is simple as a module over the algebra of global differential operators of Y twisted by L. Finally, using arguments of local cohomology, we will show that it is still the case for higher cohomology groups
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Specifika ošetřovatelské péče u dětí podstupující endoskopické vyšetření trávicího traktu / Specifice of nursing care for children undergoing endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tractHALÁMKOVÁ, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Although it is not a new method endoscopy has undergone incredible development in recent years. The examination is however very unpleasant for a patient, which is why health care staff should be well trained, particularly for child patients. The aim of the thesis was to map the specifics of nursing care for children undergoing endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract. We approached the whole issue from the point of view of caring staff ? nurses. In the theoretical part we first described the gastrointestinal tract anatomy, endoscopy development and types of endoscopic examination. Then we dealt with the role of a nurse in the care for child patients undergoing these examinations. We formed three goals for the research. Goal 1: To find out how nurses prepare child patients for the individual endoscopic examinations. Goal 2: To verify whether nurses caring about a child patient undergoing gastrointestinal tract endoscopy are specifically trained. Goal 3 served as the output of the work: To elaborate recommendation for nurses preparing child patients for the individual endoscopic examinations. We chose quantitative research for collection of the necessary information. A questionnaire designed for nurses caring for child patients was the data collection technique. The questionnaire was anonymous, distributed at paediatric clinics of faculty hospitals of Moravian region. 104 questionnaires suitable for processing returned from 140 issued. The research has shown that nurses working at the clinics where the research was performed master the correct nursing care for child patients undergoing endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract. Nevertheless the fact that most information is gained upon practical experience, with low emphasis on initial and repeated training of nurses also results from the research. A recommendation was elaborated upon the gathered information in the form of a standard nursing procedure proposal.
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Making better programmers : The impact of automated feedback on students / Bättre programmerare : Påverkan av automatiserad respons på studenterHansson, Tobias, Berg, Matteus January 2022 (has links)
Version Control Systems are a staple of modern software development and its usage is rapidly growing in education. Students often use Version Control Systems such as Git and GitHub during their education, though newly examined students are often found to lack mastery of industry standard practices. Manually monitoring and giving feedback to students is time consuming and requires a large amount of labor. Therefore, this paper proposes and evaluates an automated feedback system which analyses student assignment repositories an publishes feedback based on a set of data points. After the study, we attempt to measure any impact of the feedback on student performance. The study is unable to underline a significant impact. Students are also asked to reflect over the feedback and the reception was positive, further promoting future studies on the subject. / Versionshantering används idag flytigt inom mjukvaruutveckling och dess popularitet växer stadigt inom högre utbildning. Studenter får ofta lära sig att använda versionshanteringssystem såsom Git och GitHub under deras utbildning, trots detta saknar nyexaminerade studenter ofta tillräcklig kunskap om relevanta industristandarder. Att manuellt övervaka studenter och tillförse dem med respons på deras inlämningar är tidskrävande och kräver mycket arbetskraft. Mot bakgrund av detta föreslår och utvärderar vi i denna studie ett automatiskt responssystem med syftet att analysera studenters inlämningar samt återkoppla med relevant respons på ett antal datapunkter. Efter studiens slut görs en mätning av skillnader i studenternas resultat men ingen konkret slutsats kan sammanställas. Studenterna tillfrågades också att reflektera över responsen de tog del av. Deras svar samt studiens resultat pekar mot att ytterligare studier inom ämnet är väl motiverade.
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GitBark : A Rule-Based Framework for Maintaining Integrity in Source Code Repositories / GitBark : Tillhandahållandet av trovärdighet och integritet i källkodBonnici, Elias January 2023 (has links)
In today’s digital landscape, maintaining the integrity of source code is crucial for delivering reliable and trustworthy software solutions. However, the increasing prevalence of attacks targeting source code repositories and version control systems (VCSs) poses significant challenges to source code integrity. Unauthorized access to source code repositories can lead to various security risks, including the introduction of malicious code or unauthorized approvals for pull requests. Security measures implemented on the remote server hosting the repository are typically insufficient to detect these types of attacks, resulting in changes potentially remaining undetected and becoming part of the deployed artifact. To address those issues, this study proposes GitBark, a framework that employs cryptographic methods to verify the integrity of a source code repository. GitBark achieves this by enforcing rules and policies on the commits made to the repository. Specifically, the study demonstrates that by formulating rules that utilize digital signatures, GitBark can effectively identify unauthorized changes and approvals. Moreover, GitBark prioritizes maintaining the local repository in a consistent and trustworthy state, reducing reliance on the remote server. Even if changes violating established rules are introduced to the remote repository, GitBark prevents their integration into the local repository. Consequently, users of GitBark can have confidence that their local repository remains a consistent and trustworthy version of the source code, without needing to place full trust on a remote server. An evaluation of GitBark, along with the devised rules, demonstrates its effectiveness in mitigating the threats identified in this study. Additionally, in terms of performance, GitBark incurs a modest overhead, both in time and storage. / I dagens digital värld, så är det viktigare än någonsin att källkodens integritet upprätthålls. Detta är kritiskt för att kunna leverera tillförlitlig och kvalitativ mjukvara. Den ständigt ökade förekomsten av attacker som riktar sig mot källkodsrepon och versionshanteringssystem gör dock upprätthållandet av källkodens integritet svårt. Obehörig åtkomst till källkodsrepo ger upphov till flera säkerhetsrisker såsom inkluderandet av skadlig kod eller obehöriga godkännanden av nya ändringar. De säkerhetsåtgärder som finns implementerade på värdserven där källkodsrepot lagras kan generellt sätt inte detektera dessa typer av attacker, vilket resulterar i att dessa typer av ändringar oftast förblir oupptäckta. För att adressera dessa problem, så presenterar denna studie GitBark, ett verktyg som utnyttjar kryptografiska medel för att verifiera integriteten av ett källkodsrepo. GitBark gör detta genom att kräva regler för commits som görs till källkodsrepot och validera att de upprätthålls. Mer specifikt, så visar att studien att genom att formulera regler som uttnyttjar digitala signaturer så kan GitBark effektivt identifiera oauktoriserade ändringar och godkännanden. Dessutom, prioriterar GitBark att alltid bibehålla det lokala källkodsrepot i ett konsekvent och trovärdigt tillstånd, för att minska beroendet på en remoteserver. Även ifall ändringar som inte uppfyller reglerna introduceras på remote-källkodsrepot så ser GitBark till att dessa ändringar aldrig integreras i det lokala repot. Följaktligen så kan användare av GitBark känna sig säkra i att det lokala källkodsrepot alltid förblir i ett konsekvent och trovärdigt tillstånd i relation till dem etablerade reglerna, utan att behöva förlita sig på en remoteserver. En evaluering av GitBark, tillsammans med de skapade reglerna påvisar dess effektivitet i att adressera de identifierade hoten i denna studie. Dessutom, vad gäller prestanda så har GitBark en liten påverkan både i tid och utrymme.
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Can you Change the World with only 3 Commits? : Monitoring the Commit Behaviour of First Year Computer Science StudentsOsnes, Simon, Berg, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Having the skill to work with Version Control Systems (VCS) is an important aspect of most software development projects in the industry. But students may lack the knowledge on how to use it. By applying requirements on first year students of the Computer Science programme at KTH, this thesis aims to examine if that is enough to improve their VCS behaviour. This can be examined by applying requirements and then examining the metadata from GitHub. The results from this thesis show that the students committed a bit more when requirements were applied, but that the best way to get the students to commit more is to give them the knowledge on how to have a good commit behaviour. This is in line with previous research in the same area. / Versionshanteringssystem är ett viktigt verktyg i de flesta mjukvaruprojekt. Därför är det också en nödvändig kunskap att kunna arbeta med dem. Trots det så kan många datateknikstudenter sakna dessa kunskaper i hur man använder versionshantering optimalt. Därför ämnar detta arbete att undersöka om det är möjligt att förbättra förstaårsstudenterna på civilingenjörsprogrammet med inriktning datateknik på KTHs commitvanor genom att ställa krav på dem om ett minst antal commits per vecka. Krav kan ställas och sen är det möjligt att använda metadatan från GitHub för att besvara frågeställningen. Resultaten från detta arbete visar att även om studenterna committade lite mer med bara kraven, så var det framförallt efter att de fått kunskaper om bra commitbeteenden som de också förbättrade sitt eget beteende. Detta stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning på området.
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A study of digesta passage in rabbits and ringtail possums using markers and modelsHerron, Fiona Michelle January 2002 (has links)
The common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), a member of the family Pseudocheiridae, is an arboreal folivorous marsupial that feeds predominantly on Eucalyptus foliage. Contrary to the expectation that small body size would inhibit utilisation of a diet containing such high levels of lignified fibre because of relatively low gut volume to body mass ratios and relatively high mass-specific metabolic rates and nutrient requirements (Hume 1999), the ringtail possum is able to survive solely on a diet of Eucalyptus foliage. The rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a terrestrial herbivore and is a member of the family Leporidae that feeds predominantly on grasses. The rabbit was proposed as a digesta flow model for the ringtail possum since both are caecotrophic (periodically re-ingest caecal contents) and both are proposed to exhibit a colonic separation mechanism (CSM) where fluids and small, easily digested particles are preferentially returned to the caecum. The rabbit is of value for the modelling process since it is more accessible for experimental manipulation than the ringtail possum. This study investigated a proposal to use digesta passage through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of the rabbit as a model of digesta passage for the ringtail possum on the basis that both are caecotrophic caecum fermenters. A number of potential problems were identified with this proposal and investigation of these problems formed the basis for the research described in this thesis. Two main areas were identified as being potentially problematic: 1) fundamental flaws with the particulate markers used in digesta rate of passage studies; and 2) differences in animal behaviour and natural diet between the two subject species which suggested different digestive strategies and hence different patterns of digesta flow through the GIT. The proposed digesta passage markers were lanthanide metals (Dy, Tm, Eu and Yb) attached to either fibrous particles (1200 - 600�m) or formalin-fixed rumen bacteria (20 � 0.2�m). These markers were shown to not be of the assumed size classes and the extent of lanthanide metal binding differed between the four metals used. An effect due to method of dosing was also observed. The findings of marker inconsistencies caused major limitation to model development and further research is necessary to clarify these markers. The proposal to use digesta flow in the rabbit GIT as a model for digesta flow in the ringtail possum was shown to be idealistic due to the differences in anatomy and behaviour observed between the two herbivores. Laboratory observations, time series analysis and compartmental modelling confirmed the differences between the animals. This study showed: 1) the GIT of the rabbit was more complex both anatomically and functionally than that of the ringtail possum; 2) behaviour affecting digesta passage of the rabbit and ringtail were different and; 3) compartmental models confirmed the anatomical and behavioural findings. Digesta passage in the rabbit could not be modelled mathematically using data on digesta passage due to complexities of the system. In contrast, a basic model was constructed for digesta passage in the ringtail possum. On the basis of these findings, the research hypothesis "that digesta passage in rabbits is similar to that in ringtail possums" was rejected.
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Propriétés symplectiques et hamiltoniennes des orbites coadjointes holomorphesDeltour, Guillaume 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de la structure symplectique des orbites coadjointes holomorphes, et de leurs projections. Une orbite coadjointe holomorphe O est une orbite coadjointe elliptique d'un groupe de Lie réel semi-simple, connexe, non compact et à centre fini, provenant d'un espace symétrique hermitien G/K, telle que O puisse être naturellement munie d'une structure kählérienne G-invariante. Ces orbites sont une généralisation de l'espace symétrique hermitien G/K. Dans cette thèse, nous prouvons que le symplectomorphisme de McDuff se généralise aux orbites coadjointes holomorphes, décrivant la structure symplectique de l'orbite O par le produit direct d'une orbite coadjointe compacte et d'un espace vectoriel symplectique. Ce symplectomorphisme est ensuite utilisé pour déterminer les équations de la projection de l'orbite O relative au sous-groupe compact maximal K de G, en faisant intervenir des résultats récents de Ressayre en Théorie Géométrique des Invariants.
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A study of digesta passage in rabbits and ringtail possums using markers and modelsHerron, Fiona Michelle January 2002 (has links)
The common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), a member of the family Pseudocheiridae, is an arboreal folivorous marsupial that feeds predominantly on Eucalyptus foliage. Contrary to the expectation that small body size would inhibit utilisation of a diet containing such high levels of lignified fibre because of relatively low gut volume to body mass ratios and relatively high mass-specific metabolic rates and nutrient requirements (Hume 1999), the ringtail possum is able to survive solely on a diet of Eucalyptus foliage. The rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a terrestrial herbivore and is a member of the family Leporidae that feeds predominantly on grasses. The rabbit was proposed as a digesta flow model for the ringtail possum since both are caecotrophic (periodically re-ingest caecal contents) and both are proposed to exhibit a colonic separation mechanism (CSM) where fluids and small, easily digested particles are preferentially returned to the caecum. The rabbit is of value for the modelling process since it is more accessible for experimental manipulation than the ringtail possum. This study investigated a proposal to use digesta passage through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of the rabbit as a model of digesta passage for the ringtail possum on the basis that both are caecotrophic caecum fermenters. A number of potential problems were identified with this proposal and investigation of these problems formed the basis for the research described in this thesis. Two main areas were identified as being potentially problematic: 1) fundamental flaws with the particulate markers used in digesta rate of passage studies; and 2) differences in animal behaviour and natural diet between the two subject species which suggested different digestive strategies and hence different patterns of digesta flow through the GIT. The proposed digesta passage markers were lanthanide metals (Dy, Tm, Eu and Yb) attached to either fibrous particles (1200 - 600�m) or formalin-fixed rumen bacteria (20 � 0.2�m). These markers were shown to not be of the assumed size classes and the extent of lanthanide metal binding differed between the four metals used. An effect due to method of dosing was also observed. The findings of marker inconsistencies caused major limitation to model development and further research is necessary to clarify these markers. The proposal to use digesta flow in the rabbit GIT as a model for digesta flow in the ringtail possum was shown to be idealistic due to the differences in anatomy and behaviour observed between the two herbivores. Laboratory observations, time series analysis and compartmental modelling confirmed the differences between the animals. This study showed: 1) the GIT of the rabbit was more complex both anatomically and functionally than that of the ringtail possum; 2) behaviour affecting digesta passage of the rabbit and ringtail were different and; 3) compartmental models confirmed the anatomical and behavioural findings. Digesta passage in the rabbit could not be modelled mathematically using data on digesta passage due to complexities of the system. In contrast, a basic model was constructed for digesta passage in the ringtail possum. On the basis of these findings, the research hypothesis "that digesta passage in rabbits is similar to that in ringtail possums" was rejected.
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A new approach for medical device product documentationHamnede, Elisabet January 2017 (has links)
Hardware and software developers rely on different tools for document management, product data management (PDM) and software configuration management (SCM). As more and more products include components of both types there is a growing demand for one collaborative system. This becomes even more critical in the medical sector, where a device is under regulatory demands for document management to even be allowed in to the market. Combined systems become more complex and are generally based on PDM-principles rather than SCM. Current development of SCM tends instead towards simpler systems focused on pure version control (VCS) that are easy to use and economically available to small- and medium sized enterprises (SME), which is not the case with generic PDM-systems or combined systems. This study explored the possibility to extend the usage of such a VCS and include hardware documentation as well as software. The aim was to further our understanding of the SME perspective on product documentation for the medical device field. The method was a case study, collaboration with a SME development company. The scope was to explore possible usage of a chosen VCS (GitLab) and to compare it with a generic PDM-system and with existing manual system. The results showed that for several of the hardware document types there are special made Git-solutions to find within the open source community. However, none of the ones tested in the study was deemed good enough with respect to functionality and reliability. Instead the case study used direct storage of the files in their binary format and focused on testing different VCS functions and on how to organize in order to best gain the advantages of using the system. The conclusions showed that hardware documents can be stored in the same iterative manner as software but with limited Git functionality. Compared with a PDM system GitLab can offer the same level of revision control and communication around the specifications but lacks classification of parts and detailed product structures. GitLab offers better iteration history than both a PDMsystem and the existing manual system does. But not being able to use full Git functionality the organization needs a collaboration strategy to handle the decentralized storage. If the collaboration strategy matches the organization development practices, GitLab is a useful alternative for medical device documentation.
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