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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gamification for Sustainability - An experts' perspective on the opportunities and challenges of gamification as a tool to foster sustainability practices within organisations

Hostettler, Yara, Van Maurik, Britt January 2020 (has links)
Gamification and sustainability are two topics that have gained a lot of attention in the past few years, both from the corporate sector and the academic community. Yet, the connection between the two concepts has seldom been made. This study addresses this research gap, by presenting the novel concept of gamification and connecting it to established theories in the field of organisational change. It then creates a discussion around the question of the potential of gamification as a tool to foster sustainability practices within organisations.To answer this question, this thesis followed a qualitative research design. By performing semi-structured interviews with experts in the field of gamification, the study explored different aspects of gamification, namely its definition, the opportunities and challenges it faces in regards to sustainability, the organisation’s responses towards the concept and the hypotheses for the further development of gamification.The results of this study suggest that gamification has great potential to foster sustainable practices within organisations. With its element of fun, gamification has the power to engage employees in sustainability issues, create a deeper understanding of the topic and relate it directly to the employees’ personal values and decision-making process. By offering different perspectives and helping employees see the bigger picture, gamification can inspire a sense of meaningfulness and contribution to something bigger than oneself. However, this can only happen when the tools are designed and used in the right way. Building an understanding of the user and implementing the fitting game design elements to create an impactful experience for the player is, however, a complex and time-consuming process, and therefore put forth as one of the biggest challenges. Furthermore, gamification should strive to expand beyond the commonly used game design elements of points, badges and leaderboards to tap into the user’s intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivation.

遊戲設計策略對衍生商品購買意願之影響 / Effect of game design strategy on purchase intention of extension products

林冠宇, Lin, Kuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
現今應用程式軟體(APP)不斷推陳出新,吸引不少企業與廠商投入應用程式設計的行列,原因來自於使用者高度熱衷使用這類型的程式,而此高使用度也可能正面影響使用者對贊助品牌的認同度。由於近年來資訊科技與通訊發展迅速,因而帶動應用程式設計業者設計更多動態功能與互動性功能的應用程式以期留住顧客,鼓勵他們重複性購買該應用程式之衍生商品,以提升顧客忠誠度。但隨著有越來越多的社群與手機遊戲應用程式漸漸在現今生活中形成一股重要潮流後,企業應瞭解添加遊戲元素至應用程式中將能夠帶給顧客哪些價值感受,並選取最重要的元素作為主要訴求。本研究中整理不同的遊戲設計元素及不同人口統計特徵與消費行為,用以探討不同類型顧客的消費購買意向,在檢閱過遊戲設計的相關文獻後,本研究歸納出七種遊戲設計元素,並以個案研究方式驗證這些元素後,進而提出研究假設,試圖找出遊戲設計對不同類型顧客的影響。接著,為驗證本研究提出的假設,我們調查五百名受試者對遊戲元素的感受,希望本研究成果能提供應用程式設計者參考,設計出更貼近使用者需求的應用程式,幫助他們從衍生產品中獲得更高的收益。 / Applications software (“apps”) have generated substantial interest among marketers, primarily because of their high level of user engagement and the positive impact this presumably has on a customer’s attitude toward the sponsoring brand. Due to the advancement of information and telecommunication technologies, more dynamic and interactive applications have been developed to retain customers and encourage repeat purchasing for extension products and further enhance customer loyalty. As the increasing application of social and mobile games plays an important trend in today’s culture, enterprises need to understand the value of adding frequent game design elements into every customer encounter. This study consolidates different game design elements and demographics to explore the purchase intentions of different types of customers. We have reviewed the game-design literature and identified seven motivational elements. Using a case analysis, we verified these elements and proposed hypotheses on game design for different types of customers. Then the hypotheses was tested by collecting responses from 500 participants regarding their perceptions of the elements of the game activity. We hope that the findings can provide app designer useful references in generating more revenue from extension products.

Technology and Gamification at Work / Teknik och spelifiering på jobbet

Engslätt, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Activity-based workplaces are offices where the employees share workplaces and choose where to work based on their current activity. The aim is to make the work more efficient, but studies have shown that activity-based workplaces are not being used as intended. This can create different types of friction for employees, and produce negative energy, decreasing the employee satisfaction and efficiency in the workplace. Gamification is a term which is growing in the field of enterprise and organisations, and is being used as a tool to motivate people and direct their activity. According to the theoretical approach Human Work Interaction Design, it is important to examine how technical solutions can be designed to facilitate the employees in different work domains. Therefore, an interesting research problem is to examine how gamification can be used in an activity-based workplace. The research question in this study is which game design elements can be included in an IT-based system to reduce friction in an activity-based workplace. Through interviews at two different companies with activity-based workplaces, this paper shows that the use of resources, a lack of understanding of the concept ABW, the physical environment as well as a different type of social interaction are the major causes of friction. Three game design elements which affect employees intrinsic motivation and therefore have a long-term impact have been chosen. The suggestion is to implement a performance graph, a narrative and social connection elements to reduce friction in activity-based workplaces. These game design elements direct employees use of the workplace, and therefore increase their efficiency and satisfaction. / Aktivitets-baserade kontor är kontor där de anställda delar arbetsplatser och väljer arbetsplats beroende på vilken aktivitet de ska utföra. Målet är att göra arbetet mer effektivt, men studier visar på att aktivitets-baserade kontor inte används som de är tänkta. Detta skapar olika typer av friktion för de anställda samt producerar negativ energi, vilket minskar de anställdas tillfredsställelse och effektivitet på arbetsplatsen. Spelifiering är ett begrepp som blivit känt inom företag och organisationer och används för att motivera människor och rikta deras aktiviteter. Enligt den teoretiska inriktningen Människa Arbete Interaktionsdesign är det viktigt att undersöka hur tekniska lösningar kan designas för att underlätta för de anställda i olika arbetsdomäner. Ett intressant forskningsområde är därför att undersöka hur spelifiering kan användas i ett aktivitets-baserat kontor. Frågeställningen i den här studien är vilka spelelement som kan implementeras i ett IT-baserat system för att minska friktion i ett aktivitets-baserat kontor. Genom intervjuer på två företag som arbetar i aktivitets-baserat kontor visar denna studie att användningen av resurser, en saknad av förståelse för konceptet aktivitets-baserat kontor, den fysiska miljön samt den sociala interaktionen är de huvudsakliga orsakerna till friktion. Tre spelelement som påverkar de anställdas intrinsiska motivation har valts ut. Förslaget är att implementera en prestationsgraf, en berättarröst samt sociala förbindelser för att minska friktion i ett aktivitets-baserat kontor. Spelelementen ska påverka de anställdas användning av kontoret och därigenom öka deras effektivitet och tillfredsställelse på arbetsplatsen.

<b>Designing a Narrative Driven Serious Game for Learning Bengali</b>

Koushiki Pohit (18422274) 22 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Use of serious games and gamified applications for language learning have increased substantially over the past decade. They are an effective way to supplement language learning. These applications utilize a range of language learning methods such as grammar-translation, audio-lingual and task-based learning in combination. Task-based language learning particularly suits the typical gameplay elements of narratives and quests. Thus, this study aims to develop a serious game for learning Bengali, world’s 7th most spoken language. The literature in this area indicates that hubshaped quest landscape design is found to be most effective for game-based learning environments. So, the study implements a branching, hubshaped narrative for learning Bengali language.</p><p dir="ltr">This application also implemented a hidden object mechanism for vocabulary acquisition instead of traditional grammar-translation methods used in other language learning software. The prototype was assessed from user feedback in a qualitative manner across four broad heuristic categories comprising of learning, tutorials, engagement and cultural elements. In the process, the study sought to understand whether cultural context-based interventions in the narrative improve learner motivation.</p><p dir="ltr">The results show a positive impact of cultural elements on the learners’ motivation to progress. Further, the hidden object mechanism was received as a satisfactory method to learn foreign vocabulary. This form of interactive, narrative based educational application has the potential to supplement traditional lessons for foreign language acquisition.</p>

Gamification och online mathandel : ett förslag för att handla mer frukt och grönt. / Gamification and online grocery shopping : a proposal to buy more fruit and vegetables.

Nasufovski, Harun January 2019 (has links)
Online mathandel är en ständigt växande tjänst i Sverige eftersom fler människor börjar handla sin mat på nätet. Trots det äter svenskarna inte nyttigt då över 51% av befolkningen är överviktiga eller lider av fetma vilket kan leda till allvarliga sjukdomar. Inkluderingen av frukt och grönsaker i den dagliga kosten har visat sig vara det optimala sättet att motverka övervikt och sjukdomar. Sedan år 2010 har termen gamification bildats och inneburit att spelelement har använts inom olika sammanhang utanför spel. Studier har visat att implementeringen av gamification och spelelement som exempelvis poäng, badgesoch leaderboards inom olika tjänster har haft positiva inverkan inom lärande, undervisning och framförallt motivation. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur gamification kunde motivera människor att handla mer frukt och grönsaker via en online mathandelssida. Studien genomfördes med en high-fidelity prototyp innehållande spelelementen badges, leaderboards, avatarer, poäng, förloppsindikatorer och feedback och testades på sex deltagare som tidigare hade handlat mat på nätet. De kvalitativa metoderna observation och intervju användes för att generera resultatet. Undersökningen resulterade i att deltagarna upplevde ökad motivation för att handla mer frukt och grönsaker och visade att gamification även kunde implementeras inom mathandel på nätet. / Online grocery shopping is an ever-growing service in Sweden, as more people are starting to purchase their food online. Despite this, the Swedes do not eat well since over 51% of the population is overweight or obese, which can lead to serious diseases. The inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet has proven to be the optimal way to counteract obesity and diseases. Since year 2010, the term gamification has been formed and has meant that game elements have been used in different contexts outside of games. Studies have shown that the implementation of gamification and game elements such as points, badges and leaderboards in various services has had a positive impact on learning, teaching and, above all, motivation. The purpose of the study was to investigate how gamification could motivate people to purchase more fruit and vegetables via an online grocery shopping site. The study was conducted with a high-fidelity prototype containing the game elements badges, leaderboards, avatars, points, levels and feedback and was tested on six participants who had previously purchased food online. The qualitative methods of observation and interview were used to generate the result. The study resulted in the participants experiencing increased motivation to purchase more fruit and vegetables and showed that gamification could also be implemented in online grocery shopping services.

Hur Habitica stödjer de psykologiska behoven autonomy, competence och connectedness för bibehållen motivation : En kvalitativ studie av den digitala uppgiftshanteraren Habitica, gamification och inre motivation

Vikström, Emma, Karlström, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
The task manager Habitica was studied to explain 1) How Habitica motivates by satisfying the psychological needs identified by SDT and 2) Why users keep using Habitica. Based on theories of gamification, motivation and the theoretical framework METUX an interview study was conducted with 10 participants followed by a thematic analysis. Personalization, avatars, responsibility toward party members and different rewards were identified as motivating factors. However, some participants experienced the opposite with some of the factors mentioned. The motivating factors identified by the study could be connected to one or more psychological needs, based on the theoretical framework of the study. More research is necessary to determine if the findings apply to other settings outside of the context of the study. / Uppgiftshanteraren Habitica studerades för att svara på: 1) Hur tjänsten motiverar genom att tillfredsställa psykologiska behov från SDT och 2) Varför användare fortsätter att använda Habitica. Studien utgick från teorier om gamification, motivation och ramverket METUX. En intervjustudie utfördes med tio användare varpå en tematisk analys utfördes. Personlig anpassning, avatarer, socialt ansvar och olika belöningar identifierades som motiverande faktorer. Däremot hade vissa av dessa faktorer motsatt effekt i vissa fall. Motiverande faktorer som identifierats genom studien kunde kopplas till ett eller flera psykologiska behov. Dessa kopplingar gjordes utifrån studiens teoretiska ramverk. Mer forskning behövs för att avgöra om den här studiens fynd gör sig gällande i andra kontexter och i ett större sammanhang.

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