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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gaming Behaviors in Day-to-Day Life: Exploring a Problematic Gaming Behavior Scale

Collie, Christin 01 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Growing concern for the problematic use of video games has prompted new research in a now growing field of literature. Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is a proposed behavioral addiction in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5). To examine the proposed criteria for IGD, a self-report problematic gaming behavior scale (PGBS) was developed for adults residing in the United States. One hundred eighty-nine participants completed an online questionnaire comprised of demographic items, general gaming information, the PGBS, and the Internet Gaming Disorder-20 Test (IGD-20 Test). Statistical analyses conducted at the conclusion of the study were consistent with previous research on the PGBS. Cronbach’s alpha was .908 for the 19-item PGBS, one item was removed to improve reliability. Exploratory factor analysis strongly indicated a 1-factor structure to the PGBS. Logistic regression models were fit to analyze the predictive value of the PGBS total score. The PBGS total score did not predict positive endorsement of any of the four outcome items.

Validating an Internet Gaming Disorder Measure During COVID-19: Video Game Use, Distance Learning, and Impacts of COVID-19 on Gaming Behavior

Collie, Christin 01 December 2022 (has links)
For most students, playing video games is a popular, enjoyable activity to do in their leisure time. While many people play video games for fun, some do develop problems associated with their play. Excessive engagement in video game play can lead to significant impairment and clinically significant levels of harm. However, there are several important gaps in the research literature which limit understanding of potential harm. First, little is known about the gaming behavior of students, ranging from middle-school to graduate school, specifically as it relates to their reasons for playing video games and their time spent playing. Second, concerns regarding the readability of measures of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) have been identified in past research that informed the creation of an enhanced literacy assessment of IGD. Third, given the novel COVID-19 pandemic significantly altering day-to-day life and directly decreasing the amount of time individuals were able to spend outside their home, it was not yet known how gaming behavior may have been fundamentally altered. Via a three-study design, the current project addressed gaps in the literature regarding video game use of students, established the reliability and validity of a measure of IGD with enhanced literacy, and provided summative data regarding perceptions of distance learning and potential changes in gaming behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unga individers upplevelser av hur gaming påverkar deras hälsa : En litteraturöversikt

Fluur, Kajsa, Kaveh, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Gaming, eller datorspelande, är en global hobby som växer sig allt starkare bland ungdomar och unga vuxna. År 2013 ingick Internet gaming disorder som en egen benämning i American Psychiatric Associations diagnosmanual DSM-5 och även WHO har valt att inkludera Gaming disorder i ICD-11. Gaming kan ses som en oskyldig hobby men forskning tyder på att det även kan övergå till ett beroendeliknande tillstånd med flertalet negativa konsekvenser. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats var att belysa unga individers upplevelser av hur gaming påverkar deras hälsa. Vald metod för att svara på syftet var att utföra en litteraturöversikt med ett strukturerat analysförfarande där både kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar analyserades. Litteraturöversikten utgick från ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Resultatet visade på att individer upplevde att det fanns både positiva och negativa aspekter av gaming. Delvis så upplevde de att spelandet gav dem ett syfte och var ett sätt att skapa sociala sammanhang på. Samtidigt upplevde vissa att nära relationer kunde påverkas negativt av spelandet och somliga menade även att det fanns ett samband mellan psykisk ohälsa och gaming. Under diskussionen fördjupar sig och reflekterar författarna till denna litteraturöversikt kring vald metod och resultatets huvudfynd i relation till etik och hållbar utveckling.

Socialsekreterares arbete med dataspelsberoende ungdomar / Social workers work with adolescence with gaming addiction

Frost, Mattias, Johansson, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
Dataspelsberoende är ett relativt nytt och växande problem bland barn och ungdomar, som kan innebära negativa konsekvenser för deras familjerelationer samt skolgång. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur socialsekreterare arbetar med och resonerar kring ungdomar som lever med dataspelsberoende. För att uppnå syftet har vi tillämpat en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod. Sex intervjuer genomfördes. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats med en kroppsorienterad respektive en handlingsorienterad förklaringsmodell för drogbruk och beroende, ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på konflikter mellan sociala roller och institutioner, samt tidigare forskning om dataspelsberoende. Resultatet av vår studie är att socialsekreterare i stor utsträckning likställer dataspelsberoende med andra typer av beroendeproblematik. Orsaken till dataspelsberoende beskrivs som komplicerat och innefattar en kombination av sociala, psykologiska och biologiska faktorer. Behandling riktas främst mot de dataspelsberoende ungdomarnas föräldrar i form av stöd i föräldraförmåga och gränssättning av ungdomen. Socialsekreterarna uppger att de saknar kunskap om dataspelsberoende. / The purpose of this study is to examine how social workers work with adolescents with gaming addiction, and how the social workers talks about the adolescents. We have applied a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews as a method. Six interviews were held. The material has been analyzed using a body oriented model of explanation regarding drug use and addiction, an action oriented model of explanation regarding drug use and addiction, a theoretic framework based on conflict between social roles and social institutions, and former research. The result of our study is that social workers tend to equate gaming addiction with other types of addiction. The cause of internet gaming disorder is described as complicated, with a combination of social, psychological and biological factors. Treatment is mostly aimed towards parents, in order to support parental ability and boundaries. Social workers describe a lack of knowledge regarding gaming addiction.

Problematic gaming behavior among adolescents and young adults:relationship between gaming behavior and health

Männikkö, N. (Niko) 03 October 2017 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study was to describe and explain the problematic gaming behavior and the relationship between the digital gaming behavior (gaming time, medium, genres and motives), health (psychological, social and physical) and problematic gaming behavior among young people aged from 13 to 24 years. Information received can be used for developing practices to identify individuals with problematic gaming behavior, promote their lifestyle change and subsequently to increase knowledge of the nature of the condition within healthcare education. In this study, digital games means electronic games that can be played through console, computer, network and mobile devices. In the first sub-study, a systematic literature review with synthesis from previous empirical studies (n = 50) about the health outcomes related to problematic gaming behavior was conducted. In the second sub-study, cross-sectional and national survey design with a randomly selected sample (N = 3 000) was used to identify problematic gaming behavior and to examine its associations with the digital gaming behavior (gaming time, genres and motives) and health (psychological, social and physical) among Finnish adolescents and young adults (n = 293). In the third sub-study, a descriptive, regional cross-sectional study was conducted to examine adolescents’ (n = 560) digital gaming behavior and its relationship to problematic gaming behavior symptoms. The data from empirical studies two and three were collected by using an internet-based survey. Statistical methods were used to analyse the data. The findings of the systematic review and empirical study showed that problematic gaming behavior was especially related to adverse psychosocial health outcomes, namely, anxiety, depression and a preference for online social interaction. Problematic gaming behavior was also linked to the use of a cluster of games-characterized features of role playing, action, progression and strategy. Moreover, the gaming motives, such as entertainment achievement, social and escapism, correlated significantly to problematic gaming behavior. Among the sample of adolescents, the blended family structure might predict problematic gaming behavior symptoms. The study significantly added understanding of gaming and health characteristics in the role of problematic gaming behavior among young people. The findings may help to advance in the areas of screening and counselling for PGB. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää 13–24-vuotiaiden nuorten ongelmallisen digipelaamiskäyttäytymisen yhteyksiä psyykkiseen, sosiaaliseen ja fyysiseen terveyteen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa uutta tietoa ongelmallisesta digipelaamisesta, helpottaa ilmiön tunnistamista ja edistää terveyskasvatusta. Digipeleillä tarkoitetaan tässä tutkimuksessa tietokone-, konsoli-, verkko- ja mobiililaitteilla pelattavia pelejä. Ensimmäisessä osatutkimuksessa arvioitiin ja tiivistettiin systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla tämän hetkinen tutkimustieto (n = 50) ongelmallisen digipelaamisen ja terveyden välisistä yhteyksistä. Toisessa osatutkimuksessa tutkittiin ositettuna satunnaisotantana (N = 3 000) kerätyn aineiston avulla suomalaisten nuorten (n = 293) digipelaamista, ongelmallisen digipelaamisen esiintyvyyttä sekä ongelmallisen digipelaamisen yhteyksiä nuorten pelaamiskäyttäytymiseen ja terveyteen. Kolmannessa osatutkimuksessa kuvattiin alueellisen poikkileikkaustutkimuksen avulla nuorten (n = 560) digipelaamiskäyttäytymistä ja sen yhteyksiä ongelmalliseen digipelaamiseen. Empiiristen osatutkimusten aineisto kerättiin verkkopohjaisen kyselyn avulla, ja saatu aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Katsauksen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että ongelmallinen digipelaaminen oli erityisesti yhteydessä psykologisiin ja sosiaalisiin oireisiin, kuten masennukseen ja ahdistukseen, sekä korostuneeseen mieltymykseen olla vuorovaikutuksessa verkkoympäristön välityksellä. Ongelmallisen digipelaamisen riski-ryhmään kuuluneet henkilöt suosivat digipelityyppejä, jotka sisälsivät rooli-, toiminta- ja strategiapelaamisen ominaisuuksia. Digipelaamisen motiiveista edistymispyrkimys, sosiaalisuus ja todellisuuspako olivat yhteydessä ongelmalliseen digipelaamiseen. Nuorilla uusioperhetilanne saattoi lisätä ongelmallisen pelaa-misen oireita. Tutkimus lisäsi tietoperustaa nuorten ongelmallisesta digipelaamisesta, pelaamiskäyttäytymisestä ja terveysominaisuuksien merkityksestä. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää ongelmallisen digipelaamisen seulonnan ja ilmiöön liittyvän ohjauksen kehittämisessä.

Treatments of Internet Gaming Disorder: a Systematic Review of the Evidence

Zajac, Kristyn, Ginley, Meredith K., Chang, Rocio 02 January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: The American Psychiatric Association included Internet gaming disorder (IGD) in the 5th Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and the World Health Organization included gaming disorder in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases. These recent updates suggest significant concern related to the harms of excessive gaming. Areas covered: This systematic review provides an updated summary of the scientific literature on treatments for IGD. Inclusion criteria were that studies: 1) evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention for IGD or excessive gaming; 2) use an experimental design (i.e. multi-armed [randomized or nonrandomized] or pretest-posttest); 3) include at least 10 participants per group; and 4) include an outcome measure of IGD symptoms or gaming duration. The review identified 22 studies evaluating treatments for IGD: 8 evaluating medication, 7 evaluating cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, and 7 evaluating other interventions and psychosocial treatments. Expert opinion: Even with the recent uptick in publication of such clinical trials, methodological flaws prevent strong conclusions about the efficacy of any treatment for IGD. Additional well-designed clinical trials using common metrics for assessing IGD symptoms are needed to advance the field.

Vnímání prožitku hraní online her v souvislosti se závislostním chováním / Perception of experience of online gaming in connection with addictive behaviour

Hrdinová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Introduction: the playing of massively multiplayer online role - playing games (MMORPG) has been connected with computer technologies for few years. Despite the fact that the addiction on online role playing game is not officially in MKN - 10, it takes after gaming disorder following place within behavioral addictions. Aim: the main aim of the work was to describe the perception of subjective experience of gamers playing online games. Research questions regarded types of experience of gamers, incidence of addiction behavior, gamers differences in experience with and without addiction symptoms. Final question concerned gamers ability to be aware of addiction behavior. Methods and sample: the intentional sampling was used to obtain participants, including snow ball method through informants. Subsequently semistructured interviews were carried out. All participants filled out the record sheet showing sociodemographic data and questionairre of online gaming addiction. The research group consist of 9 participants, their mean gaming time was 15 hours per week, the participants ranged in age from 17 to 40 years. Results: from the interviews taken a few themes emerged. Subjective gamer's experience were positive and negative, positive dominated by most of gamers. In context of experience, the majority...

Partnerské vztahy mladých dospělých mužů s poruchou hraní internetových her / Relationship of young adult mens with Internet gaming disorder

Váhalová, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Background: Internet gaming disorder is a relatively new diagnosis. Research in this area is developing dynamically, and the number of studies conducted is growing, focusing not only on the disorder in general, but also on its impact on the lives of addicted gamers. Laical and professional public debate on the potential impact of non-substance addictions on social relations. Aim of the research: The research focuses on the perception of partnerships by players who meet criteria for an online gaming disorder and a subjective assessment of the impact of the disorder on the partners themselves. Set and selection methods: The research file was created by combining simple purposeful selection with criteria and method of a snowball. Two scales were used as criteria for inclusion in the file - diagnostic criteria for Internet gaming disorder according to DSM-V. and Abbreviated versions of the gambling addiction questionnaire (Lemmens et al., 2009), as well as male gender and age 20-35 years. The sample consists of 9 men who meet the criteria. Methods of working with data: Data were obtained by semi-structured interview using online video call or chat. The data was transcribed. Systematization was performed by open coding. A combination of interpretative-phenomenological and narrative analysis was used to...

El nivel de estrés como factor asociado al Trastorno de Juegos en Internet en adolescentes peruanos de primero a quinto de secundaria en un colegio público de Lima norte en el año 2019 / The stress level as a factor associated with Internet Gaming Disorder in Peruvian adolescents from first to fifth year of high school in 2019

Gratelli Frisancho, Jose Antonio, Silva Melgarejo, Grace Antonella 24 February 2022 (has links)
ANTECEDENTES: Existen pocos estudios que relacionen al nivel de estrés como un factor asociado al Trastorno de juegos en internet (IGD) en América Latina y en el Perú, especialmente en adolescentes. OBJETIVOS: Establecer la asociación entre el nivel de estrés y el IGD en adolescentes peruanos de primero a quinto de secundaria. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico. Se encuestó a adolescentes peruanos de un colegio público secundario en Lima (N=614). La encuesta comprendía la Prueba IGD-20 y la Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) validadas al español. Se realizó regresión de Poisson para identificar razón de prevalencia (PR) con intervalo de confianza del 95% (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: Se encontró que los adolescentes con IGD tenían mayor nivel de estrés percibido 41(41;44) en comparación con los que no tenían IGD 26(22;30). En el análisis de regresión se encontró que, por cada punto de incremento en la escala de estrés, la probabilidad de presentar IGD es 20% mayor (p<0,001). La prevalencia de IGD en fue de 8.0% y la mediana del nivel de estrés, en la población de estudio, fue de 27(22;32). CONCLUSIONES: El nivel es estrés percibido fue un factor asociado al IGD en adolescentes en un colegio público de Lima. Los participantes con mayor nivel de estrés tuvieron mayor probabilidad de presentar IGD. Además, se identificó otros factores asociados al IGD, como pertenecer al sexo masculino y tener una familia gravemente disfuncional. Estos hallazgos en el estudio sirven para desarrollar investigaciones futuras en el ámbito de la salud pública. / BACKGROUND: The stress level is considered a factor associated with the presence of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD), however there are few studies in Latin America and Peru that clarify this association, most seen on adolescents. OBJECTIVES: this study evaluated the association between the stress level and IGD in Peruvian from first to fifth year of high school. METHODS: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out. Peruvian adolescents from a public high school in Lima were surveyed (N=614). The survey included the IGD-20 Test and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) validated in Spanish. “Poisson regression” was performed to identify the prevalence ratio (PR) with a 95% confidence interval (p <0.05). FINDING: Adolescents with IGD were found to have a higher perceived stress 41 (41; 44), as compared to those without IGD 26 (22; 30). In the regression analysis, it was found that, for each point of increase in the stress scale, the probability of presenting internet gaming disorder is 20% higher (p <0.001). The prevalence of IGD in the sample was 8.0% and the median stress level was 27 (22; 32). CONCLUSION: The level of perceived stress was a factor associated with IGD in adolescents in a public high school in Lima. Participants with higher stress were more likely to present IGD. In addition, other factors associated with IGD were identified, such as being male and having a severely dysfunctional family. These findings serve to develop future research in the field of public health / Tesis

Habitudes et addiction à internet chez les adolescents italiens : impact sur la fonction visuelle d'un protocole de dramathérapie

Denti, Elisabetta 18 September 2017 (has links)
En 2017, il n'est plus nécessaire de se rappeler un numéro de téléphone par cœur, de patienter gentiment pour goûter les fruits et légumes de saison ou d'attendre quelqu’un à la gare avec impatience sans avoir eu de ses nouvelles : les émotions sont d'avantage liées à des moyens de communication bien plus immédiats. Le rythme naturel du temps qui passe dans nos vies semble s’apparenter pour l'homme (et pour la femme) du nouveau millénaire, davantage à une accélération effrénée et constante, une course contre le temps, dans l'illusion d'un monde instantané, hyper-rapide, super efficace : un monde « smart ». De cette manière, plutôt que d'écouter et de respecter le rythme naturel de notre respiration, de notre corps, nous choisissons à chaque instant de courir toujours plus vite, dans l'illusion omnipotente de gagner la course contre le temps, l'infaillible gardien de notre existence. Nous exprimons le désir d'être constamment connecté, créant l'illusion de l'hyper-présence. L'évolution technologique a radicalement transformé notre style de vie, notre manière de communiquer, notre propre expérience humaine et émotive. Si d'un côté la révolution technologique à laquelle nous appartenons, et dont nous continuons à en être les acteurs a permis la transformation globale des processus de communication de masse, celle-ci a en même temps permis l'émergence de nouvelles fragilités et la manifestation évidente de psychopathologies en relation à Internet. C’est à partir de la consultation de plus de 240 articles scientifiques internationaux et avec les données fournies sur la prévalence de ces nouvelles formes d’addiction en Asie (le continent technologiquement plus avancé et concerné à ce sujet), que le comité scientifique APA (American Psychiatric Association – Société Américaine de Psychiatrie) a décidé d’introduire l’Internet Gaming Disorder dans la dernière version du DSM, en Mai 2013. Le domaine de l’addiction à Internet est une frontière extrêmement emmêlée et complexe qui représente un nœud névralgique des discussions d'une partie de la communauté scientifique internationale. Voraces et habiles consommatrices des nouvelles technologies, les nouvelles générations sont particulièrement exposées au risque de développer ces nouvelles formes de dépendance. Il est nécessaire que la communauté scientifique internationale s'interroge sur de nouvelles stratégies d'intervention pour pouvoir intercepter et accueillir ces formes de malaise juvénile, qu’elle sache les définir pour les identifier et les soigner grâce à des protocoles d'intervention pour répondre de manière toujours plus efficace aux besoins réels des ces jeunes consommateurs. D'où l’intérêt de développer des projets de recherche portant sur ce sujet. Cette thèse, décrit donc un problème en émergence et la proposition d’une approche thérapeutique possible face à ces nouvelles formes d’addiction avec les arts thérapies, plus précisément avec la dramathérapie. Le cadre expérimental de cette thèse s’articule en deux parties : la première partie correspond à l’étude des répercussions physiologiques notamment sur la variation des compétences visuelles par rapport à un usage abusif ou addictif des écrans. Cette étude, qui constitue la principale expérience psychopédagogique de prévention de cette thèse, a été adressée à 250 adolescents italiens sains. La deuxième partie est une expérience clinique de prise en charge des addictions à Internet, auprès d’un public de 13 adolescents et jeunes adultes atteints du syndrome d’Asperger, addictifs aux jeux vidéo. Un dernier projet de dramathérapie adressé à des adolescents et des jeunes adultes, souffrant d’addiction aux substances constitue l’ouverture du regard clinique face aux comorbidités possibles qui caractérisent la pratique clinique de notre champ d’étude. (...) / In 2017, there is no longer a need to remember a phone number by heart, wait for the right time to taste seasonal fruit or vegetables, or wait for someone at the station without having news briefly before hugging him on the train quay Emotions are more closely related to much more immediate communication flows. The natural rhythm of time flowing in our lives seems to be synonymous for the man (and the woman) of the new millennium of a frantic and constant acceleration against time, in the illusion of a flashy world, super-fast, super-efficient: a smart world. In this way, instead of listening to and respecting the natural rhythm of our breath, our body, we choose at any time to run faster and faster, in the omnipotent illusion of winning the race against time, the unreliable guardian of our existence. We express the desire to be constantly connected, creating the illusion of hyper-presence. Technological development has radically changed our lifestyle, our way of communicating, our human and emotional, individual and collective experience. On the one hand, the technological revolution has allowed the global transformation of the mass communication process and is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and discovery; not to be demonized but to be explored with intelligence and curiosity; it has at the same time led to the emergence of new vulnerabilities and manifestations of Internet-related psychopathological discomfort. It is through the consultation of over 240 international scientific articles and data on the prevalence of these new forms of dependence in Asia (the continent most technologically advanced and involved in this regard), that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) decided to introduce the Internet Gaming Disorder in its latest version of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in May 2013. The field of Internet addiction is an extremely tangled and complex border that represents a nerve node discussion in part of the international scientific community. Voracious consumers and clever users of new technologies, that is the new generations, seem to be particularly at risk of developing these dependencies. This is why it is important to develop research projects and it is urgent to propose psycho-educational prevention projects for the adolescent population. This thesis describes an emergency problem and the proposal of a possible approach facing these new addiction forms through arts therapies, more precisely through dramatherapy. The experimental part of this thesis is articulated in two parts: the first one corresponds to the study of physiological repercussion on variations of visual skills related to the use or abuse of screen use.This study, that represents the psycho pedagogical and prevention experience of this thesis, was addressed to 250 Italian sound teenagers. The second part consists of a clinical experience of cure of Internet addiction addressed to 13 video games addicted adolescents and young adults with Asperger syndrome. A further project of dramatherapy addressed to drugs addicted adolescents and young adults represents a clinical perspective in front of possible comorbidities that characterize the clinical practice in our field of study. The dramatherapy approach in the field of prevention and cure of web related addictions is considered regarding two important aspects: the recovery and reclamation of the body and sensory experience (size altered in the virtual experience facing the monitors) and the possibility to expose the person to a gaming experience through a shared transitional space. The body dimension, completely abandoned or altered in the virtual experience, is recovered and exalted through dramatherapy. The therapeutical approach is born, grows and develops in the body. In our view the stage represents the appropriate mediation between the virtual space of the abuse and real space of existence. (...)

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