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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användning av anlagd våtmark för efterpolering av rökgaskondensat : en studie vid Brista kraftvärmeverk i Sigtuna

Elleby, Rasmus January 2015 (has links)
I Brista kraftvärmeverk i Sigtuna förbränns träflis och utsorterat avfall från hushåll och industri för att utvinna och exportera el och fjärrvärme. När rökgasen kyls ner, som en del av återvinningen av energi till fjärrvärmenätet, bildas rökgaskondensat. Direkt efter produktionen har kondensatet en temperatur av cirka 30 °C och innehåller höga halter av bland annat ammoniumkväve och vissa metaller. Efter rening av kondensatvattnet inuti verket efterpoleras det i en nyanlagd våtmark. Syftet med arbetet var främst att undersöka kvävereningen i våtmarken men även om riktvärden för utsläpp uppsatta av miljödomstolen efterlevs med avseende på total- och ammoniumkväve samt As och tungmetallerna Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Tl och Zn. Arbetet syftade även på att bestämma våtmarkens area, volym och uppehållstid, undersöka eventuella skillnader i vattenföring mellan in- och utlopp samt undersöka vattentemperaturens effekt på kvävereningen. För att undersöka reningen togs veckovisa prover i våtmarkens in- och utlopp under nio veckor under hela oktober och november 2014. Proverna analyserades med jonkromatografi för bestämning av nitrat-, nitrit- och ammoniumhalt. Vidare användes data från Fortum, som driver verket, för att undersöka halter av kväve och olika metaller i våtmarken. Höjdmätningar med avvägningsinstrument användes för att bestämma våtmarkens volym och GPS för att bestämma våtmarkens längd och area. Vattentemperaturmätningar i våtmarkens utlopp genomfördes med hjälp av en logger under en tvåmånadersperiod. Vattenföring ut ur våtmarken räknades ut med hjälp av nivådata från en pumpbrunn vid utloppet. Resultaten visade att halterna av alla de studerade ämnena i både egna prover och från Fortum klarade riktvärdena för utsläpp till recipient. Halterna var även låga i rökgaskondensatet som lämnade Bristaverket vilket tyder på att reningen inuti verket fungerar bra. Våtmarkens area uppmättes till 2300 m2 och volymen till 940 m3. Den beräknade vattenföringen ut var i genomsnitt cirka 100 m3/dygn högre än inflödet. Fel i beräkningsmodellen kunde dock inte uteslutas som orsak till skillnaden. Vid låga lufttemperaturer verkade våtmarken klara av att kyla betydligt högre temperaturer hos rökgaskondensat än vad som vanligtvis skickas ut från verket. Därför rekommenderas att Fortum undersöker möjligheterna för minskad kylning av rökgaskondensatet för att möjliggöra en ökad reningsgrad av temperaturberoende processer i våtmarken, så som kväveavskiljning. / At the Brista combined heat and power plant in Sigtuna, wood chips and municipal and industrial waste are incinerated to generate and export electricity and distric heating. When the flue gas is cooled as a part of recycling its energy for distric heating, condensate is formed. Directly after production, the flue gas condensate has a temperature of approximately 30°C and contains relatively high levels of ammonia and certain heavy metals. After treatment inside the plant, the condensate is post-treated in a newly constructed wetland. The main aim of the study was to investigate the nitrogen removal in the wetland but also if current guideline values for effluents established by the environmental court are fulfilled in regard to levels of total and ammonia nitrogen as well as As and heavy metals Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg , Ni, Pb, Tl  and Zn. The study also aimed to measure the wetland area, volume and retention time, investigate differences in water flow between the inlet and outlet as well as study the effect of water temperature on nitrogen removal. Water samples were taken weekly for nine weeks in October and November 2014 in the inlet and outlet of the wetland. The samples were analysed for nitrate, nitrite and ammonium ions using ion chromatography. Data from Fortum, the company that runs the heat and power plant, were also used to study levels of nitrogen and metals in the wetland. An optical leveling instrument was used to calculate the wetland volume and GPS was used to calculate its length and area. Measurements of water temperature in the outlet of the wetland were conducted using a logger during a two-month period. Water flow out of the wetland was calculated using water level data from a pump well connected to the outlet. The results showed that the levels of the studied compounds in samples collected in this study and by Fortum were all below guideline values. The levels were also low in the flue gas condensate leaving the combined heat and power plant, indicating that the treatment inside the plant is working well. The area of the wetland was measured to 2300 m2 and the volume 940 m3. The calculated water flow out of the wetland was at an average approximately 100 m3/day higher than the inflow, but an error in the calculation model is a possible cause of the difference. At low air temperatures, the wetland showed a capacity of cooling significantly higher temperatures of the flue gas condensate than what is usually released from the plant. Because of this, Fortum is recommended to investigate the possibility of reducing the cooling of the flue gas condensate and thus enabling a higher efficiency of temperature dependent treatment processes in the wetland such as nitrogen removal.

Återvinning av rökgaskondensat på Moskogen : Ett investeringsunderlag för minskad vattenkonsumtion på ett kraftvärmeverk

Gunnars, Hans, Magnusson, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
Det här projektet har varit på uppdrag av Kalmar Energi AB och har utförts på kraftvärmeanläggningen Moskogen. Projektet syftade till att undersöka om återvinning av rökgaskondensat till spädvatten var möjlig och ekonomiskt försvarbart. Denna åtgärd skulle potentiellt kunna minska anläggningens råvattenkonsumtion och det skulle leda till en ekonomisk besparing. Åtgärden skulle även bidra till att anläggningen blev mer självförsörjande och mindre känslig vid störningar på det lokala råvattennätet. Mätningar av flöden på rökgaskondensatsproduktionen, halter av föroreningar och råvattenkonsumtionen gav viktiga parametrar för kontakt med leverantör av reningssystem. Samarbete upprättades med Eurowater AB där två olika reningsanläggningar togs fram och delgavs Kalmar Energi AB. Kostnaden för de två olika förslagen och respektive råvattenbesparing gav två avskrivningstider för investeringarna. Slutsatsen som drogs av projektet var att en installation av en reningsanläggning för återvinning av rökgaskondensatet var möjlig. / This project has been commissioned by Kalmar Energi AB and has been carried out at the CHP plant Moskogen. The project aimed to investigate whether recycling of flue gas condensate was possible and economically justifiable. This measure could potentially reduce the plant´s raw water consumption and would result in economic savings. The measure would also help the plant become more self-sufficient and less sensitive to disturbances on the local raw water distribution net.  Measurements of the flow of flue gas condensate, levels of pollution and raw water consumption gave important parameters for contact with the purification supplier. We entered a collaboration with Eurowater AB where two different purification plants were presented to Kalmar Energi AB. The cost of the two different proposals and their respective raw water savings gave two different payback periods in which the initial investment would be recouped by the client. The conclusion drawn from the project is that the installation of a purification plant for recycling of flue gas condensate was possible.

Increasing Well Productivity in Gas Condensate Wells in Qatar's North Field

Miller, Nathan 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Condensate blockage negatively impacts large natural gas condensate reservoirs all over the world; examples include Arun Field in Indonesia, Karachaganak Field in Kazakhstan, Cupiagua Field in Colombia,Shtokmanovskoye Field in Russian Barents Sea, and North Field in Qatar. The main focus of this thesis is to evaluate condensate blockage problems in the North Field, Qatar, and then propose solutions to increase well productivity in these gas condensate wells. The first step of the study involved gathering North Field reservoir data from previously published papers. A commercial simulator was then used to carry out numerical reservoir simulation of fluid flow in the North Field. Once an accurate model was obtained, the following three solutions to increasing productivity in the North Field are presented; namely wettability alteration, horizontal wells, and reduced Non Darcy flow. Results of this study show that wettability alteration can increase well productivity in the North Field by adding significant value to a single well. Horizontal wells can successfully increase well productivity in the North Field because they have a smaller pressure drawdown (compared to vertical wells). Horizontal wells delay condensate formation, and increase the well productivity index by reducing condensate blockage in the near wellbore region. Non Darcy flow effects were found to be negligible in multilateral wells due to a decrease in fluid velocity. Therefore, drilling multilateral wells decreases gas velocity around the wellbore, decreases Non Darcy flow effects to a negligible level, and increases well productivity in the North Field.

Termodinâmica do equilíbrio de fases no sistema condensado de gás natural (c5+) - água produzida / THERMODYNAMICS OF EQUILIBRIUM IN THE SYSTEM OF CONDENSED PHASES OF NATURAL GAS (C5 +) - PRODUCED WATER.

Almeida, Sheyla dos Santos 07 September 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Produced water is one of the main wastes generated in oil exploration and its treatment is a challenge due to its complex composition and the great amount generated. Regarding to the environmental legislation concerning to disposal, it is important to create alternatives of reuse or treatment, in order to reduce its contaminant content and decrease the hazardous effects to the environment. In spite of the fact that some techniques to treat this wastewater are already in use, other actions can be done to improve the quality of separation processes, decrease oil losses and protect the environment. Extraction is a physical separation method in which a solvent is added to perform the separation of residual oil that is the objective of this study. Due to the high availability of natural gas condensate (C5+) in gas processing plants, this product was chosen to be used as the solvent in the extraction of residual oil from produced water, emulsified or not, once there is a good chemical affinity between the oil fractions and the added solvent. At first, a bibliographic survey was carried out to find a predictive model for electrolytes without the need of experimental data. A computational program was developed in FORTRAN, taking in account the group-contribution method in the presence of electrolytes, besides isothermal flash. Some adaptations were implemented at Kikic et al. (1991) model to get a good agreement with the system studied. This system took in account light hydrocarbons present in oil (pentane, hexane, heptane and octane) and strong electrolytes, which is mainly represented by NaCl. The validation of thermodynamics model showed satisfactory medium quadratic deviations when compared to real experimental systems. A pseudo-experimental planning was carried out to simulate the process and verify the influence of the studied variables on the proposed system, such as solvent and salt contents, temperature and BSW (Basic Sediment and Water). Through the obtained empirical model it was possible to check the influence of the factors on residual hydrocarbons contents, represented by TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon). Temperature and solvent content were the variables that more contributed to increase TPH, while salinity contributed to the decrease TPH in the aqueous phase. The simulations performed showed that the use of C5+ is a feasible alternative to recover residual oil fractions from produced water and oily sludges. The contributions of this work motivate future studies, mainly those that involve experiments related to this theme, regarding to evaluate the quality of the adapted model, decreasing significantly oil losses during the steps of oil production and primary processing, providing information to reduce environmental impacts of these activities. / A água produzida é um dos principais resíduos gerados na exploração petrolífera e seu tratamento é um desafio devido à sua composição complexa e à grande quantidade gerada. Diante das restrições impostas pela legislação ambiental quanto ao descarte, faz-se necessário criar alternativas de reuso ou tratamento com a finalidade de reduzir o teor de contaminantes e diminuir os efeitos nocivos ao meio ambiente. Apesar de já existirem algumas técnicas de tratamento desse efluente em uso, ainda há muito que se fazer para melhorar a qualidade dos processos de separação, reduzir as perdas de óleo e proteger o ambiente. A técnica de extração é um método físico de separação onde é adicionado um solvente que ajuda a promover a separação do óleo residual, que é objeto de estudo do presente trabalho. Devido à grande disponibilidade de condensado (C5+) no processamento de gás natural, optou-se por utilizá-lo como solvente para extração dos resíduos de óleos presentes na água produzida, emulsionados ou não, devido à grande afinidade química entre as frações oleosas e o solvente adicionando. Primeiramente, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico, a fim de encontrar um modelo preditivo para eletrólitos que não necessitasse de dados experimentais. Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido em FORTRAN, contemplando o modelo de contribuição de grupos na presença de eletrólitos, juntamente com o algoritmo de flash isotérmico. Algumas adaptações foram realizadas no modelo de Kikic et al. (1991), para obter melhor representatividade do sistema estudado. O sistema estudado contemplou hidrocarbonetos leves presentes no petróleo (pentano, hexano, heptano e octano) e água produzida, que possui em sua composição predominantemente o NaCl. A validação do modelo termodinâmico apresentou desvios médios quadráticos satisfatórios quando comparados a sistemas experimentais reais. Foi realizado um planejamento pseudo-experimental como meio de simular o processo e verificar a influência das variáveis estudadas no sistema proposto, tais como teor de solvente, salinidade, temperatura e BSW (Basic Sediment and Water). Através do modelo empírico obtido foi possível verificar a influência dos fatores sobre o teor de hidrocarbonetos residuais, representado pelo TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon). A temperatura e o teor de solvente são as variáveis que mais influenciam para o aumento do TPH, enquanto que a salinidade contribui para a diminuição do TPH do sistema. As simulações do processo de extração com solvente realizadas no presente trabalho produziram evidências de que o uso do condensado de gás natural pode ser uma alternativa viável para a recuperação de frações de óleo residuais presentes na água produzida, bem como de sistemas aquosos salinos contendo óleos, a exemplo de borras oleosas. As contribuições desse estudo motivam estudos futuros, principalmente os de natureza experimental ligados ao tema, a fim de avaliar a qualidade do modelo adaptado e dos resultados encontrados, reduzindo significativamente as perdas de óleo nas etapas de produção e processamento primário e proporcionando informações para redução dos impactos ambientais da produção de petróleo.

Arsenic Removal From Flue Gas Condensate with Ferrihydrite Precipitation.

Waldenström, Louise January 2014 (has links)
At the Idbäcken combined heat and power (CHP) plant waste wood is combusted. The flue gas from the combustion is condensed and heavy metals and other toxic species ends up in the condensate water. Since the condensate water in this way contains many toxic substances it needs to be treated before it is sent to the recipient Kilaån (the Baltic Sea). Arsenic (As) is one substance that needs to be removed, and this thesis aims to find the optimal conditions for As removal by using precipitation with iron(III) chloride (FeCl3). When FeCl3 comes in contact with water it forms ferrihydrite, an efficient sorbent due to its high specific area. The adsorption of As to ferrihydrite is dependent on different variables; pH, Fe(III) dosage, competitive ions et cetera. Lab-scale experiments have shown that a pH value between 3 and 8 is required for efficient As removal. Concerning the Fe(III) dosage further experiments are needed in order to tell what dosage that is the optimal in this case. Further, the removal of metals has also been studied. A comparison between two chemicals (TMT 15 and MP 7) used for metal removal has been made, which showed that TMT 15 is to prefer for metal removal. Also, it was found that efficient removal of metals require pH > 5, preferably in the slightly alkaline pH range.

Comprehensive Modelling Of Gas Condensate Relative Permeability And Its Influence On Field Performance

Calisgan, Huseyin 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The productivity of most gas condensate wells is reduced significantly due to condensate banking when the bottom hole pressure falls below the dew point. The liquid drop-out in these very high rate gas wells may lead to low recovery problems. The most important parameter for determining condensate well productivity is the effective gas permeability in the near wellbore region, where very high velocities can occur. An understanding of the characteristics of the high-velocity gas-condensate flow and relative permeability data is necessary for accurate forecast of well productivity. In order to tackle this goal, a series of two-phase drainage relative permeability measurements on a moderate permeability North Marmara &ndash / 1 gas well carbonate core plug sample, using a simple synthetic binary retrograde condensate fluid sample were conducted under reservoir conditions which corresponded to near miscible conditions. As a fluid system, the model of methanol/n-hexane system was used as a binary model that exhibits a critical point at ambient conditions. The interfacial tension by means of temperature and the flow rate were varied in the laboratory measurements. The laboratory experiments were repeated for the same conditions of interfacial tension and flow rate at immobile water saturation to observe the influence of brine saturation in gas condensate systems. The laboratory experiment results show a clear trend from the immiscible relative permeability to miscible relative permeability lines with decreasing interfacial tension and increasing velocity. So that, if the interfacial tension is high and the flow velocity is low, the relative permeability functions clearly curved, whereas the relative permeability curves straighten as a linear at lower values of the interfacial tension and higher values of the flow velocity. The presence of the immobile brine saturation in the porous medium shows the same shape of behavior for relative permeability curves with a small difference that is the initial wetting phase saturations in the relative permeability curve shifts to the left in the presence of immobile water saturation. A simple new mathematical model is developed to compute the gas and condensate relative permeabilities as a function of the three-parameter. It is called as condensate number / NK so that the new model is more sensitivity to temperature that represents implicitly the effect of interfacial tension. The new model generated the results were in good agreement with the literature data and the laboratory test results. Additionally, the end point relative permeability data and residual saturations satisfactorily correlate with literature data. The proposed model has fairly good fitness results for the condensate relative permeability curves compared to that of gas case. This model, with typical parameters for gas condensates, can be used to describe the relative permeability behavior and to run a compositional simulation study of a single well to better understand the productivity of the field.


[pt] Em reservatórios de gás retrógrado com pressões inferiores à pressão de orvalho, a produtividade dos poços pode ser comprometida devido ao aparecimento e acúmulo da fase líquida nas suas imediações. Este fenômeno é conhecido como bloqueio por condensação retrógrada e está associado à uma série de desafios para compreendê-lo. Um deles é a determinação da permeabilidade relativa das fases líquida e gasosa, que comumente advém de curvas de permeabilidade obtidas a partir da extrapolação de poucos dados experimentais. Dessa forma, elas tendem a não representar fielmente efeitos importantes para o escoamento, comprometendo a precisão da modelagem do fluxo no meio poroso. A fim de investigar o efeito das curvas de permeabilidade relativa sobre a formação de bancos de condensado, foi desenvolvido um modelo composicional em escala de reservatório para o estudo do escoamento de gás e condensado. Com o modelo, o uso de curvas de permeabilidade relativa obtidas através de simulação do escoamento de gás retrógrado na escala de poros e de correlações propostas na literatura foi avaliado. Considera-se: sistema isotérmico, escoamento bifásico e incorporação dos efeitos de forças capilares por meio do modelo de permeabilidade relativa. Equações de balanço molar e consistência de volume formam um sistema não linear resolvido pelo método de Newton que fornece pressão e número de mols de cada componente, em todos os volumes de controle do modelo, a cada passo de tempo. Para o equilíbrio de fases, a equação de Peng & Robinson foi implementada com uma rotina de flash a pressão e temperaturas constantes. O modelo foi validado contra a solução analítica para sistema monofásico e por fim, o simulador obteve a evolução temporal das curvas de pressão e saturação em função da distância do poço, a fim de comparar o efeito dos diferentes modelos de curvas de permeabilidade relativa na predição do bloqueio por condensado. Os resultados foram obtidos variando-se a permeabilidade absoluta do meio e a vazão de gás imposta no poço, e o impacto desses parâmetros no acúmulo de condensado foi avaliado. / [en] In gas-condensate reservoirs with pressures below the dew pressure, the productivity of wells can be compromised due to the accumulation of liquid in their surroundings. This phenomenon is known as condensate blockage and there are many challenges to understanding the formation of condensate banks. One of them is the determination of the relative permeability of the liquid and gas phases, which commonly comes from permeability curves obtained from the extrapolation of few experimental data. Thus, they tend not to reliably represent important effects for the flow, compromising the precision of the flow modeling in the porous medium. In order to investigate the effect of relative permeability curves on the formation of condensate banks, a reservoir-scale compositional model was developed for the study of flow of gas and condensate. With the model, the use of relative permeability curves obtained by simulating the gas-condensate flow at the pore-scale and with correlations proposed in the literature was evaluated. It is considered: isothermal system, two-phase flow and incorporation of capillary force effects through the relative permeability model. Molar balance and volume consistency equations form a nonlinear system solved by Newton s method that provides pressure and number of moles of each component, in all control volumes of the model, at each time step. For the phase equilibrium, calculations of the Peng & Robinson equation was implemented in a constant pressure and temperature flash routine. The model was validated against the analytical solution for single-phase flow and, finally, the simulator obtained the temporal evolution of the pressure and saturation as a function of the distance from the well, in order to compare the effect of different models of relative permeability curves in the prediction of condensate blockage. The results were obtained by varying the absolute permeability of the medium and the gas flow imposed in the well, and the impact of these parameters on the accumulation of condensate was evaluated.


[pt] A formação e o acúmulo de condensado em reservatórios de gás retrógrado, especialmente na vizinhança de poços de produção, obstruem parcialmente o fluxo de gás e afetam negativamente a composição dos fluidos produzidos. Entretanto, a previsão de bloqueio por condensado é comumente imprecisa, visto que experimentos raramente reproduzem as condições extremas e composições complexas dos fluidos dos reservatórios, enquanto a maioria dos modelos em escala de poros simplificam demasiadamente os fenômenos físicos associados à transição de fases entre gás e condensado. Para corrigir essa lacuna, um modelo de rede de poros isotérmico composicional e totalmente implícito é apresentado. As redes de poros propostas consistem em estruturas tridimensionais de capilares constritos circulares. Modos de condensação e padrões de escoamento são atrubuídos aos capilares de acordo com a molhabilidade do meio, as saturações locais e a influência de forças viscosas e capilares. Nos nós da rede, pressão e conteúdo molar são determinados através da solução acoplada de equações de balanço molar e consistênc ia de volumes. Concomitantemente, um cálculo de flash à pressão e à temperatura constantes, baseado na equação de estado de Peng e Robinson, é realizado em cada nó, atualizando as saturações e composições das fases. Para a validação do modelo proposto, análises de escoamento foram executadas baseadas em experimentos de escoamento em testemunho reportados na literatura, usando composição dos fluidos e condições de escoamento correspondentes, e geometria do meio poroso aproximada. Curvas de permeabilidade relativa medidas nos experimentos e previstas pelo modelo mostraram boa concordância quantitativa, para dois valores de tensão interfacial e três valores de velocidade de escoamento de gás. Após a validação, o modelo foi usado para avaliar alteração de molhabilidade e injeção de gás como possíveis métodos de recuperação avançada para reservatórios de gás retrógrado. Os resultados exibiram tendências similares àquelas observadas em experimentos de escoamento em testemunhos, e condições ótimas para melhoramento do escoamento foram identificadas. / [en] Liquid dropout and accumulation in gas-condensate reservoirs, especially in the near wellbore region, hinder gas flow and affect negatively the produced fluid composition. Yet, condensate banking forecasting is commonly inaccurate, as experiments seldom reproduce reservoir extreme conditions and complex fluid composition, while most pore-scale models oversimplify the physical phenomena associated with phase transitions between gas and condensate. To address this gap, a fully implicit isothermal compositional pore-network model for gas and condensate flow is presented. The proposed pore-networks consist of 3D structures of constricted circular capillaries. Condensation modes and flow patterns are attributed to the capillaries according to the medium s wettability, local saturations and influence of viscous and capillary forces. At the network nodes, pressure and molar contents are determined via the coupled solution of molar balance and volume consistency equations. Concomitantly, a PT-flash based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state is performed for each node, updating the local phases saturations and compositions. For the proposed model validation, flow analyses were carried out based on coreflooding experiments reported in the literature, with matching fluid composition and flow conditions, and approximated pore-space geometry. Predicted and measured relative permeability curves showed good quantitative agreement, for two values of interfacial tension and three values of gas flow velocity. Following the validation, the model was used to evaluate wettability alteration and gas injection as prospect enhanced recovery methods for gas-condensate reservoirs. Results exhibited similar trends observed in coreflooding experiments and conditions for optimal flow enhancement were identified.


MARCOS PAULO PEREIRA C DOS SANTOS 13 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] A produtividade de poços produtores de gás, que operam com pressões de fundo inferiores à pressão de orvalho, é afetada pelo aparecimento da saturação de líquido em seus entornos. Para entender esse fenômeno, conhecido como bloqueio por condensado, os simuladores em escala de poros são ferramentas úteis na investigação dos parâmetros que influenciam na quantidade e na distribuição da saturação de condensado, assim como seus efeitos na redução do fluxo de gás. Esse trabalho apresenta um modelo de rede de capilares composicional e isotérmico para o estudo do escoamento de gás retrógrado em meios porosos. Forças capilares e gravitacionais não foram consideradas. O escoamento monofásico é comutado para bifásico de padrão anular quando a pressão e a composição do fluido atingem um critério de estabilidade. O método de Newton é aplicado para resolver as equações de fluxo e consistência dos volumes e calcular o transporte de cada um dos componentes ao longo da rede. As propriedades do fluido e o comportamento do escoamento foram testadas contra os resultados de um simulador termodinâmico comercial e soluções analíticas, respectivamente. Após validação, o simulador foi utilizado para obter curvas de permeabilidade relativa gás-líquido através da despressurização de uma rede 2D e alguns resultados são discutidos. / [en] Gas well deliverability in retrograde gas reservoirs is affected by the appearance of liquid saturation around the wellbore when the bottom-hole pressure is below the dew point. Pore-scale simulators are used to model this phenomenon, known as condensate blockage, and to investigate parameters that ifluence the amount and the distribution of condensate saturation, as well as how it chokes the gas flow. Here, a fully-implicit isothermal compositional pore-scale network model is presented for retrograde gas flow in porous media. Capillary and gravitational forces are neglected. The model shifts from single-phase flow to annular flow regime when the pressure and the fluid composition reach a stability criteria. Newton s method is applied on flow and volume consistency equations to calculate the transport of each component through the network. Fluid properties and flow behavior were tested against a commercial thermodynamic simulator and analytical solutions respectively. After validation, the simulator was used to predict gas-liquid relative permeability from a depletion process in a 2D network and some results are discussed.

Lokal provtagning och analys på rökgaskondensat för driftövervakning av tungmetallrening med jonbytarmassor

Olofsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
I värme- och kraftvärmeverk förbränns olika typer av bränslen för produktion av el och fjärrvärme. Vid förbränningen bildas rökgaser som innehåller föroreningar, till exempel tungmetaller, från bränslet. Anläggningarna har ofta krav på utsläpp både via rökgaserna och avloppsvatten. Rökgaserna renas därmed genom olika tekniker var av en vanlig teknik är rökgaskondensering. Vid rökgaskondenseringen bildas en vätska, kallad rökgaskondensat, som delvis innehåller tungmetaller från bränslet. Rökgaskondensatet måste renas innan det kan lämna anläggningen och det görs bland annat med tungmetalljonbytare. Jonbytarmassan i tungmetalljonbytarkolonnerna behöver bytas ungefär två gånger per driftsäsong då den inte längre kan binda mer tungmetaller. Detta är en kostnad för värme- och kraftvärmeverken som de vill minimera. I denna studie undersöktes om lokal provtagning och analys på ett kraftvärmeverk av ett antal utvalda tungmetaller i rökgaskondensat är en bra metod för att optimering av reningssteget med tungmetalljonbytare. Samt om detta kan säkerställa att miljökraven för tungmetaller i det renade rökgaskondensatet uppfylls. Med optimering avses att jonbytarmassornas fulla kapacitet utnyttjas, d.v.s. att byten av jonbytarmassor kan reduceras utan att riskera otillåtna halter av tungmetaller i de renade rökgaskondensatet till följd av att jonbytarmassorna använts för länge. Även tiden som behöver avsättas för lokal provtagning och analys dokumenterades. I dagsläget sker analyser hos ackrediterade laboratorium där det tar drygt två veckor att få resultatet och under väntetiden kan mycket på anläggningen förändras. En verifiering av resultaten från studien gjordes mot resultat från ett sådant. I denna studie undersöktes lokal provtagning och analys med mätinstrumentet FREEDD som bygger på tekniken kvartskristall mikrobalans (QCM-teknik). Andra alternativ för lokal analys har inte undersökts här.  Resultatet visade att det i dagsläget är svårt att med lokal provtagning optimera reningssteget med jonbytarmassor samt kontrollera utsläppen av tungmetaller via det renade rökgaskondensatet. Korrigeringar hos mätinstrumentet och provpunkterna behöver göras för att få pålitligt resultat. Tiden som behöver avsättas för provtagning och analys beror på vilken metall som ska analyseras då tiden för preparering av prov varierar. Men om det kan möjliggöra att anläggningarna kan använda jonbytarmassorna längre samt får kontroll på utsläppen via det renade rökgaskondensatet kan det vara lönsamt att avvara den tiden. / In heating and combined heat and power plants, different types of fuels are burned to produce electricity and district heating. During the combustion flue gases containing pollutants, such as heavy metals, are formed from the flue. The plants have requirements for low emissions, both from the flue gases and the wastewater. The flue gases are purified by various techniques and a common technique is flue gas condensation. During the flue gas condensation, a liquid called flue gas condensate, is formed, which partly contains heavy metals from the flue. The flue gas condensate must be cleaned before it can leave the plant. A step in the purification of the flue gas condensate is usually heavy metal ion-exchanger. The ion-exchange mass in the heavy metal ion-exchange columns needs to be changed approximately twice per operating season as it no longer has room to bind more heavy metals. This is an expensive cost for the heating and combined heat and power plants that they want to minimize. This study investigated whether local sampling and analysis at a cogeneration plant of a number selected heavy metals in flue gas condensate is a good method for optimizing the purifications step with heavy metal ion-exchangers. And if this can ensure that the environmental requirements for the heavy metals in the purified flue gas condensate are met. Optimization means that the full capacity of the ion-exchange masses is utilized, i.e. that the exchange of ion-exchange masses can be reduced without risking unauthorized levels of heavy metals in the purified flue gas condensate as a result of the ion exchange masses being used for too long.  The time needed for local sampling and analysis was also documented. At present, analyzes are done at accredited laboratories where it takes over two weeks to get the result and during that time much can be changes at the plant. A verification of the result of the study was also made against the result of an accredited laboratory. In this study, local analysis was made with the measuring instrument FREEDD which is based on quartz crystal microbalance (QCM-technology). Other options for local sampling and analysis have not been investigated. The result showed that, in the present, it is difficult to optimize the purification step with ion-exchange masses and check emissions of heavy metals with the purified flue gas condensate. To obtain reliable result, corrections to the measuring instrument and test points need to be made. The time that needs to be set aside for sampling and analysis depends on the metal, as the time for sample preparation varies.  But if it can enable the plants to use the ion-exchange masses longer and gain control of the emissions of heavy metals with the purified flue gas condensate, it can be profitable to save that time.

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