Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rats"" "subject:"cats""
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Educação e comércio internacional: impactos da liberalização comercial dos serviços sobre a regulação da educação superior no Brasil / Education and international trade: impacts of trade in services liberalization on higher education regulation in BrazilLucas da Silva Tasquetto 22 August 2014 (has links)
Esta tese aborda o desenvolvimento da regulação internacional sobre o comércio de serviços educacionais, em especial nos acordos preferenciais de comércio de Austrália, Chile, China, Cingapura, Estados Unidos, Índia e União Europeia. O seu objetivo foi avaliar o atual nível de liberalização comercial da educação superior no plano global, de modo que sua compatibilidade com o direito à educação pudesse ser criticamente analisada, assim como os seus possíveis impactos sobre a regulação da educação superior no Brasil. Para tanto, a pesquisa começa pela realização de entrevistas com atores que acompanham o processo de comercialização da educação superior no Brasil. Os passos seguintes envolvem a compreensão do funcionamento das disciplinas internacionais sobre o comércio de serviços, da formulação das posições no processo negociador e, finalmente, dos compromissos em serviços de educação superior em acordos preferenciais de comércio. Uma primeira hipótese é de que, mesmo sem acordos de comércio, o mercado brasileiro já se encontra significativamente liberalizado no que diz respeito aos investimentos estrangeiros em educação superior, sem qualquer restrição ao ingresso de capital internacional. Ainda assim, a regulação internacional do comércio de serviços aprofundaria esse processo a partir da ideia de consolidação do marco regulatório liberal doméstico e de mecanismos que conduzem à aceleração do processo de liberalização comercial. / This thesis analyses the development of international regulation on trade in educational services, especially in preferential trade agreements signed by Australia, Chile, China, Singapore, United States, India and the European Union. The goal was to determine a parameter of the current global level of trade liberalization on higher education, so that the compatibility between trade agreements and the right to education could be critically examined, as well as their possible impacts on the regulation of higher education in Brazil. Therefore, the research began by conducting interviews with professionals that accompany the commercialization process in the Brazilian higher education sector. The following steps involved understanding the operation of international disciplines on trade in services, the formulation of positions in the negotiating process, and finally, the commitments on higher education services in preferential trade agreements. A first hypothesis is that, even without trade agreements, the Brazilian market is already significantly liberalized regarding foreign investment on higher education, without any restriction on the inflow of international capital. Even so, international regulation on trade in services would deepen this process from an idea of consolidation of a liberal domestic regulatory framework and mechanisms leading to accelerate trade liberalization process.
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GATS自然人移動之重要議題及我國重要對策分析 / Movement of Natural Persons under the GATS: Issues and Strategies for the Current Negotiations劉漢威, Liu Han-wei Unknown Date (has links)
服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services,GATS)將服務依其提供之方式區分為四類。其中之一,乃藉由自然人跨越國境之方式進行,因此,是類服務供給方式,除模式四、自然人呈現外,一般常以自然人移動名之。
儘管不少會員國對於勞動力的引進有所需求,但由於人員移動所牽涉的層面太廣,移民政策、社會安全乃至文化認同等因素盤根錯節,使得各國在模式四的開放上相當保守,不但承諾項目僅集中於專業人士(specialist)與企業內部人員調動(intra-corporate transferee)等白領階級,更有著林林總總的管制態樣。在不願意受到GATS承諾拘束,卻又有實際需求的情況下,許多會員轉而以本國立法或雙邊、複邊的合作方式,引進外國服務提供者。
面對模式四自由化聲浪高漲之勢,人員移動進一步開放的問題,於新回合中已難以迴避,由於人員移動所牽涉層面甚廣,對我國而言,倘稍有不慎,不但將造成我國就業市場門戶洞開的嚴重後果,其後續效應,如本地勞工失業率上升、及對治安、文化語言等衝擊,將為我國帶來不可預測的影響。舉例而言,我國模式四承諾中之第三類自然人移動,其內涵為何?如依國貿局之中譯文—「受中華台北企業僱用之自然人」(a natural person employed by business entities in Chinese Taipei),則對我國就業市場產生如何影響,我國又應如何因應,值得深思。
關鍵字:服務貿易總協定、自然人移動、模式四、商業據點呈現、模式三、商業訪客、跨國企業內部調動人員、獨立服務提供者、第三類自然人移動、GATS簽證、經濟需求測試、工作證。 / The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is undoubtedly a milestone of the Uruguay Round of negotiations, as it has successfully brought services into the multilateral framework of trades. Under the GATS regime, services are trade via four modes of supply, namely, cross-border supply (mode1); consumption abroad (mode 2); commercial presence (mode 3); movement of natural persons (mode 4).
Notwithstanding the GATS has taken the important step towards bringing services into the multilateral framework of trade, the liberalization commitments that have reaped during first round negotiations are so limited. They are highly asymmetric across different sectors and modes of supply, in particular, the movement of natural persons. Developing countries were disappointed by the dearth of the commitments in the aspect of their comparative advantage, and now seek to great openness. Meanwhile, lots of multinational corporations attempt to enlarge the scope of movement of personnel as well. Due to the aging populations, developed countries today are facing an increasing severe shortage of workers, including skilled and less skilled. These shared interested seem to create an optimistic negotiating environment for the current negotiations. The problem is, however, whether and how the coincidence of interests could be taken used of to further liberalizations.
Besides the introduction - Chapter 1, the study could be divided into five parts.
First, the study endeavors to clarify the meaning and scope of mode 4, inter alia, the most debated issue – if “natural persons employed by host-country companies “falls within the GATS. It has been argued that since the Annex of Movement of Natural Persons covers ”employed by a service supplier of a Member”, this could include foreigners employed by host-country companies. Owing to the fact that Art.1: 2(d) of the GATS defines mode 4 as “ the supply of service …by a service supplier of one Member, through the presence of natural persons of a Member in the territory of any other Member”, this argument is not accepted by the majority opinions.
Chapter 2 attempts to analyze how the opaqueness result from and sketches out the sensitivities involved the issue. Apart from the economic impacts of mode 4, some observers argue that the real grounds behind the reluctance of Members to expand mode 4 commitments are uncertain social and political impacts. Therefore, economic impacts, as well as social influences and debates will also be discussed in this Chapter.
In accordance with the data of WTO Secretariat and International Mutual Fund (IMF), it’s apparent that mode 4 is by far the smallest mode of service delivery in terms of both flows and volumes of schedules. Moreover, the limited commitments that have been made under the mode 4 almost exclusively refer to so-called “white-collar” personnel, especially to the intra-corporate transferees (ICT), which are linked to commercial presence. In addition, a variety of obstacles, such as burdensome visa/work permit procedures, economic needs tests (ENTs), licensing requirement, pre-employment, wage parity, and social security taxes, etc., have made the scheduled concessions more limited. All the patterns of mode 4 commitments and barriers are presented in Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 first outlines the brief history of post-Uruguay Round negotiations from 1994 to 1995 that is helpful to perceive the interests of conflicts of interests between the capital-surplus and labour-surplus countries. In addition, all the proposals pertaining to liberalizing mode 4 commitments for the new round negotiations are detailed listed in this Chapter.
Mode 4 commitments of Taiwan are evaluated in Chapter, in particular, the potential impacts of the 3rd category personnel. The study seeks to submit several strategies for the purposes of tackling the envisaged menaces.
The last Chapter is the conclusions and recommendations. All the crucial issues are collected as a whole, meanwhile, negotiating strategies and proposals with respect to GATS visa, ENTs, categories of personnel, uniformity of the terms of the specific commitments, transparency, domestic regulations, the use of ISCO-88 for the scheduling etc. for the new round negotiations are submitted to the authorities concerned as well.
Key words: GATS, commercial presence, mode 3,movement of natural persons, mode 4, 3rd category personnel, business visitor, intra-corporate transferees (ICT), independent service contractor, GATS visa, ENTs, work permit, W/120, ISCO-88.
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評安地瓜控告美國禁止網路賭博案---以服務貿易特定承諾與一般例外規定之關係為中心黃渝清 Unknown Date (has links)
上訴機構報告認定美國已對網路賭博服務做出承諾,且因美國並未於其特定承諾表中填寫市場開放及國民待遇之限制,因而美國所採全面禁止網路賭博服務之措施違反GATS第十六條第一項規定。美國接著援引GATS第十四條規定作為抗辯,後雖因其國內州際賽馬法(Interstate Horseracing Act)規定允許國內服務提供者提供網路賭博服務,而被上訴機構認定系爭措施違反第十四條前言之要求,然上訴機構最後肯認美國得採行全面禁止網路賭博之措施乃係本案最終關鍵。
此案為第一個會員援引GATS第十四條作為抗辯之例子,可以預見此例對後續案件之影響,而上訴機構於本案中所得出結論是否妥適,則值得深思。 / Antigua and Barbuda sued the United States for its total prohibition of the cross-border supply of gambling and betting services on March 13, 2003. The WTO panel report was issued on November 10, 2004. Both Antigua and the United States appealed and the ruling of the Appellate Body came out on April 7, 2005.
The Appellate Body held that the United States has made full market access and national treatment commitments for gambling and betting services, so the measures to prohibit the cross-border supply of gambling and betting services violated Article XVI:1 of the GATS. As a result, the United States cited Article XIV of the GATS to contradict. The Appellate Body ruled that the alleged measures violated the preamble of Article XIV because the Interstate Horseracing Act of the United States permits domestic service suppliers to provide Internet gambling and betting services. However, the Appellate Body’s recognition of the United States’ total prohibition of cross-border supply of gambling and betting services is a critical issue of this case.
In order to make sure the certainty and the stability of negotiation outcomes, and keep negotiations on trade in services moving, would the WTO members be allowed to cite Article XIV to change the coverage of their commitments after having made market access commitments and to escape the obligation under Article XXI? After concluding that the members could not cite Article XIV to change the coverage of the commitments, could the United States cite other articles to justify the alleged measures? Furthermore, how are the connection between Article XIV, Article VI, Article XVI and Article XVII? All above are the main questions this thesis focuses on.
This case is the first one that members cite Article XIV to contradict, and the influence on subsequent cases is foreseeable. Would such a conclusion of this case be appropriate? We might need to contemplate further.
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Compromissos em serviços na Organização Mundial do Comércio: uma análise da estrutura da lista de compromissos e da metodologia utilizada para a inscrição de compromissos à luz do preâmbulo e do artigo XIX do GATS e suas principais consequências para o Brasil. / Services commitments in the world trade organizationSayeg, Fernanda Manzano 19 May 2009 (has links)
A lista de compromissos é o instrumento jurídico que consolida os compromissos adotados pelos Membros da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC) na área de serviços. O modelo de lista de compromissos adotado pelo Acordo Geral para o Comércio de Serviços (GATS) permite que os Membros decidam quais setores ou subsetores de serviços e modos de prestação irão consolidar compromissos. Esses compromissos vinculam os Membros. Logo, as inscrições nas listas de compromissos devem ser claras e precisas, especialmente com relação ao que está e o que não está incluído no compromisso. Considerando que a estrutura da lista de compromissos e a metodologia utilizada pelos Membros para assunção de compromissos são extremamente complexas, é importante identificar quais são os principais problemas apresentados por elas, à luz das regras e objetivos da OMC, com vistas a buscar soluções ou sugerir alternativas para esses problemas. A análise desses problemas também deve levar em consideração os contenciosos envolvendo serviços e as conclusões a que chegou o Órgão de Solução de Controvérsias da OMC nesses casos. Deve-se verificar, também, se a estrutura da lista de compromissos e a metodologia para a inscrição de compromissos em serviços são compatíveis com o preâmbulo e com o Artigo XIX do GATS, ou seja: se permitem a liberalização progressiva do comércio internacional de serviços; se garantem flexibilidade apropriada aos países em desenvolvimento para que liberalizem menos setores e tipos de operação; se promovem os interesses de todos os participantes do Sistema Multilateral de Comércio; se têm como objetivo a promoção do crescimento econômico de todas as partes envolvidas e, sobretudo, o desenvolvimento dos países em desenvolvimento e de menor desenvolvimento econômico relativo; se resguardam o direito dos Membros de regular e de introduzir novas leis dentro de seus territórios, com vistas a atingir objetivos de política pública; e se respeitam as assimetrias existentes com relação aos graus de desenvolvimento das legislações nacionais. / The schedule of commitments is the legal instrument which contains the commitments made by the Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in services. The schedule adopted by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) allows the Members to decide in which sectors or subsectors and modes of supply they will make commitments. These commitments are binding to the Members. Therefore, the entries in the schedules must be clear and precise, especially regarding what is and what is not included in the commitment. Considering the structure of the schedules and the scheduling methodology are extremely complex, it is important to identify what are their main problems in view of the rules and objectives of the WTO, in order to look for solutions to these problems or to suggest alternatives. The analysis of these problems must take into account the cases involving trade in services and the findings of the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO in those cases. It should also be analyzed whether the structure of the schedules and the scheduling methodology comply with GATS preamble and Article XIX, or, in other words: if they allow the progressive liberalization of the trade in services; if they guarantee appropriate flexibility for developing countries for opening fewer sectors and types of transactions; if they promote the interest of all participants of the Multilateral Trading System; if they promote the economic growth of all the trading partners and, above all, the development of developing and the least-developed countries; if they acknowledge the right of the Members to regulate and to introduce new regulations within their territories in order to meet national policy objectives; and if they respect the asymmetries existing with respect to the degree of development of the services regulations.
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Isolamento e caracterização biológica e genotípica de Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle e Manceaux, 1909) de gatos do estado de São Paulo / Isolation and biological and genotypic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle; Manceaux, 1909) from cats from São Paulo state, BrazilPena, Hilda Fátima de Jesus 29 November 2004 (has links)
O Toxoplasma gondii apresenta uma estrutura populacional clonal. A análise genotípica do locus SAG2 foi realizada para determinar a ocorrência de diferentes linhagens de T. gondii (tipos I, II e III) em gatos domésticos. Amostras de soro de 237 gatos de 15 municípios no estado de São Paulo foram testadas para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-T. gondii através do teste de aglutinação modificado (MAT). Anticorpos (MAT ≥ 25) foram encontrados em 84 (35,4%) dos 237 gatos. Com os tecidos (cérebro, coração, língua e musculatura esquelética) de 71 gatos positivos foram realizados bioensaios em camundongos (cinco camundongos por grupo) sendo obtidos 47 isolados. A análise de polimorfismo de comprimento dos fragmentos de DNA gerados por enzimas de restrição (RFLP) sobre produtos do locus SAG2 amplificados pela PCR revelou que 34 isolados (72,4%) eram do tipo I, 12 (25,5%) eram do tipo III e um (2,1%) apresentava infecção mista (tipo I e tipo III). Não houve isolado do tipo II. A maioria dos isolados do tipo I (23/34) causou o óbito de todos os camundongos infectados e a maioria dos isolados do tipo III (7/12) não levou ao óbito nenhum camundongo infectado. Foram encontrados cistos no cérebro dos camundongos infectados em todos os 47 isolados. A determinação genotípica também foi feita diretamente das amostras primárias dos gatos (homogeneizados de tecidos) usando a nested-PCR-RFLP. A caracterização do locus SAG2 foi bem sucedida em 80,4% (37/46) das amostras testadas. Os genótipos obtidos das amostras primárias foram idênticos aos dos isolados correspondentes. O genótipo misto foi confirmado pelo seqüenciamento direto de DNA dos produtos da PCR obtidos do isolado e da amostra primária do gato. Amostras dos cinco camundongos infectados com este isolado foram seqüenciadas. Três camundongos se infectaram com o genótipo tipo III, um com o genótipo tipo I e o outro com o genótipo misto, demonstrando que infecções mistas podem originar diferentes padrões de infecção em um hospedeiro. / Toxoplasma gondii has a clonal population structure. Genotypic analysis of the SAG2 locus was performed to determine the occurrence of the different lineages of T. gondii (types I, II and III) in domestic cats. Antibodies to T. gondii were determined in serum samples of 237 cats from 15 counties in São Paulo state, Brazil, by the modified agglutination test (MAT). Antibodies (MAT ≥ 25) were found in 84 (35.4%) of 237 cats. Tissues (brain, heart, tongue and skeletal muscle) of 71 of the positive cats were bioassayed in mice (five mice per group). Forty-seven isolates were obtained. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in PCR-amplified SAG2 products revealed that 34 isolates (72.4%) were type I, 12 (25.5%) were type III and one (2.1%) was mixed with type I and type III. There was no type II isolate. Most of the type I isolates (23/34) killed all infected mice and most of the type III isolates (7/12) killed no infected mice. Tissue cysts were found in mice infected with all 47 isolates. The genotype determination was also made directly from primary samples from cats (tissue homogenates) using nested-PCR-RFLP analysis. Characterization of the SAG2 locus was successful in 80.4% (37/46) of the samples tested. Genotypes obtained from primary samples were the same as those from the corresponding isolates. The mixed genotype was confirmed by direct DNA sequencing of PCR products from the isolate and from the cat primary sample and samples from the five mice infected with this isolate were sequenced. Three had type III genotype, one had type I, and one had type I + type III, demonstrating that mixed infections can originate different patterns of infection in a host.
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Statlig eller privat vattenförsörjning? : En debattanalysSkarström, Kristoffer January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the debate of water politics and privatisation of water distribution. My method is debate analysis and qualitative idea analysis and for my essay I used three books that try to persuade the reader that his or her idea is the best for this water crisis. My main question is to illustrate the debate concerning water privatisations. I will also look at the arguments for or against privatisations and finally determine how the authors think the state should act towards this subject. The first book I used was Vandana Shivas “Water Wars” that when published started an international discussion about the water privatisations. The next book was Ann-Christin Sjölander Hollands book “Vatten rättighet eller handelsvara?” who just like Shiva is negative against market solutions. The third book was “Vatten till salu” by Fredrik Segerfeldt. He is positive to both privatisations and deregulations in the public sector. Shiva considers trans national companies one of the biggest enemies for the development countries and a source for this problem. Her opinion is that agreements like GATS only benefit the already rich. The solution for the water crisis in her opinion is to legislate against foreign companies right to operate in poor countries. Her wish is to keep the water distribution in the state or towns own hands. Sjölander Holland dislike big companies as well but her opinion are that a privatisation can work if the contract with the state is well designed without corruption. However the state should handle water delivery, not companies thirsting for economical gain. Segerfeldt disagrees totally with these opinions and his firm believe is something has to be done. This is to let companies in to the water market and take over with their special knowledge and technology. My conclusion is that something has to be done, but it is not to let the companies set the agenda. Instead the United Nations and its sub-organisations should change the terms for their loans and make sure they sponsor water investments instead of arms. The solution for this problem is not purely market or state distribution, rather a good combination of both.</p>
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Balancing Developed and Developing State Interests under a Regulatory Framework for Foreign Direct Investment: The Potential of the GATS ModelLaiyemo, Tumininu 31 August 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the need for a multilateral regime for the regulation of foreign direct investment. The absence of such a regime has slowed the growth of foreign direct investment, as investment decisions are difficult to make because of the uncertainty of investment rules. Attempts to establish a multilateral framework for investment have failed due to disagreement between developed and developing countries on its scope. The major source of controversy has been the inclusion of the national treatment standard in the prospective agreement.
This thesis analyses the position of both sides, and attempts to find a balance between the positive and negative effects of the multilateral framework for regulating foreign direct investment. It argues that an investment regime modelled after the General Agreement on Trade in Services could be beneficial, as it would provide security for investment, and flexibility for host countries to control the inflow of foreign investment.
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Isolamento e caracterização biológica e genotípica de Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle e Manceaux, 1909) de gatos do estado de São Paulo / Isolation and biological and genotypic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle; Manceaux, 1909) from cats from São Paulo state, BrazilHilda Fátima de Jesus Pena 29 November 2004 (has links)
O Toxoplasma gondii apresenta uma estrutura populacional clonal. A análise genotípica do locus SAG2 foi realizada para determinar a ocorrência de diferentes linhagens de T. gondii (tipos I, II e III) em gatos domésticos. Amostras de soro de 237 gatos de 15 municípios no estado de São Paulo foram testadas para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-T. gondii através do teste de aglutinação modificado (MAT). Anticorpos (MAT ≥ 25) foram encontrados em 84 (35,4%) dos 237 gatos. Com os tecidos (cérebro, coração, língua e musculatura esquelética) de 71 gatos positivos foram realizados bioensaios em camundongos (cinco camundongos por grupo) sendo obtidos 47 isolados. A análise de polimorfismo de comprimento dos fragmentos de DNA gerados por enzimas de restrição (RFLP) sobre produtos do locus SAG2 amplificados pela PCR revelou que 34 isolados (72,4%) eram do tipo I, 12 (25,5%) eram do tipo III e um (2,1%) apresentava infecção mista (tipo I e tipo III). Não houve isolado do tipo II. A maioria dos isolados do tipo I (23/34) causou o óbito de todos os camundongos infectados e a maioria dos isolados do tipo III (7/12) não levou ao óbito nenhum camundongo infectado. Foram encontrados cistos no cérebro dos camundongos infectados em todos os 47 isolados. A determinação genotípica também foi feita diretamente das amostras primárias dos gatos (homogeneizados de tecidos) usando a nested-PCR-RFLP. A caracterização do locus SAG2 foi bem sucedida em 80,4% (37/46) das amostras testadas. Os genótipos obtidos das amostras primárias foram idênticos aos dos isolados correspondentes. O genótipo misto foi confirmado pelo seqüenciamento direto de DNA dos produtos da PCR obtidos do isolado e da amostra primária do gato. Amostras dos cinco camundongos infectados com este isolado foram seqüenciadas. Três camundongos se infectaram com o genótipo tipo III, um com o genótipo tipo I e o outro com o genótipo misto, demonstrando que infecções mistas podem originar diferentes padrões de infecção em um hospedeiro. / Toxoplasma gondii has a clonal population structure. Genotypic analysis of the SAG2 locus was performed to determine the occurrence of the different lineages of T. gondii (types I, II and III) in domestic cats. Antibodies to T. gondii were determined in serum samples of 237 cats from 15 counties in São Paulo state, Brazil, by the modified agglutination test (MAT). Antibodies (MAT ≥ 25) were found in 84 (35.4%) of 237 cats. Tissues (brain, heart, tongue and skeletal muscle) of 71 of the positive cats were bioassayed in mice (five mice per group). Forty-seven isolates were obtained. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in PCR-amplified SAG2 products revealed that 34 isolates (72.4%) were type I, 12 (25.5%) were type III and one (2.1%) was mixed with type I and type III. There was no type II isolate. Most of the type I isolates (23/34) killed all infected mice and most of the type III isolates (7/12) killed no infected mice. Tissue cysts were found in mice infected with all 47 isolates. The genotype determination was also made directly from primary samples from cats (tissue homogenates) using nested-PCR-RFLP analysis. Characterization of the SAG2 locus was successful in 80.4% (37/46) of the samples tested. Genotypes obtained from primary samples were the same as those from the corresponding isolates. The mixed genotype was confirmed by direct DNA sequencing of PCR products from the isolate and from the cat primary sample and samples from the five mice infected with this isolate were sequenced. Three had type III genotype, one had type I, and one had type I + type III, demonstrating that mixed infections can originate different patterns of infection in a host.
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Compromissos em serviços na Organização Mundial do Comércio: uma análise da estrutura da lista de compromissos e da metodologia utilizada para a inscrição de compromissos à luz do preâmbulo e do artigo XIX do GATS e suas principais consequências para o Brasil. / Services commitments in the world trade organizationFernanda Manzano Sayeg 19 May 2009 (has links)
A lista de compromissos é o instrumento jurídico que consolida os compromissos adotados pelos Membros da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC) na área de serviços. O modelo de lista de compromissos adotado pelo Acordo Geral para o Comércio de Serviços (GATS) permite que os Membros decidam quais setores ou subsetores de serviços e modos de prestação irão consolidar compromissos. Esses compromissos vinculam os Membros. Logo, as inscrições nas listas de compromissos devem ser claras e precisas, especialmente com relação ao que está e o que não está incluído no compromisso. Considerando que a estrutura da lista de compromissos e a metodologia utilizada pelos Membros para assunção de compromissos são extremamente complexas, é importante identificar quais são os principais problemas apresentados por elas, à luz das regras e objetivos da OMC, com vistas a buscar soluções ou sugerir alternativas para esses problemas. A análise desses problemas também deve levar em consideração os contenciosos envolvendo serviços e as conclusões a que chegou o Órgão de Solução de Controvérsias da OMC nesses casos. Deve-se verificar, também, se a estrutura da lista de compromissos e a metodologia para a inscrição de compromissos em serviços são compatíveis com o preâmbulo e com o Artigo XIX do GATS, ou seja: se permitem a liberalização progressiva do comércio internacional de serviços; se garantem flexibilidade apropriada aos países em desenvolvimento para que liberalizem menos setores e tipos de operação; se promovem os interesses de todos os participantes do Sistema Multilateral de Comércio; se têm como objetivo a promoção do crescimento econômico de todas as partes envolvidas e, sobretudo, o desenvolvimento dos países em desenvolvimento e de menor desenvolvimento econômico relativo; se resguardam o direito dos Membros de regular e de introduzir novas leis dentro de seus territórios, com vistas a atingir objetivos de política pública; e se respeitam as assimetrias existentes com relação aos graus de desenvolvimento das legislações nacionais. / The schedule of commitments is the legal instrument which contains the commitments made by the Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in services. The schedule adopted by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) allows the Members to decide in which sectors or subsectors and modes of supply they will make commitments. These commitments are binding to the Members. Therefore, the entries in the schedules must be clear and precise, especially regarding what is and what is not included in the commitment. Considering the structure of the schedules and the scheduling methodology are extremely complex, it is important to identify what are their main problems in view of the rules and objectives of the WTO, in order to look for solutions to these problems or to suggest alternatives. The analysis of these problems must take into account the cases involving trade in services and the findings of the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO in those cases. It should also be analyzed whether the structure of the schedules and the scheduling methodology comply with GATS preamble and Article XIX, or, in other words: if they allow the progressive liberalization of the trade in services; if they guarantee appropriate flexibility for developing countries for opening fewer sectors and types of transactions; if they promote the interest of all participants of the Multilateral Trading System; if they promote the economic growth of all the trading partners and, above all, the development of developing and the least-developed countries; if they acknowledge the right of the Members to regulate and to introduce new regulations within their territories in order to meet national policy objectives; and if they respect the asymmetries existing with respect to the degree of development of the services regulations.
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"Pull" factors in international migration of health professionalsMeeus, Wilhelmina E.A.M. January 2003 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / This secondary data study, framed in social constructionism theory, descibes and analyses the "pull" factors influencing migration of health professionals developing to developed countries. The literature review sets the context withing which international migration takes place and explores relevant aspects of the G8, globalisation, and the General Agreement on Trade in Services. The research demonstrates that temporary or permanent international migration occurs for employment or study purposes. It further confirms that, despite the lack of accurate data from African counties, the number of health professionals leaving the continent has increased significantly during the 1990's. / South Africa
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