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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barns könsstereotypa tankar kring leksaker : Yttre påverkans vikt i form av syskon samt föräldrars tankesätt kring könsroller och barn

Hedlund, Emelie, Kohlin, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnet genus med fokus på en grupp femåriga barns tankar om leksaker och kön. Syftet utgörs av att undersöka om en grupp pojkar och flickor vid femårsålder tänker könsstereotypt om leksaker. Samt om dessa eventuella könsstereotypa tankar kan kopplas till föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå. För att söka svar på detta genomfördes en bildundersökning med 11 barn på en centralt belägen förskola i en medelstor svensk stad, de medverkande barnens föräldrar besvarade en enkät rörande barnens bakgrund så som syskon, leksaker och kamrater. Resultatet visade att yttre påverkan i form av föräldrars utbildningsnivå tycks ha ingen eller liten betydelse för barnens könsstereotypa tankar. Resultatet visade istället att faktorer så som eventuella syskon, syskonens ålder och kön samt föräldrarnas medvetna genustänk gentemot sina barn, var av stor vikt gällande barnens uppfattning om vilka leksaker som är kopplade till vilket kön. / The aim of this study is to show whether boys and girls at the age of five have gender stereotyped views about toys or not, and if their views can possibly be linked to the parents educational level. In order to answer this question we carried out a picture based study amongst 11 children in a preschool located in a town in Sweden. The parents also answered a survey with questions regarding their background such as siblings, toys, friends, educational level and work. The results showed that the parents’ educational level has little or no impact on the children’s answers in the study. Sibling or lack of siblings seems to be of bigger significance. But also if the parents have gender in mind when buying toys and clothes to their child. These two factors seem to be the most significant ones in relation to how the children associate different toys with gender and toys in our study.

Pojkar är starka, flickor är rosa. : En studie av leksaksreklam riktad till barn. / Boys are strong, girls are pink. : a study about toy advertising to children.

Kajdic, Admira, Pousar, Madeleine January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att kritiskt granska leksaksreklam riktad till barn. Genom att använda oss av reklamklipp från det sociala mediet YouTube vill vi undersöka hur manligt respektive kvinnligt samt heteronormativitet konstrueras i dessa. För att finna mönster som vi kan koppla till vårt syfte tittar vi ur ett genusperspektiv genom textanalys närmare på reklamklippen. Genom vår analys fann vi att leksaksreklam riktad till barn är påtaglig könsstereotyp och skapar förväntningar på barn hur de ska se ut samt vilka egenskaper de förväntas inneha. Vi fann också att reklamklippen reproducerar heterosexualiteten som den hegemoniska sexualiteten. Detta gör att heteronormativiteten blir stark i reklamklipen då samtliga reklamklipp riktade till flickor vi tittat på är byggda på en parrelation mellan en man och en kvinna. Nyckelord: Genus, heteronormativitet, maskulinitet, könsroller, leksaker, den inre och yttre sfären, arbetsdelningen, passiv och aktiv, rosa. / English title: Boys are strong, girls are pink - a study of toy advertising to children. The purpose of this study was to critically examine the toy advertising to children. Through the use of commercials from the social media YouTube, we wanted to examine how male or female and heteronormativity were socially constructed in them. Through text analysis, we looked closer at the commercials with a gender perspective in order to find patterns that we could connect to our purpose. Through our analysis we found that toy advertising to children is reproducing gender stereotypes creating expectations for children how they should look and what features they expected to hold. We also found that the commercials reproduce heterosexuality as the hegemonic sexuality, as all commercials aimed at girls we looked at reproduces the partnership between two individuals as a relationship between a man and a woman. Keywords: gender, heteronormativity, masculinity, gender roles, toys, the inner and outer sphere of labor, passive and active, pink.

Trading out? : a study of farming women's and men's access to resources in rural Ethiopia /

Torkelsson, Åsa, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2008.

Specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių lyčių vaidmenų šeimoje suvokimo ypatumai / Students' with special educational needs perception of sexual roles in the family

Kvedaraitė, Renata 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojamas vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, lyčių vaidmenų šeimoje suvokimas. Suformuluota hipotezė, jog šeimos perteikia savo vaikams stereotipinius požiūrius į lyčių vaidmenis šeimoje. Tyrime dalyvavo riboto ir nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto mokiniai, kurių amžius 12 – 17 metų. Iš viso apklausti 194 moksleiviai (89 mergaitės, 105 – berniukai). Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta, kaip mokiniai suvokia lyčių vaidmenis šeimoje. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, buvo lyginami mergaičių ir berniukų atsakymai. Atlikta statistinė (deskriptyvinė statistika – procentinių dažnių, alfa faktorinė) duomenų analizė. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjama mokinių nuomonė apie vyrų ir moterų vaidmenis šeimoje, bruožus, svarbius moteriai, vyrui; vaikų pareigos šeimoje, berniukų ir mergaičių auklėjimo ypatumai (skirtumus, panašumus). Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Nustatyta, kad tyrime dalyvavę mokiniai auga šeimose, kurioms būdingas stereotipinis požiūris į lyčių vaidmenis šeimoje: tiek tėvų, tiek vaikų pareigos diferencijuojamos pagal lytį; merginos orientuojamos į šeimą, vaikų auginimą ir namų ruošą, vaikinai – į fizinį darbą. 2. Tėvai skatina elgesį, atitinkantį vaiko lytį: merginas skatina ir giria už elgesį, savybes, darbus, kurie tradiciškai priskiriami moterims, vaikinus – už savybes ir poelgius, kurie priskiriami vyrams. 3. Tiek merginos, tiek vaikinai tipiškai moteriškoms savybėms priskiria jausmingumą, švelnumą, drovumą, kuklumą, grožį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The perception of gender roles in the family of children with special needs is analyzed in the Master thesis. The hypothesis that families pass their stereotype attitudes towards the gender roles in the family is formed. Pupils with limited or mildly mental disabilities participated in the research the age of which is 12-17 years. In total 194 pupils were surveyed (89 girls and 105 boys). The questionnaire survey method analyzed how pupils perceive the gender roles in the family. While analyzing the data of the research the answers of boys and girls were compared. The statistical (descriptive statistics - percentage, t-Test, alpha factor) data analysis was performed. The empirical part deals with the students’ opinion on the roles of women and men in the family, features important for the woman and man; children’s duties in the family, peculiarities of girls and boys’ nurture (similarities and differences). The most important conclusions of the empirical research: 1. It was determined that the students who participated in the research are brought in the families which have a characteristic stereotype attitude towards the gender roles in the family: both the duties of parents and children are differentiated according to their gender; the girls are oriented towards the family, children upbringing and household and the boys are oriented to the physical work. 2. Parents encourage the behavior relevant to the gender of the child: they encourage and compliment girls for... [to full text]

L'equus eroticus ou l'image de la femme qui chevauche l'homme dans la gravure européenne au XVIe siècle : érotisme ou propagande antiféministe ?

Lieutenant-Duval, Verushka January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse ou ce mémoire a été dépouillée, le cas échéant, de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse ou du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Genuskonstruktionen inom tillfälliga kriscentra : Förstås med hjälp av Bacchis; What’s the problem represented to be? / Genderconstruction in emergency shelters : Understood with help from Bacchis; What’s the problem represented to be?

Marner, Charlotte January 2014 (has links)
This essays main focus will be on emergency shelters in disasters, and their understanding in gender awareness, by focusing on the way gender is constructed and seen. This dissertation will examine documents from Australian Red Cross and IASC (Inter Agency Standing Committee) in order to explore how they work with gender and shelter related issues. The objective is to examine and with help from these documents see how gender is constructed. The method and theory is based on Carol Bacchis; What’s the problem represented to be approach? (WPR-approach). This means that the essay have a discourse analysis basis, which the essay is built on. This was chosen because Bacchis approach interrogates the documents and therefore it is easier to get different views of how gender is constructed. Which way it is constructed and what is not constructed as a problem. The main research question is: How is the construction of gender perspective in the documents that are intended to steer the planning of the emergency shelters?   The questions will be; What or which problems seem to represent these documents, regarding gender understanding in emergency shelters? Are there any assumptions behind these formulated problems? If so, what are they? During the review of the documents, is there anything left that is seen as a non-problem, not problematized? Are there any gap or invisibility or can the problem be seen as something else? This essay will show how gender is constructed based on power imbalance. The way gender is constructed is complex and difficult. One thing is clear and that is that the way gender is constructed and how gender is represented, matters in emergency shelters. Gender is still also a topic for crisis management to integrate.

The impact of personal viability training on gender relations in mining communities : the case of Lihir, Papua New Guinea : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, New Zealand

Haro, Bernadette Vaita January 2010 (has links)
Personal Viability (PV), an entrepreneurial skills and personal development training program, has become a national phenomenon in Papua New Guinea since its introduction in the country in 1995. With the support of various key leaders in Government, civic and social organisations, the Government of Papua New Guinea officially launched the program in 1996 mandating the Entrepreneurial Development Training Centre (EDTC) to carry out the training in all 20 provinces of the country. This thesis is concerned with the influence of PV training in the context of large-scale natural resource development, with the focus on Lihir, an open-cut gold mine community in the New Ireland province of Papua New Guinea. Since the gold mine operation started on the island, Lihir has experienced dramatic social, economic and political changes as a society. One element of this has been the effect on traditional gender roles and relations as a result of people‘s increased engagement in the global capitalist economy. As PV is promoted as a contemporary strategy for economic development thus motivating people to cultivate a spirit of entrepreneurship, this thesis explores its influence on the lives of women and men in Lihir, and in particular their attitude and behaviour toward the usage and management of wealth and resources; their participation in customary activities; and changes in their traditional gender roles and relations.

African-American heterosexual women facing the HIV/AIDS pandemic giving voice to sexual decision-making /

Hill, Delthea Jean. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, 2008. / Title from screen (viewed on July 7, 2008). School of Social Work, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Carolyn J. Black, Margaret E. Adamek, Khadija Khaja, Phyllis N. Stern. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 194-205).

Stressful Scriptures: Gender Role Ideology, Gender Role Stress, and Christian Religiosity

Lommers-Johnson, Tess A 01 January 2016 (has links)
The Gender Role Stress paradigm asserts that individuals experience distress when they cannot or do not want to live up to the roles prescribed to their gender, and this stress is related to Gender Role Ideology. Within American Christian culture, gender roles are socialized and shaped according to tradition and the Bible. To investigate the intersection of these factors, Christian adults will respond to questionnaires about their Gender Role Ideology, Gender Role Stress, and religiosity. Significant positive correlational relationships between Gender Role Ideology and Gender Role Stress, between religiosity and Gender Role Ideology, and between religiosity and Gender Role Stress are expected for both men and women. However, Gender Role Ideology is expected to partially mediate any relationship found between religiosity and Gender Role Stress. This will imply that for Christian individuals, religiosity and Christianity are related to Gender Role Stress but this relationship is dependent on an individual’s beliefs about gender roles. Implications and further directions are discussed, including spiritual gender role negotiation and the sanctification paradigm.

Re-inventing the caveman : narrative discussions on maleness

Choles, Aiden Grant 30 November 2004 (has links)
The state of Maleness has received much attention in academic and public discourse of late. One such instance is the play Defending the Caveman, which depicts men in their ”natural” settings as Cavemen, thereby justifying Caveman-like behaviour. On the other hand, much writing exists that find men culpable of discrimination, violence and abuse towards others. Discourses like these have real effects on the ways in which men choose and act on their Maleness. Six men engaged in narrative therapeutic discussions in an attempt to share their stories of Maleness, to discuss how society constructs men, and to re-evaluate the Maleness chosen by the participants. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

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