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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is less actually more? : A qualitative study of how lifestyle minimalism is communicated by generations X and Z / Is less actually more? : A qualitative study of how lifestyle minimalism is communicated by generations X and Z

Deußing, Lea January 2022 (has links)
In the last few years, the concept of lifestyle minimalism has gotten more and more attention. Since discussions about climate change and sustainability have gotten louder, negative aspects of consumption have surfaced. Minimalism seems to be the answer to the problem of consumption and its unsustainable aspects, so why is there so little communication about it when it seems to be a simple way to improve life and live more sustainably? This study examines how minimalism is communicated and defined by generations X and Z by conducting semi structured qualitative interviews within a framework in the areas of minimalism, sustainability, consumption, and well-being. The outcomes are that there is no difference in the perception of minimalism when it comes to the generations, but there are differences depending on how someone is already involved in topics like sustainability and minimalism. With these findings, a model was developed to visualize the “bubble process”, which explains how people find their way into the bubble of sustainability/minimalism and can extend it.

Sensory marketing in the world of social media : A qualitative study to examine if companies can attract girls in generation Z by using sensory marketing on their social media platforms

Jurén, Sanna, Kallenberg, Isabelle January 2022 (has links)
The beauty industry has been around for centuries and keeps growing and developing daily. The industry has not been slowing down during the spread of the virus covid-19 but has had a fast platform change. Most brands today are available online and promoted by influencers on social media platforms. However, the question remains if it is achievable to get an equivalent experience of beauty products that one would get in-store online as when scrolling on social media.The purpose of this study was to see how beauty companies work with sensory marketing on their own and through influencers' social media platforms, with the effect of captivating young women's interest in their products and brand. The question of whether the effect of sensory marketing and the persona that influencers effuse on beauty products was a new gap. It was also interesting to see if customers are affected by sensory marketing and influencers when making an online beauty purchase decision. Beauty products are personal and specific and often seen as complex to buy online since they have particular formulations, scents, and colors. The empirical findings are conducted through a pilot interview with an extensive beauty company in the Swedish beauty sector. The interview with the head of sales gave the ground information and peeked into the workaround influencer and sensory marketing. Then that information could be used as a base for the questions in structured customer interviews. The findings were then presented and analyzed with the literature review to make a final result and answer the question.The conclusion of the thesis showed that the young women in generation Z were a part of the online beauty movement. Considering that most young women followed influencers where they got to learn, explore and get an insight, they could easily make purchase decisions. The result showed a positive effect on the combinations of influencers and sensory marketing on generation Z due to their perception. The result also showed a more significant effect on the trust of a persona than sensory marketing, as getting to know the influencer's personality had a more significant impact than something being aesthetically pleasing.

Motivation att försvara sitt land

Roolf, Richard January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish Armed Forces has undergone a number of changes during the 2000s and is today facing a period of growth with significant needs for recruitment. After 8 years of employed defence, the organization has moved to a high degree of conscription. Previous studies have tried to map what motivates soldiers to stay in the military organization as well as what motivates civilians to apply for a job within a military organization. However, few studies have been conducted with conscripts as a recruitment basis for an organization with employed personnel. This study deals with the motivation among Swedish conscripts to seek continued involvement in the Armed Forces and how this motivation differs based on various contextual factors such as unit, generation and type of platoon. The results show that there are a number of differences between the groups studied. The study highlights the importance of the motivational factors Fellowship, Meaningfulness, Contribution to the security of others and Personal development, which provides support for previous studies. Meanwhile Wages and Working conditions have a negative impact. The study also highlights perspectives that can be used for targeted recruitment, such as how different command characteristics correlate to applicants for different types of positions and how the significance of certain motivational factors varies depending on the platoon type or unit.

Which factors influence Generation Z’s content selection in OTT TV? : A Case Study / Vilka faktorer påverkar Generation Z:s beslut när de väljer innehåll i OTT-tv? : En fallstudie

Patch, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
As digital technologies rapidly evolve, traditional television is being disrupted by the development of more devices, screens, and content. Over-the-top television [OTT TV] is replacing linear TV at a growing rate. A majority of consumers of over-the-top content are found in the generational cohort, Generation Z. As true digital natives, this generation is comfortable navigating a variety of online TV platforms and devices, while also being more susceptible to short attention-span and information overload. It is therefore necessary to understand how this emerging cohort makes choices in a TV landscape that is becoming increasingly overloaded with new content. The purpose of this study is to understand which user interface components Generation Z takes into consideration when selecting content in OTT TV. Multiple methodologies were selected to investigate these media habits. Think-aloud usability testing and interview determined Generation Z’s natural media behavior while browsing OTT content. Online survey data was collected from a broader sample, comparing Generation Z and Generation Y. It was discovered that both generations have similar behaviors in which user interface components influence content choice. The research also revealed trends in which components are important to Generation Z and why. This research is the first step to making informed and data-driven decisions in the design and implementation of OTT TV platforms for Generation Z, thus lessening cognitive overload and creating optimal user experiences. / Med den digitala teknologins snabba utveckling, förändras traditionell tv i och med inverkan av flera enheter, skärmar och innehåll. Over-the-top-tv [OTT-tv] ersätter linjär tv i en växande takt. Majoriteten av konsumenterna av over-the-top-innehåll finns inom en specifik generation, Generation Z. Som äkta digitala infödingar kan den här generationen lätt navigera ett flertal online-tv-plattformar och enheter, samtidigt som den har kort koncentrationsförmåga och är mer mottaglig för informationsöverbelastning. Det är därför nödvändigt att förstå hur denna växande grupp gör val i ett tv-landskap som blir alltmer överbelastat med nytt innehåll. Syftet med denna studie är att förstå vilka användargränssnitts-komponenter Generation Z tar hänsyn till när de väljer innehåll på OTT-tv. Flera metoder användes för att undersöka gruppens medievanor. Användbarhetstest och intervjuer avslöjade Generation Z: s naturliga beteende när de letar efter OTT-innehåll. Enkätundersökningsdata från en större grupp jämförde Generation Z och Generation Y. Det upptäcktes att båda generationerna har liknande beteenden där användargränssnitts-komponenter påverkar valet av innehåll. Forskningen visade också trender för vilka komponenter som är viktiga för Generation Z och varför. Den här forskningen är det första steget i att göra informerade och datadrivna beslut i design och implementering av OTT-tv-plattformar för Generation Z, vilket minskar den kognitiva överbelastningen och skapar optimala användarupplevelser.

The effects of the European Copyright Directive on Generation Z's news consumption : An explorative study on the effects of the link tax, concerning the access and consumption of news content by Generation Z in Europe

Elsinga, Danka January 2019 (has links)
After eighteen years filled with technical evaluation, the European Parliament agreed on a new online copyright directive in 2019. The aim of this directive is to modernize the rules that were last adjusted in 2001, to create a better balance between content providers and online platforms. After the European Commission introduced a proposal for a copyright directive in 2016, caught it the attention of many, mainly due to two articles: Article 11 and 13. The reason for this attention was the practical way in which these articles contributed in reaching the general aim of the new copyright directive. This research focuses on Article 11, which also became known as the ‘’link tax’’. Content creators should, according to this article, get rewarded for their work by other online parties. Within these eighteen years, those who were born in this timeframe, known as Generation Z, grew up in a world where technology is everywhere and at any time. This generation was born in the 90’s, grew up in the 00’s, and is shaped by the presence of technology in which they communicate, interact, and consume knowledge. Because of that, this study presents the effects of the implementation of the new European copyright directive, on Generation Z in Europe. / Efter arton år av teknisk utvärdering så enades Europaparlamentet om ett nytt upphovsrättsdirektiv på nätet år 2019. Syftet med detta direktiv är att modernisera reglerna som senast anpassades år 2001, för att skapa en bättre balans mellan innehållsleverantörer och online plattformar. Efter att Europeiska kommissionen införde ett förslag om upphovsrättsdirektiv år 2016 så fångades uppmärksamheten hos många, främst på grund av två artiklar: artikel 11 och 13. Orsaken till denna uppståndelse var huruvida dessa artiklar bidrog till att nå det slutgiltiga målet av det nya upphovsrättsdirektivet eller inte. Denna forskning fokuserar på artikel 11, som även blev känd som '' länkskatt ''. Innehållsskapare bör enligt denna artikel få ersättning för sitt arbete av andra online-parter. Inom dessa arton år så växte de som föddes inom denna tidsram, känd som Generation Z, upp i en värld där teknik finns överallt och när som helst. Denna generation föddes på 90-talet, växte upp på 00-talet och formas av närvaron av teknik där de kommunicerar, interagerar och konsumerar kunskap. På grund av detta presenterar denna studieeffekterna av implementeringen av det nya europeiska upphovsrättsdirektivet för Generation Z i Europa.

Nästa generationens investerare i det moderna samhället : En kvantitativ studie om likheter och skillnader mellan generation X och Z i hur hållbarhet, makroekonomiska faktorer och sociala medier påverkar investeringsbeteende

Törnfeldt, Oskar, Ageman, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Från Stockholms Fondbörs till dagens teknologiskt drivna samhälle har svenska investerare fortsatt att göra affärer på börsen i över ett sekel. Samhället är under ständig utveckling och i en tid med ekonomisk osäkerhet, hög inflation och ökande hållbarhetsfokus är det av betydelse att förstå hur externa faktorer påverkar investeringsbeteende. Detta gäller särskilt vid jämförelse mellan två olika generationer - Generation X och Z - som vuxit upp under skilda omständigheter och därav har olika uppfattningar om en digitaliserad och hållbar värld. Dessa faktorer präglar deras förhållningssätt och beteende, hur de väljer att investera sina pengar förväntas därför också skilja sig åt. Samtidigt har ett hållbarhetsfokus aldrig varit större än nu, där de senaste generationerna blivit allt mer informerade av samhället om att vara miljömedvetna. Människor tar hänsyn till dessa aspekter oavsett om det sker medvetet eller omedvetet. Följaktligen ser författarna vikten av att förstå hur människor har anpassat sig till förändringarna och förutse faktorer som kan påverka nästa generation av investerare. Genom att direkt jämföra generation X och Z kan det öka förståelsen om generationernas investeringsbeteende idag men också i framtiden.  Syfte: Studiens syfte är att genomföra en empirisk jämförelse mellan generation X och generation Z för att undersöka likheter och skillnader när det gäller deras investeringsbeteende, avseende påverkan av de externa faktorerna hållbarhet, makroekonomiska faktorer och sociala medier. Syftet är vidare att ge användbara insikter om framtida investeringsbeteenden och trender, vilket kan vara till nytta för investerare i modern tid och framåt.  Metod: Studien anammar en kvantitativ forskningsmetod. Datainsamlingen sker genom en internetbaserad enkätundersökning med respondenter ur generation X och Z. Respondenternas svar granskas med statistiska test och analyser. I studien tillämpas en abduktiv forskningsansats där en växelverkan mellan induktion och deduktion föreligger.  Slutsatser: De dragna slutsatserna i studien omfattar uppfunna likheter, skillnader samt identifierade mönster och trender mellan generationernas investeringsbeteende. Generationerna uppvisar i generella drag en lika inställning och beteende för påverkan av hållbarhet och makroekonomiska faktorer. Användningen och påverkan av sociala medier visas vara större hos generation Z än generation X.

Service till nya generationens kunder : Hur kan dagens kundservice utvecklas för att möta kommande generationers förväntningar?

Karlsson, Kasper, Israelsson, Johan January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the expectations and preferences customers within Generation Z have for service, as well as identify gaps between the expected and actual service. The study will further focus on future challenges for companies regarding service, when Generation Z becomes an increasingly large part of the customer base. The study is based on the following research questions:  What kind of customer service do customers want today and what are the gaps? How can customer service develop over time as Generation Z becomes a larger part of the customer base?  To answer the study’s research questions, a case study was carried out at FM Mattsson Group using an inductive method and a qualitative research approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews at the company’s support department, as well as observations by Generation Z customers on its website. Scientific literature was collected from several sources to contribute to the analysis and interpretation of collected data.  The result of the study show that customers expect fast and efficient service, while actual experiences often do not quite meet these expectations. The results highlight that Generation Z customers value smart technology, quick responses, and personalized service regardless of communication channel. As a conclusion, the study highlights need for companies to develop their current customer service strategies to meet Generation Z’s expectations for personalized customer experiences. In addition, the importance of corporate social responsibility and sustainability is also emphasized, values that are of particular importance to Generation Z customers.

The work values of Generation Z : A qualitative research explaining what Generation Z values and is attracted to in an employer

Emanuelsson, Clara, Turesson, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Background: Effective employer branding helps attract and retain top talent, leading to overall success. Work values play a significant role in job preferences and satisfaction. Understanding the work values of Generation Z, is crucial for appealing to them. By aligning employer branding with Generation Z's work values, companies can attract and engage this generation known for its adaptability, autonomy, interconnectedness, collaboration, and speed. Understanding and addressing these work values provides valuable insights for effectively targeting Generation Z. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore what Generation Z is attracted to and values in an employer. Methodology: This thesis adopted a qualitative and inductive approach to address its purpose and research question. The study involved conducting ten semi-structured interviews using non-probability sampling. Prior to the interviews, the researchers conducted theoretical research and identified eight values representing work values. These values served as the core of the study and formed the basis for developing interview questions. Findings: The result of this thesis showed that the values that Generation Z values most in an employer are: flexibility, organizational values, development, and career opportunities. Conclusion: Generation Z individuals highly value flexibility, prioritizing flexible working hours, remote work options, and the ability to manage their own time. They also emphasize organizational values, such as a supportive work culture, effective communication, and positive relationships with colleagues. Furthermore, responsibility, development and growth opportunities within the workplace are essential for their job satisfaction.

Information, news, and politics gathering through social media by Generation Z : A semi-structured interview study

Magnusson, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Social media is replacing many of traditional media’s purposes, information gathering is one of them. In the digital culture today we use our phones, the internet, and social media in our daily lives, especially younger generations, and those generations could be relying their information gathering on social media. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to get a better understanding of which role social media plays in the information, news, and political gathering of Generation Z. The aim is also to investigate how Generation Z views potential threats, personalization, and fact-checking on social media. Those questions were answered through a semi-structured interview with 10 interviewees from different parts of Sweden that were within Generation Z. Generation Z has a beginning of birth year starting at 1997 to 2012 and were chosen because that generation is the first generation to be born and grow up with access to portable digital technology and internet. The results through the thematic analysis made six themes which were social media use, experience of misinformation, source dependency, physical vs digital newspaper perceived trustworthiness, fact-checking preferences, and personalization. The interviewees indicated that social media is their main source of information, news, and politics, a few used traditional media now and then but mostly social media platforms. The perceived ability of the interviewees was that they knew the importance of following and gathering information, news, and politics through trustworthy sources on the platforms. If the interviewees were interested in a subject they saw a post about or if it was considered important they would fact-check it, otherwise not. The interviewees knew more or less that they had seen misinformation, they had experienced personalization and had different opinions about it.

Sociala mediers påverkan på Generation Z : En kvantitativ studie om vad som primärt påverkar Generation Z konsumenter på sociala medier vid val av varumärke

Furst, Frida, Lindh, Oliver January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify how Generation Z consumers are influenced by social media when choosing a brand, as they are the only generation that has grown up with the internet as a given. The study also aims to investigate the consumer behaviors that Generation Z have on social media. Research questions: What primarily contributes to Generation Z consumers’ brand choices on social media? How does Generation Z manifest unique consumer behaviors? Theory: The current theories have been based on previous research that defines and describes Generation Z and social media as concepts. Furthermore, it presents what characterizes brand choice through brand loyalty and customer loyalty. Then, the buying process is described in connection with consumer behavior. The theoretical section concludes with a description of purchase intention, which is presented in terms of advertising and unawareness. Method: The study used a quantitative research method. The data was collected through digital surveys from respondents born within Generation Z. The total respondents was 105 people. Results: The results showed that the majority of Generation Z uses social media on a daily basis, with Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram being the most popular platforms. The study revealed that respondents often come into contact with brands on social media but are not influenced by advertisements or have their purchasing behavior affected when making brand choices. However, the study found that attitudes and unawareness regarding brand choices and external influence played a significant role for Generation Z through social media. Conclusions: The study found that Generation Z consumers tend to engage in a decision-making process and choose brands based on their conscious and unconscious attitudes. This is combined with their knowledge or exposure to different purchasing options on their social media platforms. / Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera hur Generation Z konsumenter blir påverkade av sociala medier vid val av varumärke, i och med att det är den enda målgruppen som vuxit upp med internet som en självklarhet. Studien ämnar även att undersöka vilka konsumentbeteenden Generation Z har på sociala medier.  Forskningsfrågor: Vad bidrar primärt till Generation Z konsumenters val av varumärke på sociala medier?På vilket sätt manifesterar Generation Z unika konsumentbeteenden? Teori: De aktuella teorierna har grundat sig på tidigare forskning som definierar samt beskriver Generation Z och sociala medier som begrepp. Vidare presenteras vad som kännetecknar val av varumärke genom varumärkeslojalitet och kundlojalitet. Därefter beskrivs köpprocessen i samband med ett konsumentbeteende. Det teoretiska avsnittet avslutas i en beskrivning av köpintention vilket presenteras kring reklam och omedvetenhet.  Metod: Studien tillämpade en kvantitativ forskningsmetod. Datan samlades in genom digitala enkäter från respondenter födda inom Generation Z som totalt blev 105 stycken.  Resultat: Resultatet visade att majoriteten av Generation Z dagligen använder sig av sociala medier, där Snapchat, TikTok och Instagram låg i framkant. Studiens resultat visade även att respondenterna ofta upplever att de kommer i kontakt med varumärken på sociala medier men varken blir påverkade av reklam eller att detta påverkar deras köpbeteende när val av varumärken ska göras. Däremot visade studien att attityder och omedvetenhet kring val av varumärken hade en betydande roll via sociala medier för Generation Z.  Slutsats: Studien visade på att Generation Z konsumenter har som tendens att gå in i en köpprocess och välja varumärken baserat på deras medvetna samt omedvetna attityder. Detta kombinerat med vilket köpalternativ som de har mest kunskap kring eller som de varit i kontakt med på sina sociala medier- plattformar.

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