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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrat?gias competitivas gen?ricas nas empresas comerciais varejistas de shopping centers: um estudo a partir do modelo de Porter

Bacurau, Francisco Braulio da Fonseca 21 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoBFB.pdf: 345237 bytes, checksum: 427a6b1b6a914aa56aebe8231f1dc9b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-21 / Os shoppingcenters s?o grandes institui??es repletas de empresas quecompetem entre si formas de como melhor satisfazer as necessidade dosclientes. Sendo assim, cada empresa utiliza-se de estrat?gias com o intuito deatingir a maior parcela de compradores poss?veis sem comprometer suaexist?ncia e sua vantagem competitiva. Este estudo est? baseado na teoria dasestrat?gias competitivas gen?ricas de Porter (1980; 1985) o qual estabeleceem seu modelo que todas as empresas existentes no mercado possuam pelomenos uma das tr?s abordagens estrat?gicas (diferencia??o, lideran?a emcusto e enfoque). Desta forma, este trabalho identifica de que maneira est?distribu?da as estrat?gia competitiva nas empresas de shoppingcenters deNatal/RN. Primeiramente buscou-se levantar a rela??o das estrat?gias destasempresas com a teoria proposta por Porter (1985) e sua aloca??o de acordocom os agrupamentos resultantes da combina??o das estrat?gias. Nestemomento, foram aplicados question?rios com 89 gerentes de lojas de shoppingcenters que resultou ap?s an?lises estat?sticas em cinco agrupamentos comabordagens v?lidas. Em seguida foram selecionadas as empresas quepossu?am maior afinidade com cada agrupamento e que melhor representavamos resultados dispostos em cinco clustersacerca da teoria proposta e nestaamostragem foi aplicada entrevista com os gerentes. Os resultados obtidos com as entrevistas validaram a an?lise dos dados encontrados nosquestion?rios anteriormente aplicados estando em conformidade com aproposta teoria. Identificou-se tamb?m duas modalidades de empresas queutilizavam simultaneamente mais de uma estrat?gia competitiva (meio-termo),sendo uma dentro e outra fora do modelo proposto pelo autor. Embora omodelo das estrat?gias competitivas gen?ricas tenha sido institu?do comaspectos voltados as organiza??es industriais, os resultados obtidos nestetrabalho validaram a aplica??o desta teoria em empresas comercias deshopping centers que vem se adequando para obter resultados financeirosmais satisfat?rios e melhor posicionamento em rela??o ? concorr?ncia

Strategie konkurenčních střetů / Strategy of Competitive Encounters

Kiss, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis should serve as a proposal of a strategy of competitive encounters for management of company. Realization of this proposal has assumption for strengthening the competitiveness of the company, and the successful development of the company in the future. This thesis is divided into three parts- theoretical, analytical and project part. Basic terms and used methods for strategic analysis of extarnal and internal influences are described in theoretical part. These methods are applied on the actual company in the analytical part. Suggested alternative of solutions are described in the project part. The most suitable alternative is defined in the closure.

"Tittar du fortfarande?" : En studie om strategisk anpassning för svenska traditionella tv-bolag mot bakgrund av SVOD-tjänsternas inträde på den svenska tv-marknaden.

Furusten, Ernst, Sundberg, Karl January 2020 (has links)
Den teknologiska utvecklingen öppnar möjligheter att utnyttja teknologi för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Traditionella aktörer ställs inför utmaningar vid anpassning mot ny teknologi. Den här studiens syfte var att undersöka hur teknologisk utveckling har påverkat traditionella aktörers marknadsstrategier. Det har gjorts genom att studera traditionella svenska tv-bolags strategiska anpassning mot SVOD-tjänsternas ökade inflytande på den svenska tv-marknaden. Genom en kvalitativ metod bestående av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre stora svenska tv-bolag samt sekundärdatainsamling har empiriskt underlag samlats in och analyserats utifrån en teoretisk analysmodell bestående av Porters generiska strategier samt Kim et al.:s integrerade strategi. Resultatet indikerar att samtliga studerade tv-bolag implementerar integrerade strategier i olika konstellationer, samt att kostnadsledarskap är av ökande betydelse. Vidare används data i högre utsträckning i tv-bolagens marknadsstrategier. / Technological advances opens up opportunities for companies to utilize new technology to create competitive advantages. Traditional companies faces challenges when adapting to new technologies. This study aimed to explore how technological advances has affected traditional companies’ competitive strategies. This has been examined within the scope of the Swedish television market by analyzing how traditional Swedish television companies has adapted their competitive strategies to the market entry of SVOD services. The data was collected through a qualitative method including four semi-structured interviews with three major Swedish television companies and through secondary data collection. The data has been analyzed through an analysis model composed of Porter’s generic strategies and Kim et al.’s integrated strategy. The findings indicate that all studied companies implement integrated strategies in different constellations, and that implementation of overall cost leadership is of increasing importance. The findings also shows that big data is increasingly used in the examined companies’ competitive strategies.

Las estrategias genéricas y la competitividad de las empresas del sector inmobiliario Lima Top año 2020

Ubillus Carmen, María Virginia 20 July 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como principal objetivo: Determinar si existe relación directa entre las estrategias genéricas y la competitividad de las empresas del sector inmobiliario Lima Top año 2020. Para ello, dentro de la metodología se hizo uso de un alcance correlacional, bajo un enfoque cuantitativo; mientras que para la recolección de información se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta donde se elaboraron dos cuestionarios, uno para cada variable. En los principales resultados se obtuvo que la estrategia del enfoque es la más empleada con el 65% que se mostró de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo, mientras que respecto a la competitividad, la dimensión externa fue la que presentó mayor relevancia según el 72% de los encuestados que se mostraron de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo; además se pudo verificar que, las dimensiones de la variable estrategias genéricas, que fueron las estrategias de liderazgo en costos, diferenciación y enfoque se relacionan de forma significativa y directa con la competitividad. Finalmente se pudo concluir que las estrategias genéricas tienen una relación directa y significativa con la competitividad de las empresas del sector inmobiliario Lima Top, año 2020, donde el empleo de las estrategias genéricas tanto de liderazgo en costos, diferenciación como enfoque se han visto reflejado en la actual competitividad de las inmobiliarias. Se recomendó que estas empresas puedan verificar de forma frecuente sus costos y gastos, a fin de realizar una mejor planificación y así prever gastos innecesarios, así como optar por diferentes actividades para sobresalir entre su competencia e identificar de forma óptima su mercado objetivo. En los hallazgos se obtuvo que cada estrategia está relacionada con la competitividad del sector inmobiliario, puesto que las empresas producto de la pandemia pueden estar usando un mix de los aspectos característicos de las diferentes estrategias. / The main objective of this research was: To determine if there is a direct relationship between generic strategies and the competitiveness of companies in the Lima Top real estate sector in 2020. For this, within the methodology, a correlational scope was used, under a quantitative approach; while for the collection of information the survey technique was used where two questionnaires were elaborated, one for each variable. In the main results, it was obtained that the approach strategy is the most used with 65% who agreed and strongly agreed, while regarding competitiveness, the external dimension was the one that presented the greatest relevance according to 72% of respondents who agreed and strongly agreed; In addition, it was possible to verify that the dimensions of the generic strategies variable, which were cost leadership strategies, differentiation and focus, are significantly and directly related to competitiveness. Finally, it was possible to conclude that generic strategies have a direct and significant relationship with the competitiveness of companies in the real estate sector Lima Top, year 2020, where the use of generic strategies for both cost leadership, differentiation and focus have been reflected in the current competitiveness of real estate. It was recommended that these companies be able to frequently check their costs and expenses, to carry out better planning and thus anticipate unnecessary expenses, as well as opt for different activities to stand out among their competition and optimally identify their target market. The findings show that any company that employs any of the generic strategies will be reflected in its competitiveness within the real estate sector. / Tesis

Handelskvarteret Valvet : En fallstudie om konkurrensstrategier vid etablering av nytt handelskvarter / The Valvet shopping district : A case study on competition strategies when establishing a new trading district

Gottmarsson, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
Karlstad står inför sin största stadsomvandling i modern tid. Fler bostäder, utökad och förbättrad stadskärna, förnyad infrastruktur för både tåg-, buss-, bil-, gång- och cykelresenärer är delar av kommunens vision inför 2030. Handelsindex tyder på fortsatt goda förutsättningar till konsumtion. En efterlängtad satsning på ett nytt handelskvarter mitt i centrala Karlstad får äntligen startbesked och en ny modern handelsplats med inslag av kulturhistoriskt intressanta lokaler tar vid. En saluhall tillkommer, något man trodde var efterlängtat och därmed skulle locka besökare. Men utfallet visade sig bli annorlunda. Med höga förväntningar invigdes år 2016 den sista etappen av handelskvarteret Valvet. Kort efter öppning har förhoppningarna om Valvets nysatsning för centrumutvecklingen i staden raserats, den respons man förväntade och det kundflödet man räknade med uppstod aldrig. År 2017 tar man beslutet att avveckla handelsverksamheten för att istället satsa på restaurangverksamhet och nöjen i lokalerna. Syftet med arbetet är att studera källorna till varför etableringen av Handelskvarteret Valvet inte lyckades leva kvar. Michael Porters konkurrensstrategi, femkraftsmodellen, samt Porters generiska basstrategier utgör det teoretiska ramverket och för att berika den kvalitativa studien har intervjuer gjorts med personer i direkt anknytning till projektet om Valvet. Annan datainsamling har skett via dokument från Karlstad kommun och också publicerade artiklar i värmländska tidskrifter. Resultatet visar att på att det finns flera orsaker till att etableringen inte lyckades i den utsträckning man först önskade. Klimatet har förändrats i centrum i takt med ökad e-handel och externhandel, konkurrensen har således ökat. Samtidigt har ett bristfälligt kundunderlag skapat en övertro på en av huvudaktörerna, kundflödet blev bristfälligt och påverkade hela handelskvarteret negativt. Värdeskapande faktorer har varit svaga, däribland utformning, synergieffekter och hyresgästmixen. Antydan till en förskjutning i centrum, från konsumtion till upplevelser, har möjligen också haft en inverkan vid etableringen. / Karlstad faces its greatest urban transformation in modern times. More housing, expanded and improved city centers, renewed infrastructure for train, buses, cars, pedestrians and cyclists are all part of the municipality's vision by 2030. The trade index indicates continued favorable conditions for consumption. An anticipated investment in a new commercial district in the center of Karlstad is finally launched, and a new modern shopping center with elements of historical- and cultural interesting areas is taking place. A market hall is added, something that was thought to be wished-for and would attract visitors. But the outcome turned out to be different. With high expectations in 2016, the final stage of the shopping center Valvet was opened. Soon after opening, the hopes for Valvet's new initiative for city center development were gone. The response expected and the anticipated customer flow never occurred. In 2017, the decision is taken to discontinue the shopping center, to instead change the concept into restaurants and a giant event park. The purpose of this work is to study the sources of why the establishment of Valvet shopping center failed. Michael Porter's competitive strategy, the five forces analysis model, constitutes the theoretical framework. In order to enrich the qualitative study, interviews have been made with people directly related to the project Valvet. Other data collection has been carried out via documents from the municipality but also published articles in Värmländska newspapers. The result shows that there are several reasons why the establishment failed to the extent that was first desired. The climate has changed in the city center in line with increased e-commerce and external trade, competition has thus increased. At the same time, a deficient customer base has created a superstition about one of the main players, the customer flow became deficient and had a negative effect on the entire trading district. Value-creating factors have been weak, including design, synergy effects and the tenant mix. The hint of a shift in the center, from consumption to experiences, may also have had an impact on the establishment.

Passion Driven Companies in a Profit Driven Industry : A qualitative study on how craft entrepreneurs’ motivations affect their perception of competitive strategy

Frisk, Christopher, Johansson, Alfred January 2018 (has links)
The microbrewery industry is the fastest growing industry in Sweden. In seven years, the industry has grown by 832 percent. The dramatic increase of microbreweries has led to a highly competitive business environment for these entrepreneurs. This calls for microbreweries to develop strategies for how to stand out in this increasingly competitive environment, i.e., create competitive advantages. However, previous studies have shown that craft entrepreneurs do not strive to achieve traditional economic objectives as the competitive strategy research field suggest that companies have. Hence, traditional competitive strategies may not be applicable for these entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study was therefore to develop an understanding how motivational factors affect craft entrepreneurs’ competitive strategy. To fulfill the purpose, we conducted a case study on microbrewers within the northern region of Sweden. We used a qualitative research methodology where we conducted semi-structured interviews. Seven microbreweries participated in the study. We found that craft entrepreneurs’ motivations for why they started and maintained their microbreweries were mainly because of their passion and interest for the craft and therefore this was their primary objective. However, they perceived profit as a necessity that would enable them to achieve their primary objective. Therefore, we found that these entrepreneurs have dual objectives. We also found that entrepreneurs’ motivations affected their competitive strategies. These entrepreneur’s dual objectives caused some dilemmas when the two objectives contrasted each other. We saw tendencies that this created tension among these entrepreneurs when they had to balance the two objectives of generating profit and achieving objectives related to their passion and interest for the craft. Further, we found that these tensions caused implications on the entrepreneurs’ perception of competitive strategy.  Their perception of competitive strategy differed from traditional theory in three areas. Firstly, they had a resistance to grow their businesses. Secondly, they had a resistance for product/market development. And lastly, they experienced a low level of ambiguity when competing and cooperating simultaneously. In this study, we have been able to deepen the knowledge of craft entrepreneurs and how their motivations affect their competitive strategy. This is a first step in developing an understanding of how additional objectives to profit can cause implications for competitiveness.

Strategická analýza zdravotnického zařízení: Centrum zdravotní péče Jirny / Strategic Analysis of a Health-Care Facility: Health Care Centrum Jirny

Hůrková, Iva January 2010 (has links)
The thesis contains a strategic analysis of company Centrum zdravotní péče Jirny. The work analyzes the internal enviroment and external enviroment, the knowledge obtained on the basis of recommaendations are made for possible improvement and selection of appropriate strategies.

Nástroj pro podporu volby optimální strategie firmy / A Tool for Support of an Optimal Strategy Choice of a Company

Adamec, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
The thesis considers theoretical bases for understanding the product, company, competition and strategies. The thesis compares material and immaterial products and examines the properties of information goods. The thesis considers regularities of strategic management and strategic concepts. The thesis examines analysis used in strategic management, analyses requirements for the system data and describes implemented analysis and their usage.

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