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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In vivo gene transfer into mobilized hematopoietic stem cells

Richter, Maximilian 27 September 2017 (has links)
Die Gentherapie hämatopoetischer Stammzellen (HSCs) besitzt das Potenzial, verschiedene erbliche, nur symptomatisch behandelbare, Erkrankungen dauerhaft zu heilen. Die Mehrheit der aktuell angewandten Verfahren dazu, basiert auf der Isolation von hämatopoetischen Stammzellen, der ex vivo Modifikation dieser Zellen durch retrovirale Vektoren und der Reinfusion der modifizierten Zellen in den immunsupprimierten Patienten. Dieser Ansatz ist mit einer Reihe von Nachteilen verbunden, unter anderem einem teilweisen Verlust des Rekonstitutionsvermögens der Stammzellen nach ex vivo Kultur oder der Gefahr der Transformation durch Integration des retroviralen Vektorgenoms. Darüber hinaus sind aktuelle Gentherapieansätze mit hohen Kosten und großem logistischem Aufwand verbunden, was den Zugang zu diesen Behandlungen für potentielle Patienten stark einschränkt. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt einen neuen Ansatz zur Gentherapie von HSCs, der auf der Mobilisierung von Stammzellen aus dem Knochenmark in den peripheren Blutstrom und der Transduktion dieser Stammzellen mit adenoviralen Vektoren basiert. Hierbei codieren die Vektoren sowohl ein Transgen als auch eine Integrationsmaschinerie. Der erste Teil der Arbeit belegt in einem humanen CD46-transgenen Mausmodell, dass adenovirale Vektoren der ersten Generation in der Lage sind, mobilisierte HSCs im Blut zu transduzieren und dass es den so transduzierten Stammzellen möglich ist, zurück ins Knochenmark zu migrieren und dort das Transgen zu exprimieren. Allerdings wurde im Verlauf von zwei Wochen ein Rückgang der Transgenexpression beobachtet. Um dies zu umgehen, wurde ein adenovirales Vektorsystem der dritten Generation genutzt, das eine hochaktive Sleeping Beauty Transposase, zum Zweck der Transgenintegration, codiert. Dieses System ermöglichte die stabile Genmodifikation mobilisierter hämatopoetischer Stammzellen nach intravenöser Injektion. Die Expression des Transgens konnte über längere Zeitspannen (bis 12 Wochen) beobachtet werden. Die modifizeirten Stammzellen waren darüber hinaus in der Lage, genmodifizierte Kolonien in vitro zu bilden und das hämatopoetische System letal bestrahlter Mäuse nach Knochenmarkstransplantation zu rekonstituieren. Es wurde somit gezeigt, dass HSCs nach in vivo Modifikation weiterhin funktional waren. / The gene therapy of hematopoietic stem cells holds the potential for curative treatment of several otherwise incurable inherited diseases. The majority of current gene therapy treatments relies on the collection of hematopoietic stem cells, their ex vivo modification with retroviral vectors and their transplantation into a myeloconditioned patient. This approach entails several disadvantages, including a reduction of stem cell engraftment potential after ex vivo culture and the potential danger of integrational mutagenesis. In addition, the high costs and complex logistics of this approach limit the access of patients to gene therapeutic regimens. This work explores an alternative approach to hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy, termed stem cell in vivo transduction. This approach is based on the mobilization of HSCs from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood and the transduction of the stem cells with adenoviral vectors delivering a transgene as well as a transgene integration machinery. In the first part of this work, it was shown that first-generation adenoviral vectors could be used for the transduction of mobilized HSCs in the periphery of human CD46-transgenic mice. Further, the transduced HSCs were able to home back to the bone marrow and express the transgene. However, over the course of 14 days, a loss of transgene expression in HSCs was observed. To ameliorate these shortcomings, helper-dependent adenoviral vectors encoding a hyperactive Sleeping Beauty transposase for transgene integration were used for stable gene modification of hematopoietic stem cells following intravenous vector administration in mobilized human CD46-transgenic mice. Using this improved vector platform, gene marking of bone marrow HSCs could be observed for extended periods of time (up to 12 weeks). Further, the functionality of the modified HSCs was demonstrated both in colony-forming progenitor assays as well as through the transplantation of gene-modified HSCs into lethally irradiated recipients. Transplantation of modified HSCsled to long-term multi-lineage reconstitution showing that gene-modified stem cells were fully functional. Subsequently the safety of systemic vector administration in mobilized hosts as well as of the Sleeping Beauty-mediated transgene integration was assessed in human CD46- transgenic mice. Lastly, the stem cell in vivo transduction approach was employed in NOG mice transplanted with human CD34+ cells, as well as in Macaca nemestrina non-human primates.

Klinische Studie und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur nicht-viralen Gentherapie solider Tumoren

Kobelt, Dennis 04 October 2012 (has links)
Krebs gehört zu den häufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Ein großer Hoffnungsträger für die Behandlung maligner Tumore ist die Gentherapie. Die nicht-virale Gentherapie gilt als sicherere Alternative zur viralen Gentherapie. Für den nicht viralen Gentransfer sind sowohl Vektor als auch Gentransfertechnologie von entscheidender Bedeutung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Gentransfereffizienz und Sicherheit der Jet-Injektion in einer klinischen Phase I Gentransferstudie mit Hilfe des Swiss-Injektors untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Technologie sicher klinisch angewendet werden kann, dass jedoch die Sicherheit der Vektoren und vor allem die Gentransfereffizienz weiter optimiert werden müssen. Ausgehend von diesen Ergebnissen wurden optimierte nicht-virale Vektoren (Minicircle, MIDGE) miteinander und mit ihren parentalen Plasmiden verglichen. Mit Hilfe des MIDGE Vektors konnte die höchste Transgenexpression aufgrund einer erhöhten Transkription erzielt werden. In Vorbereitung der klinischen Anwendung des MIDGE-Vektors wurde die Kombination von hTNF-alpha Gentransfer und Vindesin Chemotherapie untersucht. Auch hier zeigte der MIDGE-Vektor eine erhöhte in vitro Genexpression, die in vitro zu einer erhöhten Zytotoxizität von Vindesin aufgrund einer verstärkten Aktivierung der Apoptose führte. Auch in vivo konnte die verbesserte hTNF-alpha-Genexpression des MIDGE-Vektors nach Jet-Injektion gezeigt werden. Dies führte in Kombination mit Vindesin zu einem signifikant reduzierten Tumorwachstum. Durch Analyse der systemischen Vektorverteilung im Blut und in den Organen sowie in einer präklinischen toxikologischen Untersuchung konnte die sichere Anwendung des MIDGE-Vektors bestätigt werden. Abschließend wurden weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des MIDGE-Vektors für die stabile Genexpression und für die Verwendung in kombinierten Gentransferprotokollen untersucht. / Cancer is one leading causes of death worldwide. Gene therapy belongs to the promising options for treatment of malignant tumors. The non-viral gene therapy is known as safer alternative to the viral gene therapy. For non-viral gene transfer the vector and the transfer technology are of crucial importance. As part of this work a clinical trial was performed to assess efficiency and safety of the non-viral jet-injection. It was shown, that this technology can be used safely in a clinical setting. As a result of this clinical trial we concluded, that vector safety and especially efficiency need further improvements. Based on this optimized non-viral vectors (minicircle, MIDGE) were compared with each other and their respective parental plasmids. The MIDGE vector showed the highest transgene expression due to increased transcription. In preparation of a clinical trial the combined treatment of hTNF-alpha gene transfer and Vindesine chemotherapy was analyzed. Again, the MIDGE vector showed the highest transgene expression. This expression led to an increased cytotoxicity of Vindesine in vitro due to an elevated apoptosis signaling. Furthermore, these results could be assigned to an in vivo model. The increased hTNF-alpha expression after MIDGE vector jet-injection in combination with Vindesine led to a significant decrease in tumor growth. Detailed analysis of systemic vector distribution in the blood and organs as well as the preclinical toxicity evaluation showed the safety of the non-viral MIDGE vector. Initial experiments were performed to show further options for stable gene expression and combined gene transfer protocols using the MIDGE vector.

A new safeguard eliminates T cell receptor gene-modified auto-reactive T cells after adoptive therapy

Kieback, Elisa 23 October 2008 (has links)
Der adoptive Transfer von TZR-modifizierten T Zellen ist mit potentiellen Risiken verbunden. Autoimmunreaktionen können auftreten, wenn Tumor-assoziierte Antigene auf normalem Gewebe erkannt werden, Fehlpaarung der TZR-Ketten zur Bildung eines autoreaktiven Rezeptors führen oder ein sonst anerger auto-reaktiver endogener Rezeptor aktiviert wird. Auch besteht das Risiko der malignen Transformation der Zelle durch Insertionsmutagenese. Daher ist es notwendig, die transferierten T Zellen im Fall schwerer Nebenwirkungen eliminieren zu können. Derzeit verfügbare Sicherheitsmechanismen sind für die Therapie mit TZR-modifizierten T Zellen ungeeignet. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuer Sicherheitsansatz entwickelt, der auf einem TZR-intrinsischen Depletionsmechanismus beruht und TZR-veränderte T Zellen eliminieren kann. Durch Einfügen eines myc-tags in murine (OT-I, P14) und humane (gp100) TZRs konnten TZR-exprimierende T Zellen in vitro und in vivo mittels eines myc-spezifischen Antikörpers depletiert werden. Die T Zellen behielten vergleichbare Funktionalität hinsichtlich Antigenerkennung und Zytokinsekretion wie Zellen, die den Wild-Typ Rezeptor exprimierten. Die Depletion adoptiv transferierter T Zellen verhinderte lethalen Diabetes in einem Mausversuch. Im verwendeten Modell wurden Splenozyten, die einen myc-getagten OT-I TZR exprimierten, in RIP-mOVA Mäuse injiziert, welche in den Inselzellen des Pankreas das OT-I-spezifische Antigen Ovalbumin exprimieren. Zerstörung der Inselzellen durch die T-Zellen induzierte lethalen Diabetes in unbehandelten Mäusen. Tiere, denen ein myc-spezifischer Antikörper verabreicht wurde, zeigten keine Symptome. Dieser neuartige Sicherheitsmechanismus erlaubt es, adoptive T Zelltherapie abzubrechen, falls schwere Nebenwirkungen auftreten. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Strategien muss kein zusätzliches Sicherheitsgen eingebaut werden und die Sicherheit des Ansatzes wird durch Verlust oder Herunterregulierung des Transgens nicht beeinflusst. / Adoptive transfer of TCR gene-modified T lymphocytes into patients is associated with potential risk factors. First, auto-immunity may occur if a tumor-associated antigen is targeted on normal tissue, if TCR chain mispairing leads to the formation of an auto-reactive receptor or if an otherwise anergic endogenous receptor specific for an auto-antigen becomes activated. Second, retroviral integration could lead to malignant transformation of the T cell. Therefore, it is essential to have the possibility to deplete the transferred T cells in vivo in case of severe side effects. The available safety modalities comprise disadvantages rendering them less feasible for the application in therapy with TCR gene-modified T cells. In this study, a safeguard based on a TCR-intrinsic depletion mechanism has been developed that eliminates auto-reactive TCR-redirected T cells. By introducing a myc-tag into the murine (OT-I, P14) or human (gp100) TCRs it was possible to deplete TCR-expressing T cells in vitro and in vivo with a myc-specific antibody. The T cells maintained equal function compared to cells expressing the wild-type receptor as shown by antigen binding and cytokine secretion. Importantly, the in vivo depletion of adoptively transferred T cells prevented disease in an auto-immune mouse model. Here, splenocytes transduced with a myc-tagged OT-I TCR were injected into RIP-mOVA mice expressing the OT-I-specific antigen ovalbumin in the pancreatic beta-cells. Destruction of these cells by the adoptively transferred T cells led to severe diabetes in untreated mice. Animals receiving a myc-specific antibody after T cell transfer showed no increase in blood glucose levels. The developed safeguard allows termination of adoptive therapy in case of severe side-effects. The strategy is superior to previous ones as it relies on a TCR-intrinsic mechanism which does not require introduction of an additional gene and safety is not hampered by loss or low expression of the transgene.

Retroviral modifizierte, alloantigen-spezifische und vIL-10 transgene T-Lymphozyten als therapeutischer Ansatz im akuten Abstoßungsmodell

Brandt, Christine 11 July 2003 (has links)
In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten wurden T-Lymphozyten verstärkt als Zielzellen für genetische Modifikationen eingesetzt, mit der Absicht vererbbare oder erworbene Krankheiten zu behandeln. Vor kurzem konnte unsere Arbeitsgruppe zeigen, dass alloantigen-spezifische, genmodifizierte T-Lymphozyten ein enormes Potential besitzen, als Transport- Systeme für therapeutische Gene in allogene Transplantate zu dienen. Diese T-Lymphozyten migrieren und akkumulieren spezifisch in das allogene Transplantat, in welchem es zu einer lokalen und starken T-Zell aktivierungsabhängigen Expression des Transgens kommt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Potential von viralem IL-10 als therapeutisches Transgen untersucht. Dazu wurde zunächst in der gemischten Lymphozyten-Kultur (MLR) eine Lewis T-Zelllinie spezifisch für Ratten-DA Alloantigene generiert. Während der MLR wurden die Lymphozyten retroviral transduziert, so dass sie vIL-10 stabil exprimieren. Der Zytokin-Level der TvIL-10-Lymphozyten liegt 48h nach der T-Zellaktivierung zwischen 1-2ng/m. Die vIL-10 transgenen T-Lymphozyten zeigen einen CD4+CD25+ Phänotyp und sezernieren neben vIL-10 auch Ratten IL-10 und IFN-g aber kein IL-4, ähnlich wie T-regulatorische Zellen Typ 1 (Treg1). Zunächst wurden die vIL-10 transgenen T-Lymphozyten hinsichtlich ihres Potentials untersucht, die alloantigen-spezifische Immunantwort in vitro zu modulieren. Dazu wurden 5% vIL-10 transgener T-Lymphozyten zu einer MLR hinzugegeben. Zuvor wurden die naiven Lewis T-Lymphozyten mit einem Membranfarbstoff markiert, um die Proliferation und die Zytokin-Expression dieser Zellen zu untersuchen. Im Vergleich zu Kontroll-MLRs ohne transgene oder mit EGFP-transgenen Lymphozyten konnte eine signifikante Inhibierung der Proliferation als auch der INF-g Expression von naiven T-Lymphozyten detektiert werden. Trotz dieses großen Potentials in vitro, führte der adoptive Transfer der vIL-10 transgenen Zellen allein oder in Kombination mit Cyclosporin (0,5mg/kg/Tag) nicht zu einer Verlängerung der Transplantatüberlebenszeit im allogenen Herztransplantationsmodell. Diese Daten zeigen, dass die Überexpression von vIL-10 im Transplantat eines starken Abstoßungsmodells nicht zur Verlängerung der Transplantatüberlebenszeit führt. Außerdem kann das in vitro gezeigte regulatorische Potential dieser T-Zellen nicht zwangsläufig auf ihr in vivo Potential übertragen werden. / During last two decades T lymphocytes have become key targets for genetic modification in order to treat inherited or acquired human diseases. Recently, we demonstrated the capacity of allospecific gene-engineered T lymphocytes as a transport shuttle for therapeutic transgenes into allografts. These lymphocytes migrate and accumulate specifically in allografts where alloantigen-driven T cell activation strongly enhances local expression of the gene of interest. In this study, the influence of viral IL-10 as a therapeutic transgene was addressed. Lewis T cell lines specific for DA rat alloantigens were generated in a modified mixed lymphocyte reaction protocol (MLR). During MLR, lymphocytes were genetically modified to express vIL-10 using a retroviral gene expression system. The cytokine level in the supernatant of TvIL-10-lymphocytes varied between 1-2 ng/ml 48h after T-cell activation. Like T regulatory 1 (Treg1) cells, vIL-10 transgenic T lymphocytes express the phenotype CD4+25+ and secrete, in addition to vIL-10, rat IL-10 and IFN-g but no IL-4. First we evaluated the potential of vIL-10 transgenic T cell lines to modulate alloantigen-specific immune responses in vitro. Small numbers of TvIL-10-lymphocytes were added to MLR (less than 5%). Naive cells were stained with membrane dyes to trace proliferation and to analyze cytokine expression. In comparison to control MLR with no transgenic cells or equal numbers of TEGFP-lymphocytes, the proliferation as well as the production of IFN-g of naive responder cells were significantly diminished. Despite this regulatory capacity in vitro, the vIL-10 transgenic T lymphocytes were not able, either alone or in combination with suboptimal cyclosporine (0,5mg/kg/day), to prolong the survival of DA rat cardiac allografts in LEW recipients. These data demonstrate that intragraft IL-10 overexpression is not sufficient to prolong allograft survival in a high-responder strain combination and that the regulatory capacity of T cells in vitro does not predict their in vivo efficiency.

In vitro- und in vivo Untersuchungen für eine nicht-virale und Therapie-regulierbare Tumorgentherapie

Walther, Wolfgang 28 April 2004 (has links)
Die Gentherapie hat in den letzten Jahren wesentliche Entwicklungen im Vektordesign, der kontrollierte Expression sowie der Sicherheit ihrer Anwendung durchgemacht. Die Erkenntnis, dass die Tumorgentherapie allein nur in begrenztem Maße zum erhofften therapeutischen Benefit für den Patienten beitragen kann, führte zum Konzept der lokalen Gentherapie als Teil anderer, etablierter Tumortherapien. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die Gentherapie als eine moderne Option zur Steigerung der Effizienz von Chemotherapie, Strahlentherapie oder Hyperthermie verstanden. Zum Erreichen dieses Zieles ist die Etablierung Therapie-regulierbarer Vektorsysteme von besonderer Attraktivität. Im Rahmen der Strategie des lokalen Transfers therapeutischer Gene bietet inzwischen die Anwendung nicht-viraler Transfersysteme, wie z.B. in vivo-Elektrotransfer, Gene-Gun oder Jet-Injection eine klinisch applikable Technologie. Die Etablierung einer effizienten, auf der Jet-Injection basierenden nicht-viralen Transfertechnologie und die Analyse ihres Potentials für eine klinische Anwendung in einem multimodalen Therapiekonzept war ein wesentliches Ziel der Arbeit. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Jet-Injection in tierexperimentellen Tumormodellen zur effizienten Expression der Transgene führt, dass sowohl Eindringtiefen, als auch Verteilung der Jet-Injection optimal für einen effizienten Gentransfer sind und die Höhe der Genexpression mit etablierten Gentransfer-Technologien, wie z.B. der in vivo-Lipofektion, vergleichbar ist. Basierend auf der Strategie des Einsatzes der Gentherapie in Kombination mit anderen Therapien, bestand ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit in der Charakterisierung und Anwendung konditioneller Vektorsysteme, mit denen die Expression therapeutischer Gene durch Chemotherapie oder Hyperthermie kontrollierbar ist. Derartige Vektoren, in denen der humane Multidrug Resistenzgen 1- (mdr1) Promotor genutzt wurde, exprimierten vor allem Zytokingene, die die therapeutische Effizienz von Zytostatika oder der Hyperthermie verbessern. Die Zytostatika-und auch Hitze-Induzierbarkeit der mdr1-Promotor gesteuerten Genexpression konnte in verschiedenen Tumormodellen in vitro und in vivo erfolgreich demonstriert werden Diese Untersuchungen zeigten, dass eine Zytostatika-induzierte Gentherapie zu einer besseren Tumortherapie beiträgt. Die Kombinations-Experimente der konditionellen Gentherapie im Kontext einer Hyperthermie geben erste Hinweise, dass auch hier die therapeutische Effektivität in vitro und in vivo gesteigert werden kann. Im Rahmen des Konzepts der kombinierten Gen- und Chemotherapie von Tumoren ist in der Arbeit vor allem auf das chemosensitivierende Potential von Zytokinen gesetzt worden. Besonders für TNF-a, IL-2 sowie IFN-g konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Zytokine zu einer Modulation der Expression MDR-assoziierter Gene, wie dem mdr1, MVP/LRP und auch MRP1 in der Lage sind und dadurch zur Chemosensitivierung in verschiedenen Tumormodellen führt. Diese Befunde bildeten eine wichtige Rationale für den Einsatz von Zytokingenen im Rahmen der Tumorgentherapie zur Überwindung der MDR. Gentransferexperimente mit TNF-a- und IL-2-exprimierenden Vektoren konnten analog zur Applikation rekombinanter Zytokine die Modulation der Gene mdr1 und MVP/LRP zeigen, die mit der Erhöhung der Sensitivität gegenüber Zytostatika wie Vincristin oder Adriamycin assoziiert ist. / Gene therapy has made great achievements in vector design, controlled gene expression and in safety. The fact, that gene therapy as single therapy has only limited potential for the benefit in the therapy for cancer patients, has led to the concept of local gene therapy as part of other, established therapies. In this context, gene therapy serves as a modern option to improve the efficiency of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hyperthermia. To achieve this goal, the establishment of therapy-regulatable vectors is of particular attractiveness. For the concept of local transfer of therapeutic genes non-viral transfer systems, such as in vivo electrotransfer, gene gun or jet-injection represent clinically applicable transfer technologies. One major issue of this work was the establishment of an efficient, jet-injection based non-viral transfer technology and the analysis of its potential for clinical application in a concept of multimodal therapy. It has been shown in vivo, that efficient transgene expression can be achieved by jet-injection, that penetration and distribution of the transgene are optimal for an efficient gene transfer and that the level of gene expression is comparable to established gene transfer technologies, sch as in vivo lipofection. Based on the strategy of combination of gene therapy with other therapies, another goal of this work aimed at the characterization and utilization of conditional vector systems, by which expression of therapeutic genes is controllable by chemotherapy or hyperthermia. By such vectors, in which the human multidrug resistance gene 1 (mdr1) promoter was employed, cytokine genes were expressed, which are capable to improve the therapeutic efficacy of cytostatic drugs or of hyperthermia. The drug- and heat-inducibility of mdr1 promoter-driven gene expression has successfully been demonstrated in in vitro and n vivo tumor models. The studies have also shown, that drug-induced gene therapy leads to improved tumor treatment. Combination experiments of conditional gene therapy in the context with hyperthermia give first indication of an increased therapeutic efficiency in vitro and in vivo. For the concept of combined gene- and chemotherapy the chemosensitizing potential of cytokines was exploited. It has been shown, particularly for TNF-a, IL-2 and IFN-g, that these cytokines are capable to modulate the expression of MDR-associated genes, such as mdr1, MVP/LRP or MRP1 leading to chemosensitization in different tumor models. These observations represent an important rationale for the use of cytokine genes in gene therapy for MDR-overcoming. Gene transfer experiments with TNF- or IL-2 expressing vectors showed the modulation of mdr1 or MVP/LRP expression, associated with increased sensitivity towards cytostatic drugs, such as vincristine or adriamycin.

Cell transplantation and gene therapy approaches for the treatment of retinal degenerative disorders

Eberle, Dominic 09 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Photoreceptors are of prime importance for humans, since vision is one of the most important senses for us. In our daily life, where nearly every action is dependent on visual input, an impairment or a loss of eyesight leads to severe disability. With a non-syndromic prevalence of 1:4000, retinitis pigmentosa, a collective term for a group of inherited retinal eye diseases, represents, together with age-related macula degeneration, one of the main causes for visual impairment and blindness in industrialized countries. The dominant reason for vision loss is, in both cases, the irreversible loss of photoreceptor cells located in the outer nuclear layer of the retina. To date, no effective treatment is available to preserve or regain visual function in affected patients. Recent promising strategies for new retinal therapeutical approaches focus on one hand on the development of gene therapies, where an introduced wild-type allele compensates a mutated gene, and on the other hand on cell therapies, where stem or photoreceptor precursor cells (PPCs) are transplanted to the sub-retinal space to replace degenerated host photoreceptors. The current study is subdivided into three parts, addressing the issue of non-reversible photoreceptor cell loss due to retinal degenerative diseases by investigating in the first two parts new qualitative as well as quantitative approaches in the field of retinal cell therapy, while in the third part an ocular gene therapeutical approach targeting prominin-1, a gene involved in retinal degenerative disorders, was investigated. Briefly, this study shows in the first part, a significant enhancement of the integration rate of PPCs in wild-type host retinas, achieved by pre-transplantational sorting, using the recently discovered PPC - specific cell surface marker CD73. This sets another step further towards retinal cell therapy by increasing the effectiveness of such treatment. Next to this quantitative approach, it is also shown that the quality of transplanted photoreceptor precursor cells is comparable to native photoreceptors by demonstrating, that an indispensable prerequisite of every photoreceptor cell, the outer segment, is developed by transplanted PPCs after proper integration. Importantly, transplanted PPCs develop native outer segments even when not integrated in the host tissue but located in the sub-retinal space, as it is predominantly observed after transplantation into severely degenerated retinas. These results substantiate the feasibility of cell therapeutical treatment of severely degenerated retinas. At the end of this part, it is demonstrated, that outer segments are not formed properly by PPCs transplanted to the vitreal side of the retina. This suggests an influence of signaling molecules, presumably secreted by retinal pigment epithelial cells into the sub-retinal space, on transplanted PPC final differentiation. Since intensive research is done to differentiate stem cells into PPCs for cell therapeutical transplantation, these results may contribute significantly to this research by demonstrating, that factors secreted by the retinal pigment epithelium might play a crucial role for successful stem cell to PPC differentiation. The last part of my work investigates a gene therapeutical approach to cure inherited retinal degenerative diseases. One gene, where reported mutations cause retinal degeneration in humans is prominin-1, a protein expressed at cell membrane evaginations in a variety of cell types. Interestingly, the prominin-1 knock-out mouse is characterized exclusively by disorganized photoreceptor outer segment formation and progressive retinal degeneration. Successful delivery of a wild-type form of mouse prominin-1 using adeno-associated viral vector transfer, into the photoreceptors of prominin-1 - deficient mice is demonstrated. The divergent results show on one hand a rescue of the thickness of the photoreceptor outer nuclear layer on a short time period (3 weeks post treatment), and on the other hand long-term data (8-10 weeks post treatment) suggests histologically as well as functionally a negative effect on treated photoreceptors. This might be due to effects caused by an over-expression of prominin-1 and will be investigated in future studies. In conclusion, distinct and important investigations were made which contribute significant puzzle pieces to new cell- as well as gene therapeutical approaches for the treatment of retinal degenerative disorders.

Comparison of Platelet-Rich Plasma and VEGF-Transfected Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Vascularization and Bone Formation in a Critical-Size Bone Defect

Kasten, Philip, Beverungen, Mirjam, Lorenz, Helga, Wieland, Julia, Fehr, Michael, Geiger, Florian 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Both platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can promote regeneration. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of these two elements on bone formation and vascularization in combination with bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) in a critical-size bone defect in rabbits. The critical-size defects of the radius were filled with: (1) a calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) scaffold + phVEGF165-transfected BMSC (VEGF group), (2) CDHA and PRP, or (3) CDHA, autogenous BMSC, and PRP. As controls served: (4) the CDHA scaffold alone and (5) the CDHA scaffold and autogenous BMSC. The volume of new bone was measured by means of micro-CT scans, and vascularization was assessed in histology after 16 weeks. Bone formation was higher in the PRP + CDHA, BMSC + CDHA, and PRP + BMSC + CDHA groups than in the VEGF group (p < 0.05). VEGF transfection significantly promoted vascularization of the scaffolds in contrast to BMSC and PRP (p < 0.05), but was similar to the result of the CDHA + PRP + BMSC group. The results show that VEGF-transfected BMSC as well as the combination of PRP and BMSC improve vascularization, but bone healing was better with the combination of BMSC and PRP than with VEGF-transfected BMSC. Expression of VEGF in BMSC as a single growth factor does not seem to be as effective for bone formation as expanded BMSC alone or PRP which contains a mixture of growth factors. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Comparison of Platelet-Rich Plasma and VEGF-Transfected Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Vascularization and Bone Formation in a Critical-Size Bone Defect

Kasten, Philip, Beverungen, Mirjam, Lorenz, Helga, Wieland, Julia, Fehr, Michael, Geiger, Florian January 2012 (has links)
Both platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can promote regeneration. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of these two elements on bone formation and vascularization in combination with bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) in a critical-size bone defect in rabbits. The critical-size defects of the radius were filled with: (1) a calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) scaffold + phVEGF165-transfected BMSC (VEGF group), (2) CDHA and PRP, or (3) CDHA, autogenous BMSC, and PRP. As controls served: (4) the CDHA scaffold alone and (5) the CDHA scaffold and autogenous BMSC. The volume of new bone was measured by means of micro-CT scans, and vascularization was assessed in histology after 16 weeks. Bone formation was higher in the PRP + CDHA, BMSC + CDHA, and PRP + BMSC + CDHA groups than in the VEGF group (p < 0.05). VEGF transfection significantly promoted vascularization of the scaffolds in contrast to BMSC and PRP (p < 0.05), but was similar to the result of the CDHA + PRP + BMSC group. The results show that VEGF-transfected BMSC as well as the combination of PRP and BMSC improve vascularization, but bone healing was better with the combination of BMSC and PRP than with VEGF-transfected BMSC. Expression of VEGF in BMSC as a single growth factor does not seem to be as effective for bone formation as expanded BMSC alone or PRP which contains a mixture of growth factors. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Cell transplantation and gene therapy approaches for the treatment of retinal degenerative disorders

Eberle, Dominic 21 December 2012 (has links)
Photoreceptors are of prime importance for humans, since vision is one of the most important senses for us. In our daily life, where nearly every action is dependent on visual input, an impairment or a loss of eyesight leads to severe disability. With a non-syndromic prevalence of 1:4000, retinitis pigmentosa, a collective term for a group of inherited retinal eye diseases, represents, together with age-related macula degeneration, one of the main causes for visual impairment and blindness in industrialized countries. The dominant reason for vision loss is, in both cases, the irreversible loss of photoreceptor cells located in the outer nuclear layer of the retina. To date, no effective treatment is available to preserve or regain visual function in affected patients. Recent promising strategies for new retinal therapeutical approaches focus on one hand on the development of gene therapies, where an introduced wild-type allele compensates a mutated gene, and on the other hand on cell therapies, where stem or photoreceptor precursor cells (PPCs) are transplanted to the sub-retinal space to replace degenerated host photoreceptors. The current study is subdivided into three parts, addressing the issue of non-reversible photoreceptor cell loss due to retinal degenerative diseases by investigating in the first two parts new qualitative as well as quantitative approaches in the field of retinal cell therapy, while in the third part an ocular gene therapeutical approach targeting prominin-1, a gene involved in retinal degenerative disorders, was investigated. Briefly, this study shows in the first part, a significant enhancement of the integration rate of PPCs in wild-type host retinas, achieved by pre-transplantational sorting, using the recently discovered PPC - specific cell surface marker CD73. This sets another step further towards retinal cell therapy by increasing the effectiveness of such treatment. Next to this quantitative approach, it is also shown that the quality of transplanted photoreceptor precursor cells is comparable to native photoreceptors by demonstrating, that an indispensable prerequisite of every photoreceptor cell, the outer segment, is developed by transplanted PPCs after proper integration. Importantly, transplanted PPCs develop native outer segments even when not integrated in the host tissue but located in the sub-retinal space, as it is predominantly observed after transplantation into severely degenerated retinas. These results substantiate the feasibility of cell therapeutical treatment of severely degenerated retinas. At the end of this part, it is demonstrated, that outer segments are not formed properly by PPCs transplanted to the vitreal side of the retina. This suggests an influence of signaling molecules, presumably secreted by retinal pigment epithelial cells into the sub-retinal space, on transplanted PPC final differentiation. Since intensive research is done to differentiate stem cells into PPCs for cell therapeutical transplantation, these results may contribute significantly to this research by demonstrating, that factors secreted by the retinal pigment epithelium might play a crucial role for successful stem cell to PPC differentiation. The last part of my work investigates a gene therapeutical approach to cure inherited retinal degenerative diseases. One gene, where reported mutations cause retinal degeneration in humans is prominin-1, a protein expressed at cell membrane evaginations in a variety of cell types. Interestingly, the prominin-1 knock-out mouse is characterized exclusively by disorganized photoreceptor outer segment formation and progressive retinal degeneration. Successful delivery of a wild-type form of mouse prominin-1 using adeno-associated viral vector transfer, into the photoreceptors of prominin-1 - deficient mice is demonstrated. The divergent results show on one hand a rescue of the thickness of the photoreceptor outer nuclear layer on a short time period (3 weeks post treatment), and on the other hand long-term data (8-10 weeks post treatment) suggests histologically as well as functionally a negative effect on treated photoreceptors. This might be due to effects caused by an over-expression of prominin-1 and will be investigated in future studies. In conclusion, distinct and important investigations were made which contribute significant puzzle pieces to new cell- as well as gene therapeutical approaches for the treatment of retinal degenerative disorders.

Safety analysis of TCR gene-modified T cells

Reuß, Simone 10 April 2012 (has links)
T-Zellrezeptor (TZR)-Gentherapie zeigte erste Erfolge in klinischen Studien, jedoch wurden gleichzeitig Risikofaktoren deutlich. Ein Risikofaktor ist das falsche Paaren der transferierten TZR-Ketten mit den endogenen, was zu TZR-Molekülen von unbekannter Spezifität führt und die Oberflächenexpression und somit auch die Funktionalität des transgenen TZR reduziert. Dieser Aspekt wurde in generierten T-Zellklonen mit einer konstitutiven/endogenen TZR-Expression sowie einer zweiten induzierbaren/transgenen TZR-Expression untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass nach Induktion der transgenen TZR-Expression der endogene TZR seine Funktionalität verlor, obwohl er noch auf der Oberfläche detektierbar war. Als Ursachen wurden neben einer reduzierten Oberflächenexpression des endogenen TZR auch falsch gepaarte TZR-Moleküle, die mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer-Methode detektiert wurden, gefunden. Die Modifikation des TZR durch den Einbau einer zweiten Cystein-Brücke, was das Paaren der korrespondierenden TZR-Ketten stabilisieren soll, führte in den T-Zellklonen zu keiner Reduktion der falsch-paarenden TZR-Moleküle. In primären Wildtyp-T-Zellen verbesserte sich das richtige Paaren des transgenen TZR leicht und konnte durch Codon-Optimierung der TZR-Gene weiter verbessert werden. Der zweite untersuchte Risikofaktor ist die Insertionsmutagenese durch den retroviralen Vektor. Die sichere Verwendbarkeit von differenzierten T-Zellen für die TZR-Gentherapie wurde in einem Tiermodel mit wiederholter T-Zellstimulierung, um weitere Mutationen während der Zellteilung zu provozieren, analysiert. Im Laufe der Zeit reicherten sich die transferierten T-Zellen in den Tieren dramatisch an, aber entwickelten sich nicht zu T-Zelllymphomen. Die Proliferationskapazität und die Funktionalität der transferierten T-Zellen wurden bestätigt. Die Polyklonalität der TZR-gen-modifizierten T-Zellen wurde mit Hilfe der linear-amplifizierten Polymerasekettenreaktion nachgewiesen. / T cell receptor (TCR) gene therapy is a new therapy for cancer which showed first clinical success but at the same time risk factors evolved. One risk factor is the mispairing of the TCR chains with the endogenous TCR chains which leads to TCRs with unknown specificities and to a reduced expression and functionality of the transferred TCR. This aspect was analyzed in dual TCR T cell clones which had one constitutive/endogenous TCR expression as well as a second inducible/transgenic TCR expression. It could be shown that the endogenous TCR lost its functionality after induction of the transgenic TCR expression although it was still detectable on the cell surface. The reason was found in the lower surface expression level of the endogenous TCR as well as in mispaired TCR dimers detected by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) technique. Modification of the TCR by insertion of a second cysteine bridge which should stabilize the pairing of the corresponding TCR chains did not reduce the TCR mispairing in the T cell clones. In primary wild-type cells, the pairing of the transgenic TCR improved slightly and could be further improved by codon-optimization of the TCR genes. The second analyzed possible side effect of TCR gene therapy is the insertional mutagenesis by the retroviral vector. The safety of differentiated T cells for TCR gene therapy was analyzed in an animal model with a repetitive T cell stimulation to provide the opportunity for mutations to occur during cell division. Over time, transferred T cells increased dramatically in the recipient mice, but did not lead to T cell lymphomas. The proliferative capacity and the functionality of transferred T cells were confirmed. The polyclonality of the TCR gene-modified T cells could be confirmed by linear amplification-mediated polymerase-chain reaction.

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