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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema integrado de informações para preservação de recursos hídricos em unidades de conservação / Integrated information system for protecting water resources in protected areas.

Lucy Mary Soares Souza 10 June 2010 (has links)
The increasing demand of mankind by use of water quality and sufficient volume to meet their needs in their different uses, shows that water resources must be managed and preserved. A watershed is the physical unit that integrates the entire flow of water that makes up the hydrological cycle, but its use is being carried out in a disorderly way, without complying with the compliance of their characteristics and fragilities. Brazil has a very advanced legislation regarding the environment, especially related to water, and a growing awareness of the need to demarcate areas in order to safeguard the different ecosystems found in this vast territory. In Brazil, many of the areas selected to include environmental protection within its boundaries major resources stocks. However, deforestation and poor land use along these water resources may affect and jeopardize the supply and quality of water throughout their watersheds, affecting populations downstream. The purpose of this paper is to present an Integrated Information System, embodied in a Geographic Information System (GIS), which adds the elements required for management and conservation of water resources in protected areas. In the development of GIS will be used the new structure and Geographical Data Vector (EDGV) and the Geospatial Metadata Profile of Brazil (MGB), approved in 2008 by the National Cartography (Conc), aiming to standardize the structures spatial data, facilitating data sharing, interoperability and rationalization of resources among data producers and users of geospatial information. In the proposed system shows that the systematic organization into a Geographic Information System (GIS) of water resources and the various elements and factors about them impacting facilitates the analysis and subsequent management of water resources conservation units (CUs). Through these spatial analysis and comparative data were obtained as a result of the making of a final map containing an indication of inharmonious elements in the area. Indicated the best places to collect water in order to assess its quality and, eventually, we proposed a new limit for the conservation unit. The final map will serve as support for management to operate and monitor the areas according to their real possibilities and implement corrective measures and mitigation. Additionally, information based on the database associated with the GIS will enable the integration of various public and private entities that deal with specific issues, enabling interoperability and cooperation between them, as well as confirming that the use of Geotechnology is an appropriate option for the best management of the areas involved. The techniques and procedures used can be applied in the management of water resources from other areas. We used the União Biological Reserve - Rebio Union - located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, as a case study.

Determinação do índice de acessibilidade do município de Osasco/SP pelo uso de imagens de alta resolução espacial e SIG - uma proposta metodológica. / Valuation of accessibility index through high resolution satellite images and geaographic information systems - a methodological proposal.

Cláudia Aparecida Soares Machado 17 December 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo desenvolve uma metodologia que agrega os produtos do sensoriamento remoto, em especial imagens provenientes de satélites de alta resolução espacial, como é o caso do satélite IKONOS, com os recursos dos sistemas de informações geográficas - SIG, para planejamento de Engenharia de Transportes. O parâmetro considerado é a acessibilidade. As cidades brasileiras, notadamente as de grande e médio porte, a partir da segunda metade do século passado até os dias atuais, vêm passando por uma expansão urbana rápida, crescente e desordenada, devido à ausência do planejamento urbano. Em virtude disso ocorrem sérios problemas sociais e econômicos. As medidas de acessibilidade podem ser utilizadas pelo administrador público para promover um adequado planejamento urbano dos municípios, principalmente o planejamento da infraestrutura viária e dos sistemas de transporte público coletivo. O objetivo é apresentar um arcabouço metodológico que se vale dos produtos de sensoriamento remoto e análises em ambiente SIG, para a extração e obtenção dos dados necessários para a determinação do índice de acessibilidade do setor empresarial do município de Osasco, localizado na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. A partir de uma classificação baseada em objetos da imagem do município adquirida pelo sensor multiespectral do satélite IKONOS II, extraiu-se informações pertinentes quanto à localização das atividades comerciais e industriais do município, bem como sua posição em relação ao sistema viário da cidade. Os dados são convertidos e manipulados em um ambiente SIG. Após essa manipulação a medida de acessibilidade referente aos estabelecimentos comerciais e industriais de Osasco pode ser determinada. Tem-se, portanto, o índice de acessibilidade da atividade comercial e industrial do município. Índice esse, útil, por exemplo, para futuros investimentos e empreendimentos nesse setor para o município. A proposição desta metodologia se justifica, pois a detecção remota dos dados diminui o custo e o tempo despendidos em pesquisas de campo e atualizações de dados cadastrais. Desta forma, ela é uma alternativa interessante e bastante conveniente para localidades que não possuam dados em cadastro ou estes estão desatualizados. A validação desse método se verifica com o cálculo dessa mesma acessibilidade pelo método convencional, ou seja, com os dados do cadastro da Prefeitura do Município de Osasco, partindo da hipótese de que esses dados são corretos e confiáveis. Ao se comparar essas duas acessibilidades pode-se concluir sobre a aplicabilidade da metodologia proposta. Ao final, é possível verificar que a metodologia proposta pode ser aplicada, e é uma alternativa viável para localidades que não possuam dados cadastrais passíveis de serem usados para a determinação do índice de acessibilidade. / Considering the continuous urban growth, the lack of urban planning produces serious consequences whatever the subject. The accelerated and disordered urban sprawl faced by Brazilian cities since the 1950\'s has levered serious social and economic problems. In this context, the accessibility measures can be used as one of the several indicators to promote urban planning, mainly the highway network infrastructure and the public transportation system planning. This paper addresses a methodology for getting an accessibility index based on Remote Sensing and GIS technologies. Thus, objects of interest are detected from high resolution satellite images and then computed using GIS tools in order to refine the contextual classification process. Moreover, based on these objects as well as those based on the existing transportation road system, an accessibility index map is generated. Metrics of accessibility have been employed to validate the effective use of the proposed methodology for transportation planning. The accessibility measures are described and analyzed through a case of study in the city of Osasco, in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil. The proposed methodology consists in using the IKONOS II images to extract all the information needed to estimate accessibility. In order to do this, the first step is to do an object-based classification of the IKONOS II images. The goal of this classification is to find the commercials and industrial establishments located in the study area, and to extract the highway network of the city. These spatial data are analyzed within a GIS environment and an accessibility index is calculated using the parameters mined from the satellite images. This index is called Commercial and Industrial (C&I) accessibility, and it can be compared with C&I accessibility of other localities. The use of this methodology can be justified based on the fact that there are places with no recorded data or with outdated recorded data (highway network or C&I establishments). In this case, Remote Sensing Technologies can provide support for estimating the accessibility map index. Moreover, Remote Sensing can offer a significant reduction in cost and time for getting the database. The validation of this method is done by calculating the C&I accessibility index of the same study area through recorded data available in the Osasco municipality. These two accessibility index are compared, so it is possible to conclude about the efficiency of the proposed methodology. Therefore, the proposed methodology can be applied and it leads to satisfactory results.

Metodologia de geração dinâmica de padrões de viagens rodoviárias para monitoramentos inteligentes de veículos de carga em sistemas AVL. / Dynamic generation metodology of road travel patterns to vehicles intelligent monitoring in AVL systems.

Joana Nicolini Cunha 18 September 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação traz a questão da aderência de viagens de veículos em monitoramentos inteligentes com sistemas Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) que operam em rotas rodoviárias. Uma viagem é considerada como uma série de \"passadas\", que correspondem ao tempo em que o veículo está em movimento, mas excluindo os tempos gastos em paradas para atividades como carregamento/descarregamento entre outras. A partir de dados históricos coletados via Global Positioning System (GPS) pelo sistema AVL, uma metodologia de filtragem e aplicações estatísticas para geração das passadas é apresentada. Além disso, são propostos métodos para geração de padrões de viagem de referência, baseados em tempos de viagem e velocidades, desvios padrões, locais de descontinuidades entre outros parâmetros. A geração desses padrões em conjunto com procedimentos operacionais permite o monitoramento eficiente do progresso de viagens de frotas de veículos, para finalidades logísticas e de segurança. O progresso de um veículo ao longo de uma rota é analisado diante dos padrões de viagem de referência obtidos a partir de suas viagens prévias, de veículos similares na mesma rota ou de viagens em rotas de mesma classe, dependendo do que for mais adequado. A geração de padrões é um processo dinâmico que gera conhecimento sobre o veículo e comportamento da rodovia ao longo do tempo. Desenho do processo de monitoramento do progresso de viagem é apresentado, no qual, a cada nova coleta de dado GPS ou a cada instante solicitado pelo usuário, a aderência é medida, eventuais descontinuidades (saídas da rota, paradas ou mudança de sentido) são identificadas e avisos são gerados. Tal aderência é definida por índice de desempenho que considera os desvios de tempo em relação a valores de referência e respectivas tolerâncias. Para experimentação da metodologia, foi realizada simulação de viagem na rodovia BR116 na ligação São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro, sobre base com cerca de 130.000 registros de dados GPS associados. Com integração em Geographic Information System (GIS) para suporte de funcionalidades, foram gerados os padrões de viagem e simulado o processo de monitoramento com sucesso. / This dissertation addresses the question of vehicle travel adherence in intelligent monitoring with Automatic Transportation Location (AVL) operating in a regional environment. A trip is considered as series of runs, corresponding to time in movement but excluding time spent on activities such as loading/unloading and others. Based on historic data collected from AVL/GPS a statistical data filtering method to generate the runs is presented. Furthermore, statistical methods are proposed to generate travel patterns based on travel time, speed, standard deviation and other parameters. The pattern generation together with operational procedures allows effective monitoring of large fleets in logistics and safety. The progress of a vehicle along a route is evaluated face to the statistical patterns of its previous successful trips or against statistical patterns of similar vehicles on the same route, whichever appropriate. The generation of patterns is a dynamic continuous process that generates knowledge on vehicle and road behavior along time. A broad outline of the travel monitoring process is presented. Whenever the requested by user, the process calculates the travel adherence, identifies abnormalities and generates alarms. That adherence is defined by a performance index, which considers the travel time deviations from the reference values and the respective tolerances. Successful experimentation was carried out on the Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo motorway, with 130.000 Global Positioning System (GPS) positional data relayed from trucks to a Geographic Information System (GIS) based monitoring system in Brazil.

Estudo geoambiental de bacias hidrográficas utilizando o modelo PER no município de São Carlos (SP) / Geoenvironmental study of watershed using the PSR model in São Carlos (SP)

Fernanda Imada de Lima 07 October 2016 (has links)
Indicadores são ferramentas capazes de simplificar informações sobre fenômenos complexos e melhorar, com isso, o processo de comunicação. Também permitem o resumo de grande quantidade de informações relacionadas a um aspecto, auxiliando no diagnóstico e prognóstico ambiental. Alguns cuidados devem ser tomados na seleção e construção dos indicadores para que as medidas utilizadas sejam adequadas, pois influenciam a tomada de decisão. Indicadores inconsistentes fornecem informações imprecisas e enganosas sobre o que está sendo medido. Um dos propósitos desta ferramenta é auxiliar na implementação de mecanismos de proteção, recuperação e uso racional de recursos hídricos. As bacias hidrográficas têm sido usadas como uma das principais unidades de planejamento e gestão integrada por permitirem a visualização da dinâmica dos vários elementos dos meios físico e agentes naturais atrelados à ação humana. Além disso, são áreas expostas a impactos ambientais provenientes da urbanização, exploração intensa de recursos, uso e ocupação inadequados e emissão de efluentes nos cursos d\'água. Por esses motivos, o presente estudo visou abordar o uso de indicadores ambientais para o diagnóstico do potencial de degradação por erosão nas bacias hidrográficas do município de São Carlos – SP como suporte à gestão dos recursos hídricos municipais, possibilitando o melhor aproveitamento destas áreas com menor impacto ambiental possível. O modelo Pressão-Estado-Resposta (PER) foi escolhido para orientar a coleta, organizar as informações e ajudar na interpretação e comunicação dos resultados por ser um dos mais utilizado para divulgar estatísticas e indicadores ambientais. A análise de Agrupamentos e a Matriz de Vulnerabilidade foram os métodos empregados para integrar os indicadores e disponibilizar as informações às partes interessadas como suporte à tomada de decisão. Utilizou-se o Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) ArcGIS® como ferramenta computacional básica para ponderar e agregar os indicadores por meio dos métodos escolhidos e, posteriormente, gerar os mapas analíticos. A partir da análise de agrupamentos as bacias foram divididas em cinco grupos de acordo com a semelhança entre elas, evidenciando a diversidade de cenários relacionados à erosão no município de São Carlos. Já a matriz de vulnerabilidade categorizou as bacias em cinco classes de potencial de degradação por erosão que apontou o menor potencial nas bacias das Gabirobas e Mogi-Guaçu e o maior na bacia do Monjolinho. A diferença entre estes métodos consiste no modo de sintetizar a informação, porém, ambos convergem para auxiliar na elaboração de estratégias de gestão. / Indicators are tools that simplify information about complex phenomena and improve, therefore, the process of communication. They also allow to summary a lot of information related to one aspect, assisting in the environmental diagnosis and prognosis. Care should be taken in the selection and construction of indicators, as they influence the decisionmaking and therefore it is important that the measures used are appropriate. Inconsistent indicators provide inaccurate and misleading information about what is measured. A purpose of this tool is to assist in the implementation of water resources protection mechanisms, recovery and rational use. Watersheds are been used as major planning and integrated management units for allowing the visualization of the dynamics of the various physical elements and natural agents wattled to human action. In addition, these areas are exposed to environmental impacts from urbanization and intensive resource exploitation, inadequate use and occupation and effluents emissions into waterways. For these reasons, this study aimed to address the use of environmental indicators to diagnosis the erosion\'s degradation potencial in São Carlos\' (SP) river basins to support the local water resources management, enabling better use of these areas with less possible environmental impact. The Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model was chosen to guide the information collection and organization and help in the interpretation and communication of the results because it is one of the most used metodology to disseminate statistics and environmental indicators. The Cluster Analysis and Vulnerability Matrix were the methods employed to integrate the indicators and provide information for stakeholders to support decision making. The Geographic Information System (GIS) ArcGIS® was used as computational tool to weight and aggregate indicators through the chosen methods and subsequently generate analytical maps. From the cluster analysis the basins were divided into five groups according to the similarity between them, showing the diversity of scenarios related to erosion in São Carlos. The vulnerability matrix categorized the basins in five erosion degradation potencial classes that pointed out the basins of Gabirobas and Mogi-Guaçu as less potential and Monjolinho as higher. The difference between these two methods is the way to synthesize information, but both converge to assist in decision making and management strategies development.

Previsão de localização futura de veículos baseada em dados de AVL. / Future location prediction of vehicles based on data AVL.

Luciano Aparecido Barbosa 04 October 2010 (has links)
O crescente desenvolvimento de aplicações utilizadas por dispositivos móveis que fazem uso das tecnologias de posicionamento via satélite e comunicação móvel, juntamente com a popularização destes dispositivos, sejam eles celulares ou GPSs (Global Positioning System) automotivos reforçam ainda mais a necessidade de representação e o entendimento a cerca das entidades móveis retratadas nestes dispositivos e incentivam estudos que forneçam um significado maior do que a simples representação posicional destas entidades. Considera-se neste trabalho, que estas entidades móveis são veículos rastreados via satélite que fornecem sua posição espacial, determinada por um par de coordenadas geográficas (latitude e longitude), coletadas em intervalos de tempo regulares para sistemas AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) que são responsáveis pelo monitoramento do estado destes veículos. Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidas funções para a previsão da localização e geração de padrões dos veículos monitorados por sistemas AVL. Para tanto, as paradas efetuadas pelos veículos irão definir regiões comuns de parada ocorridas durante um intervalo de tempo passado e serão consideradas como um padrão de localização, enquanto que as trajetórias serão utilizadas para definir o padrão de movimentação. Os relacionamentos topológicos que estes padrões possuem irão definir por meio de condições espaciais/direcionais e temporais quais serão as regiões de paradas consideradas como prováveis destinos, a partir de outra região de parada, considerada como origem e, permitirão a geração de matrizes com valores de frequências relativas que consideram o número de visitas que uma região recebe a partir da outra. O que possibilita extrair valores de probabilidade condicional para cada destino provável. Portanto, a metodologia proposta e as funções desenvolvidas que foram validadas em experimentos, que utilizaram dados reais de rastreamento, fornecem uma camada inicial de inteligência aos sistemas AVL, que proporciona aos controladores destes sistemas utilizarem consultas preditivas, identificarem mais facilmente anomalias de comportamento, que possam evidenciar alguma ocorrência incomum na movimentação do veículo, além de aumentar a segurança dos veículos que possuem um dispositivo de rastreamento por meio da definição de padrões inerentes ao veículo. / The increasing development of applications used by mobile devices that make use of the technologies of satellite positioning and mobile communications, along with the popularity of these devices, whether cell phones or GPS\'s (Global Positioning System) automotive further reinforce the need for representation and understanding about the mobile entities represent in these devices and encourage studies that provide a greater meaning than the simple positional representation of these entities. It is considered in this work that these entities are tracked vehicles that provide satellite spatial position, determined by a pair of coordinates (latitude and longitude), collected at regular time intervals for systems AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) that are responsible for monitoring the state of these vehicles. In this work, functions have been developed to predict the location and pattern generation of vehicles monitored by AVL systems. Accordingly, these stops will define common regions of the stop occurred during a period of time past and will be considered as the pattern location, while the trajectories are used to define the pattern of movement of the vehicle. The topological relationships that have these patterns define conditions through spatial/directional and temporal, which are stops regions considered as probable destinations from another stop region, regarded as origin and allow the generation of matrices with values of frequencies on considering the number of visits that region receives from the other. What makes it possible to extract values of conditional probability for each likely destination. Therefore, the proposed methodology and functions developed that been validated in experiments using real data to tracking provide a initial layer of intelligence to the AVL system that gives drivers of these systems use predictive queries, more easily identify behavioral abnormalities that may show some unusual occurrence in moving the vehicle, in addition to increasing the safety of vehicles which have a tracking device by setting patterns relating to the vehicle.

A two-factor evaluation of bus delays based on GIS-T database and simulation

Zhang, Li, Ren, Xi January 2010 (has links)
During the urbanization process, vehicles quantity increase with expansion in population. Under this situation, bus transportation system also suffers from bus delay. Bus delay could be caused by a series of factors, for instance, overload passengers, traffic jam, traffic accident and other unpredictable situations. Therefore, choosing crucial elements to efficiently evaluate bus delay is a complex problem in bus delay researches and operation management. The thesis propose an approach to evaluate and explain bus delay by two elements: traffic congestion and passengers’ waiting time. Those two elements would represent the action of external and internal factors on bus operation. This approach could be adaptive to explain the reasons for bus delays, thus to help the optimization of bus lines and give useful information for decision making of transportation company. To achieve the research aim, a GIS-T database was created by combining the GIS database and TIS database. Spatial data as well as attribute data are combined in the database to represent the crucial information for bus delay. Based on GIS-T the database, the impact of traffic congestion and passengers’ waiting time was calculated using the bus line simulation. By implementing the above steps, the main cause of bus delay was studied. A case study application of this method is narrated; focusing on optimize the bus system of Guiyang city, South China. Different methods are used to find out the problem of system and the reason for delay. Moreover, optimization suggestion is proposed according to result. Compared with other methods, the two-factor method has the advantage of locating the reason of delay for each station. The time performance is not superior to other methods. By comparing the situation of adjacent station, the proportion of traffic congestion and overload passenger in bus delay was determined. The two-factor method is applicable for other transit system in different cities which has similar structure as Guiyang. However, for cities with other structure, a feasibility should be made to select an appropriate model.

Analyzing Spatial Patterns in Reefscape Ecology Via Remote Sensing, Benthic Habitat Mapping, and Morphometrics

Dunn, Shanna K. 04 December 2009 (has links)
A growing number of scientists are investigating applications of landscape ecology principles to marine studies, yet few coral reef scientists have examined spatial patterns across entire reefscapes with a holistic ecosystem-based view. This study was an effort to better understand reefscape ecology by quantitatively assessing spatial structures and habitat arrangements using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). Quantifying recurring patterns in reef systems has implications for improving the efficiency of mapping efforts and lowering costs associated with collecting field data and acquiring satellite imagery. If a representative example of a reef is mapped with high accuracy, the data derived from habitat configurations could be extrapolated over a larger region to aid management decisions and focus conservation efforts. The aim of this project was to measure repeating spatial patterns at multiple scales (10s m2 to 10s km2) and to explain the environmental mechanisms which have formed the observed patterns. Because power laws have been recognized in size-frequency distributions of reef habitat patches, this study further investigated whether the property exists for expansive reefs with diverse geologic histories. Intra- and inter-reef patch relationships were studied at three sites: Andavadoaka (Madagascar), Vieques (Puerto Rico), and Saipan (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands). In situ ecological information, including benthic species composition and abundance, as well as substrate type, was collected with georeferenced video transects. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) surveys were assembled into digital elevation models (DEMs), while vessel-based acoustic surveys were utilized to empirically tune bathymetry models where LiDAR data were unavailable. A GIS for each site was compiled by overlying groundtruth data, classifications, DEMs, and satellite images. Benthic cover classes were then digitized and analyzed based on a suite of metrics (e.g. patch complexity, principle axes ratio, and neighborhood transitions). Results from metric analyses were extremely comparable between sites suggesting that spatial prediction of habitat arrangements is very plausible. Further implications discussed include developing an automated habitat mapping technique and improving conservation planning and delimitation of marine protected areas.

Arrangements 2D pour la Cartographie de l’Espace Public et des Transports / 2D Arrangements for Public Space Mapping and Transportation

Yirci, Murat 15 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement facilité d'applications de cartographie et de transport, plus particulièrement sur la génération de réseaux piétonniers pour des applications telles que la navigation, le calcul d'itinéraires, l'analyse d'accessibilité et l'urbanisme. Afin d'atteindre ce but, nous proposons un modèle de données à deux couches qui cartographie l'espace public dans une hiérarchie d'objets géospatiaux sémantisés. A bas niveau, la géométrie 2D des objets géospatiaux est représentée par une partition planaire, modélisée par une structure topologique d'arrangement 2D. Cette représentation permet des traitements géométriques efficaces et efficients, ainsi qu'une maintenance et une validation aisée au fur et à mesure des éditions lorsque la géométrie ou la topologie d'un objet sont modifiées. A haut niveau, les aspects sémantiques et thématiques des objets géospatiaux sont modélisés et gérés. La hiérarchie entre ces objets est maintenue à travers un graphe dirigé acyclique dans lequel les feuilles correspondent à des primitives géométriques de l'arrangement 2D et les noeuds de plus haut niveau représentent les objets géospatiaux sémantiques plus ou moins aggrégés. Nous avons intégré le modèle de données proposé dans un framework SIG nommé StreetMaker en complément d'un ensemble d'algorithmes génériques et de capacités SIG basiques. Ce framework est alors assez riche pour générer automatiquement des graphes de réseau piétonnier. En effet, dans le cadre d'un projet d'analyse d'accessibilité, le flux de traitement proposé a permis de produire avec succès sur deux sites un graphe de réseau piétonnier à partir de données en entrées variées : des cartes vectorielles existantes, des données vectorielles créées semi-automatiquement et des objets vectoriels extraits d'un nuage de points lidar issu d'une acquisition de cartographie mobile.Alors que la modélisation 2D de la surface du sol est suffisante pour les applications SIG 2D, les applications SIG 3D nécessitent des modèles 3D de l'environnement. La modélisation 3D est un sujet très large mais, dans un premier pas vers cette modélisation 3D, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la modélisation semi-automatique d'objets de type cylindre généralisé (tels que les poteaux, les lampadaires, les troncs d'arbre, etc) à partir d'une seule image. Les méthodes et techniques développées sont présentées et discutées / This thesis addresses easy and effective development of mapping and transportation applications which especially focuses on the generation of pedestrian networks for applications like navigation, itinerary calculation, accessibility analysis and urban planning. In order to achieve this goal, we proposed a two layered data model which encodes the public space into a hierarchy of semantic geospatial objects. At the lower level, the 2D geometry of the geospatial objects are captured using a planar partition which is represented as a topological 2D arrangement. This representation of a planar partition allows efficient and effective geometry processing and easy maintenance and validation throughout the editions when the geometry or topology of an object is modified. At the upper layer, the semantic and thematic aspects of geospatial objects are modelled and managed. The hierarchy between these objects is maintained using a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in which the leaf nodes correspond to the geometric primitives of the 2D arrangement and the higher level nodes represent the aggregated semantic geospatial objects at different levels. We integrated the proposed data model into our GIS framework called StreetMaker together with a set of generic algorithms and basic GIS capabilities. This framework is then rich enough to generate pedestrian network graphs automatically. In fact, within an accessibility analysis project, the full proposed pipeline was successfully used on two sites to produce pedestrian network graphs from various types of input data: existing GIS vector maps, semi-automatically created vector data and vector objects extracted from Mobile Mapping lidar point clouds.While modelling 2D ground surfaces may be sufficient for 2D GIS applications, 3D GIS applications require 3D models of the environment. 3D modelling is a very broad topic but as a first step to such 3D models, we focused on the semi-automatic modelling of objects which can be modelled or approximated by generalized cylinders (such as poles, lampposts, tree trunks, etc.) from single images. The developed methods and techniques are presented and discussed

Návrh územního plánu pro obec Radešín / Design of district structure plan Radešín

Moučka, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Town and country planning is an activity which is trying to find and create the most suitable conditions for the use and spatial arrangement of the territory based on comprehensive knowledge of various disciplines and therefore we rank it among multidisciplinary disciplines. The result of efforts is to ensure the sustainable development of the territory which is frequently highlighted in connection with town and country planning. The diploma thesis solves the issue of town and country planning from the point of view of the Act on town and country planning and building code with focusing on its tools. One of the tools of town and country planning is the subject of the main part of the diploma thesis which deals with the specific design of the local zoning plan of the village Radešín.

GIS využití krajiny obce Jinačovice / Land use GIS of Jinačovice municipality

Kelblová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the development of the GIS in the Jinačovice municipality, particularly on the land use. The core data used for the research has been gathered by aerial photography since 1950. Other data sources include other types of maps, especially Cadastral map, ZABAGED data and statistical data. An analysis of the Land use has been carried out as well as additional analyses of the area. The research has been conducted specifically for the Jinačovice municipality.

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