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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Life cycle assessment of enhanced geothermal systems : from specific case studies to generic parameterized models / Analyse du cycle de vie des systèmes géothermiques stimulés : de l’étude de cas à la caractérisation de la filière

Lacirignola, Martino 26 April 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à étudier les impacts environnementaux d'une technologie émergente de production d’électricité basée sur une source renouvelable, les systèmes géothermiques stimulés (EGS), par l’analyse de leur cycle de vie (ACV).Après avoir analysé plusieurs études de cas, nous avons développé un modèle ACV paramétré capable de caractériser les performances environnementales de la filière EGS. Nos résultats montrent que les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des EGS sur leur cycle de vie sont bien inférieures à celles des centrales utilisant des combustibles fossiles.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons mis au point un cadre méthodologique pour appliquer l'analyse de sensibilité globale (GSA) à l’ACV des technologies émergentes comme les EGS, prenant en compte les incertitudes élevées liées à leur caractère innovant. Nous avons appliqué notre nouvelle approche GSA pour développer un modèle ACV simplifié, à destination des décideurs, permettant une estimation rapide des impacts des EGS à partir de seulement cinq paramètres clefs: capacité installée, profondeur de forage, nombre de puits, débit géothermal et durée de vie.L'approche méthodologique développée dans cette thèse est applicable à d'autres technologies et ouvre de larges perspectives de recherche dans le domaine de l'évaluation environnementale. / This thesis investigates the environmental impacts of an emerging renewable energy technology, the enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), using a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach.Following the analysis of several EGS case studies, we developed a parameterized LCA model able to provide a global overview of the life cycle impacts of the EGS technology. The greenhouse gas emissions of EGS are found comparable with other renewable energy systems and far better than those of power plants based on fossil fuels.In a second stage, we developed a methodological framework for the application of global sensitivity analysis (GSA) to the LCA of emerging technologies like the EGS, taking into account the high uncertainties related to their description. We applied our new GSA approach to generate a simplified LCA model, aimed at decision makers, allowing a rapid estimation of the life cycle impacts of EGS from only five key parameters: installed capacity, drilling depth, number of wells, flow rate and lifetime.The methodological approach developed in this thesis is applicable to other technologies and opens large research perspectives in the field of environmental assessment.

Caractéristiques géothermiques du réservoir gréseux du Buntsandstein d'Alsace / Geothermal characteristics of Buntsandstein sandstone reservoir of Alsace

Haffen, Sébastien 28 September 2012 (has links)
Le Buntsandstein, localisé dans le graben du Rhin supérieur, apparait comme une cible intéressante pour la géothermie, associant une formation argilo-gréseuse à l’anomalie thermique régionale. Cette étude vise à caractériser les propriétés pétrophysiques de ces grès ainsi que la fracturation les affectant, dans le but de fournir un modèle conceptuel de la formation qui servira de guide pour son exploitation futur. Les faciès sédimentaires sont composés par cinq faciès pétrographiques (grès propres, grès à enrobage argileux, grès à matrice argileuse, grès silicifiés et grès à ciment carbonaté), qui se répartissent dans des proportions variables et contrôlent une partie des propriétés pétrophysiques mesurées à l’échelle matricielle. La comparaison des données pétrophysiques, des données macroscopiques issues d’une analyse de gradients de température, des données de modélisation et de la fracturation permet de construire un modèle de circulation dans le réservoir. Ces analyses mettent en avant le rôle de la zone endommagée des zones de faille pour le transfert de fluides à grande échelle, mais aussi celui de deux faciès sédimentaires : les grès déposés dans un environnement de Playa Lake et fluvio-éolien. L’analyse de différents affleurements montre que la fracturation évolue en fonction de la situation dans la pile sédimentaire et en fonction de la situation par rapport aux accidents tectoniques majeures. / The Buntsandstein, located in the Upper Rhine Graben, appears to be an easy target forgeothermal exploitation, linking sandstone and clay with the regional thermal anomaly. This study aims at characterizing petrophysical characteristics of these sandstones as well as the fracturation affecting them, with the intention of providing a conceptual model of the formation which will act as guide for future exploitation. The sedimentary facies are composed by five petrographical facies (clean sandstones, sandstones with clayed coating, clay matrix sandstones, silicified sandstones and carbonated matrix sandstones) which split with variable proportions and control a part of petrophysical properties measured at matrix scale. The comparison between petrophysical data, macroscopic data from temperature gradient analysis, modelling data and fracturing, allows the building of a Buntsandstein Sandstones fluids circulation conceptual model. This analysis points the role of the damage zone of fault zones for fluids transfer at large scale, but also that of two sedimentary facies: marginal erg and Playa Lake. The analysis of different outcrops shows that the fracturation evolves according to the situation in the sedimentary pile and according to the situation in comparison with major tectonic accidents.

Strategy for the sustainable development of thermal springs : a case study for Sagole in Limpopo Province

Tshibalo, Azwindini Ernest 06 1900 (has links)
This research aims to investigate the diverse uses of thermal springs and to develop strategies to identify those most appropriate for Sagole with due regard given to the economic, social and environmental aspects. The aim specifically determines the optimum use of the Sagole thermal spring. The following potential uses for Sagole were identified, discussed and analysed in terms of the environmental, social and economic aspects: tourism, aquaculture and geothermal education. The potential cost and benefit of each were also analysed. According to the research finding, the establishment of a Geothermal Education Centre appears to be the most sustainable project with the highest Feasibility Index. It is followed by Health Tourism and then Aquaculture. / Environmental Sciences / D. Phil. (Environmental Management)

Energikartläggning av ett bostadshus från 2016 / Energy mapping of a dwelling house from 2016

El-Homsi, Patric, Fredrik, Bramstedt January 2018 (has links)
Byggnaden i undersökningen stod färdig i oktober 2016 och är belägen på Kvarnvägen 31 i Gemla. Syftet är att kartlägga energianvändningen och fastställa huruvida installation av solfångare är gynnsam. Målet är att kartlägga energiåtgången, redovisa förbättringsåtgärder och analysera de tekniska installationerna. Undersökningens metoder bestod av studiebesök, platsbesök, ritningsstudie och en okulärbesiktning med värmekamera. För att kartlägga och identifiera energiåtgången har modulering av klimatskal och installationer gjorts i VIP-Energy. Resultatet av energikartläggningen blev samma som den projekterade. Framtagen energideklaration gav byggnaden energiklass B. Att ha solfångare installerad visade sig vara teoretiskt energi- och kostnadseffektiv om de är kopplade enligt förslag. Det befintliga ventilationssystemet i byggnaden är teoretiskt fördelaktig för både avrostning och föruppvärmning. Förbättringsförslagen är att justera solfångarvinklen samt att koppla om värmetillförseln som erhålls av solfångarna. / The building in this survey was completed in October 2016 and is located at Kvarnvägen 31 in Gemla. The purpose of the study is to map the energy consumption and determine whether the installation of solar collectors is beneficial or not. The goal is to map the energy use in the building, report improvement measures and analyse the technical installations. The qualitative methods consisted of a study visit, site visits, review of drawings and an ocular survey of the building with a thermal camera. In order to calculate and analyse the building´s energy use, modelling of the building envelope components and technical installations were performed in VIP-Energy. The results of the energy survey shows that the calculated energy use for the building is similar to the projected energy use and the energy declaration places the building in energy class B. Many factors are of significant importance in optimizing solar collectors such as inclination angle, orientation and installation type. Having solar collectors installed proved to be beneficial both in terms of energy and cost if they are connected as proposed. HSB FTX is theoretically advantageous for both preheating of supply air and defrosting of the building's ventilation system. The enhancement proposals are to adjust the inclination angle of the solar collectors and to reconnect the heat input obtained from the solar collectors.

Evolution du refroidissement, de l'exhumation et de la topographie des arcs magmatiques actifs : exemple des North Cascades (USA) et de zone de faille Motagua (Guatemala) / Cooling, exhumation and topographic evolution in continental magmatic arcs : an integrated thermochronological and numerical modelling approach : example from North Cascades (U.S.A.) and the Motagua fault zone (Guatemala)

Simon-Labric, Thibaud 27 January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse cible l'étude de la structure thermique de la croûte supérieure (<10km) dans les arcs magmatiques continentaux, et son influence sur l'enregistrement thermochronologique de leur exhumation et de leur évolution topographique. Nous portons notre regard sur deux chaînes de montagne appartenant aux Cordillères Américaines : Les Cascades Nord (USA) et la zone de faille Motagua (Guatemala). L'approche utilisée est axée sur l'utilisation de la thermochronologie (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite et zircon, couplée avec la modélisation numérique de la structure thermique de la croûte. Nous mettons en évidence la variabilité à la fois spatiale et temporelle du gradient géothermique, et attirons l'attention du lecteur sur l'importance de prendre en compte la multitude des processus géologiques perturbant la structure thermique dans les chaînes de type cordillère, c'est à dire formées lors de la subduction océanique sous un continent. / This thesis focuses on the influence of the dynamic thermal structure of the upper crust (<10km) on the thermochronologic record of the exhumational and topographic history of magmatic continental arcs. Two mountain belts from the American Cordillera are studied: the North Cascades (USA) and the Motagua fault zone (Guatemala). I use a combined approach coupling apatite and zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology and thermo-kinematic numerical modelling. This study highlights the temporal and spatial variability of the geothermal gradient and the importance to take into account the different geological processes that perturb the thermal structure of Cordilleran-type mountain belts (i.e. mountain belts related to oceanic subduction underneath a continent).

Modélisation et caractérisation expérimentale du transport de chaleur en milieu fracturé / Modelling and experimental characterization of thermal transport in fractured media

La Bernardie, Jérôme de 06 December 2017 (has links)
Les milieux cristallins fracturés constituent un potentiel géothermique non négligeable. Il est essentiel d'améliorer son exploitation, pour la géothermie basse et haute énergie, afin de répondre au processus de transition énergétique. Pour cela, la compréhension des mécanismes de transport thermique dans les milieux fracturés est fondamentale. Le transport de chaleur est fortement influencé par l'hétérogénéité hydrodynamique des milieux fracturés et par la géométrie des fractures et des blocs matriciels. A travers des travaux basés sur des développements analytiques et numériques ainsi que des expériences sur site, l'objectif de cette thèse est ainsi de mieux évaluer l'impact de la géométrie des fractures, que ce soit à l'échelle d'un réseau de fractures, ou à l’échelle d’une fracture, sur le transport et le stockage d’énergie thermique dans les milieux cristallins fracturés. Des simulations numériques du transport de chaleur dans un réseau simple de fractures planes et bien connectées ont permis de caractériser l'impact de la géométrie du système de fractures sur le stockage thermique. Deux régimes sont mis en évidence. Tout d'abord, à court terme, la densité de fractures ou de chemins préférentiels, caractérisant la surface d'échange, contrôle l'échange thermique. Puis, à long terme, c'est le volume de roche total entre les fractures qui contrôle le stockage thermique. Ce modèle ne prend toutefois pas en compte la variabilité des ouvertures à l'échelle de la fracture qui est particulièrement présente dans les réseaux de fractures naturels. Des tests de traçage thermique et de soluté ont ainsi été réalisés pour caractériser le transport de chaleur dans un milieu fracturé sur le site de Ploemeur (SNO H+). Pour interpréter les traçages, les expressions analytiques du retard et de l'amplitude du pic de la courbe de restitution thermique ont été développées pour différentes géométries de fractures : fractures planes et chenaux. Ces expressions constituent un outil puissant et novateur pour caractériser la géométrie des fractures lors de tests de traçage thermique mais aussi pour prédire le déplacement du front thermique et la durée de vie des systèmes géothermiques à partir de tests de traçage de soluté. La comparaison de ces expressions avec les résultats expérimentaux permet de mettre en évidence l'importante chenalisation des flux, induisant l'arrivée anticipée du traceur thermique. / Fractured crystalline media has a significant geothermal potential. Its exploitation, for low and high enthalpy geothermal power generation, could be enhanced to satisfy the energy transition process. For this, understanding thermal transport processes in fractured media is fundamental. Heat transport is strongly influenced by hydrodynamics heterogeneity of fractured media and by fracture and matrix block geometry. Through analytical and numerical modelling and field site experiments, the aim of this thesis is thus to better assess the impact of fracture geometry on thermal transport and storage in fractured crystalline rock, at fracture and fracture network scale. Numerical simulations of heat transport in a simple network of well connected plane fractures allowed us to characterize the impact of the fracture system geometry on thermal storage. Two regimes are highlighted. First, at short term, the density of fractures, or preferential paths, controls heat exchanges. Then at long term, the total rock volume between the fractures controls thermal storage. This model does not take into account the aperture variability at fracture scale, which is particularly present in natural fracture networks. Thus, thermal and solute tracer tests have been achieved to characterize heat transport in a fractured media at Ploemeur field site (SNO H +). To interpret the tracer tests, analytical expressions of thermal breakthrough peak retardation and amplitude have been developed for different fracture geometries : parallel plate fractures and channels. Those expressions are a powerful and innovative tool to characterize fracture geometries from thermal tracer tests, and also to predict thermal front transit time and lifetime of geothermal systems from solute tracer tests. Confrontation of those expressions to experimental results shows that observed differences between thermal and solute breakthrough can be explained only by channeling flow inducing low thermal transit times.

Flow Paths in the Húsmúli Reinjection Zone, Iceland / Flödesvägar i Húsmúli-återinjektionszonen, Island

Tómasdóttir, Sigrún January 2018 (has links)
Reinjection of spent geothermal fluids has become common practise in geothermal power plants. Reinjection can, despite being mostly beneficial, have unwanted effects such as cooling of nearby production wells and injection-induced earthquakes. Tracer tests, along with their modeling and interpretation, are important tools for monitoring the flow paths of the injected water and to predict reservoir cooling. Knowledge of flow paths in the system allows for better resource management and a more sustainable utilization. A simulation model of the Húsmúli reinjection zone in the Hellisheiði Geothermal Power Plant in SW-Iceland was developed using the TOUGH2 program. Its hydrological parameters, porosity and permeability, were calibrated using results from an extensive tracer test carried out in the area in 2013-2015. The aim of the simulations was to obtain better understanding of the flow paths in Húsmúli since, despite fast tracer recovery in production wells in the area, hardly any cooling has been observed in those production wells. The results show that the tracer recovery can be modelled by means of permeable flow channels within the medium. Good results for tracer arrival and concentration peaks were obtained both by assuming a single wide channel and several narrower ones. The parameters that gave the best fit for the single channel model were permeability of 5·10-12 m2 and porosity ranging from 0.2%–3%. For the multi-channel model they were 1·10-12 m2 and 0.2%–3.5%, respectively. The high permeability and low porosity in the channels make for an abstract representation of fractured zones within the medium. Greater cooling was seen with the single-channel modelling approach than with the multiple narrower channel approach, the latter showing hardly any cooling in the production elements during the simulation time. This indicates that the flow paths are more likely multiple channels consisting of fracture networks. The simulations show that the flow paths are lengthened by sinking of the fluid to greater depth because of the higher density of the colder injected water. This implies that the injected fluid is warmed up by contact with a larger volume of rock, causing a limited and delayed cooling effect. / Geotermisk energi anses vara en förnybar och miljövänlig energikälla. Som sådan, kan den spela en viktig roll för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från energisektorn över hela världen och genom det bekämpa antropogena klimatförändringar. Geotermiska kraftverk extraherar het vätska från berggrunden, separerar ångan från vätskan och använder sedan ångan för att driva turbiner som genererar elektricitet. Injektion av använd geotermisk vätska från kraftverk har blivit vanligt i den geotermiska industrin för att kassera använd geotermisk vätska, upprätthålla systemtrycket och öka produktionseffektiviteten. Återinjektion av nedkyld vätska kan, trots att den är mestadels fördelaktig, ha oönskade effekter, såsom kylning av närliggande produktionsbrunnar och injektionsinducerad seismisk aktivitet. Spårprov, som möjliggör spårning av en kemikalie inom systemet, tillsammans med modellering, är viktiga verktyg för att förstå flödesvägarna för det injicerade vattnet samt att kunna förutsäga nedkylningar av vattenmagasin. Kunskap om flödesvägar i systemet möjliggör bättre resurshantering och ett mer hållbart användande. En simuleringsmodell av återinjektionszonen för det geotermiska kraftverket Hellisheiði på sydvästra Island, Húsmúli, utvecklades med hjälp av simuleringsprogrammet TOUGH2. Dess hydrologiska parametrar, permeabilitet och porositet, kalibrerades med hjälp av resultat från ett omfattande spårtest som utfördes i området 2013-2015. Syftet med simuleringarna var att få en bättre förståelse av flödesvägarna i Húsmúli. Detta er inressant eftersom trots en snabb återhämtning av spårämne i produktionsbrunnar, har knappt någon kylning observerats i området. Resultaten visar att återhämtningen av spårämnet inte kan modelleras med ett homogent medium, men kan istället modelleras genom att bygga permeabla strömningskanaler inom mediet. Goda resultat för spårämnesankomst och koncentrationstoppar erhölls både genom att använda en enda bred kanal och flera smalare. Kanalerna ger en abstrakt representation av sprickzoner inom mediet. Större kylning observerades för modelleringsmetoden med en enkel bred kanal än med flera smalare kanaler. Detta indikerar att flödesvägarna i området troligtvis går genom flera sprickzoner. Flödesvägarna förlängs genom att vätskan sjunker till ett större djup på grund av den högre densiteten hos det injicerade vattnet. Detta innebär att den injicerade vätskan värms upp genom kontakt med en större volym berg, vilket medför en begränsad och fördröjd kylningseffekt.

Etude du confort thermique dans l'habitat par des procédés géo-héliothermiques / Study of the thermal comfort in building by geo- solar thermal processes

Benzaama, Mohammed Hichem 14 May 2017 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre de la recherche des solutions d’économie d'énergie du bâtiment tout en utilisant des sources naturelles et renouvelables (Energie solaire pour le chauffage et la géothermie pour le rafraîchissement). Il est nul besoin de rappeler que l'Algérie dispose d'un potentiel énergétique hélio géothermique important. Dans ce travail de thèse on s'intéresse particulièrement à l'étude du confort thermique (hiver et été) dans l'habitat alimenté par un plancher hydraulique réversible. Pour mener à bien cette étude, nous disposons d'un gisement solaire important d'une part et d'autre part d'un dispositif expérimental à échelle réelle. Une pièce munie d'un plancher hydraulique réversible (chauffant ou rafraichissant) est instrumentée. Une citerne de stockage enfuie à quelques mètres de la surface du sol afin de bénéficier du rafraichissement géothermique. Un service d'asservissement permettant la régulation du système en fonctionnement mode chauffage ou mode rafraichissement. Plusieurs sondes de mesures reliées à une station d'acquisition qui est reliée à un ordinateur permettent le suivi des évolutions de températures. La modélisation de la structure de l'enveloppe de la cellule et l'évolution de la température de l'air intérieur et celle des parois sont réalisées sous le logiciel TRNSYS. A l'aide des résultats obtenus par TRNSYS, logiciel FLUENT nous a permis de modéliser la tache solaire et son influence sur le plancher chauffant sous les conditions climatiques de la ville d'Oran.Après validation, la simulation numérique est utilisée pour étudier le comportement thermique de la cellule, les performances énergétiques du plancher réversible et le calcul des économies d'énergie que l'on pourrait réaliser avec de tels systèmes. / This work is part of the search for energy saving solutions in the building industry while using natural and renewable sources, such as solar energy for heating and geothermal energy for refreshment. There is no need to recall that Algeria has a very large geothermal gravitational energy potential in view of its geographical position.In this thesis work, we are particularly interested in the study of thermal comfort in the case of a housing powered with a reversible hydraulic floor (heating and cooling).To carry out this study, as we can see Algeria have an important solar field and on the other hand we use an experimental system representing a real scale local. To do this, a room with a reversible hydraulic floor (heated or refreshing) is instrumented. A storage tank buried in the ground at few meters from the ground surface is used for thegeothermal refreshment during the warm periods. A service system allows us to regulate the system in heating or cooling mode. Several measuring probes used are connected to an acquisition station which is connected to a computer for monitoring of temperature évolutions.The modeling of the structure of the cell envelope is carried out under the TRNSYS software. With this, we have access to evolutions of the temperatures of the indoor air and to that of the walls. These results obtained by TRNSYS are used in a second step as input data for the FLUENT software. This allows us to model the solar spot and its influence on the heating floor under the climatic conditions of the city of Oran.After validation, numerical simulation is used to study the thermal behavior of the cell, the energy performance of the reversible floor and the calculation of the energy savings that could be achieved with such systems.

Estudo experimental da resposta térmica de fundações por estacas trocadoras de calor em solo não saturado / An experimental study of the thermal response of heat exchanger piles in unsaturated tropical soil

Luis Antonio Bandeira Neto 08 December 2015 (has links)
O estudo experimental apresentado nesta dissertação foi realizado para avaliar a resposta térmica de fundações por estacas trocadoras de calor, que podem ser usadas para reduzir o elevado consumo de energia em sistemas de condicionamento de ar no Brasil. A principal motivação para a produção deste trabalho foi a ausência de estudos sobre o desempenho térmico de estacas e/ou furos trocadores de calor em solo tropical, que é muito comum em nosso país. Para esta pesquisa, cinco ensaios de resposta térmica (TRT) foram realizados no Campo Experimental de Fundações da Universidade de São Paulo em São Carlos/SP, Brasil. A camada de solo superficial deste terreno consiste de solo tropical não saturado, composto de areia argilosa coluvial (laterítico) sobre um solo residual de arenito (saprolito). O ensaio in situ denominado TRT é o método experimental mais comum para a determinação das propriedades térmicas de sistemas de fundações por estacas trocadoras de calor. Os experimentos foram realizados em duas estacas escavadas, com 12 m de profundidade, equipadas com tubos trocadores de calor, instaladas em uma camada de solo com temperatura média em torno de 24°C. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a performance de estacas trocadoras de calor na condição de solo e clima investigados (alta temperatura do solo, solo laterítico não saturado com alta porosidade próximo a superfície). Também foram verificados os efeitos da posição do nível d\'água, da vazão da água circulante na estaca, e da duração do ensaio nas propriedades térmicas das estacas trocadora de calor avaliadas. Os resultados encontrados da taxa de troca de calor por metro de estaca neste estudo variam 79 a 110 W/m, portanto, estas estacas mostram bom potencial de transferência de calor no local investigado. Os resultados desse estudo fornece informações úteis para a avaliação da eficiência de estacas trocadoras de calor como um sistema de refrigeração em regiões tropicais e subtropicais brasileiras. / Brazil is the fifth largest buyer of air conditioner in the world because of its tropical and subtropical climate. To address this problem, the current experimental study was carried out to evaluate the thermal response of energy piles that can be used to reduce the high energy consumption in cooling systems in Brazil. The key factor that motivates this study is that unsaturated tropical soils cover a significant part of the Brazilian territory, and the thermal performance of heat exchanger piles in typical Brazilian soil and climate has not been investigated before. Five Thermal Response tests (TRT) were conducted for this research in the Geotechnical research field of the University of São Paulo at São Carlos/SP, Brazil, of unsaturated tropical soil, including a superficial layer composed of colluvial clayey sand (lateritic) overlaying in a residual sandstone soil (saprolitic). Thermal response tests are the most common experimental method for determining thermal properties of the energy foundation systems. The tests were performed on two drilled piles of 12m length equipped with heat transfer pipes, installed a soil layer with average temperature of 24°C. The main objective of this work was to obtain some data about the thermal energy delivery of energy piles in the soil and climate condition investigated herein (high ground temperature, unsaturated and tropical soil with high porosity). The effects of ground water table, flow rate, duration of test, and number of heat exchanger U-pipes on the thermal properties of the energy pile were also evaluated in this study. The thermal parameters obtained allowed a first evaluation about the thermal efficiency of the piles in the particular soil. The results of heat exchange rate found in this study vary from 79 to 110 W/m, therefore energy piles installed in the investigated site show good heat transfer potential. This study provides interesting information to the evaluation of heat exchange efficiency in energy foundations to be used as a cooling system in tropical and subtropical Brazilian regions.

Estudo de geotermia rasa na cidade de Humaitá-AM

Pimentel, Elizabeth Tavares 06 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T21:58:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elizabeth Tavares Pimentel.pdf: 1766165 bytes, checksum: 014e86903e1eaf04dbad226c2450a908 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-06 / From October 2007 to September 2008 a geothermal monitoring experiment was conducted at depths of 0.02 m, 0.5 m and 1.0 m to quantify the variations of temperature, thermal conductivity and the shallow geothermal heat flow at places with and without vegetation cover in the Humaitá city, Amazonas. The influence of the vegetation cover on the shallow geothermal system was observed in the sites studied. There were variations of monthly average values of temperature between the places with and without vegetation cover. During the "dry" period, this variation was up to 6.01ºC at the depth of 0.02 m, and 2.84ºC at the depth of 1.0 m. During the "rainy" period, however, the variation was up to 2.94ºC, at the depth of 0.02 m, and 2.51ºC at the depth of 1.0 m. The difference of the daily extreme values of temperature between sites with and without vegetation cover were 3.97ºC during the "rainy" period and 9.63ºC during the "dry" period, at the depth of 0.02 m. It was noticed that at 06:00 PM the magnitude of the temperature remained high compared to other times on the day studied. The values of the thermal conductivity were 0.54 W/mºC during the "dry" period, and 1.23 W/mºC during the "rainy" period. The values of the shallow geothermal flows at depths of 0.5 m and 1.0 m, were 2.51 W/m² and 0.64 W/m², respectively. These values are 10³ larger than the terrestrial heat flow in the region. The thermal variations at0.5 m to 1.0 m depth are influenced by external sources that reach the surface and cannot be neglected. The thermal variations recorded in this work are important and fundamental to better understanding the shallow geothermal structure in the southern, part of Amazonas state, and they also contribute as input to models that allow the mitigation or elimination of the effects caused by anthropogenic actions / No período de outubro de 2007 a setembro de 2008 foi realizado monitoramento geotermal, às profundidades de 0,02 m, 0,5 m e 1,0 m, em locais com e sem cobertura vegetal, na cidade de Humaitá (AM), a fim de quantificar as variações de temperatura, condutividade térmica e fluxo geotermal raso local. Constatou-se a influência da cobertura vegetal sobre o regime geotermal raso na região estudada. Houve variação dos valores médios mensais da temperatura nos locais cc e sc. No período "seco", esta variação foi de até 6,01ºC à profundidade de 0,02 m, e de 2,84ºC à profundidade de 1,0 m; já no período "chuvoso", a variação foi de até 2,94ºC a 0,02 m de profundidade e de 2,51ºC à profundidade de 1,0 m. Na profundidade de 0,02 m, a diferença entre os valores diários máximos, nos locais cc e sc, foi de 3,97ºC no período "chuvoso" e de 9,63ºC no período "seco". Às 18 h, as magnitudes da temperatura permaneceram elevadas em relação aos outros horários estudados. Os valores de condutividade térmica foram de 0,54 W/mºC no período "seco" e de 1,23 W/mºC no período "chuvoso". Os valores do fluxo geotermal raso, às profundidades de 0,5 m e 1,0 m, variaram até 2,51 W/m² e 0,64 W/m², respectivamente. Tais valores são da ordem de 10³ acima do valor do fluxo térmico terrestre profundo na região. As variações termais a 0,5 m e a 1,0 m de profundidade são influenciadas por fontes externas que atingem a superfície e não podem ser negligenciadas. As variações térmicas registradas neste trabalho são importantes e fundamentais para o melhor conhecimento da estrutura geotermal rasa na cidade de Humaitá (AM), como também, contribuem para a elaboração de modelos que possibilitem mitigar ou eliminar os efeitos causados por ações antrópicas

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