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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En analys av De Geer-moräners bildningsmiljö med hjälp av LiDAR-bilder / An analysis of the De Geer-moraines formation environment based on LiDAR mapping

Pusterli, Christopher January 2017 (has links)
Gerard De Geer was the first one to identify De Geer-moraines, and has since then been mapped by many other studies around the world.  The focus of this study was to examine the environment the ridges form in, regarding the water depth during creation, the importance of topography and the melting rate of the ice. Using airborne Light Detection and Ranging  (LiDAR) data, De Geer- moraines were mapped around eastern Norrbotten county, including Piteå, Boden and Luleå. A total of 14 651 De Geer-moraines were identified over the selected area. Six parameters were analysed during this study; length, orientation, steepness, distance between ridges, current ground level and depth below highest shoreline. In some areas, ridges showed a high, local steepness, while other study sites showed ridges with a varied interconnected form, from straight, to convex and concave. Prominent De Geer-moraines had been identified, where the mean distance between the ridges was calculated to 345 m. Furthermore, other glacial formations (drumlins, flutings, rogen moraines and eskers) showed a relationship to De Geer-moraines, either with a similar angle or a perpendicular relation. A great water depth showed a significant role in the creation of the ridges, with 75% of the identified De Geer-moraines formed in a water depth greater than 150 m. De Geer- moraines found on topographic lows tend to have an interconnected concave form, while over or close to elevated areas; they’re slightly convex. The mean distance between prominent ridges showed a connection to the average retreat rate of the last ice, which suggests that prominent ridges had been formed annually.

Jämförelse av olika GNSS-mottagare : Mätnoggrannhet i plan och höjd vid användande av nätverks-RTK / Comparing GNSS Receivers : Horizontal and Vertical Accuracy using Network RTK

Larsson, Andreas, Söder, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka och jämföra mätnoggrannheten vid NRTK-mätningar hos tre olika GNSS-mottagare i olika prisklass. GNSS-mottagarna som användes är SatLab 300, Leica Viva GS15 och Trimble R10. Studien delades in i två olika mätserier. I mätserie 1 utfördes mätningar på olika avstånd från närmaste fysiska SWEPOS-station (Klass A) för att undersöka skillnader i mätresultat från de olika GNSS-mottagarna. Mätningar i mätserie 1 utfördes i olika områden på avstånd mellan 3 och 4 km (Skåre/Råtorp), 6 och 7 km (Våxnäs/Kronoparken), samt 17 och 20 km (Vålberg/Älvenäs) från närmaste fysiska SWEPOS-station (Klass A). I mätserie 1 användes fem av Karlstads kommuns polygonpunkter och fyra höjdfixar, några med fri sikt och några med delvis skymd sikt söderut pga. träd och/eller byggnader. När inga väsentliga skillnader i resultaten från mätserie 1 med avseende på olika avstånd till SWEPOS-stationen gick att fastställa, utfördes mätserie 2 på färre antal stompunkter belägna i Våxnäs och Kronoparken. Två polygonpunkter och två höjdfixar användes. Mätningarna genomfördes under tio till tjugo minuter vid varje mättillfälle. I mätserie 1 jämfördes SatLab 300 och Leica Viva GS15 mot stompunkterna, och vid mätserie 2 jämfördes SatLab 300, Leica Viva GS15 och Trimble R10 mot stompunkterna. I mätserie 1 mättes snabbpunkter med medelvärdesbildning av 25 epoker in vid varje mättillfälle. Detta upprepades under två återbesök olika dagar. I mätserie 2 mättes snabbpunkter med medelvärdesbildning av cirka 100 epoker in vid varje mättillfälle, vilket upprepades med två återbesök samma dag. Resultaten visar små skillnader i mätkvalitet för de olika GNSS-mottagarna vid mätning med NRTK. Trimble R10 presterar dock oftare ett marginellt bättre resultat i radiell avvikelse jämfört med de övriga GNSS-mottagarna, och marginellt bättre RMS-värden. På platser med svåra mätförhållanden har Leica Viva GS15 svårt att erhålla och hålla kvar fixlösning jämfört med de övriga GNSS-mottagarna, medan SatLab 300 istället erhåller fixlösning mycket lätt under dessa mätförhållanden. Trimble R10 arbetar inte med fixlösning på normalt vis, utan istället presenteras en noggrannhet kontinuerligt. / The objective of this paper was to test and compare three different GNSS-receivers’ accuracy, using NRTK. The instrument brands and models in the test were SatLab 300, Leica Viva GS15 and Trimble R10. The test was divided into two measurement series. Measurement series 1 was carried out in different areas with distances of 3-4 km (Skåre/Råtorp), 6-7 km (Våxnäs/Kronoparken), and 17-20 km (Vålberg/Älvenäs), respectively, from the closest physical SWEPOS-station (Class A). A total of nine control points in Karlstad municipality were used in measurement series 1, some with a total free line of sight southwards, and others partly obscured by buildings or trees.  The results of measurement series 1 shows no significant differences between the tested GNSS- receiver’s results regarding to different distances to the SWEPOS-station (Class A). Measurement series 2 focused on measurements was carried out in a more accurate way, at a smaller number of control points located in the Våxnäs and Kronoparken areas. The control points were measured during a period of 10 to 20 minutes at each control point. In measurement series 1 the SatLab 300 and the Leica Viva GS15 with known coordinates at the chosen control points was compared. In measurement series 2 the SatLab 300, the Leica Viva GS15 and the Trimble R10 with known coordinates at the chosen control points were compared. In measurement series 1 fast measurement (1 époque), and an average of 25 époques were measured at every control point, with two return visits, both at different dates. In measurement series 2, fast measurement (1 époque), and an average of 100 époques were measured at every control point, with two return visits at the same date. The overall results show no significant differences in accuracy of measurements using the different receiver’s in NRTK-mode. The Trimble R10 results, however shows slightly more accurate results when comparing radial deviation, and slightly better values when comparing RMS, relative to the other GNSS receivers. At control points with an obscured sight of view, the Leica Viva GS15 has difficulties obtaining a fixed solution, and flickers between a fixed and a float state. At those conditions, the SatLab 300 has no problem with obtaining a fixed solution, whereas the Trimble R10 instead works in a different way, continuously presenting the quality of the positioning.

Windy Business: Exploring a Local Wind Power Project in Germany

Kimm, Dennis January 2017 (has links)
The need for a sustainable energy supply is widely recognized, as formulated under goal 7 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, on the local level problems may arise with the implementation of renewable energy systems, such as wind power. Issues around visual intrusion of the landscape, noise and shadow flicker, and concerns over wildlife protections are often in the heart of local resistance to wind power projects. The aim of this thesis is to closely examine the developments for wind power in the city of Euskirchen in Germany, including the planning and decision making processes, with regards to milestones and obstacles encountered over the last two decades. The analysis applies the methodology of a qualitative case study. Furthermore, views and opinions of involved and affected parties are collected through semi-structured interviews, and analysed through the lenses of social acceptance and public participation. Finally, from the examination of the planning and decision making processes and the discovered local attitudes towards wind energy, recommendations will be formulated to guide future wind power developments in the region.

Emergy of an Urban Food Production System: a Case Study of Urban Agriculture in Detroit, Michigan

Maassen, Jacinda January 2017 (has links)
The ability to sustain present needs while ensuring the needs of future generations is a surmounting challenge. One pressing challenge is that of meeting the current and future demand for food. In addition, with higher environmental impacts, cities as densely inhabited regions with limited space are increasingly important centers of attention. Accordingly, this study analyzes the sustainability and renewability of urban agriculture and its ability to contribute to an urban food system using a Detroit urban farm as an example of an urban food production system. Using a participatory approach for data collection and emergy synthesis to evaluate the urban farm’s performance, the results show that food production is largely based on organic methods. When examining the farms potential of sustaining Detroiters’ vegetable and fruit consumption, the results suggest that the current vegetable demand could be met if farms similar to the one analyzed in this study are increased. However, with lower quantities of fruit produced, the results indicate that it is not likely to meet the current fruit demand without changes in production. Yet, based on the emergy synthesis, the urban farm is not sustainable due to its large reliance on imported resources. Therefore, three alternative scenarios are developed where the initial study is scenario one. Scenario two includes the resources needed to support chickens and egg production, which reveals it is less sustainable than the initial system or scenario one (no chicken inputs). The other additional two scenarios, scenarios three and four, expand the system boundaries past that of the urban farm by including the renewable fraction of imported inputs and by hypothetically expanding the window of attention to the city scale, respectively. The third scenario slightly increases the renewability and sustainability. Yet hypothetically examining the system from the city scale in scenario four, the results show that a quarter of the resources inputs are renewable. However, for the sustainable development of future urban food systems, emergy suggests that more of these resources need to be local renewable resource inputs. To improve the viability of urban agriculture as an alternative and more sustainable food system, it is suggested that more feedbacks and storages need to be generated within the urban farm system as well as expanded to produce food for the city’s inhabitants.

Phosphorus speciation across elevation and vegetation in soils of the subarctic tundra : A solution 31P NMR approach

Krohn, Johannes January 2017 (has links)
In tundra, phosphorus (P) is an important macronutrient for plants and microorganisms. A major fraction of P exists as organic compounds in the topsoil which can be mineralized to bioavailable inorganic P. Since mineralization is positively related to temperature, climate warming is likely to increase P bioavailability but the extend of these changes may also depend on vegetation cover and soil properties. I assessed organic and inorganic P concentrations across an elevation and vegetation gradient in northern Sweden using one dimensional (1D) solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. I hypothesized that concentration of labile soil P will decrease with increasing elevation (decreasing temperature) and that soils with meadow vegetation will contain higher concentrations of labile P than heath soils. Concentration of labile P in the form of Resin-P and polyphosphates decreased with elevation whereas less labile orthophosphate monoesters increased. Across vegetation types, polyphosphates were more abundant in heath and meadow contained higher concentrations of monoesters. The inverse response of Resin-P and monoesters to elevation may be best explained by lowered organic P mineralization in colder climate. High concentrations of polyphosphates at the lowest elevation may indicate an increased presence of fungal communities associated with mountain birch forest. Heath seemed to be more dominated by fungal communities than meadow and higher concentration of monoesters in meadow indicated a higher soil sorption capacity. In a broader view, the results may suggest that a warmer climate increases mineralization of organic P in form of orthophosphate monoesters to more labile P forms. This effect might be enhanced by an upward movement of the tree line and might be more pronounced in heath than meadow soils due to a higher fungal activity.

Metal Fractionation in Snowmelt Runoff : A Comparison between Ultrafiltration and Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) techniques

Lindfors, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
Urban runoff is a non-point pollution source deteriorating water quality of natural watersystems. The composition of urban runoff vary depending on land use, seasonal changes anddifferent surfaces that come into contact with the water. Urban runoff often contain metals andAl, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn are of particular concern for the environment due to theirpotential toxicity. Metals in runoff can be present in different phases, associated with particles,colloids of different sizes or dissolved in the free phase. The different phases vary in size butalso overlap each other. Information about metal phases and species in runoff is essential tounderstanding metal transport and design runoff treatment systems.Membrane filtration followed by ultrafiltration is an established technique to distinguish theparticulate, colloidal and truly dissolved fractions. However, the “truly dissolved” fraction mayconstitute of the free phase, colloidal phase or both of them since the technique onlydiscriminates by size. Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) is a relatively new technique thatmeasures the labile fraction, sometimes referred to as the most bioavailable fraction. The labilefraction includes free metal ions and small complexes available to diffuse through a diffusivelayer under a reasonable period of time. Kinetically inert species are discriminated.The scope of this thesis was to investigate metal fractionation in snowmelt runoff from differenturban surfaces using two techniques, ultrafiltration and DGT. An additional aim was to studythe speciation described by the two techniques in the different types of runoff. Two types ofrunoff were sampled to conduct measurements on. Runoff from well-defined catchments (anindustrial area and a parking lot) and roof runoff from two roofing materials (zinc and coppersheet). In total, four runoff samples were membrane filtrated (pore size 0.45 μm) followed byeither ultrafiltration (delimiting 3 kNMWL) or DGT measurements in the laboratory. Analysisof metals was conducted in all steps and pH, electric conductivity, total suspended solids andtotal organic carbon was measured in the untreated samples.The results show that metal concentrations were generally higher in the catchment runoffcompared to the roof runoff with few exceptions, Cu and Pb from copper roof and Zn from zincroof. Regarding fractionation, the two types of runoff showed similarities when it came tometals mainly bound to particles. The metals that were abundant in several phases showeddifferent fractionations between the catchment runoff and the roof runoff. The metals releasedin roof runoff was to a higher extent found as free ions compared with the catchment runoff. Adiscussion was held about the different metal fractions and treatment possibilities. Comparingthe two techniques, the DGT measurements could be used to further interpret the results fromthe ultrafiltration regarding the colloidal and free phase. / Dagvatten är en diffus föroreningskälla som försämrar vattenkvalitén hos naturliga vattendrag.Samansättningen av föroreningar i dagvatten kan variera beroende på markanvändning,årstidsvariationer och de olika ytor som dagvattnet kommer i kontakt med. Dagvatten innehållerofta metaller och Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb och Zn kan vara toxiska för miljön i högakoncentrationer. Metaller i dagvatten kan förekomma i olika faser beroende på om de är bundnamed partiklar, kolloider av olika storlek eller om de är i löst fas. De olika faserna varierar istorlek men överlappar även varandra något. Kunskap om de olika faserna är viktigt förförståelsen om metallernas transportmekanismer och för att kunna designa eller förbättrareningssystem.Membranfiltrering följt av ultrafiltrering är en etablerad teknik för att särskilja partikulärtmaterial, kolloider och den sanna lösta fraktionen. Dock så kan den ”sanna lösta” fraktioneninnehålla antingen den kolloidala fasen, lösta fasen eller båda två eftersom tekniken baseras påstorleksfördelning. DGT (på engelska diffusive gradients in thin films) är en relativt ny tekniksom mäter den labila fraktionen som ibland benämns som den mest biotillgängliga fraktionen.Den labila fraktionen inkluderar fria metalljoner men även små komplex som kan diffunderagenom en diffusionsgel under en rimlig tidsperiod. Species som är kinetisk inerta kommer intemätas.Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka metallfraktionering i snösmälts-avrinning från olikaurbana ytor genom att använda två tekniker, ultrafiltrering och DGT. Ett delmål var även attgranska de species som beskrevs av de två teknikerna i de olika typerna av dagvatten. Två olikaslags dagvatten samlades in och undersöktes. Dagvatten från väldefinierade avrinningsområden(ett industriområde och en parkeringsplats) och takavrinning från två takmaterial (zink- ochkopparplåtar). Totalt fyra dagvattenprover genomgick membranfiltrering (porstorlek 0,45 μm)följt av antingen ultrafiltrering (avgränsning 3 kNMWL) eller DGT mätningar i laboratoriet.Metallanalyser genomfördes i alla steg och pH, konduktivitet, suspenderade partiklar ochorganiskt kol mättes på det obehandlade proverna.Resultaten visade att de uppmätta metallkoncentrationerna var generellt högre i takavrinningenjämfört med dagvattnet från de hela avrinningsområdena. Dock med några undantag, Cu ochPb från koppartak och Zn från zinktak. När det kom till fraktionering fanns det likheter mellanavrinning från hela områden och från taken beträffande de metaller som till största del varbundna till partiklar. Däremot var det skillnad mellan de olika avrinningstyperna gällandefraktionering av metallerna som förekom i flera av faserna. I takavrinningen fanns det i störreutsträckning metaller som fria joner jämfört med avrinningsområdena. En slutsats var att DGTmätningarna kunde användas till att tolka resultaten från ultrafiltreringen när det gälldekolloidala och fria faserna.

Illegal export av elektronikavfall : En studie om hur Sveriges kommuner arbetar förebyggande

Melander, Charlotte, Boman, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Electronic waste is probably the fastest growing waste in the world today and therefore it is necessary that we have a functional recycling. All human activity generates waste and it is important that this is taken care of and processed in the best way possible. Due to economic reasons electronic waste is transported illegally to developing countries where metals from the products are recycled in a way that is harmful to the environment and to the people working with it, because electronic waste contain many dangerous substances such as brominated flame retardants, PCB and heavy metals. The purpose with this essay is to examine how the Swedish counties practice supervision to prevent illegal export of electronic waste at present, and how it can be more effective. To achieve this we did a survey amongst the 100 largest Swedish counties and also a conducted study. The results indicate that the counties practice supervision in different sites, for example at the recycling centers, for the most part by visiting them and checking their waste management and documentation. It is possible to conduct supervision more efficiently by additional unannounced visits, extended cooperation with other authorities and a clearer legislation. This requires more resources.

Risk assessment: to surface water in Kallerstadsdiket and Stångån near the closed Kallerstad landfill, Linköping.

Karpestam, Einat January 2017 (has links)
Kallerstaddeponin användes aktivt för deponering av avfall mellan 1950 och 1973. Nedlagda deponier bör dock bedömas med avseende på den risk de utgör för miljö och hälsa. I denna studie, jämfördes nivåerna av zink, nickel, arsenik, koppar, ammoniak, TOT-N och TOC i deponins huvudrecipient, Kallerstadsdiket, med de gränsvärden som fastställts av Havs- och vattenmyndigheten. Därefter uppskattades Kallerstaddeponins direkta bidrag till föroreningsnivån. Slutligen, beräknades spridningsrisken, nämligen den föroreningsbelastning som flödar från Kallerstadsdiket till Stångån, som är en andra recipient. Zink, nickel och koppar visade låga nivåer och låg risk på alla provtagningsstationer. Ammoniak och arsenik visade högre nivåer och en potentiell risk för negativa effekter. Detta innebär att Kallerstadsdikets ytvatten inte klassificeras att uppnå "bra" status, även om den direkta rollen som Kallerstaddeponin spelar är tveksam i detta fall. Beräkningarna tyder på att Kallerstaddeponin tillför arsenik och TOC till föroreningsnivåerna, även om det är i små mängder. Risken för spridning av föroreningar till Stångån uppskattades vara låg. Utspädningsfaktorn uppskattades till att vara 1:320 och de ytterligare föroreningsnivåerna som härstammar från Kallerstadsdiket är låga i förhållande till de uppmätta nivåerna i Stångån. Den aktuella studien har många osäkerheter som huvudsakligen är relaterade till tillgängligheten av data. Det rekommenderas därför att tillämpa en mer fullständig provtagning med lämpliga parametrar (t.ex. pH, DOC, Ca och temperatur) i alla provtagningsstationer. Helst skulle det vara önskvärt med provtagning varje vecka under en period av ett år och sedan åter bedöma risken för att få en mer tillförlitlig uppskattning av deponins bidrag. / Kallerstad landfill was in use between 1950 and 1973. Nonetheless, assessment of closed landfills and their risk to the environment and health is required. Firstly, the levels of zinc, nickel, arsenic, copper, ammonia, TOT-N and TOC in the surface water of the main recipient Kallerstadsdiket, were compared to cut-off levels given by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Then, the direct contribution of Kallerstad landfill to the contamination level was estimated. Finally, the contamination load that flows from Kallerstadsdiket to Stångån, which is a second recipient with high natural value, was estimated. Zinc, nickel and copper showed low levels and low risk at all sampling stations. Ammonia and arsenic showed higher levels and a potential risk of adverse effects. As a result, the surface water in Kallerstadsdiket could not be classified to reach ‘good’ status, although the direct role that Kallerstad landfill plays is doubtful. Calculations suggest that Kallerstad landfill does add arsenic and TOC to the contamination levels, although in small amounts. The risk of spread of contaminants to Stångån was estimated to be low. The additional contamination levels stemming from Kallerstadsdiket are lower than the levels measured in Stångån. The dilution factor was estimated to be 1:320. Nevertheless, the current study has many uncertainties that are mainly related to data availability. It is therefore recommended to apply a more complete sampling scheme with the appropriate parameters (e.g., pH, DOC, Ca, and temperature) in all sampling stations. Ideally it would be plausible to sample every week for a period of a year and then reassess the risk, as well as to get a more reliable approximation of the contribution of the landfill itself.

Undersökning av parametrar som kan öka mobiliteten av arsenik i grundvatten efter jordtvätt i Gudarp. / Investigation of parameters that can increase the mobility of arsenic in groundwater after soil washing in Gudarp.

Dahlqvist, Erica January 2017 (has links)
After soil washing in the former wood preservation industry, the concentration of As (arsenic) have increased in the groundwater. The purpose of this study was to investigate different parameters that could increase the mobility of As in the groundwater. The impact the soil wash has on the soil and it is effect on mobility will also be consider. This study will also show how As, Cu and Cr changes over time, however, the focus will be on As when the soil washing have been controlled by the As concentration. Soil and groundwater samples have been collected. Through filtration Fe (iron), Al (aluminium) and TOC (Total organic carbon) together with As have been analysed to determine a possible relation. Redox potential and As specification have also been analysed. As occur probably dissolved in the groundwater or together with DOC (Dissolved organic carbon). No link between colloids and complexes with Fe and Al together with As was found through filtration. Redox potential has no impact since the water was well oxygenated and As occurred as As(V). As and Cu follow the same time trend, while different for Cr. It is clear that the concentration of As increased in the groundwater after soil washing and that soil excavating have not the same problem with increased levels. The ground structure is changed and the clay mineral with adsorption surface is removed with soil washing. This could explain the increase of As in the groundwater.

Hur påverkas grisen av bogsår och går det att undvika?

Lönn, Jessika, Pantzar, Angelica January 2017 (has links)
Shoulder lesion is a big problem among pig farmers and is rarely noticed by the consumers. It is most common among lactating sows as they spend a lot of time laying down and is relatively hard to get rid of. There is a lot of factors that can affect the occurance of shoulder lesions for instance flesh, bedding and breeding. In this study we examine the occurance of shoulder lesion among Swedish farms in the county of Halland where diffrent farmers were asked to answer a couple of questions regarding their ways to hold pigs. 19 out of the 35 farmers asked said they had shoulder lesions in their herd. This is about 54% of the asked. When compared to what amount of bedding the farmer had it was shown that no shoulder lesions could been seen on pigs in deep litter with an amount of 10cm or more. For treatment against shoulder lesions most commmon among the swedish farmers was bluespray and wood tar, wich is an interesting observation since wood tar is known to cause allergic reactions to your skin. What the cause for shoulder lesion at the farms included in this study is not held, but that shoulder lesions is a problem is a fact. / Bogsår är tryckskador som kan liknas vid liggsår som drabbar muskulaturen och underhuden som sedan utvecklas till ett öppet sår. Bogsår drabbar mestadels digivande suggor då de spenderar mycket tid liggandes på sidan vilket lämnar bogen till ett utsatt läge. Det finns olika stadier av bogsår. Eftersom Sverige inte har någon officiell skala att arbeta med används i denna rapport Lunds et al. (2003) skala som bland annat är grunden till bedömning på danska slakterier. Bogsår kan utvecklas från många olika faktorer, några exempel är hull, avel och underlag, det vill säga strömedel samt golvtyp. Det finns inga tydliga instruktioner på hur man behandlar bogsår, utan mycket arbete ligger bakom förebyggande åtgärder för att undvika det. I rapporten blev olika veterinärer rådfrågade och gav svar om vad de gav för tips och åtgärder när bogsår utvecklats. Danmark och Norge är även med som jämförelse då de har en annan djurskyddslag än vad vi i Sverige har. I Danmark har man satsat mycket pengar och resurser på att utreda hur bogsår kan förhindras, förebyggas och behandlas, vilket gör att de har utvecklat mer fakta än vad Sverige har. Sverige har däremot till skillnad mot Danmark en mer utvecklad djurskyddslag, trots att båda länderna följer EU-lagstiftningarna. Detta på grund av den tyngre reglerade nationella lagstiftningen Sverige faller under. Denna undersökning har utarbetats genom studiebesök hos en konventionell och en ekologisk grisproduktion samt att enkäter har skickats ut till grisproducenter i Hallands län. I enkäten ställdes frågor bland annat om hur mycket strömedel djurhållaren har i sin box och hur många procent bogsår som utvecklats hos grisarna. 19 av 35 hade bogsår i sin besättning där bogsårsfrekvensen varierade mellan 1 %-7,5 %. En jämförelse mellan % bogsår och mängd strömedel gjordes där ett svagt samband kunde ses att mer strö är lika med färre bogsår, med undantag från en strömängd på 7,5 cm vilket troligen berodde på att enbart en djurhållare låg inom den radien. Problem med utgödslingsystemet togs också med i resultatet där 26 djurhållare hade spalt varav 9 hade problem. 8 djurhållare hade djupströ varav 1 djurhållare upplevde problem med utgödslingen. Bogsår är något som är ett förekommande problem hos många besättningar men som fått lite uppmärksamhet och få studier har gjorts om bogsår i Sverige. Avel är en stor bidragande orsak till bogsår och mer fokus borde ligga åt forskning angående detta men att problemet i första hand uppmärksammats är ett steg åt rätt riktning.

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