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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Citizens of the Chemical Complex: Industrial Expertise and Science Philanthropy in Imperial and Weimar Germany

Leon, Juan Andres Andres January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation is a social and cultural history of chemical industrialists and their role in the development of both science and capitalism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It focuses on the case of Germany, where many chemists became some the most powerful industrial leaders during this period. Since the late nineteenth century, chemistry in Germany constituted a cosmos radiating from the large industrial sites, of which the academic discipline was just the tip of the iceberg. The chemical Industry supported a formidable scientific research system, and industrial chemists rose to the highest social circles, from which they exerted unique forms of activism. In particular, science philanthropy provided chemical industrialists with a point of entry to elite German society. Their status as scientists, combined with their manufacturing social backgrounds, led to an inclination towards supporting scientific research through direct participation and political lobbying, with less emphasis on the financial donations common in American philanthropy. Crucially, this support extended beyond chemistry, to other applied sciences and even apparently non-industrial pursuits such as astronomy. In these other fields, they sought to replicate the industrial support system that existed in chemistry, while opening the opportunity to participate directly in their amateur scientific interests. I contend that these non-financial forms of support for science played an important role during the radical changes in twentieth-century Germany, including war, hyperinflation, extreme economic cycles, and the increasing political polarization of the Weimar era. / History of Science

Architecture, Expertise and the German Construction of the Ottoman Railway Network, 1868-1919

Christensen, Peter Hewitt 06 June 2014 (has links)
The dissertation examines the production of knowledge and architecture through the German-sponsored construction of the Ottoman railway network, comprising four discrete projects: the railways of European Turkey, the Anatolian railways, the Baghdad railway and the Hejaz railway and its Palestinian tributaries. The German construction of the Ottoman railway network is an historic event that proffers the opportunity to critically reconsider the epistemological tenets of expertise in broader political, economic and cultural structures distinct from the normative creative processes that dominate the historiography of empires. The dissertation capitalizes on the ambiguous colonial nature of the German role in the architecture, engineering, and urbanism of the late Ottoman empire and situates it as a variegated and occasionally dialogic model of European cultural expansionism by way of a process identified here as ambiguous transmutation.


SPATARO, ALBERTO 19 March 2018 (has links)
Questo studio ha per oggetto l’attività dei giudici imperiali nella Lombardia comunale tra XII e XIII secolo. La prima parte consiste in una lettura d’insieme dell’operato dei giudici imperiali nel solco più generale delle vicende politiche del regno italico durante l’impero di Federico I barbarossa e del figlio Enrico VI. L’intera ricerca è stata condotta a partire dalla documentazione, edita e non; tali risultati sono stati contestualizzati nell’ampio dibattito storiografico sulla natura statuale dell’impero romano-germanico del pieno medioevo. Alla ricostruzione diacronica seguono le schede biografiche dei giudici imperiali più significativi per la ricostruzione storica proposta nella tesi e un’appendice documentaria. Il lavoro è chiuso dalla bibliografia utilizzata e dall'indice dei nomi di persona. / The object of this study is the activity of the imperial judges in the communal Lombardy between twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The first part consists of an overall reading of the activity of the imperial judges in the political strategy in the Italic Kingdom during the empire of Frederick I Barbarossa and his son Henry VI. The entire research is carried out starting from the documentation, edited and inedited; these results are contextualised in the wide historiographical debate on the institutional nature of the medieval Roman-German Empire. The diachronic reconstruction is followed by the biographies of the most significant imperial judges and a documentary appendix. The work is closed by the bibliography and the index.


Amber N. Nickell (11109429) 26 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Ethnic Germans and Jews lived alongside one another in Southern Ukraine for over a century prior to the Holocaust. They were as Shimon Redlich observes of Jewish-Gentile relations in his Polish hometown, "together and apart." Both groups started out the twentieth century closer together than they had ever been, and interactions between them were and remained comparatively normalized and less violent than Jews' experiences with the other groups surrounding them on Ukraine's pre-Revolutionary landscape. Yet, by 1941, with the joint Romanian-German occupation of the region, ethnic Germans enthusiastically plundered, exploited, and murdered their Jewish neighbors with little prodding from the Romanian and Nazi occupation regimes. How did over a century of ethnic German-Jewish coexistence devolve into local violence? Which historical processes fueled some ethnic Germans' conversion from neighbors to murderers, and when exactly did this transition begin?</p><p><br></p> <p>This project examines coexistence, confluence, and conflict between ethnic Germans and their Jewish neighbors in Southern Ukraine from the late Tsarist period through the Holocaust. It builds upon the work of formidable scholars like Jan Gross, Jan Grabowski, Jeffrey Kopstein and Jason Wittenberg, Timothy Snyder, Wendy Lower, Karl Berkhoff, Eric Steinhart, and Doris Bergen, all of which examine the impact of double, sometimes triple or more, occupations on intergroup relationships and/or local collaboration in occupied territories. However, unlike many of these case studies, which root collaborators’ motives in the years immediately predating the war, or in the war itself, this project seeks to understand the impact of decades of occupation and revanchist policies (Austro-German, Soviet, Romanian, Nazi) on the groups’ interactions with and perceptions of one another. Moreover, as opposed to splitting the region into two separate entities, as the Romanian and Nazi regimes did, this project illuminates some of the continuities across the river Buh, as lived and died, by ethnic Germans and Jews in Ukraine prior to and during the Holocaust. This longue durée analysis illuminates the roles sustained violence and occupational policies played in disrupting centuries of interactions between ethnic Germans and Jews. By 1941, the two groups had been violently reconfigured, pulled together, and pushed apart in profoundly consequential ways. The Nazi and Romanian occupiers, equipped with vernaculars of violence and nation erected by the Soviet state and its predecessors, capitalized on ongoing historical processes, quickly incorporating ethnic Germans into their genocidal machine. </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

Korunovace Josefa I. římským králem v Augšpurku 26. ledna 1690 / Coronation of Joseph I. to become the king of Rome in Augsburg in 26. January 1690

MICHŇOVÁ, Nikola January 2013 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the election and coronation of archduke Joseph to become the king of Rome that took place in January 1690 in Augsburg. It focuses on a reconstruction of the individual ritual steps of coronation ceremonies that had fixed ceremonial rules. It aims to interpret the rich symbolic message of all performance parts that the author describes chronologically as they followed one another. They included the ceremonial entrance of the imperial family into Augsburg, the arrival of the individual electors of the Roman-German Empire into the city, the pre-election negotiations, the election of the new king of Rome as such and the coronation of the elected archduke Joseph that followed. Attention was also paid to the sumptuous celebrations and the spectacular coronation feast that took place after the young Habsburg was enthroned. Presenting precious gifts to the emperor, his wife and son was also part of the performances. Members of the reigning dynasty accepted priceless objects from the representatives of the municipality of Augsburg and of the Estates of the Roman-German Empire, the allegoric decoration of which bore rich symbolism. The thesis therefore attempts to uncover the individual symbolic elements of the decoration constituted mostly by motives from ancient mythology and scenes from Christian catechism. They celebrated the recipients of the gifts and mirrored ideal virtues that a ruler from the House of Habsburg should possess.

Die Reichsgrenze: Ein Versuch über Grenzräume und diachrone Kurzfassungen

Ehlers, Caspar 28 April 2023 (has links)
The article takes up the question of the meaning and function of borders and their regions from a medieval perspective. In a diachronic overview, the emergence of the borders of the later German Empire and their not always linear development are traced. It turns out that often retrospective research results in the sense of a national historiography were used for geographical legitimations rather than a retrospective view of an intertwined genesis of borders. Even though more recent research on the Middle Ages has turned away from approaches based purely on modern states, the national master narratives remain quite effective.

Berlin-Wedding in der Zeit der Hochindustrialisierung (1885 - 1914)

Reitzig, Markus 19 June 2006 (has links)
Die Zeit der Hochindustrialisierung veränderte das Gesicht der Städte in Europa und Nordamerika grundlegend. Ein hohes natürliches Bevölkerungswachstum, ausgeprägte Land-Stadt-Wanderungen gepaart mit einer intensiven baulichen Verdichtung nach innen und außen prägten das Geschehen. Das steigende Arbeitsplatzangebot in der Industrie und dem tertiären Sektor griff tief in die traditionellen Arbeits- und Lebenswelten des Einzelnen ein. Von den Veränderungen war Berlin als Hauptstadt des Deutschen Reiches und eines der wichtigsten Wirtschaftszentren im besonderen betroffen. Ein Stadtteil Berlins, der an der ehemaligen nördlichen Stadtgrenze gelegene Wedding, steht im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Dissertation. Dieser Stadtteil zeichnete sich durch eine besonders dynamische Entwicklung aus. Die noch vorhandenen großen Freiflächen wurden innerhalb weniger Jahre in Bauland verwandelt. Großbetriebe der Elektro- und Chemischen Industrie ließen sich im Wedding nieder und bestimmten in zunehmendem Maße den lokalen Arbeitsmarkt. Auf der Grundlage einer Auswertung der Kirchenbücher der lokalen Gemeinden mit insgesamt 95.623 erfaßte Personen konnte für das Untersuchungsgebiet im Zeitraum 1885-1914 der Nachweis erbracht werden, dass selbst innerhalb eines eng umrissenen Stadtgebietes erhebliche sozio-ökonomische und städtebauliche Gegensätze bestanden. Diese Gegensätze werden durch die Zahlen der amtlichen Statistik nur allzu leicht verdeckt, wirken aber in ihrer Konsequenz bis in die Gegenwart nach. Zahlreiche der aktuell zu beobachtenden Problemkomplexe - u.a. eine Arbeitslosenquote von weit über 20 Prozent, Gewerbebrachen und eine überdurchschnittlich starke Konzentration ausländischer Bevölkerungsgruppen - haben demnach ihren Ursprung bereits im Kaiserreich. / The era at the peak of industrialization fundamentally altered the appearance of cities in Europe and North America. A high level of natural population growth and extensive migration movements from rural to urban areas coupled with an intensive architectural expansion to the inside and outside characterized the events. The increasing number of employment opportunities in the industrial and tertiary sectors profoundly interfered with the people’s traditional working and living environments. These changes particularly affected Berlin as the capital city of the German Empire and as one of the most important commercial centers. The Wedding, a city district of Berlin located along the former northern city limit, is at the core of this dissertation. This district stood out through its especially dynamic development. The large undeveloped areas that still existed at the time were transformed into built-up areas within a few years’ time. Large-scale enterprises in the electronic and chemical industries settled down in the Wedding district and took an increasing influence on the local job market. On the basis of an evaluation of church records (from the local Wedding parishes) that altogether contain information on 95,623 people, this study of the time period from 1885 to 1914 demonstrates the existence of significant socio-economic and urban developmental contrasts recognizable even within a narrowly defined city area (such as the Wedding district). These contrasts are all too easily concealed by the numbers of official statistical data, yet their consequences continue to produce an after-effect, even in the presence. An unemployment rate of well above 20 percent, widespread unoccupied commercial infrastructure, and a significantly above-average concentration of foreign population groups is among numerous currently recognizable problem clusters that already originated in the time of the German Empire.

La formalisation du droit local alsacien-mosellan dans l’ordre juridique français (1914-1925) / The formalization of the local law in Alsace-Moselle within the French legal order (1914-1925)

Rhinn, Emilien 27 November 2018 (has links)
Depuis 2011, le droit local alsacien-mosellan est un principe fondamental reconnu par les lois de la République. Il est un droit particulier applicable ratione loci dans les départements du Bas-Rhin, du Haut-Rhin et de la Moselle. Ratione materiae, il régit un ensemble hétérogène de matières. En 1914, alors que la Première Guerre mondiale vient de débuter, la France commence à anticiper une éventuelle réintégration de l’Alsace-Lorraine sous la souveraineté nationale. La préparation de la désannexion du territoire cédé à l’Empire allemand après la guerre franco-prussienne conduit au maintien provisoire, en 1919, de la législation applicable dans les « provinces reconquises ». De 1920 à 1925, la réalisation de la désannexion entraîne ensuite l’institutionnalisation d’un droit alsacien-mosellan, puis sa consolidation. La formalisation du droit local alsacien-mosellan dans l’ordre juridique français semble dès lors apparaître comme une conséquence indirecte de la désannexion. / The local law in Alsace-Moselle is a distinctive legal system in effect in the Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle French departments. Covering a heterogeneous group of topics, the local law became in 2011 a constitutional principle (known as « principe fondamental reconnu par les lois de la République »).In 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War, France started to anticipate a potential return of Alsace-Lorraine to the French rule. The preparation of the « désannexion » of the area annexed by the German Empire after the Franco-Prussian War ended in the temporary upholding of the legislation in force in the « recaptured provinces », in 1919. Between 1920 and 1925, the carrying out of the « désannexion » of this territory brought about the institutionalization of an Alsace-Moselle special legal system, and then its consolidation.Therefore, the formalization of the local law in Alsace-Moselle within the French legal order seems to appear as an indirect consequence of the « désannexion ».

Pohled českých studentů na problematiku totálního nasazení / The view of Czech students on issues of forced labour

PEŠTOVÁ, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to ascertain knowledge of Czech students in secondary schools, or more precisely in Grammar school, about the issue of forced labour during World War II. The master's thesis is based primarily on literature and own research and is divided into two parts. The first part is the theoretical part where is briefly introduced the history of forced labour in the general level (definition, type of work, working conditions, division of workers, etc.) and the second part where is conduct social research which is oriented only to Czech students. This research is conducted through a questionnaire survey that has the form of mixed research (questions and its evaluation is both quantitative and qualitative). Based on this research is evaluated both the overall state of knowledge of this issue (it compares the first-years students and fourth -years students of secondary schools), and is also taken account of the issue of the topic processing in secondary school textbooks.

Risiko und Chance: Naturkatastrophen im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1871-1918). Eine umweltgeschichtliche Betrachtung / Risk and Opportunity: Natural Disasters in the German Empire (1871-1918). Considerations from an Environmental History Perspective

Masius, Patrick 21 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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