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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pärlorna på Gudings slott

Wallin, Erik Johnny January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Sveriges första glasverkstad? : En undersökning av glasfynd från Sandby borg och andra tidiga glashantverksplatser i Sverige. / Sweden's first glass workshop? : A survey of glass finds from Sandby borg and other early glass workshops in Sweden.

Karlsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
This paper examined whether Sandby borg has had a domestic manufacture of pearls. Other locations in Sweden with early signs of glass production are presented to investigate possible similarities with Sandby borg. Ocular and chemical analysis of beads and raw glass material from Sandby borg has been made to obtain more information before interpretation. XRF is used in the chemical analysis of the glass material to obtain the composition in the glass. One of the objectives of this paper is to try to identify which sites are considered a central location. To investigate the selected locations and if they can be referred to as central places. I use two different models to ease the interpretations. The first is Charlotte Fabech and Jytte Ringtveds pyramid of the arkeological material in central places and the other Bertil Helgesson's concept phenomenon, function, location and person. To investigate the different places as a glass production site, different criteria are used to make it easier to interpret a domestic glassware making. / I denna uppsats undersöktes det om Sandby borg har haft en inhemsk tillverkning av pärlor. Andra platser med tidiga tecken på glashantverk i Sverige presenteras för att undersöka eventuella likheter med Sandby borg. Det har gjorts okulär och kemisk analys av pärlor och smältor från Sandby borg för att få fram mer information innan tolkning. XRF metoden används i den kemiska analysen av glasmaterialet för att få fram sammansättningen i glaset. Ett av målen med denna uppsats är att försöka identifiera vilka platser som betraktas som en centralplats. För att undersöka de utvalda platserna och ifall de kan benämnas som centralplatser använder jag två olika modeller för att underlätta tolkningarna. Den första är Charlotte Fabech och Jytte Ringtveds pyramid om centralplatser och den andra Bertil Helgessons begrepp fenomen, funktion, lokalisering och person. För att identifiera utvalda platser som glashantverksplats användes olika kriterierna som karakteriserar en glashantverksplats. Sedan presenteras resultat av den XRF undersökning som gjordes på materialet från Sandby borg. Därefter diskuterades frågan om det förekommit en inhemsk tillverkning av pärlor i Sandby borg och resultaten jämfördes med de andra utvalda platserna i Sverige.

Spår av tillverkningsmetoder i glas : En studie av redskapsspår i glas från Birka

Råhlander, Moa January 2015 (has links)
This is an experimental study of a few glass objects from the Birka Excavations 1987-1989. A number of beads and waste from bead production have been studied. A group of these objects have also been examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive detectors (EDS) to comparatively analyze the materials composition. Experiments to recreate the technique in which they were made have been attempted with various results. The techniques found in the beads include the use of murrini, stringer, dotting, and blown-drawn. However the waste material available to this study only suggests that in Birka, beads where made with the winding technique and ornamented with stringer and possibly dotting. The glass used was heated in clay crucibles and some rods where premade.

Spår av tillverkningsmetoder i glas : En studie av redskapsspår i glas från Birka

Råhlander, Moa January 2014 (has links)
This is an experimental study of a few glass objects from the Birka Excavations 1987-1989. A number of beads and waste from bead production have been studied. A group of these objects have also been examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive detectors (EDS) to comparatively analyze the materials composition. Experiments to recreate the technique in which they were made have been attempted with various results. The techniques found in the beads include the use of murrini, stringer, dotting, and blown-drawn. However the waste material available to this study only suggests that in Birka, beads where made with the winding technique and ornamented with stringer and possibly dotting. The glass used was heated in clay crucibles and some rods where premade.

Glaspärlor i Skandinavien : ett långtidsperspektiv

Karlsson, Maria January 2020 (has links)
New research has shed light on the origin of the Danish glass beads dating to the BronzeAge and the increase in long-distance exchange during this period. This has provided newknowledge about glass beads during the Bronze Age, which unlocked the question of whatit looks like in the rest of Scandinavia. To get a broader perspective I have chosen to studythe first evidence of early craft sites where glass beads were made in Scandinavia. Then acomparison is made between the Bronze and Iron Ages from a broader perspective, whichincludes both the use of glass beads and the glass productions sites. I have therefore chosento study glass beads from a long-term perspective, from the introduction of the first glassbeads in Scandinavia during the Early Bronze Age until the Vendel period when the firstglass beads were manufactured in Scandinavia. By studying glass beads from a long-termperspective, we can learn more about the significance of glass beads in society.

100 glaspärlor : En studie kring glaspärlor från Fröjel, Gotland / 100 glass beads : A study of the glass beads from Fröjel, Gotland

Lundgren, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
Glaspärlor är en viktig del av vikingatidens dräkt. Syftet med denna studie är att få en inblick i hur befolkningen i Fröjel såg på och använde pärlor. Aktörskap som teori används i studien. Undersökningsmaterialet är 100 glaspärlor som kan dateras mellan 900–1000 e.v.t och har hittats i Fröjel, genom Fröjel Discovery Programme. Pärltyperna sorterades med Callmers typologi och har tillsammans med pärlornas fyndplats analyserats och diskuterats. Undersökningsmaterialet har diskuterats utifrån tidigare forskning kring vikingatiden, handelssystem och glaspärlor, som ett material och föremål. Callmers typologi bidrog till att urskilja pärlornas ursprung vilka stämmer med Fröjels handelsvägar. Studien visar, med hjälp av Callmers typologi och rumslig spridning, att pärlorna är av värde och ett resultat av social struktur, handel och val gjorda av både individen och grupper vilket ökar relevansen av aktörskap vad gäller individers val och kläddetaljer. / Glass beads have long been a part of the viking age costume. The purpose of this study is to get an insight to how the population of Fröjel viewed and used the beads. Agency as a theory was used in the study. The research material is 100 glass beads that can be dated between 900-1000 CE, have been found in Fröjel, through Fröjel Discovery Programme. The bead types have been sorted with Callmers typology and along with the location of the finds have been analyzed and discussed. The research material has been discussed based on previous research surrounding the viking age, trade systems and glass beads as a material and item. The origins of the beads which could be distinguished through Callmers typology matches with Fröjels trade networks. The study shows, with the help of Callmer’s typology and the spatial spread of the beads, that the beads are an accessory of value and a result of social structure, such as trade, and choices made by both the individual and groups which heightens the relevance of agency regarding individuals and clothing details.

Stor i jorden, liten i orden : Glaspärlor från fornlämningsområdet vid Buttle Änge, Gotland / Large in the earth, small in the words : Glass beads from the archaeological site Buttle Änge, Gotland

Buer, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Buttle Änge and Nygårds has been excavated by Uppsala University, Campus Gotland and also by Högskolan on Gotland since year 2009 and by Gothenburg University year 2009 and 2013. During the 20 excavations that has taken place there has been 112 glass beads found. They were found by the picture stones, in graves, in and around the stone foundation houses. The beads from the picture stones can be interpreted as grave deposits and the ones found in a cremation grave could have been part of a bead necklace combined with a pendant which belonged to a girl aged 0-14. The beads by the stone foundation houses had a larger concentration of beads in its three houses compared to Vallhagar which had the same number of beads found over 20 house foundations. In close connection to the stone foundation houses were glass mosaic fragments found that could have been used to make beads or could have been residuals from the beadmaking process from another place with productions of glass beads. / Buttle Änge och Nygårds har sedan 2009 undersökts genom utgrävningar från Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland men även med en utgrävning år 2009 av Högskolan på Gotland och av Göteborgsuniversitet år 2009 och 2013. Under de 10 utgrävningar som skett på platsen har det påträffats 112 pärlor av glas. Dessa påträffades vid bildstenar, i gravar, i och runtomkring stengrundshus. Pärlorna vid bildstenarna kan tolkas som gravdepositioner och de i en brandgrav kan ha varit en del av ett pärlgarnityr tillsammans med ett hängsmycke som kan ha tillhört en flicka i åldern 0–14. Pärlorna vid stengrundshusen hade en större koncentration av pärlor i sina tre hus jämfört med Vallhagar som hade lika många påträffade från över 20 hus. I anslutning till stengrundshusen påträffades även fragment av glasmosaik som kan ha använts för att skapa pärlor eller varit tillverkningsspill från en annan hantverksplats för glaspärlor.

How Beads come Together : Late Iron Age glass beads as past possessions and present sources

Råhlander, Moa January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to demonstrate the potential for understanding first millennium glass beads not as individual representatives of types, but as collections of objects brought together and curated by owners. It uses the author’s experience as a skilled bead maker to investigate processes of bead production and mechanics of bead collection current in Scandinavia and Anglo-Saxon England in the period of 6th to 9th century AD. In the study the bead collections of seven graves are examined from the perspective of their production techniques, materials, and damage from wear and cremation. The results point to beads being acquired in different numbers and often worn for long periods of time before being buried.

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