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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plan de Implementación Estratégica de una Vidriera Arequipeña Aplicando la Metodología del Balanced Scorecard

Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Rocío del Carmen, Carpio Ortiz, Fredy, Obando Pereda, Marcos 05 January 2016 (has links)
VCM es una empresa arequipeña que cuenta con treinta años de experiencia en el sector de la construcción en lo relacionado al vidrio como acabado de construcción. El artículo describe el proceso en la cual se definieron los lineamientos estratégicos clave y se propuso la herramienta del balanced scorecard para la evaluación y medición de sus objetivos a través de indicadores para poder contribuir con la sostenibilidad de la empresa. Para poder determinar estos objetivos, se ha realizado un análisis interno y externo. Para realizar el análisis externo se utilizó el modelo de las cinco fuerzas de Porter y la matriz de evaluación de factores externos (EFE). Asimismo, para realizar el análisis interno se utilizó el modelo de la cadena de valor y la matriz de evaluación de factores internos (EFI). Luego, se realizó un análisis FODA en el cuál se resaltó que la principal fortaleza es el servicio, la cual se concluyó que era su ventaja competitiva. Luego de este análisis, se determinó que la estrategia competitiva genérica es la diferenciación por el tipo de servicio y asesoría que brinda, viéndose reflejada en la ventaja competitiva. Para la construcción del balanced scorecard, se tomó en cuenta la perspectiva financiera, de clientes, procesos internos y de aprendizaje y crecimiento; planteando doce objetivos estratégicos para estas perspectivas. En el tablero de control, se determinaron los indicadores para cada objetivo y se proponen iniciativas estratégicas para cada uno de ellos.

Geschichte der deutschen Minderheit Lenoras bis heute / History of the German minority in the village Lenora until today

TOUŠEK, Filip January 2019 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with the topic of the German minority in the village Lenora. As the life in Lenora was very closely connected to the local glassworks, the thesis provides a brief history of glass in the Bohemian Forest and the glassworks in Lenora as well as the historical context in the country dating from the establishment of Czechoslovakia and the analysis of the life in Lenora. The thesis also describes the situation after the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia because many Germans stayed in Lenora even after the expulsion due to their employment in the glassworks. In addition to the history of Germans in Lenora, interviews with several contemporary witnesses were made. After the expulsion, the population in Lenora changed significantly, which was the reason for dedicating one chapter to the topic of remigration. The last chapter informs about the current state of affairs concentrating on the society Heimatkreis Prachatitz administered by Germans who lived in the district of Prachatice.

Glava glasbruk : En undersökning av föroreningar i mark- och vatten samt ansvaret för dessa enligt miljöbalken / Glava glasswork : A study of contaminations in soil and water as well as responsibilities for these according to the Environmental Code

Olsson, Elin January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish industrial society has left several areas with contaminated soil and water which today is of danger for the environment and human health. One of these areas with contaminated soil and water is the region where the former Glava glassworks operated during 1859 to 1939. The main object in this study has been to study the responsibility for the contaminations according to the Environmental Code. The method used is a qualitative content analysis of relevant literature to answer the following questions: What types of contaminations can be found in the area of Glava glasswork and what health issues can these cause? What kind of activity has been conducted in the area that have caused the contaminations in soil and water? According to law, what are the responsibilities for the contaminations in soil and water at Glava glassworks? The contamination in the region has been confirmed to originate from the glasswork due to the environmental engineering survey made in the area in 2009. The contaminations found in the area are arsenic, zinc, boron and other heavy metals which can cause severe damage in the environment and people’s health. A historical analysis has been crucial to study the situation of responsibility. The time dimension is crucial according to Swedish environmental law, the Environmental Code (SFS 1998:808). To find the responsible of the contamination in the region, the contaminations must have occurred after the 30 June 1969 according to 8 § the law (SFS 1998:811) on the introduction of the Environmental Code or someone must have obtained the property after the 1 January 1999 according to 15 § the same law (SFS 1998:811). None of these criteria have been fulfilled which means that the Swedish state is responsible of investigation and remediation of the contaminations in the area. / Det svenska industrisamhället har efterlämnat flera områden med föroreningar i mark och vatten som idag är en fara för både människors hälsa och miljön. Ett av dessa är området kring Glava glasbruk som bedrev sin verksamhet mellan 1859 och 1939. I denna kvalitativa studie, där en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av relevant litteratur har använts, är syftet att undersöka hur ansvarsförhållandena ser ut för föroreningarna på glasbruksområdet där följande frågeställningar har legat som grund. Vilka är föroreningarna på Glava glasbrukområdet och vilka hälsoskador kan dessa ge upphov till? Vilka verksamheter har bedrivits på platsen som kan ha lett till uppkomsten av föroreningarna? Hur ser ansvarsförhållandena ut enligt miljöbalken för mark- och vattenföroreningarna vid Glava glasbruk? Föroreningar på platsen har konstaterats härstamma från bruket i och med en genomförd miljöteknisk markundersökning som gjorts på området under 2009. De föroreningar som hittats på platsen är bland annat arsenik, zink, bor och andra tungemetaller som kan ge allvarliga skador människors hälsa och på miljön. För att undersöka ansvarsförhållandena har en historisk analys av platsen gjorts. En djupdykning i miljöbalken har visat att tidsaspekten har varit avgörande. För att en ansvarig ska kunna ställas till svars måste föroreningarna ha uppkommit efter den 30 juni 1969 enligt 8 § Lag (SFS 1998:811) om införande av miljöbalken eller fastigheten måste ha förvärvats efter den 1 januari 1999 enligt 15 § samma lag (SFS 1998:811). Ingen av dessa kriterier uppfylls här vilket då innebär att ansvaret för undersökning och efterbehandling ligger hos staten.

The Aesthetics of Minimalist Music and a Schenkerian-Oriented Analysis of the First Movement "Opening" of Philip Glass' Glassworks

Wu, Chia-Ying (Charles) 05 1900 (has links)
Philip Glass' Glassworks (1981) is a six-movement composition for two flutes, two soprano saxophones/clarinets, two tenor saxophones/bass clarinets, two French horns, violas, cellos, and the DX7 electric piano. Glassworks consists of six movements titled "Opening," "Floe," "Island," "Rubric," "Facades," and "Closing." This thesis covers the first movement "Opening." Repetition in musical minimalism confronts traditional prescriptive codes of tonal music and post-tonal music. While challenging the traditional codes, repetition in musical minimalism established new codes for listening to minimal music. This thesis explores the implications of these ideas.

Sklářství a krajina. Příspěvek k vývoji sklářské výroby na Českomoravské vrchovině v novověku na příkladu sklářské osady Milovy (okr. Žďár nad Sázavou) / Glassmaking and landscape. A contribution to the research on postmedieval glassmaking in Českomoravská vrchovina on the example of the deserted glassworks in Milovy (Žďár nad Sázavou)

Kozáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to summarize historical development of glassmaking in Bohemia and Moravia since the end of the eighteenth century until the beginning of the First World War and it contains detailed interpretation of microrelief of the deserted post medieval glassworks in Milovy (District of Žďár nad Sázavou). The thesis is focused on changes of technology of production and refining of glass, effects of glassmaking on land ecology and social development in pursued period. Geodetic-topographical plan of the deserted site, which served as main source material for functional interpretation of microrelief of the deserted glassworks in Milovy, is the inseparable part of the thesis.

Le verre comme mode d’emballage en Provence à l’époque moderne et contemporaine : Industrie, productions, commerce (1720 – 1920) / Packaging glass in Provence in the modern and contemporary era : Industry, Products and Trade (1720 – 1920)

Serra, Laurence 08 December 2011 (has links)
Conditionner les produits alimentaires, pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques pour les conserver et les transporter a toujours été une nécessité pour des hommes à la fois consommateurs et commerçants. Cette étude, qui relève à la fois de l’histoire et de l’archéologie, souligne le rôle majeur joué par le verre, en Provence, au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècle, comme mode de conditionnement des marchandises de qualité. Depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours, les produits de luxe, vins fins, huiles surfines et parfums sont protégés et mis en valeur par leur emballage en verre. Il est le matériau idéal car il possède toutes les qualités physiques et chimiques pour devenir fonctionnel et esthétique. Lorsque la Provence se lance, dans les premières décennies du XVIIIe siècle, à la conquête marchande des espaces maritimes, elle bénéficie d’une économie fondée sur la transformation d’agro-alimentaire local ou importé. L’industrie des emballages prend alors un essor considérable en Provence en lien avec cette économie. Les contenants en verre vont ainsi s’exporter à travers le monde, par bateau, grâce à l’action conjuguée de facteurs favorables : le rayonnement international du port de Marseille ainsi que les progrès techniques liés à l’adoption d’une nouvelle source d’énergie, le charbon. Influencée par l’exemple des autres régions, françaises et européennes, la verrerie provençale connaît une métamorphose notable qui conduit à l’abandon progressif des ateliers forestiers au profit d’une implantation portuaire. Sources écrites et iconographiques constituent une grande part de notre documentation complétée par les sources archéologiques. Elles sont liées principalement à la découverte et à l'étude récente d'épaves ainsi qu'à l'inventaire d'un mobilier diversifié, issu des collections publiques et privées. / Packaging food products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics to store them and transport them has always been a necessity for humans, both as consumers and merchants. This study, which deals with both history and archeology, highlights the major role played by glass, in Provence, in the 18th and 19th centuries, as a packaging quality method. Since Antiquity, and until the present day, luxury products, fine wines, delicate olive oils, and perfumes have been protected and emphasized through their glass packaging. It is the ideal material because it has all of the necessary physical and chemical properties to become functional and aesthetic. When Provence set out, in the early decades of the 18th century, in merchant conquest of the seas, it had an economy based on the transformation of local or imported agricultural goods. The manufacture of packaging then saw a considerable rise in Provence tied to this economy. Glass containers were then exported throughout the world, by sea, thanks to the combined action of favorable factures: the international reputation of the port of Marseille as well as the technical progress tied to the adoption of a new energy source : coal extraction. Influenced by the example of other regions, both French and European, Provencal glassworks underwent a notable metamorphosis which led to the gradual abandonment of forest glasshouse for port locations. Written and iconographic sources constitute a large part of our documentation supplemented by field sources. These are mainly tied to the discovery and recent study of shipwrecks as well as the survey of a diversified archeological inventory, derived from public and private collections.

Glasmakarna Strömberg : En kartläggning av Edvard och Gerda Strömberg och Strömbergshyttan

Andersson, Agnes January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie introducerar och undersöker konceptet ”populärbyggnadsvård” i tidningar och böcker, med syfte att definiera mönster och karaktärsdrag inom populärkulturell litteratur om byggnadsvård. Undersökning utgår från typiska drag inom populärhistorian, för att se om dessa är applicerbara på den populärkulturella byggnadsvårdslitteraturen. Vidare diskuteras materialen och de typiska attributen utifrån filosofen Ludwik Flecks idéer om ”tankestilar” och ”tankekollektiv”. Metoden som brukas är både en kvalitativ litteraturstudie och en kvantitativ analys av tematik och rubriker i tidskrifter. Undersökningen resulterar i att populärbyggandsvården innefattar fyra huvudteman: bebyggelsehistoria, konstruktion, estetik och livsstil. Området besitter tydliga kommersiella drag och fokuserar till stor del på personlig känsla och upplevelse. Vidare syftar området till att vara underhållande och utbildande på samma gång. Undersökningen visar på att det kan finnas möjlighet för populärkulturen att öka det generella intresset för byggnadsvården, men att det finns en viss risk för upprepningar av information. Tidskrifterna stämde i större utsträckning överens med de identifierade dragen för populärhistoria än vad böckerna gjorde. / This essay introduces and explores the concept of “popular building preservation” in books and magazines, with the purpose to define patterns and characteristics within popular literature about building preservation. The study is based on common characteristics in popular history, to see if these characteristics can be applied on the popular literature regarding building preservation. The material and the characteristics are further discussed in relation to the philosophical ideas of “thought styles” and “thought collectives”, presented by the philosopher Ludwik Fleck. The study shows that popular building preservation embraces four main themes: built heritage, construction, aesthetics and lifestyle. The field is shown to be fundamentally commercial and its main focus is personal experience and emotion. The subject is further shown to be educational and entertaining at the same time. The study indicates that there could be a possibility for popular building preservation to increase the overall interest for built heritage, but that there also is a tendency for repeating themes and information. The magazines generally had more in common with the identified characteristics of popular history than the books.

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