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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel da interação com usuários finais no upgrading em GVC digitais. / The role on interaction with end-users in the upgrading in digital GVC.

Evodio Kaltenecker Retto de Queiroz 07 December 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho busca avançar o conhecimento sobre Global Value Chains (GVC) e inovação com usuários ao estudar a influência da colaboração dos usuários finais no upgrading de desenvolvedores em cadeias digitais. A pesquisa sugere que esforços de inovação entre uma empresa fornecedora em cadeias digitais e seus usuários finais levam a tipos preferenciais de upgrading, que variam em função de características específicas da indústria de jogos e da governança da cadeia na qual o desenvolvedor está inserido. Os referenciais teóricos das Cadeias Globais de Valor (GVC), inovação com usuários finais e método de regressão logística são utilizados para estabelecer as estruturas analíticas para este trabalho. Os resultados do trabalho são: (i) validação do modelo MOA+ID (Motivação, Oportunidade, Habilidade, e Infraestrutura Digital) para estudar a colaboração entre fornecedores e usuário final; (ii) identificação que o impacto da interação com usuários finais no upgrading de desenvolvedores em cadeias jogos digitais depende de características específicas de tal indústria, e (iii) identificação que o impacto da interação com usuários no upgrading de desenvolvedores em cadeias jogos digitais depende da governança da cadeia na qual o desenvolvedor está inserido. Desenvolvedores de jogos pertencentes a cadeias cujas governança são dos tipos Mercado e Relacional apresentam upgrading devido a colaboração com usuário final por que possuem liberdade e competências para se beneficiarem da relação com usuários final. Desenvolvedores de jogos pertencentes a cadeias cujas governança são dos tipos Modular e Cativa não apresentam upgrading devido à interação com usuário devido ao baixo nível de dependência do governante da cadeia. / This work seeks to advance knowledge about Global Value Chains (GVC) and innovation with end-users through the study of the influence of collaboration with end-user on the upgrading of developers in digital chains. The research suggests that innovation efforts between a supplier in digital chains and end-users lead to preferential types of upgrading, which will vary depending on the specific characteristics of the digital gaming industry and the governance of the chain in which the developer is embedded. The theoretical frameworks of Global Value Chains (GVC), innovation with end-users and method of logistic regression are used to establish the analytical structures for this work. The results of the work are: (i) validation of the MOA + DI model (Motivation, Opportunity Ability, Digital Infrastructure) to study collaboration between suppliers and end-user; (ii) recognition that the impact of innovation with end-users on the upgrading of developers in digital game chains depends on specific characteristics of such industry, and (iii) recognition that the impact of innovation with end users on the upgrading of developers in digital game chains depends on the chain governance in which the developer is embedded. Game developers under the Market and Relational types of governance present upgrading due to collaboration with endusers because such developers have freedom and competencies to benefit from the end-user interface. Game developers under the Modular and Captive types of governance chains do not experienced upgrading due to the interface with end-user because such firms do not have opportunities and competencies to benefit from the end-user interface.

Sofisticação na indústria brasileira de brinquedos para inserção nas cadeias globais de valor

Ventura Filho, Waldir January 2017 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa Dra. Cristina Fróes de Borja Reis / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão da Inovação, 2017. / As brincadeiras fazem parte da vida das pessoas, principalmente quando crianças, seja nas escolas auxiliando no aprendizado, seja em casa nos momentos de lazer e descontração, auxiliando muito no desenvolvimento de criatividade. O brinquedo é, basicamente, o objeto que diverte a criança; o suporte da brincadeira desenvolvida. Sua produção há muito deixou de ser apenas artesanal e atualmente resulta de uma complexa gama de atividades articuladas em cadeias de valor globalizadas. Assim sendo, os objetivos desta pesquisa foram mapear as cadeias globais da indústria de brinquedos e investigar a inserção do Brasil nessas cadeias, tanto da indústria de brinquedos físicos, quanto digitais. Adicionalmente, buscou-se apresentar vias de sofisticação, de modo a melhorar a inserção do Brasil nas cadeias globais de valor de brinquedos. A metodologia tem natureza descritiva, contando com revisão bibliográfica e análise de dados quantitativos e qualitativos a partir do modelo estrutura-conduta-desempenho da Economia Industrial, aplicados no estudo de caso do setor de brinquedos ¿ definido conforme a International Standard Industrial Classification. Concluiu-se que o Brasil é mais um mercado importador de brinquedos tradicionais, do que produtor. Um dos caminhos para sofisticar sua participação nas cadeias seria através da indústria de jogos digitais, na qual o país já possui vantagens comparativas, atuando em atividades de maior valor adicionado. Atuar no nicho de jogos digitais tem, ainda, o benefício adicional de aplicar ferramentas tecnológicas e estimular inovações que promovam transformação nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. / Play is part of people's lives, especially as children, whether in schools, helping with learning, or at home in moments of leisure and relaxation, helping a lot in the development of creativity. The toy is, basically, the object that amuses the child; the support of the game developed. Its production has long ceased to be just handcrafted and is now the result of a complex range of activities articulated in globalized value chains. Thus, the objectives of this research were to map the global chains of the toy industry and to investigate the insertion of Brazil in these chains, both the physical and digital toy industry. Additionally, we tried to present sophistication routes, in order to improve the insertion of Brazil in the global value chains of toys industry. The methodology is descriptive in nature, with bibliographical review and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from the structure-conduct-performance model of the Industrial Economy, applied in the case study of the toy industry - defined according to the International Standard Industrial Classification. It was concluded that Brazil is more an importer market of traditional toys, than a producer. One of the ways to improve its participation in the chains would be through the digital gaming industry, in which the country already has comparative advantages, acting in activities of greater added value. Acting in the niche of digital games has the additional benefit of applying technological tools and stimulating innovations that promote transformation in information and communication technologies.

Globálne hodnotové reťazce v elektronickom priemysle - príklad Českej republiky / Global value chains in electronic industry - the case of the Czech Republic

Moravčík, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the activities of global value chains in Czech Republic, with a focus on the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the work explains the term value chain, its origin, function and its impact on selected economic indicators. Types of the processes in the firms and the possibility of relocation on the external subject or abroad is mentioned at the end of this section. The practical part aims to access the activity of the companies in global value chains. Based on the statistic dates, information from various databases and calculations, the paper offers an insight into the situation in selected sectors. Other parts are dedicated to analyzing the opportunities, current trends and overall development of this industry in Czech Republic. The output of the work provides a general look on the concept, how the firms are working in value chains and how are they affecting the electronic industry.

Globální hodnotové řetězce v kávovém průymslu se zaměřením na Vietnam / Global value chains in the coffee industry focused on Vietnam

Klumparová, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis is to describe functioning of global coffee value chains and this knowledge then apply to the coffee industry in Vietnam which serves as a case study. The introductory chapter focuses firstly on institutional background of value chains, processes and management processes used in the agricultural industry. The thesis also contains analysis of global coffee value chain, including the identification of entities engaged in the chain and their contribution to the creation of added value. Next chapter describes the development of the world coffee market and production of the world's major producers and exporters of coffee. The thesis also deals with the topic of economic and social sustainability and the impact of global value chains on the environment. Final part of the thesis concentrates on the position of the coffee industry in Vietnam, its structure and development over the past 40 years. Attention is paid also to a problematic position of small growers or to the opportunities of the development of the local coffee industry.

Organisations interprofessionnelles et innovation dans l'agriculture argentine : les cas de trois filières : soja, riz et tournesol / Organizaciones interprofesionales e innovación en la agricultura argentina : los casos de tres cadenas : soja, arroz y girasol / Interprofessional organizations and innovation in Argentine's agriculture : three case studies : soybean, rice and sunflower

Locher, Valentina 26 May 2015 (has links)
Les organisations interprofessionnelles (OIP), complètement nouvelles dans le cadre institutionnel agricole argentin, sont nées au sein d’un processus plus large de transformation du secteur où la technologie va tenir une place de plus en plus centrale. La vocation innovatrice manifestée par les OIP a suscité le besoin de comprendre leur rôle dans les processus d’innovation des filières.Cette thèse a fait apparaître, à partir de l’étude de trois cas (l’OIP de la filière du soja, l’OIP de la filière du tournesol et l’OIP de la filière du riz) que les OIP ont des rôles différenciés dans les processus d’innovation des filières. Nous avons pu montrer que les différences dans ces rôles sont liées à la fois aux formes d’insertion des filières argentines dans des chaines de valeur globales et aussi au type d’acteurs qui dominent les systèmes d’innovation de chaque filière. Le cadre théorique mobilisé combine des approches institutionnalistes des mécanismes de coordination des acteurs avec des approches de la géographie critique qui permettent de rendre compte des processus qui conditionnent le développement des filières agroalimentaires concernées. L’analyse empirique, basée sur la triangulation de sources d’information et de techniques d’analyse de données différentes, nous a permis de mettre en relation les différentes dimensions de la problématique et d’interpréter les rôles des OIP dans les processus d’innovation. / Interprofessional organizations (OIP), new actors in the Argentine’s agricultural institutional framework, were born in the context of a broader transformation of the sector where technology takes an increasingly central place. The innovative spirit manifested by the OIP raises questions about its role in the innovation process of the value chain. This thesis shows, from the study of three cases (the soybean chain OIP, the sunflower chain OIP and the rice chain OIP) that the OIP have differentiated roles in the innovation process. We have shown that differences in these roles are related to the forms of insertion of Argentine industries in global value chains and also the type of players that dominate the innovation systems of each chain. The framework combines institutionalist approaches to the coordination mechanisms of the actors in the innovation processes with a focus on critical geography, which can account for the processes that affect the development of agricultural chains. / Las organizaciones interprofesionales (OIP), actores completamente nuevos en el mapa institucional agrícola argentina, nacieron en el marco de un proceso más amplio de transformación del sector donde la tecnología ocupa un lugar cada vez más central. La vocación innovadora manifestada por las OIP lleva a interrogarse sobre su papel en el proceso de innovación de la cadena de valor. Esta tesis muestra, a partir del estudio de tres casos (OIP de la cadena de la soja, la cadena OIP girasol y las OIA del sector arrocero) que la OIP tienen roles diferenciados en el proceso de innovación y que las diferencias están vinculadas a las formas de inserción de las en las cadenas globales de valor y también el tipo de jugadores que dominan los sistemas de innovación de cada cadena. El marco teórico combina los enfoques institucionalistas de los mecanismos de coordinación de los actores en los procesos de innovación con el enfoque de la geografía crítica, que puede dar cuenta de los procesos que afectan al desarrollo de las cadenas agroalimentarios.El análisis empírico, basado en la triangulación de las fuentes de información y diferentes técnicas de análisis de datos, nos ha permitido relacionar las diferentes dimensiones del problema e interpretar los roles de las OIP en proceso la innovación.

Vliv vnitřního trhu na vnější vztahy EU (případová studie oblast služeb ve vztahu EU a USA) / The Impact of the Internal Market on the External Relations of the European Union (Case Study: the Sector of Services in the relations of the European Union and the United States of America)

Toboříková, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the impact of the EU internal market on its external relations - firstly, it asks to what scope can we use the knowledge gained from establishing the internal market and if it can improve the current negotiations and, secondly, whether the already established internal market and its institutions can affect the establishment of relations between the European Union and the United States. The work focuses on the economic level of relations and specifically on the importance of services, both in the economies and the global value chains. It shows that the services sector is politically very sensitive and that the problems which the European Union had to deal with when trying to gain the approval of the Services Directive, are similar to the situation that evolves around negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, with the negotiations being further complicated by internal interactions between the EU institutions.

Chaînes de valeurs globales, commerce international et organisation des entreprises / Global value chains, trade and firms organisation

Nakaa, Mounira 18 December 2018 (has links)
Ma thèse porte sur les chaines de valeurs globales et le commerce international.Les progrès technologiques et la baisse des coûts de communication ont favorisé la fragmentation des processus de production entre différents pays et secteurs et l’expansion des chaines de valeurs globales. Cette nouvelle organisation entraine des modifications majeures au niveau des flux du commerce international et une interdépendance croissante des économies.L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’étudier l’impact de l’organisation des chaines de valeur globales sur les problématiques du commerce international, que ce soit à l’échelle macroéconomique (avantages comparatifs des pays) ou microéconomique (performance des entreprises).Il s’agit d’une thèse sur travaux, composée de trois chapitres.Le premier chapitre analyse l’organisation d’une chaine de valeur globale à partir des avantages comparatifs. Je montre ainsi que les avantages comparatifs sont différents lorsqu’ils sont mesurés à l’aide de données commerciales en valeur ajoutée par rapport aux données commerciales traditionnelles. Cette nouvelle mesure des avantages comparatifs implique un schéma de spécialisation sectorielle différent dans une chaine de valeur globale. L’identification des facteurs à l’origine des avantages comparatifs dans ce contexte de fragmentation met en évidence le rôle crucial de la qualité institutionnelle, son effet étant plus important que les facteurs traditionnels tels que le travail ou le capital.Les deux derniers chapitres étudient les chaines de valeur globales à travers l’organisation des entreprises dans le secteur aéronautique en France, dans la région Midi-Pyrénées Aquitaine.Le deuxième chapitre évalue l’impact du recours à la sous-traitance sur les performances des entreprises de l’aéronautique, en se basant sur des données d’enquête de l’Insee de 2006 à 2011. J’étudie plus particulièrement l’impact de la localisation de la sous-traitance et je démontre que les entreprises ayant recours à la sous-traitance domestique et internationale affichent, en moyenne, une productivité plus élevée que celles qui ne sous-traitent pas ou sous-traitent uniquement au niveau domestique. L’utilisation de régressions quantiles montre que l’effet est d’autant plus élevé pour les entreprises les moins productives.Enfin, le dernier chapitre étudie l’impact de la crise financière de 2007-2008 sur les entreprises du secteur de l’aéronautique. Je distingue deux types d’entreprises, celles qui produisent des biens différenciés et celles qui produisent des biens standardisés. Les résultats mettent en évidence la plus forte résilience des entreprises produisant des biens standardisés. Cette meilleure résilience s’explique par une plus grande capacité à diversifier leurs marchés en cas de crise, notamment via l’utilisation de logiciels facilitant la sous-traitance et diminuant les coûts de coordination ainsi que leur statut d’exportateur, qui permet d’accéder plus facilement aux marchés internationaux. / My thesis is about global value chains and international trade.Technological progress and lower communication costs have foster the fragmentation of the process of production across countries and sectors and the expansion of global value chains. This new organization led to major changes in international trade flows and a growing interconnectedness of economies.The objective of this thesis is to study the impact of the organization of global value chains on international trade either at the macroeconomic level (countries’ comparative advantages) or microeconomic (firm performances).This thesis is organized on three chapters. The first chapter assesses the impact of global value chains on the comparative advantages of countries based on value added trade data.In this first chapter, I investigate the organization of global value chains based on comparative advantages. I show that comparative advantages are different when computed using value added trade data compared to gross trade data, which leads to a different sectoral specialization in a global value chain. The identification of the determinants of comparative advantages shows the importance of the quality of institutions, its impact is greater than traditional factors like labor or capital.The two last chapters study global value chains through plants in the aircraft industry in France, in the region Midi-Pyrénées Aquitaine.The second chapter provides empirical evidence of the impact of outsourcing and its origin on plant level performance in the aircraft sector based on panel data from 2006 to 2011. Specifically, I study the impact of the localization of outsourcing and show that, in average, plants that outsource their activities both domestically and internationally exhibit a higher productivity level, compared to plants not outsourcing or outsourcing only domestically. Quantile regressions shows that this effect is higher for lower productive plants.The last chapter describes the impact of the 2007-2008 financial crisis on plants on the aircraft sector in France. I identify two types of plants, generic outsourcers, producing standardized goods, and contractual outsourcers, producing customized goods. I show that generic outsourcers were more resilient during the crisis than contractual ones. Digitization, which reduces coordination costs and exporting activities, which permits to diversify their markets, explain part of the resilience of generic outsourcers to the crisis impact.

South African automotive industry: globalisation, re-structuring and world-class manufacture.

Van der Horst, Frank January 2002 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / Political and economic sanctions between 1970 and 1994 isolated the inward-oriented economy of South Africa from global trends. A variety of factors, such as a challenging new global competitive environment, production overcapacity, falling protectionist tariff barriers in a period of liberalisation, world-class manufacture and globalisation, are contributing to the reform of the economy and the automotive industry. The South African automotive industry therefore faces a major reform in trade policy. The South African government introduced the Motor Industry Development Plan (MIDP) in 1995, to create the necessary levels of competitiveness, promote world class manufacture practices, increase levels of investments and exports that would consequently lead to the successful reconstruction and development of this sector of the South African economy. Subsequent research has shown that the successful adoption of world-class manufacture (or lean production) processes in the South African automotive industry is necessary not only for survival, but also for increased competitiveness of the industry and the improved economic performance of automotive firms. However, complicated links exist between the adoption of world-class manufacture for improved levels of operational competitiveness. for firm-level success, on the one hand, and long-term sustainability of the industry, on the other hand. Combined firm level economic success and long-term sustainability of the industry depend on factors such as international trends, connectivity to global value chains, modern technological capabilities, lean production and enterprise systems, substantial investments, increased exports, world-wide quality standards, as well as customer satisfaction, human resource development, advanced education, skills development, worker participation, government policy and institutional support. This is borne out by a recent study of the auto component sector, utilising a lean , production 'market driver' toolkit. The study found that although component manufacturers significantly improved their operational competitiveness, they have not necessarily experienced improved economic performance levels. More important is connectedness and integration into global value chains, via intermediaries, mergers and acquisitions. The changing political economy of automotive value chains is also important in shaping fum-level operational success and industry sustainability. In this research paper, we review global automotive industry trends which influenced the introduction of the government's visionary MIDP. We then discuss their impact on the performance of the South African assembly and component sectors at industry and finn level. This leads to a series of recommendations for improved performance to world-class manufacture, world-wide quality standards and global competitiveness

South African automotive industry: Globalisation, re-structuring and world-class manufacture.

van der Horst, Frank A. January 2002 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / Political and economic sanctions between 1970 and 1994 isolated the inward-oriented economy of South Africa from global trends. A variety of factors, such as a challenging new global competitive environment, production overcapacity, falling protectionist tariff barriers in a period of liberalisation, world-class manufacture and globalisation, are contributing to the reform of the economy and the automotive industry. The South African automotive industry therefore faces a major reform in trade policy. The South African government introduced the Motor Industry Development Plan (MIDP) in 1995, to create the necessary levels of competitiveness, promote worldclass manufacture practices, increase levels of investments and exports that would consequently lead to the successful reconstruction and development of this sector of the South African economy. Subsequent research has shown that the successful adoption of world-class manufacture (or lean production) processes in the South African automotive industry is necessary not only for survival, but also for increased competitiveness of the industry and the improved economic performance of automotive firms. However, complicated links exist between the adoption of world-class manufacture for improved levels of operational competitiveness. for firm-level success, on the one hand, and long-term sustainability of the industry, on the other hand. Combined firm level economic success and long-term sustainability of the industry depend on factors such as international trends, connectivity to global value chains, modern technological capabilities, lean production and enterprise systems, substantial investments, increased exports, world-wide quality standards, as well as customer satisfaction, human resource development, advanced education, skills development, worker participation, government policy and institutional support. This is borne out by a recent study of the auto component sector, utilising a lean , production 'market driver' toolkit. The study found that although component manufacturers significantly improved their operational competitiveness, they have not necessarily experienced improved economic performance levels. More important is connectedness and integration into global value chains, via intermediaries, mergers and acquisitions. The changing political economy of automotive value chains is also important in shaping fum-level operational success and industry sustainability.

Professional development in Global Value Chains and Life Cycle Assessment : A case study at an Argentinian institute / Kompetensutveckling i Globala Värdekedjor ochLivscykelanalys : En fallstudie på ett argentinskt institut.

Hanström, Joel January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis seeks to investigate how an Argentinean institute support its members to learn Global Value Chains and Life Cycle Assessment. Two important methodologies that can be used as a basis to form sustainable strategies based on analyses of products or services. A Global Value Chains and Life Cycle Assessment course is held to the institute’s members who wishes to learn them. This case study has analysed the course design, the outcome and the institute’s organizational structure for professional development based on a 15-factor framework and relevant learning theories. Course evaluations, data analysis, group interviews and questionnaires were the research methods used to gather data for this case study. The thesis reveals that several important factors for professional development that facilitate the learning of GVC and LCA can be found at the institute. But, the current course design and the institute’s restriction of access to data prevents good learning outcomes for the course participants. Several suggestions regarding the course design and organisational structure were presented, based on the findings of this study. / Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka hur ett argentinskt institut stöder sina medlemmar att lära sig om globala värdekedjor (GVC) och livscykelanalys (LCA). Två viktiga metoder som kan användas som utgångspunkt för att bilda hållbara strategier baserade på analyser av produkter eller tjänster. En GVC och LCA kurs hålls för institutets medlemmar som vill lära sig metoderna. Denna fallstudie har analyserat kursdesignen, utfallet och institutets organisationsstruktur för kompetensutveckling baserad på en 15-faktors ramverk och relevanta lärteorier. Kursutvärderingar, dataanalyser, gruppintervjuer och frågeformulär var de undersökningsmetoder som användes för att samla data för denna fallstudie. Studien visar att flera viktiga faktorer för kompetensutveckling underlättar lärandet av GVC och LCA på institutet. Det framgår däremot att den nuvarande kursdesignen och institutetss begränsning av tillgång till data förhindrar goda läranderesultat för kursdeltagarna. Flera förslag om kursdesign och organisationsstruktur presenteras, baserat på resultaten från denna studie. / Esta tesis de maestría busca investigar cómo un instituto argentino apoya a sus miembros para aprender las Cadenas Globales de Valor (CGV) y la Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (ACV). Dos metodologías importantes que pueden usarse como base para formar estrategias sostenibles basadas en análisis de productos o servicios. Se realiza un curso de CGV y ACV a los iembros del instituto que deseen aprenderlos. Este estudio de caso ha analizado el diseño del curso, el resultado y la estructura organizacional del instituto para el desarrollo profesional basado en un marco de 15 factores y teorías de aprendizaje relevantes. Las evaluaciones de los cursos, el análisis de datos, las entrevistas grupales y los cuestionarios fueron los métodos de investigación utilizados para recopilar datos para este estudio de caso. La tesis revela que en el instituto se pueden encontrar varios factores importantes para el desarrollo profesional que facilitan el aprendizaje de CGV y ACV. Sin embargo, el diseño actual del curso y la restricción de acceso del instituto a los datos impiden buenos resultados de aprendizaje para los participantes del curso. Se presentaron varias sugerencias sobre el diseño del curso y la estructura organizacional, basadas en los hallazgos de este estudio.

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