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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analiza uticaja genetskih, mikroklimatskih i ekoloških faktora na sastav glutena i tehnološki kvalitet sorti pšenice / Analysis of the impact of genetic, microclimatic and environmental factors on the composition of gluten and technological quality of wheat

Živančev Dragan 21 February 2014 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije analiziran je uticaj genetskih, ekolo&scaron;kih i mikroklimatskih faktora<br />tokom tri proizvodne godine na sastav glutena i tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet 16 sorti p&scaron;enica<br />koje su godinama zastupljene u sortimentu Srbije, a koje su bile proizvedene na istom<br />lokalitetu. Da bi se ispitao tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet i sastav glutena, upotrebljene su, kako<br />tradicionalne, tako i savremene metode; urađena je elektroforetska analiza gluteninskih<br />i glijadinskih podjedinica, sadržaj slobodnih &ndash;SH i &ndash;NH grupa, probno pečenje i<br />objektivno je ocenjen kvalitet dobijenog hleba u cilju formiranja baze podataka za<br />statističku analizu. Zbog obimnosti rezutata i činjenice da su pokazatelji određeni u<br />različitom broju ponavljanja uslovljenim potrebnom količinom uzorka, uobičajenim<br />brojem ponavljanja, reproduktivno&scaron;ću metoda, urađena je PCA analiza na osnovu koje<br />je izvr&scaron;en odabir najvažnijih pokazatelja. Dodatno, primenjena je Analiza značajnosti u<br />odnosnu na: klimatske faktore koji su uslovljeni proizvodnom godinom, genetske<br />faktore koji su uslovljeni genetskom slično&scaron;ću ispitivanog sortimenta p&scaron;enice, kao i<br />ekolo&scaron;kim faktorima koji se ogledaju preko različitog nivoa neodvojivih primesa koji<br />su definisani frekvencionom analizom. Cilljevi istraživanja omogućili su da se:<br />&ndash;utvrdi kako i na koji način mikroklimatski uslovi koji su vladali u tri proizvodne<br />godine, a pogotovo ki&scaron;no i nestabilno vreme u periodu od cvetanja p&scaron;enice pa sve do<br />pune zrelosti, utiču na sastav glutena i tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet ispitivanih sorti p&scaron;enice,<br />&ndash;utvrdi kako i na koji način ekolo&scaron;ki faktori, definisani prisutvom tri različita nivoa<br />proklijalih, steničavih, fuzarioznih i tamnokličnih zrna, utiču na sastav glutena i<br />tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet ispitivanih sorti p&scaron;enice<br />&ndash;utvrdi kako genetski faktori, definisani preko razlika u HMW&ndash;GS koje ispitivane<br />sorte sadrže, odnosno ne sadrže na Glu A1, Glu D1 lokusu i identičnom HMW&ndash;GS<br />sastavu, utiču na sastav glutena i tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet ispitivanih sorti p&scaron;enice.<br />Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju jednu kompleksnu analizu koja je obuhvatila veliku<br />bazu ispitivanih pokazatelja i bliže odredila kako pojedinačni genetski, mikroklimatski<br />i ekolo&scaron;ki faktori utiču na sastav glutena i tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet p&scaron;enice.</p> / <p>In the Ph. D. Thesis was analyzed the impact of genetic, environmental and<br />microclimatic factors that prevailed during the three production years on gluten<br />composition and technological quality of 16 wheat varieties that are present in the<br />assortment of Serbia. Also, all wheat varieties were produced at the same location. The<br />traditional and sofisticated methods are used, electrophoretic analysis of glutenin and<br />gliadin subunits was performed, the content of free-SH and-NH groups are determined,<br />baking test and objective quality of the obtained bread are evaluated to examine the<br />technological quality of wheat and composition of gluten. The gained results are used<br />to established a database for statistical analysis. Due to the numerous data and the fact<br />that the properties measured in different number of repetitions which are qualifed by<br />sample amount, the usual number of repetitions, reproductivity method PCA was<br />performed toward the selection of the most important properties. After that was done<br />ANOVA in the respective to climatic factors that charatcterized the production year,<br />the genetic factors that are caused by genetic similarity of the exmined cultivars of<br />wheat and environmental factors that are reflected through the different levels of<br />inseparable impurities, which are defined by frekvency analysis. Specific objectives of<br />the study enable to:<br />&ndash;determine how microclimatic conditions that prevailed in the three production<br />years, especially the rainy and instable weather that prevailed from wheat flowering<br />until full maturity of wheat kernel influence on the composition of gluten and wheat<br />processing quality tested,<br />&ndash;determine how environmental factors that are defined by the presence of three<br />different levels of germinate kernels, kernels damaged by wheat bug, kernels infested<br />by Fussarium molds and kernels infested by Alternaria alternata molds affect on the<br />composition of gluten and technological quality of wheat cultivar and<br />&ndash;determine how genetic factors which are defined through differences in HMW-GS<br />on the Glu A1 and Glu D1 locus that cultivars contain or do not contain and identical<br />HMW-GS composition which examined cultivars possess affect on the gluten<br />composition and technological quality of tested wheat varieties.</p><p>The achieved results represent a complex analysis of the impact of various factors on<br />the composition of gluten and technological quality of wheat, which included a<br />enormous database of properites and closely determine how individual microclimatic,<br />genetic and environmental factors influence on the gluten composition and<br />technological quality of wheat.</p>

Effects of corn processing and dietary wet corn gluten feed on newly received and growing cattle

Siverson, Anna January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Dale A. Blasi / Effects of corn processing with or without the inclusion of wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) on growth and performance were analyzed in two experiments. Treatments for both experiments were a diet including 47% whole-shelled corn (WSC) with no WCGF (WSC/0WCGF), a diet including 29% WSC with 30% WCGF (WSC/30WCGF), a diet including 47% dry-rolled corn (DRC) with no WCGF (DRC/0WCGF), and a diet with 29% DRC with 30% WCGF (DRC/30WCGF). Exp. 1 used 279 crossbred calves (230 kg) that were allocated to treatments in a 2x2 factorial completely randomized block design. No corn processing effects (all P > 0.31) were observed. Final BW was increased when WCGF was included in the diet (P = 0.03). ADG was increased for diets with WCGF (P = 0.03). Efficiency was not affected by the incorporation of WCGF in the diet. Digestibility of DM (P = 0.006) and starch (P = 0.009) was increased by the dietary inclusion of WCGF. There were no benefits observed for processing corn, but including WCGF at 30% (DM) increased gains and overall performance. Exp. 2 was a digestibility experiment using 5 ruminally cannulated Holstein heifers (248 ± 13 kg BW) in a 4 × 4 Latin square with an additional animal that was administered the same treatment sequence as another heifer on trial. No corn processing effects were observed for DM, starch, and ADF intake (all P ≥ 0.09). Dietary WCGF inclusion increased starch, non-starch and ADF intake (all P ≤ 0.01). Digestibility of DM, starch, non-starch, and ADF was not affected by corn processing, but DM, non-starch, and ADF digestibility were increased by WCGF inclusion in the diet (P ≤ 0.03). Ruminal pH was not affected by corn processing (P = 0.90) or dietary WCGF inclusion (P = 0.09). No corn × WCGF interactions were detected. There also was no difference among VFAs or total VFA concentration (all P ≥ 0.12) for corn processing effects. Passage rate (%/h) and ruminal liquid volume was not affected by corn processing or dietary WCGF inclusion (all P ≥ 0.66).

Development and improvement of sorghum-based gluten-free dinner rolls

Bianchi, Marc Pierre January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Food Science / Fadi Aramouni / Despite the expansion of the gluten-free (GF) food market, some GF food items are still characterized by an overall mediocre quality. The effects of different types of egg ingredients (fresh, whites, dried) and carob germ flour (CGF) as well as par-baking technology on the quality of dough-based gluten-free sorghum dinner rolls were evaluated. Gluten-free rolls containing 30% of fresh shell eggs or equivalent of egg products and 10% of CGF on a flour basis were evaluated against a control (no egg, no CGF). The feasibility of partial baking of rolls was studied on control as well as fresh eggs and carob germ flour formulas during 5 baking times (0, 8, 10, 12 and 18 minutes). Breads were evaluated for crumb and crust color, specific volume, cell profile, Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) and consumer acceptability. Results showed that rolls containing egg ingredients had higher specific volumes than control (p<0.05) with an increase from 1.45 cm[superscript]3/g to 1.96 cm[superscript]3/g. Carob germ flour did not have a significant effect on specific volume. Eggs also improved cell elongation and produced significantly darker crust (p<0.05). CGF did not appear to have an effect on cell elongation but increased average cell number when combined with egg ingredients, and greatly impacted rolls texture. The combination of fresh eggs or egg whites with CGF reduced significantly (p<0.05) crumb hardness from 2,074 to 1,404g and 1,468g of force respectively. Par-baked dinner rolls displayed similar color, volume, cell profile and texture trends to conventionally baked rolls. Sensory study revealed that acceptability, organoleptic characteristics and willingness to buy of par-baked dinner rolls could be similar to that of conventional wheat products. This research proved that the addition of eggs and CGF to a GF rolls formulation resulted in better overall quality of the product. Moreover, par-baking of the rolls showed great potential to provide safe, convenient and acceptable GF foods to celiac individuals.

Inclusion of wet corn gluten feed with physically effective neutral detergent fiber and the resulting effects on production

Sullivan, Michelle Lea January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Barry J. Bradford / Wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) is commonly included in lactation rations for dairy cattle. Research at Kansas State University has shown that increasing WCGF inclusion decreased ruminal pH. Lack of adequate particle size may result in this decrease and can impact efficiencies, animal health and longevity. A study was conducted to look at the effects of feeding WCGF while maintaining > 10% of particles > 19 mm across diets. We hypothesized that as WCGF increased, DMI and milk yield would increase while ruminal pH would be maintained. Seven ruminally-cannulated, lactating Holstein cows were used in an incomplete 4 × 4 Latin square design with treatments of 0, 12.4, 24.5 or 35.1% WCGF across 4 periods of 21 d. Alfalfa hay was used to maintain particle size. All diets met particle size goals; however, as WCGF increased, the proportion of particles > 19 mm decreased (P = 0.01) and cows changed their sorting behavior in favor of particles > 19 mm (P = 0.03) and against particles on the bottom screen (P < 0.01) and pan (P = 0.01). As WCGF increased, ruminal pH and ECM/DMI were not affected, yet DMI (P = 0.02) and milk yield (P = 0.02) increased quadratically. Milk protein, lactose and fat concentrations were not affected; however, milk protein (P = 0.004; linear) and lactose (P = 0.02; quadratic) yields increased. In a separate study, active dry yeast (ADY) products, commonly used in the dairy industry to support ruminal health, were evaluated for product guarantees and effects of storage and storage medium. Few products received through normal distribution met product guarantees (1 of 6; experiment 1) and after 3 mo of storage cell viability dropped significantly (P < 0.01). In the second experiment, products were stored in ground corn or in a vitamin-trace mineral mix (VTM). Depressions in viability caused by high-temperature storage were partially mitigated when ADY products were stored with a VTM. Although both mediums resulted in lower cell viabilities after storage at 40ºC, VTM cell viabilities were significantly (P = 0.02) higher than ground corn.

Effect of reducing agents on batter consistency and physical characteristics of bread from sorghum flour

Fort, Emily L. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Grain Science and Industry / Rebecca Miller / Sorghum is a vital cereal crop grown in many regions around the world. Tolerance to harsh climates and low moisture conditions are unique traits making sorghum an economical choice in an era of global water scarcity. In recent years, sorghum has gained greater recognition as a gluten-free grain and is a safe alternative for individuals suffering from gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Still, the lack of gluten proteins does not allow sorghum to form a viscoelastic dough. In this study reducing agents were added to improve functional properties of sorghum kafirins for bread baking. Study objectives were to determine the effect of reducing agents on protein body structure of sorghum kafirins, investigate the influence on the sorghum batter consistency, and evaluate the effects on the physical characteristics of sorghum bread. Protein analysis, accomplished using RP-HPLC, showed reducing agents, L-cysteine and sodium metabisulfite, reduced protein structure; increasing RP-HPLC total peak area up to 747% and 681%, respectively. Batter consistency was obtained using a RVA. Treatments of L-cysteine (2.5% fwb) expressed increased RVA peak viscosity and decreased final viscosity. Samples treated with sodium metabisulfite (500 ppm fwb) had increased peak viscosity, holding strength and final viscosity. Yeast activity of batter treated with ≥3000 ppm (fwb) sodium metabisulfite caused volume loss of 95% yet at 500 ppm (fwb) sodium metabisulfite did not have an effect. Batter with 2.5% (fwb) L-cysteine experienced reduced yeast activity after 20 min. Sorghum bread characteristics were altered. Loaf volume and crumb grain characteristics of bread produced using sodium metabisulfite (500 ppm) were equal to that of the control, while initial texture and staling were improved. The addition of L-cysteine (2.5% fwb) to breads lowered loaf volume but produced softer initial crumb texture and improved in-vitro protein digestibility by 18.8%.

Hodnocení kvality bezlepkových potravin se zaměřením na pečivo / Quality assessment of gluten-free foods with a focus on pastries

ZIMMELOVÁ, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the production of gluten-free bread from naturally gluten-free flour, which will be enriched with suitable additives that will increase antioxidant activity and naturally effect on the structure of the pastry, so it will meet the sensory requirements of final consumers. The literary part define, which proteins can be found in cereals, what does the gluten means, its function in the pastry and which diseases can cause. In connection with these diseases, a gluten-free diet for improving the patient's health and suitable foodstuff are briefly described. The literary part is concluded with the theory of sensory evaluation. The practical part deals with the production of naturally gluten-free breads enriched with ingredients from kitchen onions (Allium cepa L.) and subsequent sensory evaluation of this bread. Selected statistical procedures were used to obtain, processed and evaluated data. Antioxidant activity was also monitored and evaluated. By using texture-meter was find out, what effect has additives on aging of gluten-free bread.

Elaboração de produtos com características funcionais à base de quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) / Development of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) based products with functional characteristic

Salas, Adelaida Giovanna Viza 15 December 2011 (has links)
A tendência a uma alimentação saudável vem fazendo surgir oportunidades no desenvolvimento de alimentos, criando diversos produtos que ofereçam benefícios fisiológicos e nutricionais aos consumidores. Esses produtos têm por finalidade atender consumidores que procuram alimentos para dietas especiais e/ou com características funcionais. Seguindo a isso, neste trabalho, foram formulados produtos com características funcionais, agregando valor nutricional, utilizando-se como um dos ingredientes principais a quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), que possui alto conteúdo de nutrientes e isenção de glúten. Foram desenvolvidas seis formulações de preparados para recheios, contendo quinoa, suco de laranja, colágeno hidrolisado e ácido cítrico, combinados com os seguintes ingredientes nas respectivas formulações: 1A (goma xantana + sacarose), 1B (goma xantana + xarope de alta frutose + açúcar invertido), 1C (goma xantana + sucralose); 2A (N-succinil-quitosana+ sacarose), 2B (N-succinil-quitosana + xarope de alta frutose+ açúcar invertido), 2C (N-succinil-quitosana + sucralose); e cinco formulações de bolos, sendo uma formulação padrão (farinha de trigo, açúcar, chocolate em pó, gema e clara desidratadas, gordura, fermento químico, café solúvel, emulsificante) e quatro formulações com substituição da farinha pelos seguintes ingredientes: A (farinha de quinoa, farinha de arroz), B (Farinha de quinoa), C (Farinha de arroz), D (Farinha de quinoa, Polidextrose - Litesse). Ainda, na formulação D substituiu-se a sacarose por Lactitol e sucralose. Procedeu-se a escolha do tipo de gordura a ser utilizada nas formulações (testou-se três tipos de margarinas e dois de gorduras para uso em panificação), sendo escolhida a gordura vegetal low trans por apresentar um produto com as melhores características físicas testadas (textura, volume e cor). Avaliaram-se as características físico-químicas e físicas das formulações dos preparados e dos bolos. A substituição de goma xantana por N-succinil-quitosana nos preparados não apresentou grande diferença nas determinações químicas efetuadas, contudo apresentou diferenças estruturais, sendo que os sistemas formulados com quitosana mostraram melhor recuperação de estrutura na análise de tixotropia; duas formulações foram classificadas como diet/light. Nos bolos, as formulações com farinha de quinoa mostraram maior conteúdo protéico; a formulação com farinha de arroz apresentou menor valor lipídico e as formulações com quinoa com e sem sacarose maior valor protéico, sendo estas as mais indicadas para indivíduos celíacos e diabéticos, respectivamente. Poucas variações foram encontradas nos resultados da análise de cor da crosta e miolo, volume específico e textura nas diferentes formulações e em relação à formulação padrão. / The trend towards healthy food is giving rise to opportunities in the development of food, creating several products that offer nutritional and physiological benefits to consumers. These products are designed to address consumers looking for foods for special diets and/or with functional characteristics. Following this, in this work were formulated products with functional characteristics, adding nutritional value, using as one of the main ingredients, the quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), which possesses a high content of nutrients and its free of gluten. Six fillings formulations were developed containing quinoa, orange juice, hydrolyzed collagen and citric acid, combined with the following ingredients in their formulations: 1A (sucrose + xanthan gum), 1B (xanthan gum + high fructose syrup + inverted sugar), 1C (xanthan gum + sucralose), 2A (N-succinyl-chitosan + sucrose), 2B (N-succinyl-chitosan + high fructose syrup + inverted sugar), 2C (N-succinyl-chitosan + sucralose), and five formulations of cakes, with one being a standard formulation (flour, sugar, cocoa powder, dried yolk and white, fat, baking powder, instant coffee, emulsifier) and four formulations with a flour substitute by the following ingredients: a (quinoa flour, rice flour), B (quinoa flour), C (rice flour), D (quinoa flour, polydextrose - Litesse). Even more, the formulation D sucrose was substituted by Lactitiol and sucralose. Proceeded to choose the type of fat to be used in formulations (three types of margarine and two of fat were tested for use in baking), with the low trans vegetable fat being chosen for presenting a product with the best physical characteristics tested (texture, volume and color). The physicochemical and physical properties of the cakes and fillings were evaluated. As a result it was obtained from the quinoa prepared with orange juice, an increased amount of protein that the conventional jams and fillings, the substitution of xanthan gum by N-succinyl-chitosan did not show much difference in the chemical determinations made, but it showed structural differences, were systems that were formulated with chitosan showed better recovery of structure in the thixotropy analysis; two formulations were classified as diet/light. In cakes, formulations with quinoa flour showed a higher protein content; the formulation with rice flour showed the lowest lipid; the quinoa (with and without sucrose) formulations are more suitable for celiac and diabetics, respectively. Few differences were found in the analysis of color from the crust and crumb, specific volume and texture between the different formulations and when compared to the standard formulation.


Cardoso, Juliana Souza e Silva 14 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:44:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JULIANA SOUZA E SILVA.pdf: 5512462 bytes, checksum: 6eb9649a41c4fc1234a638bbb53fcf1d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-14 / This research aimed to develop a process for the manufacture of gluten free cookies which can be ingested by celiac patients. Celiac disease is characterized by the non digestibility of gluten in the small intestine. Gluten is a protein fraction found in wheat, barley, rye and malt. In the world, there are millions of people prevented from consuming different products with gluten. Thus, in this work describes the process to remove gluten from wheat flour, characterization by physic-chemical and technological analysis, optimization formulation of cookies and evaluation of sensory acceptability. Four brands of wheat flour type I obtained in Goiania (A, B, C and D). Was used in this work. The results showed that the best after the process deglutinization was sample C that was choose for to prepare the product. Gluten free-cookies was prepared using flour without gluten, sugar, margarine, eggs, baking powder, vanilla essence and chocolate chips. This formulation was submitted to a 40 member sensory panel to assess the attributes of appearance, texture, flavor and overall acceptance. Generally, the sensory analysis showed overall acceptance was 8,0 ( I like much ) for three attributes (flavor, texture and appearance). With regard to the variable flavor the result was 9 point in the hedonic scale (I like very much). Most members sensory wrote that they to intent to purchase the product. In evaluating the economic viability of the cookie, to verify the sustainability, it was observed that it is possible for patients with celiac disease, as well as the product was free of gluten with much more afford able price compared to existing products on the market reaching the main objective of the research to develop a sustainable product for diets restricted to gluten. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver uma fórmula de cookie que possa ser consumida por pacientes celíacos. A doença celíaca é caracterizada pela não digestibilidade do glúten no intestino delgado. O glúten é a fração protéica presente no trigo, cevada, centeio e malte. Mundialmente existem milhões de pessoas impedidas em consumir diversos produtos com glúten. Desta forma, neste trabalho desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para retirar o glúten da farinha de trigo, caracterizar por análises físico-químicas e reológicas, aperfeiçoar a formulação dos cookies sem glúten e avaliar a aceitação sensorial. Foram utilizadas quatro marcas de farinhas de trigo especial tipo I, obtidas no comércio de Goiânia/GO (A, B, C e D). A farinha que apresentou melhores características após o processo de desglutinização foi a C, a qual foi utilizada na formulação que teve como base a farinha sem glúten, açúcar, margarina, ovos, fermento, essência de baunilha e gotas de chocolate. A análise sensorial de aceitação evidenciou que o produto foi bem aceito, já que a maioria dos provadores atribuiu média global 8 para os três atributos: sabor, textura e aparência, que na escala hedônica de 9 pontos usada, corresponde à descrição gostei muito . A maioria dos provadores também apresentaram intenção de compra do produto em questão, comprovando a sua boa aceitação. Ao avaliar a viabilidade econômica do cookie sem glúten, para verificação da sustentabilidade, observou-se que o mesmo é viável para portadores de doença celíaca, já que o produto, além de isento de glúten, ficou com o preço bem mais acessível que os produtos existentes no mercado, atingindo o objetivo principal da pesquisa de desenvolver um produto sustentável para dietas restritas ao glúten.

Elaboração de produtos com características funcionais à base de quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) / Development of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) based products with functional characteristic

Adelaida Giovanna Viza Salas 15 December 2011 (has links)
A tendência a uma alimentação saudável vem fazendo surgir oportunidades no desenvolvimento de alimentos, criando diversos produtos que ofereçam benefícios fisiológicos e nutricionais aos consumidores. Esses produtos têm por finalidade atender consumidores que procuram alimentos para dietas especiais e/ou com características funcionais. Seguindo a isso, neste trabalho, foram formulados produtos com características funcionais, agregando valor nutricional, utilizando-se como um dos ingredientes principais a quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), que possui alto conteúdo de nutrientes e isenção de glúten. Foram desenvolvidas seis formulações de preparados para recheios, contendo quinoa, suco de laranja, colágeno hidrolisado e ácido cítrico, combinados com os seguintes ingredientes nas respectivas formulações: 1A (goma xantana + sacarose), 1B (goma xantana + xarope de alta frutose + açúcar invertido), 1C (goma xantana + sucralose); 2A (N-succinil-quitosana+ sacarose), 2B (N-succinil-quitosana + xarope de alta frutose+ açúcar invertido), 2C (N-succinil-quitosana + sucralose); e cinco formulações de bolos, sendo uma formulação padrão (farinha de trigo, açúcar, chocolate em pó, gema e clara desidratadas, gordura, fermento químico, café solúvel, emulsificante) e quatro formulações com substituição da farinha pelos seguintes ingredientes: A (farinha de quinoa, farinha de arroz), B (Farinha de quinoa), C (Farinha de arroz), D (Farinha de quinoa, Polidextrose - Litesse). Ainda, na formulação D substituiu-se a sacarose por Lactitol e sucralose. Procedeu-se a escolha do tipo de gordura a ser utilizada nas formulações (testou-se três tipos de margarinas e dois de gorduras para uso em panificação), sendo escolhida a gordura vegetal low trans por apresentar um produto com as melhores características físicas testadas (textura, volume e cor). Avaliaram-se as características físico-químicas e físicas das formulações dos preparados e dos bolos. A substituição de goma xantana por N-succinil-quitosana nos preparados não apresentou grande diferença nas determinações químicas efetuadas, contudo apresentou diferenças estruturais, sendo que os sistemas formulados com quitosana mostraram melhor recuperação de estrutura na análise de tixotropia; duas formulações foram classificadas como diet/light. Nos bolos, as formulações com farinha de quinoa mostraram maior conteúdo protéico; a formulação com farinha de arroz apresentou menor valor lipídico e as formulações com quinoa com e sem sacarose maior valor protéico, sendo estas as mais indicadas para indivíduos celíacos e diabéticos, respectivamente. Poucas variações foram encontradas nos resultados da análise de cor da crosta e miolo, volume específico e textura nas diferentes formulações e em relação à formulação padrão. / The trend towards healthy food is giving rise to opportunities in the development of food, creating several products that offer nutritional and physiological benefits to consumers. These products are designed to address consumers looking for foods for special diets and/or with functional characteristics. Following this, in this work were formulated products with functional characteristics, adding nutritional value, using as one of the main ingredients, the quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), which possesses a high content of nutrients and its free of gluten. Six fillings formulations were developed containing quinoa, orange juice, hydrolyzed collagen and citric acid, combined with the following ingredients in their formulations: 1A (sucrose + xanthan gum), 1B (xanthan gum + high fructose syrup + inverted sugar), 1C (xanthan gum + sucralose), 2A (N-succinyl-chitosan + sucrose), 2B (N-succinyl-chitosan + high fructose syrup + inverted sugar), 2C (N-succinyl-chitosan + sucralose), and five formulations of cakes, with one being a standard formulation (flour, sugar, cocoa powder, dried yolk and white, fat, baking powder, instant coffee, emulsifier) and four formulations with a flour substitute by the following ingredients: a (quinoa flour, rice flour), B (quinoa flour), C (rice flour), D (quinoa flour, polydextrose - Litesse). Even more, the formulation D sucrose was substituted by Lactitiol and sucralose. Proceeded to choose the type of fat to be used in formulations (three types of margarine and two of fat were tested for use in baking), with the low trans vegetable fat being chosen for presenting a product with the best physical characteristics tested (texture, volume and color). The physicochemical and physical properties of the cakes and fillings were evaluated. As a result it was obtained from the quinoa prepared with orange juice, an increased amount of protein that the conventional jams and fillings, the substitution of xanthan gum by N-succinyl-chitosan did not show much difference in the chemical determinations made, but it showed structural differences, were systems that were formulated with chitosan showed better recovery of structure in the thixotropy analysis; two formulations were classified as diet/light. In cakes, formulations with quinoa flour showed a higher protein content; the formulation with rice flour showed the lowest lipid; the quinoa (with and without sucrose) formulations are more suitable for celiac and diabetics, respectively. Few differences were found in the analysis of color from the crust and crumb, specific volume and texture between the different formulations and when compared to the standard formulation.

The Effects of Using Banana Flour as a Gluten Substitute in Cookies

Goble, Brandy, Lawson, Karen, Johnson, Michelle E., Yates, Emily, Clark, W. Andrew 01 April 2017 (has links)
Abstract available in The FASEB Journal.

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