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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Talk to me! : - en fallstudie om internkommunikation vid en organisationsförändring med fokus på motivation / Talk to me! : - a case study of the internal communication during an organizational change with focus on motivation

Knutsen, Lisa, Bäckman, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
Förmågan att kunna kommunicera är av yttersta vikt för att en organisation ska vara fungerande. Det är också nödvändigt för en organisation att kunna förändra sig för att förbli effektiv. Motivation är det som sätter tankar i handling och därför bör det vara en viktig aspekt när det kommer till internkommunikation i stora organisationer som genomgår förändringar.      Uppsatsen baseras på en fallstudie av en organisationsförändring vid Karlstads universitet som genomfördes 1 januari 2013, där kvalitativa intervjuer använts som metod. Undersökningen gjordes under november och december 2012 då förändringsprocessen var i sitt slutskede. Intervjuer utfördes med både informanter och respondenter anställda vid Karlstads universitet.   Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka internkommunikationens betydelse för hur medarbetare motiveras till en organisationsförändring. Utifrån syftet har tre frågeställningar formulerats: (1) Hur önskar medarbetare vid Karlstads universitet att information kommuniceras internt vid en organisationsförändring? (2) Överensstämmer medarbetares och implementeringsgruppen vid Karlstads universitets uppfattningar om hur information om en organisationsförändring bör kommuniceras? (3) Hur anser medarbetare vid Karlstads universitet att motivation skapas inför en organisationsförändring genom internkommunikation?   Resultatet från de intervjuer som genomförts har analyserats utifrån teorier som till exempel transmissionsmodellen, goal setting teorin och McLuhans teori om kanalval.  Denna undersökning visar att den närmsta chefen ses som den viktigaste informationskanalen. Det kommer även fram att medarbetarna tycker det är viktigt att organisationen använder sig av många olika kanaler när de kommunicerar och att muntlig kommunikation ses som en nödvändighet. Resultatet visar även att intern- och externkommunikation bör ses som lika betydelsefulla för en organisation och därför borde lika mycket energi och resurser läggas på de två. Uppsatsen presenterar utifrån dessa resultat en tankemodell på hur organisationer kan se på kommunikationsprocessen kring en organisationsförändring. / The ability to communicate is of utmost importance for an organization to be functional. It is also important for an organization to be able to change in order to stay effective. Motivation is what puts thoughts in to actions and should therefore be an important part of the internal communication in large organizations going through changes.   This paper is based on a case study of an organizational change at Karlstad University that took place the 1st of January 2013. The method used in this case study was qualitative interviews. The study took place during November and December 2012 when the process of change was coming to an end. The interviews was conducted with both informants and respondents employed at Karlstad University.   The aim of this study is to examine internal communications importance in motivating employees during an organizational change. There is also three questions of issue that has been examined further: (1) How do employees at Karlstad University wish that information gets communicated internaly in the organization during an organizational change? (2) Do employees and managers at Karlstad University share ideas of how information about the change at hand should be communicated during an organizational change? (3) How do employees at Karlstad University consider that motivation gets created through internal communication facing an organizational change?   The result from the interviews was analyzed through theories such as the transmission model, McLuhan’s theory about mediums and the goal setting theory. This study shows that the immediate supervisor is the most important channel for communication. It also shows that employees considers it important that the organization communicates through a variety of channels and that oral communication is a necessity. The result also shows that internal and external communication should be seen as equally important for the organization. And equal amounts of energy and money should be spent on both internal and external communication. The paper presents a conceptual model of how organizations should look at the communication process surrounding an organizational change. The model is based on the results of the study.

Motivation beroende på anställningsform? : En fallstudie om motivationsrelaterade skillnader mellan fast anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på ett bank- och försäkringsföretag

Sundqvist Swahn, Sofia, Emthén, Niklas, Persson, Katarina January 2011 (has links)
Bemanningsbranschen växer och allt fler personer blir anställda via bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretagens viktigaste uppgift är att öka flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden. De gör det lättare för företagen att snabbt anpassa arbetsstyrkan till efterfrågan. Samtidigt finns problem och risker med att hyra in personal. Flertalet studier kring dessa problem tangerar ämnena motivation och/eller inhyrda medarbetare, men forskningen är begränsad vad gäller inhyrda medarbetares motivation. Under antagandet att graden av motivation, generellt sett, är lägre hos inhyrda medarbetare än hos anställda medarbetare, syftar denna studie till att undersöka vilka motivationsrelaterade skillnader som finns mellan anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på ett bank- och försäkringsbolag; Företaget. Med hänsyn till att ämnet är relativt outforskat genomförs en explorativ fallstudie genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sex medarbetare på Företaget. Studien kan liknas vid en pilotstudie, som kan ligga till grund för framtida, mer omfattande forskning. Studien inleds med en deduktiv ansats och tar teoretiskt avstamp från fem olika motivationsteorier: Expectancy Theory och Equity Theory, är att hänföra till Intrinsic Motivation (inre motivation), medan Goal-Setting Theory och Job Design representerar teorier om Extrinsic Motivation (yttre motivation). Slutligen används Self-Determination Theory som är ett hybridperspektiv som fördelar tyngdpunkten jämnt mellan Intrinsic Motivation och Extrinsic Motivation. Därefter övergår studien till en mera induktiv ansats där respondenternas uttalanden i intervjuerna, tillsammans med teorierna, ligger till grund för en kategorisering i sju motivationsfaktorer: Mål, Lön, Uppskattning – utvecklingsmöjligheter och andra belöningar, Samhörighet, Självständighet och eget ansvar, Meningsfullhet samt Omväxling. Skillnaderna i motivation mellan anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på Företaget analyseras därefter med utgångspunkt från dessa sju kategorier. De motivationsrelaterade skillnader som framkommer genom studien är framför allt följande: Inhyrda medarbetare motiveras av karriärutvecklingsmöjligheter i större utsträckning än anställda, Mål är viktigare bland inhyrda än bland anställda medarbetare. Lön är en viktigare motivationsfaktor för inhyrda medarbetare, dock endast på lång sikt. Bland övriga motivationsfaktorer märks inte lika tydliga skillnader. Med anledning av studien föreslås att framtida forskning i ämnet bör ske i form av mera omfattande studier, gärna av kvantitativ karaktär. Forskningen bör omfatta fler respondenter, på fler företag, ur en större variation av yrkesgrupper, med en högre grad av anonymitet för respondenterna

Relativa mål : Hur fördelar maximeras och nackdelar minimeras / Relative targets : How pros can be maximized and cons can be minimized

Gustafsson, Jon, Hansson, Freddie January 2020 (has links)
Redan i mitten av 60-talet studerade Edwin A. Locke konsten av att sätta rätt mål. I slutet av 60-talet publicerade han artikeln ”Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives” vilken ligger till grund för en stor del av forskningen kring att sätta mål. Relativa mål är något som kan användas av organisationer för att motivera medarbetare med mål som håller sig relevanta oavsett externa förhållanden. Att motivera medarbetare för att öka prestationer är något som organisationer strävar efter. Forskningen visar att mål ska vara utmanande och nåbara, men det finns begränsat med forskning som belyser fördelar respektive nackdelar med vad det innebär att använda sig av relativa mål ur ett bredare perspektiv. Syftet med den här studien var att utveckla kunskaper om för- och nackdelar med relativa mål med avseende på hur fördelar maximeras och nackdelar minimeras. I denna studie har ett kvalitativt tillvägagångsätt använts för att skapa en djupare förståelse för problematiken. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts med sju olika respondenter som alla har arbetat eller arbetar med relativa mål. Den forskning som har studerats inför denna studie pekar på att relativa mål har en positiv prestationseffekt på medarbetare och leder även till finansiellt positiva effekter. Det finns även nackdelar med relativa mål, exempelvis att sabotera för sina kollegor eller att manipulera data. Studiens empiri indikerar på att en majoritet av respondenterna finner relativa mål som motiverande och utmanande. Uppföljning och feedback är även något som empirin tar upp som viktiga faktorer för att medarbetare ska bibehålla en prestation även efter det utförda tävlingsmomentet. Respondenterna finner även relativa mål som tydliga i det avseende att de vet vad arbetsuppgiften går ut på, likväl finns det en osäkerhet kring hur mycket som krävs i prestation av dem för att uppnå målet. För att kunna maximera fördelarna och minimera nackdelar med att använda sig av relativa mål tyder forskningen på att mål ska vara utmanande och nåbara, arbetsledning ska ge tydliga instruktioner, coacha och följa upp prestationer. I studiens slutsatser framgår det att relativa mål är utmanande och nåbara under förutsättningen att de är korrekt utformande. Det ökar produktiviteten hos medarbetare och ökad prestation under tävlingsperioden. Det kan även leda till att medarbetare kommer fram till nya mer innovativa sätt att utföra arbetsuppgifter, vilket leder till en högre prestation även efter tävlingsmomentet. För att maximera fördelar och minimera nackdelar krävs det att både målet och arbetsuppgiften är tydliga. / Already in the mid-60s Edwin A. Locke studied the art of setting the correct goals. In the late 1960s, he published the article "Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives", which forms the basis on research towards setting goals. Relative goals are something that can be used by organizations to motivate employees with goals that remain relevant regardless of external circumstances. Motivating employees to increase performance is something that organizations strive towards. Research show that goals should be challenging and attainable, but there is a limited research that highlights the advantages and disadvantages of what it means to use relative goals in a broader perspective. Thus, the purpose of the study was to develop knowledge of the benefits and disadvantages of relative goals regarding how benefits are maximized, and disadvantages are minimized. In this study, a qualitative approach has been used to create a deeper understanding of the problem. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with seven different respondents, all of whom have worked or work with relative goals. The research that has been studied prior to this study indicates that relative goals have a positive effect on employees performance and also lead to financially positive effects. There are also drawbacks to relative goals, such as sabotaging for their colleagues or manipulating data. The study's empirical data indicates that a majority of respondents find relative goals as motivating and challenging. Follow-up and feedback is also something that empirical data considers to be important factors for employees to maintain a performance even after the competition has been performed. Respondents also find relative goals to be clear in that sense that they know what the job is all about, however there is some uncertainty as to how much is required in performance of them to achieve the goal. To be able to maximize the benefits and minimize the disadvantages of using relative goals, research suggests that goals should be challenging and attainable, give clear instructions and follow-up on performance. The study's conclusions show that relative goals administered as a competition are challenging and achievable provided that they are properly designed. This increases the productivity of employees and increased performance during the competition period. It can also lead to employees detect new, more innovative ways of performing tasks, which leads to higher performance even after the competition. To maximize benefits and minimize disadvantages, it is necessary that both the goal and the task are clear.

Performance Management & Control Systems in Public Services: Interpretation and Assessment Based on Mixed-Methods Case Studies

Deschamps, Carl 09 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Performance management has been called the defining contemporary challenge facing public organizations. While we cannot pretend to elucidate all its mysteries, we hope to provide solid evidence for a better comprehension of the social underpinnings of performance management. We believe that these articles contribute to the existing literature, offer new perspectives on the issues, and provide a coherent overview of the dynamics that surround performance information in public organizations. It has long been known in public administration that performance management was there to stay, warts and all, because its potential was just too great to ignore. Hopeful, this research will provide insights for managers on how to strive for effective performance management in their organizations. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Land of the (Un)Free : The Black Lives Matter Movement’s Objectives and Achievements

Bertilsson, Nicole January 2021 (has links)
This thesis studies the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement and what achievements it has been able to accomplish related to its objectives, in order to create a better under- standing of how new social movements work and what they can accomplish. The objectives and achievements were divided into different categories: cultural recognition, physical security, socio-economic, and other. The findings show that most of the objectives were of the physical security and socio-economic category while most of the achievements were outside of the objectives the BLM movement set and are mostly related to the cultural recognition category. The study argues that this is due to the characteristics of the BLM movement as a new social movement as well as the BLM not being specific enough in its objectives. With this knowledge there is an understanding that new social movements are very good at engaging people but could improve in their achievements.

Arbeta på kontor eller distans : En kvalitativ fallstudie baserad på den inre motivationen bland medarbetare på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea Bank

Holm, Sofie, Engström, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Det finns tidigare forskning om distansarbete och hur det samverkar med individersmotivationsupplevelser. Distansarbete har ökat i takt med den pågående Covid-19 pandeminoch Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer. Rekommendationerna har minimerats underen period men återinfördes efter några månader igen, studien avsåg att studera första periodenmed rekommendationer. Medarbetarna på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea Bank fick välja omde skulle arbeta på kontoret eller på distans. Syftet med studien var att undersöka denupplevda inre motivationen bland medarbetarna på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea Bankunder tiden med rekommendationer. Undersökningen utgår från Självbestämmandeteorinmed variablerna samhörighet, kompetens och autonomi samt Målsättningsteorin medvariablerna målsättning och feedback. En kvalitativ fallstudie har utförts med avgränsning tillbolåneavdelningen där fyra medarbetare från vardera grupp av arbetssituation har intervjuats.Resultatet visade utifrån Self-Determination Theory att samhörighet har varit viktigt och attkänsla av kompetens funnits under perioden. Autonomi visade på en delad uppfattning ochdet fanns en överensstämmande bild om låg feedback kultur. Hälften av samtligarespondenter har ansett att målsättningen varit hög, de på distans har trots det varit effektivaoch ökat prestationerna. Slutligen har de på distans och en på kontor enligt Goal-SettingTheory känt inre motivation medan de resterande har haft lägre nivå av inre motivation vilketspeglade prestationerna.

The effect of goal difficulty on self-efficacy, dietary intake and clinical outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes

Headings, Amy Driscoll January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Practice-based Research on the Stamina System in Soulsborne Games

Wu, Zonghao, Peng, Shengan January 2024 (has links)
This study explores what potential influence on players’ gameplay experience in Soulsborne games could be brought by the design decision of removing the Stamina system, which is an iconic feature in Soulsborne games that puts a certain level of constraint on players’ in-game actions. A Soulslike game prototype with a melee combat system designed on the basis of Soulsborne games was developed for the research goal of this study. Two different versions of the prototype, with the only difference between which being the removal of the Stamina system in the second version, were used for playtesting. The survey data collected from a total of 24 participants suggests that most players were less concentrated during the in-game combats and experienced a smaller sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when achieving the in-game objective when playing the version that doesn’t have the Stamina system compared with the version that has the Stamina system. On the other hand, as also indicated by the collected survey data, although removing the Stamina mechanic might result in less fun for players, it might help players mitigate their frustration level in games, especially for players with relatively poorer gameplay skills.

Developing a strategy to address employee perceptions regarding the Performance Management and Development System in the Department of Social Development, Women, Children and People with Disabilities / Ntswaki Meshotlo Victoria Legalatladi

Legalatladi, Ntswaki Meshotlo Victoria January 2014 (has links)
A Performance Management and Development System has become the main focus for many organisations in the Public Service. Organisations are always looking for strategies to effectively enhance the performance of their employees in order to improve the organisational performance. However, despite all these efforts the implementation of the System is still marred by many challenges and as a result it is perceived by many employees as ineffective and inefficient. The focus of this study is, therefore, to identify the different perceptions of employees regarding the System and to investigate the underlying factors influencing the employees’ perceptions regarding Performance Management and Development System at the Matlosana Service Point, DSDWCPD. A triangulation research approach encompassing qualitative and quantitative analysis was employed in this study. The primary data were obtained from a semi-structured questionnaire completed by 50 respondents. Secondary data were drawn from the departmental reports, business plans, performance agreements and other official documents from the North-West University library. The respondents for the questionnaire were sampled utilising the purposive sampling within the non-probability category of samples. The sample comprised social workers, social auxiliary workers, community development practitioners and human resource officers. The sample was purposively sampled due to the fact that the sample frame that was needed for this study included people who were aware of the Performance Management and Development System; were regarded as experienced in the subject matter and who could provide useful information. The data from the questionnaire were analysed by means of conceptual (thematic) analysis, every statement that was relevant to the research questions was created; and meanings were also attached to the categories. The findings of the study show that the employees perceive implementation of the Performance Management and Development System as not complying with the legislation. The implementation of the Performance Management and Development System is not effective and efficient in the Matlosana Service Point. The findings also revealed that the need for training in the System is undisputed as employees felt that the training that they received is not adequate and failed to address their needs. The respondents also felt that the assessments were not properly implemented hence they perceive the System as biased, unfair and subjective and also felt that the assessments were implemented just for compliance purposes. The findings of the study also highlighted the importance of effective communication and feedback in the entire process and in integrating the components of the Performance Management and Development System leading to poor supervision and monitoring of employees’ performance. All these factors revealed a correlation between the negative perceptions of the employees and the Performance Management and Development System in the Matlosana Service point. The study concludes by providing recommendations on a systematic training strategy for changing employees’ perceptions regarding the Performance Management and Development System in order to ensure a common understanding and consistent implementation of the Performance Management and Development System. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Developing a strategy to address employee perceptions regarding the Performance Management and Development System in the Department of Social Development, Women, Children and People with Disabilities / Ntswaki Meshotlo Victoria Legalatladi

Legalatladi, Ntswaki Meshotlo Victoria January 2014 (has links)
A Performance Management and Development System has become the main focus for many organisations in the Public Service. Organisations are always looking for strategies to effectively enhance the performance of their employees in order to improve the organisational performance. However, despite all these efforts the implementation of the System is still marred by many challenges and as a result it is perceived by many employees as ineffective and inefficient. The focus of this study is, therefore, to identify the different perceptions of employees regarding the System and to investigate the underlying factors influencing the employees’ perceptions regarding Performance Management and Development System at the Matlosana Service Point, DSDWCPD. A triangulation research approach encompassing qualitative and quantitative analysis was employed in this study. The primary data were obtained from a semi-structured questionnaire completed by 50 respondents. Secondary data were drawn from the departmental reports, business plans, performance agreements and other official documents from the North-West University library. The respondents for the questionnaire were sampled utilising the purposive sampling within the non-probability category of samples. The sample comprised social workers, social auxiliary workers, community development practitioners and human resource officers. The sample was purposively sampled due to the fact that the sample frame that was needed for this study included people who were aware of the Performance Management and Development System; were regarded as experienced in the subject matter and who could provide useful information. The data from the questionnaire were analysed by means of conceptual (thematic) analysis, every statement that was relevant to the research questions was created; and meanings were also attached to the categories. The findings of the study show that the employees perceive implementation of the Performance Management and Development System as not complying with the legislation. The implementation of the Performance Management and Development System is not effective and efficient in the Matlosana Service Point. The findings also revealed that the need for training in the System is undisputed as employees felt that the training that they received is not adequate and failed to address their needs. The respondents also felt that the assessments were not properly implemented hence they perceive the System as biased, unfair and subjective and also felt that the assessments were implemented just for compliance purposes. The findings of the study also highlighted the importance of effective communication and feedback in the entire process and in integrating the components of the Performance Management and Development System leading to poor supervision and monitoring of employees’ performance. All these factors revealed a correlation between the negative perceptions of the employees and the Performance Management and Development System in the Matlosana Service point. The study concludes by providing recommendations on a systematic training strategy for changing employees’ perceptions regarding the Performance Management and Development System in order to ensure a common understanding and consistent implementation of the Performance Management and Development System. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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