Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gothenburg."" "subject:"rothenburg.""
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Effektivitet på bekostnad av demokrati? : En fallstudie om hur demokrati- och effektivitetsvärden präglar Göteborgs stads EU-arbete. / Efficiency at the cost of democracy? : A case study about how democracy values and efficiency values characterise Gothenburg City's European Union work.Balendran, Mina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether Gothenburg city maintains democracy, more specifically through a citizen perspective of the international work in the European Union. To examine democracy the essay will use Lundquists theory about democracy values and efficiency values, this to discern whether or not there are such values in their document about policy and guidelines for international cooperation in Gothenburg city. The paper will also discuss the results in relation to Dahl’s discussion about democracy vs efficiency. To fulfill the purpose, the paper uses a theory-consuming method. This due to the fact that the method places the case as the main object for the research, and not the theory. Furthermore, the method does not have the purpose to generalize the results. To be able to ascertain if there is such values in the policy document, the method contains a schedule with democracy values and efficiency values. The intent of the schedule is to find different ”sentences/keywords” in the document that fits under these different values. After the audit of the policy document, and after sorting out the sentences and the keywords under the schedule, the conclusion is that there are democracy and efficiency values in the policy document. Due to the fact that the purpose was not to measure the quantity of these values in the document, you cannot draw a conclusion of how ”many” it contains. Furthermore, the paper comes to the conclusion that there are some differences in the theoretical definition and the policy document. In relation to Dahl’s discussion, the conclusion is that the policy document maintains democracy values, but you cannot assert exactly to what extent. Keywords: European Union, Gothenburg city, democracy, efficiency. Read more
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Children and youth participation in urban planning - Are we there yet? : Exploring the involvement of children and youth in urban planning in the cities of Stockholm and GothenburgNors, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Children and youth’s involvement in participatory urban planning processes is a phenomenon that is given increased attention by planning actors and stakeholders, as well as it is gaining space in research regarding environmental- and social sustainability. This thesis research examines how children and youth’s participation is defined, and implemented, in the two major Swedish cities of Stockholm and Gothenburg. The main challenges, and current possibilities, for planning professionals in the two cities are explored. Drawing on qualitative interviews with experienced planning professionals, and relevant documents, I analyze current issues with defining and implementing children and youth’s participation in the practice of urban planning. Discerning participation from consultation, or simply asking about children and youth’s opinions, is surrounded by some confusion. This occurs in the phase of defining and implementing children and youth’s participation, in both theory and practice. There are also factors in the formal institutional context which pose challenges to implementation, since time frames, budgets, and resources to develop knowledge and competence are limited. Other challenges planners face relates to ways in which they can use the information collected when engaging children and youth, and how to provide feedback to participants as a part of daily practice. Participatory planning projects allow for learning to take place, inclusive of planners, children and youth. Children and youth contribute with new perspectives and insight about their surroundings, which are important to include in urban planning. Participatory processes enable them to develop skills of becoming community builders and democratic citizens. Read more
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Sustainability in practice : A governmentality study about transit‐oriented development in rural areasHuhle, Freja Lina January 2021 (has links)
As a response to meet climate targets, transit-oriented development is seen as a tool in Swedish regional development to decrease car dependency. By national infrastructural investments in new train stations, small municipalities are expected to continue the transit-oriented development by plan dense areas with housing in connection to the new train stations. Previous research has shown that sustainable development plans are hard to implement, and that there is a lack of research about the processual dimension of implementing transit-oriented development plans, especially in rural areas. The aim of the thesis is to scrutinise the conditions in which these plans are supposed to be put into place at a municipal level, and in what way municipal interest affect to the implementation. The research question is asking how sustainable development is enacted in practice from the example of transit-oriented developmentin rural areas close to bigger cities. The chosen case studies are two neighbouring municipalities in Västra Götaland region that got new train stations in 2012, according to the planning norm of TOD and due to being located in a designated transport corridor. The empirical data consist of five comprehensive plans and interviews with six municipal politicians. By using a theoretical framework of governmentality studies the rationalities and underlying assumptions that makes the certain enactment of the plans intelligible are analysed. The result show that there are different logics behind the implementation of transit-oriented development plans at the regional and at the municipal level. The rationalities to implement the municipal plans conflict with the stated aim of the plans. When striving for a bigger tax base, the municipalities build housing that attract middle class families, which are the opposite of the dense development close to the train stations that are the goal of the regional plans. Because of interurban competition for a certain population, a sustainable development though transitoriented development can be hard to implement. Read more
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Wasted Potential : Potential of a food waste prevention model for the São Paulo street markets - A minor field study / Svinnsmart : Potential av en matsvinnsförebyggande modell på São Paulos gatumarknader - Minor field studyBouju, Cecile, Igergård, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
In the municipal kitchens of Gothenburg, the implementation of the Gothenburg Model for reduced food waste has resulted in reducing the food waste by half in two years. The objective of this study is to contribute in the work of food waste prevention at the street markets in São Paulo by investigating how a model like the Gothenburg Model could be created and implemented. The study has mainly been carried out through a field study on a selection of street markets in São Paulo by performing observations, interviews and estimations of the food waste quantities. The findings of the study are that a model alike the Gothenburg Model could be of relevance at the street markets. It was found that both the model as a tool and as a process could be of use, with the phase of motivating and training the workers having special importance. The social responsibility felt by the vendors has been identified as a great opportunity to present not only donation but also food waste prevention as a social issue. The heterogeneity between the different market stalls and the lack of management on each market presents a challenge in the development and implementation of a tool. Further work should therefore be done to find solutions applicable to the various vendors and to investigate the eventual existence of natural leaders. / I Göteborgs kommunala kök har införandet av Göteborgsmodellen för reducerat matavfall resulterat i att matsvinnet halveras på två år. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till arbetet med förebyggande av matsvinn på gatumarknaderna i São Paulo genom att undersöka hur en modell som Göteborgsmodellen skulle kunde skapas och införas på plats. Studien har huvudsakligen genomförts genom en fältstudie på ett antal gatumarknader i São Paulo genom att utföra observationer, intervjuer och uppskattningar av matsvinnsmängderna. Resultatet av studien är att en modell lik Göteborgsmodellen skulle kunna vara relevant på gatumarknaderna. Man fann att både modellen som verktyg och som process skulle kunna användas, med särskild betydelse i motivering och träning av försäljarna. Det sociala ansvaret som leverantörerna känner har identifierats som en utmärkt möjlighet att presentera inte bara donation utan även förebyggande av matsvinn som en social fråga. Heterogeniteten mellan de olika marknadsstånden och bristen på ledning på varje enskild marknad utgör en utmaning när det gäller utveckling och implementering av ett verktyg. Ytterligare arbete bör därför göras för att hitta lösningar relevanta för de olika försäljarna och för att undersöka den eventuella förekomsten av naturliga ledare. Read more
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Fysiska miljöns påverkan på bilinnehav : Aggregerad linjär modellering av rumsliga faktorer i Göteborg / The Built Environment’s Effect on Car Ownership : Aggregated Linear Modelling of Spatial Factors in GothenburgHolmberg, Otto, Rosing, Joel January 2021 (has links)
Where we live and how our immediate environment looks and functions affect how we travel. Through changes in the immediate urban area, it seems natural that the choice of car ownership would be affected. This study examines the connection between the physical environment and car ownership in the case study area of Gothenburg. The study is based on previous models and quantitatively examines the variance of car ownership per household at a statistical neighbourhood level through linear regression analysis. The study aims to shed light on how physical variables that can be controlled through municipal planning (factors that can be regulated through detailed planning or, for example, influenced by municipal investment in public streets) can explain the variance in car ownership per household. The City of Gothenburg's work with planning regarding mobility and how individual planners within the municipality evaluates the independent physical variables in the model were examined through a survey and a shorter series of interviews. In tandem with the statistically proven valuation of the variables impact on car ownership, this visualises how the mathematical and professional approaches differ.When developing the model of how the city's network, structure and housing supply potentially affect private car ownership per person, four main physical variable themes were investigated: parking (e.g., bicycle and car), network and density (e.g., building density, traffic network density or distance), housing (e.g., design, owning or renting and average size) as well as public transport (bus and tram networks). The resulting model shown on the right explains 91.5% of the variance of cars per household. A total of 55 different physical or descriptive variables were tested. The study’s model and the survey points to underlying factors that impact car ownership. The method can be criticized based on its delimitation to focus on physical factors whilst leaving out economic factors such as households’ economic prerequisites. Furthermore, private parking is not included in the model due to a lack of data. These two factors are highlighted by the survey respondents as well as the planners who were interviewed as being factors of great importance for the variance of car ownership. Knowing the approximate number of cars in an area after physical urban changes helps not only to see how many parking spaces are needed but also to align car ownership with the current sustainable development goals. However, this does not mean that you can completely trust the model and you will not be able to see any exact effects of restrictions on parking numbers in the model. / Var vi bor och hur vår närmiljö ser ut och fungerar påverkar hur vi rör oss. Genom att ändra förutsättningarna i närområdet förefaller det naturligt att valet av bilinnehav skulle påverkas. Denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan den fysiska miljön och bilinnehav i fallstudieområdet Göteborg.Studien tar avstamp i tidigare linjära aggregerade modeller och undersöker variansen av bilinnehav per hushåll på basområdesnivå kvantitativt genom linjär regressionsanalys. Studien ämnar till att belysa hur de faktorer som kan styras genom kommunal styrning (faktorer som kan regleras genom detaljplanering eller exempelvis påverkas genom kommunal investering i gatumark) kan förklara variansen av bilinnehav. Frågeställningar kring Göteborgs Stads arbetssätt och värderingar av de oberoende fysiska variablerna i modellen som lyfts undersöks genom en enkätstudie och kortare intervjuserie i tandem med de statistiskt påvisade förhållandena för att se hur dessa två synsätt skiljer sig åt. I byggandet av modellen över hur stadens nätverk, struktur och bostadsutbud potentiellt påverkar privat bilinnehav per person valdes fyra huvudsakliga fysiska variabelteman: parkering (exempelvis cykel och bil), nätverk och densitet (exempelvis bebyggelsetäthet, trafiknätverksdensitet eller avstånd), bostäder (exempelvis utformning, upplåtelseform och medelstorlek) och kollektivtrafik (buss och spårvagn). Den resulterande modellen som visas till höger förklarar till 91,5% variansen av bilar per hushåll. Totalt testades 55 olika fysiska eller områdesbeskrivande variabler. Modellerna som studerades och enkätstudien pekar på underliggande faktorer som påverkar bilinnehavet. Studiens metod kan kritiseras utifrån sin avgränsning: att fokusera på fysiska faktorer, att utelämna hushållens ekonomiska förutsättningar och att privat parkering inte är inkluderat i modellen på grund av databrist. Dessa två faktorer ansågs vara av stor vikt enligt enkätstudiens respondenter och de planerare som intervjuades. Att känna till approximativa antalet bilar som kommer att finnas i ett område hjälper inte bara till att se hur många parkeringsplatser som behövs men även hur man skulle kunna styra bilinnehavet mot något mer i linje med den nuvarande målsättningen, att minska bilanvändande. Detta betyder inte att man kan förlita sig helt på den presenterade modellen och man kommer heller inte kunna se några exakta effekter från begräsningar av parkeringstal i den Read more
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Exploring the inclusivity of electric vehicle infrastructure : Neighbourhood demographics and public charging accessibility in Gothenburg, SwedenNewton, Sarah January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the intersection of spatial accessibility, social equity, and neighbourhood demographics within the context of emerging urban challenges related to plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) infrastructure. Incorporating sociological theories such as spatial accessibility and spatial segregation, combined with statistical methods including network routing analyses and multilevel modelling, it examines how neighbourhood demographics shape patterns of spatial accessibility to public charging infrastructure across the city of Gothenburg. In considering neighbourhood demographics in urban planning processes, municipalities can develop more equitable urban development strategies that facilitate EV adoption outside of prevalent demographics. The findings highlight current disparities in access to public charging opportunities, particularly in segregated neighbourhoods, and stress the need for targeted planning strategies to promote social inclusion in this area. This can contribute to local PEV charging network expansion by providing key insights and points for further research and provides a foundation for discussions on related areas, including the provision of emerging transport initiatives such as public car-sharing points. Read more
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Civilengagemang i sociala medier : En studie av Refugees Welcome to Gothenburgs mediering och medialisering / Civic Engagement on Social Media : A study of Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg’s mediation and mediatizationAlsbjer, Annelie, Sjöberg, Linn January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt medialiseringen av nätverket Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. Det har skett genom att identifiera sociala handlingar på en mesonivå för att hitta medieringsprocesser bland dem. Analysen på makronivå (i relation med samhället) har i sin tur visat vilken betydelse medieringsprocesserna har haft för Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. Urvalet har skett på sociala medier och nätverkets webbsida. Analysen är baserad på ett ramverk av Alice Mattoni och Emiliano Treré (2014) kombinerat med medialiseringsteorier, mer specifikt, Winfried Schulzs (2004) fyra processer inom medialisering tillsammans med José van Dijck och Thomas Poells (2013) medielogik på sociala medier. En kvalitativ textanalys har använts för att kunna studera materialet. Analysen har genomförts på två nivåer, en mesonivå för att hitta de sociala handlingarna och deras medieringsprocesser, och på en makronivå, för att se medialiseringen inom Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. Resultatet visade att Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg har en stark medialisering, men att de samtidigt är långt från helt medialiserade. Vissa sociala handlingar har inte medialiseras, men har fortfarande haft en sammanslagning (amalgamation) med andra medierade handlingar. Slutligen har studien också påvisat att sociala rörelser bör studeras ytterligare ur ett medieperspektiv, för att förstå funktioner och förändringar inom dem. / This study has examined the mediatization of the social movement Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. By identifying social practices at a meso level within Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg, mediation processes have been found. The analysis at a macro level (in relation with the society) have then led to the understanding of the mediation processes. The material selection has been made on social media and on the website of Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. The analysis is based on a conceptual framework by Alice Mattoni and Emiliano Treré (2014), combined with mediatization theories, and more specifically, the four processes of social change within mediatization by Winfried Schulz (2004) together with the media logics in social media by José van Dijck and Thomas Poell (2013). A qualitative text analysis was used in order to study the material. The analysis was performed at two levels, firstly, at a meso level to identify the social practices and the mediation processes, and secondly, at a macro level to find the mediatization of Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg. The results showed that Refugees Welcome to Gothenburg has a strong mediatization, but at the same time, not completely. Some social practices have not been mediated. The non-mediated social practices, however, have shown an amalgamation (joining) with the mediated social practices. Finally, the essay has also shown that social movements should be studied from a media perspective even further, to be able to understand functions and changes within them. Read more
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Lokal och regional klimatsamverkan - en räddare inöden? : En fallstudie av hur sektorsöverskridande klimatsamverkansinitiativ på lokal ochregional nivå arbetar för att reducera geografiskt kopplade växthusgasutsläppAhlén, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
Att samverka sektorsöverskidande på lokal och regional nivå har identifierats som en möjlig väg att påett effektivare och snabbare sätt nå uppsatta klimatmål. Intressant är därför att undersöka hur dessaklimatsamverkansinitiativ är organiserade och hur de arbetar för att bidra till sina syften.Föreliggande studie är en fallstudie som undersöker hur sektorsöverskridandeklimatsamverkansinitiativ på lokal och regional nivå samverkar för att bidra till att minska territoriellaväxthusgasutsläpp. Studien undersöker även vilka utmaningar och fördelar initiativen upplever samtidentifierar faktorer som initiativen upplever skapar en långsiktig och attraktivsamverkansorganisation. De studerade initiativen är Klimatrådet Jönköpings län och Klimat2030 iVästra Götalands län samt Uppsala klimatprotokoll, Gothenburg Climate Partnership, LundsKlimatallians samt Linköpingsinitiativet.Insamlingen av det empiriska materialet har skett via semistrukturerade intervjuer medprocessledaren, verksamhetsledaren eller administratören hos respektive initiativ.Studien finner att den offentliga sektorn bär det huvudsakliga ansvaret för initiering, administrationsamt finansiering. Studien finner också att det inte finns någon etablerad mall eller förankradsamverkansmetodik kring lokal eller regional klimatsamverkan, vilket resulterar i att initiativen bådehar likheter och skillnader i sina samverkanstrukturer. Studien konstaterar att vanligt förekommandearbetsmetoder hos initiativen är fokusgrupper, klimatutmaningar, klimatavtal samt projektbaseratarbete, dock med spridning mellan initiativen.I studiens resultat framkommer bland annat delaktighet, förankring och erfarenhets- ochkunskapsutbyte som centrala faktorer som upplevs skapa en attraktiv och långsiktigsamverkansplattform. Det framkommer även att initiativen upplever dels fördelar medklimatsamverkan eftersom det hjälper medlemmarna att gå från ord till handling, och dels utmaningarsom att bland annat bevisa sin faktiska effekt i att reducera de territoriella växthusgasutsläppen.Slutligen konstaterar studien att ämnet lokal och regional klimatsamverkan är relativt outforskatinom miljövetenskapen och att det behövs vidare forskning kring bland annat vilken funktionklimatsamverkan har samt vilken effekt initiativen skapar. / To collaborate cross-sectoral on a local or regional level has been identified as a possible solution toachieve a more effective way of reaching set climate targets. Therefore it´s of interest to conductfurther study in how these initiatives collaborate in their aim of reaching climate related targets.This thesis is a case study consisting that examine how cross-sectoral climate collaborations on alocal or regional level collaborate to reduce the emissions of territorial greenhouse gases.Furthermore, the study investigates what challenges and advantages the objects of study areexperiencing and also to identify what factors the initiatives are experience that creates a long-terminitiative and an attractive collaborate-organisation. The objects of study are Climate Council inJönköpings region, Climate2030 in Västra Götalands region and Uppsala Climate Protocoll, GothenburgClimate Partnership, Lund Climate Alliance and The Linköping Initiative.The collection of the empirically data was gathered via semi-structured interviews with either theprocess manager, administrator or executive manager in each initiative.The study shows that the public sector has the major responsibility in initiating, administrate andfinancing the initiatives. The study also shows that there is no established templated or collaboratemethodin local or regional climate-collaboration, which results in both similarities and differences inthe initiatives structural design.The study has found that focus-groups, the use of climate related challenges, climate agreementand to work in specific projects are all commonly used work procedures, but with differences betweeninitiatives.Furthermore, results show that participation, anchoring and experience- and knowledge-exchangeare key factors that the initiatives are experiencing in how to create an attractive and long-termcollaborate initiative. Moreover, it emerges that the initiatives are experiencing both benefits with aclimate collaborating because it helps members of the collaboration to go from words into action, andpartly challenges regarding how to prove its actual effect in reducing territorial greenhouse gasemissions.Finally, the study notes that the subject, local and regional climate-collaboration is relativelyunexplored and that it needs further research for example in what function a climate collaboration hasand what effect the initiatives creates. / <p>2020-06-05</p> Read more
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Vem är Göteborg? : En undersökning om Göteborg som turistdestination / Who is Gothenburg?- A study of Gothenburg as a tourist destinationBoström, Camilla, Johansson, Gabriella, Ekström, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Allt eftersom turismen ökat genom åren har även konkurrensen hårdnat och detta har resulterat i en ökad marknadsföring och taktik för att locka turisterna till destinationer. Många forskare har visat att ett bra sätt att förankra en destination hos den tilltänkta turisten är att marknadsföra den med hjälp av personlighetsdrag för att göra destinationen mer mänsklig.I denna uppsats har vi valt att fördjupa oss i Göteborg med hjälp av intervjuer med befattningshavare på Göteborg & Co. De svar vi fick lade grund för vår enkätundersökning. Enkäterna delades ut till turister som fick svara på ett antal frågor om hur de uppfattade Göteborg och vilka personlighetsdrag som passade bäst in på staden. Det vi ville undersöka var om det fanns en skillnad mellan vad turister tycker om Göteborg och hur Göteborg & Co vill att Göteborg ska uppfattas.När marknadsförare kommunicerar en destination är det bra att känna till vem som faktiskt definierar sig som en turist eller inte. En av dagens utmaningar är att många turister inte vill titulera sig som turister utan vill känna sig som en del av lokalbefolkningen.Slutligen har vi kommit fram till att Göteborg & Co vill att Göteborg ska förknippas med personlighetsdragen mänsklig, pluralistisk och inspirerande. Dessutom vill organisationen att turister ska känna att Göteborg är en välkomnande, avslappnad och härlig stad. Genom att ha genomfört en enkätundersökning mot turister i Göteborg kan vi se att dessa personlighetsdrag till stor del stämmer överens med hur besökare beskriver staden. / With the development in the charter industry over the last decades, marketing companies must create ways to make a destination stand out against others to potential tourists. Some researchers argue that brand personality is a good tool to use for this purpose. In this essay written in Swedish, we explore tourism in Gothenburg based on personality traits. One qualitative data collection is gathered from interviews with two marketing employees at Göteborg & Co, while a quantitative survey was also completed with tourists visiting the city. The results show that personality traits that are desired by Göteborg & Co marketing, match the personality traits of tourists visiting the city. Read more
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Health-related quality of life in asthmaLeander, Mai January 2010 (has links)
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) has become an important outcome in asthma, since traditional outcomes, such as respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function, might not entirely express the patient’s perception of the limitations caused by the disease. The aim of this thesis was to study HRQL in asthma and to analyse if HRQL was related to asthma onset and prognosis. Other aims were to identify determinants of low HRQL in clinically-verified asthmatics, and to study whether low HRQL was a predictor of mortality. In 1990, a self-administered questionnaire was completed by 12,560 individuals from three age groups (16, 30-39, and 60-69 years) in two counties of Sweden. In a second phase, all subjects who reported a history of obstructive respiratory symptoms (n = 1,851) and 600 randomly-selected controls were invited to a clinical investigation including spirometry, allergy testing, and assessment of HRQL with the Gothenburg Quality of Life instrument. In 2003, the eligible subjects in the cohort (n=11,282) were sent a new questionnaire. Mortality data in the cohort was followed up during 1990–2008 using data from the National Board of Health and Welfare Mortality Database. The 616 subjects with clinically-verified asthma 1990 had significantly lower HRQL than subjects without asthma. In the 2003 follow-up, the 305 subjects with persistent asthma had a lower HRQL than the 155 subjects who showed improvement in asthma during the follow-up. Subjects who had developed asthma by the follow-up had a significantly lower HRQL at baseline than those who did not develop asthma. Significant determinants of quality of life in asthma were female sex, smoking habits, higher airway responsiveness to irritants, respiratory symptom severity, positive skin prick test, and absenteeism from work or school. Low HRQL was related to increased mortality, but this association was not found when analyzing the asthmatic group alone. In conclusion, measurements of HRQL are of value for evaluating both the impact and progression of asthma. / <p>medicine doktorsexamen</p> Read more
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