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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The suffering of the impassible God : the dialectics of patristic thought /

Gavriljuk, Pavel L. January 2005 (has links)
Texas, Southern Methodist University, Diss., 2001--Dallas.

Ansvarsbestämmelser för fritidsbåtstrafik / Swedish legislation for recreational crafts

Olausson, Albin January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Vernichtetes Geld und vernichtendes Geld Das Geldmotiv in den zwei zeitgen??ssischen Romanen "Die Nacht der H??ndler" von Gert Heidenreich und "MOI" von Heiko Michael Hartmann

Martin, Christine January 2004 (has links)
The present work deals with the motif of money in contemporary German literature, taking as examples the two novels <i>Die Nacht der H??ndler</i> (1995) by Gert Heidenreich and <i>MOI</i> by Heiko Michael Hartmann (1997). This motif is investigated through an analysis based mainly on four monetary theories: Karl Marx's <i>Das Kapital</i>, Georg Simmel's <i>Philosophie des Geldes</i>, Niklas Luhmann's <i>Die Wirtschaft der Gesellschaft</i> and Jochen H??risch's <i>Kopf oder Zahl. Die Poesie des Geldes</i>. Additionally, theorists such as Jean Baudrillard and Marshall McLuhan will be included in the work. Both relatively recent narratives choose to depict money as subject to dysfunction, and by this means show the dependence of western society on the monetary system. Following Jochen H??risch's argument, this thesis shows that money is the leading medium of modern times: without it, the entire social system would collapse. Through its failure to function as expected, it becomes obvious that money (an artificial human invention) turns against its creator, since money is not only responsible for how people perceive reality but is also the determining factor for human conduct in western society. In depicting this dysfunction, both novels deal with money in its most prominent recent forms - in Heidenreich's novel, virtual money; in Hartmann's, the Euro. These new money form has a big impact on society, as the novels show. As <i>Die Nacht der H??ndler</i> demonstrates, money is nowadays the reality-generating medium, which has become congruent with the real reality (as far as it is generally perceivable). Money obscures reality; because it duplicates the world and yet remains an abstract medium, this doubling causes people to become estranged from the world, its objects and also themselves. This process culminates in the development of virtual money, which reduces everything to a binary code of zeroes and ones. The growing virtualization of other media further amplifies people's alienation. Because money is the ruling medium in our society, humanity is in the grasp of the "Midas touch," as described by Marshall McLuhan. Money encodes everything, even human conduct. According to Georg Simmel, in a monetarily-ruled society lack of character, recklessness and greediness increase, since this is what money requires. In a rationalized society one can only be successful who acts in selfish interests. The MOI-disease passed on by infected currency in Hartmann's novel is an ego-disease, because humans have become increasingly self-centered since the invention of money. Together with the new media, money causes the diminishment and brutalization of human relations, whereby the individual becomes more and more an object of money-ruled processes, as Hartmann in particular shows. Money thus destroys the subject. This thesis also shows, on the basis of the two novels, how money in modern times has come to replace the older medium of religion, as Jochen H??risch has argued. Money creates an alliance with the new electronic media, thus strengthening its reality-generating abilities. It is no longer religion that is responsible for giving meaning to our lives, but rather this new alliance. Both novels demand a return to cultural roots: Heidenreich does so by opposing the counting (<i>Zahlen/Z??hlen</i>) in modern society with the old medium of narration (<i>Erz??hlen</i>). Hartmann, on the other hand, comes to the conclusion that real knowledge can only be reached by religion and philosophy, since they show the way to one's own real self.

Karaktärsdesign på gott och ont : Ett främmande objekts påverkan av en karaktär

Alm, Andreas, Larsson, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Detta kandidatarbete handlar om hur ett främmande objekt kan påverka en betraktares uppfattning av en karaktärs förhållande till gott och ont. Kandidatarbetet utforskar ämnen som stereotyper, former, fördomar och intryck. Olika metoder används i framtagandet av karaktärerna, där bland annat former används för att förstärka uppfattningen av karaktärens ställning till gott och ont. Karaktärerna skapades i två versioner, en utan det främmande objektet och en med. En enkät skickades ut och deltagare fick poängsätta karaktärer för att sedan motivera sina val med kommentarer. Resultatet visade att ett främmande objekt har möjlighet att påverka betraktaren, där betraktarens relation till objektet har en avgörande roll i hur karaktären vinklas åt gott eller ont. / This thesis describes how a foreign object can affect an observer's perception of a character's relation to good and evil. The thesis explores topics like stereotypes, forms, prejudices and impressions. Various methods are used in the development of the characters, which include shapes that are used to enhance the perception of the character's position between good and evil. The characters were created ​​in two versions, one without the foreign object and one with the foreign object. A survey was created and the participants had to score the characters and then justify their choice with comments. The results showed that a foreign object is able to influence the viewer, where the viewer's relationship to the object has a crucial role in how the character is angled towards good or evil.

Gott sjömanskap : En undersökning ur det straffrättsliga perspektivet.

Torstensson Reifner, Timmy, Lilja, Nicklas January 2017 (has links)
Att argumentera till sjöss med andra sjöfarare tillhör det normala och de flesta har fått höra att de inte agerat på ett sådant sätt som är förenligt med gott sjömanskap. Vad det innebär att förfara med gott sjömanskap är svårt att sätta ord på och kan ha sin förklaring i att begreppet saknar legal definition. Trots det, kan den som inte handlat med gott sjömanskap få fängelsestraff upp till två år om gärningen är grov. Gott sjömanskap har studerats ur det straffrättsliga perspektivet för att klargöra vad domstol anser är att agera med gott sjömanskap. Syftet var att belysa och precisera begreppet och studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ rättsdogmatisk metod där rättsfall, lagtext och propositioner analyserades. Resultatet visar att gott sjömanskap är ett sådant betanden som domstol inte bedömer som ett vårdslöst. Vad som är ett vårdslöst beteende har fastställts på ett antal punkter. / To argue at sea with other seafarers is normal and most people have been told that they did not act accordingly to good seamanship. What it means to proceed with good seamanship is difficult to put into words and it could be explained by the lack of a legal definition. Despite this, the one who proceeds without god seamanship risk a prison sentence for up to two years if the act is gross. Good seamanship has therefore been studied from criminal law perspective to clarify what court consider as good seamanship. The purpose was to illustrate and specify the term and the study was conducted using a qualitative legal-judicial method where legal cases, legal texts and propositions were analysed. The result illustrates that good seamanship is what court does not judge as an behaviour of carelessness. The carless behaviour has been determined in some areas.


Greule , Albrecht 22 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Research on theonyms constitutes the onomastic component within theolinguistics, the universal science dealing with the communication about the divine. It is demonstrated in detail that god (Greek theos, Latin deus, German Gott) is both a nomen appellativum (theolexeme) as well as a nomen proprium (theo-onym). With the help of a checklist it is illustrated in which linguistic fields characteristics of theonyms compared to other types of names can be observed and where further research is needed. For example, etymology can reveal the naming motive of the theonyms Zeus, Iupiter and of the theolexemes theos, deus, Slavonic bog und English god / German Gott.

Vernichtetes Geld und vernichtendes Geld Das Geldmotiv in den zwei zeitgenössischen Romanen "Die Nacht der Händler" von Gert Heidenreich und "MOI" von Heiko Michael Hartmann

Martin, Christine January 2004 (has links)
The present work deals with the motif of money in contemporary German literature, taking as examples the two novels <i>Die Nacht der Händler</i> (1995) by Gert Heidenreich and <i>MOI</i> by Heiko Michael Hartmann (1997). This motif is investigated through an analysis based mainly on four monetary theories: Karl Marx's <i>Das Kapital</i>, Georg Simmel's <i>Philosophie des Geldes</i>, Niklas Luhmann's <i>Die Wirtschaft der Gesellschaft</i> and Jochen Hörisch's <i>Kopf oder Zahl. Die Poesie des Geldes</i>. Additionally, theorists such as Jean Baudrillard and Marshall McLuhan will be included in the work. Both relatively recent narratives choose to depict money as subject to dysfunction, and by this means show the dependence of western society on the monetary system. Following Jochen Hörisch's argument, this thesis shows that money is the leading medium of modern times: without it, the entire social system would collapse. Through its failure to function as expected, it becomes obvious that money (an artificial human invention) turns against its creator, since money is not only responsible for how people perceive reality but is also the determining factor for human conduct in western society. In depicting this dysfunction, both novels deal with money in its most prominent recent forms - in Heidenreich's novel, virtual money; in Hartmann's, the Euro. These new money form has a big impact on society, as the novels show. As <i>Die Nacht der Händler</i> demonstrates, money is nowadays the reality-generating medium, which has become congruent with the real reality (as far as it is generally perceivable). Money obscures reality; because it duplicates the world and yet remains an abstract medium, this doubling causes people to become estranged from the world, its objects and also themselves. This process culminates in the development of virtual money, which reduces everything to a binary code of zeroes and ones. The growing virtualization of other media further amplifies people's alienation. Because money is the ruling medium in our society, humanity is in the grasp of the "Midas touch," as described by Marshall McLuhan. Money encodes everything, even human conduct. According to Georg Simmel, in a monetarily-ruled society lack of character, recklessness and greediness increase, since this is what money requires. In a rationalized society one can only be successful who acts in selfish interests. The MOI-disease passed on by infected currency in Hartmann's novel is an ego-disease, because humans have become increasingly self-centered since the invention of money. Together with the new media, money causes the diminishment and brutalization of human relations, whereby the individual becomes more and more an object of money-ruled processes, as Hartmann in particular shows. Money thus destroys the subject. This thesis also shows, on the basis of the two novels, how money in modern times has come to replace the older medium of religion, as Jochen Hörisch has argued. Money creates an alliance with the new electronic media, thus strengthening its reality-generating abilities. It is no longer religion that is responsible for giving meaning to our lives, but rather this new alliance. Both novels demand a return to cultural roots: Heidenreich does so by opposing the counting (<i>Zahlen/Zählen</i>) in modern society with the old medium of narration (<i>Erzählen</i>). Hartmann, on the other hand, comes to the conclusion that real knowledge can only be reached by religion and philosophy, since they show the way to one's own real self.

Våga se och våga bemöta : Att arbeta med barn som har varit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp / Dare to witness and approach : a study of how to work with sexual abused children

Geidenstam, Anna, Grahn, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att belysa hur behandlare bemöter och arbetar med barn som varit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp. Vår metod var kvalitativ och forskningsmaterialet inhämtades genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Våra frågeställningar var: Vad anser behandlare vara ett gott bemötande i arbetet med barn som varit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp? Hur förhåller sig behandlare i mötet med dessa barn? Hur ser arbetsättet ut kring dessa barn? De teoretiska utgångspunkterna, KASAM och Anknytningsteorin, har använts vid tolkning och analys av forskningsmaterialet. Studiens resultat visade: Ett professionellt förhållningssätt utgör ett gott bemötande. Behandlare bör i mötet beröra problematiken samt att ett nära samarbete professioner emellan är betydelsefullt i arbetet.

The Last Three Four-part Female Part-songs by Franz Schubert

Tseng, Ya-yi 08 September 2000 (has links)
The women¡¦s chorus has been a minor category in the bulk of western music history. It was not until the nineteenth century that a female chorus had the opportunity to perform as the same way that a male or mixed chorus had. Only then, did composers start to compose part-songs for female chorus, and Schubert is one of the pioneers. He composed nine pieces for female chorus. Two of them were done as assignments while a student when he was young (1812). Three short pieces were finished in 1815-16. Even in these early pieces his sensitivity to German text and gift for setting the text to music are clearly shown. In 1820-27, Schubert finished four female choral works. Three of them were four-part-- ¡§Psalm 23¡¨, ¡§Gott in der Natur¡¨, ¡§St&#x00E4;nchen¡¨. These three pieces are the best in all Schubert¡¦s female choral works. The tonality is more fully developed, and the length is almost four times longer than before. More imitation is used, composed with homophonic texture than is used in the first five pieces. Schubert had demonstrated a strong desire to express the text freely with all types of musical techniques from the early Romantic Period. This master¡¦s thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction. The second chapter offers some historical background and can be divided into three sections. First is a concise report about female chorus¡¦s development in western music history. The second part discusses the definition of 19th century style and how the contemporary background influenced the part-songs. The third section gives a general review of Schubert¡¦s female choral works. Chapter Three is a detailed analysis of the final three four-part female works. Derived from Chapter Three (i. e. based on the analysis), Chapter four proposes a teaching procedure when a director or a school teacher wants to perform any of these three numbers. Some performance considerations and conducting suggestions are also included. The final Chapter is conclusion for the entire research. Two appendixes are included: one is the translations and IPA phonetics for the German texts; the other is a list of the publishers for Schubert female chorus works.

Våga se och våga bemöta : Att arbeta med barn som har varit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp / Dare to witness and approach : a study of how to work with sexual abused children

Geidenstam, Anna, Grahn, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>Studiens syfte var att belysa hur behandlare bemöter och arbetar med barn som varit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp. Vår metod var kvalitativ och forskningsmaterialet inhämtades genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Våra frågeställningar var: Vad anser behandlare vara ett gott bemötande i arbetet med barn som varit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp? Hur förhåller sig behandlare i mötet med dessa barn? Hur ser arbetsättet ut kring dessa barn? De teoretiska utgångspunkterna, KASAM och Anknytningsteorin, har använts vid tolkning och analys av forskningsmaterialet. Studiens resultat visade: Ett professionellt förhållningssätt utgör ett gott bemötande. Behandlare bör i mötet beröra problematiken samt att ett nära samarbete professioner emellan är betydelsefullt i arbetet.</p>

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