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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formation des macles thermiques pour l'ingénierie de joints de grains / Annealing twin formation mechanism

Jin, Yuan 10 December 2014 (has links)
Le maclage thermique est un défaut cristallographique largement discuté dans les métaux de type CFC à faible énergie de faute d'empilement. Malgré une importante littérature scientifique dédiée à ce sujet, les mécanismes expliquant précisément la formation de ces macles thermiques ne sont pas totalement élucidés à ce jour. Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à améliorer notre compréhension de ce phénomène fondamental en métallurgie physique. Différents matériaux de type CFC (acier inoxydable 304L, nickel pur et Inconel 718) ont été considérés. Nous avons confirmé, grâce à des expériences de traitement thermique in situ couplées à des cartographies d'orientation, que la majorité des macles thermiques sont générées durant la recristallisation. De la même manière, par une expérience réalisée sur l'Inconel 718, nous avons mis en évidence que la croissance de grains pure n'était pas source de joints de macle. Par conséquent, il semble évident que les phénomènes de recristallisation et de croissance de grains ont des régimes totalement distincts associés à des mécanismes spécifiques du point de vue de la formation des macles thermiques, et doivent donc absolument être étudiés séparément. Nous avons ainsi proposé un nouveau modèle, dans lequel l'effet du signe de la courbure moyenne du front de recristallisation est pris en compte. Les influences de différents facteurs thermomécaniques, y compris le niveau de déformation, la taille de grains initiale, la température de recuit et la vitesse de montée en température, ont été étudiées à travers deux séries d'expériences. Suite à l'effet du signe de la courbure moyenne du joint de grain, nous avons proposé une méthode pour quantifier la tortuosité du front de recristallisation. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que cette quantité est corrélée à la densité de macles post-recristallisation. En sus des analyses expérimentales, des outils numériques de type champ moyen et champ complet ont également été développés dans cette étude afin de modéliser l'évolution des macles thermiques tout en tenant en compte des mécanismes physiques mis en évidence expérimentalement. Les bases d'un nouveau modèle de type champ moyen ont été proposées afin de modéliser l'évolution de la densité de macles moyenne durant le phénomène de croissance de grains. Ce modèle, dans lequel seulement un paramètre doit être identifié par des donnés expérimentales, semble mieux décrire les résultats expérimentaux obtenus pour l'inconel 718 comparé au modèle de Pande, référence en la matière. Deux méthodes implicites i.e. la méthode level-set et la méthode champ de phase ont été comparées au niveau de leurs formulations et de leurs performances numériques pour des simulations de croissance de grains anisotrope. C'est la première fois que ces deux méthodes sont comparées dans le contexte de l'utilisation de maillages éléments finis non stucturés et hétérogènes en terme de taille de maille. Une nouvelle méthodologie a été ainsi proposée dans le cadre de l'approche level-set pour simuler l'évolution de macles thermiques durant le phénomène de croissance de grains. Dans cette nouvelle méthodologie, les joints de macles peuvent être insérés dans des microstructures synthétiques. De plus, les joints de macles peuvent être distingués selon leur nature cohérente ou incohérente. Nous avons montré à travers les différentes simulations réalisées que les propriétés spéciales des joints de macles peuvent être prises en compte avec ce nouveau formalisme. / Annealing twin is a crystallographic defect that is largely reported in F.C.C. metals especially those with low stacking fault energy. Despite the amount of work dedicated to the subject, the understanding of annealing twin formation mechansims is not complete in the literature. In the present work, by applying both experimental and numerical tools, we tried to have a more profound understanding of this phenomenon, which is essential to Physical Metallurgy. For this purpose, different F.C.C. Materials including 304L stainless steel, commercially pure nickel and nickel based superalloy Inconel 718 are investigated. We confirmed that annealing twins are mainly formed in the recrystallization regime, especially driven by the migration of recrystallization front into deformed regions by using in situ EBSD technique. In addition, we found in the in situ observations that there are almost no twins generated in the grain growth regime. This observation is confirmed by another grain growth experiment performed on Inconel 718. Therefore, curvature driven grain boundary migration by itself is not sufficient to generate annealing twins. A new atomistic model to explain annealing twin formation mechanism, in which the effect of migrating boundary curvature is considered, is proposed. The effects of different thermo-mechanical factors, including prior deformation level, initial grain size, annealing temperature and the heating velocity, on annealing twin formation are determined via two experiments performed on commercially pure nickel. Based on the idea of grain boundary curvature, we proposed a method to quantify recrsytallization front tortuosity. In the present study, we show evidence that this quantity is positively correlated with the twin density at the end of the recrystallization regime. In addition to experimental studies, numerical tools including both mean field and full field approaches are applied to model annealing twin evolution during grain growth by taking into account the revealed mechanisms. A basis of a new mean field model is proposed to model annealing twin density evolution during grain growth. This model, which has only one parameter to be identified, provides a better consistency with the experimental data of Inconel 718 compared to the Pande's model. Besides, full field approaches are also applied to simulate the overall microstructure evolution during grain growth. Two implicit methods i.e. the level set and the multi-phase-field methods are compared in terms of their formulations and their numerical performance in anisotropic grain growth simulations. It is the first time that these two methods are compared in the finite element context with non-structural mesh. In the present numerical context, the level set method is more suitable to describe strong anisotropy in grain boundary energy. A new methodology is thus developed in the level set framework to simulate annealing twin evolution during grain growth. This methodology, in which we can insert annealing twin boundaries into synthetic microstructures and distinguish coherent and incoherent twin boundaries, is proven to be able to counting for the strong anisotropy introduced by coherent annealing twin boundaries.

Efeito do tamanho de grão e da indução magnética sobre o campo coercivo e dissipação de energia por histereses em aços para fins elétricos / The effect of grain size and magnetic induction on the coercive field and energy dissipated by histeresis in electrical steel.

Daniel Luiz Rodrigues Junior 14 December 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho discute o efeito do tamanho de grão e sobre o campo coercivo e perdas magnéticas em aços elétricos. Também foi avaliado o efeito da indução máxima sobre o campo coercivo. Partindo-se de chapas de aço elétrico 0,7%Si, extraídas de uma mesma bobina foram obtidos conjuntos de amostras com diferentes tamanhos de grão, na faixa entre 10 a 150m. Os diferentes tamanhos de grão foram medidos por dois métodos distintos: aumento do tamanho de grão por recristalização e aumento do tamanho de grão por crescimento. Sete conjuntos foram laminados, cada conjunto com um determinado grau de laminação, e posteriormente os conjuntos foram recozidos para sofrerem aumento do tamanho de grão por recristalização. Outros três conjuntos foram somente recozidos em tempos e temperaturas distintos e o aumento do tamanho de grão se deu por crescimento. Um conjunto passou por tratamento térmico para alívio das tensões introduzidas no corte. Os tamanhos de grão foram medidos por um método de análise semiautomático envolvendo a medição das áreas dos grãos individualmente e também pelo método dos interceptos. A caracterização magnética foi executada em regime quase estático para as induções máximas de 0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,2; 1,4 e 1,5T e a 60Hz para 1,0 e 1,5T. Os resultados mostram uma relação de linearidade entre o campo coercivo e o inverso do tamanho de grão. As perdas histeréticas apresentam crescimento determinado por uma lei de potência com relação à indução máxima. / This work discusses about grain size effect on the coercive field and magnetic losses in electrical steel. Also, it was evaluated the maximum induction effect on the coercive field and hysteresis loss. Starting from 0,7%Si electrical steel sheet sets of samples with different grain sizes in the range between 10 to 150m were obtained. The different grain sizes were obtained by two different methods: grain size increase by recrystallization and grain size increase by grain growth. Seven sets were cold rolled, each set with a cold work degree. Three other sets were only annealed at different times and temperatures and the increase in grain size was characterized by growth. A set underwent heat treatment to relieve the stress brought into cut. The grain sizes were measured by a method of analysis involving semiautomatic measurement of areas of individual grains and also by the method of intercepts. The magnetic characterization was performed under quasi-static regime for the maximum inductions of 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5 T and 60 Hz for 1.0 and 1.5 T. The results show a linear relation between the coercive field and the inverse grain size. Hysteresis losses presented a growth determined by a power law with respect to the maximal induction.

Modélisation de l'influence de la structure des joints de grains sur les phénomènes de ségrégation. / Modelisation of the influence of grain boundaries structure on segregation phenomena

Vaugeois, Antoine 15 December 2017 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur la modélisation de la structure des joints de grains (JG) et sur les phénomènes de ségrégation. Dans les matériaux polycristallins, la ségrégation aux joints de grains a des conséquences importantes sur leurs propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles : glissement intergranulaire, corrosion intergranulaire et modification des propriétés mécaniques. Ce phénomène devient particulièrement important pour les matériaux irradiés où la ségrégation intergranulaire induite par irradiation peut conduire à une modification locale de la composition des joints de grains et par conséquent, à une évolution parfois néfaste des propriétés macroscopiques de ces matériaux. Dans ce manuscrit, nous nous sommes focalisés sur le développement de la méthode des quasiparticules pour pouvoir modéliser ce phénomène dans des systèmes binaires. La méthode des quasi-particules est un modèle continu qui permet de modéliser les phénomènes physiques à l’échelle atomique. Un des avantages est lié à la possibilité de modéliser les déplacements des atomes dans l’espace continu, tout en permettant de modéliser des transitions diffusives s’étalant sur des temps longs. Dans ce travail la méthode des quasi-particules a été appliquée pour étudier la ségrégation du phosphore aux JG. Le lien entre les différentes structures des JG et la concentration du phosphore aux JG a été établi. Pour modéliser les phénomènes qui ont lieu aux JG dans les matériaux irradiés le modèle des quasi-particules a été développé pour pouvoir inclure des lacunes ou des auto-interstitiels puis décrire leurs cinétiques. Ensuite la diffusion et l’annihilation des lacunes (ou des auto-interstitiels) aux JG ont été modélisées. Il a été montré que lorsque la force de puits du JG est assez importante, les lacunes diffusent vers les JG et des cavités se forment aux JG en ayant une forme allongée, ce qui concorde avec les données expérimentales. Le modèle des quasi-particules a été également appliqué pour étudier la croissance des grains dans un polycristal. / This thesis focuses on the modeling of grain boundaries (GB) structure and segregation phenomena. Segregation at GB in polycrystalline materials can have profound consequences on structural and functional properties : intergranular slipping, intergranular corrosion and mechanical properties. Segregation becomes really important in irradiated materials where radiation-induced segregation can change th local composition of GB and sometimes impact the macroscopic properties of materials. In this work, the quasi-particles approach is developed to model these phenomena in binary systems. The quasi-particles approach is a continuous model able to model physical phenomena at atomic scale. One of the insight of this model is the capability to simulate atomic displacement in continuum space and diffusive transitions at mesoscale. In this work, the quasi-particles approach is used to study phosphorus segregation at GB. The link between GB structure and phosphorus concentration is highlighted. Next, vacancies or self-interstitial are introduced into the quasi-particles approach to model some specific phenomena which occur in irradiated materials. In particular, the diffusion and annihilation of vacancies (or self-interstitials) at GB could be modeled. When sink strength of GB is large enough, vacancies diffuse to GB and create voids with elongated shape, consistantly with experimental observation. Finally, the quasi-particles approach is used to study grain growth in polycrystalline materials.

Prediktering av korntillväxt i stål vid höga temperaturer / Prediction of grain growth in steel at high temperatures

Ohaniss, Christian January 2022 (has links)
Uppvärmning av stål kan leda till korntillväxt vilket har en avgörande roll på materialets mekaniska egenskaper och generellt sett så resulterar det i sämre hållfasthet. I följande examensarbete har olika modeller tagits fram för att prediktera förändringar i kornstorleken som sker till följd av sätthärdning. Modellerna tas fram via en litteraturöversikt och är ämnade att prediktera korntillväxt på provbitar med tillsatser av Niob samt provbitar utan Niob. Målet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vilka modeller som finns tillgängliga för att prediktera korntillväxt samt analysera hur predikteringen ser ut i jämförelse med observationsvärden från experimentella försök. Examensarbetet består av en experimentell del och en modelleringsdel. Den experimentella delen sker genom att provbitar analyseras med hjälp av ljusoptisk mikroskopi med avseende på förändringar i kornstorlek före och efter värmebehandling. Detta för att kunna estimera förändringar i kornstorlek och validera beräkningsmodellerna för prediktering av förändringar i kornstorlek. Modelleringsdelen används för att testa hur olika modeller predikterar korntillväxten. Beräkningsdelen och den experimentella delen jämförs sedan med varandra i resultatet där en sammanställning på alla värden sker. Resultatet visar vilka modeller som finns tillgängliga för att prediktera korntillväxt samt hur predikteringarna ställer sig mot observationsvärden från experimentella prover.  För att säkerställa att modellerna kan användas för att prediktera korntillväxten så krävs en djupare analys av modellerna då alla materialparametrar inte kunde tas fram till samtliga modeller. En utveckling av arbetet är att ta fram alla parametrar för att sedan kunna avgöra vilken modell som ställer sig närmast till uppmätta värden från den experimentella delen. / Heating steel may lead to grain growth, which results in deterioration of mechanical properties of the steel. In the present study, different models that predict changes in grain size, occurring in heat treatments such as case hardening, have been validated. The models were retrieved via a literature review and were intended to predict grain growth on test pieces with and without Niob precipitates. The aim of this thesis is to investigate which models that are available for predicting grain growth and to validate the models in a comparison with experimental results. This thesis consists of an experimental part and a modeling part. The experimental part is done by analyzing specimens using light-optical microscopy regarding changes in grain size before and after heat treatment. This is to be able to estimate changes in grain size and validate calculation models for predicting changes in grain size. The modeling part is used to evaluate how different models predict grain growth. The calculation part and the experimental part then compare with each other in the result where a compilation of all values takes place. The results show which models are available for predicting grain growth and how the predictions compare with observation values from experimental samples. To ensure that the models can be used to predict grain growth, a deeper analysis of the models is required; not all material parameters could be obtained for all models. A development of the work is to retrieve all parameters in order to then be able to determine which model is closest to the measured values from the experimental part.

Synthesis and Characterization of Tin Oxide for Thin Film Gas Sensor Applications

Tang, Yin 16 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Improving Fatigue Life of LENS Deposited Ti-6Al-4V through Microstructure and Process Control

Prabhu, Avinash W. 02 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Rapid sintering of ceramics by intense thermal radiation

Li, Duan January 2016 (has links)
Sintering is an important processing step for obtaining the necessary mechanical stability and rigidity of ceramic bulk materials. Both mass and heat transfer are essential in the sintering process. The importance of radiation heat transfer is significantly enhanced at high temperatures according to the well-known Stefan-Boltzmann’s law. In this thesis, we modified the pressure-less spark plasma sintering set-up to generate intense thermal radiation, aiming at rapid consolidation of ceramic bulk materials. This approach was named as “Sintering by Intense Thermal Radiation (SITR)” as only thermal radiation contributed. Firstly, the heat and mass transfer mechanisms during the SITR process were studied by choosing zirconia ceramics as references. The results revealed that the multiple scattering and absorption of radiation by the materials contributed to the heat diffusion. The observed enhanced densification and grain growth can be explained by a multiple ordered coalescence of zirconia nanocrystals using high heating rates. Secondly, the temperature distribution during the SITR process was investigated by both numerical simulation and experimental verifications. It showed that the radiator geometry, sample geometry and radiating area were influencing factors. Besides, the change of material and geometry of the radiators resulted in an asymmetric temperature distribution that favored the formation of SiC foams. The foams had gradient structures with different open porosity levels and pore sizes and size distributions. Finally, ceramic bulk materials were successfully fabricated by the SITR method within minutes. These materials included dense and strong ZrO2 ceramics, Si3N4 foams decorated with one-dimensional nanostructures, and nasal cavity-like SiC-Si3N4 foams with hierarchical heterogeneities. Sufficient densification or formed strong necks were used for tailoring these unique microstructures. The SITR approach is well applicable for fast manufacture of ceramic bulk materials because it is clean and requires low energy consumption and properties can be controlled and tuned by selective heating, heating speed or temperature distribution. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p><p> </p>

Avaliação da estabilidade microestrutural do aço ferrítico-martensítico Eurofer-97 recozido isotermicamente até 1350°C / Microstructural stability of ferritic-martensitic Eurofer-97 steel annealed up to 1350oC

Oliveira, Verona Biancardi 30 June 2014 (has links)
A geração de novas fontes de energia limpa, segura e renovável por meio da fusão nuclear envolve importantes desafios tecnológicos, dentre eles a pesquisa, caracterização e a fabricação de materiais avançados para os futuros reatores de fusão nuclear. Os aços ferrítico-martensíticos de reduzida atividade radioativa, em especial a liga Eurofer-97, destacam-se por apresentar uma combinação única de propriedades para esta aplicação. O objetivo desta Tese de Doutorado é avaliar a estabilidade microestrutural deste aço recozido numa ampla faixa de temperaturas. Cálculos termodinâmicos e testes de dilatometria foram usados para determinar as temperaturas de transformação de fase. A estabilidade microestrutural foi estudada por meio de recozimentos isotérmicos entre 200 e 1350oC após laminação a frio com reduções de 40, 70, 80 e 90%. A avaliação da estabilidade mecânica do aço Eurofer-97 foi realizada por meio de medidas de dureza Vickers. As principais técnicas utilizadas para caracterização microestrutural foram microscopias eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão, tomografia por sonda atômica e medidas de magnetização DC. Tanto a textura como a microtextura foram determinadas por meio de medidas de difração de raios X e de elétrons retroespalhados (EBSD). Recuperação, recristalização primária e crescimento anormal de grão ocorrem neste material recozido abaixo de 800oC. Acima desta temperatura, a transformação martensítica ocorre alterando bastante a micoroestrutura. A cinética de crescimento anormal de grão é alterada pela quantidade de redução a frio previamente aplicada. A hipótese proposta para explicar o crescimento anormal de grãos neste material baseia-se principalmente na vantagem de tamanho adquirida pelos núcleos de recristalização primária com diferenças de orientação médias superiores a 45º em relação aos vizinhos. Neste caso, o crescimento anormal de grão é responsável por fortalecer as componentes {111} e {111}, {001} e {110}. Acima de 800oC a transformação martensítica prevalece elevando a dureza Vickers e randomizando a textura deste aço. As características do produto transformado dependem tanto da temperatura de austenitização quanto do tamanho incial do grão ferrítico. Os dados de composição química das partículas estáveis após recozimento em temperaturas inferiores a 800oC foram usados para validar os resultados dos cálculos termodinâmicos obtidos via Thermo-Calc. / Clean, safe, and renewable energy sources such as nuclear fusion comprise important technological challenges, including research, characterization and manufacture of advanced materials for future fusion reactors. Modified ferritic-martensitic steels with reduced radioactive activity (RAFM), especially Eurofer-97 steel, are among worldwide references in the nuclear field for their unique properties. The scope of this Thesis is to evaluate the microstructural (thermal) stability in ferritic-martensitic Eurofer-97 after annealing within a wide range of temperatures. Themodinamic calculations as well as dilatometric tests were used to determine the main phase transformation temperatures. The microstructural stability of this steel was followed by isothermal annealing between 200 and 1350°C after cold rolling to 40, 70, 80 and 90% reductions in thickness. The mechanical stability in the Eurofer-97 was assessed by Vickers microhardness measurements. Representative samples for each metallurgical condition were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, atom probe tomography, and DC-magnetization tests. Both texture and microtexture were evaluated by X-ray diffraction and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) techniques. Recovery, primary recrystallization, and abnormal grain growth (secondary recrystallization) processes have been observed at temperatures below 800°C. The amount of abnormally grown grains depends on the amount of previous cold rolling. The hypothesis for the most probable mechanism responsible for abnormal grain growth is based on the advantage size acquired by nuclei with misorientations above 45º surrounding their neighboring grains, even in regions where primary recrystallization was incomplete. The texture developed after abnormal grain growth has components belonging to ?- and ?-fibers with predominance of {111}, {111}, {100} e {110} components. The martensite transformation takes place when this steel is annealed above 800°C causing an increase of hardness, significant changes in microstructure, and texture weakening. The martensitic sructure depends very much on both austenitization temperature and initial austenitic grain size. The results of chemical analyses of stable particles present in samples annealed below 800oC were used to validate the thermodynamic calculations provided by Thermo-Calc.

Crescimento de grão num fio de ferro comercialmente puro trefilado a frio / Grain growth in commercially-pure cold-drawn wires of iron

Almeida Junior, Davison Ramos de 29 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar as mudanças microestruturais durante o recozimento isotérmico de um fio de ferro trefilado a frio e de pureza comercial com ênfase no crescimento de grão. Os recozimentos foram realizados no intervalo de 823-1173 K por diversos tempos. As informações estatísticas do tamanho de grão foram obtidas por meio do método dos interceptos lineares. O mapeamento das orientações foi obtido por meio de difração de elétrons retroespalhados (EBSD). O material apresenta uma microestrutura ferrítica e totalmente recristalizada a partir de 873 K. Foram encontrados indícios de crescimento normal de grão a partir de 1023 K, porém este crescimento não evoluiu consideravelmente ao longo do tempo de tratamento. Os resultados obtidos a partir do método dos interceptos lineares demonstram que a distribuição de tamanho de grão segue uma curva próxima à log-normal. Nas amostras recozidas a partir de 1123 K, verificou-se a ocorrência de crescimento anormal de grão. O crescimento anormal de alguns grãos inicia-se na região central do fio, estendendo-se até uma região próxima à superfície do fio. Algumas modificações na dimensão da amostra e na atmosfera de recozimento foram realizadas a fim de se estudar a interação destas variáveis no desenvolvimento dos grãos anormais. Foram identificados indícios morfológicos de que o mecanismo para ocorrência de crescimento anormal foi o molhamento de contornos no estado sólido (solid-state wetting) que depois foram confirmados pelas análises de micro e mesotexturas. A análise de microtextura também revela que o material apresenta duas componentes preferenciais, as fibras || DT e || DT, onde DT é a direção axial de trefilação. A primeira orientação é a mais intensa, sendo que seu fortalecimento parece ser impulsionado pelo crescimento anormal de grão. A segunda é menos intensa e parece estar relacionada com as orientações dos grãos oriundos da recristalização primária. Aspectos teóricos e analíticos sobre o crescimento de grão são apresentados e associados aos resultados experimentais e à literatura. / This Dissertation aims follow the microstructural changes occurring during isothermal annealing of commercially-pure cold-drawn iron wire, with emphasys on grain growth phenomena. The grain size data were obtained by means of the linear intercept method. The orientations scanning were done by means of electron backscatter diffraction patterns (EBSD). Isothermal annealing was performed within the temperature range 823 - 1173 K for several times. The material displays full recrystallization at temperatures above 873 K. Normal grain growth was observed above 1023 K, although this growth did not evolve through longer annealing times. The results of the linear intercept method show the grain size distribution has a log-normal shape. For samples annealed above 1123 K, abnormal grain growth occurs. The first signs of secondary recrystallization appear close to the center of the wire, growing towards the surface. Changes in the wire diameter and annealing atmosphere were performed to assess the effect of these variables on abnormal grain growth. Results point out that abnormal grain growth is driven by solid-state wetting. These morphological observations were also confirmed by micro and mesotexture analyses. The microtexture also shows the presence of two major fiber texture components || WD and || WD, were WD is the axial wire-drawn direction. The first one is the most intense and its strengthening seems to be related with abnormal grain growth. The second one is weaker and it seems to be most related with small primary recrystallized grains. Theoretical and analytical features about grain growth are presented and discussed in light of literature and experimental results.

Origine de l’éclatement de grain sur des pièces forgées en Inconel 718 / Origin of inhomogeneous grain growth in Inconel 718 forgings

Agnoli, Andrea 19 December 2013 (has links)
L'Inconel 718 est un superalliage base nickel très utilisé pour produire les disques de turboréacteurs. Typiquement, une gamme de forgeage à chaud se compose de plusieurs étapes de déformation et de recuit. La présence des particules de seconde phase (particules de phase delta dans l'Inconel 718) permet en principe de limiter la croissance de grains pendant les étapes de recuit grâce au phénomène d'ancrage de Zener. Néanmoins, l'hétérogénéité microstructurale (distribution des particules, écrouissage, composition chimique) peut favoriser une croissance anormale des grains pendant le recuit. Ce phénomène est connu industriellement sous la terminologie d'"éclatement de grains". Les objectifs de la thèse étaient d'identifier les mécanismes responsables de l'éclatement des grains qui peut survenir durant les étapes de recuit sur les pièces forgées en Inconel 718, de les modéliser, et de simuler numériquement le phénomène. Les mécanismes physiques à l'origine du phénomène sont d'abord étudiés expérimentalement grâce à la caractérisation (par MEB et EBSD) des pièces forgées. L'influence des particules de seconde phase et de l'énergie stockée (estimée par des mesures de désorientations intragranulaires) est notamment étudiée. A partir des observations réalisées, une explication est proposée : le phénomène apparaît lorsque les forces motrices pour la migration des joints de grains dépassent la force de freinage de Zener ; ceci peut se produire lorsque la microstructure contient de l'énergie stockée, distribuée de manière hétérogène. Des essais de torsion à chaud sont mis en place pour reproduire, en laboratoire, le même phénomène, étudier la sensibilité aux paramètres thermomécaniques, et tester les hypothèses émises concernant les mécanismes. Les mécanismes ainsi identifiés comme responsables de l'éclatement de grains sont enfin simulés au moyen d'un modèle numérique en 2D. Le modèle numérique en champ complet est basé sur la méthode des éléments finis, et utilise le formalisme level-set pour décrire les joints de grains. La simulation de l'évolution microstructurale prend en compte à la fois les forces motrices des joints de grains liées à la capillarité et à l'énergie stockée, et l'interaction des joints de grains avec les particules de seconde phase. Ainsi, l'effet de la distribution de l'énergie stockée (estimée à partir de données expérimentales) a pu être étudié numériquement dans des microstructures avec particules. / Inconel 718 is a nickel base superalloy commonly used to manufacture the rotating disks of turbojet engines. Such disks are generally produced by hot forging, which involves a sequence of different deformation and annealing steps. The presence of second phase particles (delta phase in Inconel 718) is commonly exploited to limit grain growth during annealing via the Zener pinning phenomenon. Nonetheless, microstructure heterogeneity (with regards to second phase particles, hardening, texture and chemical composition) can lead to inhomogeneous grain growth during annealing. The objectives of this PhD work were to understand, model and simulate numerically the phenomenon of inhomogeneous grain growth that can occur in Inconel 718 turbine disks during the annealing steps of hot forging sequences. The physical mechanisms which may explain the occurrence of the phenomenon are investigated experimentally by performing SEM and EBSD analyses of Inconel 718 industrial pieces. The focus is placed on the influence of second phase particles and strain energy (estimated from intragranular misorientations) on the occurrence of the phenomenon. From those observations, it is inferred that the phenomenon occurs when the grain boundary driving forces overcome the Zener pinning forces; this is achieved when stored energy is present and heterogeneously distributed. Moreover, hot torsion tests are carried out to reproduce the phenomenon in laboratory, to evaluate its sensibility to thermomechanical parameters and to test the previously postulated mechanism. The validity of this mechanism is finally demonstrated by modelling numerically the phenomenon in 2D. The full field numerical model is based on a level set description of the grain boundaries in a finite element context. Microstructure evolution is simulated explicitly taking into account Zener pinning, capillarity and stored energy driven grain growth in a single framework. The effect of strain stored energy distributions (estimated from experimental data) in pinned microstructures is investigated focusing on the conditions leading to inhomogeneous grain growth.

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