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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hovings malmgård - A Cultural Heritage Worth Preserving or Densifying? / Hovings malmgård - en kulturhistorisk miljö värd att bevara eller förtäta?

Dryler, Wendela January 2023 (has links)
1770, Hoving malmgård is a part of Stockholm’s cultural heritage, and the surrounding garden is currently used as a public green space. The current owner of the property, the company Einar Mattsson, proposed in 2021 to build a care facility for the elderly on the southern part of the garden, which would weaken Hovings malmgård’s cultural capital, and reduce urban green spaces in the east of Södermalm.  The purpose of this study is to investigate what different actors want to do with Hovings malmgård and the surrounding garden. In order to put Hovings malmgård in a broader context, the actors’ views on densification, green spaces and cultural heritage is also investigated. The actors are Einar Mattsson, the municipality “Stockholms stad”, the support group “Arbetsgruppen för Hovings Malmgård” as well as the political parties Liberalerna, Socialdemokraterna and Sverigedemokraterna. In order to investigate this, literature studies, document studies and interviews have been carried through.  Einar Mattsson argued that the care facility for the elderly would finance the upkeep of Hovings malmgård and the northern part of the garden. This would have positive effects on green spaces and the cultural heritage in the area. The political parties Socialdemokraterna and Liberalerna had a similar view, although they recognised that cultural capital would be lost. The different units of Stockholms stad had different views on whether the care facility for the elderly should be built or not. “Stadsbyggnadskontoret” supported it, while “kulturförvaltningen” and “Skönhetsrådet” were against it. The support group “Arbetsgruppen för Hovings Malmgård” and the political party Sverigedemokraterna were also against the care facility for the elderly. Arbetsgruppen för Hovings Malmgård wanted to turn Hovings malmgård into a folk museum, while Sverigedemokraterna believed that the important thing was that Hovings malmgård was visually open to the public. The actors whose views on the development of Södermalm aligned with their opinion on the care facility for the elderly, were Arbetsgruppen för Hovings Malmgården, Socialdemokraterna and Sverigedemokraterna. The actor whose views did not align with each other was Liberalerna. An important factor to why some actors approved of the care facility was finances, since it would be very expensive for Stockholms stad to repurchase Hovings malmgård and take over the upkeep. Additionally, Einar Mattsson purchased the property, believing that they would obtain the necessary permits needed to raise new buildings on the property. This has made some actors think that it would be unfair if Einar Mattsson were not to be permitted to build a care facility for the elderly. / I dagens växande svenska städer, finns en motsättning mellan att dels förtäta inom stadsgränsen, dels att bevara urbana grönområden och kulturhistoriska miljöer. Denna konflikt har tagit sig starkt i uttryck i Hovings malmgård på östra Södermalm i Stockholm. Malmgården byggdes 1770 och har både höga kulturhistoriska värden samt en tillhörande trädgård tillgänglig för allmänheten. 2021 lade nuvarande fastighetsägare Einar Mattsson fram ett förslag om ett vård- och omsorgsboende som skulle byggas på södra delen av trädgården, vilket skulle minska malmgårdens kulturhistoriska värde samt andelen grönyta på östra Södermalm.  Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur olika aktörer anser att Hovings malmgård med tillhörande trädgård bör utvecklas. För att sätta malmgården i ett större sammanhang, undersöks även aktörernas syn på förtätning, grönområden och kulturhistoriska miljöer på Södermalm. Aktörerna är nuvarande fastighetsägare Einar Mattsson, Stockholms stad, den ideella organisationen Arbetsgruppen för Hovings Malmgård samt Liberalerna, Socialdemokraterna och Sverigedemokraterna. För att undersöka detta har en litteraturstudie, en dokumentstudie och intervjuer genomförts.  Einar Mattsson framförde att vårdboendet skulle finansiera upprustningen av malmgården och den norra delen av trädgården. På så vis skulle det bidra med positiva effekter för grönområden och kulturhistoriska värden. Samma syn hade Socialdemokraterna och Liberalerna, även om de medgav att kulturhistoriska värden skulle gå förlorade. Stockholms stads olika enheter var inte överens kring byggandet av vårdboendet. Stadsbyggnadskontoret var positivt inställda, medan kulturförvaltningen och Skönhetsrådet var negativa. Arbetsgruppen för Hovings Malmgård och Sverigedemokraterna var de aktörer som helt motsatte sig vårdboendet. Arbetsgruppen ville att malmgården och dess trädgård skulle bli en hembygdsgård, medan Sverigedemokraterna ansåg att det viktiga var att byggnaden var visuellt tillgänglig för allmänheten. Arbetsgruppen för Hovings Malmgård, Socialdemokraterna och Sverigedemokraternas åsikter om Södermalms stadsutveckling stämde väl överens med deras åsikter om Hovings malmgård. Liberalerna var den aktör vars generella åsikter stämde sämst överens med hur de ville att malmgården skulle utvecklas. En viktig faktor till varför vissa aktörer vill tillåta vårdboendet var ekonomi, då det skulle vara dyrt för staden att köpa tillbaka malmgården och själva finansiera upprustningen. Därtill verkade Einar Mattsson ha förvärvat fastigheten i tron att de skulle få bygga nytt på den, vilket har gjort att vissa aktörer anser att Einar Mattsson därför har rätt att bygga vårdboendet.

A Integrative Investigation of Urban Animals and the Ecosystem Services They Provide in Cities

Swartz, Timothy, 0000-0001-7248-2473 08 1900 (has links)
Urban landscapes are complex social-ecological systems comprising human and natural elements and their interactions. A key priority for research in these landscapes is understanding how humans affect the presence and abundance of wild organisms and how those organisms, in turn, provide ecosystem services that affect humans. In this dissertation, I use two field studies to understand the ecosystem services provided by urban animals in green spaces across Philadelphia and in a third study I investigate geographic bias in where urban animals have been studied in the United States. For the first study, I use a functional trait approach to examine how urban bird communities respond to landscape- and local-scale habitat and how community composition corresponds to potential ecosystem services. I show that the landscape-scale context of a green space has a stronger influence on species’ abundances than local-scale habitat. As a result, the effect traits associated with cultural and regulating ecosystem services varied strongly along the landscape-scale gradient of urbanization. Local-scale variation in habitat had little effect. The importance of landscape-scale habitat in driving the supply of bird-mediated ecosystem services underscores the importance of regional urban planning for green spaces.In the second study, I use a field experiment to determine the drivers of an understudied ecosystem service – the removal of littered food waste by birds and squirrels. I recorded food removal activity by animals in green spaces across Philadelphia and found that Eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) are the main driver of this service. With increased squirrel abundance, removal level is higher and is both initiated and completed more quickly. This service is also context dependent, such that more food is removed in urban parks and picnic areas, where animals are presumably accustomed to consuming anthropogenic foods. These results highlight the importance of animal behavior, and factors that affect it, for the supply of ecosystem services. In my third study, I take a geographic approach to identifying bias in the study of animals in urban landscapes. Our knowledge of urban ecosystems in the United States is based on hundreds of field studies and thousands of individual field sites, but the distribution of these sites has never been examined. I reviewed the literature and mapped field sites to assess geographic bias in the location of urban ecology field sites. At a national scale, I find that urban ecologists tend to work in larger cities, especially those that are less socioeconomically vulnerable (more affluent). I also find that the social-ecological attributes of the neighborhoods in which ecologists work depends on the framing of their study as well as the focal taxa and functional groups studied. Overall, the neighborhoods where marginalized people live are an underexplored segment of the urban landscape. This is the first study to identify geographic biases in urban ecology field sites and provides a basis for future urban ecology research that produces knowledge applicable to all cities and neighborhoods. / Biology

Upplevelser mellan människa och natur : En kvalitativ studie om äldres tillgänglighet till grönområden

Lindgren, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Ekosystemtjänster har varit ett sätt att försöka värdera naturens tjänster till oss människor men har samtidigt bidragit till en separation mellan natur och människa. Det är ett kvantitativt ramverk som har svårigheter att ta hänsyn till de sociokulturella värdena. Studier menar nu på att det krävs mer forskning kring andra sätt att se på människors relation till naturen bortsett från den binära dikotomin människa-natur. Denna studie undersöker därför hur äldre konceptualiserar naturen och vad för upplevelsevärden de söker i ett naturområde samt vilka hinder och motivationer de upplever inför att ta sig ut till naturen. På så sätt lyfts olika faktorer som påverkar äldres tillgänglighet till grönområden, till exempel deras relation till naturen. Studien är utförd i den naturtäta kommunen Tyresö för att också utforska närheten till naturens betydelse i frågor om tillgänglighet. Intervjuer gjordes med 10 pensionerade personer och resultatet presenteras sedan efter konceptualisering av natur, värdering av natur och den upplevda tillgängligheten till naturen. Upplevelsevärden används för att tematisera vilka kvalitéer som de söker hos ett naturområde och platskänsla och platsidentitet analyserar känslorna kopplade till naturen som rör sig över tid och rum. Resultatet presenterar många olika faktorer som påverkar tillgängligheten där deltagarnas relation till naturen står i centrum.

Home on a Floodplain: Amenity or Risk?

Martins, Mariana da Costa Mascarenhas 15 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

GIS-baserad metod för att främja fysisk aktivitet i städer : En studie om Eksjö tätort

Kjell, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
Utvecklingen till det högteknologiska samhället och urbaniseringen är exempel på bidragande orsaker till en ökad folkmängd i städer och har gett upphov till både stadsutbredning och förtätning. Bidragande anledningar till befolkningsökningen är först och främst en förbättrad sjukvård och den ökade invandringen. Bostadsbristen som ett resultat på den ökade befolkningen har vuxit fram och i sin tur resulterat i att fokus läggs på planering av nya bostädsområden. Fysisk inaktivitet och ett stillasittande beteende är problem som har vuxit fram under de senaste årtionden. På grund av detta har metoder för kartläggning av fysisk aktivitet och grönområden fått ett större intresse. Det går att planera för fysisk aktivitet, men det är fortfarande viljan hos individen som måste finnas. Parker och grönområden är viktiga platser för att främja fysisk aktivitet i städer och ett stort utbud som tilltalar alla är att föredra. De har också en viktig funktion för stadens ekosystemtjänster. Genom att använda metoder för lokalisering av grönområden samt ha kunskap om dess betydelse är det möjligt att främja fysisk aktivitet i samhällsplaneringen, och är målet för studien. Studien kommer att utvärdera och kartlägga utbudet av grönområden i Eksjö. Resultatet visar att invånare i Eksjö har god tillgång till fysisk aktivitet i grönområden och parker där större delen av befolkningen bor inom ett avstånd som är rekommenderat från tidigare vetenskaplig forskning och myndigheter. Kvalitetsbedömningen visar att Vildparken är den park i Eksjö som är mest attraktiv. Slutligen behandlas nudging, vilket är ett begrepp som innebär vägledning av människor för att nyttja ett större syfte och sträva mot ett mer hållbart samhälle. Hur kan nudging appliceras för att främja fysisk aktivitet, och är det möjligt? Det finns möjligheter att inkludera nudging i samhällsplaneringen i samband med fysisk aktivitet, till exempel vid placering av skyltar vid ingångar till parker / The development to the high-tech society and the urbanization are examples of reasons that contributes to the increase in population in cities and the rise of urban expansion and densification. Contributing causes of population are, first and foremost, improved health care and increased immigration. Housing shortages, as a result of increased population have grown, and in turn resulted to focusing on planning of new housing areas. Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior are problems that have emerged in recent decades. Because of this, methods of mapping physical activity and green areas have gained greater interest.Parks and green areas are important places to promote physical activity in cities and a wide range of appeal to everyone is preferable. They also have an important function for the city's ecosystem services. By using methods for locating green spaces and having knowledge of its importance, it is possible to promote physical activity in urban planning, and is the goal of the study. The study will evaluate and map the supply of green areas in the city of Eksjö.The result shows that residents in Eksjö have good access to physical activity in green areas and parks where most of the population lives within a distance recommended by previous scientific research and authorities. The quality assessment showsthat Vildparken is the park in Eksjö which is the most attractive.Finally, nudging is treated, which is a term that guides people to a greater purpose and strives towards a more sustainable society. The question on how nudging can be applied to promote physical activity and its possibilty is another question this study will answer. There are opportunities to include nudging in community planning in connection with physical activity, such as placement of signs at entrances to parks.

Tranquility in the city

Watts, Gregory R., Pheasant, Robert J. January 2013 (has links)
no / The number of people visiting their local parks and countryside is increasing according to a recent survey published by Natural England [1]. An important reason given for visiting green spaces was to “relax and unwind” and these areas can be considered restorative or tranquil environments giving relief from cognitive overload and reduction of stress. Our green spaces can be a refuge from the din of city life and the green environment can provide shelter for wildlife and bird song can be heard. But are they suffi- ciently tranquil and what guidance do we have for improving such spaces if they are not?

Tranquillity and soundscapes in urban green spaces - predicted and actual assessments from a questionnaire survey

Watts, Gregory R., Miah, Abdul H.S., Pheasant, Robert J. January 2013 (has links)
Yes / A pilot study had previously demonstrated the utility of a tranquillity prediction tool TRAPT for use in 3 green open spaces in a densely populated area. This allows the calculation of perceived levels of tranquillity in open spaces. The current study expands the range of sites to 8 and importantly considers the views of visitors to these spaces. In total 252 face to face interviews were conducted in these spaces. An important aim of the survey was to determine the extent to which reported tranquillity obtained from the questionnaire survey could be predicted by a previously developed prediction tool TRAPT. A further aim was to determine what additional factors may need to be considered in addition to the purely physical descriptors in TRAPT. The questions included the sounds and sights that were noticed, factors affecting tranquillity as well as questions relating to the benefits of visiting these areas. Predictions were considered satisfactory and could be further improved by taking account of issues surrounding personal safety. Examining the trends in these data it was also shown that the percentage of people feeling more relaxed after visiting the spaces was closely related to overall assessments of perceived tranquillity. Further trends and their implications are presented and discussed in the paper. / Made available in full text March 2014 at the end of the publisher's embargo period.

The perceived and objective availability of green and blue spaces and quality of life in people with dementia: results from the IDEAL programme

Wu, Y.T., Clare, L., Jones, I.R., Nelis, S.M., Quinn, Catherine, Martyr, A., Victor, C.R., Lamont, R.A., Rippon, I., Matthews, F.E. 15 February 2021 (has links)
Yes / The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between quality of life and both perceived and objective availability of local green and blue spaces in people with dementia, including potential variation across rural/urban settings and those with/without opportunities to go outdoors. This study was based on 1540 community-dwelling people with dementia in the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) programme. Quality of life was measured by the Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease (QoL-AD) scale. A list of 12 types of green and blue spaces was used to measure perceived availability while objective availability was estimated using geographic information system data. Regression modelling was employed to investigate the associations of quality of life with perceived and objective availability of green and blue spaces, adjusting for individual factors and deprivation level. Interaction terms with rural/urban areas or opportunities to go outdoors were fitted to test whether the associations differed across these subgroups. Higher QoL-AD scores were associated with higher perceived availability of local green and blue spaces (0.82; 95%CI: 0.06, 1.58) but not objective availability. The positive association between perceived availability and quality of life was stronger for urban (1.50; 95%CI: 0.52, 2.48) than rural residents but did not differ between participants with and without opportunities to go outdoors Only perceived availability was related to quality of life in people with dementia. Future research may investigate how people with dementia utilise green and blue spaces and improve dementia-friendliness of these spaces.

Espaços públicos abertos e infra-estrutura verde para Sorocaba, SP / Open public spaces and green infra-structure for Sorocaba City, São Paulo State, Brazil

Lanças, Sandra Yukari Shirata 31 May 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado versa sobre os Espaços Públicos Abertos e o conceito de Infra-Estrutura Verde para a cidade de Sorocaba, localizada a 100 km da metrópole de São Paulo, na região sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo. Lida com as questões dos recursos naturais do suporte biofísico da região, a configuração de seus Espaços Públicos Abertos, a morfologia urbana, as áreas a serem preservadas, o planejamento ambiental para uma cidade grande que polarizou na última década recursos financeiros expressivos e populações em uma região que comparada ao restante do Estado de São Paulo, com taxas de urbanização e de riqueza baixas. Cita como exemplo o Parque Vitória Régia, localizado numa área de várzea do Rio Sorocaba, para a utilização do conceito de Infra-Estrutura Verde utilizando o planejamento, o projeto e ações de implementação que podem ser aplicados em varias escalas, como conceito e como processo. / This paper is about the Open Public Spaces and Green Infrastructure concept for the city of Sorocaba, located about 60 miles from the São Paulo City, in the southwest part of São Paulo State. Natural resources, the fisiography of the region, the public open spaces evolution, urban morphology, the green areas to be preserved, flooding areas, the landscape planning possible, are studied about a great city (more than 500 mil inhabitants) which drew an expressive amount of financial resources and other population to this particular region, still one of those less developed and less rich of Sao Paulo State. Talks about The Vitoria Régia Park, a citys public space installed in an open area of Sorocaba River, which received an intervation to stop its environemental pollution, and to use the approach of Green Infrastructure, using the project, planning and management which can be used as a concept and as a process to preserve the open lands still full of life.

Grönstrukturens dilemman i fysisk planering : Hur fungerar målstyrningen av grönstrukturen i praktiken? / The dilemma of green spaces in physical planning : How do the management by objectives for the green spaces function in practice?

Holmstrand, Susanna January 2007 (has links)
<p>To reach an Ecological Sustainable Development, Sweden has established environmental quality objectives. Green spaces are attractive for exploitation and in Sweden the access to large jointly green spaces has decreased, which has impact on humans recreation and the biodiversity. The economic aspect has great impact on the planning process which gives indications that the environmental objective may collide with other sector goals within the municipality. The thesis overall aim is to see how the management by objectives for the green spaces implements and how the green spaces is handled in the planning process in a specific case. The thesis builds on a content analysis, strategic interviews and a case study. The implementation of the interim target: Program and strategies for green spaces does not function according to the intention with the environmental objectives. Strong economical incitements and a political will that is locked in the logic of competitiveness, makes the sustainable ecological management impossible in practise. The management by objectives for the green spaces falls in the shadow of other sector goals. The ecological aspects have low priority, which leads to a decision process that strives for ecological sustainability, yet are an vision for the future according to the case study.</p>

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