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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La planification des parcs et espaces verts dans un contexte de densification urbaine : le point de vue de professionnels sur les outils à leur disposition dans les municipalités québécoises

Desfossés, Marianne 06 1900 (has links)
Alors que les bienfaits des parcs et espaces verts sont largement démontrés dans la littérature, la pandémie de COVID-19 a mis en lumière la nécessité de ces espaces auprès de la population, notamment en milieux urbains denses. Malgré cela, des recherches indiquent que dans les villes où la densité est importante, ces dernières peinent à offrir une quantité suffisante de ces espaces à leurs citoyens. Des recherches illustrent le rôle clé des outils d’aménagement et d’urbanisme pour planifier l’offre en parcs et espaces verts dans un contexte de densification urbaine, mais sans offrir de réponse complète quant aux façons dont les municipalités devraient utiliser ou combiner ces outils. Alors que le Québec a planifié la consolidation des municipalités déjà développées pour accueillir la croissance démographique anticipée, les outils qu’il met à la disposition des municipalités et la façon dont elles les utilisent pourront-ils lui permettre de planifier adéquatement l’offre en parcs et espaces verts dans ces milieux à densifier ? En s’appuyant sur la perspective de 15 professionnels de l’aménagement œuvrant pour des municipalités québécoises, cette recherche approfondit l’utilisation et l’influence des outils d’aménagement et d’urbanisme sur la planification de l’offre en parcs et espaces verts dans les milieux à consolider. La recherche a pour objectif de comprendre de quelles façons ces espaces sont planifiés, quels sont les outils utilisés, les pratiques porteuses et les facteurs de succès. Les résultats suggèrent que les outils québécois peuvent permettre aux municipalités de planifier adéquatement les parcs et espaces verts de leurs citoyens s’ils sont utilisés en synergie, en support à la négociation, et de manière concertée et innovante. Toutefois, les défis pour y arriver demeurent nombreux. Cette recherche contribue à l’avancée des connaissances en documentant la création de parcs et espaces verts dans un contexte de consolidation et de densification d’espaces urbains au Québec. Elle permet également de conscientiser les acteurs à l’importance et aux enjeux des parcs et espaces verts et aux spécificités des outils et des pratiques existantes en amont de la consolidation urbaine à venir. / While the benefits of parks and greenspaces are widely demonstrated in the literature, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for these spaces among the population, particularly in dense urban environments. Despite this, research indicates that cities with high densities struggle to provide adequate amounts of these spaces to their citizens. Research illustrates the key role of planning and development tools in planning the supply of parks and greenspaces in the context of urban densification but does not provide a comprehensive answer as to how municipalities should use or combine these tools. While Quebec has planned the consolidation of already developed municipalities to accommodate anticipated population growth, will the tools it makes available to municipalities and the way they use them allow it to adequately plan the supply of parks and green spaces in these densifying environments? Based on the perspective of 15 planning professionals working for Quebec municipalities, this research examines the use and influence of planning tools on the planning of parks and green spaces in areas to be consolidated. The objective of the research is to understand how these spaces are planned, what tools are used, what practices are effective and what factors contribute to their success. The results suggest that Quebec's tools can enable municipalities to adequately plan parks and greenspaces if they are used in synergy, in support of negotiation, and in a concerted and innovative manner. However, the challenges to achieve this remain numerous. This research contributes to the advancement of knowledge by documenting the creation of parks and greenspaces in a context of consolidation and densification of urban spaces in Quebec. It also allows us to raise awareness of the importance of parks and greenspaces and the specificities of the existing tools and practices upstream of the urban consolidation to be carried out.

Urbane Wildnis aus Sicht der Nutzer / Wahrnehmung und Bewertung vegetationsbestandener städtischer Brachflächen

Hofmann, Mathias 08 March 2011 (has links)
Aus ökonomischer und ökologischer Sicht ist es attraktiv, vegetationsbestandene städtische Brachflächen für Erholungszwecke zu nutzen, ohne dabei intensiv in Flora und Fauna einzugreifen. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich damit, wie mit einfachen Gestaltungsmitteln die Attraktivität solcher Flächen für die Stadtbewohner sicher gestellt bzw. erhöht werden kann. Zunächst wurde untersucht, welche Merkmale städtischer Brach- und Grünflächen für die menschliche Wahrnehmung und Bewertung relevant sind. Neben Merkmalen, die für Natur außerhalb von Städten bekannt sind (Grad des Kronenschlusses, Künstlichkeit, Übersicht, Schönheit), wurde das Merkmal »Zugänglichkeit« identifiziert, das besonders für städtische Brachflächen relevant ist. Weiterhin wurde eine Systematik der Nutzungsmöglichkeiten städtischer Grünflächen erstellt. Zu deren Prüfung sowie zum tatsächlichen Nutzungsverhalten städtischer Grünflächen wurden empirische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Insbesondere passive Erholung (z. B. Spazieren gehen) hat eine zentrale Rolle bei der Nutzung städtischer Natur, gefolgt von extrinsisch motivierten Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten zusammen mit anderen Menschen und Sportaktivitäten. Zuletzt wurde in zwei Experimenten gezeigt, dass einfache Brachflächen-Gestaltungsmerkmale zur Erfüllung wichtiger psychischer Bedürfnisse beitragen können und so die Präferenz für eine Grün- bzw. Brachfläche erhöhen. Es existierten keine globalen Präferenzunterschiede zwischen den betrachteten Park- und Brachflächen. Während die untersuchten Gestaltungsmerkmale für die betrachteten Parks keine oder nur geringe Wirkung aufwiesen, hatten sie einen Einfluss auf die Präferenz von Brachflächen. Abschließend können psychologische Anforderungen an die Nutzbarmachung vegetationsbestandener Brachflächen für Erholungszwecke formuliert werden: Wichtig sind Zugänglichkeit, explizite Funktionszuschreibung, vielfältige Nutzbarkeit, Mittel zur Erhöhung des Verständnisses der Fläche sowie Vermitteln von Sicherheit. / Re-using vegetation-covered urban wasteland areas for recreation purposes in ways that do not substantially interfere with flora and fauna seems economically and ecologically attractive. The present dissertation researches the role of simple design features for increasing (or maintaining) the attractiveness of these areas. To that end visual features were identified which are relevant to the human perception of (and preferences for) urban green spaces and urban wasteland areas. A number of features were found that were known from previous studies of rural nature (e. g. degree of canopy closure, artificiality, prospect, and beauty). Additionally, the feature ‘accessibility’ was identified, which appears to be relevant for urban wasteland areas in particular. In a next step, a taxonomy of urban green space usages was compiled and empirically validated. The actual usage behaviour was also assessed, revealing passive recreation (e. g. going for a walk, enjoying nature) as the most important way urban green spaces are used. Other important usages comprise extrinsically motivated activities, social activities, and sporting activities (in descending order). A further set of experiments showed that simple measures in redesigning vegetation-covered urban wasteland areas can – by increasing the degree to which they fulfil important psychological needs – increase the preference for a certain area. No global differences in preference existed between the examined green space and wasteland areas. While the tested design measures showed no or little effect on green space preference they did increase preference for the presented wasteland areas. In conclusion, a few psychological requirements for wasteland re-utilization for recreation purposes can be devised: it seems beneficial to provide accessibility, emphasize the site’s recreational purpose, allow for versatile usages, provide means to enhance understanding of a site, and convey a feeling of safety to the users.

Urban Greenspace, Civil Society and Science: The Creation and Management of the Rouge Park, Ontario, Canada.

Macaraig, John Marvin Rodriguera 08 August 2013 (has links)
Earth is becoming more urban. As the human population continues the current trend of migrating towards urbanized regions, the pressures to develop urban greenspaces will inevitably increase. Greenspaces play a critical role in urban livability for both human and non-human beings. This research examines the creation and management of the Rouge Park (Ontario, Canada), which is a large greenspace approximately 46 km2 located in the eastern portion of the Greater Toronto Area. The output of this research consists of three parts. The first provides an identification of the relevant actors, and a detailed chronology of the social and political events that led to the establishment of the Rouge Park. The second section explores the competing narratives of science, conservation, and development that were fundamental in shaping the protected area that we see today. The final section examines the governance and administration of the Rouge Park, and investigates the activities and involvement of civil society actors working in its day-to-day management. Using qualitative methods, I demonstrate that science and scientific expertise can be powerful tools of legitimization for civil society actors. In particular, I examine the benefits and pitfalls of placing ecologically-based rationalizations at the forefront of conservation policy deliberations. Furthermore, I show that despite shortcomings in the governance structure of the park, the current arrangement has provided civil society actors with increased opportunities to shape their community. My results show that a locally grounded nature conservation movement can serve as a powerful motivating force for citizens to enact long-term environmental planning initiatives.

Urban Greenspace, Civil Society and Science: The Creation and Management of the Rouge Park, Ontario, Canada.

Macaraig, John Marvin Rodriguera 08 August 2013 (has links)
Earth is becoming more urban. As the human population continues the current trend of migrating towards urbanized regions, the pressures to develop urban greenspaces will inevitably increase. Greenspaces play a critical role in urban livability for both human and non-human beings. This research examines the creation and management of the Rouge Park (Ontario, Canada), which is a large greenspace approximately 46 km2 located in the eastern portion of the Greater Toronto Area. The output of this research consists of three parts. The first provides an identification of the relevant actors, and a detailed chronology of the social and political events that led to the establishment of the Rouge Park. The second section explores the competing narratives of science, conservation, and development that were fundamental in shaping the protected area that we see today. The final section examines the governance and administration of the Rouge Park, and investigates the activities and involvement of civil society actors working in its day-to-day management. Using qualitative methods, I demonstrate that science and scientific expertise can be powerful tools of legitimization for civil society actors. In particular, I examine the benefits and pitfalls of placing ecologically-based rationalizations at the forefront of conservation policy deliberations. Furthermore, I show that despite shortcomings in the governance structure of the park, the current arrangement has provided civil society actors with increased opportunities to shape their community. My results show that a locally grounded nature conservation movement can serve as a powerful motivating force for citizens to enact long-term environmental planning initiatives.

A geographical interpretation of the interplay between urban development, conservation, and sense of place of urban greenspace in Rietvlei Nature Reserve, Tshwane, South Africa

De Jager, Anna Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / In an increasingly changing world, the attributes of human and physical environments are critical in assessing human quality of life (HQoL). The research sources consulted for this thesis point to specific relationships between urban change, ecosystem services and the HQoL. A variety of models have been developed in the global North to assist urban planners to manage the benefits and stressors related to urban shrinkage, ecosystems and HQoL. In the global South the trend is urban growth rather than shrinkage and few models are available for this context. Based on a mixed-method case-study approach, the Rietvlei Nature Reserve, located in the rapidly-growing urban peripheral zone between the Tshwane and Ekurhuleni metropolitan areas in the Gauteng province of South Africa, was selected to assess the benefits and stressors of localised urban development, conservation and sense of place. The purpose of the assessment was to develop a Greenspace Stress Model of Urban Impact (GSMUI) that would be of value to local authorities in managing the interplay of the varied functions of a nature reserve as a greenspace in the global South. Land-use changes were analysed using remote-sensing images. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposively-selected key informants to evaluate the functions of the Reserve and the objectives of the Ecological Management Plan for the Reserve. The benefits and risks to the Reserve, as well as the sense-of-place aspects, were identified through semi-structured interviews with 18 purposively-selected key informants, 181 on-site face-to-face semi-structured interviews with visitors to the Reserve, group discussions with interest groups and electronic surveys involving 365 respondents. Data were also collected through the researcher’s own observations and her participation in activities at the Reserve. The empirical results of the research were verified by 14 purposively-selected key specialist informants, who evaluated and ranked the identified benefits and stressors. Benefits and stressors were not ranked the same from different perspectives. Using the results of the empirical research, the researcher was able to merge and adapt a number of models developed for the management of greenspaces in the global North in order to develop the GSMUI specifically for the Rietvlei Reserve. Guidelines were also developed for the application of the GSMUI in geographically similar greenspaces in the global South. / In ‘n toenemend veranderende wêreld, is die eienskappe van menslike en fisiese omgewings krities vir die evaluering van menslike lewenskwaliteit (HQoL). Die navorsing wat geraadpleeg is, het spesifieke verwantskappe tussen stedelike verandering, ekosisteemdienste en HQoL aangedui ‘n Verskeidenheid modelle is in die globale Noorde ontwikkel om stedelike beplanners te help om die voordele en stressors verwant aan ontwikkeling (stedelike inkrimping), ekosisteme en menslike lewenskwaliteit, te bestuur. Onvoldoende modelle is nog ontwikkel vir die om die teenoorgestelde neigings in die globale Suide te bestuur. ’n Gemengdemetodes-gevallestudie-benadering is gevolg om die voordele en stressors van stedelike ontwikkeling, bewaring en sin vir plek in die Rietvlei Natuurreservaat (geleë in die snelgroeiende stedelike randgebiedsone tussen die Tshwane en Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse gebiede in die Gauteng Provinsie van Suid-Afrika) te ondersoek. Verandering in grondgebruik is deur afstandwaarnemingsbeelde ontleed. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met doelbewus-geselekteerde sleutelinformante gevoer om die funksies van die Reservaat, sowel as die doelwitte van die Reservaat se ekologiese bestuursplan, te evalueer. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met 18 doelbewus-geselekteerde sleutelinformante, 181 semi-gestruktureerde persoonlike onderhoude met besoekers aan die Reservaat en groepbesprekings is met ereveldwagters en belangegroepe gevoer, en 365 elektroniese vraelyste is ontleed ten einde die voordele en risiko’s vir die Reservaat en ook die pleksin te identifiseer. Data is ook deur middel van waarneming en deelname aan aktiwiteite in die Reservaat ingesamel. Die empiriese resultate van die navorsing is geverifieer deur 14 doelbewus-geselekteerde sleutelinformante wat die geïdentifiseerde voordele en stressors geëvalueer en geklassifiseer het. Voordele en stressors is verskillend evalueer uit verskillende oogpunte. Die gebruik van die empiriese navorsing het die navorser in staat gestel om ’n aantal modelle aan te pas wat vir die bestuur van groenruimtes in die globale Noorde ontwikkel is en te integreer ten einde die GSMUI te skep. Die CSMUI is spesifiek op die bestuur van die Rietvlei Natuurreservaat gemik. Die navorsing bied ook ‘n generiese GSMUI met implementeringsriglyne vir geografies-gelyksoortige groenruimtes in die globale Suide. / Kumhlaba oguquka njalo, isimo sabantu nesemvelo kubalulekile ekuhloleni iqophelo lempilo yabantu i-Human quality of life (HQoL). Ucwaningo oluhloliwe lukhombise ukuthi kukhona ubudlelwane obuthile phakathi kokuncipha/ukwanda, inkonzo yobudlelwane babantu nemvelo kanye ne HqoL. Lokhu kuxhumana kwehlukile kancane ezindaweni zaseNyakatho nomhlaba (ukungcipha kwedolobha) nezindawo zaseNingizimu nomhlaba lapho ukwanda kwamadolobha kugqame khona. Kwakhiwe amamodeli ahlukahlukile khona eNyakatho nomhlaba ukusiza abahleli bamadolobha ukuphatha izinzuzo nokuhluphayo okuhambisana nentuthuko (ukuncipha kwedolobha), kanye nesimo sendawo kanye neHQol. Awekho amamodeli awenziweyo ukusiza ukuphatha isimo esehlukile eNingizimi yomhlaba. Ngokusebenzisa inqubo exubile, inqubo ye-case study, iRietvlei Nature Reserve (etholakala lapho kwanda khona ngokushesha amadolobha phakathi kweTshwane neEKurhuleni kwiprovinsi laseGauteng eNingizima Afrika), yakhethwa ukuhlola izinzuzo nezingcindezi zokuthuthuka kwamadolobha, nokugcina isimo semvelo kanye nobunjalo obuthile bendawo. Injongo yalolu hlolo bekuwukwenza indawo ebizwa iGreenspace Stress Model of Urban Impact (GSMUI) ezosiza iziphathimandla zendawo ukuphatha ukuxhumana okukhona phakathi kwezinhloso ezihlukahlukene zeReserve njengendawo eluhlaza kwiNingizimu neAfrika yomhlaba. Kwahlaziywa indlela eguqukayo yokusetshenziswa komhlaba ngokusebenzisa imifanekiso ebheka ikude etholakala kuma mepi akhombisa indikimba (thematic map). Kwenziwa ama-semi-structured interviews nababambiqhaza bolwazi ababalulekile ukuhlola ukusebenza kweReserve kanye nezinhloso zohlelo olubizwa i-Ecological Management Plan for the Reserve. Izinzuzo nezingcindezi zale-Reserve, kanye nobunjalo obuthile bendawo, kwaphawulwa, ngokwenza ama-semi-structured interview nabathile ababalulekile abakhethwa abayi 18 ukuxoxa nabo, futhi kwenziwa nama-semi-structured interview ngokubhekana ubuso nobuso nezivakashi ze-Reserve ezingama 181, kanye nezingxoxo nabaqaphi abathile besiqiwi (rangers) kanye namanye amaqembu athintekayo. Ulwazi lwaqokelelwa futhi ngokuthi abacwaningi babheke lokho okwenzekayo kanye nokubamba iqhaza kwimisebenzi ye-Reserve. Imiphumela yobufakazi bocwaningo yaqinisekiswa ngosolwazi ababalulekile bobuchwepheshe abangu 14 ababekhethelwe le nhloso, abahlola babuya babeka ngamazinga izinzuzo nezingcindezi ukwenzela ukuthi abacwaningi babuye baphinde bakwazi ukwenza enye i-GSMUI. Ngokusebenzisa imiphumela yobufakazi bocwaningo, umcwaningi wakwazi ukuhlela kabusha amamodeli amaningana athile enziwe ukuphatha izindawo eziluhlaza eNyakatho lomhlaba, ukuze enze GSMUI eqondene nokuphatha iReserve laseRietvlei. Ucwaningo lubuye lwahlinzeka futhi i-GSMUI enabile engasetshenziswa njengemikhombandlela yezinye izindawo eziluhlaza ezifana nalezi khona eNingizimu yomhlaba. / Geography / Ph.D. (Geography)

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