Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grounded theory"" "subject:"arounded theory""
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Percorrendo os trilhos da ferrovia rumo às associações entre longevidade humana e fatores ambientais / Traversing the raiwail route to association between human longevity and environmental factorsPatricio, Karina Pavão 26 May 2006 (has links)
Preocupações com o envelhecimento populacional, que cresce rapidamente nos países em desenvolvimento, aliado à intensa degradação do meio ambiente, levaram ao delineamento desta pesquisa. Inicialmente, procurou-se discutir e compreender o processo de envelhecimento individual e populacional, estudando suas teorias: por que e como envelhecemos e alcançamos a longevidade. Destaca-se os fatores associados positivamente à longevidade: restrição alimentar, genética e hereditariedade, hábitos de vida, engajamento social, entre outros. E condicionantes negativos, situações de exposição opostas a estas, dentre as quais a poluição merece destaque pela morbimortalidade a ela associada, podendo encurtar o tempo de vida. Destaca-se a complexidade dos problemas ambientais e a necessidade de romper com o reducionismo, avançando na Saúde Ambiental e seus indicadores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi compreender as possíveis associações entre fatores ambientais e aumento da longevidade humana, segundo a perspectiva de um grupo de longevos ferroviários. Questionário semi-estruturado foi aplicado a uma população mais homogênea de longevos (30 ex-ferroviários aposentados da Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana de Botucatu). Caracterizou-se a vida desses indivíduos e se resgatou a importante história da ferrovia, buscando evidências de associações entre meio ambiente, saúde e longevidade, por intermédio de metodologia qualitativa (Grounded Theory) e quantitativa. Utilizando a Grounded Theory, emergiram três fenômenos, retratados a partir da experiência dos entrevistados: ANIQUILANDO A VIDA, GERANDO VIDA e FALTANDO CONTROLE SOCIAL E DO ESTADO. Esses longevos percebem o aniquilamento atual do meio ambiente, da ferrovia e até da própria vida, desencadeado pela falta de controle social e do Estado, aliado à falta de consciência coletiva, empreendido pelo movimento da ideologia capitalista do lucro a qualquer custo. Percebem que vários fatores influenciam a longevidade, como: conviver em um ambiente harmônico e sem poluição; adotar estilo de vida saudável e sociável; envolver-se com o trabalho e ter renda para se sustentar; ser e estar tranqüilo e feliz; fatores biológicos e genéticos favoráveis. Por meio desta pesquisa, levantam-se três premissas: a complexidade dos fatores associados ao binômio meio-ambiente-longevidade, suas inter-relações, e a necessidade de internalização do meio ambiente no processo de saúde-doença-envelhecimento. Propõem-se nova hipótese nas teorias da longevidade: valorização das funções desempenhadas(VFD). A partir da experiência dos longevos, destacando o papel da memória, denota-se a importância em subsidiar a população idosa a empoderar-se para que possa exigir dos governantes ações mais efetivas no sentido de garantir melhor qualidade de vida. Também é importante empoderá-los para que possam lutar contra a degradação ambiental e da própria vida, contra esta cultura do imediatismo e da etnodesvalorização, em um processo dialético histórico que faz o passado representar a vida (ganhos = trabalho, tempo áureo da ferrovia) e o presente a morte (perdas = degradação ambiental, aniquilamento da ferrovia e ferroviários, doenças). / Concerns with population aging, which grows fast in developing countries, associated with the intense environmental degradation, have led to delineation this research. Initially tried to discuss, and understand individual and population aging process, studying their theories: how and why we age, and reach longevity. Emphasize the factors positively associated to longevity: food restriction, genetics, and heredity, life habits, social engagement, among others. And negative conditioners, situation of exposure opposite to these, especially highlighting pollution because of the morbimortality associated with it, can shorten the life-span. Complexity of environmental problems, and necessity to break up reductionism are outstanding, moving forward in Environmental Health and its indicators. The objective of the current study aim to comprehend the possibility of associating environmental factors with an increase in human longevity, through the perspective of a group of longevity railroaders. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied to a homogeneous longevity group (30 retired ex-railroaders from Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana in Botucatu, State of São Paulo). It characterized the lives of these individuals and recovered the importance of railroad history, seeking evidences of associations among environment, health, and longevity through qualitative methodology (Grounded Theory) and quantitative one. Through Grounded Theory, three phenomena emerged, depicted from the experience of the interviewed people: ANNIHILATING LIFE, GENERATING LIFE, and LACKING SOCIAL, AND STATE CONTROL. These longevity individuals detect the current annihilation of the environment, of the railroad, and even of life itself, descending from the lack of social, and State control, allied with lack of a collective conscience, undertaken by the movement of capitalist ideology of profit at any cost. They perceive that various factors have an influence on longevity, such as living in a harmonious environment without pollution, adopting a healthful and sociable lifestyle, involving oneself in work that earns a sustainable income, becoming and staying tranquil and happy; having favorable biological and genetic factors. This research raises three premises: the complexity of factors associated to the binomial environment longevity; their interrelations; and the need to internalize environment in the health-disease-aging process. Suggest a new hypothesis of theory of longevity: Valorization of the Develop Functions (VDF). From the experience of longevity workers, emphasizing memorys role, it denotes the importance of providing the elderly population and empowering them for what they may demand from more effective governmental actions in the sense of guaranteeing a better quality of life. Also it is important to empower them for their struggle against degradation of the environment and own lives, against this culture of immediatism, and ethno devaluation, in a historic dialetic process which makes the past represent life (profits=work, golden age of the railroads) and the present signify death (losses=environmental degradation, annihilation of the railroad and railroaders, diseases).
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Impact of migration to the UK on Lithuanian migrant family relationshipsBremner, Ausra January 2017 (has links)
Since the opening of European borders to new EU member states, a large number of immigrants continue to arrive in the UK and specifically to the East Midlands and East Anglia. To date, little or no research has been conducted to understand their experience and adjustment in this part of the country. With my research I aimed to find out how Lithuanian emigration affected family relationships and to identify issues that families face when a member emigrates on his/her own. I conducted qualitative research using different methods of data collection: online (skype) and face-to-face interviews, focus group and remote discussion techniques. Data has been coded using NVivo8 and NVivo10 and analysed using grounded theory. Findings show that the transition stage, while a family lives apart, puts an enormous strain on relationships within a family. However, it does not lead to nor causes break ups provided the family was a close unit prior to migration. The final results support the emerging theory that if the family had good relationships back in Lithuania, then all challenges of migration would not break that bond. On the contrary, they would strengthen relationships. My findings answer the initial research question as to whether migration to the UK affects Lithuanian family relationships by suggesting that it does not any more than any other stressful life events, e.g. death, childbirth, job loss, illness, house move, etc. Findings suggest that, if families discuss matters and look for the solutions together, the negative impact of migration might be avoided or lessened. My research contributes to the knowledge by applying novelty frameworks such as grounded theory and Layder’s theory of social domains in order to analyse and understand the Lithuanian migration phenomenon in the UK, particularly in East Anglia and the East Midlands.
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Empreendedor social: um estudo de casoLima, Cássia Maria Paula 03 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Cassia Maria Paula Lima.pdf: 2230053 bytes, checksum: ccd55850e398b11190508b5c79132ace (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-06-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this dissertation is to understand the social entrepreneur, from the observation his practice and seeking to consolidate a comprehensive overview, an understanding of this agent that incorporates the approaches of different disciplines that study. The social entrepreneur presents features, depending on who defines it: Administrators, psychologists, sociologists and economists. It is relevant to add that notice of any fact or social action is not a simple task, as society is, by its very nature and in any instance, complex; the complexity grows in the area of current humanitarian aid because of the multiple actions arising in this new segment, such as: Investment Fund in order to generate social impact, social business, social transparency, governance, 2.5 and municipal councils with the new social movements. As well as new actors appear institutions: social entrepreneurs and investors, that coexist with other well-known actors in society, as philanthropists. To this end, it was promoted a qualitative case study of a social entrepreneur from her speech and another six people that were indicated by her and who participated in the help project to others. Xinha from Liga Solidária (Non Governamental Organization) was considered from the main guidelines of the Grounded Theory, which is a methodology that sets out the research process as non-linear. The main conclusion is this social entrepreneur acts in networks to achieve improvements to a community. It was taken into account the studies on Granovetter's weak ties on networks and embeddedness to conclude that she actively worked to build a proactive development of the network, understanding local issues, recovering lost links, and sharing knowledge. Were thus highlighted the features that sets her apart as a social entrepreneur, who is the focus on social work and the promotion of innovation in society. What remained was the path taken by Xinha corresponded to her own process of training as a social entrepreneur / A finalidade desta dissertação é compreender o empreendedor social, observando-o na sua
prática, e buscando consolidar uma visão abrangente, um entendimento deste agente que
incorpore as abordagens das diferentes disciplinas que o estudam. O empreendedor social
apresenta características, dependendo de quem o define: administradores, psicólogos,
sociólogos e economistas. Importa acrescentar que a observação de qualquer fato ou ação
social não é uma tarefa simples, dado que a sociedade é, por natureza e em qualquer instância,
complexa; a complexidade se acentua na área de ajuda humanitária atual graças às múltiplas
ações novas surgidas no cenário deste segmento, tais como: fundo de investimentos com
finalidade de gerar impacto social, negócios sociais, setor 2,5, governança, transparência
social e conselhos municipais com novos movimentos sociais. Assim como as instituições,
surgem novos atores: os investidores e empreendedores sociais, que convivem com outros
atores conhecidos na sociedade, como filantropos. Para tanto, promoveu-se um estudo de caso
de natureza qualitativa de uma empreendedora social a partir do seu discurso e de mais seis
pessoas que ela indicou e que participaram do seu projeto de ajuda aos outros. A Dona Xinha
da Liga Solidária foi analisada a partir das principais diretrizes da Teoria Fundamentada
(Grounded Theory), que é uma metodologia que explicita o processo de pesquisa como não
linear. A principal conclusão é que essa empreendedora age em rede para atingir melhorias
para uma comunidade. Leva-se em conta os estudos sobre redes de Granovetter sobre laços
fracos e imersão (embeddedness) para concluir que ela atuou ativamente para formar uma
rede concisa e ampla, entendendo os problemas locais, recuperando elos perdidos, e
compartilhando conhecimento. Ficaram assim evidenciadas as características que a diferencia
como empreendedora social, que é o foco no social (ter objetivo social) e a promoção da
inovação na sociedade. O que restou comprovado foi que o caminho percorrido correspondeu
ao seu próprio processo de formação como empreendedora social
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Interações no Youtube e capital social : estudo em um canal de divulgação científica sobre PsicologiaCorrêa, Maurício de Vargas January 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a influência do conteúdo de divulgação científica publicado pelo canal Minutos Psíquicos do YouTube sobre a formação do capital social. O objeto de estudo foi analisado com o aporte da Teoria Fundamentada, uma ferramenta metodológica que tem sido recomendada por pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros para o estudo das mídias sociais e das redes sociais na internet. O corpus de análise foi constituído pelo vídeo mais popular do canal selecionado e pelos comentários relacionados. Para a análise dos comentários foram utilizadas as três técnicas de codificação da Teoria Fundamentada: a codificação aberta, a codificação axial e a codificação seletiva. Ao final da pesquisa, foram identificadas três práticas discursivas que contribuem para a formação do capital social e de valores relacionados no contexto de estudo: a autoexpressão, as reações do canal e o suporte social. As formas de capital social que apareceram com maior frequência são o capital relacional, o capital cognitivo e a confiança no ambiente social. Porém, também foi possível constatar a presença do capital normativo e de indícios do capital institucional. Entre os valores construídos pelos usuários em suas práticas discursivas estão a visibilidade, a legitimação e o suporte social. Esse último merece destaque por perpassar todas as categorias principais. O intercâmbio de informações foi uma prática pouco expressiva naquele contexto. Por fim, conclui-se que o conteúdo publicado pelo canal funciona como um vetor para as diferentes formas de comportamento social que contribuem para a formação do capital social. / The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the content of scientific divulgation published by YouTube Minutos Psíquicos channel on the formation of social capital. The object of study was analyzed with the contribution of Grounded Theory, a methodological tool that has been recommended by Brazilian and foreign researchers for the study of social media and social networks on the internet. The analysis corpus consisted of the most popular video of the selected channel and related comments. For the analysis of the comments the three coding techniques of the Grounded Theory were used: open coding, axial coding and selective coding. At the end of the research, three discursive practices were identified that contribute to the formation of social capital and related values in the study context: self-expression, channel reactions and social support. The forms of social capital that have appeared most often are relational, cognitive, and trustworthiness of social environment. However, it was also possible to verify the presence of normative capital and evidence of institutional capital. Among the values built by the users in their discursive practices are visibility, legitimation and social support. The latter deserves special mention because it covers all the main categories. The information exchange was not very expressive in that context. Finally, it is concluded that the content published by the channel works as a vector for the different forms of social behavior that contribute to the formation of social capital.
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Purposes, processes and parameters of continuing professional learningMartin, Kate January 2017 (has links)
This study examines boundaries and synergies between continuing professional learning contexts of academy, workplace and profession, and considers what factors and approaches of learning contribute to common good in societies. In a review of literature, historical trends in professions and professional learning, concerns of managerialism and performativity, and educational theories of socially constructivism, developmental and ethical learning were considered. A constructivist grounded theory approach was used to collect and analyse data from eighty work-based student documents and from twelve semi-structured interviews with practitioners in four Scottish professions. The findings indicated that learning across contexts was disconnected, creating additional demands for professionals. Increased academic study indicated a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce, with a caveat of market-led credentialism in response to demands for higher qualifications. Professional CPD provided benefits of quality assurance and public safety, but was reported as individualised procedural accountability. Interpersonal communicative action was identified as key to workplace learning, although was afforded less significance than accredited learning in professional and academic contexts. Factors of individualism, accountability and credentialism were noted to have effect on participative workplace learning, which, the study argued, impacted on ethical agency in professions. To address these trends, adaptability, reciprocity and dialogical critical thinking were identified as necessary factors for a continuing professional learning that contributes to common good in societies.
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Making the invisible visible : a grounded theory study of female adult trauma survivors reconstructing reality with supportive othersKossurok, Anke January 2018 (has links)
Violence against women and children is a pervasive challenge across the globe. Research has shown that survivors of interpersonal violence, such as child maltreatment and intimate partner violence, may develop a complex form of post-traumatic stress disorder accompanied by, for example, difficulties in regulating emotions and relating to others. Additional mental health and social problems contribute to survivors' long-term impairment. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand the key elements and processes that facilitate trauma recovery. The majority of research places survivors as individuals at the core of understanding trauma and recovery, which makes it an intrapsychic problem focused on, for example, the individual's cognitive bias, maladaptive interpersonal behaviour, or emotion dysregulation which need repairing, rather than considering appropriately the role of context, external factors and social processes. Thus, trauma recovery may be more complicated. The current study explored key elements and processes of trauma recovery in female adult survivors with a focus on emotional and interpersonal skills, within the narratives of individuals constructing their own recovery within an interpersonal context. Fifteen female adult survivors were recruited from a statutory clinical service and a third-sector community project. Participants were interviewed individually, and data were analysed qualitatively using grounded theory. The study constructed a framework of four key components. Women survivors initially disengaged from feelings, other people and themselves (1), gradually made hidden experiences visible (2) and examined these (3), and eventually reconstructed their reality (4). Although not always a linear process, this framework revealed a transition from self-guided to supported self-management. Women survivors sought out relationships, were impacted by relationships, and these relationships changed the way survivors responded. Thus, female trauma survivors reconstructed abuse, trauma and identity through various supportive others. Similarly, female survivors reframed emotional and interpersonal difficulties and gradually managed these through relationships. Future research as well as theories, practices and policies need to consider the multifaceted and relational nature of interpersonal trauma recovery. Guidelines and practices, for instance, could include community-focused strategies that provide a larger network of support to survivors and, thus, would offer multiple opportunities to experience positive interactions. Equally, mandatory training of health care staff about interpersonal violence and subsequent trauma as well as training in relating positively to survivors would make a real difference.
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"Taking the path of least resistance" : a constructivist grounded theory of H.E. teacher practice enactments at a UK landbased collegeRapley, Eve January 2017 (has links)
Landbased Studies Foundation and Bachelor degrees (FD and BSc) are generally taught in specialist FE landbased colleges, with teachers typically teaching both FE (Ofqual RQF Levels 0–3) and HE (Ofqual RQF Levels 4–6). Such teachers are designated in the literature as being HE in FE (Higher Education in Further Education) or CBHE (College Based Higher Education) teachers. Using a single case study landbased college, this study adopts a qualitative, naturalistic methodology using intensive interviewing and classroom observations of six Animal, Equine and Veterinary Nursing Studies HE in FE teachers. Characterised as an under-represented group within UK education research, these teachers teach both HE and FE within a small, UK landbased college. The study examines the nature of HE teacher pedagogic practice enactments, and factors which enable and constrain them within an FE college environment. Conceived within a interpretivist socio-constructivist framework, this study is influenced by the anti-dualist social philosophy of Practice Theory (PT) whereby people, places and material objects all contribute to how practice is enacted. Rather than considering material artefacts to be merely background objects and a college being simply an inert container where teaching takes place, a sensitivity to Practice Theory considers the FE context, material aspects and teacher pedagogic practices as a whole, rather than from one or other side of the structure versus agency divide. Within this study a particular variant of Practice Theory, Practice Architectures (PA) (Kemmis and Grootenboer, 2008), has been used to sensitise the study. The study adopts a Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT) approach as a means of exploring a neglected and under-theorised area of Post-Compulsory education. The CGT methodology influenced and guided the research design and interpretive data iv analysis. Using purposive sampling of teacher participants, theoretical sampling, and the iterative cycles of constant comparison associated with Grounded Theory (GT), the data was used to construct four key categories. From these categories three main theoretical themes were identified from the data; Surveillance and Control, Teacher Identity and Agency, and Pedagogic Risk Aversion. The interpretive analysis suggests that HE pedagogic practice enactments are influenced and constrained by the college as a site, by its management, and by the wider neoliberal landscape of surveillance and auditing, as well as by the teachers themselves, the HE students, and material, non-human physical spaces and artefacts. The resultant HE pedagogic practice enactments are risk averse, tending towards instrumentalism and teacher-centeredness. The final CGT theoretically accounts for the HE practice enactments of the HE in FE teachers at the college and is discussed in relation to HE in FE literature, and to a number of pertinent theories within and beyond education. The CGT contributes to an enhanced understanding of HE teacher pedagogic practice enactments, and has potential for generalisability beyond the specific college. The original contributions to knowledge consists of: devising a novel methodology whereby PT/PA and CGT are articulated; adding to the body of literature for HE in FE pedagogy; and adding to the pauce corpus of literature for landbased education.
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Zpětná vazba a koučování / Feedback and coachingFišerová, Jarmila Ester January 2012 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis maps the basic concepts, approaches, and categorization processes related to feedback and coaching. It also describes their relationship in the management of the development of individuals and groups. In the practical part of this thesis are primarily categorized and using qualitative methods of grounded theory explored testimony practicing coaches in the focus group and finally formulated into a number of areas recommended for further verification. Keywords: Feedback, coaching, development, grounded theory, focus group, key event
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Percorrendo os trilhos da ferrovia rumo às associações entre longevidade humana e fatores ambientais / Traversing the raiwail route to association between human longevity and environmental factorsKarina Pavão Patricio 26 May 2006 (has links)
Preocupações com o envelhecimento populacional, que cresce rapidamente nos países em desenvolvimento, aliado à intensa degradação do meio ambiente, levaram ao delineamento desta pesquisa. Inicialmente, procurou-se discutir e compreender o processo de envelhecimento individual e populacional, estudando suas teorias: por que e como envelhecemos e alcançamos a longevidade. Destaca-se os fatores associados positivamente à longevidade: restrição alimentar, genética e hereditariedade, hábitos de vida, engajamento social, entre outros. E condicionantes negativos, situações de exposição opostas a estas, dentre as quais a poluição merece destaque pela morbimortalidade a ela associada, podendo encurtar o tempo de vida. Destaca-se a complexidade dos problemas ambientais e a necessidade de romper com o reducionismo, avançando na Saúde Ambiental e seus indicadores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi compreender as possíveis associações entre fatores ambientais e aumento da longevidade humana, segundo a perspectiva de um grupo de longevos ferroviários. Questionário semi-estruturado foi aplicado a uma população mais homogênea de longevos (30 ex-ferroviários aposentados da Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana de Botucatu). Caracterizou-se a vida desses indivíduos e se resgatou a importante história da ferrovia, buscando evidências de associações entre meio ambiente, saúde e longevidade, por intermédio de metodologia qualitativa (Grounded Theory) e quantitativa. Utilizando a Grounded Theory, emergiram três fenômenos, retratados a partir da experiência dos entrevistados: ANIQUILANDO A VIDA, GERANDO VIDA e FALTANDO CONTROLE SOCIAL E DO ESTADO. Esses longevos percebem o aniquilamento atual do meio ambiente, da ferrovia e até da própria vida, desencadeado pela falta de controle social e do Estado, aliado à falta de consciência coletiva, empreendido pelo movimento da ideologia capitalista do lucro a qualquer custo. Percebem que vários fatores influenciam a longevidade, como: conviver em um ambiente harmônico e sem poluição; adotar estilo de vida saudável e sociável; envolver-se com o trabalho e ter renda para se sustentar; ser e estar tranqüilo e feliz; fatores biológicos e genéticos favoráveis. Por meio desta pesquisa, levantam-se três premissas: a complexidade dos fatores associados ao binômio meio-ambiente-longevidade, suas inter-relações, e a necessidade de internalização do meio ambiente no processo de saúde-doença-envelhecimento. Propõem-se nova hipótese nas teorias da longevidade: valorização das funções desempenhadas(VFD). A partir da experiência dos longevos, destacando o papel da memória, denota-se a importância em subsidiar a população idosa a empoderar-se para que possa exigir dos governantes ações mais efetivas no sentido de garantir melhor qualidade de vida. Também é importante empoderá-los para que possam lutar contra a degradação ambiental e da própria vida, contra esta cultura do imediatismo e da etnodesvalorização, em um processo dialético histórico que faz o passado representar a vida (ganhos = trabalho, tempo áureo da ferrovia) e o presente a morte (perdas = degradação ambiental, aniquilamento da ferrovia e ferroviários, doenças). / Concerns with population aging, which grows fast in developing countries, associated with the intense environmental degradation, have led to delineation this research. Initially tried to discuss, and understand individual and population aging process, studying their theories: how and why we age, and reach longevity. Emphasize the factors positively associated to longevity: food restriction, genetics, and heredity, life habits, social engagement, among others. And negative conditioners, situation of exposure opposite to these, especially highlighting pollution because of the morbimortality associated with it, can shorten the life-span. Complexity of environmental problems, and necessity to break up reductionism are outstanding, moving forward in Environmental Health and its indicators. The objective of the current study aim to comprehend the possibility of associating environmental factors with an increase in human longevity, through the perspective of a group of longevity railroaders. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied to a homogeneous longevity group (30 retired ex-railroaders from Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana in Botucatu, State of São Paulo). It characterized the lives of these individuals and recovered the importance of railroad history, seeking evidences of associations among environment, health, and longevity through qualitative methodology (Grounded Theory) and quantitative one. Through Grounded Theory, three phenomena emerged, depicted from the experience of the interviewed people: ANNIHILATING LIFE, GENERATING LIFE, and LACKING SOCIAL, AND STATE CONTROL. These longevity individuals detect the current annihilation of the environment, of the railroad, and even of life itself, descending from the lack of social, and State control, allied with lack of a collective conscience, undertaken by the movement of capitalist ideology of profit at any cost. They perceive that various factors have an influence on longevity, such as living in a harmonious environment without pollution, adopting a healthful and sociable lifestyle, involving oneself in work that earns a sustainable income, becoming and staying tranquil and happy; having favorable biological and genetic factors. This research raises three premises: the complexity of factors associated to the binomial environment longevity; their interrelations; and the need to internalize environment in the health-disease-aging process. Suggest a new hypothesis of theory of longevity: Valorization of the Develop Functions (VDF). From the experience of longevity workers, emphasizing memorys role, it denotes the importance of providing the elderly population and empowering them for what they may demand from more effective governmental actions in the sense of guaranteeing a better quality of life. Also it is important to empower them for their struggle against degradation of the environment and own lives, against this culture of immediatism, and ethno devaluation, in a historic dialetic process which makes the past represent life (profits=work, golden age of the railroads) and the present signify death (losses=environmental degradation, annihilation of the railroad and railroaders, diseases).
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A matemática em um curso de engenharia: vivenciando culturasGomes, Gisela Hernandes 10 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:58:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Gisela Hernandes Gomes.pdf: 2937233 bytes, checksum: 0973a1ccf1294a2d15765c9220bd29e8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-06-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this study was to investigate aspects of Mathematics
utilized in End-of-program Assessment Papers in Engineering specifically the
manner in which students who attend the final terms of Mechanical Engineering
and Production Engineering programs in a Brazilian university report the
mathematical contents learned during the undergraduate years and which
mathematical elements they apply to their End-of program Assessment Papers.
Additionally, the investigation attempted to clarify how two cultures that of
engineers and that of the Engineering program classroom are revealed in the
discourses of students and teachers.
The theoretical-methodological background of the study included aspects
of mathematical thinking (Schoenfeld, 1992; Cardella, 2006), of the Grounded
Theory (Charmaz, 2006; Corbin & Strauss, 2008), and of Video Data Analysis
(Powell, Francisco, & Maher, 2004).
The findings revealed differences between the culture of engineers and
that of the Engineering classroom in aspects such as mathematical rigor versus the
use of approximations in the results, in addition to revealing elements of the
mathematical thinking present in the assessment papers elements that can be
explored in the classroom with the use of modeling and computer software / O foco desta pesquisa é a investigação da Matemática utilizada em
Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso (TCCs) de Engenharia especificamente o modo
como alunos que freqüentam as etapas finais de cursos de Engenharia Mecânica e
Engenharia de Produção falam da Matemática aprendida ao longo da graduação e
que elementos matemáticos aplicam a seus TCCs. Além desse foco, interessou-nos
também entender de que maneira emergem na fala dos alunos e professores, assim
como nos trabalhos finais, a cultura do engenheiro e a da sala de aula de
O embasamento teórico-metodológico adotado foi constituído dos aspectos
do pensamento matemático (Schoenfeld, 1992; Cardella, 2006), da Grounded
Theory (Charmaz, 2006; Corbin & Strauss, 2008) e da Análise de Vídeo (Powell,
Francisco, & Maher, 2004).
Os resultados revelam diferenças entre a cultura do engenheiro e a da sala
de aula de Engenharia, como o rigor matemático e a aproximação de resultados,
além de apontarem aspectos do pensamento matemático nos TCCs que podem ser
explorados em sala de aula nos cursos de Engenharia através da modelagem e do
uso de softwares
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