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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur löser elever med kombinerade läs-, skriv- och matematiksvårigheter matematiska problem? / Problem solving by students with combined reading, writing and mathematical disabilities

Björklund, Lisbeth January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att ge en insikt i hur elever med kombinerade läs- och skriv och matematiksvårigheter tänker och resonerar vid problemlösning.</p><p>Tre elever i år 8, som alla ingår i samma specialundervisningsgrupp i matematik, har arbetat med olika typer av matematisk problemlösning, såväl individuellt som i grupp. Med utgångspunkt i deras arbete skapas början till en grundad teori.</p><p>I forskningssammanhang behandlas ofta denna kategori elever (med kombinerade problem) som en enhetlig kategori som jämförs med t ex elever med enbart matematiksvårigheter, normalpresterande elever osv. Denna undersökning visar dock att de svårigheter eleverna uppvisar är av mycket olika karaktär.</p><p>Studien omfattar tre delar: en presentation av fältstudien och resultaten från denna, en metoddel innefattande en pilotstudie som koncentreras på datainsamlingsmetoden samt en omfattande litteraturstudie som behandlar problemlösning och inlärningssvårigheter.</p>

På olika villkor : En intervjustudie om häktades och kriminalvårdares upplevelser av häktet / Different Perspectives : Detainees' and guards' experiences of the remand prison

Henriksson, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Different Perspectives is a study of detainees' and guards' experiences of the remand prison. The result of the study shows that the remand prison brings forth the individuals anxiety, stress and fear. The individual detained in remand prison have a great need for contact with their families, but also with the guards. In the remand prison there is always a great level of control and always some kind of power practised. It is the guards who have the power and the competences to make the individuals detained in remand prison follow the rules and do what they have been told. The society possesses biases and a great curiosity about remand prisons and the people being there. This can lead to stigmatization among both the detained individuals as well as the guards.</p>

Worlds Apart? : Sexual Behaviour, Contraceptive Use, and Pornography Consumption Among Young Women and Men

Häggström-Nordin, Elisabet January 2005 (has links)
<p>The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the knowledge of, attitudes toward, and experiences of the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP), sexual behaviour, and pornography consumption among high school students and young people. Data were obtained by questionnaires (studies I, II, and III), and by qualitative in-depth interviews (study IV). </p><p>A majority of 16-year old high-school students were aware that ECP existed, and knew where to obtain it. Attitudes toward using ECP were generally positive, but more girls than boys were hesitant as to whether ECP should be available without a prescription. Of those having experienced sexual intercourse, more than one fourth stated that they themselves or their partner had ever used ECP (I). </p><p>Almost half of the 16-year old high-school students surveyed (46%) had had sexual intercourse, a number similar in studies conducted 10 and 20 years earlier. Use of contraceptives at first intercourse had increased (to 76%) and use of alcohol had decreased (to 23%). More students in practical rather than theoretical programs smoked, had sexual intercourse at an earlier age, had more partners, and used contraceptives at first intercourse less often (II).</p><p>Three out of four 18-year old students had had sexual intercourse, of which almost three quarters reported contraceptive use at first intercourse. Anal intercourse was reported by one sixth, with infrequent condom use. Males who consumed more pornography were more likely than males who consumed less pornography to engage in a variety of sexual activities, as were males with an early age at first sexual intercourse (III).</p><p>The core category that emerged in the interviews was “Living with the current sexual norm”, pornography created sexual expectations and demands. The interviewees expressed contradictory feelings towards pornography and felt that sexuality was separated from intimacy. In order to deal with the current sexual norm, participants had different individual handling strategies, including liberal-, normalization-, distance-, feminist- and conservative strategies (IV).</p><p>Overall, the studies highlight several differences between genders and between students attending practical- and theoretical study programs in questions concerning ECP, sexual behaviour and pornography. These differences should be addressed while planning for counselling and sex education. We suggest that health- and school personnel discuss how sexuality is portrayed in pornographic material with young people.</p>

La dimensión ética de la organización escolar : un estudio semi-inductivo en tres colegios de Lima Metropolitana

Diaz Bazo, Carmen 16 April 2007 (has links)
Actualmente, la organización escolar se constituye en un elemento importante de las diversas reformas educativas y el espacio en donde se genera el cambio en educación. Ello nos hace volver la mirada a estudiar en profundidad a esta organización particular y compleja. Los estudios sobre las organizaciones escolares han girado en investigar sus dimensiones estructural, política o cultural, y muy pocos estudios han ayudado a comprender la dimensión ética de la organización escolar. Aspecto que hoy resulta de vital importancia ante la crisis de valoración, las situaciones de corrupción, injusticias o desigualdades ante las cuales la educación, y en particular, la escuela debe responder. En este trabajo de investigación nos propusimos levantar información que permitiera comprender y caracterizar la dimensión ética de la organización escolar y sus relaciones con las otras dimensiones. Es así que tres preguntas fueron el hilo conductor de nuestro trabajo: ¿desde qué orientación ética se construye cada una de las dimensiones de la organización escolar?, ¿qué caracteriza a la dimensión ética de la organización escolar?, ¿cómo la orientación ética de la escuela configura un tipo de organización escolar? La investigación se realizó desde un enfoque semi-inductivo, cualitativo e interpretativo pues nos interesó descubrir los significados que otorgan los sujetos a la escuela para construir una teoría sustantiva sobre la dimensión ética. Para ello utilizamos la grounded theory (Glaser y Strauss, 1967; Strauss y Corbin, 1990) como procedimiento metodológico para teorizar a partir de la palabra de los sujetos informantes. Desde las posturas éticas del debate liberalismo – comunitarismo en la filosofía política y particularmente en la educación, analizamos la realidad de tres escuelas ubicadas en un barrio popular de Lima Metropolitana (Perú). A partir de los discursos recogidos en las entrevistas semi-estructuradas y los focus groups realizados a los directivos, profesores, auxiliares, alumnos y padres de familia de cada escuela hemos descubierto las principales categorías que configuran la dimensión estudiada y sus relaciones con aspectos estructurales, culturales y políticos de la organización escolar. Además, abordar el estudio desde el debate del liberalismo – comunitarismo ha permitido identificar y comparar las diversas opciones éticas presentes y asumidas por cada escuela desde su particular posición de escuela confesional, escuela pública no confesional y escuela privada y proponer una tipología que nos revela la convivencia de escuelas que se configuran como comunidades de valores, con otras más orientadas a la ética liberal; pero con matices que nosotros llamamos escuela liberal estratégica y escuela liberal fragmentada. Sin embargo, en el estudio no hemos encontrado una escuela orientada a una ética deliberativa que constituya una escuela democrática en un sistema educativo como el peruano que señala en sus documentos oficiales la opción por la formación de ciudadanos en democracia.

Akademisering av specialistsjuksköterskans utbildning i Sverige : Spänningsförhållanden med anledning av  utbildningsreform i enlighet med Bologna / The academisation of specialist nursing education in Sweden : Tensions arising from the Bologna process.

German Millberg, Lena January 2012 (has links)
Licentiatavhandlingens övergripande syfte var att studera konsekvenser av ökad akademisering och akademiskt lärande inom Svensk specialist-sjuksköterskeutbildning efter genomförande av ny utbildningsreform enligt Bologna. Bakgrund: Specialistsjuksköterskor förväntas i dagens hälso– och sjukvård att kunna bedriva en patientsäker och evidensbaserad vård, vilket kräver akademisk kompetens. Utbildningen till specialistsjuksköterska fördes i och med Bolognaprocessens införande i Sverige 2007 till avancerad utbildningsnivå. Både yrkesexamen och akademisk examen (magisterexamen) skulle inkluderas och integreras i samma utbildning. Detta medförde en förändring från en ämnesinriktad (samlingskodsinriktad) läroplan till en läroplan som syftar till att integrera ämnen (integrationskodsinriktad). Förutom ämnesintegrering skulle yrkesspecifika mål integreras med akademiska mål. Metod: Artikel I genomfördes i form av ett didaktiskt aktionsforskningsprojekt som pågick under 2½ år. En projektledningsgrupp (n=15-18) från fem lärosäten bildades. Denna grupp har aktivt deltagit i hela aktionsforskningsprocessen och vid projektmöten. Vid varje lärosäte utsågs en projektansvarig som ansvarade för den lokala aktionsforskningsprocessen. Dessa personer samlande in data i form av kursplaner, utbildningsplaner, studiehandledningar, minnesanteckningar från lärarmöten och möten med vårdverksamheter samt minnesanteckningar från forskargruppensmöten. Analys har gjorts med hjälp av konstant komparativ analysmetod. I artikel II användes konstruktivistisk Grounded Theory för att samla in och analysera data. Datainsamlingen påbörjades utifrån specialistsjuksköterskestudenters svar på en enkäts öppna fråga (n=120) i samband med utbildningens avslutning 2009 och 2010. Enkätsvaren reste frågor om specialistsjuksköterskans akademiska lärande. För att inhämta en djupare förståelse genomfördes intervjuer med specialistsjuksköterskor (n=12) som yrkesarbetat mellan 5 och 12 månader efter sin examen. Intervjuerna genomfördes från juni till oktober 2011. Avslutningsvis jämfördes svaren på den öppna enkätfrågan med analysen av intervjuerna. Resultat: Vid utbildningsreformens införande fanns pedagogiska motsättningar och didaktiska svårigheter som gav upphov till spänningsförhållanden mellan vårdutveckling, forskning, yrkesspecifika mål och akademiska mål. Spänningsförhållanden framkom också när specialistsjuksköterskorna inte erfor att deras akademiska kompetens tillvaratogs och värderades i vårdverksamheten. När stöd inte fanns för akademiskt lärande uppkom villrådighet och specialistsjuksköterskorna blev ambivalenta över om akademiskt lärande var meningsfullt. För att främja meningsfullt akademiskt lärande framhåller deltagarna betydelsen av samverkan och gemensamma arenor mellan lärosäten och vårdverksamhet där nyttoaspekten med akademiskt lärande tydliggörs. De spänningsförhållanden som framkommer var av både positiv och negativ karaktär.

Worlds Apart? : Sexual Behaviour, Contraceptive Use, and Pornography Consumption Among Young Women and Men

Häggström-Nordin, Elisabet January 2005 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the knowledge of, attitudes toward, and experiences of the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP), sexual behaviour, and pornography consumption among high school students and young people. Data were obtained by questionnaires (studies I, II, and III), and by qualitative in-depth interviews (study IV). A majority of 16-year old high-school students were aware that ECP existed, and knew where to obtain it. Attitudes toward using ECP were generally positive, but more girls than boys were hesitant as to whether ECP should be available without a prescription. Of those having experienced sexual intercourse, more than one fourth stated that they themselves or their partner had ever used ECP (I). Almost half of the 16-year old high-school students surveyed (46%) had had sexual intercourse, a number similar in studies conducted 10 and 20 years earlier. Use of contraceptives at first intercourse had increased (to 76%) and use of alcohol had decreased (to 23%). More students in practical rather than theoretical programs smoked, had sexual intercourse at an earlier age, had more partners, and used contraceptives at first intercourse less often (II). Three out of four 18-year old students had had sexual intercourse, of which almost three quarters reported contraceptive use at first intercourse. Anal intercourse was reported by one sixth, with infrequent condom use. Males who consumed more pornography were more likely than males who consumed less pornography to engage in a variety of sexual activities, as were males with an early age at first sexual intercourse (III). The core category that emerged in the interviews was “Living with the current sexual norm”, pornography created sexual expectations and demands. The interviewees expressed contradictory feelings towards pornography and felt that sexuality was separated from intimacy. In order to deal with the current sexual norm, participants had different individual handling strategies, including liberal-, normalization-, distance-, feminist- and conservative strategies (IV). Overall, the studies highlight several differences between genders and between students attending practical- and theoretical study programs in questions concerning ECP, sexual behaviour and pornography. These differences should be addressed while planning for counselling and sex education. We suggest that health- and school personnel discuss how sexuality is portrayed in pornographic material with young people.

Balancing intrusive illness : the experiences of people with musculoskeletal problems

Wiitavaara, Birgitta January 2007 (has links)
The overall aim of the present thesis was to explore and describe the health experiences of men and women with musculoskeletal problems. The specific aims of the four papers were: (I) to explore the experience of illness and wellness among ambulance personnel with musculoskeletal symptoms; (II) to explore the experience of illness and wellness among female health care personnel with musculoskeletal symptoms; (III) to explore the experience of bodily illness among people with musculoskeletal problems in the neck-shoulder region, and; (IV) to investigate the symptoms described by people with non-specific neck-shoulder problems, to investigate the method of development of neck-shoulder questionnaires that assesses pain and other symptoms, to analyse the content and items of these questionnaires, and to compare the findings. The overall findings show that the occupationally active men and women with MSDs were “striving for balance” (I-II), that the disease course of chronic neck-shoulder disorders was characterised by “uncontrollable fluctuations” (III), and that most neck-shoulder questionnaires had a low correspondence to the variety of symptoms experienced during this course (IV). In the process of striving for balance (I-II), the informants’ health experiences were not a state of either wellness or illness, but of both, in varying degrees at different times. The balancing started when illness became too intrusive, and was a process of minimising the impact of illness by accepting and handling it, while attaining and maintaining wellness to feel well enough. When striving for balance, the interviewees kept on working to continue being nurtured at the same time as they made different efforts directed at minimising the impact of their illness. For both men and women, illness was characterised by disembodiment, vulnerability, and exhaustion. The illness experiences were counterbalanced by wellness, where some differences could be recognised between the men and the women. Study III further explored the experiences of bodily illness, focusing on people with chronic musculoskeletal disorders in the neck-shoulder region. The course of the disorder was described as characterised by uncontrollable fluctuations, and it usually developed from insidious symptoms to a state of constant discomfort. The participants experienced calmer periods during the course, but intermittent events of increasing illness were always lying in wait, with periodic moments of consuming intensity. In the interviews included in study IV a variety of symptoms were expressed, which indicated a bodily, mental, and emotional engagement, which included more general and more severe symptoms than are usually related to neck-shoulder disorders. Few of the questionnaires were developed using the experiences of the affected. Taken as a whole, did the questionnaires cover many of the symptoms of the interviewees, but each individual questionnaire only included a few. The fluctuations and nuances of symptoms were rarely considered. The correspondence between individual questionnaires and the experiences of those affected was most often low. This thesis reveals other aspects of health than just bodily experiences as important among occupationally active people with MSDs. It also provides a description of the disease course, and an indication of possibilities for improvement of neck-shoulder questionnaires.

Skydda och frigöra : en studie av föräldrar till barn med astma och av professionella vårdare / Protecting and liberating : a study of parents of children with asthma and professional caregivers

Dalheim Englund, Ann-Charlotte January 2005 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is, from the point of view of parents of a child with asthma, to describe meanings of being a parent, parents’ quality of life, and to describe how family relations are influenced by their child’s disease. The aim is also to increase the understanding of what strategies professional caregivers use in their work with teenagers suffering from asthma. Methods: Informants in the three qualitative studies were 29 parents (17 mothers and 12 fathers) of children with asthma and 7 professional caregivers. Informants in a quantitative quality of life study were 371 parents. The data collections were undertaken by means of interviews, observations and a questionnaire. The data was analysed by means of a phenomenological-hermeneutic method, grounded theory and statistics. Results: A meaning of being a parent of a child with asthma is to live a strenuous life and to fear that the child might die during a severe asthma attack. The parents’ actions involve both protecting and liberating and their feelings involve sadness as well as acceptance. Mostly the mothers act in a protecting manner and express feelings of sadness. The fathers mostly act in a liberating manner and express feelings of acceptance. The core concern in families of a child with asthma was found to be disease-engendered uncertainty. The mothers describe that feelings of uncertainty always are present owing to the unpredictability of the disease. These feelings make the mothers more or less available for family members. For the child with asthma the mothers’ experience that they are always available. Thus, control and tight bonds characterize the mother-child relationships. The mothers’ constant availability for the child with asthma is experienced to lead to a decreased availability for other family members and theses relationships are characterised by feelings of forsakenness and lack of understanding. However, when parents of children with asthma estimate their quality of life by a questionnaire, they estimate it as comparatively high. In the same family the parents scoring of separate items was to a large extent similar. The result also shows that professional caregivers’ central concern is to assist teenagers with asthma to conquer life. This gives rise to five strategies: showing respect, being at hand, promoting personal sense of responsibility, promoting exceeding boundaries, and promoting reflections. In professional caregivers’ attempt to assist teenagers to conquer life some differences are seen in the way they support boys and girls. Conclusion: One conclusion drawn from this thesis is that being a parent of a child with asthma involves feelings of uncertainty. In meeting the parents in question, caregivers should reflect upon these feelings and consider how the parents could be assisted. As mothers and fathers describe different attitudes in relation to the care of the child, it is also important to reflect upon how professional caregivers can assist the balance between the mothers’ protecting and the fathers’ liberating attitudes. It is also important for professional caregivers to reflect upon how they meet teenage girls and boys with asthma respectively, and to take their needs and understanding of the situation into consideration.

"Jag vill också ha en hund ..." : en studie av barn och tonåringar med astma och deras mammor / "I also want a dog ..." : a study of children and teenagers with asthma and their mothers

Rydström, Ingela January 2005 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to illuminate meanings of being a child with asthma, to describe what strategies they use to manage their daily life, and how they estimate their quality of life. The aim is also to describe how family relations might be influenced by the child’s asthma disease. Methods: Informants in three qualitative studies were 37 children with asthma and 17 mothers of children with asthma. Informants in a quantitative quality of life study were 226 children with asthma. The data collections were undertaken by means of interviews, observations, and a questionnaire (PAQLQ). The data was analysed by means of phenomenological-hermeneutic method, grounded theory, and statistics. Results: A meaning of being a child with asthma is to strive to live a normal life, which means to be able to participate in the same activities as healthy friends. According to the children, participation is facilitated by confidence in one’s own knowledge, by other people’s wish to help, and by confidence in medicines. On occasions when the disease becomes an obstacle to participation, the children feel like outsiders, and talk about feelings of deprivation, guilt, loneliness, anxiety, and fear. When observing and interviewing teenagers with asthma they showed and expressed that their core concern was not letting the disease get the upper hand over life. To manage this core concern they used three strategies: keeping a distance to the disease, challenging the disease, and taking the disease into consideration. Boys mainly keep a distance to the disease while girls mainly take the disease into consideration. Challenging the disease seems to be a strategy used by both girls and boys. Differences between girls and boys were also seen when children with asthma estimated their quality of life, even though they both estimate their quality of life as comparatively high. A significant association was found between a higher quality of life and being a boy, compared to being a girl. The core concern in families of a child with asthma was found to be disease-engendered uncertainty. The mothers experience themselves as always being available for the child with asthma, owing to the unpredictability of the disease. Control and tight bonds therefore characterize the relation between the mother and the sick child. Being constantly available for the child with asthma, decreases the mothers’ availability for other family members and these relations are described as being characterised by feelings of being forsaken and lack of understanding. Conclusion: One conclusion drawn from this thesis is that life with asthma includes moments of wellbeing for both children with asthma and their mothers, but also moments when they experience that the disease gets the upper hand over life. In assisting them it is of great value to create a milieu where the individuals dare to talk about their experiences and to be aware of possible differences between boys and girls. It is also important never to judge, but to customize care, based on the needs of each individual.

La presenza reciproca. Un'analisi qualitativa dell'interazione psicosociale in realtà virtuale / Reciprocal Presence. A Qualitative Analysis of Psycho-Social Interaction in Virtual Reality

CANTAMESSE, MATTEO 12 March 2008 (has links)
La tesi presenta una ricerca sull'interazione psicosociale in realtà virtuale. Il primo studio esplora l'impatto di una metodologia di produzione dei dati qualitativa sull'esperienza in RV; il secondo studio esplora, con un approccio grounded theory, le modalità di costruzione della presenza; il terzo studio esplorare l'interazione in rv durante delle sessioni di terapia; il quarto studio, tramite il ricorso all'analisi delle conversazioni, esplora le modalità di co-definizione dei significati in rv. / This research concerns psycho-social interactions in Virtual Reality. In order to investigate subjective experience by a qualitative approach, in the first experiment the feasibility of the thinking aloud data production technique has been verified. The second study investigated the process of presence, by analyzing data produced in the first study, within a grounded theory approach. The use of Virtual Reality in mental health, and particularly for psychotherapy, introduces a radical modification in the therapeutic setting: the typical configuration requires the patient to be immersed in the VE, while the therapist observes and controls the interaction by “outside” the environment. This unique ecosystem requires a qualitative approach to investigate it. In the third study, a qualitative content approach has been used, in order to describe the interactional processes and the co-construction of the sense of presence. In the fourth study, conversational processes in a shared VE have been investigated by creating a shared task in VR and in vivo. Results from this research program suggest the interactional nature of the sense of presence.

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