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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing life with a memory disorder:the mutual processes of those with memory disorders and their family caregivers following a diagnosis

Pesonen, H.-M. (Hanna-Mari) 28 April 2015 (has links)
Abstract The prevalence of memory disorders is increasing worldwide due to an aging population. The condition affects not only those with the disorder, but also their families and the wider social network. Establishing services that meet the needs of patients and their families is a topical issue and requires knowledge produced from service user viewpoints. However there remains limited knowledge of how families manage their lives when there is a memory disorder. This study produces a substantive theory that describes the processes of managing life after disclosure of a progressive memory disorder from the viewpoint of individuals with that diagnosis and their family caregivers. A qualitative longitudinal research design informed by grounded theory methodology was undertaken. Research data were gathered for 2006–2009 using in-depth interviews (n=40) from those with the memory disorder (n=8) and their family caregivers (n=8). The data were analyzed using a constant comparative analysis. A core category ‘Accepting memory disorder as part of family life’ with related categories and subcategories was formulated from the gathered data. Family illness trajectory begins when patients or close relatives recognize the symptoms. Diagnosis of memory disorder is a turning point in that trajectory. It changes the course of lives for both individuals and their whole family and leads families to seek a new equilibrium. Altering life challenges people with the diagnosis and their family caregivers to restructure their roles and identities. Adjusting to altering self and adapting to the new role of caregiver are intertwined processes. Families strive to manage these changes by acknowledging available qualities and resources, seeking meaningful social support and living for today. Managing life with a memory disorder produces mutual processes in families that contain both positive and negative factors. Accepting memory disorder as part of family life represents a hope-fostering adjustment. The findings confirm and supplement the knowledge base in nursing science of family experiences and the means families use for managing life after diagnosis of a progressive memory disorder. These findings can be well utilized by professionals working with patients and their families who are living with newly diagnosed memory disorder while also advancing nursing education. / Tiivistelmä Väestön ikääntymisen vuoksi muistisairauksien esiintyvyys on kasvussa koko maailmassa. Etenevä muistisairaus vaikuttaa sekä sairastuneiden että perheiden elämään, ja heidän tarpeisiinsa vastaavien palvelujen kehittäminen on ajankohtaista. Perheiden selviytymistä koskevaa tutkimustietoa palvelujen kehittämiseksi on kuitenkin rajallisesti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää aineistolähtöinen teoria, joka kuvaa muistisairaiden ja omaishoitajien elämänhallinnan prosesseja muistisairausdiagnoosin varmistumisen jälkeen. Tutkimus oli laadullinen pitkittäistutkimus, jossa aineisto kerättiin vuosina 2006–2009 syvähaastattelemalla (n=40) sekä sairastuneita (n=8) että heidän omaisiaan (n=8). Aineisto analysoitiin grounded theory -metodologian jatkuvan vertailun analyysimenetelmällä. Tutkimuksessa tuotetun aineistolähtöisen teorian ydinkategoriaksi muodostui ’Muistisairauden hyväksyminen osaksi perheen elämää’. Ydinkategoriaan olivat yhteydessä pää- ja alakategoriat, jotka kuvasivat vastavuoroisia elämänhallinnan prosesseja perheessä. Perheiden kehityskulku muistisairauden kanssa käynnistyi ennen diagnoosin varmistumista, kun sairastunut itse tai hänen läheisensä kiinnittivät huomiota oireisiin. Muistisairausdiagnoosi oli käännekohta, joka muutti perheiden elämänkulun suuntaa ja johti etsimään uutta tasapainoa elämässä. Muuttuva elämäntilanne haastoi sairastuneet ja heidän omaisensa rakentamaan uudelleen käsitystä itsestään ja sosiaalisista rooleistaan. Sairastuneiden kokemuksena tämä tarkoitti sopeutumista muuttuvaan itseen ja omaisten kokemuksena mukautumista uuteen omaishoitajan rooliin. Nämä kehityshaasteet kytkeytyivät toisiinsa. Perheet pyrkivät selviytymään muuttuvassa elämäntilanteessaan huomioimalla käytettävissä olevat voimavarat, hyödyntämällä merkityksellistä sosiaalista tukea ja tavoittelemalla elämää tässä ja nyt. Muistisairaiden ja omaishoitajien vastavuoroiset elämänhallinnan prosessit sisälsivät sekä myönteisiä että kielteisiä tekijöitä. Muistisairauden hyväksyminen osaksi perheen elämää merkitsi toivoa vahvistavaa sopeutumista. Tutkimustulokset täydentävät hoitotieteen tietoperustaa perheiden kokemuksista ja elämänhallinnan keinoista muistisairausdiagnoosin varmistumisen jälkeen. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää sekä käytännön hoitotyössä tuettaessa muistisairaita ja heidän perheitään diagnoosin jälkeen että hoitotyön koulutuksessa.

Du Changement au Mouvement : Application de la Méthodologie du Traceur au cas de la Transformation du Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires en un Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée / Re-thinking organizational change as a movement : a bergsonian analysis of a french museum transformation

Kurdi, Alaa El 22 May 2012 (has links)
Les principaux modèles et représentations du changement organisationnel ont en commun de le considérer, de façon plus ou moins explicite, comme un phénomène dynamique fait de forces ou comme un flux, un mouvement. Mais dans les deux cas, le changement n’est pas directement observé. Il est simplement déduit d’une série d’observations portant (i) soit sur une ‘entité’ qui change - des formes d’organisations ou un ensemble de pratiques - (ii) soit sur une succession de phases, d’étapes ou d’évènements. Ce qui revient, paradoxalement, à observer une série d’immobilités. Notre propos dans cette thèse est d’observer le changement lui-même. Et comme un flux émergent, un mouvement substantiel et absolument indivisible, en référence à la philosophie d’Henri Bergson. / The main models of organizational change have in common that they see change, more or less explicitly, either as a dynamic phenomenon due to forces or as a flow, a movement. But change itself is not directly observed. It is simply inferred from a series of observations that focus on either (i) an entity, or (ii) a sequence of events - phases or steps of an on-going process. So, research in organizational change faces a paradox : understanding change processes leads to representations and explanations that reify the processes in fixed forms (words or diagrams). The aim of this dissertation is to observe change itself and show how it can be thought of as a flow, a movement. The conditions of understanding change as a movement are based on Henri Bergson’s philosophy.

"Man behöver ju prata med varandra" : Medarbetares förståelse av organisation genom kommunikation

Peterson, Mia January 2016 (has links)
Studiens bygger på deltagande observationer och ett antal intervjuer på ett nystartat bolag under peroden 25 januari till 18 mars under sammanlagt 28 dagar. Det huvudsakliga resultat är att visa på ett antal narrativ som förekommer i bolaget. Dessa produceras och reproduceras huvudsakligen muntligt. Med tonvikten på det muntliga blir lokalen en materiell faktor av betydelse, liksom bolaget C-media som finns i samma lokal och därmed fungerar som en referenspunkt. Dessa narrativ och materiella faktorer av betydelse gäller i just detta fall och kan inte ses som något generaliserbart. Resultatet analyseras med utgångspunkt i de teorier inom fältet communicative constitution of communication, med fokus på materialitet och narrativ. Den övergripande slutsatsen är det finns materiella faktorer som kan vara av betydelse för en organisations kommunikation och därmed för organisationens kommunikationsfunktion. / The study is based on participatory observation and a number of interviews at a newly founded company during January 25th through March 18th, during a total of 28 days. The main result is a number of narratives present at the the company. These are produced and reproduced mainly orally. With an oral bias the office building itself becomes a material factor, as is the other company residing in the same office. These narratives and material factors are at play in this case, but cannot be generalised to other organisations. The results are analysed using theories in the field of communicative constitution of communication, focusing on materiality and narratives. The overall conclusion is that there are material factors that can be of importance for the communication in an organisation, and as such for the communications function.

The impact of digital online-based learning on students during Covid-19 / Påverkan av digitalt nätbaserat lärande för studenter under Covid-19

Svensson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The sudden transition to distance education due to the Covid-19 outbreak was a significant change in the standard of education at many universities. This thesis studies the impact of distance and online-based learning on second- and third-year students within the Computer Science Engineering program at Malmö University in Sweden during the autumn and spring semesters 2020. The data were collected through a questionnaire and interviews as well as Ladok. The results indicated that students’ attendance, participation, motivation, engagement, and interactions with their teachers or classmates were negatively affected by distance and online-based learning. However, the results of the educational outcome differed as the grades of second-year students were negatively affected while the grades of third-year students were unaffected. To improve the specific digital tools/platforms used, teachers and students had suggestions such as using tools with a chat function, recording all lectures, and sending notifications of new material in Canvas to students. To improve the overall experience of distance and online-based education, teachers and students suggested changes such as introducing more interactive elements, planning small-group activities or discussions via Zoom, and providing blended physical/online lectures and labs. / Den plötsliga övergången till distansutbildning på grund av Covid-19 utbrottet var en betydande förändring av utbildnings standarden vid många universitet. Denna avhandling studerar distans och nätbaserat lärandes inverkan på andra- och tredjeårsstudenter inom datavetenskap programmet vid Malmö universitet i Sverige under höst- och vårterminerna 2020. Uppgifterna samlades in genom enkät och intervjuer också från Ladok. Resultaten indikerade att elevernas närvaro, deltagande, motivation, engagemang och interaktioner med sina lärare eller klasskamrater påverkades negativt av distans och nätbaserat lärande. Resultaten av betyg skiljde sig emellertid eftersom betygen för andraårsstudenter påverkades negativt medan betygen för tredjeårsstudenterna var opåverkade. För att förbättra de specifika digitala verktyg/plattformar som använts hade lärare och studenter förslag såsom att använda verktyg med en chattfunktion, spela in alla föreläsningar och skicka meddelanden om nytt material i Canvas till studenter. För att förbättra den övergripande upplevelsen av distans och nätbaserad utbildning, föreslog lärare och studenter förändringar såsom att införa mer interaktiva element, planera små grupper eller diskussioner via Zoom och tillhandahålla blandade fysiska/online föreläsningar och labb.

K svobodě je dlouhé putování: Život Českobratrské církve evangelické v letech 1968 - 1989 ve svědectví starší generace jejích farářů a farářek. / Long Journey to Freedom: The Life of Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren in 1968-1989 in the Testimony of the Older Generation of its Ministers.

Pfann, Michael January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to find an answer to the question of whether the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB) in the years 1968-1989 could be considered "free" in any way. This work describes the life of the ECCB in that period and the ways of the freedom und unfreedom the ECCB enjoyed and formed. Thereby, the research is based on the careful analysis of documents of church and state archives and the results of ten author-led biographical interviews with then active pastors. Combining these methods and sources, the dissertation offers an innovative view on the ECCB in the period and provides new, deeper, and more personal insights into the processes of the time. The first four chronological chapters describe the situation and development of the ECCB during the socio-political liberalisation during the Prague Spring and during the years after the Warsaw Pact troops' invasion of Czechoslovakia, when the so-called "normalisation" began. The fifth chapter presents the main strategies that the church developed in reaction to the restriction of its freedom. The sixth chapter presents the perspective of two ministers of the ECCB on their contacts with the representatives of the state authorities in the form of a case study. An insight in the internal life of the church and the forms of the church...

Militär kreativitet : en militär konstform?

Blomberg, Björn January 2021 (has links)
Kreativitet är en förmåga som Försvarsmakten önskar att militär personal behärskar och använder. Samtidigt saknas en tydlig beskrivning av vad militär kreativitet är, hur det ska tolkas och om det påverkas av yttre påverkansfaktorer. Trots vikten av att officerare ska kunna behärska kreativitet i en militär kontext, återfinns det inte en entydig sammanhållen definition av begreppet att förhålla sig till. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för militär kreativitet och de drivkrafter som påverkar kreativiteten i en militär kontext. De två frågeställningar som ligger till grund för studien var: Hur tolkas kreativitet i en militär kontext av yrkesofficerare i Försvarsmakten? Vilka drivkrafter hämmar alternativt stimulerar kreativitet i en militär kontext hos den enskilde yrkesofficeren? Frågeställningarna undersöktes genom intervjuer med yrkesofficerare i Försvarsmakten och analyserades i enlighet med en Grounded Theory-ansats. Studiens resultat visar att det finns en militär kreativitet som uppstår då militär personal befinner sig i en militär kontext och ständigt tänker nytt. Mer specifikt kan denna militära kreativitet definieras som: när militär personal på ett nytt och nyttigt eller generativt sätt skapar progression i en militär kontext. Denna studie bidrar således med att belysa progression som en viktig utgångspunkt för förståelsen av militär kreativitet. Studien visar också att den organisatoriska miljön har en central betydelse för den militära kreativiteten eftersom den stimulerar eller hämmar den militära personalen i sitt utövande. Studiens resultat pekar särskilt på att förekomsten av negativ korrigering, eller bestraffning, inom Försvarsmakten har en påtagligt hämmande effekt på militär kreativitet. / Creativity is an ability that the Swedish Armed Forces want their military personnel to master and use. At the same time, there is no clear description of what military creativity is, how it should be interpreted and whether it is influenced by external influencing factors. Despite the importance of officers being able to master creativity in a military context, there is no unambiguously coherent definition of the term to relate to. The purpose of this study was to contribute to a better understanding of military creativity and the driving forces that influence creativity in a military context. The two questions that form the basis of the study were: How is creativity interpreted in a military context by professional officers in the Armed Forces? What driving forces inhibit or stimulate creativity in a military context of the individual professional officer? The issues were examined through interviews with professional officers in the Swedish Armed Forces and analyzed in accordance with a Grounded Theory approach. The results of the study show that there is a military creativity that arises when military personnel are in a military context and constantly think new. More specifically, this military creativity can be defined as: when military personnel in a new and useful or generative way create progression in a military context. This study thus helps to shed light on progression as an important starting point for the understanding of military creativity. The study also shows that the organizational environment is central to military creativity because it stimulates or inhibits military personnel in their practice. The results of the study indicate in particular that the presence of negative correction, or punishment, within the Swedish Armed Forces has a significant inhibiting effect on military creativity.

Informal Knowledge Sharing : Grasping the Complexity of Sharing Knowledge in Ericsson’s Software Development

Wittwång, Arvid, Perlind, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Many organizations have realized the importance of managing what they know in a proper way, with the sharing of knowledge as one of the most central aspects. However, the practices of knowledge sharing are seldom fully understood, and thus implementations of technical systems intended to improve knowledge sharing have less effect than expected. This master's thesis project identifies that the case company – the well-known, Swedish telecom giant Ericsson – suffers some potential knowledge gaps regarding its knowledge sharing practices, and the project thus serves the purpose to identify how and why employees indulge in sharing, with emphasis on the informal and employee-driven knowledge sharing.  To understand and find ways to improve the knowledge sharing practices, the thesis project performs a case study in the rapidly expanding Ericsson Cloud RAN project. The qualitative approach of Multi-Grounded Theory is used, to focus on the perceived situation as described by the employees, with previous research as a second grounding-point. The qualitative data is collected through literature analysis, semi-structured interviews, and exploration of the digital platforms and tools internally used to share and document knowledge. The research identifies that the Cloud RAN project needs improvements of the knowledge sharing culture, and create a norm to reuse the documented knowledge. In spite of this, many employees appreciate shared knowledge and contribute to the common good of knowledge. A joy in helping others, personal benefits, and contributions to a greater good drive many employees to share. On the flipside are barriers such as a high bar for contributions from a technical point of view, and a risk of limited reuse of knowledge. As reuse is key to make use of knowledge sharing, the master's thesis report contains identified mechanisms realized in mock-up versions of tools and websites. There, emphasis is put on the importance of having proper tools and access to a contact network to navigate the documented knowledge. Summarized, the findings suggest to utilize the enthusiasm for knowledge sharing among employees for a supportive role, to champion a refined culture and lower the bar to contribute. Frequent reminders of available tools and the impact of sharing what is known in a good way, alongside creating awareness of the direction of the organization, can create company-wide awareness and motivations for improving knowledge sharing.

Erfarenheter med arbetet som speciallärare i matematik : Förväntningar och utmaningar i yrket – en professionsteoretisk analys / Experiences of working as a Special Education teacher in mathematics : Special education teachers’ experiences of their professional role as well as expectations and challenges in their profession

Runesson, Cecilia, Engqvist, Linda January 2022 (has links)
The aim for this study is to describe what previous work-related experiences Special Education teachers in mathematics have about their professional role and how these experiences can be understood based on professional theories. The focus with these professional theories is to observe the status of the occupation and two different ideal-types of control of the profession. The aim for this study is also to contribute with knowledge about how the Special Education teachers express the expectations and challenges they encounter in mathematics education. Digital surveys and qualitative interviews were the methods used for collecting data of which 63 answers from the survey were collected and 12 interviews were conducted. The main results show that the experiences of the special education teachers in this study are scattered. It shows that their status and how the profession is controlled is affected by surrounding factors. It can show that the profession is under construction. Hopefully will the thesis contribute with new knowledge to newly educated Special Education teachers about the expectations and challenges in their new occupational role.

Activating and Encouraging Supervisees' Creativity and Intuition through the Clinical Supervisory Relationship

Tolbert, Yvette Roxanne 05 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Leiberfahrung – Körperbetrachtung – Wirklichkeit / (Ehe-)Partnerschaftliche Konstruktion von „Behinderung“

Behrisch, Birgit 24 January 2013 (has links)
Die qualitative Studie befasst sich mit der Lebenslage von (Ehe-)Paaren, welche in ihrer gemeinsamen Zeit als Zweierbeziehung den Eintritt einer sogenannten „Spätbehinderung“ durch plötzliches Krankheits- oder Unfallgeschehen oder aufgrund einer chronischen Erkrankung erleben. Die inhaltliche Fragestellung richtet sich auf die soziale Handlungspraxis partnerschaftlicher Arbeitsorganisation im Zusammenhang mit dem Eintritt einer körperlichen „Behinderung“ sowie auf die partnerschaftliche Deutung von „Körperbehinderung“ im Rahmen der dyadischen Wirklichkeitskonstruktion. In Erweiterung des aktuellen Forschungsstands wird diesbezüglich nicht allein auf die individuelle Sichtweise des „betroffenen Partners“ oder des „angehörigen Partners“ fokussiert, sondern auch die gemeinsame Ebene dyadischer Wirklichkeitskonstruktion miteinbezogen. Die Datengrundlage dieser Studie im Stil der Grounded Theory Methodologie bilden fünfzehn Interviewreihen, bestehend aus einem Paarinterview (narratives Interview) und anschließenden Einzelinterviews (problemzentriertes Interview) mit jedem Partner. Im Ergebnisteil verdeutlichen sieben Fallbeschreibungen die komplexe paarspezifische Bearbeitung einer „Spätbehinderung“ im Rahmen von Biographie, Ressourcen und Körperlichkeit. Theoretisch verdichtet werden die Ergebnisse in einer Konzeption partnerschaftlicher Konstruktion von Behinderung im Kontext von Leiberfahrung und Körperbetrachtung. Die partnerschaftliche Alltagsverhandlung dreht sich im Zuge der Neukonstruktion von Alltag und „Normalität“ um die körperliche Funktionsfähigkeit des Partners mit Beeinträchtigung und verhandelt dessen Veränderung der Körperlichkeit dabei gleichzeitig mit, wobei körperliche, kulturelle, medizinische und sozialpolitische Aspekte in die partnerschaftliche Deutung mit hinein spielen. Zudem berühren derlei Aushandlungen zentrale Grunddefinitionen von Partnerschaft wie Individualitätsentfaltung, Intimität und Privatheit. / This study focusses on the circumstances of marriage and quasi-marital couples, which experience together diability in later couple lifetime by occurence of chronical illness or impairment of one of the couples members. The contentwise question is on one hand targeted at the social practice of work processes and tasks of couples related to the life change through the occurence of impairment. On the other hand the study demands on the couples interpretation of this experience. The data basis consists of fifteen narrative interview cycles each containing one interview with the couple plus one interview with each marriage partner. Here the situation of a suddenly interruption of everyday life through an event of accident or illness has been contrasted with the situation of chronic ailment with its progressing loss of physical power. The study approach of interviewing, analysing and interpretation founds on the principles of the Grounded Theory Methodology. The results are presented twofold. Firstly seven case reconstructions clarify the couple''s coping with physical body change in the context of biography, capabilities and resources, and physicality and illustrate similarities and differences of the couple’s topics. After this a conception of the couple''s construction of reality in the case of an impairment experience were tendered. It describes the couple’s experience of change, disability and normality as a experience of the physical and functional body, which cannot be extricated from cultural and socio-political framing. Specifically, the main topic of the couple’s negotation concern on the one hand the self-activity of the partner with impairment and on the other hand the availability of the other part and his / her duty to compensate for both the lack of paid work and the increasing amount of time spent for everyday life. Significant is the fact that in this process challenge central positions of the couple’s intimacy and privateness.

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