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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molekulare Charakterisierung von Ty3-gypsy-Retrotransposons als abundante Sequenzklasse des Centromers eines Minichromosoms in Beta vulgaris L.

Weber, Beatrice 10 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Gattung Beta gehört zur Familie der Chenopodiaceae und wird in die vier Sektionen Beta, Corollinae, Nanae und Procumbentes unterteilt, wobei die Zuckerrübe der Sektion Beta zugeordnet wird. Aus dem Genom der Zuckerrübe und verwandter Wildarten konnten bereits eine Vielzahl von repetitiven DNA-Familien kloniert und untersucht werden. Mit der monosomen Fragmentadditionslinie PRO1 stand eine Chromosomenmutante zur Verfügung, die neben den 18 B. vulgaris-Chromosomen ein Chromosomenfragment der Wildrübe Beta procumbens enthält. Da dieses als Minichromosom bezeichnete Fragment mitotische Stabilität aufweist, muss es ein funktionelles Centromer besitzen, das auch im genetischen Hintergrund von Beta vulgaris aktiv ist. Mit der Erstellung einer BAC (bacterial artifical chromosome)-Bank von PRO1 wurde die molekulare Charakterisierung von Ty3-gypsy-Retrotransposons eines einzelnen Wildrüben-Centromers möglich. Die für die Wildrübe Beta procumbens spezifischen Satellitenrepeats pTS5 und pTS4.1 dienten der Selektion von BACs aus der Centromer-Region des PRO1-Minichromosoms. Die Identifizierung eines unikalen genomischen Locus, mit einer Verschachtelung von zwei nicht homologen LTR-Retrotransposons, ermöglichte die gerichtete Isolation der LTR-Retrotransposons Beetle1 und Beetle2. Das Retrotransposon Beetle1 hat eine Gesamtlänge von 6736 bp und wird von LTR-Sequenzen begrenzt, die eine Länge von 1091 bp (5’-LTR) bzw. 1089 bp (3’-LTR) aufweisen. Das LTR-Retrotransposon Beetle2 weist mit 6690 bp eine ähnliche Gesamtlänge wie Beetle1 auf. Es wird von deutlich kürzeren LTR-Sequenzen mit einer Länge von 774 bp begrenzt. Aufgrund der Reihenfolge der Polyproteingene lassen sich Beetle1 und Beetle2 in die Gruppe der Ty3-gypsy-Retrotransposons (Metaviridae) einordnen. Beide Retrotransposon-Familien besitzen ein einziges offenes Leseraster (open reading frame; ORF) mit fusionierten gag- und pol-Genen. Datenbankrecherchen zeigten hohe Homologien von Beetle1 und Beetle2 mit den centromerischen Ty3-gypsy-Retrotransposons CRM aus Zea mays, CRR aus Oryza sativa und cereba aus Hordeum vulgare. Diese centromerischen Retrotransposons (CRs) sind in den Poaceae stark konserviert und stellen neben Satellitenrepeats eine hochabundante Sequenzklasse der Centromere der Süßgräser dar. Da sie im 3’-Bereich des gag-pol-Polyproteins eine Chromodomäne aufweisen, werden sie der eigenständigen Gruppe der Chromoviren zugeordnet. Chromodomänen sind zur Bindung von Proteinen und DNA befähigt und spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Chromatin-Modifikation und der Bildung von Heterochromatin-Regionen. Beetle1 und Beetle2 besitzen Motive einer Chromodomäne, die vermutlich für eine gerichtete Transposition in die Centromer-Region verantwortlich ist. Neben der geringen Divergenz von Beetle1- und Beetle2-Sequenzen sowohl im Genom von Beta procumbens als auch in den anderen Arten der Sektion Procumbentes spricht auch das junge Alter von 100 000 bis 350 000 Jahren und die Transkriptionsaktivität für eine Einordnung dieser Ty3-gypsy-Retrotransposons in die Gruppe der Chromoviren. Sowohl die Southern-Hybridisierung als auch die Fluoreszenz-in situ-Hybridisierung zeigten, dass Beetle1 und Beetle2 nur für die Sektion Procumbentes spezifisch sind und dort in hoher Kopienzahl vorkommen. Untersuchungen mit methylierungssensitiven Restriktionsendonukleasen veranschaulichten den hohen Grad an Cytosin-Methylierung von Beetle1 und Beetle2.

Romské děti a mládež v obtížné životní situaci ve městě Mladá Boleslav / Gypsy children and youth in difficult life situation in Mladá Boleslav town

Vítová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
(in English): Vítová Tereza. Gypsy children and youth in difficult position in Mladá Boleslav. Prague, 20014. 91 pages Extended essay. Charles University in Prague, Department of social work. Head of essay: Jaroslava Šťastná Extended essay deals with gypsy children and youth in difficult life position in Mladá Boleslav. Theoretical part of essay is about history of gypsy nation, their social elemination, racism and discrimination, gypsy education in Czech republic, their adoption and about Gypsies in Mladá Boleslav. Target of empirical part of this essay was found out in which difficult life position gypsy children and youth are and if services of organizations in Mladá Boleslav dealing with this problems are sufficient for them. The essay can be helpful for workers who work with Gypsies and factual arrangement offering services for this target group. Experimental investigation is made by qualitative researching stratégy. There are taking methods of analysis, synthesis, questionaraire and halfstructural dialogies of complementary analysis of documents.

Indirect effects between deer, mice, and the gypsy moth in a forest community

Wojcikiewicz, John 30 April 2014 (has links)
White-tailed deer are ecosystem engineers that dramatically alter forest understory vegetation. Consequently, deer can impact many species in a forest through both direct and indirect effects. One species that deer may indirectly affect is the gypsy moth, whose pupae are preyed upon by the white-footed mouse. Through alterations to understory habitat of mice, deer may reduce mouse predation on gypsy moth pupae. In this study, I tested for indirect effects of deer on the gypsy moth by comparing mouse abundance, vegetation properties, and predation on pupae inside, and outside, of long-term deer exclosures. Overall, I did not find evidence for indirect effects of deer on the gypsy moth. There was little effect of the exclosures on mouse abundance, predation rates, and habitat measures. High mouse abundances, which likely resulted from a large acorn mast the previous year, may be obscuring indirect effects that would be detected at lower mouse abundances.

Forest edges enhance mate-finding in the European gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar

Thompson, Lily 24 April 2014 (has links)
Understanding movement capabilities of individuals within a landscape is essential to identifying the effects of habitat boundaries on species abundances, ranges, and spread rates. Movement barriers due to habitat fragmentation may reduce mate-finding ability in some species, particularly in heterogeneous landscapes containing low-density populations. This study focuses on the effects of habitat type and edge on mate-finding in an invasive defoliator, the European gypsy moth. Adult European gypsy moth males locate mates by following pheromones released by flightless females. Reduced mate-finding was expected in fields and near forest edges based on geographic variation in invasion rates and pheromone plume dynamics. A male release-recapture experiment using female-baited traps in fields, at forest edges, and in the forest interior showed that mate-finding was highest at forest edges, reduced in fields, and lowest within the forest interior. This suggests that forest edges and moderate habitat fragmentation enhance mate-finding in the gypsy moth.

Školská motivácia rómskych žiakov / School motivation of the Gypsy learners

Krotká, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to analyze and to confirm or to contradict short-term orientation of the Gypsies and through realized research to offer the representation of school motivation of the Gypsy learners. The thesis is divided to four chapters. It contains 2 pictures, 1 map, 2 charts, 30 graphs and 3 supplements. The first chapter contains clarification of theoretical basics of the motivation. In the second chapter the perspective orientation is characterized; its theoretical starting points, characteristics and components. The third chapter deals with Gypsy ethnic-group society and represents the basic view about its history, Gypsy family, education development and about actual level of education. The last chapter, containing research, presents the results of the research and interpretation of obtained indications. This chapter refers clearly a short-term orientation in some issues but also manifestation of perspective orientation of a segment of the respondents in the other issues. It contradicts the hypothesis that Gypsy learners are not interested to study at the University.

Territorialidades ciganas na Região Metropolitana de Vitória / Gypsy territorialities in the metropolitan region of Vitória

Arruda, Flavia Marcarine 19 November 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação é um estudo das territorialidades de uma rede de parentes de ciganos distribuídos na Região Metropolitana de Vitória do estado do Espírito Santo, no qual pretende-se compreender o modo como se organizam e se deslocam territorialmente. Guia-se pelas teorias contemporâneas da antropologia na qual entende-se que o conhecimento etnográfico produzido é uma construção resultante da relação entre pesquisador e pesquisados. As categorias ciganas relacionadas às conceituações de espaço, como pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, são consideradas e costuradas em uma cosmologia cigana onde se vive apoiado. Posteriormente, analisa-se, em que medida, tais categorias se aproximam ou se distanciam, e podem tensionar as categorias analíticas empregadas por teóricos sobre o tema, como o conceito de nomadismo e sedentarismo. / This dissertation is a study of territorialities of a network of gypsy relatives distributed in the metropolitan region of Vitória of Espírito Santo State. The study aims at understanding the way in which gypsies organize themselves and how they move territorially. The study will be guided by anthropological studies in which contemporary literature shows that produced ethnographic knowledge is a structure resulted from the relationship between researcher and subject. The gypsy categories related to the conceptions of space, such as pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, are perceived and sewn in a gypsy cosmology in which people live apoiado. Thereafter, it will be analyzed to which extent such categories can reevaluate analytical categories employed by theorists on the topic, such as the concept of nomadism and sedentarism.

Racismo contra negros: um estudo sobre o preconceito sutil / Racism against blacks: a research about a subtle prejudice

Nunes, Sylvia da Silveira 17 May 2010 (has links)
O racismo é um tema pouco abordado na psicologia, no entanto, tratase de um problema social sério. Pesquisas têm observado, em vários países, a frequência cada vez maior da forma sutil de preconceito em contraposição à diminuição da forma mais explícita. Nesse sentido, nosso objetivo foi compreender melhor essa nova fisionomia do racismo o preconceito sutil. Uma parte do estudo foi realizada no Brasil e outra, na Espanha. Dentre os vários grupos humanos possíveis de ser alvo de práticas racistas, enfocamos o racismo contra negros no Brasil e contra gitanos na Espanha. Embora existam diferenças na história de cada grupo, é comum entre eles o fato de estar há séculos em território brasileiro e espanhol, respectivamente, e persistirem as práticas discriminatórias contra eles. A presente pesquisa combinou métodos quantitativo (escalas de preconceito sutil e flagrante de Pettigrew e Meertens) e qualitativo (entrevistas). No Brasil, 235 alunos responderam ao questionário e 71 estudantes, na Espanha. Destes, 15 foram entrevistados na pesquisa realizada no Brasil e 4, na Espanha. Para a análise dos dados quantitativos, foram feitas provas estatísticas. Para as entrevistas, foram formuladas categorias de análise. Os dados dos questionários apontaram: (1) maior facilidade dos espanhóis em declarar o racismo; (2) os homens mostraram maior preconceito do que as mulheres, tanto no Brasil quanto na Espanha; (3) houve maior expressão de preconceito sutil do que de preconceito flagrante, nas amostras dos dois países; (4) aproximadamente 75% da amostra brasileira se identifica como branca, mas apenas cerca de um terço tem ascendência branca. Ou seja, grande parte dos participantes são mestiços, mas se identificam como brancos. As entrevistas trouxeram mais elementos para a compreensão do racismo, apontando algumas questões da dinâmica do preconceito racial, tais como o problema da sutileza na discriminação; as brincadeiras racistas; a culpabilização da vítima; a responsabilização do negro para a mudança de sua situação e, com isso, a recusa às propostas de ação afirmativa; a falsa neutralidade na abordagem do tema racial; e, finalmente, a não percepção da racialização presente. As falas não racistas foram poucas e não chegaram a compor uma categoria em separado. Porém, foi possível também estudar a admissão do próprio racismo atitude essa que aponta um caminho para a superação do preconceito racial. Concluímos, enfim, que a presente tese trouxe contribuições para a reflexão do racismo sutil. Sugerimos outras pesquisas e intervenções a fim de que a reflexão sobre esse problema social favoreça a superação do preconceito nas relações humanas / Racism is a subject rarely discussed in psychology, however, this is a serious social problem. In several countries, studies have pointed an increasing frequency of subtle prejudice, despite the decreased incidence of more explicit forms. Our goal in this work was to understand this new face of racism the subtle one. The study was conducted in two countries, Brazil and Spain. Among the various human groups possible to be the target of racist practices, we focus on racism against blacks in Brazil and against gitanos in Spain. Although there are differences in the history of each group, it is common to continue discriminatory practices against them, although they live in Brazilian and Spanish territory for centuries. This research combined quantitative methods (scales of subtle and blatant prejudice of Pettigrew and Meertens) and qualitative (interviews). The questionnaire had been answered by 235 students in Brazil and 71 in Spain. From this sample, we interviewed 15 Brazilian and 4 in Spanish. For the analysis of quantitative data, statistical tests were made. For the interviews were formulated categories of analysis. The questionnaire´s data indicated: (1) the Spanish declare prejudice easier; (2) men showed greater prejudice than women, both in Brazil and in Spain; (3) the prejudice subtle is higher than blatant in the both samples; (4) about 75% of the Brazilian sample is selfidentified as white, but only about a third has white ancestry. In other words, most of the participants are mixed, but identify themselves as white. The interviews revealed more elements to the understanding of racism, pointing out some issues about dynamics of racial prejudice. For instance, the problem of subtlety discrimination; racist jokes; blaming the victim; rejection of affirmative action proposals due attributing to the blacks, the responsibility for change their own situation; false neutrality in approaches about racial subjects; and the nonperception of presence of racialization. The nonracist statements were few and insufficient to compose a specific category. Despite these results, we studied the admission of their own racism an attitude that points a way to overcome racial prejudice. We conclude that this thesis has made contributions to the reflection of subtle racism. We suggest further research and interventions with the goal of reflection on social problem pointed here, thereby the overcoming of prejudice in human relations

A estigmatização em relação aos ciganos: as construções avaliativas por não ciganos / The stigmatization of the Roma: the evaluative constructions by non-Roma

Spaziani, Lidia 01 August 2016 (has links)
Tratar de ciganos à luz do discurso de não-ciganos pede discussões sobre estigmatização e dos termos a ela associados. Esse caminho produzirá, como demonstramos na tese, a contribuição para a compreensão do (des)prestígio social de uma comunidade isolada. Historicamente, por séculos, a estigmatização negativa arraiga o preconceito que ecoa no imaginário social do não-cigano ao referir o cigano. Esse quadro ainda é constatado no século XXI, e ainda ocorre manifestando os mesmos traços peculiares observados em pesquisas das áreas de Antropologia, Sociologia e Educação as quais tomam como objeto de discussão esse povo, de cultura tão hermética. Esse isolamento dos ciganos, hipotetizamos, é observável no discurso do não-cigano por meio de informações localizadas em diversos pontos de uma sentença ou de um texto. Para lidar com esse fenômeno, recorremos às teorias givonianas (1990), em especial o princípio da iconicidade e seus subprincípios, quais sejam: de ordenação linear, de integração e de quantidade, os quais, ao se entrelaçarem, revelam a complexidade cognitiva. O reconhecimento desses ecos históricos por meios de vários tipos de documentos recolhidos de arquivos históricos e redes sociais. Ao final dessa análise, estabelecemos um contraponto com a opinião de paulistanos por meio de um questionário aleatoriamente distribuído a indivíduos de vários estratos sociais. A ideia era a de verificar se a estigmatização continuava ecoando nos discursos atuais. Concluída essa etapa da pesquisa, pudemos referendar que, a despeito do desenvolvimento humano (na concepção de Maturana e Varela, 2011), a estigmatização e o preconceito continuam andando de mãos quando o tópico é cigano. / To treat Roma (gypsy) by the sense of the non-Roma (non-gypsy) speech prompts some discussions about stigmatization and terms associated with it. This way will produce, as demonstrated in the thesis, the contribution to the (un) social prestige understanding of an isolated community. Historically, for centuries, the negative stigma rooted prejudice that echoes the social imaginary of the non-gypsies when referring to the gypsy in their discourse. This picture is still found in the 21st. century, and it is still manifesting the same peculiar traits observed in researches in the Anthropology, Sociology and Educational areas which take as their subject of discussion these people, in its so hermetic culture. It is hypothesized that this isolation of the Roma (gypsy) is observable in the discourse of non-gypsy through information located in various parts of a sentence or of a text. To deal with this phenomenon, we use the givonian theories (1990), in particular the principle of iconicity and its subprinciples, namely: linear ordination, integration and quantity, which, when intertwined, reveal the cognitive complexity. The recognition of these historical echoes by means of various documents types collected from historical archives and social networks. At the end of this analysis, we established a counterpoint to the opinion of São Paulo inhabitants (paulistanos) through a questionnaire randomly distributed to individuals from various social strata. The idea is to verify if the stigma was still echoing in today\'s speeches. On this research stage completion, we could endorse that, in spite of human development (conception of Maturana and Varela, 2011), stigmatization and prejudice continue progressing when the theme is gypsy people.

Territorialidades ciganas na Região Metropolitana de Vitória / Gypsy territorialities in the metropolitan region of Vitória

Flavia Marcarine Arruda 19 November 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação é um estudo das territorialidades de uma rede de parentes de ciganos distribuídos na Região Metropolitana de Vitória do estado do Espírito Santo, no qual pretende-se compreender o modo como se organizam e se deslocam territorialmente. Guia-se pelas teorias contemporâneas da antropologia na qual entende-se que o conhecimento etnográfico produzido é uma construção resultante da relação entre pesquisador e pesquisados. As categorias ciganas relacionadas às conceituações de espaço, como pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, são consideradas e costuradas em uma cosmologia cigana onde se vive apoiado. Posteriormente, analisa-se, em que medida, tais categorias se aproximam ou se distanciam, e podem tensionar as categorias analíticas empregadas por teóricos sobre o tema, como o conceito de nomadismo e sedentarismo. / This dissertation is a study of territorialities of a network of gypsy relatives distributed in the metropolitan region of Vitória of Espírito Santo State. The study aims at understanding the way in which gypsies organize themselves and how they move territorially. The study will be guided by anthropological studies in which contemporary literature shows that produced ethnographic knowledge is a structure resulted from the relationship between researcher and subject. The gypsy categories related to the conceptions of space, such as pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, are perceived and sewn in a gypsy cosmology in which people live apoiado. Thereafter, it will be analyzed to which extent such categories can reevaluate analytical categories employed by theorists on the topic, such as the concept of nomadism and sedentarism.

Racismo contra negros: um estudo sobre o preconceito sutil / Racism against blacks: a research about a subtle prejudice

Sylvia da Silveira Nunes 17 May 2010 (has links)
O racismo é um tema pouco abordado na psicologia, no entanto, tratase de um problema social sério. Pesquisas têm observado, em vários países, a frequência cada vez maior da forma sutil de preconceito em contraposição à diminuição da forma mais explícita. Nesse sentido, nosso objetivo foi compreender melhor essa nova fisionomia do racismo o preconceito sutil. Uma parte do estudo foi realizada no Brasil e outra, na Espanha. Dentre os vários grupos humanos possíveis de ser alvo de práticas racistas, enfocamos o racismo contra negros no Brasil e contra gitanos na Espanha. Embora existam diferenças na história de cada grupo, é comum entre eles o fato de estar há séculos em território brasileiro e espanhol, respectivamente, e persistirem as práticas discriminatórias contra eles. A presente pesquisa combinou métodos quantitativo (escalas de preconceito sutil e flagrante de Pettigrew e Meertens) e qualitativo (entrevistas). No Brasil, 235 alunos responderam ao questionário e 71 estudantes, na Espanha. Destes, 15 foram entrevistados na pesquisa realizada no Brasil e 4, na Espanha. Para a análise dos dados quantitativos, foram feitas provas estatísticas. Para as entrevistas, foram formuladas categorias de análise. Os dados dos questionários apontaram: (1) maior facilidade dos espanhóis em declarar o racismo; (2) os homens mostraram maior preconceito do que as mulheres, tanto no Brasil quanto na Espanha; (3) houve maior expressão de preconceito sutil do que de preconceito flagrante, nas amostras dos dois países; (4) aproximadamente 75% da amostra brasileira se identifica como branca, mas apenas cerca de um terço tem ascendência branca. Ou seja, grande parte dos participantes são mestiços, mas se identificam como brancos. As entrevistas trouxeram mais elementos para a compreensão do racismo, apontando algumas questões da dinâmica do preconceito racial, tais como o problema da sutileza na discriminação; as brincadeiras racistas; a culpabilização da vítima; a responsabilização do negro para a mudança de sua situação e, com isso, a recusa às propostas de ação afirmativa; a falsa neutralidade na abordagem do tema racial; e, finalmente, a não percepção da racialização presente. As falas não racistas foram poucas e não chegaram a compor uma categoria em separado. Porém, foi possível também estudar a admissão do próprio racismo atitude essa que aponta um caminho para a superação do preconceito racial. Concluímos, enfim, que a presente tese trouxe contribuições para a reflexão do racismo sutil. Sugerimos outras pesquisas e intervenções a fim de que a reflexão sobre esse problema social favoreça a superação do preconceito nas relações humanas / Racism is a subject rarely discussed in psychology, however, this is a serious social problem. In several countries, studies have pointed an increasing frequency of subtle prejudice, despite the decreased incidence of more explicit forms. Our goal in this work was to understand this new face of racism the subtle one. The study was conducted in two countries, Brazil and Spain. Among the various human groups possible to be the target of racist practices, we focus on racism against blacks in Brazil and against gitanos in Spain. Although there are differences in the history of each group, it is common to continue discriminatory practices against them, although they live in Brazilian and Spanish territory for centuries. This research combined quantitative methods (scales of subtle and blatant prejudice of Pettigrew and Meertens) and qualitative (interviews). The questionnaire had been answered by 235 students in Brazil and 71 in Spain. From this sample, we interviewed 15 Brazilian and 4 in Spanish. For the analysis of quantitative data, statistical tests were made. For the interviews were formulated categories of analysis. The questionnaire´s data indicated: (1) the Spanish declare prejudice easier; (2) men showed greater prejudice than women, both in Brazil and in Spain; (3) the prejudice subtle is higher than blatant in the both samples; (4) about 75% of the Brazilian sample is selfidentified as white, but only about a third has white ancestry. In other words, most of the participants are mixed, but identify themselves as white. The interviews revealed more elements to the understanding of racism, pointing out some issues about dynamics of racial prejudice. For instance, the problem of subtlety discrimination; racist jokes; blaming the victim; rejection of affirmative action proposals due attributing to the blacks, the responsibility for change their own situation; false neutrality in approaches about racial subjects; and the nonperception of presence of racialization. The nonracist statements were few and insufficient to compose a specific category. Despite these results, we studied the admission of their own racism an attitude that points a way to overcome racial prejudice. We conclude that this thesis has made contributions to the reflection of subtle racism. We suggest further research and interventions with the goal of reflection on social problem pointed here, thereby the overcoming of prejudice in human relations

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