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Psichologinio gimimo eiliškumo ir gyvenimo stiliaus sąsajos / Relations between psychological birth order and life-stylePuronienė, Ingrida 23 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbo „Psichologinio gimimo eiliškumo ir gyvenimo stiliaus sąsajos“ tikslas – ištirti sąsajas tarp psichologinio gimimo eiliškumo ir gyvenimo stiliaus. Taip pat, pakoregavus ankstesnės (pirmos) lietuviškos versijos White-Campbell psichologinio gimimo eiliškumo klausimyno (PGEK) vertimą, nustatyti naujos šio klausimyno versijos psichometrines charakteristikas. Tyrime dalyvavo 233 tiriamieji, iš jų 100 vyrų ir 133 moterys. Atliekant PGEK pakartotino testavimo procedūrą po 3 savaičių, pakartotinai buvo ištirta 30 moterų ir 23 vyrai, jau dalyvavę ankstesniame psichologinio gimimo eiliškumo ir gyvenimo stiliaus tyrime. Tyrime dalyvavusių tiriamųjų amžius nuo 18 iki 60 metų (vidurkis 27,5 metai). Tai buvo asmenys iš įvairių Lietuvos miestų, įvairaus išsilavinimo ir skirtingų profesijų atstovai. Numatytam darbo tikslui įgyvendinti buvo pasirinktos dvi metodikos: • White-Campbell psichologinio gimimo eiliškumo klausimynas • Kerno gyvenimo stiliaus skalė. Prieš pasirenkant šias įvertinimo priemones, buvo bendradarbiaujama su doc. A. Kepalaite (Kauno Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas) ir mgt. L. Verseckaite (Klaipėdos universitetas), kurios turi minėtų klausimynų autorių sutikimus naudoti metodikas Lietuvoje mokslo tiriamaisiais tikslais. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad psichologinis ir chronologinis gimimo eiliškumas dažniau nesutampa ir rečiau sutampa. Ryšys tarp psichologinio gimimo eiliškumo ir gyvenimo stiliaus ypatybių yra stipresnis negu tarp chronologinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objectives of the master thesis “Relations between Psychological Birth Order and Life-Style” are to investigate the relations between psychological birth order and life-style, as well, to assess psychometric characteristics of the new Lithuanian version of the White-Campbell Psychological Birth Order Inventory (PBOI) after translation corrections of the previously translated (first) version of this questionnaire. 233 individuals (100 men and 133 women) were taken part in the analysis. 23 men and 30 women, to which the inventory was administered in previous analysis, were repeatedly assessed carrying out PBOI retest procedure after 3 weeks. Ages of the subjects ranged from 18 to 60 years (the mean age for subjects was 27.5 yr.). They were individuals from various Lithuanian localities, of different education and professions. Two techniques have been chosen to realize objective of this work: • White-Campbell Psychological Birth Order Inventory • Kern’s Life-style Scale. Before choosing these assessment techniques, it was collaborating with Assoc. Prof. A. Kepalaitė (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas) and M. Sc. L. Verseckaitė (Klaipėda University). They have permissions from authors of the mentioned questionnaires to use their instruments in Lithuania for scientific purposes. Research results suggest that psychological and actual birth order more often not coincide than coincide. The analysis supported a stronger relationship between psychological birth order and lifestyle... [to full text]
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Sveikos gyvensenos strategijų pasirinkimai: gyvenimo stiliaus raiška / Strategy choices of healthy lifestyle: the expression of lifestyleKazlauskaitė, Monika 07 June 2011 (has links)
Individualūs poreikiai ir asmeninė patirtis užima vis svarbesnę vietą sveikatos priežiūros sistemoje, plinta sveiko gyvenimo būdo idėjos. Subjektyviems poreikiams patenkinti šalia biomedicininio sveikatos gerinimo modelio atsiranda daugybė alternatyvių technikų bei sveikatos specialistų, siūlančių skirtingas sveikos gyvensenos strategijas. Šio darbo problema yra šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje atsirandantis sveikos gyvensenos strategijų pliuralizmas, siejamas su vartotojiškos kultūros, socialinės refleksijos ir pomaterialistinių vertybių atsiradimu. Biomedicina sveiką gyvenseną traktuoja kaip sveikatos gerinimo strategiją. Tačiau sveikos gyvensenos pasirinkimai susiję ne tik su sveikata, bet taip pat su tam tikro gyvenimo stiliaus pasirinkimu. Jei medicininės praktikos yra orientuotos į konkrečios problemos sprendimą, tai sveika gyvensena tampa kur kas platesniu reiškiniu. Todėl šiuo darbu siekiama atskleisti sveikos gyvensenos strategijų pasirinkimo motyvus, bei gyvenimo stiliaus raišką. Atlikus empirinių duomenų analizę paaiškėja, kad sveika gyvensena suvokiama kaip savirealizacijos, egzistencinio saugumo poreikio patenkinimo, subjektyvaus gerbūvio kūrimo priemonė. Sveikatos samprata peržengia vien biologinio poreikio ribas ir tampa saviraiškos piemone, sveikos gyvensenos vertybėmis grįstu savitu gyvenimo stiliumi. Sveikos gyvensenos praktikos ne tik stiprina sveikatą, bet subalansuojančiu ir kitas žmogaus gyvenimo sritis. / Individual needs and personal experience is gaining more importance in people’s health care system, and the patterns of healthy lifestyle are being spread along. To meet subjective needs of the people a number of alternative techniques and various health care specialists offering different lifestyle strategies appear next to the biomedical model of health promotion.
The core question of the present paper is the plurality of healthy lifestyle strategies associated with the appearance of consumer culture, social reflection and post-materialistic values in today’s society. In biomedicine healthy lifestyle is seen as a strategy of health improvement. However, the patterns of healthy lifestyle are not only associated with health but also with certain choices of a living of life. If medical practice focuses on a specific problem, a healthy lifestyle then becomes a much broader phenomenon. Therefore this paper aims at revealing the motif choice of strategy of healthy lifestyle and the expression of lifestyle.
The empirical analysis of the data showed that healthy lifestyle was perceived as a mean of self-realization, the satisfaction of the need of existential security and the development of subjective well-being. The concept of health goes beyond the limits of biological need becoming a mean of self-realization, a way of living based on values of healthy lifestyle. The practice of healthy lifestyle not only enhances one’s health but also becomes a much broader phenomenon equally... [to full text]
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17-60 metų asmenų gyvenimo stilius ir jo ypatumai / A lifestyle of people which are 17-60 years oldMickuvienė, Odeta 15 May 2006 (has links)
An environment are ruling people and people are ruling an environment. A man is – his behavior, his lifestyle, his ability to work and to live as long as possibile. But the global proceses have made many changes to environment, to it’s values and changed the rate of the life in these days. And the biggest problem today must be a man and his health. In this research I want to find out a lifestyle of people with different age, sex and education. A question of this research was: Does a lifestyle are dependent upon a sex, age and education? An object of this research was a lifestyle.
Objective of research – to identify a lifestyle of 17-60 years old people and to find out specifics features of lifestyle.
Following research was formulated after identifying research objective:
1. To identify a lifestyle for 17-60 years old people.
2. To identify a specific features of lifestyle for people which have different age.
3. To identify a specific features of lifestyle for people which have different sex.
4. To identify a specific features of lifestyle for people which have different education.
This investigation was done on March ���� May in 2005. Were questioned 330 people from Kaunas (some of them were students, some schoolchildren and workers).
Were analyzed many facts and we can say that 84% people have medium healthy lifestyle, 12,4% - healthy lifestyle and only 3,6% have not healthy lifestyle. We find out that people which are 40-60 years old and have high education are more... [to full text]
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Aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių gyvenimo stilius / Lifestyle upper grade studentsBlauzdytė, Asta 15 May 2006 (has links)
Actuality. Lifestyle of people depends on many social, economical and cultural factors (Grabauskas and other, 2004). According World Health Organization, main reason of 70% of early, or possible to avoid, deaths of grown-ups is wrong behavior since teenage, for example, smoking, usage of drugs or alcohol, unsafe sexual behavior and unhealthy nourishment (Žekas, Zaborskis, Goštautas and other, 2005). That’s why society health and lifestyle research, especially of children and youth, is an actual problem, because only knowing their attitude to their health and attitude to lifestyle, it is possible to correct this process. Research of students’ lifestyle is important preparing health strengthening and health teaching programs.
Our research object was lifestyle of students of upper grades.
Aim of research – determine subjective attitude towards their lifestyle of upper grade students.
1. Determine subjective attitude of 11-12 grade boys and girls towards their personal health habits.
2. Determine subjective attitude of 11-12 grade boys and girls towards health keeping activity, influenced by family and school.
3. Determine health risk factors of 11-12 grade boys and girls.
4. Determine lifestyle differences according sex of upper grade students.
After comparing subjective attitude towards their personal health habits of boys and girls, we have determined, that boys are more physically active and exercises more often than girls (p<0,05), but girls care more about... [to full text]
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Universitetinių studijų kūno kultūros ir sporto programų studentų gyvenimo stiliaus projektavimas vertybinių orientacijų kontekste / Designing lifestyle of students of physical education and sports study programmes of the university in the context of value orientationsBobrova, Lota 25 May 2012 (has links)
Charakteringas šiuolaikinio pasaulio bruožas – visuomenės transformacija, sąlygojama ne tik naujų socialinių santykių, bet ir vertybių perkainojimo, vaidmeninės elgsenos ir gyvenimo stiliaus kaitos, nes sisteminės XXI amžiaus reformos paveikė visas socialinio gyvenimo sritis. / Characteristic feature of today’s world is the society’s transformation, determined not only by new social relations but also by reappraisal of values, changes in role-based behaviour and lifestyle because systemic reforms of the 21 century affected all areas of social life.
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Universitetinių studijų kūno kultūros ir sporto programų studentų gyvenimo stiliaus projektavimas vertybinių orientacijų kontekste / Designing lifestyle of students of physical education and sports study programmes of the university in the context of value orientationsBobrova, Lota 28 May 2012 (has links)
Charakteringas šiuolaikinio pasaulio bruožas – visuomenės transformacija, sąlygojama ne tik naujų socialinių santykių, bet ir vertybių perkainojimo, vaidmeninės elgsenos ir gyvenimo stiliaus kaitos, nes sisteminės XXI amžiaus reformos paveikė visas socialinio gyvenimo sritis. / Substantiation of relevance of the topic. Characteristic feature of today’s world is the society’s transformation, determined not only by new social relations but also by reappraisal of values, changes in role-based behaviour and lifestyle because systemic reforms of the 21 century affected all areas of social life.
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Akademinio jaunimo gyvenimo stiliaus kaitos paradigma besikeičiančioje visuomenėje / The changing paradigm of an academic youth's life style in changing societyBobrova, Lota 20 May 2005 (has links)
The Changing Paradigm of an Academic Youth’s Life Style in a Changing Society
Lota Bobrova
The aim of the research – is to survey Siauliai university students’ life style formation peculiarities on the aspect of their age and gender, and also to anticipate its possibilities of transformation in a changing society. In order to reach this aim, the questionnaire was made and students’ physiological needs and factors to their living style were explored. Also we have stated students’ attitude towards their health, and we analyzed the expression of their physical activity, that undoubtedly have influence for physical development. The students’ life orientations, expectations and decisions were also determined. The students’ personal life style changes influenced by today’s challenges were explored as well.
Thus the data of the research lets us state that the students’ life style is mostly influenced by those psychosocial needs as: professional activity and ability to complete it well, good health, career and acknowledgment, self realization in a meaningful activity, reaching goals, self respect. However, the negative influence to students’ health has such factors as: the disharmony of physical and psychic load, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol, irrational day schedule, material problems and incompletely developed need of health care and its strengthening.
It was settled that there are two factor groups that influence students’ physical development. These are... [to full text]
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Slaugytojų gyvenimo stiliaus (pagal Adlerį), subjektyvaus požiūrio į mirtį ir su sveikata susijusio elgesio sąsajos / The links between caregivers life style (by Adler), attitudies towards death and health behaviorČesnulaitienė, Irena 29 January 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti slaugytojų gyvenimo stiliaus (pagal A. Adlerį), požiūrio į mirtį ir su sveikata susijusio elgesio sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 201 terapinio, chirurginio ir intensyviosios slaugos profilių slaugytoja, dirbančios Šiaulių miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Anketinės apklausos būdu tirtas slaugytojų gyvenimo stilius, požiūris į mirtį ir su sveikata susijęs elgesy: tabako ir alkoholio vartojimas, mityba ir fizinis aktyvumas. Naudota Kern gyvenimo stiliaus skalė, Colet-Lester požiūrio į mirtį ir mirimą skalė ir klausimai, skirti su sveikata susijusio elgesio vertinimui. Slaugytojų gyvenimo stilius ir požiūris į savo ir kitų mirtį ir mirimo procesą analizuotas lyginant pagal specializacijos profilį, identifikuotos gyvenimo stiliaus ir požiūrio į mirtį sąsajos, įvertinti gyvenimo stiliaus ir požiūrio į mirtį ryšiai su sveikatą sąlygojančio elgesio rodikliais. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad specializacijos profilis neturi įtakos slaugytojų gyvenimo stiliui ir požiūriui į mirtį, tačiau gyvenimo stilius ir požiūris į mirtį yra susiję su slaugytojų sveikatą sąlygojančiu elgesiu. / The aim of the study – to ascertain links between caregivers life style (by Adler), attitudies towards death and health behavior. 201 caregivers from therapeutic, surgical and intensive care units of Šiauliai health care institutions participated in this investigation. The life style of caregivers, the attitudies towards death and health behavior: smoking and alcohol consumption, healthy nutrition and physical activity were assessed by completing the Kern’s life style questionnaire, Colet-Lester fear of death scale and answering to questions about health behavior. The caregivers life style and attitudies towards death were analyzed by comparing by profile of specialization. The links between caregivers life style, attitudies towards death and health behavior have been identifyed. The results showed that the profile of specialization has not influencing towards caregivers life style and attitudies to death and dying but there are links between caregivers life style, attitudies towards death and health behavior.
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Gyvenimo stilius ir tėvų mokymo programos STEP efektyvumas auklėjimo stiliui ir suvokimui apie vaiko elgesį / Lifestyle dynamics and efficacy of Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) on parenting style and perception of child behaviorJonynienė, Jolita 28 January 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas Individualiosios psichologijos teoriniu požiūriu pagrįstos tėvų mokymo programos STEP (angl. Systematic Training for Effective Parenting; Dinkmeyer, McKay, Dinkmeyer, 1997) efektyvumas. Mokymo efektyvumo rodikliais pasirinkti auklėjimo stiliaus ir suvokimo apie vaiko elgesį bei tėvų žinių apie auklėjimą pokyčiai. Darbe siekiama išsiaiškinti, ar grupių dalyvių ir vadovų sociodemografinės charakteristikos ir/ ar dalyvavimo STEP programoje veiksniai yra susiję su tėvų mokymo efektyvumu. Taip pat keliama prielaida, kad STEP programos efektyvumui įtakos turi ir grupių dalyvių ir vadovų gyvenimo stilius pagal A. Adler.
Empirinėje darbo dalyje pristatomi 2011-2012 m. atlikto trijų etapų tyrimo rezultatai. Apibendrinus tyrimo duomenis nustatyta, kad STEP programa yra efektyvi siekiant suteikti tėvams žinių apie vaiko auklėjimą, skatinant retesnį motinų autoritarinio ir viską leidžiančio auklėjimo stilių naudojimą ir vaiko elgesio kaip mažiau nepriimtino suvokimą. Poveikis išlieka stabilus 3-4 mėn. laikotarpiu. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad motinų amžius, išsilavinimas, gimimo eiliškumas, tikslinio vaiko gimimo eiliškumas ir motinų dalyvavimas su partneriu bei programos namų darbų atlikimo dažnumas yra susiję su STEP programos efektyvumu. Nustatytas ir mokymo efektyvumo motinoms ryšys su grupių vadovų gimimo eiliškumu, vadovų mokymų lygiu ir patirtimi taikant Individualiosios psichologijos principus ir įgyvendinant STEP programą. Rezultatų analizė atskleidė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The doctoral dissertation aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the Adlerian parent education program STEP (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting; Dinkmeyer, McKay, Dinkmeyer, 1997). Changes in parenting style and parental perception of child‘s behavior as well as knowledge on parenting were measured as indicators of education efficacy. The effect of various program participant- and leader-related characteristics and participation in the program factors for these changes were explored. The significance of Adlerian lifestyle dynamics as reflected in lifestyle themes for predicting the education efficacy were also assessed.
In the empirical section of the dissertation, the results of the research study with pre-, post-test assessment and follow-up carried out in 2011-2012 are presented. The findings showed that the STEP program is efficacious for increasing knowledge on parenting, decreasing maternal authoritarian and permissive parenting style and maternal perception of the target child’s emotionally charging behavior. The follow-up assessment three to four months later indicated that the changes were stable. The results also indicated that maternal age, education, birth order position, target child’s birth order position and participation with a partner, homework assignments completed are significant for the efficacy of the STEP program with mothers. The significant relationships of efficacy of the STEP program with mothers were revealed with program leader’s birth order... [to full text]
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