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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os processos de habilitação para adoção segundo técnicos judiciários do Rio Grande do Sul

Silva, Patricia Santos da January 2015 (has links)
A adoção é uma medida excepcional que visa à possibilidade de dar uma família às crianças e adolescentes privados da convivência familiar. Por isso, candidatos à adoção devem passar por um processo de preparação psicossocial e jurídica, orientado pelas equipes técnicas dos Juizados da Infância e Juventude. A falta de um critério norteador nas avaliações pode ser um trazer dificuldades para os profissionais que devem avaliar questões complexas como a adoção e a parentalidade. A partir disso, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo conhecer o funcionamento dos processos de habilitação para adoção no Rio Grande do Sul através de relatos dos psicólogos e assistentes sociais judiciários. Para isso, a dissertação foi composta por dois artigos. O primeiro apresentou os critérios levados em consideração, durante as entrevistas com postulantes à adoção, concluindo que, para os profissionais, a única motivação adequada é o desejo de ter filho e ser pai e mãe. O segundo mostrou as implicações de novos modelos e configurações familiares nos processos de habilitação para adoção, compreendendo as peculiaridades na avaliação de diferentes perfis de candidatos. Tendo em vista os dois estudos, foi possível analisar mais cuidadosamente os processos de habilitação para adoção no estado e pensar que ele poderia se configurar como um espaço de reflexão acerca do projeto adotivo e de parentalidade dos adotantes. Espera-se que este trabalho tenha contribuído para dar voz aos profissionais, voltar o olhar para os postulantes à adoção e aproximar uma área de estudo ainda incipiente no contexto acadêmico. / Adoption is an exceptional measure that aims at giving a family to children and teens that were deprived of in-family living, hence the candidates for adoption must go through a process psychological and judicial preparation guided by personnel from the Court of Infancy and Youth. The lack of a basal criterion in the evaluations brings a difficulty to the professionals involved that have to evaluate complex contexts surrounding adoption and parenting. The present study aimed at clarifying the functionalities and minutia of the process of habilitation for adoption in the state of Rio Grande do Sul through the accounts of psychologists and social workers allotted in the judiciary system. This dissertation is composed of two articles: the first one presented the criteria taken in consideration during the interview with the adopting candidates. It concludes that for the professionals involved in the screening process the main motivation should be the desire to have a child and to be a parent. The second article aimed at presenting the implications regarding the new configurations of family in the process of habilitation for adoption. It touches the details in the evaluation of different profiles of the candidates. Considering the two studies, it was possible to analyze more carefully the process of habilitation for adoption in the state and think the habilitation process can be itself as a ground to ponder upon adoptive and parental projects of the candidates. It is hoped that this study gave a voice to the professionals involved in the adoption process, emphasized the context of the candidates and bridged this still incipient field of research.

Property taxation and real estate investment in Perú / El impuesto predial y la inversión inmobiliaria En el Perú

Acosta Bernedo, Otto Alonso, Montenegro Monteza, Favio 25 September 2017 (has links)
In the present article, the authors analyze the issues related to the Property Taxation on venues that have urban habilitation and/or buildingprojects.In order to accomplish that, the authors examine the basis of the right to build, describe the stages of the constructive administrative procedure as regulated in Law 29090 and, finally, comment on the recent precedent of the Tax Court whichregards the matter. / En el presente artículo, los autores analizan la problemática del Impuesto Predial respecto de predios que cuentan con proyectos de habilitación urbana y/o edificación. Para ello, los autores examinan el fundamento del derecho a construir, describen las etapas del procedimiento administrativo constructivo regulado en la Ley 29090 y, finalmente, comentan el reciente precedente del Tribunal Fiscal al respecto.

Direitos fundamentais e deveres dos pacientes com implante coclear: revisão jurídica para (re)habilitação auditiva / Fundamental rights and obligations of patients with cochlear implants: legal review for hearing (re)habilitation

Dayane Thomazi Maia 29 March 2018 (has links)
A preocupação com a inclusão social da pessoa com deficiência é crescente. Especificamente quanto ao deficiente auditivo, o rol normativo está em desenvolvimento, porém ainda não supre todas as necessidades da sociedade. No contexto do serviço de implante coclear o Centro de Pesquisas Audiológicas (CPA) do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), popularmente conhecido como Centrinho, que já realizou mais de 1.500 cirurgias de implante coclear (IC), constatou-se um grupo de pacientes implantados que não realizam a (re)habilitação auditiva por meio da terapia fonoaudiológica após a cirurgia do IC, ou ainda, não respeitam a periodicidade desse processo, comprometendo o desenvolvimento do deficiente auditivo. A falta ou negligência com o processo de terapia fonoaudiológica da (re)habilitação auditiva enseja na consequente violação de direitos fundamentais do deficiente. Toda equipe interdisciplinar de profissionais responsáveis pela indicação e adaptação do IC assumem papel fundamental no processo de (re)habilitação do deficiente auditivo, devendo acima de tudo zelar pela ética e humanização com o paciente e seus familiares. Como o IC é de elevado custo (tecnologias duras) incluso no procedimento de alta complexidade contemplado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde quem paga é a própria sociedade (através dos recursos públicos), por esse motivo é fundamental que o beneficiário dessa intervenção não apenas reivindique seus direitos, mas também cumpra com seus deveres. Apesar dos recentes avanços normativos do IC, a regulamentação existente é vulnerável frente à complexidade do processo de habilitação e reabilitação auditiva por meio do IC, deixando margem para violações, omissões e abusos. Diante desse cenário todos acabam sendo prejudicados, o Estado, a sociedade e o próprio beneficiário da prótese auditiva. O escopo do presente estudo é analisar criticamente o panorama jurídico em nível nacional das regulamentações voltadas ao implante coclear no processo de (re)habilitação auditiva. Os materiais e métodos utilizados serão os de levantamento bibliográfico, jurídico-doutrinário e revisão jurídica. / Concern about the social inclusion of people with disabilities is growing. Specifically regarding the hearing impaired, the normative roll is in development, but it still does not supply all the needs of society. In the context of the cochlear implant service, the Center for Audiological Research (CAR) of the Hospital of Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRCA) of the University of São Paulo (USP), popularly known as Centrinho, which has already performed more than 1,500 cochlear implant surgeries, a group of implanted patients who did not perform auditory (re)habilitation by means of phonaudiologic therapy after cochlear implant surgery were found, or did not respect the periodicity of this process, compromising the development of the hearing impaired. Failure or negligence with the audiological (re)habilitation process leads to a consequent violation of the fundamental rights of the handicapped. Every interdisciplinary team of professionals responsible for the indication and adaptation of the cochlear implant assume a fundamental role in the process of (re) habilitation of the hearing impaired, and above all must care for the ethics and humanization with the patient and their relatives. Since the cochlear implant is of high cost hard technologies included in the procedure of high complexity contemplated by the Unified Health System who pays is the company itself (through public resources), for this reason it is fundamental that the beneficiary of this intervention not only claim their rights, but also fulfill your duties. Despite the recent normative advances in the cochlear implant, the existing regulations are vulnerable to the complexity of the process of habilitation and auditory rehabilitation through the cochlear implant, leaving room for violations, omissions and abuse. Faced with this scenario, all of them end up being harmed, the State, society and the beneficiary of the hearing aid itself. The scope of the present study is to critically analyze the legal framework at the national level of the regulations aimed at the cochlear implant in the (re)habilitation process. The materials and methods used will be those of bibliographical, legal-doctrinal and legal review.

Virtual Reality : En ny veklighet för arbetsterapin? / Virtual Reality : a New Reality for Occupational Therapy?

Glännfjord, Fredrik, Turesson, Karin January 2010 (has links)
Arbetsterapi är ett ämne som framhäver hälsa och välmående genom aktivitet. Det huvudsakliga målet som arbetsterapeut är att möjliggöra för personer att delta i aktiviteter i det dagliga livet. Virtual Reality är en simulation där datorgrafik används för att skapa en tillsynes realistisk miljö och denna värld är inte statisk utan integrerar med användaren. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att kartlägga hur och varför Virtual Reality kan användas av arbetsterapeuter. En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes och efter databassökning uppkom 14 artiklar som via en manuell sökning kompletterades med ytterligare 5 artiklar. Resultaten visar att Virtual Reality kan användas för att stödja utförandet av meningsfulla aktiviteter och ge en säker miljö att arbeta i. Virtual Reality kan stödja människor med olika funktionsnedsättningar med aktiviteter som annars är svåra för dem att utföra som t.ex. olika fritidsaktiviteter. Det ger också människor möjlighet att kunna förbereda sig för olika situationer som kan uppstå i det verkliga livet som vid hemkomst från sjukhus eller att gå och handla. Det saknas dock fortfarande arbetsterapiforskning på de kommersiella systemen som Nintendo Wii och det behövs mera forskning för att fortsätta utveckla området. / Occupational therapy is a profession that highlights health and wellbeing through activity. Occupational therapists enable people to participate in everyday living. An activity means the ordinary and familiar things that humans do every day. Virtual reality is a simulation in which computer graphics are used to create a realistic environment. This world is not static but is one with which the user can interact. The purpose of this literature review is to describe how and why Virtual Reality can be used by occupational therapists. After a database search 14 articles were found. Through a manual search, five additional articles were added. The result shows that virtual reality can support the performance of meaningful activities and provide a safe environment to work in. Virtual reality can allow people with disabilities to participate in activities that otherwise would be inaccessible, such as different leisure activities. It also offers the opportunity for people to prepare themselves for different situations that occur in real life, such as returning home from hospital or going shopping. There is still a lack of research within occupational therapy on the commercial systems like Nintendo Wii, and more research is required to develop this field of research.

Quantum Magnetism, Nonequilibrium Dynamics and Quantum Simulation of Correlated Quantum Systems

Manmana, Salvatore Rosario 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Det gäller att hamna i nyfikenhet : En studie kring tvärprofessionella möten beträffande måluppfyllelsen för elever med hörselnedsättning

Fredman, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute experience and insights, based on an interdisciplinary collaboration that can enhance the learning environment for hard of hearing pupils and ultimately their knowledge development. Hard of hearing pupils have lower goal fulfillment than hearing pupils. With this thesis I want to highlight the insights the participants in the research circle made on the basis of written and verbal dialogue. A qualitative content analysis has been used as a method of analysis in this study where the focus has been on a search for the similarities and differences based on the participants' written reflections. The study shows that the participants in the research circle by using and internalizing various tools in the social interaction develops the ability to enter into dialogue with each other and themselves. Which leads to that meaning and understanding are created for each other's activities. By starting from everyday situations and activities the dialogue leads to insights and a deeper understanding of the other activity. The study shows how the participants in both practices, who elementary school and hearing habilitation forms, creates a collective memory that promotes collaboration. Which ultimately should benefit the pupils' knowledge development.

La transmission des compétences professionnelles des aides-soignantes et des préposés aux bénéficiaires dans les organisations gériatriques en France et au Québec : comparaison internationale sur le rôle central de l’intégration à l’organisation comme processus d’habilitation des nouvelles recrues par le groupe de pairs / Transmission of professionnal competences of nursing aides in geriatric organization in France ans Québec : international comparison on the central role of integration in the organization as a process of enablement of new recruits by the peer group

Aubry, François 07 June 2011 (has links)
Les métiers d’aide-soignante, en France, et de préposés aux bénéficiaires, au Québec (Canada) (AS/PB) sont placés au bas de la hiérarchie organisationnelle des organisations gériatriques (EHPAD, en France, et CHSLD, au Québec). Les AS/PB détiennent néanmoins une fonction centrale dans ces organisations puisqu’ils doivent réaliser des actes d’accompagnement et d’hygiène auprès des personnes âgées dépendantes. Nous avons cherché à comprendre comment se transmettent les compétences professionnelles pour les membres de ces métiers. Deux solutions sont fréquemment données : pour les AS/PB, les compétences détiennent un caractère naturel; celles-ci ne seraient pas transmises, mais possédées naturellement. Les directions d’établissement, quant à elles, tendent à démontrer l’importance de la formation dans la libre acquisition des compétences. Nous avons choisi de suivre un autre cheminement de recherche. Nous avons étudié le processus d’intégration des nouvelles recrues dans les organisations gériatriques. 47 entretiens biographiques ont été réalisés auprès d’AS/PB, ainsi que 30 heures d’observation. Nos résultats nous ont prouvé que le fait de devenir AS/PB est largement conditionné par le jugement des pairs lors de l’intégration des nouvelles recrues dans l’organisation. Il semble ainsi qu’une sélection se réalise concernant celles et ceux qui pourront obtenir une place dans l’organisation gériatrique et un emploi d’AS/PB. Cette sélection prend sens lorsque l’on considère les difficiles conditions de travail subies par ces acteurs professionnels. La formation ne permet pas aux recrues de connaître les difficultés engendrées principalement par le manque de personnel et les absences à répétitions. Ces difficultés conduisent la majorité des acteurs à un désenchantement consécutif à l’écart entre l’image idéalisée du métier (le relationnel) et la réalité organisationnelle. Le groupe de pairs, lors de la phase d’orientation, juge préalablement les nouvelles recrues considérées aptes à « pouvoir-faire » les tâches malgré les difficiles conditions de travail. Les compétences professionnelles requises ne se limitent plus aux compétences domestiques. D’autres compétences tacites sont transmises aux recrues jugées compétentes par le groupe de pairs. Elles ont pour but l’utilisation collective de stratégies de contournement de la souffrance au travail. L’intégration a également une place centrale car elle est à la base d’une construction identitaire de la nouvelle recrue. Par le jugement des pairs (l’identité pour autrui), la représentation de soi (l’identité pour soi) tend à se transformer. Les acteurs sont amenés à se présenter comme des individus ayant eu depuis toujours le goût à devenir AS/PB. Pourtant, l’étude de leur trajectoire professionnelle nous permet de considérer qu’ils sont majoritairement touchés par des ruptures biographiques. On assiste ici à un véritable phénomène d’habilitation, c'est-à-dire de construction du professionnel compétent. En effet, par l’habilitation, les acteurs tendent à oublier le processus social qui les a conduits à occuper ce métier, et à présenter leur trajectoire professionnelle comme une continuité homogène. Le processus d’intégration possède de grandes similarités entre la France et le Québec. Le groupe de pairs détient une fonction intégrative importante dans les deux contextes. Il possède également une fonction solidaire, bien plus importante en France qu’au Québec. Face aux jugements critiques des aidants familiaux, le groupe de pairs au Québec ne défend pas nécessairement ses membres. La responsabilité individuelle est plus souvent mise en avant. A contrario, en France, la solidarité des membres du groupe de pairs est essentielle. Mais celle-ci ne permet pas aux aides-soignantes de profiter des remarques valorisantes des aidants familiaux, qui auraient pu accroître leur reconnaissance collective / Nurse’s aides (called aides-soignantes) in France, and nurse’s aides (called préposés aux bénéficiaires), in Quebec (Canada) (AS/PB), are placed at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy of geriatric organizations (EHPAD in France and CHSLD in Quebec). The AS/PB still hold a central role in these organizations because they must perform acts of support and health among older dependant people. We tried to understand how professional skills are transmit for members of these occupations. Both solutions are frequently given: for AS/PB, skills have a natural character, they would not be passed, but naturally possessed. Managers of organizations, in turn, suggest the importance of learning the free skills. We chose to follow another path of research. We have studied the integration of new recruits in the geriatric organizations. 47 biographical interviews were conducted with AS/PB, and 30 hours of observation. Our results have shown that to become AS/PB is largely determined by peer judgment during the integration of new recruits into the organization. It thus appears that selection takes place for those who can secure a place in the organization and a geriatric use of AS/PB. This selection makes sense when we consider the difficult working conditions faced by these professional actors. The training does not allow recruits to experience the difficulties caused mainly by lack of staff absences and rehearsals. These difficulties lead most players to a disenchantment resulting from the gap between the idealized image of the trade (the relationship) and the organizational reality. The peer group during the orientation phase, the judge previously considered suitable for new recruits "can-do" tasks despite the difficult working conditions. The skills required are no longer limited to domestic skills. Other tacit skills are passed on to recruits deemed competent by the peer group. They aim to use collective strategies to circumvent the problems at work.  The integration also has a central role because it is the basis of identity construction of the new recruit. By peer judgment (the identity for others), the representation of self (identity for itself) tends to change. Actors are asked to present themselves as individuals who had always been the taste to become AS/PB. However, the study of their professional career allows us to consider that they are mostly affected by biographical breaks. We are witnessing here is a real phenomenon of « habilitation », that is to say construction professional. Indeed, by habilitation, the actors tend to forget the social process that led them to take this job and to submit their professional career as a homogeneous continuity. The integration process has strong similarities between France and Quebec. The peer group has an important integrative function in both contexts. It also features an integral, although higher in France than in Quebec. Faced with the critical judgments of caregivers, the peer group in Quebec do not necessarily defending its members. Individual responsibility is more often highlighted. In contrast, in France, the solidarity of the group of peer is essential. But it does not allow aides to enjoy the rewarding comments of caregivers, which could increase their collective recognition

L’effet du leadership d’habilitation sur les comportements innovateurs des travailleurs : le rôle médiateur de l’habilitation psychologique et de l’engagement organisationnel affectif

Yao Komissa, Kézia Mamena 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

La dynamique de la complexité en matière de relations extérieures des Etats membres de l'Union européenne / The complexity dynamics of the European Union's member states' external relations

Ličková, Magdalena 16 April 2013 (has links)
Lorsqu’il devient membre de l’Union, l’État accepte de se soumettre à un ensemble de règles venant limiter son autonomie extérieure. Si cet ensemble peut être analysé en termes d’effets juridiques-types agissant d’une manière unilatérale sur cet État membre, notre travail a tenté d’examiner ce que nous croyons être une chaîne dynamique d’actions, de réactions et de rétroactions qui est, à ce titre, complexe. En effet, au cours de nos travaux, nous nous sommes rendus compte que loin d’être unilatérale, la manière dont le droit de l’Union marque les compétences externes des États membres prend en réalité la forme d’interactions permanentes entre l’État membre intégré et l’Union, entre l’Union et l’État membre global, ou encore entre l’État membre intégré et l’État global. Si l’État intégré s’efface pour laisser l’Union agir à sa place ou s’il agit conjointement avec elle, cet effacement ne concerne pas son aspect global, son alter ego, qui revient ou simplement reste sur la scène afin de compléter et concurrencer l’action de l’Union, ou encore pour rechercher l’appui de cette dernière dans sa relation avec les tiers. L’État membre qui apparaissait initialement passif, s’érige alors en contributeur actif de ce dynamisme tissé dans les rapports juridiques entre l’ensemble européen et les tiers, par la rétroaction de ses compétences souveraines ou par l’exercice concurrent de ces dernières. Ceci montre qu’une étude des relations extérieures de l’Union ne peut pas être complète sans une étude simultanée des effets que le droit de l’Union produits sur les États membres intégrés et que ce dernier subit à son tour par les États membres globaux. Elle ne peut pas être non plus être complète sans un examen des effets que le droit international produit sur les États membres globaux et que ce dernier subit, à son tour, du fait des États membres intégrés. / In its capacity of a member of the European Union, the State agrees to submit to a set of rules framing its autonomy in the field of external relations. While this set of rules can be assessed in terms of categories of legal effects acting unilaterally upon the EU Member State, the present study attempts to go further by examining what we believe to be a dynamic chain of complexity, composed of actions, reactions, and retroactions of the actors involved. During our research, we indeed found that the manner in which the Union affects the EU Member States’ external relations is far from being a one-way process, but rather constitutes permanent and circular dynamics of interaction between what we shall call an integrated Member State and the Union, between the Union and what we shall call a global Member State, and between the respective Member State’s global and integrated faces. The integrated Member State may step aside to let the Union act in its stead, or act in conjunction with the Union, but ʽtaking the back seatʼ in this manner does not engage its global face, its alter ego, which will return to take center stage (if it did not simply stay there to begin with) to complete (or to compete with) the actions of the Union, or even to solicit the Unionʼs support with respect to the relations it established vis-à-vis third parties. As we proceed, we find that the Member State, who initially appeared to be a mere passive object of our research, is in fact an active agent, contributing, whether through retroaction or through the competing exercise of its sovereign competencies, to the face of the Unionʼs external relations. Accordingly, no research into the external relations of the EU can be complete without taking into account the impact of EU law on the integrated Member States, and the impact felt in turn by the EU as the result of the Member Statesʼ global actions. In the same way, such research should consider the impact of international law on the global Member States and the impact felt in turn by international law as a result of the actions of the integrated face of these same Member States.


Silva., Kátia Cilene Camargo 31 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:36:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Katia Cilene Camargo Silva.pdf: 1665379 bytes, checksum: c218c339a0dbf4105ba0c16f56b1a910 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-31 / The Project proposes the introduction of the Heritage Education Program at schools of Anapolis system of public education, having as the main goal to disperse knowledge and information about Heritage Culture and its insertion through the educational communities and places through educational movements accordingly to the methodology of the Heritage Education, Education Projects and Action search. The research done with the systems educators showed the lack of knowledge of the subject matter of heritage culture in the school environment, in the educational practice and on the basic resumé, showing the need of the introduction of this Heritage Education Program. Referal concepts as of the heritage cultural, heritage education, education, culture, school material culture, transverse subjects were used for the conception of the Project and of the habilitation course of the teachers to be ministrated by specialists and professionals of the area. The habilitation of educational body is essential so the educators see themselves as apprentices, feel as they were genuinely culturally taught, in order to read the world and teach such readings to their students, this reading which praises the values of the cultural roots that are part of our history. / O projeto propõe a implantação do Programa de Educação Patrimonial nas escolas da rede pública municipal de ensino de Anápolis, tendo como principal objetivo disseminar conhecimento e informação sobre o patrimônio cultural e sua apropriação pelas comunidades escolares e locais através de ações educativas planejadas de acordo com as metodologias da Educação Patrimonial, Pedagogia de Projetos e Pesquisa-ação. A pesquisa realizada com os educadores da rede revelou o desconhecimento da temática do patrimônio cultural no lócus escolar, nas práticas pedagógicas e no currículo básico, evidenciando a necessidade da implantação deste Programa de Educação Patrimonial. Referências conceituais como a de patrimônio cultural, educação patrimonial, educação, cultura, cultura material escolar, temas transversais foram utilizado para a elaboração do Projeto e do curso de capacitação dos professores a ser ministrado por especialistas e profissionais da área. A capacitação docente é essencial para que os educadores se percebam como aprendizes, sintam-se verdadeiramente alfabetizados culturalmente, a fim de lerem o mundo e ensinarem tais leituras aos seus alunos, leitura esta que preze valores pelas raízes culturais que fazem parte da nossa história.

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