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Θεωρία παιγνίων και εφαρμογές στην οικονομική επιστήμηΜπιτούνη, Ελένη 05 February 2015 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται την θεωρία παιγνίων και το πώς αυτή εφαρμόζεται στην οικονομική επιστήμη. Συγκεκριμένα, στόχος μας είναι να απαντήσουμε στο ερώτημα: «Πως αποφασίζονται οι τελικές στρατηγικές που θα επικρατήσουν σε ένα παίγνιο με την πάροδο του χρόνου;». Η εργασία είναι χωρισμένη σε δύο μέρη. Αρχικά αναφερόμαστε στην κλασσική θεωρία παιγνίων και αναλύουμε τα βασικά της στοιχεία και στη συνέχεια περνάμε στην ανάλυση της εξελικτικής θεωρίας παιγνίων.
Στο 1ο μέρος της παρούσας εργασίας, λοιπόν, αναφέρουμε τα όσα είναι σχετικά με την κλασσικά θεωρία παιγνίων. Συγκεκριμένα, στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μία σύντομη ιστορική αναδρομή της θεωρίας αυτής και στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο την ορίζουμε ως την επίσημη μελέτη που εξετάζει την ορθολογικότητα σε ένα επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον και παρουσιάζουμε τα βασικά στοιχεία ενός παιγνίου. Αναφέρουμε τα δύο επίπεδα περιγραφής των παιγνίων, δηλαδή τα παίγνια συνεργασίας και μη-συνεργασίας, καθώς και τους δύο τρόπους αναπαράστασής τους που είναι η στρατηγική ή αλλιώς κανονική μορφή (μήτρες) και η εκτεταμένη ή αλλιώς αναλυτική μορφή (δέντρα παιγνίων).
Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο ορίζονται οι κυρίαρχες στρατηγικές και η αντίστοιχη ισορροπία κυρίαρχης στρατηγικής και στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο ορίζεται η Ισορροπία Nash, η οποία αποτελεί τη στάνταρ έννοια της ισορροπίας στα οικονομικά. Στα δύο αυτά κεφάλαια (3 και 4) υπάρχουν παραδείγματα εφαρμογής που στοχεύουν στην καλύτερη κατανόηση, και αναλύεται και το Δίλημμα του Φυλακισμένου που αποτελεί το πιο κλασσικό παράδειγμα στη θεωρία παιγνίων. Στην περίπτωση, τώρα, όπου δεν υπάρχει Ισορροπία Nash (κάτι το οποίο συμβαίνει σε παίγνια στρατηγικής μορφής) το παίγνιο λύνεται με τη βοήθεια των μικτών στρατηγικών οι οποίες αναλύονται στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο.
Συνεχίζουμε με το έκτο κεφάλαιο, όπου παρουσιάζονται τα εκτεταμένα παίγνια πλήρους πληροφόρησης και αναλύεται η μέθοδος της προς τα πίσω επαγωγής (αναδίπλωση). Στο έβδομο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται τα παίγνια ελλιπούς πληροφόρησης και στο όγδοο κεφάλαιο αναφέρονται τα παίγνια μηδενικού αθροίσματος (π.χ. σκάκι) και το πώς μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν μαζί με τους τυχαιοποιημένους αλγόριθμους για την ανάλυση προβλημάτων στον απευθείας σύνδεσης υπολογισμό. Το 1ο μέρος κλείνει με ένα παράδειγμα εφαρμογής της θεωρίας παιγνίων, τις δημοπρασίες.
Τι γίνεται όμως όταν ένα παίγνιο επαναλαμβάνεται και παίζεται περισσότερες από μία φορές; Το ερώτημα αυτό έρχεται να μας το απαντήσει η εξελικτική θεωρία παιγνίων στο 2ο μέρος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας.
Στα δύο πρώτα κεφάλαια, του μέρους αυτού, ορίζονται τα εξελικτικά παίγνια, γίνεται αναφορά για το που μπορούν να βρουν εφαρμογή καθώς και στους λόγους που δεν είναι ακόμη γνωστές οι οικονομικές εφαρμογές τους.
Το τρίτο και το πέμπτο κεφάλαιο αποτελούν τα πιο σημαντικά κεφάλαιο του 2ου μέρους. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται αναλυτικά το μοντέλο των εξελικτικών παιγνίων και τα στοιχεία που το αποτελούν (αναμενόμενες ανταμοιβές, πληθυσμός, καταστάσεις). Περιγράφεται το στάδιο παιγνίου το οποίο ορίζεται από μία συνάρτηση καταλληλότητας και δίνεται έμφαση στις δύο γραμμικές προδιαγραφές που έχουν οι συναρτήσεις αυτές. Στη συνέχεια, αναλύεται πλήρως το πιο αντιπροσωπευτικό παράδειγμα της εξελικτικής θεωρίας παιγνίων, το παίγνιο Hawk-Dove, που αποτελεί ένα γενικό μοντέλο καταστάσεων με επιθετικές και αμυντικές αγορές.
Το παίγνιο αυτό έχει δύο ειδών παίκτες, αυτοί που επιλέγουν να είναι επιθετικοί (Hawk) και αυτοί που επιλέγουν να είναι αμυντικοί (Dove), και ερευνάται το ποιο είδος παικτών θα επικρατήσει τελικά. Μέσα από την διαφορική εξίσωση που αναλύεται στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο, στις δυναμικές, φαίνεται πως το αποτέλεσμα εξαρτάται από τρεις παραμέτρους: από τον αρχικό πληθυσμό, από την πιθανότητα να παιχτεί η καθεμία στρατηγική και από τον πίνακα με τις ανταμοιβές των παικτών. Έτσι απαντάται το αρχικό μας ερώτημα και προκύπτει η στρατηγική που τελικά θα επικρατήσει, που ονομάζεται εξελικτική στρατηγική (evolutionary stable strategy-ESS).
Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο ορίζεται η Ισορροπία Nash (I.N.), η Εξελικτική Σταθερή Στρατηγική (ESS) και η Εξελικτική Ισορροπία (E.E.) και στο έκτο κεφάλαιο αναφέρουμε την τοπική κατάταξη συστημάτων με χαμηλές διαστάσεις και συγκεκριμένα τα γραμμικά παίγνια μίας-διάστασης, τα συστήματα δύο μεταβλητών και άλλα συστήματα δύο-διαστάσεων και μη-γραμμικά.
Κλείνοντας το 2ο μέρος και γενικά την παρούσα εργασία, παρουσιάζουμε τρία παραδείγματα στα οποία φαίνεται η εφαρμοσιμότητα των όσων αναφέραμε. Συγκεκριμένα αναλύονται τρία γνωστά παίγνια τα οποία χρησιμοποιήθηκαν από την πολιτική και παραλληλίστηκαν με καταστάσεις που είχαν να αντιμετωπίσουν εκείνη τη στιγμή. / This thesis deals with the evolutionary game theory and how it applies to economics. First of all, it is necessary to refer the original game theory and to analyze the key elements and then move to the analysis of evolutionary game theory.
In the first part of this study, therefore, we indicate what is on game theory. Specifically, in the first chapter is a brief history of game theory and the second chapter defined game theory as a formal study examining the rationality in a business environment and presents the basics elements of a game. Also, at this chapter i reffer to the description of games, namely, games of cooperation and non-cooperation, and the two ways of representing their strategy, the normal form (matrix) and the extensive form (game tree).
The third chapter sets out the dominant strategy and the corresponding dominant strategy equilibrium and in the fourth chapter we define the Nash Equilimbrium, which is the standard notion of equilibrium in economics. In these two chapters (third and fourth) there are examples of the application for better understanding, and we analyze the prisoner's dilemma, which is the most classic example of game theory. If there is no Nash Equilimbrium (this could happen at narmal strategy games) the game is solved by mixed strategies, which are analyzed in the fifth chapter.
Continuing, at the sixth chapter we can see the extensive games with perfect information and we analyze the method of backward induction. In the seventh chapter, we can see the extensive games with imperfect information and the eighth chapter refers to the zero-sum games and how they can be used together with randomized algorithms for the analysis of problems on-line calculation. Finally, the first part closes with an example application of game theory, the auctions.
The question is “What happens when a game is played more than once?” The answer comes from the second part of this thesis in which we analyse the evolutionary game theory. In the first two chapters of this part we define evolutionary games, we refere where evolutionary games might be applicable and why economic application aren’t common already.
The third and fourth chapter are the most important chapters of the second part. At the third chapter we present the model of the evolutionary game and its elements (expected payoffs, population, states). We describe the stage game which is defined by a fitness function and we emphasize at its two linear specifications. Then we make a full analysis one of the most representative example of evolutionary game theory, the Hawk-Dove game.
This game has two types of players, aggressive (Hawk) and defensive (Dove), which reflects the situation where there is a competitive and an uncompetitive business, and the point is to find which of the two types will eventually prevail. Based on a differential equation, we conclude that the result depends on three parameters: the initial population, the probability with which each strategy is played and the payoff matrix. All this leads in a strategy which is known as evolutionary stable (ESS).
In chapter five, we define the Nash Equilibrium, the Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS) and Evolutionary Equilibrium (EE) and in chapter six we analyze the local classification of low dimensions systems. To make clear the applicability of all those we mention at this thesis, we are closing with three examples. More specific we analyze three well-known games which were used by the political and paralleled with situations they had to face with.
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Xíxìhra Ikólóéhj : a criança na perspectiva da formação de professores indígenas GaviãoRodrigues, Laudinéa de Souza 30 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Valquíria Barbieri (kikibarbi@hotmail.com) on 2017-07-31T19:48:32Z
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_DISS_2014_Laudinéa de Souza Rodrigues.pdf: 4447991 bytes, checksum: 2dd343509a92a6e656a8511ab61f6299 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-07T16:33:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
_DISS_2014_Laudinéa de Souza Rodrigues.pdf: 4447991 bytes, checksum: 2dd343509a92a6e656a8511ab61f6299 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-04-30 / Na presente pesquisa, vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, do Campus Universitário de Rondonópolis, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (PPGEdu/CUR/UFMT), na linha de Formação de Professores e Políticas Públicas Educacionais, discutiu-se a criança e a infância na perspectiva da formação indígena para a docência a partir da Licenciatura em Educação Básica Intercultural, ofertada pela Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR), e do Magistério Indígena Projeto Açaí II, oferecido pela Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Rondônia. A proposta foi analisar se os cursos de formação para a docência – Magistério Indígena Projeto Açaí II e Licenciatura em Educação Básica Intercultural – traziam em suas propostas curriculares discussões relacionadas à criança e infância indígena. E, ainda, verificar quais estudos teóricos foram utilizados para fundamentar a concepção sobre criança e infância apresentada na proposta curricular dos cursos de formação para a docência em que os professores participavam; averiguar se, na elaboração de suas propostas curriculares, os cursos consideraram a diversidade étnica, tendo em vista as especificidades culturais do povo em questão. Outro propósito da pesquisa foi conhecer a perspectiva dos professores indígenas em relação à criança e infância indígena. Este trabalho parte da apropriação das possibilidades investigativas da pesquisa qualitativa do tipo etnográfico, respaldando-se principalmente em Bogdan e Biklen (1994). Tem como locus a Aldeia Igarapé Lourdes, localizada na Terra Indígena que possui o mesmo nome, localizada no Município de Ji-Paraná, região leste do Estado de Rondônia. Os dados foram coletados a partir de observações de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas com os professores indígenas da escola e análise das propostas curriculares dos cursos. As categorias de análise foram: cuidados e produção do corpo da criança indígena; a criança indígena e o sobrenatural; suas relações com o outro: possibilidades de aprendizado; brincadeira e trabalho: o que fazem as meninas e os meninos no cotidiano da Aldeia; escola na Aldeia: a criança indígena torna-se aluna. As análises referentes à criança e infância foram respaldadas na Antropologia da Criança, com estudos de Tassinari (2001, 2007, 2009), Cohn (2000, 2002, 2009), entre outros, e também na Sociologia da Infância, com pesquisadores como Sarmento (2005, 2008), Brougère (2010), Corsaro (2011) e outros. Os resultados indicaram que, mesmo não tendo explicitada uma concepção de infância, os professores demonstraram clareza do que é ser criança entre os Ikólóéhj. Já as propostas curriculares dos cursos apresentaram fragilidade em relação à discussões acerca da infância e criança indígena, visto que poucas disciplinas possuíam em suas ementas títulos que tratassem da temática. Para discutir a formação docente indígena, o trabalho se apoiou em Grupioni (2008), Maher (2006), Silva (2012), além de outros autores. Portanto pretende-se contribuir com os professores indígenas no aprofundamento da reflexão sobre a infância e seu sujeito. Em relação aos cursos de formação docente, este trabalho oferece subsídios para as instituições formadoras no processo de elaboração de suas propostas curriculares ao considerar a criança e a infância indígena em sua singularidade e complexidade. / In this research in Teacher Training and Educational Public Policy, linked to the Federal University of Mato Grosso Post Graduation Program in Education ( PPGEDU / CUR / UFMT ), Campus of Rondonópolis, it‟s discussed the child and childhood from the perspective of indigenous education for teachers at the Intercultural Basic Education , offered by the Federal University Foundation of Rondônia (UNIR – from the Portuguese acronym ), and from indigenous mastership Açaí Project II , offered by the Estate Secretary of Education of Rondônia. Proposal was to analyze whether or not the teacher training courses for teaching - indigenous mastership Açaí Project II and Intercultural Basic Education - brought in their curricular proposal discussions related to children and indigenous childhood. And also check which theoretical studies were used as support to the conception of children and childhood presented in the curricular proposal for teacher training courses in which teachers participated; make sure whether or not, in drafting its proposed curriculum, courses took in consideration ethnical diversity regarding the cultural characteristics of the aimed people. Another research purpose was to understand the perspective of indigenous teachers with respect to children and indigenous children. This work assumes the ownership of investigative possibilities of qualitative ethnographic research is endorsing mainly in Bogdan and Biklen (1994). Its locus is Igarapé Lourdes Village, located in the indigenous land, which has the same name, located in the city of Ji-Paraná, eastern of the state of Rondônia. Data were collected from field observations, semi structured interviews with teachers from indigenous school, and analysis of curricular proposal of courses. Analysis categories were: production and body care of indigenous children, indigenous children and the supernatural; their relationships with others: learning possibilities; play and work: girls‟ and boys‟ activities in the everyday village; the village school: indigenous child becomes a student. Analyses related to children and childhood were supported on Children Anthropology, and learned from Tassinari (2001, 2007, 2009), Cohn (2000, 2002, 2009), among others, and also in the sociology of childhood, with researchers like Sarmento (2005, 2008) Brougère (2010), Corsaro (2011) and others. Results indicated that, even if with no explicit childhood conception, teachers demonstrated clear awareness of what being a child among Ikólóéhj means. On the other side, courses curricular proposals have hold weakness in relation to discussions on children and indigenous children, since just a few subjects hold topics addressing such issue. To discuss the indigenous teacher training, work relied on Grupioni (2008), Maher (2006), Silva (2012), and other authors. Therefore, we intend to contribute to indigenous teachers in further reflection on childhood and its subject. Regarding teacher education courses, this work provides for the educational institutions in the development process of their curricular proposals to consider the child and indigenous children into their uniqueness and complexity.
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Systém pro zpracování dat z regulátoru HAWK firmy Honeywell / HAWK controller data processing systemDostál, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with developing program components for collection of semantically labeled data from Honeywell's Hawk controller. The basic principles and capabilities of development using Niagara Framework, on which Hawk is based, are explained. Lastly, the specific components and external database application is described.
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Ambassador Animal Welfare: Using Behavioral and Physiological Indicators to Assess the Well-Being of Animals Used for Education Programs in Zoos.Baird, Bonnie Ann, Baird 31 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Landscape dynamics from 1990--2010 and the human to apex predator (red-tailed hawk) relationship on La Gonave, HaitiWhite, Justin Haehlen 21 January 2013 (has links)
The island of La Gonave, ~50 km northwest of Port-au-Prince, represents the subsistence Haitian lifestyle. Little is known about human--environment interactions on La Gonave. The first objective of this research was to investigate landscape dynamics through image classification, change detection, and landscape pattern analysis using Landsat 5 (TM) imagery from 1990--2010. Five land cover classes were considered: Agriculture, Forest/Dense Vegetation (DV), Shrub, Barren/Eroded, and Nonforested Wetlands. Overall image classification accuracy was 87%. The area percent change was -39.7, -22.7, 87.4, -7.0, 10.2%, for the respective classes. Landscape pattern analysis illustrated the encroachment of Shrub in core Forest/DV patches and the decline of Agricultural patch integrity. Agricultural abandonment, deforestation, and forest regrowth generated an increasingly fragmented landscape.
The second objective of this research was to better understand the survival of the red-tailed hawk (RTH) on La Gonave by exploring the human--RTH relationship. We implemented a survey (n = 121) in 10 rural villages on La Gonave regarding their perceptions and interactions with the RTH during May--June, 2012. During fieldwork we sighted seven RTHs and found one nest. Many respondents noted the aggressive behavior of RTHs during nesting, suggesting reproductive behavior on the island. Our results indicate that RTHs inhabiting this island were not persecuted, despite intense predation of domestic chickens. Aside from predation near homes, villagers do not interact with the hawk as it remains out of sight. The RTH currently has no known predators, but it remains in danger of island extirpation due to ecological degradation. / Master of Science
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Biomimicry of the Hawk Moth, Manduca sexta (L.): Forewing and Thorax Emulation for Flapping-Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle DevelopmentMoses, Kenneth C. 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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"Blood for Blood Must Fall": Capital Punishment, Imprisonment, and Criminal Law Reform in Antebellum WisconsinBelczak, Daniel 21 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Advancing the Filling Process in Agricultural Machinery : Hopper observation technology for improved filling in Väderstad´s Seed Hawk 600-900C / Förbättring av fyllningsprocessen i jordbruksmaskiner : Övervakningssystem av sålådor för bättre påfyllning av Väderstads Seed Hawk 600-900CAbou Shkair, Ali, Augustini, Jakob January 2024 (has links)
This master’s thesis was conducted in the spring of 2024 at Väderstad AB, a companyknown for producing high-performance agricultural machines, such as seeding machines. Among these machines, the Seed Hawk 600-900C is an important machine for thecompany’s future. The innovation department at Väderstad has developed an automatic Bag Slicer, capable of slicing large bags of seeds/fertilizer without requiring the farmer to climb onto the machine, a cumbersome and hazardous task. Several challenges arisein integrating the Bag Slicer onto their machines, which has hindered its implementation.These challenges have been thoroughly investigated, and one has been selected as thepriority for resolution: enabling the observation of the filling process without the need for climbing onto the hopper. To address this challenge, theoretical studies, concept development, and investigations in the 3D software Blender have been conducted. Creo Parametric was utilized to assemble the Bag Slicer onto the Seed Hawk machine and design other essential components. Coloring, animations, and renderings were created in Blender to create a configuration of cameras, lights, cables, and investigate their properties. This configuration provides users witha comprehensive overview of the filling process and enables operation of the Bag Slicerin the field from the safety of a tractor or wheel loader. Consideration has been given to the conditions occurring inside and around the Seed Hawk machine when specifyingall the different components and operational requirements. The entire configuration was compiled into a complete list of specifications, constituting the main result of this thesis.
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An investigation into the integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques for addressing systemic complexity in the context of organisational strategic decision-makingMcLucas, Alan Charles, Civil Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2001 (has links)
System dynamics modelling has been used for around 40 years to address complex, systemic, dynamic problems, those often described as wicked. But, system dynamics modelling is not an exact science and arguments about the most suitable techniques to use in which circumstances, continues. The nature of these wicked problems is investigated through a series of case studies where poor situational awareness among stakeholders was identified. This was found to be an underlying cause for management failure, suggesting need for better ways of recognising and managing wicked problem situations. Human cognition is considered both as a limitation and enabler to decision-making in wicked problem environments. Naturalistic and deliberate decision-making are reviewed. The thesis identifies the need for integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques. Case study results and a review of the literature led to identification of a set of principles of method to be applied in an integrated framework, the aim being to develop an improved way of addressing wicked problems. These principles were applied to a series of cases in an action research setting. However, organisational and political barriers were encountered. This limited the exploitation and investigation of cases to varying degrees. In response to a need identified in the literature review and the case studies, a tool is designed to facilitate analysis of multi-factorial, non-linear causality. This unique tool and its use to assist in problem conceptualisation, and as an aid to testing alternate strategies, are demonstrated. Further investigation is needed in relation to the veracity of combining causal influences using this tool and system dynamics, broadly. System dynamics modelling was found to have utility needed to support analysis of wicked problems. However, failure in a particular modelling project occurred when it was found necessary to rely on human judgement in estimating values to be input into the models. This was found to be problematic and unacceptably risky for sponsors of the modelling effort. Finally, this work has also identified that further study is required into: the use of human judgement in decision-making and the validity of system dynamics models that rely on the quantification of human judgement.
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An investigation into the integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques for addressing systemic complexity in the context of organisational strategic decision-makingMcLucas, Alan Charles, Civil Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2001 (has links)
System dynamics modelling has been used for around 40 years to address complex, systemic, dynamic problems, those often described as wicked. But, system dynamics modelling is not an exact science and arguments about the most suitable techniques to use in which circumstances, continues. The nature of these wicked problems is investigated through a series of case studies where poor situational awareness among stakeholders was identified. This was found to be an underlying cause for management failure, suggesting need for better ways of recognising and managing wicked problem situations. Human cognition is considered both as a limitation and enabler to decision-making in wicked problem environments. Naturalistic and deliberate decision-making are reviewed. The thesis identifies the need for integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques. Case study results and a review of the literature led to identification of a set of principles of method to be applied in an integrated framework, the aim being to develop an improved way of addressing wicked problems. These principles were applied to a series of cases in an action research setting. However, organisational and political barriers were encountered. This limited the exploitation and investigation of cases to varying degrees. In response to a need identified in the literature review and the case studies, a tool is designed to facilitate analysis of multi-factorial, non-linear causality. This unique tool and its use to assist in problem conceptualisation, and as an aid to testing alternate strategies, are demonstrated. Further investigation is needed in relation to the veracity of combining causal influences using this tool and system dynamics, broadly. System dynamics modelling was found to have utility needed to support analysis of wicked problems. However, failure in a particular modelling project occurred when it was found necessary to rely on human judgement in estimating values to be input into the models. This was found to be problematic and unacceptably risky for sponsors of the modelling effort. Finally, this work has also identified that further study is required into: the use of human judgement in decision-making and the validity of system dynamics models that rely on the quantification of human judgement.
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