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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Insuficiência renal aguda em pacientes com Síndrome Hellp

Dorigoni, Sílvia Maria January 2001 (has links)
A síndrome HELLP ocorre em gestantes ou puérperas e é caracterizada pelo surgimento de hemólise, elevação de enzimas hepáticas e plaquetopenia. Desenvolve-se em aproximadamente 10% das gestantes com pré-eclampsia, sendo mais freqüente entre a 22a e 36a semanas de gestação. Insuficiência renal aguda é uma complicação freqüente e grave nessas pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, em pacientes com síndrome HELLP, a prevalência de insuficiência renal aguda e estudar fatores a ela associados. Foram estudadas 49 gestantes com síndrome HELLP, internadas no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre no período de janeiro de 1990 a fevereiro de 2000. A elevação da creatinina sérica acima de de 1,5 mg/dl foi o critério utilizado para definir insuficiência renal aguda. As pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1-pacientes que apresentaram insuficiência renal aguda e Grupo 2-pacientes que não apresentaram alteração da função renal. O Grupo 1 foi constituído de 23 pacientes (46,9%), dos quais 13 pacientes (26,6%) recuperaram gradualmente a função renal e 10 pacientes (20,4%) necessitaram de tratamento dialítico. Dos pacientes submetidos à diálise, três pacientes recuperaram função renal e 3 permanecem em hemodiálise crônica (6,1%) por danos renais irreversíveis. Ocorreram 6 óbitos (12,2%): 5 (10,2%) deles nas pacientes do grupo que desenvolveu insuficiência renal. Concluímos que a insuficiência renal aguda e crônica foi uma complicação freqüente e grave da síndrome HELLP nas gestantes estudadas. As pacientes submetidas à diálise apresentaram maior morbimortalidade e pior prognóstico. Essa situação pode levar à insuficiência renal terminal com necessidade de diálise crônica indefinidamente, com graves repercussões clínicas, econômicas e sociais.

Características clínico-epidemiológicas y morbi-mortalidad materno-perinatal en pacientes con síndrome de Hellp, atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue, 2009-2011

Ventosilla Saavedra, María Victoria January 2014 (has links)
Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autor / El documento digital no refiere asesor / Determina las características clínico-epidemiológicas y morbi-mortalidad materno perinatal en pacientes con síndrome de Hellp atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unánue, 2009-2011. El tipo de estudio es observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal. Se trabajó con 24 pacientes con el diagnóstico de síndrome de Hellp atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unánue 2009-2011. Se estimaron las frecuencias absolutas y relativas de las principales variables de estudio. Se observó una edad promedio de 28.8±7 años y de manera predomínate edades con rango de 19 a 35 años (79.2%), siendo en su mayoría nulíparas (37.5%), en la mayoría de casos sin controles prenatales (66.7%). Con un promedio edad gestacional al momento del parto de 35.3±3.1 semanas, con rangos que oscilan entre 35 a 42 semanas (62.5%). Asimismo las principales características clínicas observadas en el mayor porcentaje de casos se fueron: hipertensión (91.7%), cefalea (83.3%), epigastralgia (41.7%), náuseas y vómitos (12.5%), sin embargo un 87.5% se encontró estable al ingreso por emergencia. En cuanto a los hallazgos de laboratorio más relevantes, en promedio se observó: una hemoglobina de 10.9±2.9 gr/dl, plaquetas de 119821±78911 cel/mm³, proteínas de 572±1379 mg/dl, transaminasa glutámico Pirúvica (TGP) de 157±154 u/l, transaminasa glutámico oxalacética (TGO) de 312±462 u/l, láctico deshidrogenasa (LDH) de 862±66.82 u/l y creatinina de 1.06±0.80 mg/dl. En consecuencia el 79.2% tuvieron plaquetopenia (<150,000 cel/mm3), un 91.7% y 66.7% tuvieron elevados los valores de TGP y TGO respectivamente, mientras que solo en el 29.2% de casos se observó presencia de proteínas en orina (ASS). Entre las complicaciones observadas en mayor porcentaje se encontraron: ascitis (41.7%), eclampsia (20.8%), desprendimiento prematuro de placenta (12.5%) e insuficiencia renal aguda (12.5%), finalmente CID y efusión pleural (4.2%, para ambos casos). Como tratamiento recibido se encontró la administración de metildopa (95.8%), seguido de nifedipino (91.7%) y sulfato de magnesio (58.3%); registrándose un tiempo promedio en UCI de 3 días (0.8±2.5). En cuanto a datos perinatales, el 54.2% de recién nacidos fue de sexo masculino, con un peso al nacer de menor a 2500 gr en el 62.5% de casos. Teniendo como complicaciones más frecuentes: ictericia (37.5%), hipoglicemia (20.8%), trastornos metabólicos (12.5%), enfermedad de membrana hialina (8.3%) y RCIU (8.3%). Registrándose como complicaciones de estos recién nacidos: prematuridad (50.0%), uso de corticoides (29.2%) e ingreso a UCI (33.3%). Las puntuaciones más bajas de APGAR se registraron al minuto con un 54.2% (<=7), mientras que las puntuaciones más altas se obtuvieron a los 5 minutos en un 91.7% de casos (>= a 8). Concluye que primigesta, en edad reproductiva adecuada, carente de controles prenatales, con sintomatología diversa como: cefalea, hipertensión y epigastralgia, fueron las principales características clínico epidemiológicas en gestantes con el síndrome de Hellp atendidas durante el periodo de estudio. Asimismo la ascitis, la eclampsia y DPP fueron sus principales morbilidades asociadas, no registrándose muertes maternas; confirmándose su baja prevalencia, respecto al promedio nacional. / Trabajo académico

Near miss e morte materna em mulheres com distúrbios hipertensivos graves : estudo multicêntrico no Brasil = Near miss and maternal death in women with severe hypertensive disorders : multicenter study in Brazil / Near miss and maternal death in women with severe hypertensive disorders : multicenter study in Brazil

Zanette, Elvira Amélia de Oliveira, 1953- 27 November 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Mary Angela Parpinelli / Texto em português e inglês / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-27T12:55:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Zanette_ElviraAmeliadeOliveira_M.pdf: 12724973 bytes, checksum: b98c418079a875c5a37d346111e35a77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Introdução: Estima-se que os distúrbios hipertensivos (DH) na gravidez causem 50.000 mortes maternas (MM) a cada ano e que a imensa maioria ocorra em países de baixa ou média renda, além de aumentarem de 3 a 25 vezes o risco de complicações graves. Nas duas últimas décadas, tem sido crescente o interesse em estudar a morbidade materna grave (MMG)/near miss (NM) como método complementar às auditorias e inquéritos sobre MM. A investigação do NM é capaz de fornecer mais detalhes sobre fatores que contribuem para ambos, mortalidade e morbidade grave e uma referência para avaliação da qualidade do cuidado obstérico. Objetivo: identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao NM/MM em uma população de mulheres com DH graves (pré-eclâmpsia grave, eclâmpsia, hipertensão arterial grave e síndrome HELLP). Método: estudo multicêntrico, envolvendo 27 maternidades de referência, participantes da Rede Nacional de Vigilância da Morbidade Materna Grave, localizadas nas cinco regiões do Brasil. Realizou-se vigilância prospectiva com dados coletados após o desfecho final do caso de todas as mulheres admitidas por MMG e selecionados para o estudo os casos de MMG por DH grave, no período de junho de 2009 a julho de 2010. Os dados foram coletados em formulários específicos e digitados na plataforma OpenClinics®. Foram estudadas variáveis maternas sociodemográficas, obstétricas, clínicas, resultados perinatais e tipos de demora no cuidado obstétrico. Os casos foram classificados segundo os critérios da OMS em condição potencialmente ameaçadora da vida (CPAV) e NM/MM. Foi realizada análise bivariada pelo cálculo das razões de prevalência (RP) e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC) de 95% ajustados pelo efeito conglomerado e análise múltipla por regressão de Poisson. O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05%. Resultados: os DH graves foram a principal causa de MMG (6706/9555); a prevalência de NM foi 4,2 casos por 1000 (NV), a relação caso/fatalidade foi de 8,3 NM para 1 MM. A manifestação precoce da doença e a hemorragia pós-parto foram variáveis independentes associadas ao desfecho em NM/MM, além do edema agudo de pulmão, cardiopatia prévia e demoras no cuidado de segundo e terceiro tipos. Conclusão: o estudo do near miss identificou dentre as mulheres com DH graves situações independentemente associadas ao pior desfecho, e que pode ser modificado por intervenções no cuidado obstétrico direto a estas mulheres e no sistema de saúde. O estudo mostrou ainda a factibilidade de um sistema de vigilância hospitalar de MMG capaz de contribuir para a redução da MM / Abstract: Introduction: It has been estimated that hypertensive disorders (HD) in pregnancy may cause 50.000 maternal deaths (MD) annually and the large majority occurs in low-income or middle-income countries. Furthermore, these disorders increase the risk of severe complications by 3 to 25 times. In the last two decades, there has been increased interest in the study of severe maternal morbidity (SMM)/near miss (NM) as a supplementary method to audits and enquiries about MD. The investigation of NM is able to offer more details about factors that may contribute to both mortality and severe morbidity and may be used as a reference for evaluating quality of obstetric care. Objective: to identify the prevalence and factors associated with NM/MD in a female population suffering from severe HD (severe preeclampsia, eclampsia, severe arterial hypertension and HELLP syndrome). Method: A multicenter study, involving 27 referral maternity hospitals, participating in the National Surveillance Network for Severe Maternal Morbidity, located in five Brazilian regions. A prospective surveillance was performed with data collected after final case outcome in all women admitted to hospital for SMM and selected for the study of SMM cases due to severe HD, from June 2009 to July 2010. Data were collected in specific forms and entered into the OpenClinics® platform. Variables studied were maternal sociodemographic characteristics, obstetric and clinical history, perinatal results and types of delay in obtaining obstetric care. Cases were classified according to the WHO criteria: potentially life-threatening conditions (PLTC) and NM/MD. Bivariate analysis was performed by estimation of prevalence ratios (PR) and their respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) adjusted by the conglomerate effect and Poisson multiple regression analysis. The significance level adopted was 0.05%. Results: severe HD was the main cause of SMM (6706/9555); the prevalence of NM was 4.2 cases per 1000 (LB), the case/fatality rate was 8.3 NM to 1 MD and the MD index was 10.7%. Early manifestation of disease and postpartum hemorrhage were independent variables associated with outcome in NM/MD, in addition to acute pulmonary edema, previous heart disease and delays in receiving secondary and tertiary care. Conclusion: the near miss study identified severe conditions that were independently associated with a worse outcome among women with HD that could be modified by interventions in direct obstetric care of these women and in the healthcare system. The study also showed that a hospital surveillance system for SMM is feasible and can contribute to a reduction in MD / Mestrado / Saúde Materna e Perinatal / Mestra em Ciências da Saúde

Mammors upplevelse av att drabbas av HELLP syndrom och samtidigt mista sitt väntade barn : En kvalitativ fallstudie / Mothers' experiences of suffering HELLP syndrome and simultaneously lose their expected baby

Olsson, Anna, Winlöf, Viktoria January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns begränsad kunskap om hur mammor upplever att drabbas av HELLP syndrom och samtidigt mista sitt väntade barn. Ytterligare kunskap kan bidra till ökad förståelse och leda till bättre vård. Syfte: Att beskriva mammors upplevelser av att drabbas av HELLP syndrom och samtidigt mista sitt väntade barn. Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie med djupintervjuer som analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Studien påvisade det kaos och den overklighetskänsla mammorna upplevde då insjuknandet och händelserna skedde i snabb takt. Det fanns ingen tid för reflektion, tillståndet var livshotande och en katastrofkänsla uppstod. Temat overkligt kaos formades. De svårt sjuka mammorna klarade inte att delta vid första omvårdnaden av sitt döda barn men kunde under vårdtiden vara tillsammans med barnet vid flera tillfällen vilket gav känslor av både glädje och sorg. Mammorna upplevde restsymtom av HELLP syndrom ett halvår efter händelsen. Slutsatser: Det snabba insjuknandet och händelseförloppet resulterade i ett overkligt kaos för mammorna. Det är viktigt att vårdpersonalen är tydliga i sin kommunikation och hela tiden närvarande hos mamman. Barnmorskan har en central roll i att hjälpa mammorna att möta och vara nära sitt döda barn så mycket som möjligt.

Uso da dexametasona em pueperas com sindrome HELLP : ensaio clinico randomizado controlado com placebo / Postpartum dexamethasone for women with HELLP syndrome : a double-blind, placebo-contrled, randomized clinical trial

Katz, Leila 31 August 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: João Luiz de Carvalho Pinto e Silva, Melania Ramos de Amorim / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T21:54:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Katz_Leila_D.pdf: 3055222 bytes, checksum: 91a25842ad35d99d90d5f1db2c72177b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo foi determinar a efetividade de dexametasona pós-parto em pacientes com síndrome HELLP. Desenho do Estudo: um estudo prospectivo, randomizado, duplo-cego foi conduzido envolvendo 105 mulheres com síndrome HELLP, randomicamente alocadas para utilizar dexametasona (n=56) ou placebo (n=49), após o parto. O tratamento (dexametasona 10mg ou placebo) foi administrado a cada 12 horas, intravenoso por quatro dias, realizando-se uma análise de acordo com a intenção de tratar. As variáveis analisadas foram duração da hospitalização, morbidade materna e comportamento de parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se o X2 ou teste exato de Fisher, sendo considerado significativo um valor de p<0,05. O comportamento das variáveis clínicas durante e após o tratamento foi avaliado por ajuste de modelos lineares. Resultados: os grupos foram homogêneos não havendo diferença significativa entre suas características biológicas e clínicas e laboratoriais ao ingressar no estudo. A média de tempo de internação (10 dias) foi semelhante entre os dois grupos, bem como as morbidades maternas tanto quando analisadas de forma global, como para cada complicação de forma isolada. O esquema de resgate foi usado em 12,5% das pacientes que receberam dexametasona e em 18,8% das que usaram placebo. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos em relação ao uso de hemoderivados. Modelos de ajuste linear foram usados, não havendo diferença significativa entre os grupos, considerando o padrão de recuperação da contagem plaquetária (p = 0,84), AST (p = 0,59), DHL (p = 0,647), hemoglobina (p=0,43) e diurese (p = 0,31). Conclusão: os resultados desse ECR não dão suporte ao uso de dexametasona no puerpério para recuperação de pacientes com síndrome HELLP / Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectivity of postpartum dexamethasone in patients with HELLP syndrome. Study Design: A prospective, randomized, double-blind trial was conducted including 105 women with HELLP syndrome who were assigned randomly to treatment (n=56) or placebo (n=49) groups, after delivery. The treatment (dexamethasone 10mg or placebo) was administered every 12 hours for four days and an intention to treat analysis was carried out. The analysis variables were duration of hospitalization, maternal morbidity, and the behavior of laboratorial and clinical parameters. Data were analyzed by X2 or Fisher's exact tests, considering significant a value of p<0.05. Behavior of laboratorial and clinical variables during and after treatment was evaluated by linear model adjustments. Results: Before treatment, no significant difference was observed between the two groups. Mean duration of hospitalization (10 days) was the same in both groups. Maternal morbidity did not differ between groups, considering each complication or when analyzed globally. Rescue scheme was used in 12.5% of the dexamethasone and 18.8% in the placebo group. The use of blood products was not statistically different between groups. Linear model adjustments were used and there was no significant difference between groups considering the pattern of recovery of platelet count (p = 0.84), AST (p = 0.59), LDH (p = 0.647), hemoglobin (p=0.43) and diuresis (p = 0.31). Conclusions: The results of this RCT do not support the use of dexamethasone in the puerperium for recovery of patients with HELLP syndrome / Doutorado / Tocoginecologia / Doutor em Tocoginecologia

Understanding HELLP Syndrome in the South African context: a feminist study

Andipatin, Michelle January 2012 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis is about HELLP Syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count in pregnancy): a devastating maternal hypertensive complication that results in multi-system changes that can rapidly deteriorate into organ failure and death. Despite rapid advancesin medical technology and medical science this disease continues to take the lives of women and their infants. The only effective intervention for this disorder is immediate termination irrespective of the gestational stage of the pregnancy. The primary objective of this thesis was to explore the subjective experiences and meaningmaking processes of women in and through their high-risk pregnancies. This objective crystallised into the following aims: to facilitate and listen to the voices of women who were HELLP Syndrome survivors; to explore the reported bodily, psychological and emotional experiences of HELLP Syndrome survivors; to understand the role medical intervention and biomedical discourses play in these women’s experiences and finally to explore the subjective experiences of HELLP Syndrome in the context of traditionallyheld notions of motherhood. The study was couched in a feminist poststructuralist epistemology. A material-discursive framework which comprised phenomenological and poststructuralist theorising was usedin an attempt to understand both the lived experiences as well as the discursively constructed nature of those subjective experiences. Thus the analysis encompassed both a broadly phenomenological framework to understand the lived experiences of HELLP Syndrome, and a discourse analysis to explore the meaning-making processes of participants in relation to larger social discourses, in particular the dominant biomedical and motherhood discourses. A qualitative approach using in depth semi-structured interviews was utilisedto gather data. Eleven participants from very diverse backgrounds consented to be part of thisstudy. The findings of the study highlighted the immense trauma, difficulties and challenges participants faced in these high-risk situations. What was evident from the analysis was that their experiences were so diverse and werecompletely shaped by the severity of the disorder and the gestational stage of the pregnancy. Some women ended up in the Intensive Care Units (ICU) and had near-death experiences, some had very premature babies, while some of the participants lost their babies during the process. With regards to the emotional, psychological and corporeal aspects of the disorder,participants described their situations as a disaster, painful and difficult. Due to the rapid deterioration of symptoms, they described the tempo of these events as a whirlwind in which they felt they had no control. Emotions ranged from shock, total disbelief and surprise to anger, helplessness and powerlessness. Lacking knowledge and access to appropriate information further compounded the situation for participants. Theparticipants who had premature babies found the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit experience (NICU) extremely challenging and stressful. A discourse analysis revealed that women’s talk was shaped by the disciplinary frameworks oftechnocratic medicine and patriarchal notions of gender. Participants’ discourses about their encounters inthe medical context werelocated in, and shaped by, the structure of health care in our country. In this regard binaries (like private versus public health care, women versus men and nurses versus doctors) were evident. Furthermore their hospital stay reflected their experiences in the Intensive Care (ICU) and the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) both of which are highly technologically orientated and managed. Biomedical discourses that filtered through the participants’ talk were: medicine as indisputable truth;mechanistic model of the body as machine; medical doctors as gods and the foetus as ‘super subject’. Discourses of risk were inevitably taken up as participants tried to make sense of both their current pregnancies and the potential ones to follow. The passage into motherhood for these participants was dependent on whether they had live babies or not. For those who had live babies it was a difficult time as they had to contend with their own recovery as well as the prematurity of their infants. The NICU experience was described as tiring, trying and cumbersome. For mothers who lost their babies it was a time of profound sadness and loss coupled to the notion that motherhood itself was lost. This loss of their children symbolised broken dreams, severed connections and a powerful taboo. In addition, discourses in which motherhood was naturalised and normalised saturated their talk and framed their experience in a narrative of deficit and failure. The ideologies of mother blame and the ‘all responsible’ mother were pervasive in their discussions. In conclusion, this high-risk situation represented a time of tremendous uncertainty and unpredictability for all participants and was powerfully shaped by dominant discourses about motherhood and the biomedical discursive and institutional framework in which participants were subjugated. The study thus highlights how the HELLP syndrome experience illuminates the erasure of women’s subjectivities while the foetus/infants’ life takes precedence. This has significant implications for scholarship in general and feminist scholarship in particular and highlights the need for this type of engagement in an area that has remained on the periphery of feminist research. / South Africa

Perfil clínico y laboratorial de las pacientes gestantes con preeclampsia atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen durante octubre 2014 – octubre 2015

Guzmán Méndez, María January 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar el perfil clínico y laboratorial de las pacientes gestantes con Preeclampsia en el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen (HNGAI) durante el período Octubre 2014 – Octubre 2015. Metodología: estudio de tipo observacional, diseño descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. Se revisaron 148 historias clínicas de las gestantes con Preeclampsia atendidas en el HNGAI, durante los meses de Octubre 2014- Octubre 2015. Resultados: Las 148 pacientes fueron diagnosticadas como Preeclampsia Leve (83, 56.1%) y preeclampsia severa (65, 43.9%). Los signos y síntomas más frecuentes fueron: Hipertensión arterial (100%), cefalea (76, 51.4%) náuseas y/0 vómitos (59, 39.9%), los valores de laboratorio alterados en promedio fueron: transaminasas, TGO:61 U/L , TGP: 57 U/L, plaquetas: 111 000 cel/mm3 (moda), proteinuria en 24 horas: 1349 mg/d, relación P/C:1602. La edad promedio fue 32 años y la edad gestacional promedio fue 36 semanas. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron: Sd. HELLP (18, 12.2%) y la eclampsia (8, 5.4%). Conclusiones: La presentación clínica y laboratorial de la preeclampsia es variada, es importante detectarla y asi disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad que esta abarca.

Proteinúria e ácido úrico sérico maternos em pacientes com síndrome de HELLP

Cunha, Hilda Helena Souza January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-08-07T19:05:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000443764-Texto+Completo-0.pdf: 1879751 bytes, checksum: a84345f48429752c882a6b33df97af04 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Objective: To evaluate the association of maternal serum uric acid (UA) and proteinuria with clinical and demographic data of pregnant women with preeclampsia syndrome (PES) complicated by HELLP syndrome. Methods: One hundred and nine pregnant women were divided into two groups: group 1 - HELLP – pregnant women with PES complicated by HELLP syndrome (n=64); group 2 – PES – pregnant women with PES but no HELLP syndrome (n=105).Results: Age, ethnicity, parity, delivery mode and perinatal mortality were not statistically different between groups. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, protein to creatinine (P/C) ratio, uric acid, creatinine and maternal complications were statistically different between groups; values were higher and events, more frequent among pregnant women with HELLP syndrome. The newborns of pregnant women with HELLP syndrome were more premature, had a lower birth weight and a lower APGAR score. Conclusion: Uric acid equal to or higher than 6. 0 gm/dL and P/C ratio equal to or higher than 5 were more frequent in gestations with HELLP syndrome, which suggests that elevated proteinuria and uric acid levels in pregnant women with PES may increase the chances of developing HELLP syndrome. / Objetivo: Avaliar a associação dos níveis maternos de ácido úrico sérico (AU) e proteinúria e os dados clínicos e demográficos em gestações complicadas por síndrome de pré-eclâmpsia (SPE), com síndrome de HELLP.Métodos: Cento e sessenta e nove gestantes foram divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1 - HELLP – gestantes com SPE complicada pela síndrome de HELLP (n=64); Grupo 2 – SPE – gestantes com SPE sem síndrome de HELLP (n=105).Resultados: Não ocorreram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quanto às variáveis idade, cor, paridade, via de parto e mortalidade perinatal entre os grupos. Pressão arterial sistólica, pressão arterial diastólica, índice proteinúria/creatininúria (P/C), ácido úrico, creatinina e complicações maternas apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os dois grupos, sendo mais elevados e mais frequentes nas gestantes com síndrome de HELLP. Observou-se que os RN de gestantes com síndrome de HELLP foram mais prematuros, apresentaram menor peso ao nascimento e menor índice de APGAR. Conclusão: Ácido úrico igual ou maior do que 6,0 mg/dL e índice P/C igual ou maior do que 5 foram mais frequentes nas gestações com síndrome de HELLP, o que permite supor que maiores valores de ácido úrico e de proteinúria em gestantes com SPE aumentam a chance de desenvolvimento de síndrome de HELLP.

Bioimpedance cardiography in pregnancy: A longitudinal cohort study on hemodynamic pattern and outcome

Andreas, Martin, Kuessel, Lorenz, Wirth, Stefan, Gruber, Kathrin, Rhomberg, Franziska, Gomari-Grisar, Fatemeh, Franz, Maximilian, Zeisler, Harald, Gottsauner-Wolf, Michael January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Pregnancy associated cardiovascular pathologies have a significant impact on outcome for mother and child. Bioimpedance cardiography may provide additional outcome-relevant information early in pregnancy and may also be used as a predictive instrument for pregnancy-associated diseases. Methods: We performed a prospective longitudinal cohort trial in an outpatient setting and included 242 pregnant women. Cardiac output and concomitant hemodynamic data were recorded from 11th-13th week of gestation every 5th week as well as at two occasions post partum employing bioimpedance cardiography. Results: Cardiac output increased during pregnancy and peaked early in the third trimester. A higher heart rate and a decreased systemic vascular resistance were accountable for the observed changes. Women who had a pregnancy-associated disease during a previous pregnancy or developed hypertension or preeclampsia had a significantly increased cardiac output early in pregnancy. Furthermore, an effect of cardiac output on birthweight was found in healthy pregnancies and could be confirmed with multiple linear regression analysis. Conclusions: Cardiovascular adaptation during pregnancy is characterized by distinct pattern described herein. These may be altered in women at risk for preeclampsia or reduced birthweigth. The assessment of cardiac parameters by bioimpedance cardiography could be performed at low costs without additional risks.

Síndrome HELLP e defeitos de beta oxidação de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa hidroxi-acil: um estudo de caso-controle / HELLP syndrome and Long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency: case-control study

Grecco, Mariana Setanni 25 May 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A enzima 3-hidroxiacil CoA desidrogenase de cadeia longa (LCHAD) é uma das enzimas envolvidas na beta-oxidação mitocondrial de ácidos graxos e faz parte do complexo enzimático chamado proteína trifuncional. Sua deficiência segue um modelo de herança autossômica recessiva com uma mortalidade maior que 70%, porém um tratamento dietoterápico adequado reduz substancialmente a morbimortalidade. Estudos recentes descreveram que gestantes de fetos homozigóticos para defeitos de LCHAD apresentam grandes chances de desenvolver síndrome HELLP e doença hepática aguda da gestação, com risco de morte materna, fetal e do recém-nascido. A síndrome HELLP é caracterizada por plaquetopenia, enzimas hepáticas elevadas e hemólise, podendo se apresentar na forma completa ou parcial. Estudos mostram que investigar a relação entre síndrome HELLP e defeitos de LCHAD, possibilita a prevenção de futuras gestações de risco por meio de aconselhamento genético e o diagnóstico precoce deste erro inato do metabolismo. Objetivos: Verificar a associação entre gestantes com síndrome HELLP e lactentes com defeitos LCHAD e identificar problemas de saúde gerados pela doença nesses conceptos. Metodologia: Análise de prontuários, necropsias e desfecho atual dos conceptos de 42 gestantes com síndrome HELLP e 84 controles. Resultados: Entre as gestantes que compunham os casos, a maioria apresentou proteinúria; além de sintomas como vômitos e epigastralgia. O parto cesárea foi realizado em 93% das gestantes. Quase metade das puérperas apresentou algum tipo de complicação materna. Quanto ao desfecho perinatal, 90% dos conceptos apresentaram baixo peso ao nascer e 23,8% evoluíram para óbito. Entre esses 10 óbitos, resgatamos 7 imagens histopatológicas com esteatose hepática. Inferimos doença metabólica nesses casos, que levou a uma associação de 11% com a síndrome HELLP. Entre o grupo controle, 46,2% das mulheres já haviam sofrido pelo menos um aborto. Na atual gestação 6,4% desenvolveram pré-eclampsia; entre outras complicações. Encontramos gravidezes subsequentes das gestantes do grupo Caso com recorrência de HELLP e óbito. Conclusão: Os resultados reforçam a importância do diagnóstico precoce de síndrome HELLP, além da investigação da associação do defeito de LCHAD e HELLP mesmo post morten afim de evitar futuras gestações de risco e diminuir a morbimortalidade materna e neonatal. / Long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD) is one of the enzymes involved in the mitochondrial fatty acids beta-oxidation and part of the enzymatic complex called trifunctional protein. Its deficiency follows an autosomal recessive model with a higher mortality, but an adequate dietary treatment reduces its morbimortality. Recent studies reported that mothers of fetuses homozygous for LCHAD deficiency have higher chances of developing HELLP and acute fatty liver of pregnancy with risk of maternal, infant and fetal death. Thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes and hemolysis characterize HELLP syndrome, which can be diagnosed as complete or partial. Studies demonstrate that investigate the association between HELLP syndrome and LCHAD defects can prevent future risk pregnancies through genetic counseling and early diagnosis of this inborn error of metabolism. Objectives: To investigate the association between pregnant women and concepts with LCHAD deficiency and identify health problems caused by the disease in these fetuses. Methodology: Analysis of medical records, autopsy reports and current outcome of fetuses of 42 pregnant women with HELLP syndrome and 84 controls. Results: In case group, most patients presented proteinuria; as well as symptoms as vomiting and epigastric pain. The cesarean delivery was performed in 93% of pregnant women. Almost half of women presented maternal complications. In perinatal outcome, 90% of fetuses has low weight at birth and 23.8% died. Among these 10 deaths, we rescued 7 hystopathological images with hepatic steatosys. We could infer metabolic disease in these cases, which led to an association of 11% to the HELLP syndrome. Among the control group, 46.2% of women had at least one abortion before this pregnancy. During the pregnancy 6.4% developed pre-eclampsia among other complications. In control group, we find HELLP syndrome recurrence and death in subsequent pregnancy. Conclusion: The results reinforce the importance of early diagnosis of HELLP syndrome, as well as research LCHAD and HELLP association even post mortem to avoid future risk pregnancies and reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.

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