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Glycopolymer Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Based on Maltose-Modified Hyperbranched Poly(ethyleneimine) For Future Drug Delivery Coatings and Biomedical ApplicationsSalem, Samaa 01 July 2015 (has links)
Establishing highly sophisticated polymer films for delivery systems in a biological environment and bioanalytical tasks, the formation, thickness, swelling behavior, and (physiological) stability of highly biocompatible polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) are described. These PEMs are composed of the very weak polycation maltose-modified hyperbranched poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI-Mal), strongly polyanion heparin sodium salt (HE − Na +) or weakly charged polyanion hyaluronic acid sodium salt (HA-Na+) deposited on Si wafer substrates.
Two different glyco architectures for PEI-Mal are used, characterized by two different degrees of maltose decoration on a PEI scaffold. Using three pH-dependent deposition approaches for optimizing the (physiological) PEM stability and swelling, PEMs are characterized by (in situ) ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and (in situ) attenuated total reflection-Fouriertransform infrared (ATR-FTIR).
Thus, PEMs reveal significantly different thicknesses, growth mechanisms (linear versus exponential), and swelling behavior in dependence of both the polycation architectures and the deposition protocol. These PEMs will allow the study of their complexation and release properties as preswollen PEMs against anionic drug molecules, adenosine triphosphate sodium salt (ATP), especially under physiological conditions for future drug delivery coatings.
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Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Scaffolds auf Basis von mineralisiertem Kollagen zur gezielten Wirkstofffreisetzung für die Knochengewebe-RegenerationKnaack, Sven 04 November 2015 (has links)
Beim Tissue Engineering ist die Vaskularisierung von größeren Zell-Matrix-Konstrukten nach Implantation bis heute ein großes Problem. Durch das initiale Fehlen eines mikrovaskulären Netzwerkes kommt es zu einem raschen Zellsterben im Scaffold.
Aufgrund dessen war das Ziel dieser Arbeit, im Sinne des in situ-Tissue Engineering ein Scaffold auf Basis von mineralisiertem Kollagen zu entwickeln, welches mit dem angiogenen Wachstumsfaktor VEGF funktionalisiert wird, um den Prozess der Vaskularisierung – die Einsprossung von Blutgefäßen – zu fördern und gleichzeitig durch Chemoattraktion in vivo Zellen aus dem umliegenden Knochengewebe in das Innere des Scaffolds migrieren zu lassen, so dass eine beschleunigte Defektheilung erzielt wird.
Poröse Scaffolds aus mineralisiertem Kollagen wurden durch zwei unterschiedliche Strategien funktionalisiert und durch in vitro-Testungen charakterisiert. Die erste Strategie umfasste die Heparin-Modifizierung der gesamten Scaffolds, während die zweite Strategie die Injizierung eines zentralen VEGF-haltiges Depots in das Scaffoldinnere darstellte.
Neben der Charakterisierung der Scaffolds wurde die Freisetzungskinetik des Modellwachstumsfaktors VEGF aus den modifizierten Scaffolds untersucht und die biologische Aktivität des freigesetzten Faktors auf Endothelzellen getestet. Zusätzlich wurde bei der 2. Strategie, der Injizierung eines Wirkstoffdepots, die Ausbildung eines Wirkstoffgradienten und die zielgerichtete Migration von Endothelzellen in Richtung des Wirkstoffdepots analysiert.
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Structural Analysis of Reconstituted Collagen Type I - Heparin CofibrilsStamov, Dimitar 15 March 2010 (has links)
Synthetic biomaterials are constantly being developed and play central roles in contemporary strategies in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering as artificial extracellular microenvironments. Such scaffolds provide 2D- and 3D-support for interaction with cells and thus convey spatial and temporal control over their function and multicellular processes, such as differentiation and morphogenesis. A model fibrillar system with tunable viscoelastic properties, comprised of 2 native ECM components like collagen type I and the GAG heparin, is presented here. Although the individual components comply with the adhesive, mechanical and bioinductive requirements for artificial reconstituted ECMs, their interaction and structural characterization remains an intriguing conundrum.
The aim of the work was to analyze and structurally characterize a xenogeneic in vitro cell culture scaffold reconstituted from two native ECM components, collagen type I and the highly negatively charged glycosaminoglycan heparin. Utilizing a broad spectrum of structural analysis it could be shown that pepsin-solubilized collagen type I fibrils, reconstituted in vitro in the presence of heparin, exhibit an unusually thick and straight shape, with a non-linear dependence in size distribution, width-to-length ratio, and morphology over a wide range of GAG concentrations. The experiments imply a pronounced impact of the nucleation phase on the cofibril morphology as a result of the strong electrostatic interaction of heparin with atelocollagen. Heparin is assumed to stabilize the collagen-GAG complexes and to enhance their parallel accretion during cofibrillogenesis, furthermore corroborated by the heparin quantitation data showing the GAG to be intercalated as a linker molecule with a specific binding site inside the cofibrils. In addition, the exerted morphogenic effect of the GAG, appears to be influenced by factors as degree of sulfation, charge, and concentration.
Further detailed structural analysis of the PSC-heparin gels using TEM and SFM showed a hierarchy involving 3 different structural levels and banding patterns in the system: asymmetric segment longspacing (SLS) fibrils and symmetric segments with an average periodicity (AP) of 250 - 260 nm, symmetric fibrous longspacing (FLS IV) nanofibrils with AP of 165 nm, and cofibrils exhibiting an asymmetric D-periodicity of 67 nm with a striking resemblance to the native collagen type I banding pattern. The intercalation of the high negatively charged heparin in the cofibrils was suggested as the main trigger for the hierarchical formation of the polymorphic structures. We also proposed a model explaining the unexpected presence of a symmetric and asymmetric form in the system and the principles governing the symmetric or asymmetric fate of the molecules.
The last section of the experiments showed that the presence of telopeptides and heparin both had significant effects on the structural and mechanical characteristics of in vitro reconstituted fibrillar collagen type I. The implemented structural analysis showed that the presence of telopeptides in acid soluble collagen (ASC) impeded the reconstitution of D-periodic collagen fibrils in the presence of heparin, leaving behind only a symmetric polymorphic form with a repeating unit of 165 nm (FLS IV). Further x-ray diffraction analysis of both telopeptide-free and telopeptide-intact collagen fibrils showed that the absence of the flanking non-helical termini in pepsin-solubilized collagen (PSC) resulted in a less compact packing of triple helices of atelocollagen with an increase of interhelical distance from 1.0 to 1.2 nm in dried samples. The looser packing of the triple helices was accompanied by a decrease in bending stiffness of the collagen fibrils, which demonstrated that the intercalated heparin cannot compensate for the depletion of telopeptides. Based on morphological, structural and mechanical differences between ASC and PSC-heparin fibrils reported here, we endorsed the idea that heparin acts as an intrafibrillar cross-linker which competed for binding sites at places along the atelocollagen helix that are occupied in vivo by telopeptides in the fibrillar collagen type I.
The performed studies are of particular interest for understanding and gaining control over a rather versatile and already exploited xenogeneic cell culture system. The reconstituted cofibrils with their unusual morphology and GAG intercalation – a phenomenon not reported in vivo – are expected to exhibit interesting biochemical behavior as a biomaterial for ECM scaffolds. Varying the experimental conditions, extent of telopeptide removal, and heparin concentration provides powerful means to control the kinetics, structure, dimensions, as well as mechanical properties of the system which is particularly important for predicting a certain cell behavior towards the newly developed matrix. The GAG intercalation could be interesting for studies with required long-term 'release upon demand' of the GAG, as well as native binding and stabilization of growth factors, cytokines, chemokines, thus providing a secondary tool to control cell signaling and fate, and later on tissue morphogenesis. / Synthetische Biomaterialien werden stetig weiterentwickelt und spielen als künstliche Mikroumgebungen eine zentrale Rolle in den modernen Strategien der regenerativen Medizin und des Tissue Engineerings. Solche sogenannten Scaffolds liefern eine 2D- und 3D-Struktur zur Interaktion mit Zellen und üben somit eine räumliche und zeitliche Kontrolle auf ihre Funktion und multizelluläre Prozesse aus, wie die Differenzierung und Morphogenese. Obwohl häufig die adhäsiven, mechanischen und bioinduzierenden Eigenschaften von Einzelkomponenten aus natürlichen Bestandteilen der extrazellulären Matrix (ECM) rekonstituierten Trägerstrukturen bekannt sind, bleiben die funktionalen und strukturellen Auswirkungen in Mehrkomponentensystemen eine faszinierende Fragestellung.
Das Ziel der Arbeit war die Analyse und die strukturelle Charakterisierung einer xenogenen in vitro Zellkultur-Trägerstruktur, die aus den zwei nativen ECM Komponenten Kollagen Typ I und das stark negativ geladene Glykosaminoglykan (GAG) Heparin rekonstituiert wurde. Unter Nutzung eines breiten Spektrums von Methoden zur strukturellen Analyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass im Beisein von Heparin rekonstituierte Pepsin-gelöste Kollagen Typ I Fibrillen eine ungewöhnlich dicke und gerade Form, mit nichtlinearen Abhängigkeiten der Größenverteilung, des Breite-zu-Länge Verhältnises und der Morphologie für eine Reihe von GAG Konzentrationen, aufweisen. Die Experimente deuten auf eine besondere Wirkung der Nukleierungsphase auf die Kofibrillmorphologie hin, als Folge der starken elektrostatischen Inteaktionen Heparins mit Atelokollagen. Es wird angenommen, dass Heparin die Komplexe aus Kollagen-GAG stabilisiert, die parallele Anlagerung während der Kofibrillogenese verbessert und dass überdies, belegt durch Heparin Quantitätsdaten, als Verbindungsmolekül mit einer spezifischen Anbindungsstelle innerhalb der Kofibrillen eingelagert wird. Darüber hinaus scheint der ausgeübte morphogene Effekt des GAGs Heparins von Faktoren wie Grad der Sulfatierung, Ladung und Konzentration abzuhängen.
Weitere detailierte Strukturanalysen der PSC - Heparin Gele mit TEM und SFM zeigten eine Hierarchie mit drei unterschiedlichen strukturellen Ebenen und Bandmustern im System: asymmetrisch segmentierte, weitabständige Fibrillen (SLS) und symmetrische Segmente mit einem AP von 250-260 nm, symmetrische fibrose weitabständige (FLS IV) Nanofibrillen mit einem AP von von 165 nm und Kofibrillen asymmetrischer D-Periodizität von 67 nm, die eine erstaunliche Ähnlichkeit zum natürlichen Kollagen Typ I Bandmuster haben. Die Einlagerung des sehr negativ geladenen Heparins in die Kofibrillen wurde als Hauptauslöser der hierarchischen Formation der polymorphen Strukturen betrachtet. Wir schlugen ebenso ein Model vor, welches sowohl das unerwartete Vorhandensein symmetrischer und asymmetrischer Formen im System als auch die Regeln erklärt, die das symmetrische oder asymmetrische Schicksal der Moleküle steuern.
Der letzte Abschnitt der Experimente zeigte, dass die Anwesenheit der Telopeptide und Heparins eine signifikante Wirkung auf die strukturellen und mechanischen Charakteristika der in vitro rekonstituierten Kollagen Typ I Fibrillen hatte. Die durchgeführten Strukturanalysen zeigten außerdem, dass die Anwesenheit der Telopeptide in säurelöslichem Kollagen (ASC) die Rekonstitution D-periodischer Kollagenfibrillen mit Heparin verhinderte, sodass nur symmetrisch polymorphe Formen mit einer Wiederholeinheit von 165 nm möglich waren (FLS IV). Weitere Messungen der Telopeptid-freien und Telopeptid-intakten Kollagenfibrillen mit Röntgendiffraktometrie ergaben, dass die Abwesenheit der nicht-helix-strukturierten Enden in Pepsin-gelöstem Kollagen (PSC) zu einer weniger kompakten Anordnung der Tripelhelices von Atelokollagen führte. Der interhelix Abstand erhöhte sich von 1,0 zu 1,2 nm für getrocknete Proben. Das zeigt, dass die losere Anordnung der Tripelhelices einhergeht mit der Verringerung der Biege-Elastizitäts-module der Kollagenfibrillen,. Basierend auf den hier vorgestellten morphologischen, strukturellen und mechanischen Unterschieden zwischen ASC und PSC-Heparin Fibrillen wird die Idee unterstützt, dass Heparin als intrafibrillärer Vernetzer fungiert und an Bindungsstellen der Helix bindet, welche in vivo bei Kollagen Typ I Fibrillen durch Telopeptide besetzt sind.
Die durchgeführten Studien sind von besonderem Interesse für das Verständnis und die Steuerung eines sehr vielseitigen und bereits verwendeten xenogenes Zellkultursystem für das Tissue Engineering. Von den rekonstituierten Kofibrillen mit ihrer ungewöhnlichen Morphologie und GAG Einlagerung - ein in vivo nicht bekanntes Phänomen - erwartet man, dass sie ein intressantes biochemisches Verhalten als Biomaterial für ECM Scaffolds zeigen. Variationen der experimentellen Bedingungen, des Ausmaßes der Telopeptidentfernung und der Heparinkonzentration liefern vielfältige Möglichkeiten um die Kinetik, Struktur, Dimension sowie die mechanischen Eigenschaften des Systems zu kontrollieren. Damit sollte es möglich sein, ein bestimmtes Zellverhalten gegenüber der neu entwickelten Matrix vorherzusagen. Die GAG-Einlagerung bietet interessante Optionen für eine langfristige Freisetzung des GAGs 'on demand', sowie die native Bindung und Stabilisierung von Wachstumsfaktoren, Cytokinen, Chemokinen, womit zusätzlich Zellsignalisierung und -schicksal und später Gewebemorphogenese kontrolliert werden kann.
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Rôle des kinines dans la physiopathologie des effets secondaires causés par les héparines contaminées d’origine chinoise : approche expérimentaleMontpas, Nicolas 07 1900 (has links)
En janvier 2008, une éclosion de réactions anaphylactoïdes (RA) potentiellement
mortelles associées à l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine manufacturées en Chine
et contaminée par le chondroïtine sulfate hypersulfaté (CSHS) a forcé le rappel de
ces dernières par la U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Ces RA ont rapidement
été attribuées à la libération de la bradykinine (BK) suite à l’activation du système
de contact par le CSHS. Cependant, aucune évidence expérimentale définitive
n’est à ce jour venue appuyer directement cette hypothèse.
En se basant sur le nombre de morts déclaré et associé à la contamination (>150
morts au niveau mondial) ainsi qu’aux données épidémiologiques, qui stipulent
que 25% des patients ayant développés une RA aux États-Unis étaient
essentiellement des insuffisant rénaux en dialyse traités au moyen d’un inhibiteur
de l’enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine (iECA), nous avons émis l’hypothèse
suivante : les RA causées par l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine contaminée au
CSHS sont de nature multifactorielle et complexe.
Le but de notre travail est donc, dans un premier temps, d’évaluer le pouvoir
kininoformateur du CSHS en présence d’un iECA et de le comparer à celui du
sulfate de dextran, un activateur de référence du système de contact. Comme les
RA associées à l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine contaminée par le CSHS se
produisent généralement dans les premières minutes des séances de dialyse, nous
allons étudier l’effet de la dilution du plasma sur la quantité de BK libérée en
présence ou en absence d’un iECA. Nous allons également mesurer les profils
cinétiques de la libération de la BK sur un plasma stimulé par différents lots
d’héparine contaminée, et associée à des RA, et nous comparerons cette cinétique
avec celles d’une héparine de référence complémentée ou non avec différentes
concentrations de CSHS synthétique. Enfin, nous allons caractériser le profil de
libération de la BK et de son métabolite actif, la des-Arg9-BK, dans le plasma de
patients dialysé ayant présenté une RA associée à une membrane de dialyse
chargée négativement. L’application de méthodes expérimentales développées dans notre laboratoire nous
a permis de montrer, pour la première fois, que l’héparine contaminée au CSHS a
la capacité de libérer la BK à des concentrations susceptibles d’expliquer le rôle de
ce peptide inflammatoire dans la physiopathologie des RA causées par l’injection
intraveineuse d’héparine d’origine chinoise contaminée au CSHS. / In January 2008, fatal anaphylactoid reaction (AR) has been associated to
oversulfated chondroitin sulphate (OSCS) contaminated heparin. Although
attributed to bradykinin (BK) released during contact system activation by OSCS,
no definitive evidence exists until now for a BK release during incubation of
contaminated heparin with human plasma.
While looking at the number of death associated with OSCS (>150 worldwide)
and at the epidemiologic fact, who state that 25% of the cases of AR associated to
OSCS in United-States were treated with an angiotensin converting enzyme
inhibitor (ACEi), we hypothesis that: AR associated with bolus injection of OSCS
contaminated heparin are bind to a complex and multi-factorial aspect.
The first objective of our study is to measure the kinetics of BK release in human
plasma incubated with OSCS in presence of an ACEi and to compare it to the
kinetics profile of the reference activator dextran sulfate. As the AR associated
with OSCS contaminated heparin occurred mainly in the first minutes of dialysis
session, we also studied the effect of the plasma dilution on the amount of BK
released when treated or not with an ACEi. We also quantify the BK forming
capacity of different batches of OSCS contaminated heparin responsible for AR
and we compare this effect with reference heparin spiked or not with increasing
concentrations of synthetic OSCS. Finally, we measure the kinetics of BK and des-
Arg9-BK, its active metabolite, release in human plasma collected from patients
who developed an AR associated to negatively charged dialysis membrane. The
application of experimental method developed in our laboratory show, for the first
time, that OSCS contaminated heparin incubated with human plasma has the
capacity to liberate BK at a concentration that could explain the role of this
inflammatory peptide in the pathophysiology of AR associated with OSCS
contaminated Chinese heparins.
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Mise au point de micelles polyioniques pour l'administration de biomacromolécules thérapeutiques : synthèse de polymères et études physicochimiquesDufresne, Marie-Hélène January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Désordre intrinsèque et analyses de réseaux d'interactions extracellulaires : des protéines et polysaccharides aux interactions hôte-Leishmania / Intrinsic disorder and analysis of extracellular interaction networks : from proteins and polysaccharides to host-Leishmania interactionsPeysselon, Franck 12 December 2013 (has links)
Les biomolécules exercent leurs fonctions en interagissant avec d'autres molécules. Le recensement de l'ensemble des biomolécules et leurs interactions permet de construire leurs réseaux d'interactions et de les analyser sur le plan structural et fonctionnel par des outils bioinformatiques (BiNGO, DAVID). Cela permet d'identifier les biomolécules clés, de prédire de nouvelles fonctions des protéines et de comprendre et modéliser les mécanismes moléculaires d'un processus biologique ou pathologique donné. Les protéines ou régions intrinsèquement désordonnées, qui possèdent une grande plasticité structurale, sont susceptibles d'interagir avec de nombreux partenaires et d'être importantes dans les réseaux d'interactions. A l'aide du prédicteur IUPred, nous avons dans un premier temps cartographié le désordre intrinsèque des protéines dans le réseau d'interactions de la matrice extracellulaire et dans le réseau extracellulaire des protéoglycanes construits à partir de la base de données MatrixDB développée dans l'équipe. Nous avons montré que les protéines très connectées de ces deux réseaux ne sont pas enrichies en désordre. Les fonctions moléculaires surreprésentées dans le jeu de protéines extracellulaires contenant au moins 50% de désordre intrinsèque sont les interactions avec les facteurs de croissance ou les glycosaminoglycanes. Nous avons étudié un jeu de données d'interactions protéine-héparine comportant 118 valeurs de cinétique et nous avons montré une relation positive entre la vitesse d'association des protéines à l'héparine et le pourcentage de désordre de leurs sites de fixation à l'héparine. Nous avons également étudié les interactions de la matrice extracellulaire avec un pathogène, le parasite Leishmania. Nous avons montré que les protéines sécrétées par les Leishmania ne sont pas enrichies en désordre par rapport au protéome. Nous avons établi une liste de onze protéines parasitaires sécrétées possédant au moins trois motifs d'interaction et susceptibles d'interagir avec l'hôte / Biomolecules perform their functions by interacting with other molecules. The identification of all biomolecules and their interactions is required to build their interaction networks. Their structural and functional analysis with bioinformatics tools (BiNGO, DAVID) allow us to identify the key biomolecules, to predict new protein functions and to understand and model the molecular mechanisms of biological or pathological process. Intrinsically disordered proteins or regions, which are characterized by structural plasticity, may interact with many partners and may play a role in the interaction networks. Using the predictor IUPred we mapped the intrinsic disorder in protein interaction networks of the extracellular matrix and of the proteoglycans constructed from the MatrixDB database developed in the laboratory. We have shown that the highest connected proteins of these two networks are not enriched in disorder. The molecular functions overrepresented in the set of extracellular proteins containing at least 50% of intrinsically disordered residues are interactions with growth factors or glycosaminoglycans. We studied a dataset of heparin-protein interactions including 118 kinetic values and we have shown that the association rate of proteins with heparin is related to the intrinsic disorder of heparin-binding sites. We also studied the interactions of the extracellular matrix with a pathogen, the parasite Leishmania. We have shown that proteins secreted by Leishmania are not enriched in disorder compared to their proteome. We have selected eleven parasite proteins containing at least three interaction motifs, which may interact with the host
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Glycosaminoglycans are heterogeneous polysaccharides that mediate important biological functions. There has been considerable interest in deciphering the precise GAG sequences that are responsible for protein interactions. In fact, several GAG oligosaccharides have been discovered to date as targeting proteins with higher level of specificity. Yet, it has been difficult to develop GAG oligosaccharides as drugs. One of the key reasons for this state of art is that GAG synthesis is extremely challenging and is highly structure-specific. Thus, much of the biology and pharmacology of GAG remains unknown and unexploited to date.
An alternative approach is to prepare GAG oligosaccharides using enzymatic depolymerization of polymeric GAGs. GAG lyases, including heparinases and chondritinases represent powerful tools that can theoretically generate multiple oligosaccharides in parallel. However, it is difficult to implement such procedures with high consistency. Moreover, GAG lyases can digest GAGs down to disaccharides. A priori, non-polymeric GAGs, or alternatively GAG oligosaccharides containing 4 to 10 residues, would be expected to function better as therapeutic agents because they would be more homogeneous and less non-specific than their polymeric precursors.
Thus, we reasoned that immobilization of these enzymes may engineer altered biopolymer processing, which may afford longer oligosaccharides in higher proportions and greater consistency. Heparinase-I and chondroitinase ABC were immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose and compared with the free form of the enzyme. Immobilized GAG lyases retained high efficiency of depolymerization over a wide range of pH, temperature and reusability. Most importantly, the immobilized enzyme was found to produce larger proportions of oligosaccharides longer than di- and tetra-saccharides as compared to lyases in the free form.
A two dimensional separation involves size exclusion chromatography followed by reversed phase ion-pairing ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was employed to separate and characterize oligosaccharide structures. We have identified 40 heparin oligosaccharides, including regular and rare structures ranging from dp4 to dp10 and 39 chondroitin sulfate oligosaccharides in high homogeneity and significant yields. Overall, this technology is likely to offer a simple and cost effective route to preparation of larger amounts of sequences that can be expected to bind and modulate protein function.
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Microfluidics in Surface Modified PDMS : Towards Miniaturized Diagnostic ToolsThorslund, Sara January 2006 (has links)
<p>There is a strong trend in fabricating <i>miniaturized total analytical systems</i>, µTAS, for various biochemical and cell biology applications. These miniaturized systems could e.g. gain better separation performances, be faster, consume less expensive reagents and be used for studies that are difficult to access in the macro world. Disposable µTAS eliminate the risk of carry-over and can be fabricated to a low cost.</p><p>This work focused on the development of µTAS modules with the intentional use for miniaturized diagnostics. Modules for blood separation, desalting, enrichment, separation and ESI-MS detection were successfully fabricated. Surface coatings were additionally developed and evaluated for applications in µTAS with complex biological samples. The first heparin coating could be easily immobilized in a one-step-process, whereas the second heparin coating was aimed to form a hydrophilic surface that was able to draw blood or plasma samples into a microfluidic system by capillary forces. </p><p>The last mentioned heparin surface was further utilized when developing a chip-based sensor for performing CD4-count in human blood, an important marker to determine the stage of an HIV-infection.</p><p>All devices in this work were fabricated in PDMS, an elastomeric polymer with the advantage of rapid and less expensive prototyping of the microfabricated master. It was shown that PDMS could be considered as the material of choice for future commercial µTAS. The devices were intentionally produced using a low grade of fabrication complexity. It was however demonstrated that even with low complexity, it is possible to integrate several functional chip modules into a single microfluidic device.</p>
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Microfluidics in Surface Modified PDMS : Towards Miniaturized Diagnostic ToolsThorslund, Sara January 2006 (has links)
There is a strong trend in fabricating miniaturized total analytical systems, µTAS, for various biochemical and cell biology applications. These miniaturized systems could e.g. gain better separation performances, be faster, consume less expensive reagents and be used for studies that are difficult to access in the macro world. Disposable µTAS eliminate the risk of carry-over and can be fabricated to a low cost. This work focused on the development of µTAS modules with the intentional use for miniaturized diagnostics. Modules for blood separation, desalting, enrichment, separation and ESI-MS detection were successfully fabricated. Surface coatings were additionally developed and evaluated for applications in µTAS with complex biological samples. The first heparin coating could be easily immobilized in a one-step-process, whereas the second heparin coating was aimed to form a hydrophilic surface that was able to draw blood or plasma samples into a microfluidic system by capillary forces. The last mentioned heparin surface was further utilized when developing a chip-based sensor for performing CD4-count in human blood, an important marker to determine the stage of an HIV-infection. All devices in this work were fabricated in PDMS, an elastomeric polymer with the advantage of rapid and less expensive prototyping of the microfabricated master. It was shown that PDMS could be considered as the material of choice for future commercial µTAS. The devices were intentionally produced using a low grade of fabrication complexity. It was however demonstrated that even with low complexity, it is possible to integrate several functional chip modules into a single microfluidic device.
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Μελέτη του ρόλου του αυξητικού παράγοντα HARP (Heparin Affin Regulatory Peptide) στην αγγειογένεση in vivoΔρόσου, Γεωργία 21 April 2008 (has links)
H HARP (heparin-affin regulatory peptide), γνωστή και ως πλειοτροπίνη (PTN), είναι ένας 18 kDa αυξητικός παράγοντας, ο οποίος έχει υψηλή συγγένεια για την ηπαρίνη. Η HARP έχει πολλαπλές βιολογικές δράσεις, όπως συμμετέχει στη ρύθμιση του κυτταρικού πολλαπλασιασμού, στη μετανάστευση και τη διαφοροποίηση. Επιπλέον η έκφραση της σχετίζεται με την φυσιολογική και καρκινική αγγειογένεση in vitro και in vivo. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η έκφραση της HARP και των υποδοχέων της, ALK και RPTPβ/ζ, στις διάφορες ημέρες ανάπτυξης της CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας. Επίσης, μελετήθηκε η μείωση της έκφρασης της ενδογενούς HARP, με πλασμίδιο που φέρει την αντινοηματική αλληλουχία (AS-HARP), στην αγγειογένεση in vivo, στη φωσφορυλίωση των Εrk1,2 και στη λεμφαγγειογένεση της CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας. Ανάλυση κατά Western και RT-PCR στις διάφορες ημέρες ανάπτυξης του εμβρύου έδειξε ότι η έκφραση της HARP συμβαδίζει με τη δημιουργία νέων αγγείων στη CAM, ενώ η έκφραση των υποδοχέων της HARP στην CAM φαίνεται να είναι αυξημένη στα πρώτα στάδια ανάπτυξης του ιστού. Επίσης, η μείωση της έκφρασης της HARP μετά τη χορήγηση του πλασμιδίου AS-HARP, μείωσε τα επίπεδα της πρωτεΐνης, το μήκος των αγγείων και τη φωσφορυλίωση των Erk1/2 στο in vivo μοντέλο της CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας. Αντίθετα, η μείωση της έκφρασης της HARP μετά τη χορήγηση του πλασμιδίου AS-HARP, δεν επηρέασε τη λεμφαγγειογένεση της CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας. Σαν τελικό συμπέρασμα προκύπτει ότι η έκφραση της ενδογενούς HARP στην CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας είναι σημαντική για τη φυσιολογική αγγειογένεση in vivo. / Heparin-affin regulatory peptide (HARP), also known as pleiotrophin or heparin-binding growth-associated molecule, is an 18 kDa growth factor that has a high affinity for heparin. HARP is involved in the control of cellular proliferation, migration and differentiation. Moreover, there is a strong correlation between HARP expression and tumor growth and angiogenesis. In the present work, we studied the expression of HARP and its receptors, ALK and RPTPβ/ζ, during development of the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), in relation to angiogenesis. By western blot analysis and RT-PCR, it was shown that HARP, ALK and RPTPβ/ζ expression increased at days of on-going angiogenesis and decreased at later time points. Transfection of CAMs with an anti-sense HARP gene construct led to a significant decrease in HARP amounts compared to vector control transfected CAMs, a significant decrease in the length of CAM blood vessels, and a decrease in the phosphorylation of Erk1/2. Contrary, transfection of CAMs with the anti-sense HARP gene construct had no influence in lymphangiogenesis of the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). These data suggest that endogenous HARP is involved in angiogenesis in vivo.
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