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O retorno do herói - Ronaldo fenômeno no cerne da constituição mítica e do comportamento midiático / The Return of the Hero Ronaldo Phenomenon in the Context of Mythic Constitution and Media Behavior.Pieper, Marcelia Alves 13 October 2010 (has links)
O estudo propõe-se a investigar nas mídias a consolidação e a desconstrução do discurso vinculados à questão do mito no esporte, que atinge o imagético humano na medida em que há uma representação simbólica do esportista incorporando o arquétipo do herói. A mesma força que as configurações midiáticas predominantes imprimem na formação do mito também é usada no sentido de decomposição da imagem. O universo do esporte no Brasil, em especial o futebol, alcançou uma espetacularização tal que, em consonância com aspectos econômicos, políticos, sociológicos, psicológicos, permeia o inconsciente coletivo alimentado pelos processos comunicativos das sociedades contemporâneas. Tem-se como objeto de estudo um aspecto específico presente nas mídias o poder de atribuir significação bem como uma outra face em que as mesmas instâncias midiáticas podem sucumbir a um herói, o qual outrora fora sustentado pelas narrativas. No contexto dos rituais de passagem, delineados por Campbell, o retorno de Ronaldo ao futebol brasileiro pretende ser analisado à luz do comportamento midiático com base na observação do noticiário referente ao jogador vinculado pelos jornais O Estado de S. Paulo e Folha de S. Paulo mediante o cenário esportivo atual determinado pela carência de heróis. Espera-se, contudo, contribuir para a configuração de quadros conceituais e a compreensão dos discursos da mídia em relação à alimentação/ desconstrução do mito, mediante um reordenamento com as constantes transformações tecnológicas. / The study proposes to investigate in the media the consolidation and deconstruction of discourse linked to the issue of myth in the sport, that reaches the human imagery in the proportion that there is a symbolic representation of the sportsman incorporating the archetypal hero. The same force that the media settings predominant acting in the formation of the myth is also used in the direction of image decomposition. The universe of sport in Brazil, in special the football, has reached such a spectacle that, in line with economic aspects, political, sociological, psychological, permeates the collective unconscious powered by communicative processes of contemporary societies. It has the subject of this study a specific aspect present in the media - the power of assign significance - as well as another feature in the same media instances may succumb to a hero, that was once supported by them. In the context of rites of passage, introduced by Campbell, the return of Ronaldo to Brazilian football aims to be analyzed according to the media behavior based on the news observation concerning to the player linked to the newspapers O Estado de S. Paulo and Folha de S. Paulo considering the current sportive scenario determined by the lack of heroes. It is expected, however, contribute to the settings of conceptual extension and the understanding of the media discourses regarding to the support / deconstruction of the myth through a reorganization with the Constant technological changes.
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Imaginaires nationaux et mythes fondateurs ; la construction des multiples socles identitaires de la Corse française à la geste nationaliste / National imagery and founding myths; The construction of the multiple identity bases of French Corsica to the nationalist gesturePietrera, Ange-Toussaint 23 October 2015 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, la question nationale a ressurgi de façon spectaculaire sur les scènes politiques et scientifiques. Plutôt que de définir la nation, la recherche s’est intéressée à ses armatures, évoquant désormais ses « imaginaires nationaux » (Benedict Anderson) ou encore ses « inventions de tradition » (Eric J. Hobsbawm). Cette thèse propose d’appliquer ces concepts, complétés néanmoins des travaux d’une génération d’historiens apparue durant les années 1990 (Gérard Noiriel, Anne-Marie Thiesse…) et des armes de l’histoire culturelle, vis-à-vis de l’histoire contemporaine de la Corse. Après la conquête française (1769), l’île n’échappe pas au XIXe siècle, et à son cortège d’exaltations nationales. Tout en demeurant au sein du strict cadre français, une poignée d’élites n’en exalte pas moins les vertus de la Corse, loue ses figures illustres, instaurant déjà quelques paradigmes patriotiques. Afin de livrer la meilleure exhaustivité possible à notre propos, plusieurs sources ont été mobilisées durant ce travail, notamment la littérature, les actes administratifs, la presse ou encore l’image, dont une première pensée tarde à voir le jour. Dans le but de délimiter un cadre thématique précis à notre travail, nous avons orienté nos prospections vers trois axes. Tout d’abord, celui de l’histoire, une des plus importantes « inventions » du XIXe siècle. En marge des histoires nationales qui se développent au même moment sur le Vieux Continent, la discipline sera abordée dans ses expressions littéraires et illustratives sans oublier son facteur institutionnel, qui reste le meilleur support d’enracinement des mythes fondateurs. Le deuxième axe que nous avons choisi de traiter est celui du héros, nous menant à la constitution de l’« assiette héroïque » composée de Sampiero, Paoli et Napoléon. La construction de ce propos observera un développement analogue à la partie précédente, où à la sphère des représentations succèdera celle du figement, marqué par la fonte statuaire.Enfin, ce travail se terminera par l’évocation d’un phénomène que nous avons appelé la « geste nationaliste » prenant pour cadre l’autonomisme de l’entre-deux-guerres. Au moyen de publications phares (A Muvra), celle-ci propose un remodelage complet du système de représentation précédemment édifié, modifiant l’« assiette héroïque » et investissant à son tour les scènes mémorielles. Ayant fait des éléments linguistiques et littéraires leurs forces de créations, cette mouvance se démarquera par les enjeux de palimpseste et de mimesis qu’elle met en place, où à l’exaltation d’une vérité autre répond l’imitation d’un modèle existant. / For several decades, the national question has reappeared in the political and scientific spheres in a spectacular way. Rather than defining the nation, the research was interested in its framework, evoking from now on its “national imagination” (Benedict Anderson) or even its “inventions of tradition” (Eric J. Hobsbawm). This thesis suggests applying these concepts, which are nevertheless completed by both the works of a generation of historians that appeared during the 1990s (Gérard Noiriel, Anne-Marie Thiesse…) and the weapons of cultural history, towards the contemporary history of Corsica.After the French conquest (1769), the island does not escape the 19th century and its procession of national ecstasies. While strictly remaining within the French context, a small elite exalts the virtues of Corsica nevertheless, praises its illustrious figures, already establishing some patriotic paradigms. In order to deliver a completeness as good as possible about our subject, several sources were gathered during this work, especially some sources from literature, administrative acts, the press or even related to the image, the first thought of which takes a long time to emerge. With the aim of defining a specific thematic setting in our work, we steered our research towards three axes. First of all, that of history which is one of the most important “inventions” of the 19th century. Outside the national histories that develop on the Old Continent at the same time, this discipline will be approached on its literary and illustrative expressions, not forgetting its institutional factor which remains the best medium to implant the founding myths.The second axis we chose deals with the theme of the hero and leads us to the creation of what is called the “heroic plate” composed of Sampiero, Paoli and Napoleon. The construction of this subject will follow a development similar to that of the previous part, in which to the sphere of the representations will succeed that of the materialisation marked by the statuary cast iron.Finally, this work will end with the evocation of a phenomenon that we called the “nationalist gest” developing in the context of the interwar period separatism. By means of key publications (A Muvra), this gest proposes a complete reshaping of the previously built system of representation, modifying “the heroic plate” and flooding in its turn the memory scenes. Having drawn its strength of creation from the linguistic and literary elements, this movement will stand out by the stakes oof palimpsest and mimesis that is sets up, and in which, to the ecstasy of another truth answers the imitation of an existing model.
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Mémoire postcoloniale et figures de résistants africains dans la littérature et dans les arts. Nehanda, Samori, Sarraounia comme héros culturels / Postcolonial memory and figures of African resistance in literature and arts. Nehanda, Samori, Sarraounia as cultural heroesBertho, Elara 25 November 2016 (has links)
Tour à tour gloires nationales, héros, pères fondateurs ou au contraire tyrans sanguinaires et sorciers malfaisants, les résistants africains à la colonisation ont souvent connu une grande fortune littéraire et suscitent la fascination collective.D'abord investies par la littérature orale africaine et par l'historiographie coloniale, ces figures émergent souvent au tournant des indépendances et font leur apparition sur la scène culturelle : romans, pièces de théâtre, ballets, films, chants s'attachent à réécrire l'histoire dite nationale des nouveaux Etats. Interroger les représentations en littérature et dans les arts de ces figures héroïques, c'est donc analyser l'écriture de l'histoire en acte, la mémoire collective et l'imaginaire commun en formation.Notre hypothèse est la suivante : les arts, et la littérature au premier plan, jouent un rôle prépondérant dans la création d'identités collectives. Il s'agit donc de vérifier de manière pragmatique la place du fait littéraire, et plus généralement artistique, dans la formation d'imaginaires collectifs, de lier littérature, histoire, société afin d'expérimenter que la littérature n'est pas qu'un « lieu de mémoire » sanctuarisé mais qu'elle participe activement à son élaboration. La littérature est alors liée au fait politique, au sens large de construction du vivre-ensemble dans et par les discours. / Great figures, national heroes, founding fathers or on the contrary tyrannical figures or witches, African resistants to colonisation often appear in literature and arts, and they possess a fascinating aura. Those heroes have emerged since the end of the nineteenth century in oral african literature and in the colonialist European literature. Then, they morphed into National heroes during the independence period and they still play a prominent role in today's African literature and in fictions more generally.The aim of my thesis is to analyse different kinds of updating those heroes, from 1890 to the contemporary world, in fictions and “texts” in its extensive meaning. This study is inspired by Certeau's approach to historical writing. Literature (theatre, poetry, novels...) but also other texts less valued by institutions or less studied as songs, ballets (in television or in theatres), school books (as history textbooks). The latter section requires fields research, as manuals cannot be found in France.Samori (Guinea Conakry), Sarraounia (Niger) and Nehanda (Zimbabwe) were converted from historical person into narrative characters, and as such they embody the memory of the colonization process, the fascinating values (with all connotations, whether positive or negative) of a group, and a collective imagination of history. Far from being a sanctuary dedicated to the preservation of memory and history, literature plays a major role in the construction of imaginative communities and in the elaboration of a common past. Literature, through such cultural heroes or “literary myths”, performs the critical function of encompassing as well as reshaping the lines of postcolonial memory.
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From Arcadia to Heroism: The Progression of the Protagonists in Evelyn Waugh's <em>Decline and Fall</em>, <em>A Handful of Dust</em> and <em>Brideshead Revisited</em>.McInturff, Tammy J. 01 May 2001 (has links)
This study is an examination of the protagonists in Evelyn Waugh's Decline and Fall, A Handful of Dust, and Brideshead Revisited. The purpose of this study is to show how each novel displays the same type of character progressing towards heroism. This type of heroism is explained by using Carol Pearson's The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By. Using Pearson's archetypes to discuss these protagonists gives one a better understanding of the characters and their development as they move towards self-knowledge.
The introduction explains the term hero and gives a brief review of Pearson's book. Chapters two, three and four are each devoted to one of the specified novels and contain an examination of how the protagonist progresses through Pearson's archetypes. Chapter five is the conclusion, which summarizes this study and states the usefulness of archetypes in understanding the development of a character, as well as the importance of taking the heroic journey.
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The Byronic Hero and the Rhetoric of Masculinity in the 19th Century British NovelJones, D. Michael 01 January 2017 (has links)
From action movies to video games to sports culture, modern masculinity is intrinsically associated with violent competition. This legacy has its roots in the 19th-century Romantic figure of the Byronic hero--the ideal Victorian male: devoted husband, sexual revolutionary and weaponized servant of the state. His silhouette can be traced through the works of authors like Lord Byron, Jane Austen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling and Oscar Wilde. More than a literary genealogy, this history of the Byronic hero and his heirs follows the changes that masculinity has undergone in response to industrial upheaval, the rise of the middle class and the demands of global competition, from the Victorian period through the early 20th century. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1121/thumbnail.jpg
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Goodbye to All That AgainVon Nordheim, Charles Bradley 01 June 2016 (has links)
Goodbye to All That Again concerns the odyssey of an Iraq War veteran who must complete his journey past desert combat and academic strife in order to reclaim his heroic identity. The novel uses a fragmented storytelling mode that offers readers thirteen years of the protagonist’s timeline in a nonlinear sequence. Through this technique, the novel evokes the cognitive disassociation experienced by individuals who suffer Post Traumatic Stress and echoes the postmodern practices employed by American military novelists such as Joseph Heller and Tim O’Brien for the last sixty years.
GOODBYE TO ALL THAT AGAIN seeks to intervene in the discourse of the American war novel by updating the depiction of military members from unwilling draftees, the situation Heller and O’Brien portray, to that of career-driven volunteers. The novel also considers adjustment concerns raised by the political correctness movement, a bar to civilian reintegration unknown by prior generations of veterans. In doing so, the writer hopes to adjust the zeitgeist, a major concern of his practice as detailed in his STATEMENT OF PURPOSE, toward a more accurate representation of military members so that society can more effectively meet their needs.
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Local Hero : En studie av deliberativ demokratiGol, Elmira January 2006 (has links)
<p>När ungdomar startar verksamhet som temadagar och antidrogfestivaler för sin närhet och sina jämnåriga skapar de en tryggare miljö. Bara vetskapen om att jag som ung kan göra något åt det som jag tycker är viktigt att arbeta med, kan nog skapa en trygghet hos individen. Vi vet idag att med hjälp av rollspel lär sig ungdomar att förstå olika sociala spel och händelser i samhället. Genom värderingsövningar lär sig unga människor nya sätt att förstå sig själva men också sin närmiljö. Detta ger individen en starkare självkänsla men också en starkare grund att stå på då de arbetar med drogförebyggande arbete. Men förutom det har verktyget Local Hero fångat upp den allra viktigaste punkten som handlar om demokratisk träning. Verktyget tränar unga att bli mer aktiva och trygga samhällsmedborgare, och förhoppningvis ha en fortsatt ökat samhällsengagemang. Vägen dit är lång och kräver mycket arbete, både från ungdomarna själva men också från de vuxna deltagarna.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa hur verktyget Local Hero både som modell och i praktiken kan möjliggöra för ungdomar att delta i ett deliberativt samtal. Med hjälp av teoriramen deliberativ demokrati analyseras hur Local Hero kan främja delaktigheten för ett öppet samtal med ungdomar.</p><p>Frågeställningar:</p><p>• Hur har verktyget Local Hero fungerat, i syfte att främja delaktigheten för ett öppet samtal med ungdomar?</p><p>• I vilket syfte har Local Hero utvecklats och hur är verktyget tänkt att fungera?</p><p>• Hur bidrar Local Hero för att utveckla ett deliberativt samtal?</p><p>Deliberativa samtal kan kanske inte lösa kollektiva problem, lokalt eller i samhället. Men deliberativa samtal kan utveckla barn och ungdomars demokratiska kompetens, så att de på egen hand och tillsammans med andra värderar kunskap och normer, och skapar en förståelse om sig själva och andra människor. Genom att få utrymme och möjlighet i skolan eller i projekt som Local Hero för sina tankar och argument ges ungdomar en känsla av betydelse och en starkare självbild. Local Hero ska skapa mötesplatser och dialogtillfällen mellan ungdomar och vuxna i drogförebyggande arbetet.</p>
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"Ah Ain't Brought Home a Thing but Mahself": Cultural and Folk Heroism in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Ellen Douglas' Can't Quit You, BabyCochran, Kimberly Giles 16 July 2009 (has links)
In scholarship discussing Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie’s self-realization is central to her identity, and many scholars view and discuss her as a cultural hero. But her success is conditional on circumstance rather than composition of character, a fact this essay explores through a careful comparison between Janie and Tweet, a character from Ellen Douglas’ Can’t Quit You, Baby; specifically, while Janie ultimately succeeds in her world—even while confronting gender oppression—she improbably avoids the additional, crippling subjugation of racial prejudice that Tweet endures. Through this and a discussion of definitions and Hurston’s work as a folklorist/writer, I attempt to show that Janie can be more effectively described as a folk hero, a title that: (1) accurately identifies her functions in her fictional society and in literary fiction and (2) satisfies Hurston’s goals in the novel while also accurately reflecting Janie’s journey to self fulfillment.
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The Architecture of Space and Transformation in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing GamesGertzbein, Eric Jarost January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the architecture and space simulated in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and argues that the hand which guides the design of virtual architecture and space in these games originates from the same primogenitor of traditional mythology. The simulation of the game-world and the performance of in-game elements which include, avatars, player characters, non-player characters (NPCs), and artifacts, is regulated by the semantics of an in-game narrative that maintains a core structure of hierarchical spaces and traditional and modified architectural paradigms. Hierarchical spaces and architectural interventions are used to curate a mythologically derived model of personal transformation known as the ‘Hero Cycle’ that is based on hermeneutic principles whereby the identity of the collective is required to understand the identity of the individual. As a result, this cycle of personal transformation relies on the integration of the individual with the collective and is a revitalizing process within society. While it is believed that contemporary (computer) role-playing games (RPGs) are built on the shoulders of early pen and paper (PNP) role-playing games, both the early PNP and later RPGs are in fact founded on principles of ritual movement through space, developed by traditional mythology to enact Hero Cycles and by ritualized religious worship, to symbolically enact mythology. Role-playing games can bring forth the benefits of the experience of mythological progenitors of cultural narratives and religious theology. In-game, a narrative is presented to players as the face of the collective identity of the game-world and incorporates many traditional (and modified) iconographic and architectonic typologies that support the semantics of game-play and the theology that ties the game-mechanics to the narrative.
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The Architecture of Space and Transformation in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing GamesGertzbein, Eric Jarost January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the architecture and space simulated in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and argues that the hand which guides the design of virtual architecture and space in these games originates from the same primogenitor of traditional mythology. The simulation of the game-world and the performance of in-game elements which include, avatars, player characters, non-player characters (NPCs), and artifacts, is regulated by the semantics of an in-game narrative that maintains a core structure of hierarchical spaces and traditional and modified architectural paradigms. Hierarchical spaces and architectural interventions are used to curate a mythologically derived model of personal transformation known as the ‘Hero Cycle’ that is based on hermeneutic principles whereby the identity of the collective is required to understand the identity of the individual. As a result, this cycle of personal transformation relies on the integration of the individual with the collective and is a revitalizing process within society. While it is believed that contemporary (computer) role-playing games (RPGs) are built on the shoulders of early pen and paper (PNP) role-playing games, both the early PNP and later RPGs are in fact founded on principles of ritual movement through space, developed by traditional mythology to enact Hero Cycles and by ritualized religious worship, to symbolically enact mythology. Role-playing games can bring forth the benefits of the experience of mythological progenitors of cultural narratives and religious theology. In-game, a narrative is presented to players as the face of the collective identity of the game-world and incorporates many traditional (and modified) iconographic and architectonic typologies that support the semantics of game-play and the theology that ties the game-mechanics to the narrative.
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