Spelling suggestions: "subject:"HR managemement"" "subject:"HR managementment""
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Разработка бизнес-процесса в сфере HRM «корпоративное обучение» для компании ООО «100 ТОНН МОНТАЖ» : магистерская диссертация / Development of business process in the field of HRM "corporate training" for the company " 100 TONN MONTAZ»Шпортеева, Е. В., Shporteeva E. V. January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation was completed on 73 sheets (A4, font Times New Roman, size 14, 1.5 line spacing), excluding attachments. Number of tables – 2 (excluding applications). Number of figures – 19 (excluding applications). Number of formulas-0 (excluding applications). Master's thesis consists of an introduction, three parts, conclusion, bibliography, applications. This work begins with an introduction, which consists of the relevance of the master's thesis, problem statement, determining the purpose and objectives of the work, its object and subject, scientific novelty, research methods, practical significance and research methods. In the first Chapter of this work, the definitions, goals and objectives of personnel training are considered and analyzed. In the same section features of corporate training, construction of business process are presented. In the second part of the work, the analysis of the current system of training in the organization was carried out, the characteristics of the company, the personnel of working specialties, the Department for work with personnel were carried out, the analysis of normative documentation was carried out. The third part contains recommendations for changes. Building a business process of corporate training will allow you to configure the learning process properly, which will allow the company to implement large projects by its own highly skilled workers. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated, the results are listed and the results of the master's thesis are summed up. / Данная диссертация выполнена на 73 листах (формат А4, шрифт Times New Roman, кегль 14, интерлиньяж 1.5) без учета приложений. Количество таблиц – 2 (без учета приложений). Количество рисунков – 19 (без учета приложений). Количество формул – 0 (без учета приложений). Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. Данная работа начинается с введения, которое состоит из актуальности магистерской диссертационной работы, постановки проблемы, определения цели и задач работы, её объекта и предмета, научной новизны, методов исследования, практической значимости и методов исследования. В первой главе данной работы рассмотрены и проанализированы определения, цели и задачи обучения персонала. В этом же разделе представлены особенности корпоративного обучения, построения бизнес-процесса. Во второй части работы осуществлен анализ действующей системы обучения в организации, проведена характеристика компании, персонала рабочих специальностей, отдела по работе с персоналом, проведен анализ нормативной документации. Третья часть содержит рекомендации по изменениям. Построение бизнес-процесса корпоративного обучения позволит настроить процесс обучения должным образом, что позволит компании реализовывать крупные проекты силами собственных высококвалифицированных рабочих специалистов. В заключение работы формулируются основные выводы, перечислены результаты и подведены итоги магистерской диссертационной работы.
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Försvarsmaktens personaltjänst i svallvågor : En studie med bäring på medarbetarsamtalet i marinenLindgren, Patrik, Lönnqvist, Carl January 2019 (has links)
I svallvågorna efter det senaste decenniets omstruktureringar och omorganisationer har ansvaret för stora delar av innehållet i personaltjänsten inom Försvarsmakten transformerats. Detta är utgångspunkten för vår induktiva studie genom intervjuer av chefer i marinen, deras erfarenheter och förutsättningar i att kunna effektuera medarbetarsamtalets resultat i form av utvecklingsplaner. Cheferna upplever en uppsida av att medarbetarsamtalet som i stort är bra och att syftet är en ökad operativ effekt – nedsidan som framkommer mycket tydligt är bristen på beslutsmandat i förhållande till uppgifterna och leder till en ökad administrativ belastning. Genom en organisationsteoretisk referensram konstaterar studien att situationen består av kollisionen mellan personaltjänstens centralisering i förhållande till den militära linjestyrningen och deras inbördes logiker och värderingar. Om det är en medveten omsvängning eller en olycklig omständighet genom reformprogram att chefer ska lägga mer tid på personaltjänst och administration framgår inte av vår empiri. Studien konstaterar däremot att det är chefernas ansvarstagande och professionella militära värderingar som gör att fiaskot undviks men succén uteblir för personaltjänsten när de ställs inför uppgifter som de inte har förutsättningar att lösa. Vår förhoppning är att denna undersökning bidrar till ökad förståelse för chefers situation och kan utgöra ett underlag för vidare utveckling av Försvarsmaktens personaltjänst. Detta i syfte att skapa motivation och tillit till personaltjänstens processer, öka den operativa effekten och behålla Försvarsmaktens personal. / Responsibilities for the personnel services in the Swedish Armed Forces have the last decade transformed in the backwash of reorganization and restructuring. This is the outset for our thesis and the research on how executives in the Navy can execute the personal development plan as a result of staff appraisals. As authors we have had confirmation in some of ourprejudice as well as developed new knowledge. The executive’s experiences are mainlypositive and the recognitions of the staff appraisal to gain operational effect are clear. The downside is also clear in accordance with the result of our research – the magnitude of the staff appraisal is too big, take too much time and necessary mandates are missing. Our empirics do not tell us if the executive ́s extended workload on personnel service are an intentional turn or an unfortunate circumstance of New Public Management. Our conclusion is nevertheless – it is not likely to gain operative effect by executive ́s doing more admin work.
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HR-funktionens förändrade roll : En studie om linjechefers uppfattning av HR-funktionen i Falu och Avesta kommunGustafsson, Johanna, Norling, Åsa January 2015 (has links)
Traditionellt har HR-arbetet främst varit fokuserat på administrativa uppgifter och inte ansetts vara tillräckligt effektivt och värdeskapande. För att HR-arbetet ska bli mer strategiskt behöver funktionen organiseras så att den tillgodoser dessa behov (Boglind et al, 2013). Vi menar att HR-funktionens relation till ledare och linjechefer är avgörande för hur framgångsrikt deras arbete blir. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att undersöka hur chefer uppfattar HR-funktionens förändrade roll och vilken typ av stöd de förväntar sig av den. Vi vill också undersöka om uppfattningen av HR-funktionen skiljer sig åt beroende på hur den är organiserad. Undersökningen är baserad på en multipel fallstudie utförd på Falu och Avesta kommun. Totalt har tretton djupintervjuer genomförts, där fem personer representerar HR-avdelningarna och åtta personer representerar linjecheferna. Falu kommun började genomföra en HR-transformation vid årsskiftet 2013/2014, Avesta kommun har inte genomfört en HR-transformation utan har funktionen uppdelad i två team. Av empirin framkommer att linjecheferna i båda kommunerna har en ganska vag uppfattning om HR-funktionens organisation och trots de strukturella skillnaderna mellan kommunerna efterfrågar linjecheferna något mer. I Avesta är samtliga respondenter överens om att en samsyn kring HR-funktionens arbetsuppgifter inte finns på grund av att en tydlig strategi för HR-funktionen saknas. Cheferna i Avesta efterfrågar ett arbete med personalfrågor från grunden samt ett mer strategiskt arbete. I Falun visar empirin att linjechefer och HR-personer har olika åsikter kring huruvida det finns en samsyn. Även om flera linjechefer i Falun anser att HR-funktionen fungerar bättre efter transformationen efterfrågar samtliga en kontakt med en specifik HR-person istället för att kontakta ett HR-center. Trots att de organisationer vi studerat har HR-funktioner som skiljer sig åt i storlek och struktur kan vi konstatera många likheter. Vi drar därför slutsatsen att de problem som linjecheferna beskriver inte är relaterade till HR-avdelningens organisering, utan snarare kan kopplas till en obalans i HR-arbetets inneboende dualitet som uppstått i och med ett mer strategiskt fokus. Vi anser att båda kommunernas HR-funktioner bör ha en tydlig och kontinuerlig dialog med linjecheferna för att maximera värdeskapandet dem emellan. Sammanfattningsvis menar vi att kommunerna bör lägga fokus på att identifiera vilka aspekter av personalarbetet som är värdefulla och unika för just deras organisation samt arbeta strategiskt utifrån dessa. / Traditionally, HR work has not been considered sufficiently effective and value creating because of its main focus on administrative tasks. For HR work to become more strategic the function has to organize in a way that meet the new needs (Boglind et al, 2013). We believe that the success of the HR function depends on their relationships to leaders and line managers. The purpose of this essay is to examine how line managers perceive the changing role of the HR function and what kind of support they expect from them. We also want to investigate whether the perception of the HR function is related to how it’s organized. The survey is based on a multiple case study conducted in Falu and Avesta municipality. A total of thirteen in-depth interviews were conducted where five respondents represented the HR departments and eight respondents represented the line managers. Falun municipality began implementing an HR transformation at the turn of 2013/2014. Avesta municipality has an HR function divided into two teams and hasn’t performed an HR transformation. Our empirical data reveals that line managers in both municipalities have a rather vague idea of the HR function and its organization. Despite structural differences between the municipalities line managers in both organizations demand something more. All respondents in Avesta municipality agree to a lack of consensus regarding the duties of the HR function, due to an absence of a distinct strategy. The line managers of Avesta requests a more fundamental and strategic HR management. Empirical data from Falun municipality reveals that line managers and HR respondents disagree on whether there is a consensus regarding the tasks of the HR function. Although several line managers in Falun mentions that the HR function have improved from the transformation, they still prefer close relations to a specific HR person over contacting the HR call center. Although the studied HR functions differ in size and structure, we observe many similarities. We therefore conclude that the difficulties described by line managers isn’t related to the structure of the HR function, but instead relates to an imbalance in the immanent duality of the HR work that emerge from a more strategic focus. We believe that the HR function in both municipalities should have a consistent and continuous dialogue with line managers to maximize the exchange of value. In conclusion we suggest that the municipalities should focus on identifying the aspects of HR work that is most valuable and unique to their organization and build their strategies from these.
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內派管理:將外國子公司員工調回母公司工作。試以三家亞洲公司分析比較 / Inpatriation: Integrating Foreign Employees in Home Country Corporate HQ, a Comparison of Three Asian Companies高毅紳, Gogol, Israel Unknown Date (has links)
The globalization of business created a growing demand for internationally capable managers. Due to difficulties in “traditional” international assignments where home country employees are sent abroad (expatriate model) companies are looking for alternatives. One of these alternatives is inpatriation, which involves the transfer of subsidiary managers to the HQ and thus creating international diversity. Inpatriation was chosen as there is a smaller body of knowledge in the field which this paper can advance further.
3 Asian companies and their HRM strategies are compared: Toshiba, Samsung and Acer. Each company implemented a different type of inpatriation and the respective benefits and downsides are contrasted and discussed. The final chapter includes policy recommendations that point to the recommended courses of action for Chinese and Taiwanese companies who wish to internationalize their business operations and become global players.
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Approche contextualiste des pratiques de coaching prescrit dans les grandes entreprises en france. vers de nouveaux modes de regulation sociale en gestion des ressources humaines ? / Contextualist approach of prescribed practices of coaching in major companies in France. Towards new systems of social regulation in human resource management?Vernazobres, Philippe 18 November 2008 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche doctorale est de contextualiser et d’analyser les raisons de l’intégration du coaching prescrit aux politiques de GRH de grandes entreprises en France dans les années 2000, en lien avec ses apports au management et à l’organisation. Sur cette base, la thèse que nous défendons consiste à montrer que, par son processus et sa finalité axés sur les relations interpersonnelles et les interactions sociales, le coaching peut être considéré commeun dispositif qui contribue à la régulation sociale en entreprise. Cette recherche, de nature qualitative, est structurée autour du cadre méthodologique contextualiste d’A. Pettigrew, dans lequel nous avons "enchâssé" la théorie de la régulation conjointe de J.D. Reynaud, afin d’analyser en quoi le coaching prescrit constitue une pratique RH vecteur de régulation sociale. Une première phase exploratoire de recherche a consisté à objectiver les pratiques de coaching, au-delà des discours des coachs véhiculés dans leur littérature, à travers une étude menée auprès des sociétés du CAC 40. A l’issue de cette première approche du terrain, nous avons mené quatre études de cas, dans de grandes entreprises en France, dans une perspective ethnographique et en situation d’observation participante complète. Elles ont consisté àtravailler sur sept missions de coaching au total, qui sont représentatives des différentes formes de coaching pratiquées aujourd’hui en entreprise. A l’issue de cette immersion, nous avons pu mettre en évidence la contribution du coaching àla mise en place d’espaces de régulation autonome et sa contribution à la régulation conjointe, par sa dimension médiatrice. Au-delà, nous avons mis en évidence les impacts spécifiques et innovants de ces régulations sur le management et la gestion des RH, ainsi que sur l’organisation. / The aim of this doctoral research is to contextualize and analyze the reasons for the integration of prescribed coaching practices to HRM policies of major companies in France in the 2000’s, in connection with its contributions to the management processes and organization. On this basis, the thesis that we defend is that, trough its processes and its focus on interpersonal relationships and social interactions, coaching can be considered as a practise that contribute to social regulation within corporate organizations. This qualitative research is structured around the methodological framework of contextualist research of A. Pettigrew, in which we have "embedded" the theory of social regulation of J.D.Reynaud, to analyze how prescribed coaching is an HR practice, vector of social regulation. A first exploratory phase of research was carried out, through a survey in CAC 40 companies, to highlight the real practices of coaching, beyond the coaches’ rhetoric carried in their literature. At the end of this first approach, we have conducted four case studies in majorcompanies in France, in an ethnographic approach and in a situation of full participant observation. We have been working on seven coaching missions as an all, which represent the different forms of coaching practiced today in big companies.At the end of this immersion, we highlighted the contribution of coaching to the establishment of autonomous areas of regulation and its contribution to the "Joint Regulation", through a process of mediation. In addition, we identified the specific and innovative impacts of these regulations on HR management and the organization.
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Využití SWOT analýzy při personálním plánování v DDM a SVČ v Pardubickém kraji / SWOT analysis in the field of personnel planning in Children and Youth Centre and Leisure Centre in Pardubice regionVacková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The main task of the master thesis is the applicaton of the SWOT analysis in personnel planning for Children and Youth Centre and Leisure Centre in Pardubice region. Theoretical part is focused on definiton of HR planning notion including development phases. In the work, more details of HR planning in the market environment and in schools and educational organizations are discussed. Thoretical part of the work is also focused on SWOT analysis, development of the method, realization, utilization of the method, advantages and disadvantages of the method and the use of the method in the school environment. In the practical part of the thesis quantitative and qualitative research method is applied to achieve the goals of the research. Results of both methods are presented including their evaluation. The conclusion is outlined recommendations for further exploration of the potential of this method in a school environment. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Problematika personálního řízení ve vybrané firmě / A Set of Problems connected with Personnel Management in a Chosen CompanyČechová, Kristýna January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to create a complete overview of particular activities of the human resources politics from the perspective of a modern corporate management. On the basis of theoretical principles developed by the HR management to assess the individual activities in the example of selected company and propose improvements in areas, in which seems deficiencies. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first part of the thesis summarizes the theoretical principles of HR management, which constitute the basis for the evaluation of the HR management in the selected company, referred in the practical part. The second chapter is devoted to the characteristics of the company, which is next featured under the fictitious name of Chemická, a.s.. The third part of the thesis presents a comprehensive view of HR management practice in the watched company. The structure of this part of the most deliberately corresponds theoretical part. Fourth part of the thesis evaluate on the basis of theoretical knowledge the real HR management in the selected company. The HR management is showing no sign of any serious failure. The activities are carried out professionally and secured by sophisticated company directives. The HR management seeks to meet both, corporate and the personal needs and goals. Chemická, a.s. respects in managing their human resources the modern approaches and strengthens so the strongest of the four pillars of business, the human resources.
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Návrh změn konceptu řízení lidských zdrojů v podniku / Proposal for Changes of Human Resource Management in a CompanyTvrdý, David January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on human resources management specifically individual area of personnel activity and their approach in a firm. The first part of this work is focused on theoretical outcome and their precise limitation of the topic. In the second part, there is an analysis of human resources management in a particular firm. At the end of this dissertation there are formulated specific proposals and recommendations for a given corporation.The changes are with regards to personal management, which are based from the practical survey founded on the theoretical findings. All recommendations and suggestions were set in accordance with current state of the company.
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Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje podniku / Business Plan of DevelopmentAudová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with all the steps necessary for preparing a company for the entry of a strategic partner. The output of the analytic part is the SWOT analysis of the company and its field of business. Based on theoretical outputs regarding the investors´deciding over capital input, two major weaknesses are highlighted, the solution to which is the contents of my practical part of the thesis. More specifically, it deals with the changes concerning property evaluation and HR management of the company.
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Rozvoj personálního řízení firmy / Concept for Development of Personnel Management in a CompanyZahálková, Hana January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis “Development of HR management in the company” analyses a way of a management of human resources in a middle sized company, which produces and distributes fibreglass. The goal is to identify a current status and propose corrective measures, which will lead to the improvement in human resource area. By that, company should improve their efficiency, economy and future growth.
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