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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompetens och Evidens : inom boendestöd socialpsykiatri i Värmland och Dalsland / Competence and Evidence : within housing support social psychiatry in Värmland and Dalsland

Granath, Inger, Bergfeldt, Ann January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vilka förutsättningar boendestödjare i Värmland och Dalsland har att hantera sina arbetsuppgifter utifrån kompetens och evidens. Vi använde oss av en kvantitativ metod och gruppenkäter för att kunna göra denna kartläggning. Studien riktade sig till enhetschefer inom socialpsykiatrin samt dess personal som jobbar inom boendestöd mot brukare med egen bostad. Två enkäter gjordes varav den ena riktades mot enhetscheferna och den andra mot personal. Totalt tillfrågades 23 kommuner att delta i studien och av de svarade 17 kommuner på enkäterna vilket ger en svarsfrekvens på 74 %. Svarsfrekvensen bland boendestödjarna var 63 %. Studien ger en överblick hur verksamheterna inom boendestöd i Värmland och Dalsland arbetar med kompetens och evidens. Studiens resultat visade att majoriteten av personal inom boendestöd i Värmland och Dalsland hade den utbildning som fanns att tillgå för att jobba inom socialpsykiatrin, vilket är vård- och omsorgsutbildning. För att få reda på hur det ser ut med kompetensutveckling i kommunerna slogs tre frågor samman och bildade ett index. De flesta kommuner i studien hade kompetensutvecklingsplaner och studien visade ingen skillnad mellan stora och små kommuner. Personalen hade en positiv attityd till hur genomförandeplaner används. När det gäller att arbeta med ny forskning bör det enligt studiens resultat ske en förändring då det var få som hade en positiv attityd till hur ny forskning tas in i arbetet. / The purpose of the study was to identify preconditions for housing support within competence and evidence- based work in Värmland and Dalsland. We used a quantitative method with questionnaires. The study was directed to unit managers in social psychiatry and its staff working in housing support for clients in their own homes. Two questionnaires were maid, one which was directed to unit managers and the other towards staff. A total of 23 municipalities were asked to participate in the study and of the 17 municipalities that responded to the questionnaire giving a response rate of 74%. The response among using support was 63%. The study provides an overview how competence and evidence- based work are used of housing support in Värmland and Dalsland. The results of the study show that the majority of staff in housing support in Värmland and Dalsland has the education that is available to work in social psychiatry, which is health and social care education. Most municipalities in the study has development plans, and there is no difference between large and small municipalities. The test gave a positive result showing a high reliability value. The staff had a positive attitude towards the execution plans used in work. When it comes to working with new research a change should take place according to the result of the study because the attitude was not positive how new research are used in work.

The best practices of diversity management / The best practices of diversity management

Wolters, Janneke Marjolein January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes and analyses diversity management and its best practices (with the focus on nationalities and cultures). The central question in this research is: 'what are the essential elements of diversity management to effectively manage diversity within organizations?' Via desk- and field research (interviews and questionnaires) information is obtained to answer this question and other sub questions of the thesis. Nowadays, organizations have to adapt themselves to a rapidly changing environment, both internal and external. Companies have to deal with a continuously evolving labor- and sales market, which is the result of various factors, including the changing demographic composition and globalization. Organizations cannot longer ignore diversity and should take it into account, to ensure that the company will not face any future problems related to recruiting, efficiency, innovation, growth, et cetera. Based on the conducted research, it became clear that implementing diversity management consists out of several stages, namely: 1. Establish diversity council and appoint diversity contact officer who together bear the main diversity responsibilities; 2. Previous diversity initiatives should be visualized; 3. Organizational data must be collected; 4. Diversity strategy and priority areas must be set up (inclusive organizational culture, management support and awareness & commitment); 5. Establish diversity policy (allowance of country-by-country deviations) and 6. Define diversity tools (recruitment, training, mentoring & coaching, career development, linkage diversity & performance, benefits/other factors and partnering with external bodies). During these different stages, it is important to communicate with all employees, since this will create support, awareness and commitment to diversity. After the process has been completed, it is important to monitor and evaluate the diversity vision, policy and tools. Main conclusions that can be drawn from the research are the following: 1. Diversity brings more advantages than disadvantages; 2. Management team diversity is of great importance; 3. Inclusive organizational culture is essential; 4. Diversity management must be integrated and 5. Attractiveness of diversity management should be promoted. In addition, the conducted research made clear that companies should spend more time and energy to diversity management and they should really focus on their 'ability to execute', since this will bring many advantages and will avoid future problems.

Rekrytering - en social sport : En kvalitativ studie om rekrytering av individer med högfungerande autism

Andersson, Terese, Bengtsson, Hanna, Pedersen, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Recruitment processes place high demands on jobseekers' personal characteristics and social abilities, which high-functioning autistic individuals experience as obstacles. They had preferred that recruiters value competence higher. On the other hand, the respondents involved with recruitment believed that personal qualities are important in assessing the jobseeker's suitability to fit into the current team, which was considered an important factor for long-term employment. The organizations advocated diversity in the job advertisements but are perceived to have a lack of knowledge about the meaning of the term. Diversity work can be experienced as contradictory as great emphasis is placed on personal characteristics, which seems to lead to like-minded jobseekers and a homogeneous working group being given priority over diversity. More knowledge is needed to fulfill the diversity work and thereby make the recruitment process more well-functioning and inclusive. Some suggestions for a more inclusive recruitment process are to present job advertisements clearly, focus more on jobseekers' abilities, include job samples in the recruitment process, give jobseekers the freedom to have interviews digitally or physically and dare to promote a heterogeneous team. / Rekryteringsprocesser ställer höga krav på arbetssökandes personliga egenskaper och sociala förmåga, vilket högfungerande autistiska individer upplever som hinder. De hade föredragit att rekryterare värdesatte kompetens högre. Däremot menade respondenterna verksamma inom rekrytering att personliga egenskaper är viktiga för att bedöma den arbetssökandes lämplighet att passa in i det nuvarande teamet, vilket ansågs vara en viktig faktor för långvarig anställning. Organisationerna förespråkade mångfald i jobbannonserna men uppfattas ha bristande kunskap om begreppets innebörd. Mångfaldsarbetet kan upplevas motsägelsefullt då stor vikt läggs vid personliga egenskaper, vilket tycks leda till att likasinnade arbetssökande och en homogen arbetsgrupp prioriteras framför mångfald. Mer kunskap behövs för att fullgöra mångfaldsarbetet och därigenom få rekryteringsprocessen mer välfungerande och inkluderande. Några förslag för en mer inkluderande rekryteringsprocess är att presentera jobbannonser tydligt, fokusera mer på arbetssökandes förmågor, inkludera arbetsprov i rekryteringsprocessen, ge arbetssökande valfrihet att ha intervjuer digitalt eller fysiskt och våga främja ett heterogent team.

"Vi måste förstå det här utifrån ett HR-perspektiv, annars är vi rökta" : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och utmaningar med ChatGPT i HR-funktionen / "We have to understand this from an HR-perspective, otherwise we are smoked" : A qualitative study about the possibilities and challenges regarding ChatGPT in the HR function

Friman, Elin, Plym, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify HR employees´ attitude towards usingChatGPT as a support tool in work.Method: This study is addresses on the phenomenon ChatGPT in the HR function. The studyis based on an empirical phenomenon which determined an inductive research approach witha qualitative research strategy. The study applies a case study design with unstructuredinterviews as the source for data collection.Conclusion: The study’s results shows that HR-employees have an overall positive attitudetowards using ChatGPT as a tool in their work. The study’s results show that the use ofChatGPT in the HR-function saves time. The challenges that the HR-function faces related tothe use of ChatGPT varies depending on the organization’s external factors. The study alsoconcludes that the future way of working, competencies and HR-education will have to changedue to the use of ChatGPT in the HR-function. / Syfte: Studiens syfte är att identifiera HR-medarbetares inställning till användningen avChatGPT som stöd i arbetet.Metod: Studien behandlar fenomenet ChatGPT i HR-funktionen. Studien baseras på ettempiriskt fenomen vilket innebär att en induktiv forskningsansats med en kvalitativforskningsstrategi har tillämpats. Studien tillämpar en fallstudiedesign där ostruktureradeintervjuer var den valda datainsamlingsmetoden.Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att HR-medarbetare har en övergripande positiv inställning tillanvändningen av ChatGPT i arbetet. Studien resulterar i att användningen av ChatGPT i HRarbete frigör tid. De utmaningar som HR-funktionen står inför relaterat till användningen avChatGPT präglas av organisationens externa faktorer. Studien resulterar även i att framtidaarbetssätt, kompetenser samt HR-utbildningar kommer behöva förändras till följd avanvändningen av ChatGPT i HR-arbete.

Digitalt mätverktyg inom HR : Mäta mjuka värden

Drugge, Anton, Nyström, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka vilka möjligheter ett digitalt mätverktyg har för medarbetares välmående i att stödja HRs arbete med arbetsmiljön i små- och medelstora företag. Studien ämnar att bidra till forskning rörande digitalisering inom HR för medarbetares mjuka värden. Avgränsningar har gjorts rörande teorier och de teoriområden som valts ut är digitalisering, utmaningar inom digitalisering samt digitalisering av HR-system, organisatoriskt beslutsfattande baserat på mätningar samt dess fördelar och utmaningar, motivation samt två motivationsteorier i form av Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori och Maslows behovstrappa, arbetsmiljö och psykosocial arbetsmiljö.  Studien har haft en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där respondenter som använt mätverktyget under en tid och jobbar med HR-frågor valts ut till datainsamlingen. Respondenterna har intervjuats, intervjuerna har transkriberats och kodats och till sist har teman skapats utifrån koderna med en tematisk analys. Med hjälp av teorierna som valts ut till studien skapades tre teman: förändrat arbetssätt, utmaningar med digitala verktyg och beslutsfattande baserat på mätningar, för att svara på studiens forskningsfrågor. Utifrån resultaten i studien har det visat sig att mätverktyget förändrat sättet HR arbetar, att det fungerat som ett viktigt stöd i HRs arbete och beslutsfattandet inom organisationer, men att en digitalisering och implementering av ett sådant mätverktyg även innebär utmaningar. / The purpose of this study has been to investigate the opportunities a digital measuring tool for employees' wellbeing has in giving support to HR in small- and medium-sized organizations. The study is aimed to contribute to the research field about digitalization within HR for soft values. In the study, delimitations have been made surrounding the theories, and the selected areas of theories are digitalization, challenges with digitalization, digitalization of HR-systems, organizational decision making based on measuring and the advantages and disadvantages of measuring, motivation with two motivational theories in the form of Herzbergs two factor theory and Maslows Hierarchy of needs, work environment and psychosocial work environment. The study has had a qualitative research method where respondents who have experience with the measuring tool and are working with HR issues were selected for the data collection. The respondents have been interviewed, the interviews have been transcribed and coded and lastly themes have been made by using the codes in a thematic analysis. With the help of the theories in the study, three themes were created: changed way of working, challenges with digitalization and decision making based on measuring. These were made to answer the research questions of the study. The results of this study have shown that the measuring tool has changed HR’s way of working, that it has functioned as an important support in HR’s work and for making organizational decisions, although a digitalization and implementation of a measuring tool like this also comes with challenges.

The crucial industry-based aspects of AI adoption : An empirical analysis of AI adoption to understand how and why it differs between different industries with focus on the HRM function

Eliasson, Joey January 2022 (has links)
Background: Digitalized operations have become praxis for organizations of all shapes and sizes and while the digital tools keep developing, certain aspects make it difficult for certain organizations to keep up. One of the most modern, efficient, and sought-after digital tools is artificial intelligence (AI). With increased efficiency and decreased human errors, it has become the foundation for operations within organizations all over the world. One of these types of operations is the human resource management (HRM) process found in each organization. And while some industries have had a much easier task in adopting AI into their HRM function, others have had more difficulty. Purpose: While there are a few theories of what might affect the process of AI adoption, these are quite old and often known to managers. Yet, certain industries have a hard time adopting AI tools within the HRM function while other industries have fully implemented automated systems that have revolutionized the way they operate. The purpose of this study is to understand why and how AI adoption differs between these industries when it comes to similar operations such as the HRM function. Method:        The methods of this study were based on the grounded theory (GT) as a basis to analyze eight different organizations within the financial industry and telecom industry. Through semi-structured interviews, different aspects could be illustrated as crucial when it comes to the possibility to adopt AI within existing operations.  Conclusion: The results of this study show that the AI-maturity of the organization and industry alike play a crucial part in successfully adopting AI. But the institutional pressures and the available resources are equally important to understand to be able to successfully adopt AI. These two aspects form the outcome of AI adoption and the number of complex combinations that can be formed highlights why AI adoption differs between organizations and industries alike.

Ethical Human Resource Management and Employee Welfare: Empirical Perspectives from the Bangladeshi RMG Sector

Faysal, Niaz M. January 2021 (has links)
This study explores employee welfare and working conditions in relation to ethical HRM practices from the employees’ perspective in the Bangladeshi Ready-Made Garment (RMG) sector. This research is inspired by the need to understand the challenges that employees face in their practical work settings and the unfair Human Resource Management (HRM) process that they experience in their work. The interpretivist philosophical approach and the qualitative research approach have been adopted in this research study, while the semi-structured interview method has been applied for primary-data collection. A total of 25 semi-structured interviews with General Employees, Informal Representative Leaders, Employees, Middle and Senior Managers have been undertaken in this process. Five focus-group discussions have also been applied to corroborate the data generated from the 25 semi-structured interviews. The case-study strategy has also been implemented as a research strategy and thematic analysis has been applied to the data-analysis process. The findings of this research study show the need for deeper understanding and application of ethical HRM practices in particular national and sectoral contexts, specifically in the Bangladeshi RMG sector. These ethical HRM practices include, but are not limited to, the initiation of rights-based understanding and respect-based perception, the inclusion of welfare facilities, the implementation of a fair payment policy, the equitable recruitment and selection policy, and the initiation and equality of training and development facilities. These new ethical understandings contribute to the field of ethical HRM in the context of the development of employee welfare and decent working conditions in this sector.

Development and validation of a measure that examines attitudes towards e-HRM practices

Shane, Lisa 03 1900 (has links)
The main objective of this research was to investigate, analyse and evaluate attitudes towards electronic human resource management (e-HRM) tools within a large South African financial institution. This was done by developing and validating an instrument to determine e-HRM tool usage, e-HRM tool preference as well as attitudes towards e- HRM. Methodology: a total of 104 HR professionals and line managers completed the e-HRM attitudinal questionnaire. The sample demographics were obtained using analysis of the frequencies of respondents in each of the demographic categories as well as within the tool usage section and attitudinal measurement section. To ascertain the internal consistency of the attitudinal component of the e-HRM measurement instrument and the six attitudinal subscales, the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was calculated for overall scale and corresponding subscales. Due to the low reliability obtained for three of the subscales, the structure of the e-HRM measurement instrument was assessed using exploratory factor analysis. Differences between groups with regard to preference for tool usage were assessed, using Pearson’s Chi-Square tests for both the occupational and the demographic characteristics of respondents. Finally, to explore whether there were any significant differences for biographical and occupational demographics and attitude on the measurement instruments, an independent samples ttest was conducted and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. The main finding of the study was that users of e-HRM tools had significantly more positive attitudes towards e-HRM tools than non-users. / (M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))

Development and validation of a measure that examines attitudes towards e-HRM practices

Shane, Lisa 03 1900 (has links)
The main objective of this research was to investigate, analyse and evaluate attitudes towards electronic human resource management (e-HRM) tools within a large South African financial institution. This was done by developing and validating an instrument to determine e-HRM tool usage, e-HRM tool preference as well as attitudes towards e- HRM. Methodology: a total of 104 HR professionals and line managers completed the e-HRM attitudinal questionnaire. The sample demographics were obtained using analysis of the frequencies of respondents in each of the demographic categories as well as within the tool usage section and attitudinal measurement section. To ascertain the internal consistency of the attitudinal component of the e-HRM measurement instrument and the six attitudinal subscales, the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was calculated for overall scale and corresponding subscales. Due to the low reliability obtained for three of the subscales, the structure of the e-HRM measurement instrument was assessed using exploratory factor analysis. Differences between groups with regard to preference for tool usage were assessed, using Pearson’s Chi-Square tests for both the occupational and the demographic characteristics of respondents. Finally, to explore whether there were any significant differences for biographical and occupational demographics and attitude on the measurement instruments, an independent samples ttest was conducted and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. The main finding of the study was that users of e-HRM tools had significantly more positive attitudes towards e-HRM tools than non-users. / (M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))

Mutace v genu MLH1 a MSI status jako molekulární charakteristiky sporadického kolorektálního karcinomu / Mutations in MLH1 gene and MSI status as molecular characteristics of sporadic colorectal cancer

Čaja, Fabián January 2012 (has links)
Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is one of the most prevalent malignancies in the Czech Republic. In general, there are two molecular pathways leading to CRC: one is characterized by chromosomal instability, the other by the deficiency in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes. MutL homologue 1 (MLH1) gene, a member of the MMR gene-family, represents a key component of the MMR system, responsible for recognition of nucleotide mismatches occurring during DNA replication, and for the recruitment of repair proteins to correct the replication errors. According to literature, somatic mutations in MMR genes, and MLH1 in particular, hallmark sporadic, MMR deficient, CRC cases. We aimed at analyzing somatic events in MLH1 gene and the determination of microsatellite instability (MSI) status in 99 DNA samples from 96 patients with sporadic CRC. Mutations were screened by high resolution melting (HRM) curve analysis. Positive cases in each run were subsequently verified by automated sequencing. Mainly gene variants were found in MLH1 gene: We discovered two new variants, one in exon 2 at position c. 204 C>G, p. Ile68Met (98 C/C, 1C/G) and the other in exon 11 at position c. 973 C>T, p. Arg325Trp (98 C/C, 1 C/T). Only the latter variant c. 973 C>T was identified as somatic mutation. All other variants found in MLH1 gene...

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