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Kompetensförsörjning i konsultbolag : En kvalitativ studie om hur konsultbolag arbetar strategiskt med kompetens / Supplying competence in consulting firms : A qualitative study how consulting firms work strategically with competencevon Homeyer, Axel, Persson, Lina January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Konsultbolags främsta utmaning är att förse sina kunder med efterfrågad kompetens. De verkar inom en kunskapsintensiv bransch, där affärsidén kretsar kring deras mänskliga resurser. För att kunna tillgodose efterfrågan deras kunder har idag och i framtiden, krävs en inblick i vad för kompetens som organisationen innehar, för att kunna arbeta på ett långsiktigt sätt med detta. Då arbetsmarknaden idag består till största del av kvalificerade arbeten, så har konkurrensen kring att rekrytera människor med rätt erfarenhet och utbildning ökat. Konsultbolagen som intervjuats för denna studie hyr alla ut spetskompetens, vilket innebär personer med kompetens inom specifika arbetsområden. För att organisationer ska vara lönsamma, krävs att de klarar av att förutse framtidens krav, och kan kompetensförsörja utefter dem, via rekrytering, utveckling och genom att behålla kompetensen inom organisationen.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för hur konsultbolag arbetar strategiskt med kompetensförsörjning. Då konsultbolag verkar inom en kunskapsintensiv bransch, där affärsidén är att hyra ut spetskompetens, ämnar studien att undersöka hur de säkerställer att organisationen innehar rätt kompetens för att tillfredsställa kundernas efterfrågan idag, och i framtiden.Metod: Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ metod, med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Sju informanter från lika många konsultbolag har svarat på intervjufrågor gällande arbetet med HR och kompetensförsörjning. Valet av metod grundas i studiens syfte, för att få djupare förståelse för konsultbranschens arbete med kompetensförsörjning.Slutsats: Resultatet av studien visar på att konsultbolagen som deltagit, arbetar med att rekrytera, utveckla och behålla kompetens för att tillgodose kunder med efterfrågad kunskap, men även att det skiljer sig mycket var fokus ligger från konsultbolag till konsultbolag. Studiens resultat visar på att de olika konsultbolagen arbetade med de olika delarna av kompetensförsörjning, men slutsatsen är att de inte sammankopplade aktiviteterna för att arbeta strategiskt med dem. Resultatet visar även att5kompetenskartläggning är av yttersta vikt för att konsultbolag ska kunna arbeta långsiktigt och effektivt med kompetensförsörjning. / Background: Consulting firms biggest challenge is to provide their clients with their required competence. Since consulting firms are active in a very knowledge-intense market, where the mission of their business is formed around the most efficient use of their human resources. The main goal is to provide their clients with their required competence, and to be able to do that they need to have good insight regarding what sort of competencies that are actually requested, both in short and long term. The market has gone from a fair mix of unqualified and qualified positions, to mostly qualified work positions. This means that the overall competitiveness has risen to a new level, and that means that companies are facing the challenge of wanting to recruit the same individuals. Companies that are active in these knowledge-intense markets need individuals that have the right experience combined with the right education, and that is a challenge.Purpose: The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how consulting firms work strategically to provide their clients with required competence. Furthermore the study aims to examine how consulting firms make sure that they possess the required competence, today and in the future. Since there’s not a lot of previous research on the subject, this study hopes to open up for further research opportunities.Method: Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data for the study. Seven informants from seven consulting firms were asked questions about their HR-activities and how they supply their company with competence. The choice of method is based on the purpose of the study, to gain a deeper understanding for consulting firms challenges in their work with supplying competence.Conclusion: The conclusion of this study shows that all of the companies that took part, are working with recruiting, developing and retaining their human resources. The results also show that all of the consulting firms that took part in this study, all have a different approach to the parts of the process of supplying competence. Strategic approach is what is lacking in planning efforts for recruitment, development and retaining personnel. The consulting firms that participated all lack in connecting the HR-activities to reaching their companies main goal, to work in a strategic manner. The results also point to the7importance of competency mapping to be able to work with developing the company through their human resources in an efficient way.
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The Supervisor's Role in Retaining Young University Graduate Talent : A Case Study within the Swedish Automotive Industry / Chefens roll i att bibehålla unga högskoleutbildade talanger : En fallstudie inom den svenska fordonsindustrinLarsson, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Worldwide, employee turnover has been and remains a concern for organizations. Previous research has shown that the loss of a valuable employee creates both tangible and intangible costs for companies, and organizations are therefore forced to focus their efforts on employee retention. Previous research has also shown that university graduates have capabilities that are of value in industries going through transformation, and that supervisors, i.e., employees with personnel responsibility, play an important role in the retention of this type of employee. The purpose of this qualitative single case study is to investigate how a supervisor can contribute to the retention of their young university graduate employees, particularly in the context of a largescale enterprise in the Swedish automotive industry. This is done partly through a literature review concluded with a theoretical framework that summarizes the existing literature's suggestions about factors that contribute to employee retention. In this framework, suggestions from existing literature are separated into themes depending on what aspect of employee retention they deal with. These five themes, including job design, communication, leadership, organizational support as well as atmosphere and work environment, recur throughout this study to structure the findings. The investigation is also done through primary data collection in the form of interviews with young university graduate employees at the case company, as well as a focus group with supervisors from the case company. This is complemented by the collection of archival data. The interview data are then analyzed to find themes and patterns using the Gioia-method. The study finds several factors and activities that young academic employees value at their workplace. Some of these findings include freedom under responsibility, helpful and supportive supervisors, personal development, cooperation between departments and an open workplace climate. The findings are discussed in relation to the study’s purpose as well as in relation to the theoretical framework. The study concludes by summarizing the extent to which the findings of this study confirm the suggestions from previous literature under each of the five themes, as well as by presenting the findings that extend the theoretical framework. The findings that extend the framework include networking, benefits, an open climate, varying work tasks, a well-structured introduction process, as well as a beneficial geographic location of the office. For each of the five themes, practical suggestions are also given concerning how a supervisor can contribute to the retention of their young university graduate employees. / Runtom i världen har medarbetaromsättning varit och är fortfarande ett bekymmer för organisationer. Tidigare forskning har visat att bortfallet av en värdefull medarbetare skapar både materiella och immateriella kostnader för bolag, därför måste organisationer anstränga sig för att behålla sina medarbetare. Tidigare forskning har också visat att akademiker besitter förmågor som är av värde i industrier som genomgår transformation, samt att chefer spelar en viktig roll i att behålla denna typ av medarbetare. Syftet med denna kvalitativa fallstudie är att undersöka hur en chef kan bidra till bibehållandet av sina unga högskoleutbildade medarbetare, specifikt i kontexten av ett storskaligt bolag inom den svenska fordonsindustrin. Detta görs delvis genom en litteraturstudie som avslutas med ett teoretiskt ramverk, där den existerande litteraturens förslag kring faktorer som bidrar till bibehållandet av medarbetare summeras. I detta ramverk delas litteraturens förslag in i teman beroende på vilken aspekt av bibehållandet av medarbetare som de behandlar. Dessa teman; arbetsdesign, kommunikation, ledarskap, stöd från organisationen samt atmosfär och arbetsmiljö, återkommer genom studien för att strukturera upp resultaten. Undersökningen görs också genom primär datainsamling i form av intervjuer med unga högskoleutbildade medarbetare på fallstudiebolaget, samt en fokusgrupp med chefer från fallstudiebolaget. Detta kompletteras med insamling av arkivdata. De data som samlats in från intervjuerna analyseras sedan för att identifiera teman och mönster enligt Gioia-metoden. Studien finner flertalet faktorer och aktiviteter som unga högskoleutbildade medarbetare värderar på sin arbetsplats. Några av dessa inkluderar frihet under ansvar, hjälpsamma och stöttande chefer, personlig utveckling, samarbete mellan avdelningar och ett öppet arbetsklimat. Dessa resultat diskuteras i relation till studiens syfte samt i relation till det teoretiska ramverket. Studien avslutar genom att summera till vilken grad studiens resultat bekräftar förslagen från tidigare litteratur under de fem olika temana, samt genom att presentera de resultat som utökar det teoretiska ramverket. De resultat som utökar ramverket inkluderar nätverkande, förmåner, ett öppet arbetsklimat, varierande arbetsuppgifter, en välstrukturerad introduktionsprocess samt en fördelaktig geografisk placering av kontoret. För var och en av de fem temana presenteras också praktiska förslag för hur en chef kan bidra till bibehållandet av sina unga högskoleutbildade medarbetare.
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Is talent management just old wine in new bottles? : the case of multinational corporations in BeijingChuai, Xin January 2008 (has links)
Talent Management (TM), as a new managerial concept with regard to Human Resource Management (HRM), has increasingly gained concern and attention from the academic as well as business world, but there are many gaps and omissions left for further theoretical development and empirical study. Hence, understanding the differences between TM and HRM becomes necessary. Given an absence of clarity in the literature, the aim of the present study is to gain a thorough understanding of TM among Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Beijing, to explore to what extent this managerial idea represents anything new, and to find out why organisations adopt TM. A case study method was selected as the main research methodology. The study was undertaken in Beijing, and the target companies were limited to four MNCs, respectively from the IT (two organisations), health care and education industries, and three consultancy companies. The theoretical perspective largely draws upon the literature on TM, management fashion and institutional theory. Findings show that the topic of TM has been enthusiastically pursued. However, there is not a single concise definition shared by all the case study organisations, even though different strands of understanding regarding TM are explored in this study. The thesis has also explored what is distinctive about TM, and the factors and purposes influencing the adoption of TM in China. Through comparing HRM with literature and empirical findings relating to TM, this thesis has found that TM seems to presage some new approaches to the management of the people resource in organisations, rather than a simple repackaging of old techniques and ideas with a new label. Meanwhile, this thesis strongly challenges the idea that TM is another struggle by HR professionals to enhance their legitimacy, status and credibility. Therefore, TM should not be considered as ‘old wine in new bottles’, at least with respect to the case of MNCs in China.
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Talent Management : Utan Talent Management? / Talent Management : Without Talent Management?Thilén, Frida, Pettersson, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att kontrastera en utvald organisations strategier för att attrahera, behålla, utveckla och avveckla de viktigaste resurserna mot Talent Management och dess komponenter. Studien ämnar således mot att göra en kontrastering mellan traditionellt kompetensförsörjningsarbete mot det mer moderna konceptet Talent Management. Författarna har valt att undersöka detta genom att samla empiri från intervjuer med sex medarbetare kombinerat med analys av interna dokument. Resultatet visar att delar av myndighetens arbete med kompetensförsörjning kan likställas med Talent Management men att vissa komponenter är uteblivna. Baserat på resultatet framhålls i resultatdiskussionen att myndigheten möter stora utmaningar gällande enhetligt arbete med kompetensutveckling, kompetensförsörjning och ledarskap på grund utav det delegerade ansvaret från central nivå. I slutskedet av avsnittet för resultatdiskussion redovisas även en sammanfattande slutsats som grundar sig i ett framgångsrikt arbete inom blocken attrahera och avsluta samtidigt som arbete inom blocket behålla och utveckla varierar inom organisationen, dels på grund av delegerat ansvar. Slutligen presenteras förbättringsförslag inom organisationen och vidare forskning inom ämnet. / The purpose of this bachelor level thesis is to compare a Swedish public authority’s practical work with competence supply towards the components of Talent Management. The study is aiming to contrast traditional competence supply operations with the more modern concept of Talent Management. The writers have chosen to collect empirical data through interviews with six employees combined with analysis of internal documents. The result shows that parts of the public authority’s work with competence supply have similarities to Talent Management, but some of the components are left out. Based on the results, the discussions shows that this public authority is struggling with united approaches towards competence development, competence supply and leadership because of delegated responsibilities from a central level. In the end the writers are presenting an overall conclusion that is based on the organizations successful work within the blocks of attract and terminate while the work within the block of retain and develop varies within the organization, partly because of delegated responsibility. Finally suggestions for improvement within the organization and further research are presented.
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Senior management perception of strategic international human resource management effectiveness : the case of multinational companies performance in ChinaBao, Chanzi January 2010 (has links)
The intense competition arising from globalisation requires MNCs to manage their HRs globally and strategically to become a source of competitive advantage. Hence, SIHRM acknowledges the need to balance global integration and local responsiveness, together with emphasising the importance of seeking strategic fit between HR policies and business strategy, which in turn leads to superior firm performance. Furthermore, this development also increased awareness and recognition of the role of senior managers and cultural traditions. Therefore, the primary purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between SIHRM effectiveness and firm performance as perceived by senior management coupled with the influence from MNCs' headquarters and Chinese cultural values. Consequently, the researcher selected a case study approach with a triangulation data collection method through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews undertaken in four selected subsidiaries of MNCs. The research findings strengthened the theoretical foundations of several HRM models, together with supporting Analoui's eight-parameter approach (1999) as a functional, coherent and interlinked framework regarding the effectiveness of senior managers. In particular, this research found that quality enhancement of products and service was the preferred and adopted key business strategy amongst the studied MNCs. Whilst they are also seeking to balance globalisation and localisation through reconciling control and adaptation rather than satisfying one at the expense of the other, such that the trend is for Western HR policies to be gradually accepted and internalised by the younger generation of the Chinese managers. Finally, this research made several recommendations to foreign MNCs operating in China.
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Samspel och utvecklingsmöjligheter på jobbet : En kvalitativ studie om HR-medarbetares och chefers upplevelse av att arbeta tillsammans / Co-operation and development at work : A qualitative study of HR staff, managers and their experiences of working togetherLjutic, Nermina, Lundell, Jeanette January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Human Resource Management Concepts Within Micro Businesses : The study of Thai micro businessesDe Barros, Jerome, Chanboonyawat, Panut January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Micro businesses are the most common form of business in the world and they play an important role in the economic growth of every country. They are usually characterized by a lack of financial resources, which influences the management of such firms. The role of the owner manager is crucial in micro businesses and has a strong influence on every aspects of the business and one of these aspects is human resource management.</p><p>Compared to the research about larger companies, the number of researches in the scope of human resource management (HRM) specifically within micro businesses is very small. Another fact which caught the attention of the authors is that the situation in Thailand regarding HRM within micro businesses remains a blank spot. This master thesis will try to provide more information about the situation on the Thai micro businesses and human resource management within them.</p><p>In order to do so, a theoretical framework was created based on the literature available about human resource management within micro businesses. The second step was to interview the owners of nine Thai micro businesses and discover what their HRM practices are. After these steps we compared the literature and the data provided by the owners of micro businesses in order to find similarities and differences between the two.</p><p>The conclusions of this study were that many similarities could be found between the theory chosen in our frame of reference and the reality of the nine Thai micro firms. Some differences were noticed but those could not overshadow the fact that the frame of reference was able to describe the situation of the Thai businesses. This thesis obviously evidences some limitations and recommends that more studies should be performed in order to generalize human resource management within micro businesses in Thailand.</p><p> </p>
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The impact of HRM bundles and organisational commitment on managers' turnover intentionsMahesar, Hakim Ali January 2015 (has links)
Despite the significance of understanding the reasons under which talented individuals are more likely or less likely to quit, the nature of the relationship between Human Resource Management Practices (HRMPs) and turnover intentions has proven to be unclear. Prior studies suggest that talented employees’ turnover imposes significant negative impact on organisational performance, e.g. decrease in productivity, profitability, innovation, serviceability and morale of remaining employees. Likewise, a serious talented Frontline Managers (FLMs) turnover is observed in the private banks of Pakistan. The corresponding reason identified is their dissatisfaction with existing conventional HRMPs, which are typically bureaucratic in nature with no provision of training and development, and lack appreciation, seniority-based pay and promotions. Owing to these factors, FLMs are switching towards reputable government and multinational organisations. In fact, FLMs play an important role in the development and success of banks. To investigate this issue, the present study elaborates an examination of the use of synergistic HRMPs in an on-going effort to control the talented FLMs’ turnover intentions. Precisely, it examines the impact of two formative bundles, namely, skills-enhancing practices (SEPs, i.e. training and development) and motivation-enhancing practices (MEPs, i.e. pay, promotion, recognition and job security) on FLMs’ turnover intentions through organisational commitment. The research methodology employs a positivist philosophy, deductive approach and a quantitative method followed by a survey-based research design. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed through random sampling technique; 344 questionnaires were finalised for analysis. PLS-SEM was used to test the research hypotheses. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the findings of this study indicate that both SEPs and MEPs demonstrate no significant direct impact on talented FLMs’ turnover intentions. However, organisational commitment (OC) has been found to fully mediate the relationships between both HRM bundles and FLMs’ turnover intentions. This research contributes to HRM literature particularly in the area of HRMPs—Turnover relationships. Furthermore, this study reveals that socio-economic relationships can be used to influence FLMs’ OC and turnover intentions. The findings further suggest that adoption of effective SEPs and MEPs in local banks enhance talented FLMs’ skills and motivation which eventually reduce their turnover intentions. Additionally, this study highlights the important and critical role of OC in HRMPs—turnover relationships, particularly in the Pakistani banking sector and further recommends management to review their HRMPs, which not only tend to reduce turnover but also lead to FLMs’ enhanced enthusiasm to serve.
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Hétérogénéité versus homogénéisation des politiques de gestion des ressources humaines au sein d'un groupeBidoli, Fanny 18 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se focalise sur une analyse de l’hétérogénéité des politiques de GRH subie par les entités, en balance avec un souhait d’homogénéisation émanant du Groupe.Dans le cadre d’un Groupe de type conglomérat issu de rachats de sociétés ou encore de gains de marchés, les politiques de GRH peuvent effectivement être hétérogènes. Cependant, la tendance actuelle encourage à une homogénéisation de ces politiques.Cette recherche propose d’analyser la dynamique des processus d’homogénéisation en trois temps. Nous identifions donc en premier lieu l’origine de l’hétérogénéité des politiques de GRH, puis les raisons de son maintien, ou, a contrario, de son homogénéisation. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur un cadre conceptuel élaboré sur la base d’une théorisation multiple articulée en termes de grille d’analyse autour de l’approche de la contingence des RH, de la culture d’entreprise et des apports de Crozier et Friedberg relatifs à l’acteur (1977).D’un point de vue empirique, cette recherche est effectuée dans le cadre d’une Convention CIFRE au sein de la Région Sud Est de la Division Propreté d’un Groupe dédié aux services à l’Environnement. Elle s’appuie sur une méthodologie qualitative et quantitative par un recours à des statistiques descriptives appliquée à l’analyse de trois politiques clés en matière de GRH : la rémunération, l’assurance complémentaire de frais de santé et le recrutement. Elle se concentre sur une catégorie peu étudiée, les ouvriers. / This doctoral thesis focuses on an analysis of the heterogeneity of HRM policies experienced by entities, balanced with a desire of homogenization from the Group they belong to.In conglomerate-type groups created from takeovers or from market gains, HRM policies can indeed be heterogeneous. However, the current trend goes towards the homogenization of these policies.This research aims to analyze the dynamics of the homogenization process in three stages. First, we identify the origin of the heterogeneity of HRM policies and the reasons for its maintenance, or, conversely, its homogenization.To do so, we rely on a conceptual framework based on a multiple theory using an analysis grid based on the contingency approach to HR, corporate culture and the contributions of Crozier and Friedberg related to the actor (1977).From an empirical point of view, the research is part of a CIFRE Convention in the Southeast Region of France of the Waste and Environmental Services division of an group dedicated to environmental services. It is based on a qualitative and quantitative methodology by the use of descriptive statistics applied to the analysis of three key policies in HRM: wages, health insurance, and recruitment. It focuses on a little studied group: the workers.
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Mezilidské vztahy na pracovišti z pohledu personálního řízení / Interpersonal relations at workplace in HRMHoráková, Blanka January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is find out the processes of HRM of two different companies and how these processes affect the contentment of employees.
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