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Phospholipase C activation is implicated in the responses of yeast to several stressesPerera, Nevin Martin January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Jämförelse mellan markörer för funktionellt järnstatus på Siemens Advia 2120 och Sysmex XN-1000Gränse, Agnes January 2014 (has links)
Syre transporteras från lungorna, via blodet bundet till erytrocyternas hemoglobin, till kroppens alla celler. En hemoglobinkoncentration i blodet under referensintervallet definieras som anemi och påverkar hela kroppen och försämrar den fysiska prestationsförmågan. Järnbristanemi är en anemi med otillräcklig järntillförsel till benmärgen på grund av tomma järnförråd (absolut järnbrist) eller försvårat järnutnyttjande (funktionell järnbrist). Analysparametern HYPO på analysinstrumentet Advia 2120 (Siemens) mäter andelen hypokroma erytrocyter (erytrocyter med lågt hemoglobininnehåll) och anses vara en av de bästa parametrarna för att påvisa funktionell järnbrist. Analysparametern Hypo-He på analysinstrumentet XN-1000 (Sysmex) är en forskningsparameter för samma ändamål. Syftet med detta arbete var att jämföra markörer för funktionellt järnstatus och utvärdera om analysen HYPO på Advia 2120 kan ersättas med Hypo-He på XN-1000. Fyrtiofyra patientprover, på vilka HYPO var beställt, analyserades, först på XN-1000 och därefter på Advia 2120. En linjär regressionmodell gjordes för att beskriva korrelationen mellan analyserna HYPO och Hypo-He. Imprecisionen för analysen Hypo-He beräknades genom inom-serie- och total-serie-imprecision. Korrelationen mellan analyserna var måttligt stark (r = 0,7185 (absoluta värden) och r = 0,8081 (logaritmerade värden)), dock med många analysresultat inom det lägre området. Variationskoefficienten för Hypo-He beräknades till mellan 0 % - 9,5 %. För att kunna avgöra om Hypo-He kan ersätta HYPO som indikator på funktionell järnbrist krävs kompletterande studier på välkaraktäriserade patientprover med varierande analysvärden inkluderande värden för HYPO på mer än 10 %.
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Die Verschmelzung zur Bayerischen Hypovereinsbank eine rechtstatsächliche Untersuchung ; Vorstandspflichten, Wirtschaftsprüferhaftung, Rechtsschutz der Aktionäre - nach früherem und heutigem RechtBächle, Alexander January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Jena, Univ., Diss., 2005
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Die Verschmelzung zur Bayerischen Hypovereinsbank : eine rechtstatsächliche Untersuchung ; Vorstandspflichten, Wirtschaftsprüferhaftung, Rechtsschutz der Aktionäre - nach früherem und heutigem Recht /Bächle, Alexander. January 2006 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2005--Jena.
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Two problems in nonlinear PDEs : existence in supercritical elliptic equations and symmetry for a hypo-elliptic operatorLopez Rios, Luis Fernando 10 January 2014 (has links)
Le travail présenté est dédié à des problèmes d'EDP non linéaires. L'idée principale est de construire des solutions régulières á certaines EDPs elliptiques et hypo-elliptiques et étudier leur propriétés qualitatives. Dans une première partie, on considère un problème sur-critique du type $$-Delta u = lambda e^u$$ avec $lambda > 0$ posé dans un domaine extérieur avec conditions de Dirichlet homogènes. Une réduction en dimension finie permet de prouver l'existence d'un nombre infini de solutions régulières quand $lambda$ est assez petit. Dans une deuxième partie, on étudie la concentration de solutions d'un problème non local $$(-Delta)^s u = u^{p pm epsilon}, u>0, epsilon > 0$$ dans un domaine borné, régulier sous conditions de Dirichlet homogènes. Ici, on prend $0 < s < 1$ et $p:=(N+2s)/(N-2s)$, l'exposant de Sobolev critique. Une réduction en dimension finie dans des espaces fonctionnels bien choisis est utilisée. La partie principale de la fonction réduite est donnée en termes des fonctions de Green et Robin sur le domaine. On prouve que l'existence de solutions dépend des points critiques de la fonction susmentionnée augmentée d'une condition de non-dégénérescence. Enfin, on considère un problème non local dans le groupe de Heisenberg $H$. On s'intéresse à des propriétés de rigidité des solutions stables de $(-Delta_H)^s v = f(v)$ sur $H$, $s in (0,1)$. Une inégalité de type Poincaré connectée à un problème dégénéré dans $R^4_+$ est prouvée. Au travers d'une procédure d'extension, cette inégalité est utilisée pour donner un critère sous lequel les lignes de niveaux de la solution de l'EDP sont des surfaces minimales dans $H$. / This work is devoted to nonlinear PDEs. The aim is to find regular solutions to some elliptic and hypo-elliptic PDEs and study their qualitative properties. The first part deals with the supercritical problem $$ -Delta u = lambda e^u,$$ $lambda > 0$, in an exterior domain under zero Dirichlet condition. A finite-dimensional reduction scheme provides the existence of infinitely many regular solutions whenever $lambda$ is sufficiently small.The second part is focused on the existence of bubbling solutions for the non-local equation $$ (-Delta)^s u =u^p, ,u>0,$$in a bounded, smooth domain under zero Dirichlet condition; where $0<s<1$ and $p:=(N+2s)/(N-2s) pm epsilon$ is close to the critical exponent ($epsilon > 0$ small). To this end, a finite-dimensional reduction scheme in suitable functional spaces is used, where the main part of the reduced function is given in terms of the Green's and Robin's functions of the domain. The existence of solutions depends on the existence of critical points of such a main term together with a non-degeneracy condition.In the third part, a non-local entire problem in the Heisenberg group $H$ is studied. The main interests are rigidity properties for stable solutions of $$(-Delta_H)^s v = f(v) in H,$$ $s in (0,1)$. A Poincaré-type inequality in connection with a degenerate elliptic equation in $R^4_+$ is provided. Through an extension (or ``lifting") procedure, this inequality will be then used to give a criterion under which the level sets of the above solutions are minimal surfaces in $H$, i.e. they have vanishing mean $H$-curvature.
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Bacterial protein complexes studied by single-molecule imaging and single-cell micromanipulation techniques in microfluidic devicesReuter, Marcel January 2010 (has links)
Biological systems of bacteria were investigated at the single-cell and single-molecule level. Additionally, aspects of the techniques employed were studied. A unifying theme in each project is the reliance on optical imaging techniques coupled to microfluidic devices. Hypo-osmotic shock experiments with an Escherichia coli mechanosensitive channel deletion mutant were carried out at the single-cell level. E. coli MJF465 cells in which the three major mechanosensitive channel genes are deleted (∆mscL, ∆mscS, ∆mscK) show only 10% cell viability upon hypo-osmotic shock (from LB + 0.5 M NaCl into distilled water), compared to 90% viability of the wild-type strain. Bacterial cells were trapped with optical tweezers in microfluidic devices, enabling the first direct observation of single-cell behaviour upon hypo-osmotic shock. Phase-contrast microscopy revealed intra-population diversity in the cells response: Different features of lysis included cells bursting rapidly and leakage of ribosomes, DNA and protein from the cytoplasm. Fluorescence microscopy of hypo-osmotically-shocked GFP-expressing MJF465 cells showed either bursting of cells, which was a rare event, or fast leakage of GFP, indicating cell membrane ruptures. Data were analysed in terms of their kinetic behaviour and showed that lysis occurs on a timescale of milliseconds to seconds. The implications of these findings for the bacterial cell wall and cell membranes are discussed. Enzymes involved in homologous recombination and repair of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) breaks are essential for maintaining genomic integrity in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. RecBCD of E. coli and AddAB, found widely in bacteria, are involved in these processes, carrying out the same function. Both enzymes were studied kinetically with single-molecule total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). Surface-tethered, hydrodynamically stretched lambda-DNA molecules, stained with YOYO-1, were imaged with TIRFM in a microfluidic flowcell. The RecBCD enzyme is a well characterised DNA helicase and was introduced to this system for method validation purposes. The AddAB enzyme of Bacteroides fragilis was then characterised as a helicase acting on lambda-DNA. It was found that AddAB helicase unwinds dsDNA with high processivity of on average 14,000 bp and up to 40,000 bp for individual enzyme complexes at an ATP-dependent rate ranging from 50-250 bp s−1 (for Mg2+-ATP concentrations larger or equal than 0.1 mM). This activity was detected by DNA binding dye (YOYO-1) displacement from the dsDNA and studied for different Mg2+-ATP concentrations, flow (shear) rates and different YOYO-1 staining ratios of DNA. Aspects of this last experimental setup were investigated. A kinetic analysis of intercalation of YOYO-1 into lambda-DNA is presented, occurring on a timescale of minutes. Different flow rates and staining ratios that influence the apparent (stretched) DNA molecule length were also examined. Several image analysis techniques were employed to enhance the data quality in images showing stretched lambda-DNA molecules. The Singular Value Decomposition was found to be the most effective technique which strongly reduces the noise in the obtained kymograph images.
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Étude de l'effet de la différention endothéliale sur les propriétés immunomodulatrices des cellules souches mésenchymateuses issues de la gelée de Wharton du cordon ombilical humain / Study of the endothelial differentiation’s effect on the immunomodulatory properties of Wharton’s jelly derived mesenchymal stem cellsOmar, Reine El 02 October 2014 (has links)
Les cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM) issues de la gelée de Wharton (GW) du cordon ombilical sont immuno-privilégiées et immunosuppressives. Dans le cadre d’une utilisation en ingénierie vasculaire, la persistance de ces propriétés après différenciation endothéliale a été explorée. La différenciation a été induite par ensemencement des CSM-GW sur des films multicouches de polyélectrolytes en présence du milieu EGM-2. L’immunogénicité des cellules endothéliales-« like » (CEL) a été vérifiée en évaluant l’expression de 2 marqueurs immunologiques HLA-DR et CD86. Afin d’évaluer l’effet immunosuppresseur des CSM-GW avant et après différenciation, celles-ci ont été cultivées en premier lieu en présence de cellules mononucléées stimulées en contact cellulaire direct ou séparées, puis avec des cellules Natural Killer (NK) et lymphocytes T (LT). Les résultats ont montré que les CEL expriment les marqueurs endothéliaux, n’expriment pas HLA-DR et CD86 et qu’elles inhibent la prolifération des différentes populations immunitaires selon un mécanisme dépendant de facteurs solubles tels que IDO, les IL-6 et -1β et de la PGE2, et de contacts cellulaires. La co-culture de LT avec les CEL a induit l’apparition d’une population de LT régulateurs de manière similaire aux CSM-GW. La co-culture des cellules NK en présence de CEL a induit une diminution du récepteur activateur NKG2D et a aussi induit un transfert du CD73 à leur surface, suggérant leur capacité à produire de l’adénosine, un puissant immunosuppresseur. Les CEL maintiennent le caractère immunoprivilégié et immunosuppresseur des CSM-GW, suggérant leur possible utilisation en ingénierie vasculaire / Umbilical cord Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSC) are immune-privileged and immunosuppressive. Our study sought to determine the effect of endothelial differentiation on the immunomodulatory capacities of WJ-MSC. Endothelial-like cells (ECL) differentiation was performed by seeding MSC on polyelectrolyte multilayer films as substrate and stimulating them by EGM-2 culture medium. The expression of two immunological markers HLA-DR and CD86 was followed during the differentiation time. The effect of co-culture with ELC or MSC either in contact or separated by a transwell on different immune cells (peripheral blood mononuclear cells, T Lymphocytes (LT), Natural Killer (NK) cells) was assessed by evaluating immune cells proliferation. The results showed that ELC expressed endothelial markers, expressed low level of HLA-DR and CD86 and inhibited the proliferation of the different immune cell populations, and this inhibition is thought to be mediated by soluble factors as IDO, IL-6, IL-1β and PGE2, and by direct cellular contact. We reported also the capacity of ELC to generate a population of regulatory T cells and to decrease the expression of activating receptor NKG2D by NK cells. Moreover, we demonstrated that co-cultures with ELC induce CD73 expression on NK cells, a mechanism that may induce adenosine (a potent immunosuppressor) secretion by NK cells. Thus, ELC maintain the hypo-immunogenic and immunosuppressive characters of WJ-MSC suggesting their possible use in vascular engineering
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The effect of physical activity on the body composition and health related fitness of 9 to 13 year old boys / Susanna Maria du PreezDu Preez, Susanna Maria January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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The effect of physical activity on the body composition and health related fitness of 9 to 13 year old boys / Susanna Maria du PreezDu Preez, Susanna Maria January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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The effect of physical activity on the body composition and health related fitness of 9 to 13 year old boys / Susanna Maria du PreezDu Preez, Susanna Maria January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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